I learned 600 words that time (20 practical articles)
treat with indifference
2024-01-21 07:02:08

I learned 600 words that time (1)

In life, we grew up day by day, learned to study hard, to respect our parents, to respect others, to cherish friendship, and to understand the importance of protecting the environment. On that day, I learned to cherish friendship.

A friend is a breeze in spring, a spring in summer, a leaf in autumn, and a warmth in winter. Maybe it's humble, maybe it's great.

Remember that summer, I walked to school as usual. I only saw Xi Mingkun, an angry woman sitting in her seat. I walked towards her with a little provocation and said to her: Ah ah! Who is this! It seems that someone owes you millions! Who dares to bully you! How dare you! Suddenly, her anger burst out and she said a lot of angry words to me, but I also felt unfair. After quarreling with her, we both walked away angrily without saying a word. After I came home, I thought: I didn't offend her today! Why did he get so angry? Did I hurt her by what I said? One day later, I thought about it again. Should I apologize to her? After all, we have been friends for so long, we'd better find a time to apologize to her!

After school, I came to the square where I was going to apologize to her. But somehow, we seem to have a heart to heart connection and come here by accident. We looked at each other for a long time, as if we had seen through each other's mind, but we didn't know how to express it. After a while, we all sincerely apologized to each other. We have made up, but I want to cherish this friendship more and cherish the hard won friendship.

Friendship is like the ivy in life, which brings hope to life. Friendship is like a bunch of sunshine on the earth, which brings vitality to everything. Friendship is like laughter in life, which brings happiness to people.

I want to cherish this friendship and hope that the flowers of our friendship will always bloom.

I learned 600 words that time (2)

Life is like pebbles, which embellish the long river of "life" in various colors. Life is like a big cloth bag, which contains joy, anger, sorrow and joy. Life is like a notebook, recording the small things of every day. One of them is a small thing that made me understand friendship.

I remember once, when I was doing my homework carefully at noon, Liu Zhongcheng, who was sitting beside me, patted me on the shoulder and said, "Can Zhao Yangfan lend me a piece of writing paper?" I shook my head without thinking, with a helpless expression on my face. Seeing that I didn't borrow his manuscript paper, Liu Zhongcheng turned around and borrowed it from other students without saying a word. I felt a little guilty and thought: Liu Zhongcheng won't borrow it from me next time. I suddenly felt that I had done something wrong. I shouldn't be so stingy.

A few days later, at noon, I didn't bring any manuscript paper with me. I said quietly to Liu Zhongcheng, "Liu Zhongcheng, can you lend me one if I don't bring any manuscript paper today?" Liu Zhongcheng did not hesitate to tear down a piece of manuscript paper and handed it to me. I remembered that he had lent it to me last time and I didn't give it to him. I took it with a red face and said, "Then I didn't lend it to you last time -" stammered. " It's OK. Everyone should help each other when everyone is in trouble. "Thank you!"

This event told me about friendship, that is, students help each other and care about each other. This is friendship.

I learned 600 words that time (3)

"Friendship? Do you know friendship?" After listening to my mother's words, I was very angry. I know that perhaps in the eyes of adults, I am just a twelve year old "yellow haired girl", but in my opinion, I am a "adult" who can fight hard for my own ideal and pursuit. Perhaps, yesterday, I was not a little girl worthy of attention, but today, I am a big girl who knows how to cherish friendship.

Since kindergarten, I have had many "good friends". From the first grade, I had new friends and forgot the "bosom friend" who accompanied me for three years. Since the first grade, I have had two "iron brothers" - Dong Jie and Li Chen. Perhaps in the past six years, we have quarreled with each other and become angry, but we have never lost trust in each other. On the contrary, the three of us have become our best friends! In the past six years, we have laughed, we have been sad, we have cried together, we have yelled at others, at that time, we were on the same rope, we were transparent to each other, never hide, never cheat, that is, let the three of us through the upcoming end of childhood!

I remember when I was in the fourth grade, I didn't do well in the exam and didn't dare to go home. It was Li Chen and Dong Jie who gave me courage to go home and "confess". They walked around the playground with me, scolding and crying again and again. When we were too tired to walk, they said, "Go home. Maybe there is a mother waiting for you in your house! Go back quickly! Be nice!" Who could not be moved by what my sister said? When I am sad, sad and lonely, there are only four people in my mind, father, mother, Dong Jie and Li Chen! When I think of these two lively and lovely "angels" who are full of confidence in life and bring me happiness, I will always smirk; When I think that they and I were beaten for being late for the exam, they would always blame themselves; When we think of standing on the bridge and yelling together, when people see us, we will always jump foolishly; When we think of chasing each other on campus, we always stare blankly; Think of

I learned 600 words that time (4)

Friendship is the warm sun in winter. Friendship is the breeze in summer. Friendship is a spring in the desert.

In primary school, I had a good friend named Zhang Xiaoming. He has an ordinary appearance and red lips. His most prominent feature is his humorous style.

Many things have happened between him and me. Some laugh, some cry, some quarrel; But most of them are happy with him.

Once, he played a joke on me. He wrote something on the paper and patted me on the back when I came over. Seeing him like this, I wondered what he was doing. He blushed as if he were laughing. After a while, he dragged me around the corridor, and I was dragged away before I could react. When I was in the corridor, I felt that someone was always staring at me behind me. I was puzzled. When I really wanted to find him, I found that he had returned to work. But I had to go back to work.

After returning to class, I always feel my classmates stare at me with strange eyes. I became more and more strange. Suddenly, another friend said that I had been tricked. I quickly pulled off the note on my back and found that there was a word "pig" written on it. I felt my lungs explode. I found him and pretended to fight with him. Later, when we fought, we couldn't help but laugh.

But sometimes it is not calm, and there will inevitably be some quarrels between friends.

On that day, the sun was clear, the green leaves rustled, and some birds were singing in the trees. But on such days, I quarreled with him. I was arguing with him about whether to go down to play. At the beginning, it was just an argument, but it gradually turned into an argument.

I quarreled with him and used words to stimulate each other. I got angry and slapped him on the face with a loud sound. He gradually shed tears, looked at me angrily, and left.

I blamed myself, so I found him when he was at school and sincerely apologized to him. He smiled and said, "It's all right. Don't worry about such a small thing." Although he said so, I still blamed myself.

There are laughter, quarrels and tears among friends. Don't let momentary anger take away your friendship.

I learned 600 words that time (5)

On a sunny Saturday, I came to my cousin's house to play.

In the evening, my favorite "Happy Camp" began. I quickly tuned the TV program to Hunan Satellite TV. After watching it for a while, it really made me laugh. When I was excited, the TV screen flashed to the cartoon. Eh? What's going on? My sister changed mine. "Yang Yang, why did you change my station?" I asked patiently. "Do I want to watch cartoons?" "I come to your house as a guest, you little host should respect the guests." My sister watched with interest and ignored me completely. "You let me see it for a while, and you can see it again, can't you?" I was a little angry. "This is my home. I can see it as long as I want!" said my sister arrogantly. When I heard this, I got angry, grabbed the remote control and switched to Hunan Satellite TV. When my sister saw it, she first snorted and looked at me angrily. Then she turned off the TV immediately and said, "I can't watch it, and you can't watch it!"

I was silent, as if there was a group of anger burning in my heart. It blocked my chest and wanted to vent. We were silent for a long time. Suddenly, a burst of footsteps broke the quiet state - my aunt came back. She seemed to know that I had quarreled with my sister. She said to us earnestly: "Sisters should be more modest to each other, not just self-centered, but more modest, so that we won't quarrel." I thought to myself: Aunt is right, I can't just think about myself, I'm a sister, and I should be more tolerant to my sister. I turned on the TV, turned to the channel my sister wanted to watch, and said to her, "You can watch it." My sister blushed, as if ashamed, and turned the channel to Hunan Satellite TV again. We looked at each other, smiled, and we made up again.

After this incident, I learned tolerance. People often say: step back and expand the sky, further slash and burn. If people have a tolerant heart, the world will become more harmonious and beautiful.

I learned 600 words that time (6)

That night, it was late at night, and I vaguely heard that my father and mother were still washing clothes for me. In an instant, I couldn't help shedding tears. I didn't feel sleepy that night. Thinking of my parents' hard work, I made up my mind to make sure that they would live a happy life in the future.

Early the next morning, I found my mother's hands were red with cold water. I couldn't help crying again... My father went to work at five o'clock, and my mother took care of everything at home. My mother not only washed and cooked but also took care of us. She is the hardest worker in the family alone.

Suddenly, I found a row of tooth marks on my mother's leg. When I asked, I knew that there was a dog trying to bite my little sister. When my mother saw that she was hurriedly blocking the constraint with her leg, the dog flew to bite her mother's leg, but she carried her little sister home without saying a word!

My father came back from a busy day's work. He blushed like an apple and walked unsteadily. It turned out that my father had drunk with someone else. Speaking of his father, he doesn't drink at all, except for a small cup when the festival is busy. However, now my father drinks himself heavily for his work and for our family's food and shelter. This is the time that my father drinks the most.

During the Spring Festival, my family's New Year goods are like a small hillside. Because there are many people in the family, my father has to earn more money to buy New Year's goods. My father had to take my brother and me with him when he bought New Year's goods. He would always ask us what we like to buy for us... This time, it would cost thousands of yuan, but my father didn't say anything.

At home, my mother cooked a sumptuous dinner with the food bought by my father. We ate with relish and didn't want to stop, because no one wanted to miss this rare delicacy. After we had finished dinner, my parents were busy cleaning up the dishes again. It was late at night, our brothers and sisters all slept, but my father and mother still didn't sleep, but they were thinking about buying us some New Year gifts

The next day, we found several gift boxes in the room with our own names on them. I found my own gift box. It turned out to be the football I had always dreamed of! At that moment, don't mention how excited I was

My father and mother are always honest and hardworking. Although our life is not rich, they have given our brothers and sisters the warmest love! My parents' hard work has strengthened my confidence in unremitting efforts!

I learned 600 words that time (7)

"Come on, Class 5! Class 5 will win!" With the noise, the annual sports meeting finally kicked off.

Then came the exciting 1500m running race. I felt like a rabbit in my heart, "plop, plop, plop," and I saw all the players standing on their own battlefield - the starting line also showed a nervous look. Look! Some of them are eager to try; Some take a deep breath and try to stabilize their excited and uplifted hearts; Others are fully prepared and go all out.

The teacher's starting gun exploded in my ear like thunder. Yang Zixuan, the sports master of our class, rushed out like a small missile, and the cheering squad heard a loud cry. Suddenly, he rushed to the first place in Class 5 (2) as quickly as he could, and rushed out like an arrow. When he was ahead of Yang Zixuan, Yang Zixuan didn't want to be outdone and went straight to the first place. One second, two seconds, at this time, the sky failed, Yang Zixuan, no, the "sports master" of our class fell! At this time, I thought: he must be able to reappear "brilliant". However, the blood on his knee was already stained on his pants. As soon as the hope was gone, I was discouraged. At this moment, the athletes who have been "at the bottom" will catch up. One step, two steps, they catch up. I thought they would go straight to the end, but then a thunderous applause came back to my ears. They didn't do that, but helped Yang Zixuan to the end. Yang Zixuan gritted his teeth and frowned, and finally reached the end.

After that, Yang Zixuan said to the two athletes, "Thank you. Although I didn't get the ranking, I was satisfied. Because you let me know the depth of friendship!" After listening, my heart could not calm down for a long time.

you 're right! It was at that moment that I learned about friendship. Ah! This sports meeting warmed my heart and let me know a lot.

I learned 600 words that time (8)

The flowers in the campus opened again and again, thanks again and again. Six years have passed in a hurry. The blooming Albizia is like a scarlet dandelion hidden in the green leaves. Albizia meets the green leaves, but we have to leave. That time I learned to cherish it.

When taking graduation photos, we struggled to stand beside our head teacher, Mr. Luo. The teacher usually dresses simply, but today he accidentally wears a dress and wears light makeup. We found that Teacher Luo is so beautiful.

Maybe the feeling of parting is too strong, and it is always easy to evoke a sad mood. When taking photos, a gentle sobbing sound came from the ear. It turns out that someone has shed tears sadly. Everyone comforted and wept at the same time. Who can forget that after a classmate accidentally scalded his feet with boiling water, it was Mr. Luo, who weighed less than 90 kg, who carried him to the hospital. It was each student who took turns to help him cook and accompany him upstairs. Teacher Luo held us in his arms and gently patted our backs.

Just dry the tears when taking a group photo, the drum sounded. At the graduation ceremony, the head teacher spoke as the teacher's representative. She choked up several times and couldn't speak. We couldn't help crying under the stage. The teachers held a stack of red graduation certificates in their hands and handed them to each student. Everyone sang our school song in unison, which echoed over the campus for a long time and contained the power to set sail for the next stage.

Upon returning to the classroom, Mr. Luo saw our leave note on the blackboard as soon as he entered the room. The note read: "Dear Mr. Luo, we can't go to class as usual because we left school after graduation, so we specially ask for leave from you. The time of leave is permanent", and signed: "All students". When Mr. Luo wrote "Agree", we saw his hand shaking slightly. Teacher Luo said, "Although today is departure, don't be sad. Graduation is not the end, but a new beginning. I hope you can move forward bravely in the future, invincible!"

The last day of school passed in such a hurry. The acacia tree in the setting sun was gentle and silent. I picked up a piece of acacia petals from the ground. The color was crimson, and I seriously put it in the graduation certificate

From this time on, I learned to cherish!

I learned 600 words that time (9)

Cherishing resources and everything around us is the common goal of people. But it was not until that time that I really understood how to cherish.

In the past, I always wasted food. For example, when I went to a restaurant to order a large table of food, there was only one third left; Disgusting food

Throw it into the dustbin?? But now, I have changed, it has to start from the summer vacation.

During the summer vacation, I followed my parents to visit Liupan Mountain. After a day of traveling, we finally arrived at Liupan Mountain.

agritainment. Due to the tiredness of the journey, I plunged into the kang and slept soundly. The next morning, I was awakened by the clear singing of birds, "Gululu, Gululu". Unexpectedly, my stomach revolted early in the morning. Alas, no wonder, I went to bed without eating last night. It would be strange if my stomach did not revolt today! I went to the table and saw my parents were also hungry, so I ordered a lot of dishes with the menu as usual, and the result was conceivable - another third of the dishes were left. "Pack!" Mom shouted to the waiter, "Ouch, how can I eat the leftovers? This is on the mountain, without a microwave oven." I grumbled discontentedly. Mom shook her head helplessly after listening to me. "I'm full, let's go hiking!" my father cried excitedly. "Good!" I also clapped excitedly. On the road, I jumped and jumped like a little rabbit. Suddenly, I saw a group of children in rags in the mountain. They were all holding their bellies and picking up firewood on the roadside. I enthusiastically went up to them and asked them, "Do you have stomach pains?" "No, we are too hungry!" said one of the older children. "These are some of the leftovers we just ate. If you don't want to give up, you can take them to eat!" Mom took out the packed food from the bag. She wanted to eat when she was hungry. "Really? Thank you so much! Thank you!" At this time, I saw those children's eyes shining with joy, and they were so happy to eat leftovers? This question makes me think a lot.

At that moment, my heart was touched. At that moment, I really understood how to cherish.

I learned 600 words that time (10)

Life is very interesting. Although you will experience various setbacks, you will always get enlightenment from setbacks. "When the sea gathers all rivers, there is capacity." It is the beginning of my understanding of tolerance.

During a self-study class, there was no teacher in the class, and the students were so noisy that they had to lift the ceiling of the classroom. I am immersed in my homework. When Huijun called me, I looked back at her. She asked me what to do with that question. After I patiently told her my ideas and methods, she nodded her head. I slapped her on the head jokingly and said, "Got it? Stupid pig!" But I didn't expect her to take it seriously. She slapped the table and shouted at me, "I am a stupid pig, and you are a stupid donkey.

Until later, the monitor told the teacher about it. So, just after class, Huijun and I were called to the office. The teacher said earnestly to us: "It is impossible for people to never quarrel, but maybe some people will always be good friends." She and I looked at each other for a while, but we were all confused. The teacher smiled and said to us kindly, "Who said that only never quarreling is a good friend? If two people quarreled and could forgive each other, that would be a real good friend! Have you heard of the saying," A sea gathers many rivers, and there is tolerance "? If you two step back, there will be no such result!" We both lowered our heads. After class, we became good friends again, laughing together.

It is the teacher's enlightenment that makes us understand tolerance. Yes, because of understanding, tolerance is.

I learned 600 words that time (11)

Tolerance is a beam of sunshine shining in winter, which melts the misunderstanding of this ice sculpture; Tolerance is a bright lighthouse in the dark night, enabling the lost to find the harbor for navigation; Tolerance is a wisp of breeze blowing on the earth, which makes those who make mistakes get a dose of sobriety

In the morning, I went downstairs to Aunt Li's soy milk shop as usual to buy soy milk. Just as I was about to go to the soy milk stand, suddenly a young man walked quickly to Aunt Li's stand.

Hey, give me a bag of soy milk, hot! The young man was wearing T-shirts and jeans, and his hair was dyed yellow, which was completely non mainstream. But I don't know why, but I hate this young man because he is impolite. OK! Aunt Li skillfully took a spoon and put a big bag into the soy milk bucket, then tied the bag and gave it to you! But when he saw that the soy milk bag was going to be handed to the young man, the young man accidentally splashed the soy milk all over the floor, and some of it splashed on Aunt Li's clothes. I thought that the Youth Association would apologize to Aunt Li, but he said angrily: What happened to you? Can't even pass soy milk! Most of the people nearby saw the young people's behavior and scolded them in succession. But what Aunt Li said was beyond our expectation: Oh, I'm sorry! Young man, this bag on the ground is mine. I'll give you another one. Then Aunt Li gave the young man another bag of soymilk. The young man hurriedly paid the money, and then ran away in despair.

When the youth left, Aunt Li took out her broom and cleaned up the mess on the ground. I walked over and asked: Aunt Li, it was clearly the youth's fault, why did you apologize to him? And gave him another bag? Aunt Li swept the floor, then smiled and said to me, "He didn't mean it. Why should I care about every detail?"?

Yes, Aunt Li is right. People should be tolerant and step back. As long as everyone knows tolerance, the world will be more and more beautiful!

I learned 600 words that time (12)

The grass flourishes because it is loved by the spring wind; The beauty of flowers is because they are loved by rain and dew; I am happy because of my mother's great love.

I am a child lacking consciousness, a boy lacking the perception of maternal love. Knowing that my mother was ill, I was hospitalized and underwent major surgery. At that time, I ran around with no clue. After being confused and desperate, I really felt the pain of lack of maternal love, and I really understood maternal love.

At the side of the hospital bed, I watched my mother for the first time with such deep feelings: Qiao Sui's change of face and helpless expression. Deep guilt stabbed my soul. I turned every love of my mother into a driving force for learning.

Yes, the expression of maternal love is always implicit and silently spread. My mother always refines her whole life into every detail of me, which moves me.

Every morning, mother put love into the sweet milk. He watched me quietly as I finished eating bread and drinking the cup of hot fresh milk, and then asked in a worried tone: "Are you full?" Finally, a trace of happiness that was not easy to detect swept across his face and disappeared in her messy hair.

Every noon, he hurried to the school gate from his unit, propped up an umbrella to expose his whole face in the scorching sun, so that I could find it at a glance. The strong sun shines on her dark face for the second time, and the eyes she looks for in the crowd always reflect a kind of anxiety and anxiety.

Every night, my mother always likes to read the Water Margin and translate the Three Kingdoms silently at my desk. When I sigh, he will ask with concern: "Is it difficult?" When I am not paying attention, he will quietly ask: "Pay attention to efficiency!" When I am tired, he will remind me: "Combine work with rest!"

Recalling my mother's love, I am ashamed that my return is so little. I deeply repented: why did I understand the existence of maternal love after my mother was seriously ill?

That time, I learned about maternal love and the greatness of giving.

I learned 600 words that time (13)

In my heart, my father has always been very strict with me, never like my mother with a smile on his face. However, one time I changed my previous view of you and made me understand you.

That time, I went to the English specialty class, and you promised to pick me up. But just after class, it was snowing heavily outside. The snowflakes were like dancing angels in the sky. I didn't see you coming to pick me up. My little friends waved to me one by one and left one by one with a smile on their faces. I thought to myself: the next one will be you, you will come to pick me up, and you will not miss the appointment. But my idea was totally wrong. You let me down for a long time. Five minutes passed, seven minutes passed, and ten minutes passed. You still haven't come, so I plan to go by myself. When I walk at every intersection, there will be many parents holding their children's hands, listening to their children telling about their knowledge and interesting things today, one by one talking and laughing, and I can't help but feel sad. At that moment, I saw the car coming to pick me up. Your face was red and your ears were red. I was very moved. Tears could not help coming from my cheeks. Tears were not angry tears, but moved tears. Tears were sweet, not bitter. When getting on the bus, you kindly asked me: "How long have you been walking? Is it cold?" Looking at your eyes, you said: "In a moment, today I wear more clothes, so it is not cold." That time, like a warm current flowing through my heart, leaving deep traces, and time after time I can't say the feeling, let me understand your love.

Half a year has passed, and many things have been forgotten, but only one thing can stand the test and erosion of time and will never go away. Although this event is not an earthshaking event, it is enough for me to understand you and deeply understand you.

Father's love is not as delicate and gentle as mother's love, but it is also great. Father's love is also a lingering touch in memory. My father is like a tree, a magnificent tree, sheltering me from wind and rain, giving me warmth.

I learned 600 words that time (14)

"Endure the wind and calm the waves for a while, and step back." Tolerance is a virtue. Learn tolerance, and we will live a happier life.

I used to be stingy. When I was at school, I never lent anything to my classmates. Others know how to tolerate me, and will not say no to make friends with me. But if others don't lend me something, I usually say "break up" to others. Now I gradually understand tolerance.

I remember sitting beside my classmates in a PE class. Suddenly, a ball flew towards me and hit me on the head. I immediately scolded the man in a rage: "You are brainless! Can't you see anyone?" After saying that, I decided to throw the ball back with an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. Without saying a word, he turned and left.

All afternoon, I didn't say a word to him. When I met him on the road, it was like I didn't know him. It was like air. But he smiled at me all the time. I didn't realize that he didn't apologize to me. I didn't listen to the class all afternoon, just swore at him in my heart.

In the afternoon of PE class, I was going to play ball with everyone. However, I saw that he was also playing inside, and my joy of playing football was immediately swept away.

At this time, he met my eyes and shouted at me: "Come and play!" I turned around and was ready to leave. He suddenly caught up and put a hand on my shoulder. "Why don't you play?" I didn't answer. He continued: "It's because of the PE class! Well, I apologize to you." Hearing his apology, my tears suddenly fell. I immediately wiped my tears and turned to him and said, "No, it's my fault. I shouldn't be so stingy."

I forgave him, and he forgave me, isn't this the best ending? No, no, we won the game in the end!

I seldom cry. This cry impressed me deeply and was unforgettable for a long time. Because this time, I understand tolerance.

I learned 600 words that time (15)

When I opened the drawer and saw the award that had already turned yellow, I could not help thinking of that scene.

It was a sunny day. I carried my schoolbag to participate in the calligraphy contest held by the school. The breeze is blowing gently, the warm sun is shining on the earth, and the grass is spitting out tender buds under the sun. Looking at this sunny day, I feel much happier.

Sitting in the calligraphy classroom, I began to feel nervous, because I heard that some of my classmates learned calligraphy when they were young in the New Year. I must be out of reach for someone who became a monk halfway. I can't help it. I have to bite the bullet. Take out paper, ink, pen and inkstone, spread them gently on the table and flatten them. Then let the pen absorb enough ink, and I began to write gently.

While I was writing half a page, I ran out of ink. So I turned around and took out the ink bottle from my backpack. Just then, a little boy ran past me. The wind he was carrying moved the paper. The rice paper was light and thin, and it flew into the air. When I turned back, the rice paper had already flown to a puddle. The rice paper has been soaked, and the writing on it has been blurred, and it has become a piece of black paper. Seeing that the remaining time is only half an hour, I am anxious and angry. But time won't allow me to think much, so I have to start from scratch. This time, I focused on writing. Horizontal and vertical, I pay great attention to whether they are straight enough or thin enough. In the next twenty minutes, I became more focused and wished I could stick my face to the paper to see if each word was harmonious enough. Finally, in the last five minutes, I finished the whole poem "Mulan Poem". I handed it in hurriedly. I turned my head and saw that the little boy was long gone. But I'm not in a hurry to find him. Maybe he just did it unintentionally, and I have to learn to tolerate others.

The certificate of merit fell from my fingertip, pulling me out of my memory

I learned 600 words that time (16)

In the memory stone of my growth, many of them have faded. Only that stone, still colorful, has branded me with "tolerance".

I remember that time, in the first semester of the fourth grade, I was at the same table with Xiao Ming. We didn't have a good relationship before, but I didn't expect that this time, we would quarrel over such a small matter. It's funny to think of it now.

It began on a cloudy rainy day: I accidentally got one of my pen cases on the ground that day. When I was looking everywhere, Xiao Ming picked up a pen without a pen case and asked me, "Is it yours?" When I saw that it was my pen, I said, "It's mine, but where is the pen case?" He pretended to be worried, He said, "Yes, where did he go?" At that time, I didn't think Xiao Ming took it, so I stopped asking. During the third class, it rained even harder, and there were bursts of thunder in the sky. In class, I found Xiao Ming was playing with a pen holder! Isn't this the pen case I lost? Why is it in his hands? He doesn't have such a pen? No, I want to come back with him! After class, I told Xiao Ming about it. Unexpectedly, he was furious. I also scolded him and grabbed the pen holder. He shouted angrily and grabbed the pen holder back. He shouted, "This is mine, yours has gone out of the sky!" I made him confused again. Unexpectedly, he moved his hand. I was worried and angry, so I called the teacher quickly. The teacher came, adjusted our mood, and found the parents after school. When I got home, my mother said to me, "My child, you should be tolerant, just because a pen holder is not worth it, take a step back." After listening to my mother's words, I began to think deeply: Yes, take a step back. Is it because a pen holder is so? That's too bad.

This is the story in the colored memory stone, which made me understand tolerance.

I learned 600 words that time (17)

One day last winter vacation, I went to my grandmother's house to play. There was a big vegetable field near Grandma's house. It was winter. There was no vegetable growing in the vegetable field, only a few small branches scattered in the field.

Suddenly, a rustle came from my feet. I looked down curiously, and saw a dung beetle with a round body pushing a dung ball, slowly moving forward in the ditch in the field. I was immediately attracted by the scene and squatted down to observe it carefully. The head of the dung beetle is small, and its back is slightly shiny. It has a pair of strong and developed hind legs and two pairs of thin and flexible forelegs. It is in a handstand position. It uses two pairs of front legs to support its body, and uses its back legs to push the dung ball backward.

After pushing a ditch, Shitoulang came across a small basin - a big pit used to hold water for watering vegetables. The basin was raised around, but now the water has been drained. The dung beetle pushed his hind legs hard, poked his front legs into the ground, and then pushed hard, holding the dung ball tightly, and rolled to the lowest point of the "basin".

However, at the lowest point of the "basin", it is not so easy to climb to the highest point on the other side. It pedaled the dung ball with its back legs, supported on the ground with its front legs, and climbed the slope unsteadily. Just before reaching the top of the slope, its foot slipped and rolled down with the dung ball. But he was not discouraged. He adjusted his position, put his back leg on the dung ball, and put his left leg on the ground, and climbed up the slope again unsteadily. But in the same place, it slipped down again. The third time, the fourth time... It climbed up and slid down again and again. I can't help feeling a little funny. The eighth time, it firmly hooked the dung ball with its left leg, and the right leg made a sudden effort to finally climb the slope. Then, it pushed the dung ball and steadily continued to move forward... Looking at the dung beetle's receding figure, I was shocked by its persistence, but more admired.

In life, we should have the spirit of a dung beetle, insist on doing everything well every day, do not abandon, do not give up, otherwise, we will achieve nothing.

I learned 600 words that time (18)

The flowers in the campus opened again and again, thanks again and again. Six years have passed in a hurry. The blooming Albizia is like a scarlet dandelion hidden in the green leaves. Albizia meets the green leaves, but we have to leave. That time I learned to cherish it.

When taking graduation photos, we struggled to stand beside our head teacher, Mr. Luo. The teacher usually dresses simply, but today he accidentally wears a dress and wears light makeup. We found that Teacher Luo is so beautiful.

Maybe the feeling of parting is too strong, and it is always easy to evoke a sad mood. When taking photos, a gentle sobbing sound came from the ear. It turns out that someone has shed tears sadly. Everyone comforted and wept at the same time. Who can forget that after a classmate accidentally scalded his feet with boiling water, it was Mr. Luo, who weighed less than 90 kg, who carried him to the hospital. It was each student who took turns to help him cook and accompany him upstairs. Teacher Luo held us in his arms and gently patted our backs.

Just dry the tears when taking a group photo, the drum sounded. At the graduation ceremony, the head teacher spoke as the teacher's representative. She choked up several times and couldn't speak. We couldn't help crying under the stage. The teachers held red graduation certificates in their hands and handed them to each student. Everyone sang our school song in unison, which echoed over the campus for a long time and contained the power to set sail for the next stage.

Upon returning to the classroom, Mr. Luo saw our leave note on the blackboard as soon as he entered the room. The note read: "Dear Mr. Luo, we can't go to class as usual because we left school after graduation, so we specially ask for leave from you. The time of leave is permanent", and signed: "All students". When Mr. Luo wrote "Agree", we saw his hand shaking slightly. Teacher Luo said, "Although today is departure, don't be sad. Graduation is not the end, but a new beginning. I hope you can move forward bravely in the future, invincible!"

The last day of school passed in such a hurry. The acacia tree in the setting sun was gentle and silent. I picked up a piece of acacia petals from the ground. The color was crimson, and I seriously put it in the graduation certificate

From this time on, I learned to cherish!

That time I understood 600 words (19)

Life will always have all kinds of setbacks, they use your weakness, timidity to defeat you. But there are always some people who smile and go to them and say, "You are just like this. It seems that you are extremely difficult, but in fact you are vulnerable to a single attack." Brave, they have been moving forward to meet the rising sun; Those who are afraid and hide in the corner will never feel the dazzling and brilliant sun.

Courage, a word that seems to be possessed by everyone, is difficult to realize. I was no exception, but I really felt brave at that time.

When I was young, I lived with my grandparents. Gradually, my feelings with my grandparents became deeper and deeper. It's always the most comfortable to go out for a walk with Grandma. When I make trouble, when I act coquettish, when I cry, Grandma always puts her warm hands around me, pats my back, and stabilizes my mood. At that time, I always felt that I was most happy with Grandma. One gray morning, I rubbed my bleary eyes and opened them vaguely. Looking around, I saw no grandparents. My heart was tight and I thought: Where are my grandparents? Where did they go? Why am I alone? I hurried out of bed and walked into the hall. All I saw was a white tent. My uncles and uncles knelt in front of me and cried. When my parents saw me coming out, they pulled me away in a hurry, with painful expressions on their faces. I stared at the white tent with a frightened face, and my heart was full of anxiety. Before I knew it, I was lulled to sleep by my parents. I vaguely heard what they were saying about Mom's death, leaving Dad alone. I still fell asleep, thinking that all this was not true. But the nightmare came. Grandma was really dead. I really didn't know what to do. I was just a child. My heart is full of grief, but I don't know why the tears can't stay. Maybe that's courage. I have to be brave. Even if my grandma is gone, I have to face life bravely. I still have my grandpa. I must be brave. Even if I don't understand the importance of my relatives, I will bear it bravely.

In retrospect, perhaps that time was when I really understood courage and understood courage.

Looking up, the sun is very bright

That time I understood 600 words (20)

Will and destiny often run counter to each other, and determination will fall down in the end.


Difficulties, setbacks and blows are indispensable in one's life. Although the difficulties are annoying and stop your progress, you will know how timely those difficulties have come. When a person is blocked by setbacks and is about to be defeated, his fighting spirit is often most easily aroused. Because of these difficulties, you know how to be strong!

It was still in the sixth grade. A few days before a math Olympic competition exam, we had a pre exam training. I still remember the scene when the test paper was issued, and the harsh criticism still stirs in my mind. When the teacher gave me the test paper, he said to me sternly and loudly: "Yang Dunxi, you just scored so much in the exam and went to participate in the competition!" When I saw the score on the test paper, I was shocked. When I reflected, only the teacher's words were in my mind.

I looked at the teacher. She was still handing out the test paper, still expressionless. Some students are complacent about their good performance in the exam, while others are full of fighting spirit in their eyes... When the teacher finished saying those words, the students looked at me, and there was doubt in their eyes, disdain... Some students even asked the teacher for a replacement, because it might be a waste of places for me to participate in the competition.

At that time, my heart felt as if I had been stabbed by thousands of knives, and my confidence began to shake. After class, I found the teacher and said to replace me. The teacher became more angry and said loudly: I can't stand such a setback. You dare not go to the exam. How can you be a man in the future? That day, I felt depressed all day. Repeat that sentence all day long. I began to hate to be looked at like that. I adjusted my mind and reviewed carefully in order not to be despised by others... When the competition results came out, I won the first prize. At that time, I could not see their disdain in their expressions. The teacher said to me, "If I don't give you a blow, you will be useless..." She left, and her back and the words were engraved in my heart.

When I understood the meaning of the teacher's words, I had already entered junior high school.

The teacher's teaching method is really unique, she let me understand a word: strong!