Mother's Tears (Collection of 18)
Happiness is far away
2024-01-10 04:16:44
junior middle school
topic of conversation

Mother's Tears (1)

In my memory, my mother's tears only fell twice: one sad tear, one happy tear. The sad tears touched me, and the happy tears gave me consolation.

In the sixth grade, my teacher lost his temper for my naughty nature. Because I didn't listen to the teacher in class and didn't finish my homework, my mother was a frequent visitor in the teacher's office, so that most of the words the students said to me were: "Your mother is in the office." To this, I just answered carelessly, and then figured out how to go to the teacher to "sincerely" admit mistakes. As for my mother, I never worry about how severely she will reprimand me. The most important thing is to say something like "listen to the teacher!", "go to class" or just give a few words, and then walk out of the school quietly.

That winter, maybe I wanted to seek "excitement", and I skipped school on Saturday morning. Unexpectedly, the matter came to light and was taken to the office by the teacher for approval. Finally, I was asked to call my mother immediately and ask her to come to the school immediately.

I picked up the receiver and smoothly dialed the phone in my mother's office. "The teacher asked you to come at once." I said without caring. "Why?" asked his mother. "Playing truant" until now, I am still surprised how I could say such shameful words with such confidence. There was a silence at the end of the phone.

Mom is here. The disappointed eyes in her mother's eyes were colder than ice. Her face was red. I didn't know whether it was cold or suffocated. The stiff muscles on her face led her prematurely aged skin, and a series of astringent voices came from her dry lips: "Go to class and listen to the teacher carefully..."

Maybe the wind was too strong, my mother's voice trembled slightly: maybe it was too cold, my mother's words were weak.

She turned around slowly. At that moment, I seemed to see something flashing on her red face. Mother was too fragile, and the wind made his thin body swing back and forth. Gradually, she limped out of the tall school gate. On the ground, just where my mother stood, there was a tear mark. I was stunned and at a loss.

Mother shed tears because of my ignorance; Mother wept; Tears contain many expectations of me.

My mother's tears touched me. Since then, I have changed. I swear that I will never let my mother shed sad tears for me again

In the seventh grade, I won a prize. I told my mother and bought a bunch of flowers. When I handed the flowers to her, my mother's voice trembled. I could not tell what she was saying.

The reason why I have such achievements is that tears moved me.

Mother's Tears (2)

Sobbing... Mother Earth is crying again. Human beings constantly destroy her and hurt her. Mother Earth is in great pain. Do you think she can stop crying! It turns out that people are cutting down trees again, destroying the lungs of the earth! Human beings not only destroyed the lungs of the earth, but also polluted the blood of the earth mother - the river! Think of the once clear river, now it has become a stinking ditch! Now the earth is polluted so much that it has led to the extinction of animals, floods, earthquakes and other natural disasters. But we also... here, I would like to make some suggestions to you: 1. Use less disposable chopsticks and eat out less; 2. Try to walk or take bus instead of driving private cars; 3. When going shopping, take your own bag instead of plastic bags; 4. In summer, it is better to adjust the air conditioner at about 26 degrees. Don't turn it too low, or it will waste electricity; 5. Turn off the power supply at will; 6. The use of waste can also be done manually; 7. Use less washing machine to wash clothes and try to wash them by hand. If everyone can do these things, it will be "low-carbon and environmentally friendly"! Environment is very important to us. "The success of afforestation lies in the future." Because human beings have cut down too many trees, it is said that "afforestation lies in the future." If every one of us can plant a tree, then there are more than 7 billion people in the world, which is equal to more than 7 billion trees. It means that there are so many more human resources. If we wait until that time, Mother Earth will also leave tears, but in tears, it is moved. Students, don't you want to leave a beautiful earth for your grandchildren? Do you want more and more "natural disasters"? Do you want the end of the world to come sooner? I believe your answer must be that you want to leave a beautiful earth for future generations. You must not want natural disasters or the end of the world! But you can't rely on your words! If you don't want to make the lovely and beautiful Earth Mother cry, please prove it with your actions! There is only one Earth Mother. If she is not well protected, she will be sad. Please use our best ability to protect the environment, environmental travel, love our Earth Mother! Don't let her cry sadly!

Mother's Tears (3)

A tear, a love.


The once popular tear jerking film Tangshan Earthquake was released on the film channel. I sat in the cinema for two hours without tears falling down, while my mother who watched it for the second time in front of the TV was in tears.

I am puzzled about this. I don't think the plot is so moving. I don't know where my mother will be so moved. I couldn't help asking my mother: "I've seen it for the second time, why is it still like this?" My mother wiped her tears and calmly said something that affected my life. "You have never been a mother. Of course, you don't know how hard it will be for a mother to give up the life of a child between her son and daughter. You also don't know the self reproach and excitement of a mother when a daughter she thought was dead stands in front of her again after 32 years. These will be realized after you become a mother."

Hearing this, my tears fell down unconsciously. Maybe I can't really understand the feelings of a mother now, but I know that mother's tears are love for her children. A child is a piece of meat that falls from the mother. How much courage is needed to choose to give up the child's life! Some people say that maternal love is selfless and selfish, indeed.

Love is better than everything in the world, and maternal love is the most tolerant and greatest of all love. This love has made me grow up a lot

Mother's Tears (4)

Bing Xin, a great writer, once wrote: "Mother! You are the lotus leaf, and I am the red lotus. The rain in my heart is coming, and who is my shadow under the open sky except you?" Yes, maternal love is the greatest, selfless, tolerant, and warmest love in the world. She is like a bunch of sunshine, gently scattered on my heart, illuminating my growth path.

I still remember that on the New Year's Eve when I was five years old, my friends bought a lot of firecrackers and played with them. When I came back from shopping with my mother, I saw them setting off firecrackers and clamouring to see them. The loving mother smiled and gently let go of the warm and soft hands holding me. As a young bird out of the cage, I rush to my friends. I still sing and dance despite the sparks of firecrackers

Suddenly, Xie Yu rushed forward like a gust of wind. I couldn't dodge and fell to the ground. I suddenly felt wet on my forehead, and was startled. As soon as he touched it, he burst into tears. It turned out that my forehead was broken! Little I was scared. The partners were also shocked, and only knew to shout: "Auntie, come quickly! Tangtang has an accident!"

After listening to this, my mother ran like an arrow from the string to check my wound. She looked at my wound with the help of the light. God! Hot blood flows out!

My mother was so frightened that she turned blue. She picked me up, stopped a car, sat down with me in her arms, covered my forehead and anxiously told the driver, "Go to the hospital! Hurry!" When she got to the hospital, the doctor checked the injury and said, "Needles must be sewed!"

Needles sewed again and again, and I struggled and cried again and again, but it didn't help. My mother comforted me and said, "It will be ready soon, baby, bear it again!" But I clearly saw my mother's tears dripping on my face, burning hot. When I saw my mother crying for me, I suddenly stopped crying, bit my teeth and endured the pain of needle piercing my forehead.

Although three or four years have passed, when I touched my forehead, I still remembered the scene of my mother comforting me with tears, and my cheek seemed to feel the burning sensation of my mother's tears.

These hot tears are maternal love, the greatest maternal love in the world!

Who said that the heart of grass inch, reported three Chunhui. Mom, your daughter will always remember your love.

Mother's Tears (5)

Mother silently paid for me. No matter how hard, no matter how hard, no matter how tired, she survived. I am so old, but it is rare for her to cry.

The wind was blowing, and the ground was covered with dead leaves. I bowed my head and walked home with a backpack that seemed to weigh a thousand kilograms. My steps were so heavy. Suddenly a fallen leaf flew to my face, "Well, even you laugh at me." I thought, tearing a leaf into pieces and throwing it into the air. "Ah!" I finally can't bear to vent.

In my mind, there are red forked test papers, and the students' complacency after they get the test papers... What's wrong with "Bao Jian Feng comes from sharpening, and plum blossom fragrance comes from bitter cold"? These are all deceptive. Why do these valuable quotes not work on me? I think so.

I can't help thinking of that stupid girl. This girl is really strange. The teacher always listens to the knowledge carefully, but sometimes she can't understand it. So she doesn't wait to rely on it. She studies independently, drilling and researching, and finally penetrates one difficult problem after another. This girl is still a little slow, and always likes to be in a daze, No wonder people always call her "slow down"... I think of myself again.

The wind was still whistling. I saw a thin mother taking off her shirt to her daughter. Seeing this, I thought of my mother. My mother has grown old and I am growing up. My mother's greatest wish is to let me study hard, let me be among the best in the class, let me grow, have a good future, but the reality is so cruel

On the way home, I thought a lot and realized a lot. Before I knew it, I was at the door of my house. When I entered the house, I saw that my mother had prepared a lot of delicious food. As soon as I picked up the chopsticks, a tear fell down and I couldn't stop it. Maybe because of the parents' meeting, my mother guessed what was on my mind. She said in a trembling voice, "You must study hard and make progress." A tear slipped from her mother's eyes. Mother was so strong that she cried for my achievements. I didn't have time to answer, and my tears have fallen all over again

My strong mother has propped up a blue sky for me with her arms. It was she who gave me the most precious life. Under her care, I grew up happily and freely. A temporary failure is nothing. Frustrations and difficulties do not scare me. I will keep going and forge ahead for my mother!

My mother's tears taught me a lot. All mothers in the world have carried too much for their children, paid too much, too much.

Salute my mother, salute all mothers!

Mother's Tears (6)

In ancient times, a breath of vitality poured into the chaotic primitive ocean, and life was born. Time has changed. Water nurtures countless creatures on the earth, including human beings, who have bred higher life. As the mother of life, how can water be rewarded by human beings? However, the mother was not treasured by her children. Instead, she was always demanding and seriously hurt. She screamed in pain and kept crying

It is understandable that the development of industry and agriculture needs water, but has the consumption of water really "made the best use of everything"? No, people are greedily using water and wasting it.

First, people waste water seriously. It is common to waste water. Although the advertisement of "protect water resources, start from every bit" can be seen everywhere, it still fails to attract people's attention. According to the data from the Beijing Water Conservation Management Center, the waste caused by "running, emitting, dripping and leaking" of households because the taps are not closed tightly is staggering, with 144 tons of water collected a year. In Lianjiang, a car wash needs 73000 kilograms of water a year, which is equivalent to the water consumption of a town in a year. There are more than 30 car washing shops in small cities like Lianjiang, not to mention those big cities with developed transportation.

Secondly, the phenomenon of water pollution has been repeatedly prohibited. The annual pollutant discharge of the country is 30 billion tons. The groundwater of 47 cities in the country is polluted. Half of the seven major river systems in China are polluted, and 86% of the urban river reaches are polluted beyond the standard. According to the survey, it is found that water pollution and water waste exist all over the country and most people are accustomed to it. It is reported that a large area of dead fish has appeared in Dongguan Songmushan Reservoir, which is due to the large amount of pollution from four sewage outlets flowing into the reservoir, leading to the decline of water quality.

What makes us sad is that at present, there are 2 billion people in the world who are extremely short of water, and their lives make people feel sad. Children in Africa have to cross mountains and mountains to fetch water every day, and they are no more than 5 years old. In Brazil, skin patients also need to calculate the amount of water to scrub their bodies. In the northern Dimarhan Mountains, women and children have to climb a 2500 meter high mountain to collect spring water... Moreover, nearly 90000 people around the world have no access to safe drinking water, unsafe sanitation and lost their young lives. Every year, more people die from water pollution than from wars and other violent conflicts!

However, in Dongguan, water costs only a few yuan a ton. Water waste is serious. Even, some people turn the tap to the maximum to watch the "pocket waterfall" at a close distance. In summer, there are countless children playing with water pistols. Saunas, baths and other places consume a lot of water... Although in recent years, Dongguan will implement 98 projects in ten categories, and the total investment in key environmental protection projects is expected to be 494. 400 million yuan, but the effect is not significant, the root cause may be that environmental awareness has not improved!

As a member of Dongguan, should we take some actions? In family life, we can use phosphorus free detergent, tighten the faucet, and water the flowers with water that is prior to rice. In school, we can save water together with our classmates, and stop wasting and polluting water. In society, we can place garbage cans by the lake to contribute to preventing water pollution.

Water is the source of human life! When we let the water flow away in vain, we are one step closer to exhaustion. Cherish every drop of water, like loving mother's tears, don't let the last drop of water on the earth become a tear!

Mother's Tears (7)

In ancient times, a breath of vitality poured into the chaotic primitive ocean, and life was born. Time has changed. Water nurtures countless creatures on the earth, including human beings, who have bred higher life. As the mother of life, how can water be rewarded by human beings? However, the mother was not treasured by her children. Instead, she was always demanding and seriously hurt. She screamed in pain and kept crying

It is understandable that the development of industry and agriculture needs water, but has the consumption of water really "made the best use of everything"? No, people are greedily using water and wasting it.

First, people waste water seriously. It is common to waste water. Although the advertisement of "protect water resources, start from every bit" can be seen everywhere, it still fails to attract people's attention. According to the data from the Beijing Water Conservation Management Center, the waste caused by "running, emitting, dripping and leaking" of households because the taps are not closed tightly is staggering, with 144 tons of water collected a year. In Lianjiang, a car wash needs 73000 kilograms of water a year, which is equivalent to the water consumption of a town in a year. There are more than 30 car washing shops in small cities like Lianjiang, not to mention those big cities with developed transportation.

Secondly, the phenomenon of water pollution has been repeatedly prohibited. The annual pollutant discharge of the country is 30 billion tons. The groundwater of 47 cities in the country is polluted. Half of the seven major river systems in China are polluted, and 86% of the urban river reaches are polluted beyond the standard. According to the survey, it is found that water pollution and water waste exist all over the country and most people are accustomed to it. It is reported that a large area of dead fish has appeared in Dongguan Songmushan Reservoir, which is due to the large amount of pollution from four sewage outlets flowing into the reservoir, leading to the decline of water quality.

What makes us sad is that at present, there are 2 billion people in the world who are extremely short of water, and their lives make people feel sad. Children in Africa have to cross mountains and mountains to fetch water every day, and they are no more than 5 years old. In Brazil, skin patients also need to calculate the amount of water to scrub their bodies. In the northern Dimarhan Mountains, women and children have to climb a 2500 meter high mountain to collect spring water... In addition, nearly 90000 people around the world have no access to safe drinking water, unsafe sanitation and lost their young lives. Every year, more people die from water pollution than from wars and other violent conflicts!

However, in Dongguan, water costs only a few yuan a ton. Water waste is serious. Even, some people turn the tap to the maximum to watch the "pocket waterfall" at a close distance in summer, and there are countless children playing with water guns. Sauna, bath and other places consume a lot of water... Although in recent years, Dongguan will implement 98 projects in ten categories, and the total investment of key environmental protection projects is expected to be 494. 400 million yuan, but the effect is not significant, the root cause may be that environmental awareness has not improved!

As a member of Dongguan, should we take some actions? In family life, we can use phosphorus free detergent, tighten the faucet, and water the flowers with water that is prior to rice. In school, we can save water together with our classmates, and stop wasting and polluting water. In society, we can place garbage cans by the lake to contribute to preventing water pollution.

Water is the source of human life! When we let the water flow away in vain, we are one step closer to exhaustion. Cherish every drop of water, like loving mother's tears, don't let the last drop of water on the earth become a tear!

Mother's Tears (8)

Mother, your love is selfless and great! But your tears that night still made my heart ache. Now, my paper and pen will convey and share the secret of love between us.

I remember that after I got the test paper that day, I was walking home. The test paper seemed to weigh tens of thousands of pounds, heavy, and I couldn't breathe.

When I got home, the smell of rice spread all over the house. My mother smiled and asked me, "How was the exam?" I shivered when I saw it. Some dare not face their mother's expectant eyes, I'm afraid they will disappoint her, alas!

"I said, you are not allowed to hit me!" I saw my mother nodded and asked again with a worried heart: "Are you sure not?"

"Of course not!"

Mother's tone revealed a trace of impatience, and I stammered out my score. Mother listened and her bright smile was replaced by an angry face. Mother's scolding fell on me like rain, she scolded, I also silently bear, no complaints. Ah! Who let me do so badly!

Mother seemed to scold enough and vent enough. She turned back to the living room in a state of shock.

I took a furtive look at the living room. Mother was sitting on the sofa. One drop, two drops, big drops of tears gushed out of mother's eyes. Tears fall on mother's cheek and back of hand. Tears also wet mother's skirts and trousers. Tears, like pearls with broken lines, can never be exhausted.

At this time, the mother's eyes, nose tip and cheeks became red. Every tear of my mother seems to fall on my heart. It's so hot! Keep burning my heart! Those tears contain a strong maternal love! I must study harder and repay my mother!

Mother, you love me like a long river; Mother, you love me like the Great Wall; Mother, you love me like stars in the sky, countless

"Who can say that the heart of every inch of grass will be rewarded by the three spring glow"!

Mother's Tears (9)

Mother's tears are the lake and the sky. There are waves in the lake and clouds in the sky. The mother's eyes are more like the sky. Occasionally, she will not bring rain on cloudy days. From childhood to adulthood, Xiaorong never saw her mother cry. In her eyes, her mother was a strong woman. But that day, Xiao Rong saw her mother's first tear for the first time in her life.

Xiaorong was 16 years old that year. After the black July, she ended her junior high school career. The next day is to wait for the arrival of the admission notice. It was a hard time. Xiao Rong followed her mother to work in the field every day. In the afternoon, the hot sun baked the earth like a stove. People hid in the house early with the electric fan on, eating watermelons while watching TV and chatting. But Xiao Rong and her mother were still cutting the weeds beside the rice field in the scorching sun. The rice leaves made countless cuts in her and her mother's hands. With sweat seeping in, it was like putting salt on the wound, causing pain. Sweat fell down the cheeks one by one. The clothes were soaked with sweat and stuck to the body as if they had just been drenched by rain. The children ran, roared, and laughed all over the mountains and fields, and had a good time. The classmates of the same age went everywhere with their parents, while Xiao Rong could not leave everything behind and enjoy the two month vacation without homework and burden like other children.

After a rainy day, Xiao Rong didn't have to work in the hot sun. She could watch TV, read books and sleep well at home, which was the best enjoyment. But Xiao Rong's home was not peaceful. There were water basins on the bed top, on the floor and on the table everywhere. The rain patted in the basin and made confused and noisy sounds. Xiaorong fell asleep with her head covered.

In a daze, she heard her mother and father arguing, and her mother screamed: "How can you let Rong'er sleep on the other side? Look at the house, and look at the weather. Ah, if the house collapses in case of wind and rain, what should she do? The head is facing the back, and the weight is so heavy, what should we do if it presses her?"

Dad sighed deeply: "Ah!"

"Wake her up and let her sleep in that room!"

Dad went to the bed and shook her: "Ronger, Ronger..." Xiaorong pretended not to hear and closed her eyes. "Alas, it's really hard for the child. () She's exhausted these days. Look at her sleeping soundly. Forget it. Let her go back to her room when she wakes up."

After hearing these words, Xiaorong's tears slipped down the corner of her eyes. She rolled over to her side, and the tears rolled over the bridge of her nose to this side. Quietly, the bedding and pillow were wet.

It was still raining all night long, and Xiao Rong woke up in the middle of the night. The rain penetrated the hood and fell on the bed, hitting her in the face. Fortunately, there was no leakage at her mother's end, and Xiao Rong didn't make a sound, but her heart was sour, and her nose was also sour. Let the rain drop on her face and the tears on her face melt into her heart. That night, Xiao Rong lost sleep.

The next day was a sunny day. Xiao Rong packed her bags and said goodbye to her parents and went to a hotpot restaurant in the provincial capital to start her career.

For the first time, everything was not as perfect as she thought. The busy work, the treacherous colleagues, the unruly customers, and those sharp and mean villains all made her feel helpless in life. The world is inhospitable and the human relationship is cold and warm, and the pure dream begins to smash in front of the wall of reality. Xiao Rong hesitated and hesitated. She felt that she was still suitable for school. She didn't want to fight with them and see bad people. She was different from the education they received. She was really looking forward to it. She lived like a year for two months, but unfortunately she never carried her schoolbag into the school again. Xiao Rong knew that it was really difficult at home. The cottage made of adobe bricks was tottering in the wind and rain. His younger brother also carried his schoolbag and walked happily into the middle school gate.

When school began, all the people on the way were children carrying school bags. Xiao Rong is used to getting up at the time of going to school every morning, standing on the balcony, watching the "flower bags" flash past happily on their bikes, listening to their silvery laughter, and feeling their happy mood. Quietly, tears began to roll in Xiao Rong's eyes. She envied, envied, and her heart began to twitch. The beating heart soon made her unable to work at ease, but Xiao Rong's salary was far from the tuition fee. What should she do? Ask your mother, and let her be as skinny as a firewood, frowning all day long, not thinking about food and tea? Don't let your brother go to school? But he is just a eleven or twelve year old primary school graduate, a more pitiful child than himself! The family has no money to support their own school, and the earth house is about to collapse

Xiao Rong is a sensible child. She knows that one's origin and family cannot be chosen. One's destiny depends on one's own. One's life will face a lot of pain. It is unforgivable to avoid, depressed, self abased and self pitying. Xiaorong said to herself secretly, "I should cheer up. When my family is better, I will start self-study. I believe that as long as I work hard and hard, I will be no worse than others." Is Xiaorong comforting herself? What else could she do? After all, she is only a 15-year-old child!

Xiao Rong is used to standing on the balcony every day and watching her classmates who come and go to school with schoolbags talking and passing by, so that her eyes are blurred by tears; I am also used to standing at the crossroads and watching the bright smiles and fighting of schoolmates after school, which cools my mood with tears; I am more used to sitting on the bus and passing by the school gate, nostalgic for the lights and the sound of books in the garden, so that tears soaked the bedding.

Xiao Rong's heart became heavy. Maybe all this was just to satisfy her empty and lonely inner world and keep a little of others' happiness and smile. Xiaorong knows that she is really fragile.

Early that morning, Xiao Rong received a call from her mother. She was very happy. She told her mother that she was fine here and didn't have to worry about her. Hearing the mother's deep voice on the other side of the phone, she tried to say something but swallowed it back. She hurriedly hung up the phone, and her eyes became blurred. Xiao Rong repeated the boring work day after day, but the bedding in the morning was always wet.

Unconsciously, it has been more than half a month since the beginning of school. Xiao Rong still insists on standing on the balcony outside the window every day and watching the "schoolbags" coming and going downstairs happily pass by. Tears are like a flood, which cannot be stopped once. Her heart aches like a knife or a stick. Her thoughts are so complicated. She could not hide her fragile and persistent heart at last. The boss saw her mind: "Xiao Rong, you are so young, you'd better go to school. Only reading can make you promising..." Xiao Rong could no longer resist the magic temptation of books. That foggy morning, she took up her luggage and stepped on the train home.

The car was driving slowly on the way home, but Xiao Rong was not interested in enjoying the charming scenery along the way. She leaned against the window and stared out gloomily, her heart never calm. After getting off the bus, the stone path leading to home is so strange and familiar. It's not a long way at ordinary times, but today Xiao Rong has walked for a long time. She dragged her heavy footsteps to the back of the familiar bamboo forest. The dilapidated cottage in front of her made her heart even heavier.

When she returned home, it was the season of rice harvest. Xiaorong walked quietly to the back door and opened the door gently. The house is in chaos. At a glance, I can see the antique broken bamboo cupboard at the door. This bamboo cupboard picked up from other people's houses is unique in the countryside, but it has accompanied Xiao Rong through more than 20 years of spring and autumn, until today, tomorrow... The house is full of piles of millet. The walls around it are surrounded by films, so I'm afraid the millet will get into the cracks in the wall. The generous table was also put behind the kitchen. It was after 10 o'clock in the morning, but my mother was sitting on the table drinking porridge, a plate of peanuts, a bowl of pickles, and a plate of pepper.

"Mom." Xiaorong pushed the door open. "I'm back."

His mother happily put down the dishes and chopsticks in her hand: "Back." "Hmm." He smiled, and Xiaorong found the wrinkles on her mother's face so obvious, "Have you eaten yet?"

"Yes," said Xiao Rong, sitting at the table with her head buried.

"Where can I eat when I come back so early? There is still hot food in the pot." "I really have eaten it." Xiao Rong looked up and looked around: "Dad, why didn't you see Dad?"

Xiaorong looked up at her mother, and then she found that her mother was really much older. As the years passed, several wrinkles were deeply carved on her mother's forehead. Her short black hair made her look very tired. The family's hard work made her mother's face thin, perhaps because of fatigue, or because of time, her hands became very dry, like an old branch that was about to break.

"Where's Dad? Is Dad not at home?" Xiaorong turns around and looks around.

"Your father is in the back room," said his mother.

Xiao Rong ran straight into the house. Her father was groaning on the bed. "Dad, I'm back, Dad, what's the matter with you?" Xiao Rong looked at her father lying on the bed, only to find that his thin, yellow and oily face towered high cheekbones, eyelashes and eyeballs were no longer visible under the thick eyelids, and the fishtail at the corners of his eyes was so deep and long that his moaning could affect every ditch on his face, It's like a thousand roots of a big tree firmly grasping the face of the ground. His head was full of gray hair, and the silver threads made his face grow older.

Looking at her haggard father in bed, Xiao Rong wanted to cry. "It's OK. I caught a cold. I'll be fine after two days' rest. How can I think of coming back?" I looked at my father's anxious appearance. "Why, what's the matter?" "No, I came back to see you."

Tears rolled around her eyes in defiance. Xiaorong was afraid that she could not restrain herself. "Dad, I...... You have a good rest. I'll go into the room and put my bag."

Xiaorong turned and ran back to her room, slamming the door tightly. Finally, the tears didn't come out of her eyes. She threw herself on the bed and cried loudly with the quilt in her arms. The bedclothes were soaked with tears, and she could not let her parents hear, let alone let them see. In this way, let the tears wash the childish face, and it might be easier to cry out. Looking at the family, as well as the tired parents, her heart is aching, what can she say to them?

"Rong'er, what are you doing in the room? Come out to eat quickly.

Xiaorong dried her tears, opened the door and sat down beside her mother. She buried her head and said nothing. Mother didn't squeak, and Xiao Rong didn't squeak. In this way, her mother helped Xiao Rong brush her hair. Nobody squeaked. It was terribly quiet.

"Ah!" Mom suddenly sighed heavily, "Rong'er, are you going to tell me something?"

"It's all right."

"It's really nothing. How will you come back?"

"I... I..." Xiao Rong bowed her head and did not know what to say and how to speak. All this made her unable to speak. The air seemed to stagnate, but her mother repeatedly asked. Finally, Xiaorong could no longer control herself: "Mom!" She clenched her lower lip and looked up at her elderly mother, "I want to read." Slowly, she could not see her mother's face. Xiaorong did not know how to muster up the courage to say this sentence, but she did not dare to look at her mother again.

"In fact, my mother called that morning to ask if you wanted to study, but you hung up the phone early. Since you left, your father and I have discussed your affairs..."

"Sorry, Mom, I really want to read." Xiaorong finally got up the courage to raise her head, but her eyes were moist again.

"Mom," Xiaorong looked at her mother with tears in her eyes. Her mother's eyes were shining with glittering and translucent things. The eye rims were wet and red, and then fell one by one. Xiaorong's eyes were red, and she began to regret that she shouldn't have said that.

My mother cried. It was the first time I saw her crying. She was as tearful as Xiao Rong, sobbing and choking. The father on the bed also cried. The always strong father was also in tears at this time. For Xiaorong, the whole family cried

Mother's Tears (10)

When spring comes, everything comes back to life. The little tree just woke up from winter. It closed its eyes, yawned and stretched. "Ah, today must be a beautiful day," he said and opened his eyes. As a result, he saw tree stumps everywhere, which was his next big jump. It looked around in panic, one by one ferocious people, who were cutting down trees with a chainsaw. It trembled and fainted.

When it woke up, it had been made into a pair of chopsticks. It was very happy to see its new shape. It is engraved with gold characters "XXXX chopsticks, give you a chance to enjoy". This picture of chopsticks is in a high mood, shouting, "I am a pair of famous chopsticks! I will change my fate!" But it does not know that it is a pair of disposable chopsticks.

This pair of chopsticks was sold to a person's home. It lies in a backpack and sleeps quietly. Suddenly, he felt a lot of noise around him. Originally, a group of people came to my home, and they were there to discuss this. It seemed that he was talking about going on a picnic. He was even more excited. "I didn't expect that he could go on a picnic in his lifetime. That's great," he said cheerfully.

So the next day, this pair of chopsticks came to the suburbs. At noon, it was taken out by humans and placed on a small table. Around it, there are disposable lunch boxes, disposable paper cups, disposable lighters, etc

Chopsticks and lunch boxes began to talk.

"Hey, brother. Do you know who I am?" Chopsticks said contemptuously.

"You are just disposable chopsticks, aren't you?"

Chopsticks clearly smell the foul smell from the mouth of the lunch box. "Where are you from? Why are you so smelly? Look at how noble I am! Big brand chopsticks!" he asked

"Big brand? Hum, aren't we all the same? I made it from plastic like medical waste. I don't think you are any better?"

"Alas, there is another stench. Ah ah, I'm going crazy."

"Ah, that's the smell of barbecue kebabs with dirty bamboo chopsticks. Just get used to it."

"How can I do this with noble chopsticks?"

"Human beings are like this. Our own people do harm to our own people."

Chopsticks and lunch boxes were silent. Chopsticks look at the sky and think about something.

Slowly, the meal was filled with food. Chopsticks are also used by humans.

"Ah, Brother lunch box, why are you so dirty? I feel that the food in your box is poisonous."

"This is how we are, and it is not human harm."

"Ah! I... I am no longer as pure as before."

Chopsticks cried, tearing their hearts and lungs.

Suddenly, a man began to cry, "Ah! My stomach hurts. I bought a fake lunch box!"

With these words, he threw the disposable lunch box and chopsticks into the fire. A stream of black smoke floated up into the sky. It's raining

Mother's Tears (11)

Mother's Tears Excellent Composition

In our ordinary daily life, the most unusual thing is composition. According to the characteristics of writing proposition, composition can be divided into proposition composition and non proposition composition. Do you know how to write a standard composition? The following is an excellent composition of my elaborately edited mother's tears, for reference only, and I hope it can help everyone.

Mother's Tears Excellent Composition 1

Mother's love is like a rose, the fragrance, the fragrance, floated into my heart.

Mother's love is like a drop of dew, which is sweet and refreshing, moistening my heart.

That day, is happy, is still sad. That year, the wind was blowing. That day, when I was born, you saw the birth of a small life, and you saw a blossom of hope. Mother, our mother and daughter meet, and our hearts are firmly linked together. I saw vaguely and saw a tear. No, it was a pearl floating over my head. It was your tears that flew to my heart. I stopped crying and you smiled.

That day, it was evening. The moon shines on the earth and sprinkles the snow white on us. The leaves are singing in the "whoosh". Originally, it was a beautiful night, but it was disturbed by an examination paper. "Bang!" The door rang for a while, and my mother walked in with tired steps. Under the light, my mother's face became paler and paler, as if she was several years old. "Mom." "Hey, what's wrong?" Have you finished your homework yet? " Finished! " Mother's face showed a smiling face when she tidied it up. "Good, good, good!" "Mom..." Mother cried for some reason, and there were many tears on her face. "Mom, what's wrong?" "Nothing..." There's sand in Mom's eyes. " I looked at my mother and knew she was lying. How could there be sand when the window was closed? But how could mother's tears fly so high, flying in my heart. "Mom..."

Another year passed, my mother's body became thinner and thinner, and I seldom saw a smiling face on her face. One night, I got rid of those lessons and went to the living room. "Don't go to work, look at your body..." "No, work is necessary, and you can never cure the disease!" "Look at you, you are going to have surgery, you..." Dad and Mom argued in the bedroom. Wait, mother should have surgery? Mom, what's wrong? My heart wrenched violently. "Your blood vessels are all intertwined. It can't be cured." That's no good. I had an operation. Who will take care of Rui Rui? You cried, tears like broken beads. I ran into the house and closed the door. My heart was as painful as a knife. Mother's tears flowed into my heart again, as if I saw your tears flying

Mother's Tears Excellent Composition 2

Everyone has a mother. The mother's love and tears have a thought-provoking feeling. This feeling may be more lenient than the father's love! Because mother's tears are not easy to flow, so mother's tears are more valuable than gold.

Since I entered the first grade, I have always been half a beat slower than others. The teacher always invited my mother to school and put forward many of my shortcomings. Every time my mother came home, she would arrange my Saturday and Sunday full time, either to do questions or to do papers. I feel like a robot every day, learning endlessly, I was always beaten by my mother because I didn't want to make a test paper. Every time I cried, but once I saw my mother cry.

When I was in the second grade, I didn't do well in the middle school entrance exam. My mother's scolding filled my ears. I was a loser who was not qualified to resist. I was like a defeated soldier on the battlefield. Facing the angry king, I didn't know what my fate should be. At this time, my tears couldn't help falling down and fell on the floor like rain, But suddenly my mother's reprimand was stunned, and I saw that my mother's face was also covered with tears, which were full of sadness. Only then did I know that every time I failed, my mother's heart was even more painful than the knife. I always thought that my mother was very upset. I slowly grew up and went through many ups and downs before I knew that this was love, the painful love my mother gave me.

When I finally grew up, I knew that my mother's tears were for the people she loved most. The side she gave others was always strong and unyielding. Now I know that beating is kissing and scolding is love. No matter how seriously my mother scolds me, I have already remembered that this is love. This kind of love makes me unable to resist. This kind of long and short persistent love has an irresistible force. It is an interpretation of maternal love.

Now I understand how hard my mother did not accept Yi. Thank you, mother, thank your tears for letting me know what maternal love is.

Mother's Tears (12)

Reflections on Mother's Tears

Today, I read a moving article - "Mother's Tears" with excitement. It moistens my heart like a continuous spring rain. Because the young swallow was disabled and could not fly, it was left alone in a broken jar in the yard waiting for Nanfei's sister and mother to come back to find itself in the next spring. Xiaoyan's mother asked Brother Feng to bring news to her children. Swallows feel the warmth of their mothers.

In our beautiful world, not only human beings have warm kinship, but also animals and plants.

I once read an article, "Sparrow". In order to save his young children, the old sparrow fell like a stone in front of the huge hunting dog from the high, non dangerous branch. It ruffled its feathers and screamed desperately at the hounds. What a huge animal a hound is to him! The old sparrow wants to save his own child, regardless of the danger of life, and confronts the hunting dog.

The most touching, greatest and selfless love in the world is maternal love. When I went to the kindergarten, I often got sick, and my mother took care of me meticulously. During the day and night, I took great pains to bring me tea, medicine, and body temperature. I was tired and sick and didn't go to see the doctor.

In the wet and cold night, who can give us warmth? Mother. Plants also have feelings. A kind of plant called "Worry Orchid" is sentimental, and it will cry, and shed tears for what happened around it

Maternal love is the greatest and selfless. We should love our mother just as we love our own life.

Mother's Tears (13)

The Yellow River is our mother river, which has bred Chinese children for thousands of years. She used to be so young and beautiful. Her sweet milk flows through our hearts, and her rolling blood flows into the fields. She flows through the mountains and the sea. She gives us life and dignity. But the once beautiful Mother River is getting older and older.

The Chinese nation has gone through more than 5000 years of vicissitudes from the previous submissiveness to the present standing tall. However, with the passage of time, the mother river on which we live is also undergoing tremendous changes.

The Yellow River has grown from its former grandeur to its present trickle. From the turbulent past to the morbid aging now. Time and time again, like a sharp knife approaching us. Time and time again, soil erosion, like a dark shadow covered our light. Time and time again, the shortage of resources is like a hateful eye staring at our death.

When we gave the Mother River colorful garbage bags for decoration and machinery water for hair dyeing, who would have thought that the mud rock flows and floods we faced several years later were all the result of our own destruction of the Mother River. It is urgent to protect Mother River. We sincerely appeal to protect our 'mother river'!

Don't think that you live in a carefree city, drinking the last rain and dew of our mother river, and think that these are irrelevant to you. Don't wait until the last drop of water is your tears to know the action. It's too late then. Let's reach out our hands to wipe the tears of our mother river, and use our strong body to resist the craziness of those ignorant people, Don't let our mother river be trampled relentlessly by human beings any more. Let's return the mother river to a clear sky.

Mother's Tears (14)

After reading Mother's Tears, Lin Yijun, Class 7, Grade 6, Experimental Primary School, Licheng Town, Xianyou, Fujian Province Today, I read a moving article -- Mother's Tears with excitement. It moistens my heart like a continuous spring rain. Because the young swallow was disabled and could not fly, it left alone in a broken jar in the yard, waiting for Nanfei's sister and mother to come back to find itself in the next spring. Xiaoyan's mother asked Brother Feng to bring news to her children. Swallows feel the warmth of their mothers. In our beautiful world, not only human beings have warm kinship, but also animals and plants. I once read an article, "Sparrow". In order to save his young children, the old sparrow fell like a stone in front of the huge hunting dog from the high, non dangerous branch. It ruffled its feathers and screamed desperately at the hounds. What a huge animal a hound is to him! The old sparrow wants to save his own child, regardless of the danger of life, and confronts the hunting dog. The most touching, greatest and selfless love in the world is maternal love. When I went to the kindergarten, I often got sick, and my mother took care of me meticulously. During the day and night, I took great pains to bring me tea, medicine, and body temperature. I was tired and sick and didn't go to see the doctor. In the wet and cold night, who can give us warmth? Mother. Plants also have feelings. A kind of plant called "Worry Orchid" is sentimental, and it will cry, and shed tears for what happened around it Maternal love is the greatest and selfless. We should love our mother just as we love our own life. Instructor: Zheng Mingyu, 400 words after reading Mother's Tears

Mother's Tears (15)

In our study, work and life, the most familiar thing is composition. Through composition, we can gather our scattered thoughts together. So how do you write a general composition? Here are 800 words of my mother's tears composition, which I hope can help you.

The light drizzle kept falling. There is a swallow sitting at the bottom of an old jar in the yard. In the same yard, the leaves on the trees were shining in the rain, and the grapes on the vines seemed to burst. The asters are pressed low by the rain, like shy children. The jar where the little swallow lives is just below the asters.

The poor little swallow is now cold and sad. She huddles up and shivers in the rain. She thought of two sisters who had already flown south, and of her mother who had already flown away - mother, dear mother, how should I spend this cold and wet night? She remembered that in the summer, the family was happily living under the eaves, but the house suddenly caught fire. Mother rushed to rescue, but it was too late. A hot spark flew into the nest and burned the swallow's wings! At that time, the little swallow had just come to the world and had never experienced such a thing. She felt sharp pain and fainted. When she woke up, the swallow found herself lying in a new nest. Her left wing was shrunk due to burns. She could no longer shake her wings. Mother sat beside her, looking very sad.

Summer is over. The grapes are ripe. The asters are in bloom. The wires are full of swallows, like strings of beautiful notes. They are ready to fly away.

Before leaving, my mother took the injured swallow to the yard and said, "We are going to fly to the warm south today, dear child, but you can't fly, so you have to stay. In the jar at the foot of the yard, I made a soft bed with feathers. You can live there! There are a lot of fruits in the yard, so you can go out to find something to eat when you are hungry. When spring comes, we will come back to you. "

"Thank you, Mom," said the swallow sadly. She buried her head under her mother's wing, afraid that her mother would see her tears

Finally, they flew away!

The lonely and melancholy days passed by. The asters are wet, and the top is more drooping. At this time, a drop of rain rolled down from the lowest petal and said, "Alas, I'm so tired!"

The little swallow heard this and asked curiously: "Rain, where are you from?" The rain said: "Oh, dear swallow, I come from the distant ocean. But I am not rain, but a tear." "A tear? Whose tear?" The little swallow asked eagerly.

"A mother's tears. Nine days ago, on the mast of an ocean ship, there was a tired swallow with tears in his eyes. I was born in the right eye of the swallow. At that time, the sea was very windy and the waves were rough. The swallow said to the wind in a weak voice: 'Brother Feng, when you go to Bulgaria, can you stop to see my lonely child? Also, don't forget to tell her to be careful of the cat in the yard, and tell her that I miss her very much... 'Where is your child? The wind asked‘ She was in an old jar, where there were purple asters... Before the swallow finished speaking, I rolled out of her eyes. The wind dragged me around the world. Now, I have traveled for nine days. So tired! I just want to get down and have a good sleep. "

After hearing this, the swallow was stunned. She quickly stood up, opened her mouth and swallowed the tear - the tear of the fainted mother! "Thank you, dear mother!" she whispered, then lay down on the feather bed and fell asleep. Tears warmed her, and she felt as if she was curled up in her mother's arms again.

Mother's Tears (16)

Mother, I may understand better than you. Because I lost my father when I was young, my mother brought me up alone. Grandparents never care whether I have ever asked me whether I have eaten or not, or whether I wear other clothes once.

Mother is a very strong person. No matter what is difficult, she can't be defeated. So I have hardly seen her cry. In my memory, my mother only shed tears twice because of me.

Mother, the first time I shed tears was when I was ten years old. Under the encouragement of my classmates, I skipped class and went fishing in Tangzi all afternoon. In the evening, when I got home, my mother pushed me down on the bed as soon as I entered the door. Then the rain like whip was whipped on my back, buttocks and thighs, and there was a blood print when the whip went down, which made me cry out in pain. It turned out that I always called my mother when I didn't have classes in the afternoon, and my mother looked for me all afternoon and didn't find where I was. She was so anxious and angry that she hit me so hard. This was the first time my mother hit me, or maybe the last time, because he hit me this time from childhood to adulthood. My mother took me to the bed to wipe medicine for me. I was so angry that he wouldn't wipe it. My mother sat beside the bed and cried secretly. For a long time, he said to me earnestly: "Is fishing your job? Or play truant and go fishing. In the past, you were not like this. We are poorer than others, and you have to study hard to be successful. At that moment, I seemed to understand the true meaning of hitting children and hurting women, so I treasured my mother's tears in my memory. (Jiahong Literature)

The second time my mother shed tears was when I was in the sixth grade. In the summer of that year, I was far away from school after junior high school and had to live in school. I only went home once a week. In summer, the conditions in the dormitory were relatively poor. Many mosquitoes could bite you even if they had mosquito nets. So the whole body was bitten by mosquitoes on your body, legs, back and arms. After returning home, my mother applied ointment to me again and again, Mother shed tears. In her tears, I felt her most selfless love, so I secretly treasured her tears.

Mother's tears are holy, selfless, and great. Cherishing mother's tears has taught me self-discipline and maternal love.

Second grade student of Chenzhuang Middle School in Lijin County: Zhang Lilin

--700 words

Mother's Tears (17)

In the depths of my memory, there is a stream flowing slowly, which is my mother's tears.

When I was a child, I was an absolutely stupid girl in everyone's eyes. I will always try my best to give my money to others. At school, he was always bullied by his classmates, so he did not dare to resist or tell the teacher. The result is even worse.

Whenever I came home with a wound, my mother always comforted me and said, "My son, be patient?" Her pale face was already covered with tears. I know that this is hit on my son, and the pain is in my heart. Looking at the crystal clear tears, I felt sad and wanted to say something, but I could not find a word to express it in my head at that time.

I always work hard, but my achievements are always unsatisfactory. Every time I see a teacher visiting my home, the tears that will overflow from my mother's eyes always make me feel extremely sad. My mother still encouraged me with her tears full of infinite maternal love, saying, "Child, work harder, and grow up to be promising." Whenever this happens, I really want to learn from the Monkey King, swallow the whole book, and become smart.

Maybe my mother's tears touched God. In the first half of the third grade, my academic performance suddenly made significant progress. I was praised by my teacher for the first time. When I told my mother this news, my mother held my cheek with both hands and said, "I say, it's OK to think in our family..." As I said this, my mother's tears fell on my face again. I know that it was my mother's tears of joy.

Mother's tears gave me courage and strength. I told myself in my heart that I must study hard - to repay my mother's deep love. So my grades have made great progress.

Now, I am a junior two student, and my mother is much older. But her face is still often hung with tears - just because I brought her joy.

I grew up with my mother's tears of love, and I know the power of Mother River! (Jiahong Literature)

--600 words

Mother's Tears (18)

It is understandable that the development of industry and agriculture needs water, but has the consumption of water really "made the best use of everything"? No, people are greedily using water and wasting it.

First of all, people waste water seriously. It is common to waste water. Although the advertisement of "protect water resources, start from every bit" can be seen everywhere, it still fails to attract people's attention. According to the data from the Beijing Water Conservation Management Center, the waste caused by "running, emitting, dripping and leaking" of households because the taps are not closed tightly is staggering, with 144 tons of water collected a year. In Lianjiang, a car wash needs 73000 kilograms of water a year, which is equivalent to the water consumption of a town in a year. There are more than 30 car washing shops in small cities like Lianjiang, not to mention those big cities with developed transportation.

Secondly, the phenomenon of water pollution has been repeatedly prohibited. The annual pollutant discharge of the country is 30 billion tons. The groundwater of 47 cities in the country is polluted. Half of the seven major river systems in China are polluted, and 86% of the urban river reaches are polluted beyond the standard. According to the survey, it is found that water pollution and water waste exist all over the country and most people are accustomed to it. It is reported that a large area of dead fish has appeared in Dongguan Songmushan Reservoir, which is due to the large amount of pollution from four sewage outlets flowing into the reservoir, leading to the decline of water quality.

What makes us sad is that at present, there are 2 billion people in the world who are extremely short of water, and their lives make people feel sad. Children in Africa have to cross mountains and mountains to fetch water every day, and they are no more than 5 years old. In Brazil, skin patients also need to calculate the amount of water to scrub their bodies. In the northern Dimarhan Mountains, women and children have to climb a 2500 meter high mountain to collect spring water... In addition, nearly 90000 people around the world have no access to safe drinking water, unsafe sanitation and lost their young lives. Every year, more people die from water pollution than from wars and other violent conflicts!

However, in Dongguan, water costs only a few yuan a ton. Water waste is serious. Even, some people turn the tap to the maximum to watch the "pocket waterfall" at a close distance. In summer, there are countless children playing with water pistols. Saunas, baths and other places consume a lot of water... Although in recent years, Dongguan will implement 98 projects in ten categories, and the total investment in key environmental protection projects is expected to be 494. 400 million yuan, but the effect is not significant, the root cause may be that environmental awareness has not improved!

As a member of Dongguan, should we take some actions? In family life, we can use phosphorus free detergent, tighten the faucet, and water the flowers with water that is prior to rice. In school, we can save water together with our classmates, and stop wasting and polluting water. In society, we can place garbage cans by the lake to contribute to preventing water pollution.

Water is the source of human life! When we let the water flow away in vain, we are one step closer to exhaustion. Cherish every drop of water, like loving mother's tears, don't let the last drop of water on the earth become a tear!