I want to be the monitor Composition (13 in the collection)
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2023-10-23 04:48:23

I want to be the monitor Composition (1)

I want to be a monitor of discipline, which is my constant wish! First, let's talk about my advantages and disadvantages. The disadvantage is that my voice is low and my body is thin, which makes people feel that I am weak. In fact, this is my advantage. I think that class management is not about the voice and size, but about the "reason". I will not make noise to my classmates at work, nor will I lightly remember their names, which will make them lose face. But when I should, I would also have a good talk with some students with poor discipline.

I will also humbly accept my classmates' opinions and suggestions. If I become a discipline monitor, I have an idea that I will design three tables: personal discipline table, master and apprentice discipline table, and group discipline table. The content of the evaluation table is divided into: in class, out of class, in classroom, outside classroom and others. As long as everyone performs well in these aspects, I will line them to draw a flower, otherwise draw grass. This is the personal discipline evaluation table. In the comparison table of master and apprentice discipline, if the apprentice has made great progress with the help of the master, I will draw a smiling face for them, otherwise I will draw a crying face. The group discipline evaluation table. If the group abides by the discipline together under the leadership of the group leader, I will draw a shining star for the group, otherwise I will draw a baked cake.

Every Friday, I will summarize the three tables and select excellent individuals, excellent teachers and students and excellent teams. At the end of the month, on the basis of these four weeks, I will select Disciplinary Star individuals, Disciplinary Star masters and apprentices, and Disciplinary Star teams. I will ask the teacher to send a text message to your parents, and I will also give gifts to the students who have performed well to thank them for their support for my work. Class discipline is jointly maintained by all of us, and I just play a role in urging. When you forget to obey discipline, I will come to your side and hope you can understand and support me. When I ignore your excellent performance, you are welcome to tell me, and I will paint you a flower or a smiling face.

Students, discipline is the first guarantee for the quality of a group. Only with good discipline can others be outstanding. We are already in the second semester of the fifth grade. We have only been in the experiment for 12 months. Let's cherish this precious time, spread our wings and fly together. Each became the leader of the Fifth and Sixth Squadron. Each is a glorious card of our own, class, teachers, parents and the second experiment.

I want to be the monitor Composition (2)

Good teacher, good students, I want to run for the election as monitor!

First of all, I want to introduce my specialty: I love learning, and my academic performance is also very good. I played well in Go, and I won the seventh place in the city's Go competition. I won the second level certificate in the provincial Go competition. I also passed the third level in vocal music, and won the championship of 150 meters and 300 meters in roller skating. The headmaster also rewarded me with 200 yuan in cash. I have learned Latin dance for more than a year, and now I can dance three kinds of dances. My composition is also good. I have learned composition for almost two years. Now I have composition class with my sophomore classmates. I also learned the second grade course of Olympic math. I like learning Olympic math best. My goal in junior high school is to be admitted to the High School Attached to Harbin Institute of Technology. Last year, I also participated in the fifth provincial eloquence and host contest, and won the first prize of the province.

I love working, I love helping my classmates, and I don't fight with them. I have a shortcoming. I like to talk in class. I have realized my mistakes and decided to correct them. Please supervise me.

When I become the monitor, I will serve the students wholeheartedly, fight for honor for the class, and be a little helper of the teacher. Please give me a chance to exercise. I am confident that I will be a good monitor!

I want to be the monitor Composition (3)

Today, Mr. Zhang wants to re elect class cadres. I'm not a cadre now. I've decided to be a monitor!

I will manage myself well and try my best to fulfill my responsibilities. I hope everyone will support me!

1、 I should take good care of the discipline in the class. Even if the teacher is not here, I will try to make the students quiet and do their homework. I must study at any time. There are also clever ways to deal with children who like fighting.

2、 I want to help the students in the class learn. If someone can't answer some questions, I won't tell him the answers directly. Tell him, remind him, and he will naturally come up with the answers.

3、 If a classmate is injured, I will go forward to help him up and greet him. If he is seriously injured, I will first tell the teacher, then help him to go to the clinic to check the situation, and then return to class.

4、 I will help the teacher to do things, such as reporting homework, and I will carry out the tasks assigned to me by the teacher immediately! Especially for cleaning, I will concentrate on sweeping and mopping the floor.

5、 I will organize some activities in my class. My good friends and parents and I have founded the "Family Education Association" and organized activities such as field warfare, picnic, flea market, etc.

The above is my contribution to the class. My learning is also good. My sense of time is also improving. I don't forget to bring things. I can manage myself and manage everyone without affecting my learning! I hope you will support me!

I want to be the monitor Composition (4)

If I want to run for monitor again, I will definitely participate. But the campaign monitor needs a speech. My speech is like this: Dear teachers, dear students, hello! Today I want to run for the monitor, because I want to do something within my power for the class.

If I run for the monitor, I will work hard: tutoring the students whose academic performance is not ideal, so that they can have confidence and make progress and work together with us;

I will go to the hospital to visit the sick students, tell them about the lesson we have today, and encourage them to learn although it is important, but their health is also important.

Don't wear yourself out to study;

I will say to the students who don't listen carefully in class, make small movements and wander: "Why are you not good at class?

Now learning is almost free. If you don't listen again, it will not only waste national resources, but also waste your time. It will cost a lot of money to ask a tutor and go outside for training. If you don't listen now, you will be late. Your memory is not as good as it is now. " Let them realize their mistakes and stop talking empty words in class.

If I become the monitor, I will get along well with my classmates and become a good assistant of teachers

If I didn't become the monitor, I wouldn't lose heart because I gave other students a chance to exercise themselves. The next election monitor can still see my figure.

I want to be the monitor Composition (5)

If I want to run for monitor again, I will definitely participate. But the campaign monitor must have a speech. My speech is like this: Dear teacher, dear classmates, hello! Today I want to run for the monitor, because I want to do something within my power for the class.

If I can run for the monitor, I will work hard: tutoring the students whose academic performance is not ideal, so that they can have confidence to make progress and work together with us; I will go to the hospital to visit the sick students, tell them about the lesson we have today, and encourage them to learn although it is important, but their health is also important. Don't wear yourself out to study; I will say to students who don't listen carefully, make small movements and wander in class: "Why are you not good at class? Now learning is almost free. If you don't listen again, it will not only waste national resources, but also waste your time. It will cost a lot of money to ask for tutoring and go outside for training. If you don't listen now, it will be late to listen, and your memory is not as good as it is now." Let them realize their mistakes and stop talking empty words in class.

If I become the monitor, I will get along well with my classmates and become a good assistant of the teacher

If I didn't become the monitor, I wouldn't lose heart because I gave other students a chance to exercise themselves. The next election monitor can still see my figure.

I want to be the monitor Composition (6)

If I want to run for monitor again, I will definitely participate. But the campaign monitor must have a speech. My speech is like this: Dear teacher, dear classmates, hello! Today I want to run for the monitor, because I want to do something within my power for the class.

If I run for the monitor, I will work hard: tutoring the students whose academic performance is not ideal, so that they can have confidence and make progress and work together with us; For the sick students, I will go to the hospital to visit them, tell them about the lesson we have today, and encourage them to learn although it is important, but their health is also important. Don't strain yourself for study; I will say to the students who don't listen carefully in class, make small movements and wander: "Why are you not good at class? Now learning is almost free. If you don't listen again, it will not only waste national resources, but also waste your time. It will cost a lot of money to ask for tutoring and training outside. If you don't listen now, it will be late to listen, and your memory is not as good as it is now." Let them realize their mistakes and stop talking empty words in class.

If I become the monitor, I will get along well with my classmates and become a good assistant of the teacher

If I didn't become the monitor, I wouldn't lose heart because I gave other students a chance to exercise themselves. The next election monitor can still see my figure.

I want to be the monitor Composition (7)

Dear teachers and students

hello everyone.

Standing here today, I want to run for the position of monitor. I know that the monitor is the leader of a class and has a great responsibility. He should lead the class forward bravely. I know that I am one of many ordinary people, not as dazzling as the stars, but I have boiling blood in my heart, enough to make myself a unique star.

There are many excellent students in the class, but I have experience as a monitor. After only a few years of experience, I understand that the best way to manage classes is not to threaten them by copying texts, but to communicate with their hearts and let them follow our advice. As the saying goes, "Every inch has its own shortcomings.". My shortcoming is that I don't speak actively in class, and I am grumpy. But I will accept everyone's opinions and criticisms in the future, try to correct them, and make everyone convinced of me. If I served as the monitor, I would seriously manage the class to make our class more excellent. If I am not recognized by my classmates, it must be because I do not have enough ability, but I will not lose heart and will work harder.

Finally, please vote for me. Thank you.

I want to be the monitor Composition (8)

Today, Head Teacher Zhang will re elect class cadres. I'm not a cadre now. I've decided to be a monitor!

I will manage myself well and try my best to fulfill my responsibilities. I hope you will support me!

1、 I should take good care of the discipline in the class. Even if the head teacher is not in, I will try to make the students quiet and do their homework. I will study at any time. There are also clever ways to deal with children who like fighting.

2、 I want to help the students in the class learn. If someone can't answer some questions, I won't tell him the answers directly. Tell him, remind him, and he will naturally come up with the answers.

3、 If a classmate is injured, I will go forward to help him up and greet him. If he is seriously injured, I will first tell the head teacher, and then help him to the clinic to check the situation, and then return to class.

4、 I will help the head teacher to do things, such as reporting homework. The head teacher assigns me tasks, and I will implement them immediately! Especially for cleaning, I will concentrate on sweeping and mopping the floor.

5、 I will organize some activities in my class. My good friends and parents and I have founded the "Family Education Association" and organized activities such as field warfare, picnic, flea market, etc.

The above is my contribution to the class. My learning is also good. My sense of time is also improving. I don't forget to bring things. I can manage myself and manage everyone without affecting my learning! I hope you will support me!

I want to be the monitor Composition (9)

Today I'm running for the position of monitor.

Once a famous person said: If I were a dewdrop, I could refract the brightness of the sun; If I were a green leaf, I could set off the vitality of the earth. I would like to be a dew, I would like to be a green leaf, which can reflect the vitality of Class 3 (2)!

From being a nobody, childish and ridiculous to standing here now, the class has given me many opportunities to display my talents: from self-study discipline management to team activity program hosting; From the distribution of language and math books to helping students learn; From winning the school story telling contest to winning the Olympic math contest... time after time of training, let me understand this truth: pressure can generate power, opportunities and challenges coexist! It is the class that makes me grow faster! Please allow me to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt thanks to all of you!

My mother told me that class is a microcosm of society. I quite agree with this view. If the society needs everyone's care and love, then it is every student's bounden duty to care for the class! Then the monitor is the person who urges students to fulfill this responsibility.

I want to be the monitor Composition (10)

I want to be a monitor. Since the first grade, I have a wish to be a monitor. However, five semesters have passed, and I have never been one. Now, it is the sixth semester, I must strive to become monitor!

In the past, I was a monitor on duty except for being a group leader. The uncle said, "The monitor on duty is almost the same as the monitor, just two words more!" But I think the monitor on duty and the monitor are not two words apart! The monitor does much more than the monitor on duty!

Every time when the school broadcast what the monitor of each class was invited to do, I always thought, I wish I were the monitor.

It's my honor to serve my classmates and teachers!

If I become a monitor, I will be more serious in class and study harder. I will strive to be excellent in all aspects, strive to be a hopeful teenager, and become a good example for students and a good helper for teachers. In addition, I will strengthen my English level and sports level, and become a good teenager with all-round development and healthy progress.

If there is still a gap between my name and that of the monitor in some places, please ask teachers and classmates for advice. I will accept it modestly and correct it seriously.

Students, please vote for me!

I want to be the monitor Composition (11)

As the core figure of a class, the monitor should have the ability to command the overall situation. I believe that I am qualified. Secondly, I have a strong ability to cope with emergencies. Minimize conflicts and losses. Thirdly, I have a very good relationship with my classmates, which is very helpful to my work after I was elected monitor. Finally, I believe that I will not care about my own gains and losses for the overall interests of the class, and everything is collective.

If, this time, I was elected the monitor. I will study harder, drive the learning passion of the whole class with my own learning enthusiasm, and be a good student with excellent character and learning. As a little assistant to teachers, Mr. Zhang built a rainbow bridge between teachers and students to let teachers and students communicate with each other. I will "think what my classmates think. Be anxious about what my classmates think". Between students and teachers, I will adhere to principles, distinguish right from wrong, promote democratic style, accept students' opinions, and avoid autocracy. My class program is "helping each other in the same boat, making friendship and making progress together"

Students, primary school life is beautiful and unforgettable. I hope I can be elected as the monitor to lead you to learn and progress together. In the warm friendship, we learn and grow!

I want to be the monitor Composition (12)

I want to be the monitor Composition 1

I want to be a monitor. Since the first grade, I have a wish to be a monitor. However, five semesters have passed, and I have never been one. Now, it is the sixth semester, I must strive to become monitor!

In the past, except for being a group leader, I was always the monitor on duty. The uncle said, "The monitor on duty is almost the same as the monitor, just two words more!" But I think the monitor on duty and the monitor are not two words apart! The monitor does much more than the monitor on duty!

Every time when the school broadcast what the monitor of each class was invited to do, I always thought, I wish I were the monitor.

It's my honor to serve my classmates and teachers!

If I become the monitor, I will be more serious in class and study harder. I will strive for excellence in all aspects, strive to be a hopeful teenager, and become a good example for students and a good helper for teachers. In addition, I will strengthen my English level and sports level, and become a good teenager with all-round development and healthy progress.

If there is still a gap between my name and that of the monitor in some places, please ask teachers and classmates for advice. I will accept it with an open mind and correct it seriously.

Students, please vote for me!

I want to be the monitor Composition 2

If I want to run for monitor again, I will definitely participate. But the campaign monitor must have a speech. My speech is like this: Dear teacher, dear classmates, hello! Today I want to run for the monitor, because I want to do something within my power for the class.

If I run for the monitor, I will work hard: tutoring the students whose academic performance is not ideal, so that they can have confidence and make progress and work together with us;

I will go to the hospital to visit the sick students, tell them about the lesson we have today, and encourage them to learn although it is important, but their health is also important.

Don't wear yourself out to study;

I will say to the students who don't listen carefully in class, make small movements and wander: "Why are you not good at class?

Now learning is almost free. If you don't listen again, it will not only waste national resources, but also waste your time. It will cost a lot of money to ask a tutor and go outside for training. If you don't listen now, you will be late. Your memory is not as good as it is now. " Let them realize their mistakes and stop talking empty words in class.

If I become the monitor, I will get along well with my classmates and become a good assistant of the teacher

If I didn't become the monitor, I wouldn't lose heart because I gave other students a chance to exercise themselves. The next election monitor can still see my figure.

I want to be the monitor Composition (13)

Good teacher, good students, I want to run for the election as monitor!

First of all, I want to introduce my specialty: I love learning, and my academic performance is also very good. I played well in Go, and I won the seventh place in the city's Go competition. I won the second level certificate in the provincial Go competition. I also passed the third level in vocal music, and won the championship of 150 meters and 300 meters in roller skating. The headmaster also rewarded me with 200 yuan in cash. I have learned Latin dance for more than a year, and now I can dance three kinds of dances. My composition is also good. I have learned composition for almost two years. Now I have composition class with my sophomore classmates. I also learned the second grade course of Olympic math. I like learning Olympic math best. My goal in junior high school is to be admitted to the High School Attached to Harbin Institute of Technology. Last year, I also participated in the fifth provincial eloquence and host contest, and won the first prize of the province.

I love working, I love helping my classmates, and I don't fight with them. I have a shortcoming. I like to talk in class. I have realized my mistakes and decided to correct them. Please supervise me.

When I become the monitor, I will serve the students wholeheartedly, fight for honor for the class, and be a little helper of the teacher. Please give me a chance to exercise. I am confident that I will be a good monitor!

I'm going to be the monitor 550 words of composition

If I want to run for monitor again, I will definitely participate. But the campaign monitor must have a speech. My speech is like this: Dear teacher, dear classmates, hello! Today I want to run for the monitor, because I want to do something within my power for the class.

If I run for the monitor, I will work hard: tutoring the students whose academic performance is not ideal, so that they can have confidence and make progress and work together with us; I will go to the hospital to visit the sick students, tell them about the lesson we have today, and encourage them to learn although it is important, but their health is also important. Don't wear yourself out to study; I will say to students who don't listen carefully, make small movements and wander in class: "Why are you not good at class? Now learning is almost free. If you don't listen again, it will not only waste national resources, but also waste your time. It will cost a lot of money to ask for tutoring and go outside for training. If you don't listen now, it will be late to listen, and your memory is not as good as it is now." Let them realize their mistakes and stop talking empty words in class.

If I become the monitor, I will get along well with my classmates and become a good assistant of the teacher

If I didn't become the monitor, I wouldn't lose heart because I gave other students a chance to exercise themselves. The next election monitor can still see my figure.

I'm going to be the monitor 550 words of composition

If I were the monitor, I would like to be a "little scalper", diligent, hardworking, think what you think, hurry what you want, and serve you wholeheartedly! I hope I can lead you to get more stars in the four competitions in school without deduction of points; Try to make every student keep pace in learning; Let all the teachers who teach the class really feel that the orderly class management from Class 3 (2), the serious and lively learning atmosphere, and the vigorous spirit look.

If I am elected monitor, I will work with my teacher to set up a suitable post for each student, so that everyone in the class can do something. I will arrange time every week to listen to your criticisms and suggestions and constantly improve the working methods. I think as long as 55 people in Class 3 (2) think about one thing and work hard in one place, what else will fail?

If I am elected monitor, I will lead everyone to take due responsibility for the class and at the same time contribute love to their parents and neighbors. I will take the class as a place to cultivate responsibility, and let each student's good behavior radiate to the family and society!

"The train runs fast, and it depends on the locomotive"! If I am elected monitor, I would like to be a small cadre who can take the lead in everything and set an example in my daily life. Teach good habits and methods to students and drive them to march forward together! Be a good student in the eyes of teachers, a good child in the hearts of parents, and a good partner around classmates!

Students, vote for me. Although I am not the best now, I will be the best in the future! thank you!

I'm going to be the monitor 550 words of composition

Today I'm running for the position of monitor.

Once a famous person said: If I were a dewdrop, I could refract the brightness of the sun; If I were a green leaf, I could set off the vitality of the earth. I would like to be a dew, I would like to be a green leaf, which can reflect the vitality of Class 3 (2)!

From being a nobody, childish and ridiculous to standing here now, the class has given me many opportunities to display my talents: from self-study discipline management to team activity program hosting; From the distribution of language and math books to helping students learn; From winning the school story telling contest to winning the Olympic math contest... time after time of training, let me understand this truth: pressure can generate power, opportunities and challenges coexist! It is the class that makes me grow faster! Please allow me to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt thanks to all of you!

My mother told me that class is a microcosm of society. I quite agree with this view. If the society needs everyone's care and love, then it is every student's bounden duty to care for the class! Then the monitor is the person who urges students to fulfill this responsibility.

I'm going to be the monitor 550 words of composition

These days, several very talkative people in the class began to "act" again, and even the monitor could not control them.

So, the teacher took his advice and let those who spoke be the monitor.

Soon, several people in our class went to the class to play the sign of "recruiting" the monitor.

At the beginning, I was very curious about the position of monitor. I wanted to see what it was like to be a monitor. But after seeing the "tragic" experience of the first two acting monitor, I didn't even think about being a monitor.

Just yesterday, the teacher said that the monitor of next week is Liu Hao. Ah, it's impossible. How could it be me? I didn't speak! "It's sad that I don't want to be the monitor, as if I always talk!" I often said to my classmates. In fact, I was duplicitous, and I was really happy. I must be better than others when I am the monitor next week. Let them be convinced. I encourage myself this way.

I'm finally going to be the monitor.