600 words of junior high school composition for the Dragon Boat Festival (13 required)
Lifetime commitment
2023-11-15 03:11:17
junior middle school

600 words of composition for junior high school students during the Dragon Boat Festival (1)

"The fifth of May is the Dragon Boat Festival. Insert wormwood leaves, wear sachets, eat dumplings, remove sugar, and launch the dragon boat happily." I loved to sing this children's song when I was young. Because every time I sing this song, some eat and some play!

The day before the Dragon Boat Festival, everyone was busy making dumplings, and my family was no exception. On this day, Grandma is busy, and I am busy. Because my grandma is the best at making zongzi, and I am my grandma's heart meat, naturally I have to help instigate. Every time Grandma makes dumplings, she always holds the leaves in her left hand. First, she rolls the leaves into a hollow cone, then grabs the rice with her right hand and puts them into the hollow cone until they are full. Then Grandma wrapped the cone tightly with palm leaves. Finally, tie the leaves tightly with a coir grass. As for me, I was "commanding" on the side - this rice dumpling wrapped with preserved fruit, that brown rice dumpling wrapped with bacon... Grandma smiled and did as I said. After Grandma wrapped the rice dumplings, I would string the small brown rice dumplings in three, five, and ten places... Unfortunately, every time I didn't wait for Grandma to finish wrapping the brown rice dumplings, I fell asleep on the bench.

The next morning, Grandpa always called me to get up early and asked me to cut wormwood leaves from the ridge of the field with him and put them on the doors and windows, saying that they could repel mosquitoes and ward off evil spirits.

Of course, the breakfast is zongzi. When eating brown rice, I like to stick my chopsticks on the rice dumplings and dip them in sugar. Wow! The delicious dumplings are delicious. I can eat several at one time! In addition to brownies, there will be salted duck eggs, fresh eggs and mung bean cake bought by my mother from the supermarket on the table, which is enough for our family to enjoy!

After breakfast, Grandma would always wrap red, yellow, blue, white and black silk thread around my wrist, and I would not go out until I wore the colorful sachets she sewed herself.

Lunch was also very rich. In addition to meat dishes, there are also several kinds of dishes: tomatoes mixed with sugar, fried vegetables, cold carrots, braised shrimp, red watermelons. My mother said that these are "five reds".

I like the Dragon Boat Festival because my grandfather has endless interesting stories about it. During the Warring States Period, Wu Ziqing, the senior general of the State of Wu, dug the tomb and whipped the corpse, while Goujian, the king of Yue, practiced the navy; From Cao E, a martyr in the Eastern Han Dynasty, to Qu Yuan, a patriotic poet in the State of Chu... Grandpa really deserves to be a teacher. He said that his story can always let me hear about him!

I love Dragon Boat Festival. It makes me happy and mysterious.

600 words of junior high school composition for the Dragon Boat Festival (2)

Dragon Boat Festival is a traditional festival in China. It is said that this festival was handed down in ancient times. At that time, it was to commemorate the great poet Qu Yuan. Qu Yuan threw himself into the river because he was loyal to his country and loved his people. In order to prevent the fish in the river from destroying Qu Yuan's appearance, the local people started to wrap up palm seeds, and then threw them into the river so that the fish could eat them without damaging Qu Yuan's body. Therefore, people will make delicious zongzi to commemorate this day, and some places will race dragon boats, and some will hold zongzi competitions

On the Dragon Boat Festival, the custom here is to kill chickens, make dumplings and worship the gods. That morning, our whole family got up early to prepare the materials for making dumplings. When all kinds of preparations were done, we washed our hands and began to make dumplings. Grandma is a master at making zongzi. Many people ask Grandma to help them make zongzi at their home. After that, they will naturally send some to Grandma. As for me, I like dumplings best. I can't help but feel greedy when I see them. So I left the leaves at hand and ate delicious dumplings. This dumpling stuffed with lean meat and green onions is for eating. I ate it with a big mouth and soon solved several dumpling problems. "Hee hee..." Everyone covered their mouths and laughed. I was embarrassed at my loss, but I wondered why they were laughing at me? Finally, someone was willing to tell me the reason: "Look at you, big cat, eating all over your face." Then he gave me the paper towel, and I wiped it, but the paper towel was full of rice grains, and I could not help laughing.

Finally, we finished the dumplings. It was noon now. We quickly took the chicken and the dumplings we made to worship God. My grandmother and my mother closed their hands, knelt down, and talked a lot in gabble. After that, they burned paper money and went home to eat dumplings.

On this day, I had a very happy time because I could not only eat delicious brownies, but also hear the ancient legend of the origin of Baobrownies.

600 words of junior high school composition for the Dragon Boat Festival (3)

Today is the Dragon Boat Festival, an annual commemorative day in memory of the patriotic poet Qu Yuan.

Early in the morning, my mother and I went to Mingda to buy dumplings. I thought I came early, but unexpectedly, Mingda shopping has become a sea of people, and the people who came to buy dumplings are endless. My mother and I came to the area selling zongzi. There were all kinds of zongzi, including red dates, purple potatoes, and barbecued dumplings... I didn't know what flavor to buy when I saw so many kinds of zongzi. My mother also said that she was dazzled. At this time, an old woman came to me. She looked about sixty years old. She was medium height and fat. Her hair was almost white and her skin was very white. At first sight, she was a kind old lady. When she saw that my mother and I just looked at it but didn't buy it, she enthusiastically recommended to us the dumplings she thought were delicious, such as the ones with sweet dates, the ones with chestnut flavor, and the ones with purple potatoes, Finally, he said, "You can buy more kinds of rice dumplings. You can buy less and taste more of each one. You will know what kind of rice dumplings to buy next time." After listening to the words of the old granny, my mother and I sincerely thanked her, and then we each bought rice dumplings before saying goodbye.

When I returned home after buying dumplings, it was nearly eleven o'clock. I suddenly heard a "come on". When I came closer, my brother was in a paper dragon boat race. Soon, I folded another paper dragon boat and named it "Perfect". Then I went down the water and competed with my brother's paper dragon boat "Speed". Our two dragon boats were neck and neck. You won one game, and I won one game. There was no way to decide the outcome. So my brother and I finally discussed a plan, and the outcome was determined by one game. The competition began. At the beginning, I was far ahead, but I ran into both sides of the river. My brother caught up with me again, and it was almost the end. Our two boats were scrambling to win. At this time, my mother called out to eat dumplings, and we hurried to the table to eat dumplings.

The Dragon Boat Festival is really interesting.

600 words of junior high school composition for the Dragon Boat Festival (4)

"The fifth day of May is the Dragon Boat Festival, and the Dragon Boat Festival is on the fifth day of May..." Hearing this song, the happy Dragon Boat Festival is in front of us. While I was daydreaming, my grandma appeared with a plate of delicious dumplings.

traditional Chinese rice-pudding! Brown brown, yellow yellow, wearing a green leather jacket, suffused with a faint fragrance. How come the Dragon Boat Festival is short of dumplings! The custom of eating zongzi also starts with Qu Yuan: Qu Yuan, a great patriotic poet, jumped into the river for the sake of national grief and indignation, and ordinary people threw rice balls into the river to keep Qu Yuan's body. Now, the rice balls have evolved into delicious zongzi. Thinking, I took a bite of zongzi, which is really delicious! Zongzi is my favorite food. It is triangular in shape, small and cute. The best thing to see is its "green coat", which is wrapped with Ruo leaves. The fresh green will stimulate your appetite. Zongzi is also very "humanized". Its "meat" is yellow and brown, just like white people and black people. That's because Zongzi has different stuffing, just like people have different personalities. Different personalities match different skin, which is unique!

After eating delicious dumplings, I came to the river for a walk. The vast river is endless. It seemed that I saw Qu Yuan standing by the river in pain, as if I had witnessed the process of his jumping into the river, as if I understood his mind, which made me awestruck. Yes, "Where is the patriotic Qu Yuan's body? People celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival for him". This gave me a new understanding of the Dragon Boat Festival and a new concept of "patriotism". In fact, the customs of eating zongzi, dragon boat racing, hanging wormwood, hanging sachets, and eating five yellow herbs on the Dragon Boat Festival are patriotic and are all inheriting Chinese culture. Our Dragon Boat Festival is to promote patriotism, not the so-called "small holiday", but people are about to forget these traditional Chinese cultures

Why don't we think about Qu Yuan while eating rice dumplings? Looking at the dragon boat, I can't help shouting "Come on" - yes, as a descendant of the dragon, we should preserve the traditional culture of the motherland!

600 words of junior high school composition of the Dragon Boat Festival (5)

The Chinese culture is extensive and profound, and the folk traditional festivals with many drills are as bright and dazzling as the stars in the sky; Like a river, it criss crossing. But I think the most "beautiful" festival is the Dragon Boat Festival! Legend has it that the Dragon Boat Festival was formed in this way. Qu Yuan was a minister of the King of Chu in the Spring and Autumn Period. He advocated to give merit and power, enrich the country and strengthen the army, and strongly advocated to unite Qi against Qin, but was strongly opposed by aristocrat Zi Lan and others. Qu Yuan was greedy to leave his post, and was expelled from the capital and exiled to the Yuan and Xiang River basins. In exile, he first wrote immortal poems such as Li Sao, Tianwen and Jiu Ge, which were concerned about the country and the people, and had a unique style and far-reaching influence (therefore, the Dragon Boat Festival is also known as the Poet's Day). 278 years before the park, the Qin army broke through the capital of Chu. Qu Yuan saw his motherland was invaded, and his heart was cut with a knife, but he could not bear to abandon his motherland. On May 5, after writing his final work Huaisha, he threw himself into the Guluo River and died, and wrote a magnificent patriotic movement with his own life. Later, in memory of the patriotic poet Qu Yuan, the people of the State of Chu customized the Dragon Boat Festival on May 5. Dragon boat racing is one of the main customs of the Dragon Boat Festival. Chu people were reluctant to leave Qu Yuan, so many people rowed boats to catch up and save them. They scrambled to catch up with each other and disappeared when they reached Dongting Lake. After that, on the fifth day of May every month, they rowed dragon boats to commemorate Qu Yuan. Scatter the fish in the river by rowing a dragon boat to prevent the fish from eating Qu Yuan's body. The practice of racing is prevailing in Wu, Yue and Chu. Eating zongzi on the Dragon Boat Festival is also an indispensable custom. Zongzi, also known as "corn millet", "cylindrical rice dumplings". It has a long history and various patterns. As early as in the Spring and Autumn Period, millet was wrapped with wild rice leaves (Zizania latifolia) into horns, called "corns"; The rice is sealed and roasted in a bamboo tube, which is called "tube brown". In the late Eastern Han Dynasty, the millet was soaked in plant ash water. Because the water contained alkali, the millet was wrapped in wild rice leaves to form a quadrangle, cooked, and then made into Guangdong alkaline water dumplings.

Look! This is the Dragon Boat Festival. How "beautiful" it is! I love the Dragon Boat Festival in my hometown!

600 words of composition for junior high school students during the Dragon Boat Festival (6)

There are so many traditional cultures in China! Even foreigners say that China's traditional culture is "quack quack". Then, let me introduce our traditional culture - the Dragon Boat Festival!

The Dragon Boat Festival came to commemorate Qu Yuan, a great patriotic poet in China. Qu Yuan grew up in the State of Chu. At that time, the King of Chu was ignorant, which made the State of Chu face extinction. Therefore, Qu Yuan was very angry and threw himself into the river with a big stone. In order to prevent the fish in the river and the legendary dragon from eating Qu Yuan's body, people went home to make dumplings and boiled salted duck eggs to throw into the river, so that the fish and dragon in the river could eat dumplings and salted duck eggs instead of Qu Yuan's body.

This year's Dragon Boat Festival, people still want to wrap dumplings in memory of Qu Yuan as usual. I said to my mother, "Mom, let's also make dumplings to commemorate Qu Yuan!" My mother said, "OK!" "Yeah!" I danced happily. Then my mother took me to the supermarket by taxi. I bought some glutinous rice and white granulated sugar in the supermarket. Then I went to the food market and bought some zongzi leaves for making zongzi.

When I got home, my mother told me the procedure of making dumplings. She said, first, soak the glutinous rice in a basin, and then told me to soak it for one to two hours; Then wash the leaves and soak them for a while. After soaking, put the leaves into a hot pot and boil them. Finally, fold the Zongye into a funnel shape, put the soaked glutinous rice in it, and be sure to fill it. Then bind the rice dumplings with cotton thread to prevent them from spreading, and the rice dumplings will be wrapped. At this time, boil a pot of hot water, put the wrapped dumplings into the pot, and then you can eat them.

After a few hours, a plate of delicious dumplings was freshly baked. Looking at the rice dumplings, my saliva was all flowing out, so I ate them greedily.

In this way, the Dragon Boat Festival has become the traditional custom of our Chinese nation, and zongzi has also become a traditional food passed down!

600 words of composition for junior high school students during the Dragon Boat Festival (7 words)

Two days ago, Dalian had been rainy and cloudy, and the sun had not been exposed. It was a sunny day yesterday.

Today, when I came home from cram school, I walked carelessly with my head down, and suddenly saw a cut colored rope lying on the ground. According to analysis and judgment, it should have been a small pond a while ago. (On the first rainy day after the Dragon Boat Festival, you should take off the colored rope on your hand and throw it into the water pond. It's a custom!) It suddenly came to mind. The Dragon Boat Festival has passed for a long time. Looking at the lonely colored rope on the ground, I can't help thinking of Grandma.

I spent most of my primary school life with my grandparents. At that time, I was so innocent, and the days were so warm.

At that time, the night before the Dragon Boat Festival, Grandma would hold me in her arms. I could clearly feel her temperature and the love flowing in her blood. I listened quietly to Grandma's slight gasp and watched her magically twist ordinary colored ropes together into beautiful knots. Then she will hold my little hand with her big hand, and carefully tie the colored rope on my wrist and ankle. I clearly remember that her big hands are so warm, but so rough. At that time, I would ask my grandmother naively why she didn't protect her hands. Grandma just smiled and didn't answer. When I think about it now, I know that it is the imprint of time on Grandma's hand and the witness of her countless ups and downs. After tying it, Grandma always looks at it carefully, as if she is appreciating her masterpiece. And what kind of eyes it is! Like the gentle wind caressing the tender willows in March; Moonlight's attachment to bamboo in autumn. It is also like the 'moisture' of dew to grass in the morning sun; The sunset reflects the water in the twilight. Grandma's clear eyes were full of love for me.

So far, that feeling is still very real. As if I could feel Grandma's temperature and eyes.

Only later, I returned to Dalian and my mother. Her work is always so busy that she has no time to take into account the arrival of the festival, let alone tie colored ropes for me.

I have passed several neglected Dragon Boat Festival. I was used to the festival without colored ropes. But when I see my classmates with colorful colored ropes, I will ignore them and say they are just children's things. But in my heart, I still think of my grandma and the colorful ropes woven with love during the Dragon Boat Festival in my childhood.

600 words of composition for junior high school students during the Dragon Boat Festival (8)

The Dragon Boat Festival originates from the story of Qu Yuan: the patriotic poet Qu Yuan came up with a good idea to enrich the country and strengthen the people, but it was not adopted by the king, and instead was expelled from the palace. He was so angry that he jumped down the Miluo River. Local fishermen rowed boats to sprinkle rice from bamboo tubes into the Miluo River to Qu Yuan. Later, people changed rice filled with bamboo tubes into zongzi and rowed boats into dragon boat races to commemorate Qu Yuan. We celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival every year in memory of the patriotic poet Qu Yuan. Our family all admire Qu Yuan very much, so we celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival every year.

The traditional custom of the Dragon Boat Festival is to eat zongzi. Therefore, our family has a real expert in making dumplings - my mother. So every year during the Dragon Boat Festival, our family can eat a lot of zongzi. My mother often said: the most fragrant dumplings are made with reed leaves. Therefore, she uses reed leaves to make dumplings. Before she made dumplings, she made preparations: put the leaves of reeds in water, boil them, wash the prepared glutinous rice and dates, and then the preparations were ready. When the leaves of the reed cooled, she began to make dumplings. She first took three leaves, put two leaves in front of each other, and put one in the middle. She rolled the three leaves into the shape of a round pheasant. Then she put glutinous rice in it, and a few dates in the middle. Finally, she tied the leaves with string, and wrapped a rice dumpling. She wrapped it fat and big, like an old Buddhist sleeping. After she has wrapped the dumplings, she will steam them in a pressure cooker for forty minutes, and then put them for three or four hours to make them taste delicious. Then you can eat them! Although the raw materials of the dumplings made by my mother are extremely simple, the dumplings made by my mother are delicious. As long as you smell the fragrance, it will arouse your appetite; As long as there are zongzi in front of your table, you will eat them with a big mouth. So, whenever I eat rice dumplings, I always eat a lot. Maybe it's because rice dumplings are too good for my taste! Speaking of meeting my taste, I don't know what "secret" my mother has when making dumplings. Every time, the dumplings are always delicious. It's appetizing and makes people want to eat a lot.

In addition to eating rice dumplings, dragon boat racing is also a must for the Dragon Boat Festival!

What I like most is the dragon boat race. Dozens of sailors hold oars in their hands and row with all their hands. The drum beating sailors are very energetic and beat regular drums. "Come on, come on!", the cheering team on the sidelines was full of passion, making thunderous cheers, shouts and cheers, which forced the sailors to row harder. The whole dragon boat racing scene is so spectacular and intense that it can be said to be unique and is a traditional symbol of the Dragon Boat Festival.

Eating zongzi and racing dragon boats, these two traditional customs, together weave a lively Dragon Boat Festival.

600 words of composition for junior high school students during the Dragon Boat Festival (9 words)

In the daily study, work or life, when it comes to composition, everyone must be familiar with it. According to different genres, composition can be divided into narrative, expository, practical and argumentative. So how do you write a general composition? The following is a 600 word composition of junior high school students on the Dragon Boat Festival. We welcome you to use it for reference and hope it will be helpful to you.

The Dragon Boat Festival is one of the four traditional festivals in China. It has a lot of traditional customs, and many people are familiar with it, such as making dumplings, racing dragon boats, hanging wormwood, etc. These are familiar customs. The origin of the Dragon Boat Festival is also familiar to everyone. We cherish the memory of Qu Yuan, a patriotic poet of the national generation, and thus derive such a festival, In this day, we should be more substantial.

I always remember that every year on the Dragon Boat Festival, our family is quite busy, because grandparents live with us, uncles and aunts will come to our house and have a meal all the time. When I was young, I always have many questions, and will ask my mother a lot of questions. I also ask my mother how to make dumplings, and then my mother will explain to me, I am very active in this respect. The most happy thing I did on the Dragon Boat Festival was to make dumplings with my mother. I think it is very necessary. I really felt very full on the Dragon Boat Festival. I learned to make dumplings slowly. In this process, I really felt the significance of the Dragon Boat Festival.

Usually in the morning, we get up early. In the process, I really feel very full. My mother and I are happy to make dumplings at home. Then at noon, my uncle and aunt will come to our home. We seldom get together all year round, so I feel this opportunity is very precious, So this time of the festival, I really think this aspect is still very meaningful. I am very happy on the Dragon Boat Festival. At this time of the year, the lively atmosphere in our home is very good.

This year's Dragon Boat Festival will come soon. I am very looking forward to it. I heard that there will be a dragon boat race in our county. I am very looking forward to it now. It will be a sea of people. There will be a lot of people coming to see it. I am also looking forward to our family getting together and chatting with our aunts and uncles this year, This is a time when I feel very warm all year round.

600 words (10 words) of junior high school composition for the Dragon Boat Festival

Dragon boat racing is a traditional culture in China. Dragon boat races are held every year on the Dragon Boat Festival.

On the Dragon Boat Festival, I went to the Ethnic Culture Village to see the dragon boat race.

Each dragon boat has many contestants and many dragon boats. The dragon boat stopped at the starting line, and the athletes were sitting on the dragon boat to rest.

After a while, only one person whistled, and all the dragon boats moved forward quickly. One player in each dragon boat played drums in front to cheer for the players behind. Other players raised their oars behind and rowed the dragon boat forward desperately.

I see that each dragon boat has its own color. The similarity of dragon boats is that they are all like a dragon, with a dragon head and a dragon tail. They are really beautiful! There is a dragon boat which is dark red and carved with exquisite patterns. There is a dragon boat that is sky blue, and there are many beautiful patterns on it. One beautiful white swan is carved on the dragon boat, glittering. One dragon boat is brown. This dragon boat is really different. Other dragon boats have a pattern to decorate themselves, but this dragon boat has no pattern at all. It is just an ordinary dragon boat. The dragon boat is made of wood. Another dragon boat is orange. This dragon boat is made of small dots, which are exquisite and beautiful!

At first, the dark red dragon boat was far away. The orange dragon boat came second. But then the brown dragon boat, somehow, seemed to have a powerful force with the brown dragon boat. The players on the brown dragon boat rowed hard and reached the first place. However, although their dragon boat had reached the first place, they were still not proud and rowed fast. No other dragon boat can catch up with the brown one.

Finally, the brown dragon boat reached the end. The second is the sky blue dragon boat, the third is the crimson dragon boat, and the fourth is the orange dragon boat.

This is the wonderful dragon boat race! I like the dragon boat race in our traditional culture very much!

600 words (11) in the composition for junior high school students during the Dragon Boat Festival

Students, do you know the Dragon Boat Festival? What are the activities of the Dragon Boat Festival? Right! There are dragon boat racing, eating rice dumplings, drinking realgar wine and other activities, among which the most grand activity is dragon boat racing.

Dragon boat racing is an important activity of the Dragon Boat Festival, which is very popular in China. It was originally regarded as a sacrificial activity for the ancient Yue people to sacrifice water gods or dragon gods. Dragon boat racing is a traditional Chinese folk water sports entertainment, and it is an activity of collective rowing competition. According to historical records, the dragon boat race was launched to commemorate the patriotic poet Qu Yuan. It can be seen that dragon boat racing is not only a kind of sports and entertainment, but also reflects the patriotism and collectivism spirit in people's hearts.

On the day of Dragon Boat Festival, the dragon boat race was held in Wanjiang River of our hometown. Colorful flags are flying everywhere on the river bank. People watching the dragon boat race are really crowded. People are cheering and applauding. At the sound of the gunshot, a dozen dragon boats flew on the water like arrows leaving the string, and they were chasing each other. We will not yield to each other. The commander of each dragon boat stood at the bow, waving sunflower fans in his hands and beating his feet constantly with the sonorous, rhythmic and melodious sound of gongs and drums. The oarsman tried his best, and the wooden oars danced up and down in neat and consistent movements. The drummers were also cheering.

Watching the dragon boat race, every dragon boat affects the hearts of millions of spectators. My heart is like the waves in the sea rising and falling, excited. Look, there is a dragon boat far away. It has become the leader of the dragons and finally won the championship. At that time, thunderous applause and cheers resounded all over the rivers.

In this way, the dragon boat race ended in a happy atmosphere, but the exciting sound of gongs and drums still reverberated in my ears

600 words (12) in the composition for junior high school students during the Dragon Boat Festival

Looking forward to the stars, looking forward to the moon, the Dragon Boat Festival has finally arrived, and the whole family is busy making dumplings. The morning before yesterday, my mother and grandma took out the soaked glutinous rice, washed the leaves of zongzi, and prepared to start making zongzi.

I never made zongzi, so I said to my mother, "Mom, I can't make zongzi, can you teach me I followed my mother and folded the leaves into a funnel.

"Then put in glutinous rice, but don't put it too full. If you like to eat red zongzi, you can put one or two small red dates in it."

"Before sealing, sprinkle some water on the glutinous rice, and then cover the rest of the zongzi leaves on the big mouth of the funnel. Now the zongzi has become a triangular cone, and then wrap the zongzi tightly with the rest of the zongzi leaves. Finally, tie the zongzi tightly with rope or Malan leaves." This step is very critical, simple to say, but difficult to do. The small zongzi leaf is very "naughty". It just doesn't listen to me and "teases" me for a long time. When I wanted to wrap the dumplings tightly, there was always rice leaking out, which made me cry out angrily. Finally, under my mother's guidance, I finally wrapped a dumplings with great efforts. Although the shape doesn't look very beautiful, this is the one I packed.

Next, start cooking dumplings. First place the dumplings in the pot neatly, press the pot curtain on the dumplings, and then put a basin of water on the pot curtain. Finally, pour water along the side of the pot, boil it for 40 minutes, and the delicious dumplings will come out of the pot.

On the morning of the Dragon Boat Festival, my mother tied a multicolored line to me, and told me not to break or discard it at will, but only when it rained the first time after the Dragon Boat Festival. My mother also told me the origin of the colorful line, which symbolizes the colorful dragon, and can subdue ghosts and take away all diseases. We also planted wormwood at the door and hung paper gourds. The family was full of festive atmosphere.

After all this work in the morning, today's protagonist, Zongzi, finally came on the scene! The white rice dumplings dipped with white sugar are really fragrant and sweet, soft and sticky, delicious.

On the fifth of May, it is Duanyang. The door is filled with wormwood. Eating zongzi, sprinkling sugar, and launching the dragon boat happily

600 words (13) of junior high school composition for the Dragon Boat Festival

The pomegranates are blooming and the Ruo leaves are fragrant. The skillful old women in the vegetable market have already arranged their own dumplings. Looking at these small and exquisite dumplings, I think of the Dragon Boat Festival two years ago.

On that day, Grandma prepared Ruo Ye, glutinous rice and silk thread early, and the family sat together, making Zongzi while chatting. I volunteered to say, "Let me make dumplings, too!" Then I ran to Grandma and sat down. I learned from her. I picked up a piece of Ruo leaf and gently turned it over, folded it into a cone, put in rice, and then folded the extra Ruo leaf over to cover the rice grains. As a result, some rice grains ran out from the inside. I quickly took another Ruo leaf to wrap it, but the rice grain did not obey me at all and ran out from the other side, so I had to take another Ruo leaf to wrap it?? In this way, my zongzi became the "king of zongzi". Finally, I tied it tightly with silk thread. Holding this super fat "Zongzi King", I was puzzled: "Who invented this angular and fragrant Zongzi?" My father told me: "The Dragon Boat Festival is a traditional festival in China, in memory of our ancient patriotic poet Qu Yuan. It is said that Qu Yuan threw himself into the river on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month. People rowed to save him, but failed to find his body, so they had to throw rice and other things into the water to pay homage to him. Later, I wrapped the rice with Ruo leaves and threw it into the water. It was made into a diamond shape to prevent fish and shrimp from eating it. Therefore, on the Dragon Boat Festival, people make dumplings, race dragon boats, drink realgar wine, and wear sachets?? These customs have been handed down to this day! " "Oh, there is such a beautiful legend about the Dragon Boat Festival. Today we should wrap more dumplings!" I said.

It's the Dragon Boat Festival again. I think my elderly grandmother must have wrapped dumplings at the door to look forward to our arrival. I have grown up and will never make "Zongzi King" as mischievously as that year, but the Dragon Boat Festival that year left a deep impression on me.