Composition of Making Breakfast (15 in total)
Don't worry too much
2024-05-06 09:28:39
primary school

Composition of Making Breakfast (1)

Mom and Dad have taken care of us since we first came to the world. They do housework for us every day and send us to school. We should also take care of them more.

I remember one time, when I woke up early for some reason, I opened my sleepy eyes and found that it was only 6:10. Suddenly, an idea came into my mind: Usually, my parents prepare breakfast for me carefully, so I can also prepare breakfast for them! What should we do? Make a toast with eggs.

Without delay, I started immediately. I prepared the materials: bread, eggs and salad sauce. I turned on the gas, and the small flame licked the bottom of the pot happily. When the pot was hot, I took out an egg from the refrigerator, gently tapped a crack in the corner of the table, inserted it with my hand, broke it, and poured the yolk into the pot. The pot immediately made a crackling sound, It seemed that oil and eggs were dancing a friendship dance together, but I could not help but step back a few steps. After one side of the egg was solidified, I gently inserted it with a shovel and quickly turned it over. After both sides were solidified, I turned it over again. Soon, a golden "little sun" appeared in front of me.

I put the bread on the plate, shoveled the fried egg onto the bread and spread a layer of salad. I made another one in the same way, and then put it on the table. Just then, Mom and Dad got up and were surprised to see me: "Son, what are you doing?"

I smiled and said, "I made breakfast for you!"

After we had breakfast, my parents happily said to me, "Son, thank you, you have grown up!" After listening, my face grew redder than the apple.

In fact, taking care of Mom and Dad is so simple. Let's take action and make a "sweet little padded jacket" together!

Composition of Making Breakfast (2)

My mother took me home by bike after work. We talked as we walked, and then my mother gasped for breath and said to me, "I won't cook at home, let's cook noodles." I happily said to my mother, "Mommy, but I want to help you do it, OK?" My mother said, "OK, I'll teach you how to do it." When I got home, my mother taught me how to do it. A long time passed, The noodles were also ready. When I was eating the noodles made by my mother, I was thinking that my father and mother would have to work in the daytime, but they would have to work hard to do so many things when they came home. Then it occurred to me that when I must help my mother and father make breakfast.

Today is Sunday. I got up very early and said to my father and mother, "Let me make breakfast today, and you can have a rest." So I went to the kitchen to put on my sleeves, put on my apron, and prepare for noodles. First, I put the pot on the gas stove with both hands, and felt that the pot was so heavy! I added a lot of water to the pot again, covered the lid, and prepared to start the fire, but I did not dare to open it. At this time, I began to shrink back a little. Suddenly, I remembered that I had promised my mother and father to give them the following food. So I got up the courage and turned the switch with one hand, so that the fire could not be easily ignited, and began to boil water. When the water boiled, I wanted to put the noodles into the pot, but as soon as I reached out my hand, I immediately retracted. Because the steam was too hot, I thought I could not do it at all, but I still endured it. I didn't want to give up halfway. Then I took three bowls and chopsticks.

I began to put seasoning, first put some soy sauce and then a few drops of vinegar. "Eating noodles without vinegar is like eating dishcloth." I remember what my father said before. Then I put some sesame oil and chicken essence seasonings in the same way as my mother, and finally put them all in. I was about to succeed. I was secretly happy. Suddenly, I heard the sound of "plop", which woke me up. The pot was boiling and bubbling out, which scared me to death. At this time, I remembered my mother's words, "You must be careful when cooking noodles. You can't be half hearted". I quickly added some cold water to the pot to let it cook for a while. I thought the noodles might be cooked, so I picked up a chopstick, blew it and tasted it. Hmm, it was cooked. Finally, I turned off the fire. Now I start to load noodles, but the noodles are so smooth that they just put them on the chopsticks for a while and then they ran away again. Alas, it's really urgent. Just when I don't know what to do, my father came, and he said, "Baby, let me come, you are great." When my father easily brought three bowls of hot noodles to the table, my mouth was watering, At this time, I didn't forget to praise myself, and then began to eat the noodles I cooked for the first time. When I was enjoying myself while eating, I heard my father say to my mother, "It's good to have a daughter."

This is the first time for me to make breakfast for my parents. Through this time, I deeply feel that my parents are really hard at ordinary times. In the future, I will help my parents do more housework to let them have more time to rest.

Composition of Making Breakfast (3)

I want to repay my mother for her hard work, so I want to make breakfast for her. But what? What can I do? Thinking of my mother's favorite peanut butter, I decided to make peanut butter bread for her once.

Start making peanut butter bread. First, I take out the bread, cut it into pieces, then take out the peanut butter, and use a small spoon to evenly spread the peanut butter on the bread. Then, I put the bread slices into the microwave oven and heat them for two minutes. When the microwave oven stopped, I opened the door and a strong smell of peanuts came to my nostrils. I really wanted to have a bite, but I didn't eat it because it was breakfast for my mother. How could I eat it?

At this time, my mother came. She was a little strange and asked: "Son, what are you doing in the kitchen?" I smiled and handed the bread to my mother, saying: "Mom, this is the breakfast I made for you. Please try my craft."

My mother was surprised. She took the bread and bit it. She nodded and bit it again and again. Her mouth was full of crispy food. My mother repeatedly praised me, "Son, you are really capable!"

Composition of Making Breakfast (4)

Today, I got up early and saw that my mother was sewing clothes earlier than me. It was really hard. I planned to help my mother make a delicious breakfast to replenish my strength.

First, I put a piece of whole wheat bread on the plate, wrote a word "Liu" on it with chocolate sauce, then put a piece of bread on it, wrote a word "Bin", and then put a piece on it to draw a love. Next, I poured a packet of soy milk into the cup, added two spoons of sesame powder, poured in boiling water, stirred and stirred with a spoon, stirred and stirred... Finally, I had a drink, ah! It's delicious.

I walked slightly to my mother and said to her, "Mom, breakfast has been prepared for you, go to the restaurant to eat!" My mother was surprised and said to me, "Wow! Baby, you are so good, thank you, I will go right away." My mother came to the restaurant, tasted the "chocolate sandwich" I made, and drank a mouthful of sesame soybean milk, Then he said to me, "Baby, you are so wonderful. The breakfast you cooked is delicious and invigorating. This breakfast is really a surprise." I was very happy to hear my mother say that to me! She said to her mother, "This is really a surprise, and it is also necessary. I will cook more delicious food for you in the future."

Although it's hard to cook, it's best to see my mother's smiling face.

Composition of Making Breakfast (5)

Nutritional rice? Some people may ask, what is nutritious food? Don't worry, don't worry, please listen to me slowly, you should prick up your ears and listen carefully!

For breakfast, my mother and I will start to make nutritious meals. I saw that the prepared materials were rich and colorful. First, we need to prepare the raw materials: glutinous rice, red dates, walnuts, pine nuts, almonds, raisins and dried blueberries. Glutinous rice should be soaked 10 hours in advance, so the nutritious rice will be more sticky. The red dates should also be cored and soaked in water. When the color turns red, add 2 spoonfuls of soy sauce and 5 spoonfuls of white sugar and stir evenly. This repeated stirring seemed to be as red as the blood from the chicken, and the soup was finished. Then put the rice into the rice cooker, sprinkle the nuts on it, and pour the red jujube juice on it to start cooking. When waiting, the plates and knives should be ready, and the decorative red dates on them should be rolled up and cut. "The meal is boring!" I yelled, and then I immediately opened the lid of the pot. A smell came to my face, like a group of babies who were going out.

The rice is out of the oven. The rice has been dyed orange brown with red jujube juice, and the nuts on the rice have long been hidden underneath. This pot of rice is as beautiful as a red date cake. After that, I put the rice on a plate and smoothed it out, which was more like a cake. Then the top should be decorated. The red dates cut in advance should be placed on the rice, and a few pine nuts should be placed around them to form hearts and flowers. Nutritional rice is complete! Is it very powerful? I kept drooling when I smelled the fragrance and looked at the crystal clear rice.

This rice can't be kept like this all the time. Cut it into small pieces with a knife, and then wrap it with plastic wrap. At this time, I became a pastry chef, and each piece was carefully wrapped with plastic wrap. When I bought the bags, I was thinking how wonderful it would be to sell them at 6 yuan each! 1.2.3...... 13.14 A total of 14 yuan, 14 * 6=84 yuan, ah! You can charge 84 yuan, which is great. But if these are sold, then I have nothing to eat, isn't it for nothing? It's a pity to think about it. After a while, I packed them all, wow! This is more exquisite than the pastry shop!

What about? After listening to my introduction of nutritious rice, did you drool? Do you want to have a bite right away? ha-ha! Then do it yourself! Remember to pay attention to the proportion of materials!

Composition of Making Breakfast (6)

My mother makes a big breakfast for me every day. Today is Women's Day. As a son, I decided to make breakfast for my mother on this special day.

In the morning, I got up early. I washed the potatoes prepared in advance, and clumsily peeled off the yellowish skin with a plane, revealing the tender white potatoes. I used a kitchen knife to shred the peeled potatoes. I was afraid that I would accidentally cut my hand, and I was afraid that the potato shreds would be thick. In a thrilling "fight" with the kitchen knife, I had to work hard to shred the potatoes into uneven thickness. Then I poured the potato shreds into a large glass bowl, beat in two eggs, put some flour, sprinkle some salt, and carefully stirred them with a pair of chopsticks. Both speed and quality are required. So when mixing potato shreds, we should mix them as quickly as possible, and also ensure that the mixed liquid of potato shreds and egg flour will not spill out of the bowl. This is a technical challenge for me, who has only beaten eggs. Finally, it was stirred evenly with my constant attempts.

It is the most important link. I followed my mother's usual pattern. First, I preheated the pan, then heated the corn oil, poured the egg flour mixture I mixed into the pan, spread it out, turned the pan to prevent sticking, turned the pan over, heated and fried. It didn't take long for the potato cake to be cooked. A delicious potato cake will be ready after cooking and serving.

When I brought my own potato omelet, which was not very beautiful but also delicious, to my mother, my mother praised me for my good craftsmanship, and I was a good, sensible and filial child!

In this potato cake making, I learned that it is not easy for my mother to make breakfast. When my mother makes breakfast for me every morning, she always keeps changing the style and taste to balance my nutrition. What my mother did for me was all difficult breakfast, which took a long time: I had to prepare materials in the evening, and I got up early in the morning in order to make a rich breakfast for me. Today, I was in a hurry with a simple potato omelet. I really felt my mother's hard work!

I learned how to make potato cakes by myself. I can cook my own food when my mother is not free, or I can make potato cakes for my mother on weekends. In this way, we not only exercise ourselves, but also reduce the burden of mother!

Composition of Making Breakfast (7)

"Ding Lingling......" The alarm clock woke me up in my sleep. Eh, why can't you hear my mother cooking? So I put on my clothes and came to my mother's bed. It turned out that my mother was too tired to wake up yesterday. OK, let me show you today.

I put on my mother's big apron first, hey hey, it feels good, really like a little cook! Then, like my mother, I turned on the gas stove, put the pot on it, and poured some oil. After a while, the oil was hot, and I quickly took out the eggs from the refrigerator. The oil in the pot was rolling, and white smoke was rising. It was getting thicker and thicker, which made me cough. I broke the egg shell in a hurry. Unexpectedly, my hands didn't listen to me and the egg fell on the ground. Now, I was even more in a hurry. I scooped up the eggs and poured them into the pot. "Chi -" The pot burst into a flame. I was so frightened that I turned off the fire. At first sight, the egg in the pot became black.

"Alas, it's not easy to fry eggs!" I said to myself. But as the saying goes, "Nothing is difficult in the world, if you have a heart", come again!

This time, I learned a lesson and quickly put the egg into the pot. The egg immediately puffed up bubbles like a blooming lotus flower with yellow stamens and white petals... After a while, the egg was finally fried. I put the fried eggs on the plate and tasted the fruits of my own labor. I was very happy.

Through this event, I understand that we should persevere in everything and not give up easily.

Composition of Making Breakfast (8)

On Mother's Day, at more than 5 o'clock in the morning, I began to secretly carry out my 'plan' - to make a love breakfast for my mother.

First, I carefully took the materials out of the refrigerator, poured some water into the pot, put the eggs in, and then turned on the gas stove. I saw red flames dancing like dancers. After a while, the pot was steaming, and the water was bubbling with bubbles, boiling heartily. The egg was finally cooked. I quickly took out the egg and peeled off its shell piece by piece, revealing the smooth white protein. I got a knife to cut them, and the golden yolks came out.

In order to let my mother have a delicious and nutritious breakfast, I cooked dumplings and cut some watermelons. In order to look good, I also put them in the shape of flowers. Looking at the masterpiece on the table, I could not help clapping my hands and yelling, "It's done!"

"Jiahao, what are you doing early in the morning?" Before I could answer, my mother opened her eyes and mouth slightly, but she didn't say what she wanted to say. She held me tightly in her arms, and warm and wet tears flowed from her cheeks and then onto my forehead.

Mother smiled, so did I. I made up my mind secretly: I want my mother to celebrate Mother's Day every day!

Composition of Making Breakfast (9)

"Get up quickly! Today I teach you to make fried eggs." My mother's voice broke my dream. I suddenly rolled over and got up from the bed. Great! This is something I have been looking forward to for a long time. I followed my mother to the kitchen excitedly.

I carefully took out an egg from the refrigerator and washed it. I poured a little oil into the pot. My mother asked me to knock the egg into the pot. With the sound of the creaking, a round cake appeared in the pot, much like a blooming sunflower. When I was feeling proud, I heard a sound of "Pa". An oil spot splashed on the back of my hand. I shouted "Ah!" and immediately withdrew my hand. When I looked carefully, a small red spot was burned on my hand. It was so painful. Like a needle, I didn't want to be burned again, so I pulled my mother's arm, The coquetry said to her, "Don't do it. I'm too afraid. You can teach me in the future!" Mother smiled and said to me, "You remember when you were a child, you helped your mother to take things. You accidentally pierced your hand, and you still insisted on helping her to take them. This time you must insist on staying away from the pot. You can't give up halfway. Mother believes you!" After listening to her words, I endured the pain again and began to work carefully. When I was about to finish, the oil splashed on my arm again. It hurt! At this time, two elves were arguing fiercely in my mind. The red elves said, "Don't do it. If you get burned, it will hurt!" The white elves said, "Go ahead, and you will almost succeed. You can't give up halfway." Finally, I adopted the white elves' advice. After frying the eggs under the guidance of my mother, I felt happy, just like eating honey.

Today, I finally learned one skill - frying eggs. Eating my own delicious eggs, I was very happy and showed a sweet smile.

Composition for Making Breakfast (10)

A diary: September 1, 2XX · Saturday · Weather: I got up early in the morning when Qing first made breakfast, because today is a special day - I want to make breakfast for my mother. First, I prepared the kitchen knife, cutting board, chicken essence, salt, soy sauce, carrot and white radish, laver, noodles, potato cake, etc. I started to work. I put the seasoning into the water first, then cut the radish into strips and slices and put them into the pot, then tear the laver into the pot, and then cover the pot and boil for eight minutes. While cooking soup, I use another pan to fry noodles. First, cut the fresh milk steamed buns into pieces with a knife, then take out the noodles and put them into a frying pan with hot oil, add some soy sauce and salt, and stir fry them. Too bad, the fire is too big. In half a minute, I watched the noodles at the bottom of the pot turn from beige to brown, followed by a faint fragrance mixed with a "scorched smell". I hurriedly picked up a glass of water and poured it into the noodles. Then I quickly turned over a dozen times with a spatula and quickly turned off the fire. At this time, the lid of the pot on the other side was pushed up by the heat in the pot. When I opened the lid, a stream of heat came from plain noodles, and many naughty bubbles, carrots The white radish and laver also fly up and down with the bubbles, which is very beautiful. "Oh, the soup was cooked so quickly!" I quickly turned off the fire while talking to myself. Then I put the soup and chow mein into two large bowls, and put two pieces of potato cakes that my mother had already made on the chow mein for decoration. "Mom, come and eat my breakfast!" I shouted excitedly as I put the breakfast on the table. "Come on, little baby!" Mom ran out very happily, picked up a mouthful of noodles from chopsticks and sent them to her mouth. While eating my "masterpiece", she kept praising me: "How capable, delicious, delicious, really delicious." Looking at my mother's gluttonous appearance, I could not mention how happy I was! (Note: After I sat down to eat, I realized how hard it was for my mother to make breakfast for me every day. Because the time for cooking soup was too short, the carrots and white radishes were not cooked yet, and they tasted hard and spicy. The noodles also had a burning smell.) Brief comment: What I made by myself was delicious, but I only made instant noodles. How wonderful you are!

Composition for Making Breakfast (11)

Instructor of Class Qiu Yingying, Grade 2 (4) of Dongxiao Primary School: Liu Hong made breakfast on Saturday morning for the first time. Although it was not a special day, I decided on a whim to make breakfast for my mother today, which made this day meaningful. Because my mother used to do it for me, this time I want to show it! So I came to the kitchen and saw some leftovers in the pot, so I decided to make fried rice with eggs. I took out an egg from the refrigerator, carefully knocked it open, poured the egg into a bowl and stirred it well, washed several onions, cut them into scallions for use. I started to do it. I followed my mother's instructions: first, heat the pan, pour oil into it, add eggs and stir fry a few times, add rice and stir fry evenly, which made me very busy. Then, add salt, pepper, soy sauce and other seasonings, stir and mix well. Finally, add scallions to add flavor, and the fried rice is finished! I helped my mother with food and poured a glass of milk for her. I said to my mother, "Please eat the breakfast I prepared for you, and see how it tastes." My mother was very happy, and she smiled from ear to ear, and immediately began to eat. While eating, he said, "It's delicious, but it's a little salty, but it doesn't matter. I like everything you make." I smiled proudly when I saw my mother eating with relish. The first breakfast was successful!

Composition for Making Breakfast (12)

This morning, I made a big breakfast for the whole family. There are porridge, lotus root starch, salted duck eggs, and pears. It has staple food, protein and fruit. It is really nutritious and delicious. First, I cooked porridge, waited for the water to boil, and then put in dry rice. Just boil it together. But please note: if the porridge is about to overflow, you must remember to open the lid of the pot, so that the porridge will not overflow. Then I took out a bag of lotus root starch. My mother told me that there was a secret to making lotus root starch, that is, first pour the lotus root starch into a cup, then add cold boiled water, which should have just gone through the lotus root starch and stir it well, then add hot water, stir it while adding it, until the lotus root starch becomes transparent. Next, I will prepare a fruit: pear. I first planed the pear skin, and immediately began to slice and plate. The last one is a side dish to eat with porridge - salted duck eggs. I find it hard and happy to make breakfast. The hard work is the preparation process, and the happy thing is to let the family have a delicious breakfast. I don't think it's easy for my mother to prepare breakfast for us every morning! I must help my mother more in the future.

Composition for Making Breakfast (13)

Because my father does it every time, I never do it. I thought, how can I have a delicious breakfast if my father is not at home?

So I made up my mind and began to learn how to make breakfast from my father.

For the first time, I cooked breakfast and heated the milk with the light wave stove. It was basically hot according to the time setting, so there was no difficulty. However, frying eggs is not easy. Just opening the eggs will bring some trouble, and the eggshells will fall into the oil pan with the yolks.

The second time I fried an egg, I put too much oil in it, and it tasted too greasy.

The third time, the oil was put in a proper amount. When the oil was hot, I opened the eggs and poured them into the pot. The eggs made a sound of "hiss, hiss, hiss" in the hot oil, and then slowly turned golden yellow. I turned the egg over carefully and fried it slowly. Finally, put the egg on the plate and drop a drop of soy sauce. It tastes delicious!

Finally, I can cook fried eggs. I succeeded, and I jumped up happily!

Now I know that if you want to do one thing well, you should not fish for three days, but bask in the net for two days. You should persevere in doing it to succeed.

Composition for Making Breakfast (14)

What's for breakfast? When I opened the refrigerator, there were steamed buns and steamed buns in it. OK, just steam them.

I put some water in the pot and put it on the stove. Then, count four steamed buns and steamed buns, put them into the pot, and turn on the fire. After waiting for more than ten minutes, steamed buns and steamed buns will be cooked. Take out three more bottles of milk, and breakfast will be ready!

Mom and Dad got up and found that I had prepared breakfast. They praised me for growing up and becoming competent! My heart is very happy!

Composition for Making Breakfast (15)

It was a sunny morning, my sister and I went from dream to reality. "Jiamei and Qiqi are getting up! You make your own food, and I'll go first!" In my memory, every time the second aunt said this, there would be a "nightmare" in the kitchen.

My sister and I quickly sorted out our horrible faces when we slept, and we walked to the kitchen full of morale.

Although the kitchen is fully equipped, we don't know where to start. My sister and I plan to fry an egg first, then a ham sausage sandwiched in the middle of the bread, which can become a sandwich. I took out the pot first, then the eggs. My sister turned on the fire and put the pot on. Then I poured in the oil first and beat in the eggs. "Ah!" I shouted. My sister looked up and said, "Oh my god! A 'fried egg'!" When the crackling explosion was over, I used a spatula to shovel the egg flat and then put it into the ham. But the scene in the pot was completely different from what we dreamed of. No, it was a world apart! I said to my sister in tears and laughter: "Sister, how awesome we are! We fried the eggs into" fried eggs "and the ham into..." I still didn't say anything. These two kinds of food together became "chicken sausage paste". "Alas! It's already eleven o'clock, and it took us three hours to make breakfast!" My sister screamed as she looked at the clock.

Finally, we started our "breakfast trip" in our own sobs. I used chopsticks to grab a little of our breakfast and taste it. "Well, it's OK, just a little salt." I said to my sister. Then he put the cooked "chicken intestines paste" into the bread, made a gesture of "OK" to his sister, and ate it greedily.

After breakfast, looking at the kitchen where we fought, I can't help thinking of a poem written by the ancient poet Li Kun: "It's hard to eat every meal on the plate." When I think of this, I suddenly feel that it's too hard for my mother to cook for me every day. The three hour breakfast made me understand the ups and downs of labor. I think I will also cook for my mother and share her hard work in the future.

Author | Huang Jiamei