Candle Description (10 in total)
Life is enough
2024-05-04 05:37:47

Candle Description (1)

It was a stormy night. As soon as the English class was over, the whole town lost power.

My mother and I walked several stores in the street without buying candles, so we had to go home. But the flashlight was poor in power, and the light was poor. My mother sighed: "It's really sad. What can I do on such a stormy night without candles?" I said: "I can't do my homework today, and I will be punished tomorrow."

It was not easy to reach home. In the light of the flashlight, my mother and I touched the bed. At this time, the rain was heavier, and the raindrops were beating against the window, popping. The darkness engulfed the whole sky. Lying in the quilt, I was a little afraid, so I had to hold my mother's hand and count the sheep to let myself fall asleep quickly. When my sheep had not flocked, the doorbell rang suddenly. Who came back so late? My mother and I dressed and got up to open the door. When we opened the door, we were shocked. There were two people standing at the door, one big and one small, one tall and one short. They were Zhu Zhu and his father. They stood in front of the door with wet umbrellas. Zhu Zhu said with a smile, "Hey! There is no candle! Take it, with it, you will not be afraid." Judy said and handed me a package of red candles, then turned around and hurried into the rain with his father. We stood at the door, looking at the backs of Judy and his son. It was still so dark, but our hearts were suddenly bright.

When we returned to the house, we lit the candles. The house suddenly became bright and warm, and the rain was still falling outside the window, but our hearts were warm. In the candlelight, we saw the back of Zhu Zhu and his son again. I think, no matter how heavy the rain tonight, we will not be afraid, because we are not alone.

Candle Description (2)

What glows weak and bright in the dark night? What is burning itself to illuminate others? What is the representative who has been praised by poets all the time as willing to give? Yes, this is the selfless candle.

I watched the candle closely. When the fire was just lit, the flame was beating, illuminating the whole room, and instantly felt extremely warm. It warms my heart, but burns itself. I am sure it is very hot. I saw one or two beads of sweat on its head from time to time, and tick it down to form solid tear wax. I saw it grow shorter and shorter, and found that its life was coming to an end. Its life is short and brilliant. It has completed its mission, but this mission is at the cost of life. It is sad and regretful. And when it illuminates others and their surroundings, it must also understand sacrifice. Why don't you think you are using life? What about defending your own ideals? If there is no candle to burn oneself and illuminate the noble quality of others in the dark society, wouldn't everything lose its color significance?

The soldiers of Xinjiang Construction Corps, the sanitation workers who clean the roads, the workers who build high-rise buildings... wherever there is a "battlefield", there are their figures. No matter in cold winter and hot summer, we are always ordinary workers. They are just like the burning candles, giving their youth to the motherland and throwing their blood to the earth. Aren't they like flames beating in the dark?

A poet once said, "Spring silkworms will not die until they die, and the wax torches will not dry until they are turned into ashes." Spring silkworms will not die until they spit out all their silk, and the candles will not dry until they burn themselves into ashes. The builders of the motherland will spend their whole lives building the motherland, building the future, passing on from generation to generation, and integrating the efforts of generations into today's world, They are the representatives of candle spirit!

Candle Description (3)

Candles illuminate both life and others. A small candle is insignificant, but it can always play a role in the critical moment. In the end, the candle burns out life, and only lights up the dark heart for others. Candle is a small grain of sand in people's life. Candle is an ordinary and great power. It seems insignificant that a candle is lit in the dark and extinguished in the bright. However, I want to sing a song of praise for the selfless candle.

In the passage of time, the candle burns the flame bit by bit; The candle is at the end of life, breathing and flickering with faint sparks; When candles illuminate life for others, they also silently bear the pain of the passing of life. The life of a candle is very plain, white, red, colorful, with a sheep's horn braid on its head. Life begins in a sheep's horn braid. Gradually, the flame engulfed the sheep's horns and began to melt the candle's body. Every drop of wax like a string of tears, solidified. The ancients used to describe the spirit of unswerving determination as "the silkworms in spring will be exhausted when they die, and the wax torches will be dried when they become ashes".

He is inconspicuous, but not useless. It is not an exquisite artwork, nor a lovely toy. God gave it a short life, a flash in the pan, but also did not have time to return it a beautiful coat. Candles can exist or not. As the saying goes, "My existence is a permanent magic to me, and this is life." The existence of any life in Flying Birds is not for the purpose of living a whole life, but for the purpose of experience. Experience the ups and downs of life. Only after tasting it can you understand that it is sweet and unforgettable.

Candlelight drives away darkness and brings light. "The evening sky, in my opinion, is like a window, a lamp, a waiting behind the lamp. Therefore, the spirit of candles is not only the object of praise by the ancients, but also our example!

Candle Description (4)

I remember that it was a windy night when power was cut off. I lit a candle at home. In a gust of strong wind, the candle flickered and flickered. It was about to go out, but it was still in a dying struggle. In the struggle, wax oil kept flowing onto the table. Even though the candle flame struggled desperately, it was finally blown out by the wind.

Looking at the wax oil on the table, I thought: "If the candle had stopped struggling fearlessly just now, it would not have wasted so much wax oil. Wouldn't it be better to let the candle burn again after the strong wind?"

In the strong wind, it is better to give up on your own initiative than to struggle for your life. No matter whether you are a candle or in your life, it is better to choose on your own initiative than to act against the market. Sometimes, you can succeed without hard work, because you can't decide who will spend the success. Success involves too many things. Therefore, on the contrary, sometimes the more efforts you make, the greater the negative impact you may receive, and the blow of failure to you will become heavier like the image under a magnifying glass.

If you feel that there is no hope, no pleasure and no motivation for you to move forward, you may as well stop or even step back to wait for the opportunity. At this time, this is the best way. Before success comes, the only thing we can do is to be patient and accumulate energy silently. In this era when everyone worships success, only a few people can reach the peak at one time. Only when you feel tired and helpless, can you accumulate energy again and face the future more bravely.

Anyone who starts again after a slight rest starts from the bottom, but it is those who dare to give up that can achieve brilliant miracles in life.

Be a man according to your ability. Don't make some unnecessary struggles. Give up when it's time to give up. I think this is the best adjustment in life.

Candle Description (5)

Candles are very common objects. I believe everyone has seen candles! It's very cheap and is everywhere in the world. You must be surprised to see this. Candles are so common. Why should I bother to introduce them? Indeed, the candle is very common, but its spirit of silently paying for others has deeply attracted me. It lights up itself and others without seeking any return. When I think of this, I can't help thinking of the cultivator of the flowers of our country, the pillar of the pillars of our country, and the teacher who has paid for us silently. Every day, the teacher comes back to school early to teach us how to be human and teach us rich knowledge. Everyone says that a teacher is a gardener, a beacon in the vast sea of people. But I want to say that the teacher is a candle. "One day is a teacher, and one day is a father." The teacher cultivates the flowers of our motherland with hard work and sweat, making us become the contributors of our motherland. He has never been selfish about himself and does not expect any return. If there is no teacher in life, just like there is no candle when the power is cut off, life will fall into darkness. At this time, I remembered an ancient poem that I recited last semester: when the silkworms died, the wax torches became ashes and tears began to dry. This sentence can't be more suitable for teachers. The teacher still insists on teaching until he is grey haired, just like a candle, he sacrifices himself to illuminate others.

Candle, it is so ordinary, but also so great. In the future, I will also like a candle, silently pay for the society, selfless dedication!

Candle Description (6)

Once upon a time, there was a candle in a farmer's house. The candle burned brightly, so it was very proud and complacent.

One day, he heard his master reading a poem written by the ancients praising him, "The silkworms in spring will be exhausted when they die, and the wax sentences will become gray and tears will dry." He became even more proud. He felt that it was brighter than the sun, and more than the sun's contribution to mankind. So he bragged. One morning, the candle stood on the ground and said proudly, "Ha ha! Nothing in the world is as bright as I am. Nothing is as bright as I have contributed to mankind, let alone the sun." At this time, the sun grandfather was walking in the blue sky. Suddenly, he heard someone saying that there is someone in the world who is brighter than him and who has contributed more to mankind than he is. At this time, this sentence made the sun furious and furious, and hurried to the earth to find this man. It saw the candle standing on the ground boasting all the time. It was so angry that it invited Sister Feng to prove who was the brightest. Sister Feng thought of a good way to blow the candle out, but the sun could not be blown out, which proved that the sun was the brightest. The sun found another human and asked, "Who do you think has made great contributions to mankind?" The human pointed to the sun and said, "Of course it is you." It proved that the sun has made great contributions to mankind. The candle looked down and looked ashamed.

At last, the candle corrected the mistake and was no longer conceited. Through this story, we understand that only by constantly learning with an open mind and never being arrogant and complacent can we maximize our own value.

Candle Description (7)

As the calendar turned page by page, time passed quickly, and "Teacher's Day" came to us silently with light steps.

Some people compare teachers to hardworking gardeners who take good care of us so that we can thrive; Some people say that teachers are the teachers on our learning journey, and they lead us to the other side of success; Others say that a teacher is like a machine that never stops working; But I want to say that the teacher is like a candle. "The silk of the spring silkworm will be exhausted when it dies, and the wax torch will not dry until it turns to ashes." This sentence can't be more appropriate for a teacher. The teacher imparts us knowledge in obscurity, and takes us to travel in the ocean of knowledge. Teacher like a candle

As the calendar turned page by page, time passed quickly, and "Teacher's Day" came to us silently with light steps.

Every time after school, when I pass by the teacher's window, I always see that the teachers are still accompanied by those electric lights to carefully correct homework and prepare lessons. Even in order to make us understand more thoroughly and learn more solidly, the teachers spend a long time to do many models. Every tick and red cross on the exercise book is condensed with the sweat of the teacher. When we have a problem that we don't understand, the teacher will always patiently explain to us, "the teacher's kindness is as heavy as a mountain", "the kindness of dripping water should be reported to each other". Students, don't wait for success in your career. Just today, just as teachers and students get along day and night, we should give our sincere thanks and good wishes to our teachers, so that our teachers can always feel the love of students!

They work hard, they are willing to be human ladders, what are they doing in their poor life? In order to cultivate more high-quality talents for the country, the teachers are a humble candle. They silently offer candles at the critical moment. They sacrifice their precious youth, but cultivate a lot of pillars for the country.

Teachers are selfless and deserve all praise.

Candle Description (8)

The tears are boiling hot; Burning is rare life. Spend your life in gratitude and shine in the dark. Candle, how respectable and lovely it is!

Whenever there is a power failure, the thin candle becomes the messenger of light in the home. In the dark night, only this small light brings us warmth and light. The wax oil silently rolled down into the tray. It has been shortened a bit. Knowing that the death time was approaching, it still stood upright and burned.

No matter what their colors and shapes are, their names are always fresh in my memory—— Candle, this warm name, this beautiful name. Compared with table lamps and fluorescent lamps, they are always more attractive. But this little candle is just locked in the cabinet and taken out for emergency when necessary. However, under this insignificant condition, it is still so hard and serious.

Dust cannot cover its nature, nor can it forget its spirit. Long and thin candles, burning flames and holy hearts are more valuable than anything else.

Is it only candles that have this spirit? No, it's not. The teacher is also one of them.

The three foot platform, the voice gradually hoarse, the figure gradually bent. Chalk ash crept up on the hair, and the strands of white hair were worrisome. They have dedicated their knowledge and all that they can. Three feet platform, that one by one has always been inseparable from the figure. The voice is still ringing in my ears. The knowledge has been accepted, but they continue to educate for the next generation. Don't they know that they are tired? No, it is because they have crystal soul and gold heart.

Candle, that flickering life. Candles piled at the foot, it is not afraid; When wax oil drops, it ignores; The fire burns to the end of life, and it doesn't care. This spirit does not make people admire and move?

I love you, candle! You light up the darkness and my heart!

Candle Description (9)

The tears are boiling hot; Burning is rare life. Spend your life in gratitude and shine in the dark. Candle, how respectable and lovely it is!

Whenever there is a power failure, the thin candle becomes the messenger of light in the home. In the dark night, only this small light brings us warmth and light. The wax oil silently rolled down into the tray. It has been shortened a bit. Knowing that the death time was approaching, it still stood upright and burned.

No matter what their colors and shapes are, their names are always fresh in my memory. Candle, this warm name, this beautiful name. Compared with table lamps and fluorescent lamps, they are always more attractive. But this little candle is just locked in the cabinet and taken out for emergency when necessary. However, under this insignificant condition, it is still so hard and serious.

Dust cannot cover its nature, nor can it forget its spirit. Long and thin candles, burning flames and holy hearts are more valuable than anything else.

Is it only candles that have this spirit? No, it's not. The teacher is also one of them.

The three foot platform, the voice gradually hoarse, the figure gradually bent. Chalk ash crept up on the hair, and the strands of white hair were worrisome. They have dedicated their knowledge and all that they can. Three feet platform, that one by one has always been inseparable from the figure. The voice is still ringing in my ears. The knowledge has been accepted, but they continue to educate for the next generation. Don't they know that they are tired? No, it is because they have crystal soul and gold heart.

Candle, that flickering life. Candles piled at the foot, it is not afraid; When wax oil drops, it ignores; The fire burns to the end of life, and it doesn't care. This spirit does not make people admire and move?

I love you, candle! You light up the darkness and my heart!

Candle Description (10)

What is a candle? Candle is a small grain of sand in people's life. Candle is an ordinary and great power. It seems insignificant that a candle is lit in the dark and extinguished in the bright. However, I want to sing a song of praise for the selfless candle.

The life of a candle is very plain, white, red, colorful, with a sheep's horn braid on its head. Life begins in a sheep's horn braid. Gradually, the flame engulfed the sheep's horns and began to melt the candle's body. Every drop of wax like a string of tears, solidified. The ancients used to describe the spirit of unswerving commitment by saying that the silk of spring silkworms was exhausted when they died, and the wax torches began to dry when they became ashes. Yeah!

The spirit of candles is not only the object of praise of the ancients, but also our example.

Therefore, the life of a candle is brilliant. From birth to death, it always gives light to people. In today's era when electric lights are used by thousands of households, the role of candles seems to have disappeared. no

No, When the power is cut off, candles still have their own uses. White candles like jade pillars send souls to the west, and red candles like agate welcome new families. And the colorful birthday candles, which symbolize the beginning of another year, are filled with happy memories. Reading in the light of a candle makes you feel warm, and walking in the light of a candle makes you feel comfortable.

While praising the candle, I can't help thinking of the teacher who has worked hard and taught people tirelessly. They are like candles, the flame of time melts the teacher's youth. The teacher is the candle in the student's journey, always the end of the student's victory, and teaching is the eternal candle light, always illuminating the students' hearts.


I praise you for illuminating others and burning your body!


I sing you, teach students, and grow old