Composition about Mother Yellow River (6 anthologies)
I want to shine
2024-05-10 06:53:20

Composition about Mother Yellow River (1)

Have you ever thought that the Yellow River, which has nurtured us for generations, will stop flowing until it disappears; Have you ever thought that she would cry on the Yellow River; Have you ever thought deeply that one day, the Yellow River will lose its grandeur and momentum, just like an ordinary river, and reach its end unconsciously. These concerns everyone.

Mother is the one who gave birth to us and raised us, and Mother River is the artery and pride that gave birth to the Chinese nation. "The desert is full of smoke, and the river is full of yen." This is the feeling of the ancients, and endless love seems to be integrated into this sentence. As for the great changes of our mother, we have "only a thousand tears". In Maduo, "the first county in the Jiuqu Yellow River", 80 year old county magistrate La Bao kept feeling the "vicissitudes of life". "Thirty years ago, Maduo County was relocated because there was too much water in the Yellow River and there were wetlands around the county seat," said La Bao, This is the current situation of Mother River. What is more shameful than this?

While we don't stop paying attention to celebrities and gossip gossip, we also pay attention to the publicity of the Yellow River protection. Although one cannot be destined to change anything, as long as everyone works together, hand in hand, the Mother River will be restored to its original appearance. When the ground ball is full of holes and tears silently, when the groundwater level is gradually getting lower, try your best! No matter what difficulties the Chinese people have suffered in the millennium history, they have never given up. Our China has not been invaded by foreign enemies, will it not be destroyed in our hands?

Li Bai, the great poet of the Tang Dynasty, once wrote a poem: "You can't see the water of the Yellow River coming up from heaven, and you can't go back to the sea." This is the momentum of the Yellow River, the solar term of the Chinese nation. Let's pick up the green brush and decorate the Yellow River to make it reappear forever.

Composition about Mother Yellow River (2)

My hometown is in Gansu Province, and my grandmother's home is on the side of the magnificent mother river, the Yellow River. Seen from the map, the spectacular Yellow River, like a long silk, zigzags through Gansu.

The water of the Yellow River is yellow, because the Yellow River flows through many loess areas, and the sand and soil accumulated at the bottom of the river for tens of thousands of years are scoured. Slowly, the water of the Yellow River becomes yellow. On the surface of the Yellow River, there are often surging waves, like long majestic dragons. There are many boats, dragon boats and airships for tourists on the Yellow River. It is very comfortable to walk barefoot on the soft beach on both banks of the Yellow River. It is the best place for children and adults to bask in the sun.

If you look closer, you will find that there are groups of small fish swimming happily in the water of the Yellow River. My father and I caught a small fish with our own hands. The fish was alive and kicking, and seemed to ask my father and I to release it. My father smiled at me, and I smiled too. Finally, we carefully put the small fish back to its home -- the Yellow River.

Mother River also nourishes the surrounding plants, trees, crops and farmland with its own milk, and selflessly raises us.

I love my beautiful hometown, and I love my beautiful hometown, the magnificent mother river -- the Yellow River!

Composition about Mother Yellow River (3)

My grandma's house is not far from the Yellow River. I heard that there is a floating bridge on the Yellow River, but I have never seen it.

Today, my sister and I followed my parents to grandma's house. My father said to my sister and me, "I will take you to the Yellow River to see the floating bridge." We were happy and jumped.

Along the way, poplar trees on both sides of the road waved to us, flowers nodded to us, and Maier saluted us, as if they were saying, "I wish you a pleasant journey." Soon, we came to the Yellow River. When we looked at it, the long pontoon bridge lay across the river surface of the Yellow River, and vehicles came and went, looking magnificent. The floating bridge rises and falls with the passing of vehicles, which makes people frightened.

The water surface of the Yellow River is not wide, and the water of the Yellow River is rolling eastward with silt. I stand on the bridge, as if the boats at my feet are going upstream. It's very pleasant. The sand on both banks is shining golden in the sunshine.

My father said, "Do you know why the Yellow River water is yellow?" I answered first: "Because the Yellow River water flows through the Loess Plateau and brings down the sediment, the river becomes yellow." My father asked, "Do you know which provinces the Yellow River passes through? How long it is? Where is its source? Where does it enter the sea?" My father asked us many unanswerable questions. I am determined to study hard and try to answer all the questions.

Composition about Mother Yellow River (4)

There is a picturesque Yellow River Square near the ancient Yellow River in Huai'an. From a distance, the Yellow River Square looks like a bright pearl inlaid along the ancient Yellow River.

Just entering the gate, there are two rows of symmetrical purple leafy orchids inside, which look particularly noble and elegant against the background of a green lawn. There are many square flower beds in front, and each one has a flower. There are a bunch of red, thousand headed chrysanthemums, chrysanthemums and orchids. A string of red is like a string of red mutton strings. Chrysanthemum, like blond girls standing there. Thousands of chrysanthemums are like little suns. Orchid you next to me, I next to you, long slender leaves, white in the middle, leaves with a green edge.

In the middle of the square, there is a tall and large sculpture with a ball in the middle, like a bright pearl surrounded by three wings. At the top of the sculpture is a sign engraved with a dove of peace, spreading its wings, symbolizing that Huai'an's economy is taking off.

Under the simple and elegant pavilion, there are four benches. The benches are crowded with people, some sitting, some lying. They are enjoying the beautiful scenery.

In the west of the square, there are rows of spray basins, which are well arranged and crystal clear. There are beige pebbles embedded in the water like pearls. There are many colorful lights in the pool. In one of them, there is a rectangular concave place in the fountain. There are many small fish and shrimp in it, which is very beautiful.

The surface of the ancient Yellow River is shining like gold in the sunlight. Willow trees by the river are like shy brides, with strings of green pearls hanging on their heads, fluttering in the wind.

Walk along the picturesque ancient Yellow River and have a look. How can you not let people linger!

Composition about Mother Yellow River (5)

"Aha! It's time to go out and play and relax!" I shouted. Yes, it's a holiday, but our primary school students are very happy! Well, for a three-day holiday, our family is going to the Yellow River - Mother River to play and eat the Liu Chunyu that everyone has agreed to. "It's great to have a holiday!" I said happily.

"Start!" I shouted. Our family then drove to the Yellow River, arrived at the station, we got off the bus. First, I went to a bush. I was under the tree, and my mother took some pictures for me. We also went to places near the Yellow River. We saw some scenery and looked far away. The Yellow River is also in front of me, and I also photographed the scene in the distance of the Yellow River.

After seeing the Yellow River, we also went to a place where everyone (people) came in an endless stream - Big Yellow Cattle. As soon as I saw the big scalper, "wow" suddenly fell on the big scalper, and my mother took many photos for me. I climbed on the big yellow cattle, and photographed them behind the big yellow cattle and in front of the head of the big yellow cattle. "It's so funny, like being in a fairyland on earth, so beautiful!" I couldn't help admiring, "It's so beautiful!" I had to think of the Yellow River, the cradle of the Chinese nation, and the mother river of the Chinese people. She is strong and great, like the shield of the Chinese nation, It is also like a spear that defeats the enemy. It is really a symbol of our national spirit.

I also saw the big trees on the Yellow River. I also found that the Yellow River is really the source of human activities and plants that feed all kinds of life! There are many beautiful small yellow flowers, morning glory and white flowers on the Yellow River. They are so beautiful! In my imagination, the beauty of the Yellow River, the coolness of the Yellow River, and the loveliness of the Yellow River cannot be expressed in words, but can be felt in the heart.

The Yellow River, the mother of mankind, is so beautiful, so spectacular, or so amiable.

I visited and watched the Yellow River, which is so great! Since I went to the Yellow River, the Yellow River has always been printed in my mind and never forgotten, which really makes me aftertaste.

Composition about Mother Yellow River (6)

This summer vacation, I went to the Yellow River with my mother, father and brother. Although it was only two weeks, I fell in love with the fascinating mother river - the Yellow River!

In the morning, when we came to the lake, a veil like morning fog rose on the lake. Through this thin "veil", I saw the river flowing slowly, like a lovely elf floating around. We watched the Yellow River rolling toward the southeast, surging the Yellow River, setting off billows, turbid flow gently, forming nine loops. It's really spectacular.

At noon, the river became busy, and the current was very fast. It was like a naughty, lively and lovely child jumping up and down, rolling up a small vortex. At this time, a large spring rushed down from the edge of the stone, as if a child were playing on a slide

In the evening, the sun sank to the west, casting a golden afterglow on the water. Very eager, the lake water gradually calmed down, and the dark yellow river water seemed to fade.

The night came soon. A round of bright crescent moon was hung in the dark sky, and many sparkling gems in the sky accompanied the moon. Some stars illuminate the sky; The smiling face that has lit up the earth and every gem has arrived late at night. Under the light of the moon and the gems, it looks very quiet.

Standing by the river and looking at the beautiful scenery in the sky, two words always appear in my heart: quiet and beautiful.