My Footprints (17 preferred)
have experienced all sorts of hardships
2023-12-17 00:50:48
Argumentative paper

My Footprint (1)

There is a song like this: "Every step of the future moves forward with each other's dreams". In fact, every step we take is a footprint, and it is our footprint. Along the way, footprints accompany me to grow.

Footprint of friendship

I still remember that when I first met each other, they were too shy and didn't want to say much. But now they have been unconscious for more than two years, and even they can't believe it. Looking back, along the way, we ate cake and sang together. Our partner cried bitterly. We went to eat Malatang hand in hand. We drank beer together, shared our favorite books, cried and laughed together. This road is full of footprints. All footprints are firm and forward. It is footprints that accompany my growth when friendship grows.

Footprints of family affection

When I was young, I often listened to my father tell stories. I felt that my father's head was like an endless book with many stories. Later, my father became ill. I never heard my father tell a story again. When I grow up, my father will tell me to be careful when I go to school every day. My mother will look forward to it. My father will help me make the quilt, and my mother will help me wash my gloves... Life is in order, and I will not be hungry, nor will I feel wronged. From childhood to now, my parents have taken care of everything I do. I remember it clearly from the beginning, and even now, it has not been blurred. On the way to grow up, Footprints grow with the affection between me and my relatives, and footprints grow with me.

Walk towards the footprint of self-reliance

When they could not walk, they had to be held by their parents. Later, they began to learn to walk. At that time, they had great courage. They fell down countless times and got up countless times; When I was older, I went to primary school. If I cut my finger or bled, I could bear it without crying to my parents; Now I go to middle school, I can wash clothes, cook instant noodles, and do many things by myself... gradually rely on myself, and on my way to independence, my footprints grow with my perseverance. Footprints grow with me!

Footprints are the symbol of all things worth remembering, and they also pave the way of life. This way of life is also the footprints that accompany my growth!

My Footprint (2)

Alone on the road of growth, walking, running, suddenly looking back, I found that the "random graffiti" that has always accompanied me.

Ⅰ Exciting and happy footprints

I remember hearing from my mother that when I first came to the world, I often used my hands and feet and land to "guerrilla" in my little bed, making it "premature" and "premature death" several times, but I was very happy. When I grew up (more than 8 months), I began to learn to walk at home by holding the wall alone - of course, I didn't know what "walking" was, but just regarded it as a game.

So, after 10 months, I was able to stand alone and walk. At that time, the walking was not very stable, and it was still staggering, just like a little penguin. Now I think it's very strange and cute. At that time, my parents were very happy and often took me with them to play with my older brothers and sisters. What made me happy was that my brothers and sisters lured me to chase them. Although I always failed to catch up with them at that time (which was inevitable), and I often fell, I still "repeated the old tricks", and I still laughed

At that time, footprints began to accompany me.

Ⅱ Stubborn and naughty footprints

When I was a little older, I was sent to kindergarten. There, I was very "barbaric" and often bullied those weak students. As a result, I began to be pointed out by many parents and became a "bad child".

Later, when I went to preschool, my mother and father realized that it was no good to let me continue like this, so they severely educated me, and even "forced" me to correct my previous bad habits. But I don't know what I thought at that time. To my surprise, I was "strong willed", "would rather die than surrender", and still "ruthlessly exploited" my classmates every day

As a result, footprints remain "naughty".

Ⅲ Learning and changing footprints

After primary school, I began to have homework and began to contact with "homework". I don't know why, but I forgot my "responsibility" - bullying the weak students because I was obsessed with the "excellent" in the exercise book.

Later, I began to change and became the focus of teachers and parents. Because I am a "barbaric" and obsessed with learning.

In this way, the footprints began to change direction.

Ⅴ Steady and calm footprints

Now, I have integrated myself into the study wholeheartedly, and the "naughty" of my childhood has been "wiped out" and gone forever. Moreover, he stubbornly likes his calm and calm self.

Now, the footprints stay in the "yesterday"

Ⅵ End

Maybe tomorrow's footprints will be more interesting!

Note: This is the composition I wrote in Duan Kao. I hope you can help me revise what you have read! It is not well written. I hope you can give me more advice!

My Footprint (3)

What is the concept of "unforgettable"? My friend said that it was like a black spot on a piece of white paper, which could never be erased. Yes, it is, as you said, an eternal concept.

It was a snowy day. At that time, I was only eight years old, but the burden of learning was not lighter than now. I was flooded with extra-curricular tutoring, dancing, and chess. "Wait a minute, Mom. It's snowing heavily today. Don't fall yourself! I have so many things to take, let me send you!" The voice of my mother came behind me. I turned my head and looked at my mother (who was ill) who wrapped herself three layers inside and three layers outside. Suddenly, a warm current came through my heart.

On the way to the teacher's house to make up lessons, my mother and I walked side by side. The snow on the road was thick, so my mother turned her face, which was wrapped with only eyes, and said to me, "Go behind me and walk on my footprints." I asked, "Why?" My mother smiled and said, "So your shoes won't be wet!" Although I was only eight years old at that time, I still understood the meaning of the word "love". Love is everywhere. In order not to let my shoes get wet, my mother left warm footprints on that cold winter day. In the eyes of others, maybe this is nothing. But in my eyes, it is worth cherishing for a lifetime.

”Time goes by like water. Five years have passed. Time has left an outline on my mother's face, but the love is still the same. In the Milky Way of memory, this is' a shining shell '. Whenever I feel wronged and think that the world does not have love, "picking it up" is the best way for me to comfort myself.

My Footprint (4)

The temperature of this summer is rising like my mother's never tired enthusiasm. I began to fall in love with this kind of love gradually. This is mother's fire love.


When I was 1 year old, I was very weak and often had fever. Sometimes it burns high at midnight. My mother picked me up and went straight to the hospital. No matter how cold it was, she would never turn back. When I was nearly one and a half years old, I learned to walk. My steps were very unstable, and I walked slowly and stumbled. But my mother always patiently asked me to walk.

When my first step in life was just taken, my wobbly little footprint was my mother's steady and firm big footprint.


When I first went to school, I felt fresh about everything. It was my mother who taught me to write, rolled my pencils and put them in my pencil box, and helped me carry my small schoolbag, opening the door to knowledge for the first time. My mother always gave me the best encouragement when I got my first little red flower or little certificate of award. I am very happy, childhood let me begin to understand maternal love.

When I can't see the end of the road of life, the small footprints that I can hardly walk on are the big footprints that my mother encourages me.


As I began to mature, I began to be a little proud, and some subjects that I thought could begin to decline. For example, when I failed to write a composition, I could not stand the blow of failure and began to lose my direction gradually. It was my mother who advised me not to lose heart. I could start all over again. So I gradually began to practice and humbly asked others for advice. So with a sense of confidence and mother's love, I meticulously wrote a brilliant chapter of life.

As I gradually started on the road of life, beside the small footprints I needed help, you gave me a big footprint of help.

My Footprint (5)

I remember in the third grade of primary school, the teacher asked us to write a diary every day. At that time, I thought it was boring to write a diary, because teachers and parents forced me to write. What I wrote was boring, so I stopped writing.

When I was in the fifth grade, I happened to see a particularly lovely book with a lock, so I couldn't help buying home. It's a pity to have it all day long, so I have the idea of writing a diary again. Since then, I have kept a diary every day, no matter how tired and busy I am, I will keep it down.

My Footprint (6)

Growth is a familiar and unfamiliar word. I think, perhaps for children who are still learning to walk, it means that they have taken another step; For those of the same age who are learning at school, the growth is the addition of all kinds of new knowledge.

For me, growth is a long waiting process. Like a flower bud, the flower bud should reserve sufficient nutrients for a more beautiful and powerful bloom; Just like a worm, only by accumulating the power of the whole life can it spin silk and spin cocoons. Let's review the childhood of me, you, him and them. Why not? When the garden is full of flowers, only one of them is outstanding; The flowers are gorgeous and fragrant, attracting butterflies. There are a large group of butterflies, one of which is gorgeous. After a long wait, the flower has sufficient nutrition and has blossomed out bright and plump flowers. And the insect, also grew up. When the pupa is laboriously earned one day, it is not only conducive to the blood circulation of the wings that have not yet been spread, but also the growth process of Zhongzhong. Only through personal experience can we realize what growth is!

When I was a child, I entrusted my secret to my locked diary for a period of time. My happiness and anger were all in the diary. After a period of time, I took it out to "appreciate" it and now I feel very childish. Now, I will tell my mother what I don't understand before I go to bed and ask for help. My mother answered very seriously. Every sentence hit my heart, and my heart disappeared. Fortunately, my brain has been actively cooperating, and I forget all the unhappy things. At this time, "growth" has another explanation in my mind: learn to adjust your emotions, find the person who is willing to listen to me, and listen to his opinions.

The other day I had another worry. Why is that person still unwilling to forgive me after apologizing? During morning exercises, I stepped on the foot of a female student in front of me several times, and she was very unhappy. I apologized long ago and said repeatedly, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry." She was still unhappy. At this time, I thought that maybe I could solve this problem by myself. I really thought about it for a few days. I thought that as long as I and her changed the way of dealing with others, this would not happen. I am one step closer to growth!

As the saying goes, "Women are 18 years old." When I was young, I was silent and golden. I was almost a model for ladies, because who knows that "quiet and elegant", I just don't like talking and fighting with them. Entering the sixth grade, looking at the students, a sense of pride came into being in my heart. The mood became cheerful and gradually merged into the students.

In this summer vacation, my cousin sent me several books, one of which is called Perfect Flower. It shows me how a girl can break through the difficulties on the way of psychological growth, and the process of perfect opening. Maybe this girl is you or me. Among many people, the shadow of that girl is clearly visible. The key is to see how you grasp yourself. These are the stepping stones to your growth. There is a sentence in The Perfect Flower that I want to share with you: hold the stamen tightly because I want to open it more perfectly. There must be scars behind perfection. Only when you grow up and open your heart, you will really grow up.

My Footprint (7)

What is the concept of "unforgettable"? My friend said that it was like a black spot on a piece of white paper, which could never be erased. Yes, it is, as you said, an eternal concept.

It was a snowy day. At that time, I was only eight years old, but the burden of learning was not lighter than now. I was flooded with extra-curricular tutoring, dancing, and chess. "Wait a minute, Mom. It's snowing heavily today. Don't fall yourself! I have so many things to take, let me send you!" The voice of my mother came behind me. I turned my head and looked at my mother (who was ill) who wrapped herself three layers inside and three layers outside. Suddenly, a warm current came through my heart.

On the way to the teacher's house to make up lessons, my mother and I walked side by side. The snow on the road was thick, so my mother turned her face, which was wrapped with only eyes, and said to me, "Go behind me and walk on my footprints." I asked, "Why?" My mother smiled and said, "So your shoes won't be wet!" Although I was only eight years old at that time, I still understood the meaning of the word "love". Love is everywhere. In order not to let my shoes get wet, my mother left warm footprints on that cold winter day. In the eyes of others, maybe this is nothing. But in my eyes, it is worth cherishing for a lifetime.

”Time goes by like water. Five years have passed. Time has left an outline on my mother's face, but the love is still the same. In the Milky Way of memory, this is' a shining shell '. Whenever I feel wronged and think that the world does not have love, "picking it up" is the best way for me to comfort myself.

My Footprint (8)

I saw my footprint in my composition 800 words (1)

800 words of composition with footprints

800 words of composition with footprints

Oral quotient sensitivity

At the age of 16, I have left many footprints in my life. The footprints, large and small, contain family and friendship that I can never forget.

When I was young, whenever it snowed, I would ask my father and mother to go out to play with snow. My father walked in front, I followed behind, and my mother stood by to help me, lest I should slip. Looking back, the footprints were very messy, but it was still clear which was mine and which was father's - the small one was mine, the big one was father's and mother's. These large and small footprints linked up our laughter and hung in my young memory. The footprints of kinship accompanied me through my innocent childhood!

Gradually, I entered the kindergarten. I didn't have much time to play. Only in winter vacation and summer vacation can I have a good time. In the winter vacation, as long as we have nothing to do, we will get together to play, talk and play. Every snowy day, we will have a snowball fight together. Our happy footprints are everywhere on the snow. Every time, we would not rest until we were sweating. The footprints of friendship let me feel the infinite happiness after school!

Since the first grade last year, my grandmother will pick me up and send me to school every day. At that time, there was still a dirt road in front of my house. It was good if it didn't rain. When it rained, the road became muddy, and this road was the only way I had to go to school. At this time, Grandma would carry me on her back and wade through muddy water, leaving a string of footprints on the road. Grandma's footprints accompanied me through six years of primary school!

After entering junior high school, the important task of picking me up and seeing me off fell to Grandpa again. When I entered ninth grade and studied at night, I didn't live in school. I went out early and came back late every day. Especially in winter, it was extremely cold and dark. When it was snowy or rainy, my father came. But my father was sometimes busy and couldn't come. My grandfather always came to pick me up. When it snowed that day, my father worked overtime, and my grandfather came. Yes, it was like this. Under the light, I noticed my grandfather's footprints on the snow, deep. Although grandpa is over sixty years old, he walks with such strength every step. Grandpa's footprints will encourage me to move towards a better future!

It is precisely because of the company of these footprints that I will not be so lonely on the road of growth and will not fall a lot. These footprints also guide me and become the guiding lights on my life path, so that I will not lose my direction in the darkness and confusion. They will encourage me to move forward bravely!

Class 7, Grade 3, Baichihe Junior High School, Zhucheng, Shandong


The article mainly wrote about the footprints of different stages of my growth, including the footprints of family, friendship, grandma and grandpa, which accompanied me to grow up step by step. At the end of the paper, the function of these footprints is revealed.

Instructor: 800 Words of Footprint Writing by Zhong Zhaolin

I saw my footprint in my composition 800 words (2)

I saw my footprint in my composition 800 words (3)

Footprint of growth 800 words of composition

Footprint of growth 800 words of composition

Zou Junjie

Once, I loved running and chasing barefoot on the beach, stopping to look back and scattering a string of footprints behind me. But as the tide rises and falls, the sea water immediately washes away the beautiful memories of the seaside. Then, I began to like to wander in the sea of books, reading happily. Slowly, the footprints of growth were permanently engraved in the neat and square lines of words in the book.

When I was a young child, I only read brightly colored and beautifully bound fairy tales. At that time, many stories have disappeared in the river of time. Only the story of the ugly duckling is still fresh in my memory. A little swan accidentally hatched into an ugly duckling in the duck nest, which was ridiculed by its partners because it was too ugly, but it was still strong and optimistic, and finally transformed into a beautiful white swan, flying to the blue sky. Fairy tales are like a magic castle, with all kinds of characters, good and bad, beautiful and ugly. However, when I was a child, I was very excited when I heard that good people defeated evil people. The fairy tale book led me to the door of reading and let me understand the true, good and beautiful.

As I grow older, my reading ability has improved. "Primary School Students Must Recite 300 Ancient Poems" began to enter my life. Although there are only a few dozen words in ancient poetry, it can contain the whole world and make people linger. When I read Wang Wei's "Being a stranger in a foreign country alone and missing my relatives every holiday", I couldn't help crying and was moved by the homesickness of those who were away from home; When I read Xin Qiji's' Da er hoes the east of Douxi, Zhong er is weaving a chicken coop. I like children's scoundrels most. When I lay down at the head of the stream to peel lotus, the family reunion, happy and plain rural life reminded me of my yearning; And Li Bai's' Peach Blossom Pond is a thousand feet deep, not as deep as Wang Lun's sending me love '. The thousand feet deep pool is not as deep as Li and Wang's deep friendship, which is really touching! The ancient poetry is like the vast starry sky, boundless, mysterious and fantastic. It is the great spiritual wealth left by our ancestors. As Chinese children, we should inherit this priceless wealth.

In the fifth and sixth grade, my desire for knowledge slowly expanded, like a little spark greedily breathing oxygen, and gradually grew into a flaming flame. Literary classics have gradually slipped into my life. Wu Song, a brave and fearless man in Outlaws of the Marsh, killed the evil tiger with his bare hands, which solved the peace of one side. This heroic spirit deeply touched my heart. In Journey to the West, the powerful Monkey King cut off demons and demons all the way. After going through ninety-nine and eighty-one difficulties, he finally got the scripture and raised a blue sky in my heart. Every reading is a dialogue with the master, and the soul grows, just like getting a drop of cool water in the desert, which moistens the inner dryness.

The footprints on the beach will go with the tide, but the footprints of growth - books will always be engraved in my heart.

I saw my footprint in my composition 800 words (4)

800 words of composition related to footprints

There are many footprints in the world. In my short life, I also left a series of footprints, of which the most profound one is about learning.

When I was a toddler and babbling, my mother sent me to a nearby kindergarten. Every morning, my grandmother sent me to school. I often ask my grandmother: Why do you have to send me to school? What do you do when you go to school Grandma didn't go to school, so she didn't know how to answer me, so she said to me, "When you grow up, you will know.". At the beginning, I thought that kindergarten was still very fun, not only having snacks to eat, but also watching cartoons. But gradually, I began to hate this kind of life, because I felt not free. One day, I said to my mother, I don't want to go to school, but my mother insisted on letting me go. We both stood still for a long time. At the end, we all stepped back. I said: If I can not go to school today, I will never ask for leave in the future. My mother promised me. I soon graduated from kindergarten, and sure enough, I didn't take a day off from kindergarten except for being ill.

After primary school, when I was in the first and second grades of Cili Jinci Primary School, I often got a double percentage. In the third and fourth grade, it was 0. The hero was defeated by 5 points, and only one percent was saved. At that time, although my grades were good, I was very careless. Every time I got the difficult questions right, but the simple ones were wrong. By the fifth grade, I was a little rebellious because I didn't know how good learning was for me, and my mother insisted that I go to school every day. Although I knew that learning was for me, my laziness defeated my reason. In the second semester of the fifth grade, my father transferred me to Wulingyuan Military and Local Primary School. At that time, although I didn't want to go to school, I still went there every day when I saw my father working so hard to do so much work in the unit and also insisted on picking me up and sending me to school, but I always felt a little disgusted. When I came to junior high school, my weariness became more serious. I skipped three classes in a month. People went to school, but they never wanted to enter the classroom, so as to resist the complex of not wanting to read. Later, thanks to the teachings of my teachers, parents and the director of the Political and Educational Office, I finally realized the importance of learning and decided not to rebel anymore.

Reviewing the footprints left in the learning process, I deeply realized that in society, people with knowledge may not succeed, but people without knowledge will not succeed.

I saw my footprint in my composition 800 words (5)

I saw my footprint in the composition 800 words (6)

My Footprints We walked from all directions, carrying the story of yesterday, stepping on the dust of history deeply and shallowly, the wind and frost along the way with untold difficulties, the dust along the way with some sadness, and my footprints were all printed all the way. Even a happy life, there will be pain, some people face setbacks and resolve difficulties; Some people often exaggerate setbacks. I remember that in the final exam of last semester, the students were nervous and orderly in the exam room, but I was listless, like a scapegoat, at the mercy of others; The depressed atmosphere in the examination room made me feel more depressed and depressed; I used to be proud of my high score in composition, but I didn't get it as scheduled. Therefore, I was severely criticized by my Chinese teacher. My footprints were printed in the examination room, which was very deep, because at that time I was like a zombie walking around. Mr. Cai's leaving made me very sad; Time comes and goes in a hurry every day, but I can't feel it; The coldness in the world seems to have nothing to do with me. I just want to know Miss Cai, everything about her; In fact, I know in my heart that this is life, this is frustration. It is like a stone is placed in front of you. Whether your footprints choose to cross it or stay where they are depends on your thoughts. However, I know I can face frustration directly, but I chose to escape it and expand the pain. Someone once said: "Smile has transcendental power for everything, and can even change a person's life." This sentence is true. When you face it with a smile, when you look back, you will find that your footprints are full of this road full of thorns; As the saying in "One Step, One Step" goes, "One step, one step, one step toward the thorns." Later, I let go. When I looked back, I was surprised to find that my footprints were really full of this road full of thorns. Be good at turning setbacks into spiritual lamps to illuminate the way forward; Be good at turning the stumbling block of life into the stepping stone of life. The steps are the wind and rain, leaving footprints, ushering in the joy of final victory—— Postscript Gao Erting

I saw my footprint in my composition 800 words (7)

Take "Footprint" as the topic of composition guidance


Around the "footprint", activate the sleeping memory, release the wings of association, and extract and

My Footprint (9)

Grandma's Footprint 800 (1)

Grandma's footprints

When I started writing this article. Grandmother was struggling to read the newspaper through a pair of reading glasses. The so-called "reading" refers to reading with her mouth in a real sense, and whispering tiny bytes shake off from cracked lips one by one. I frowned and motioned to Grandma to keep quiet. The old man nodded in fear like a child who had made a mistake, then buried his head and continued to read the newspaper. Unexpectedly, after a while, the whispering sound came again. Looking at my impatient eyes, Grandma stiffened in embarrassment, and simply walked over with the balcony far from the study in the newspaper village.

The air around me finally settled down quietly. I picked up my pen and wrote an ordinary and clean beginning. "When Yuanmu said that he would drop out of school to travel to the outside world, the old carpenter was obviously stunned. Looking at his son's firm eyes, the old carpenter sighed, neither shaking his head nor nodding. Yuanmu knew that it was acquiescence." Suddenly, I felt that some distant and ancient fairy tale had been told one after another. Fairy tales? I drank a mouthful of fresh orange juice that Grandma had just put on the corner of the table. When I was a child, I often listened to it when I lived in town with Grandma. To be exact, when I went to bed at night, my grandmother pestered me, such as' wolf grandmother who only eats children ', or' wishing lake where the devil lives'. The childish and boring stories that seem to me now can be described as "never tired of listening" to me at that time. And now? Grandma moved into the city to live with my parents when I was in the fifth grade. I insisted on not letting Grandma sleep with me. The reason was that "Grandma began to snore loudly as soon as she went to bed." Mom was staring at me and was about to attack. The old man quickly waved his hand, "It's not in the way, it's not in the way, and it affects how well the children sleep." Strange to say, When I lived in a small town, my grandmother snored like thunder as soon as she went to bed. Why didn't I feel disgusted at that time?

The wind on the leaves began to rustle, and the branches were wrapped in cool autumn, which was very poetic. Grandma thumped from the balcony to close the window of the study. While complaining about the old man's incomprehension, I continued to spread the story. "Yuanmu paid off his unexpected calmness when he went out. He just understood the travel route in detail and quietly packed things for the trip. Finally, the old carpenter solemnly handed the travel bag to Yuanmu, and then turned into the house to start sawing a piece of firewood sent by the customer three hours ago." Is it too cold to portray the image of the old carpenter? Holding my chin, I thought about it, but it was not unusual. I suddenly remembered my sixth grade summer, when Chongqing was hit by the drought once in a century. At that time, however, I didn't think I was affected. After all, I had to find a coat to put on when I felt cool at home when I was 24 hours a day. But Grandma's attitude was very tough. On average, every two hours, she clung to the floor and asked me to close the air conditioner. I simply locked the door and ignored her. Grandma was in a hurry. She carried a small stool to the corridor and stepped on the stool to pull down the switch. Breathing, I came back and looked at my complaining expression, with an eloquent expression. "The air conditioner is not good when I turn on torture, which consumes electricity and harms my body." I shouted that she was "stubborn", "pedantic" and "unintelligible".

Grandma ran into the kitchen to cut potatoes as if she hadn't heard. Now when I think about it, in addition to some complaints, I unexpectedly added some "admiration" - there was no air conditioner in Grandma's bedroom. How did she survive that summer with a broken cattail fan that had been used for three years?

"Somewhat surprised by his father's calmness, Yuanmu was relieved. In this way, it seems that he can go on the road without worrying about the ground."

"According to the plan, after passing through Tenglong Mountain, you can reach a small town. Yuanmu excitedly eats a mouthful of dry food that his father doesn't know when to put in the windfall profits, and walks toward the town in a hurry."

"Drink more juice," Grandma said. "It's nutritious." I waved her to continue reading the newspaper. The old man mumbled a few words and walked past the Chaoyang Platform.

"However, Yuanmu was in trouble shortly after he arrived in the town. The hotel's 180 yuan accommodation fee for one night far exceeded his budget. If we calculate this, we may have to sleep on the street in less than two nights. When Yuanmu was wandering in the street in loss, things seemed to have changed again. An old lady who had once known him called him 'Boy, is he a traveler? Come to my house. ' Thinking that he had nowhere to go anyway, the old lady looked very kind. Yuanmu sighed and followed the old lady.

"It's really a very kind old lady. Yuanmu thought while drinking millet porridge. After carefully listening to Yuanmu's difficulties, the old lady sighed, 'Young man, if you don't mind, I can let you stay in my house for a while as long as you are willing to help me build the back garden of the road house every day. ’"Yuanmu raised his head in surprise, and his eyes were full of sunlight."

Finally, I almost finished writing. I stretched out cozily. Suddenly, I remembered that my grandmother had bought me a new magazine last week. It seems that I haven't given it to me yet, forget it? Well, the old man is so old that it's not easy to remember. Besides, he has made mistakes such as "forgetting to turn off the fire after living together, so that the iron pot who has been loyal to his duty for three years is severely injured". At this time, they gave a slight "click". I turned around to look. Maybe the old man went out to buy vegetables.

"During the two days spent at the old lady's home, Yuanmu felt a rare fulfillment, and the old lady treated him with unexpected kindness, almost giving Yuanmu the idea of 'why not just live here'."

"One afternoon, when cleaning the weeds in the garden, the old lady was chatting with her neighbors outside the fence. While putting the weeds into a basket made of bamboo poles, the remote shepherd listened quietly to the family talk between the old people."

"Aunt Zhang heard that a young man lived in your house. What's his name?"

"Far away, that guy is very capable."

"But then how could you have a young man at home?"

"Well," the old lady sighed, "the father of those young men and I are old classmates. A few days ago, I asked a messenger to send a message saying that his son would probably pass by here when traveling, and asked me to take care of him - but it's really strange that I should not talk to his son."

"-- Faraway Pastor Stunned --"

——I was stunned.

A December version of "Motto" came into sight silently, and Grandma smiled innocently. "The newsstand didn't arrive when I went to buy it last time, so now I'm just „„"

"Yuanmu looked behind him, and only then did he suddenly realize that on the way to the afterlife, another series of deep footprints stood beside the footprints he had stepped on."

"One step, two steps, three steps --"

"The deep footprints that have always accompanied me to the distance."

Grandma's Footprint 800 (2)

800 words composition about Grandma's persistence

The early autumn wind swept over the fields and the old house near the fields. It greeted the wind with an upward attitude. The light, the white clouds flowing like fresh water, the autumn chrysanthemums at the foot were blooming, and an ant was walking alone in the grass forest. Grandmother sat in front of the door, and together with the old house, she stuck to the eternal love in her heart.

I still remember that more than ten years ago, I was always clinging to my grandparents. I stumbled with them to the ridge of the field and watched them hoe and plant the land. The morning sun was warm and sweet. I squinted and foolishly looked at the back of their stalemate. It was so warm and harmonious. I firmly believed that Grandma was a piece of incomplete jade, External justice is the only other piece of residual jade that can perfectly connect with it. When put together, it is the circle of the whole life. They thought that they would continue to work together. Until the summer of 2008, my grandfather was diagnosed with advanced gastric cancer, and after more than three months of hard work, she left us. The cheerful grandmother suddenly became silent, always murmuring to her grandfather's portrait, and crying secretly. The crystal tears hit my heart one by one, causing pain.

Time slipped through my fingers, and gradually healed the scars in Grandma's heart. "Grandma, move in with us!" I gently shook Grandma's hand, but Grandma just smiled, didn't answer anything, and repeatedly persuaded her to refuse, preferring to stay alone in the old house in the countryside. He planted the fields he had planted with his grandfather, hummed his favorite tune, visited his friends before he died, and did what he had done with him. It seemed that he had never left.

I know that Grandma loves her grandfather deeply, and her missing for him has never dissipated. She sticks to her vows of alliance with him, even though things change and things change.

The bluestone slab in front of the door was laid by grandpa himself, which condensed grandpa's insistence on home. Grandma cleaned the slab every day against the first ray of sunshine in the morning, and the sound of "rustling" played an indelible song of love like flowing music. Her eyebrows are stretched at the moment, and the warm sunshine shines directly into her heart through her pupils. Looking at her golden grandmother in the sunshine, her heart is filled with too much emotion.

The sun is shining, and the breeze is flowing quietly in the old house. It interprets the old house in an elegant manner, and tells Grandma's persistence in an unchanging manner. The so-called love for a hundred years cannot stand the waste of time. No one can escape death, but the love that people can carry will never be sealed by history. With the persistence of love, short is also eternal.

Grandma's insistence is the insistence on love and the indestructible love in her heart!

Grandma's Footprint 800 (3)

Grandma's 800 word composition

Many people once asked me: "Who is he or she in your mind?" I always answered without hesitation: "Grandma."

In fact, my grandmother didn't leave me much memory. Compared with many people, I am unfortunate. I have never seen my grandparents before, and I lost my grandparents one after another at the age of 7. When Grandma died, I didn't even shed a tear. I didn't understand what death meant. I thought Grandma was just sleeping in another place. Later, I regretted that I didn't cherish every minute I spent with my grandmother; Later, I regretted that I didn't wait for my grandmother when she died. However, I can't go back and change the past.

Grandma is thin and small. She is a typical oriental woman. I heard that Grandma is beautiful and kind. But over the years, all I can remember is Grandma's love for me and the smile on her face. I still remember that when I was five years old, I had my first birthday with my grandmother. When I was a child, birthday cake was also a precious product in my hometown town. Because my family was poor, I only ate birthday cake when I was five years old. When I got the cake, I couldn't wait to go to Grandma's house to share my joy and happiness first. Grandma greeted me when she heard my voice, with a slight surprise on her face, but was soon covered by a smile. Grandma was 83 years old at that time. Although she was grey, her teeth did not waver, her vision did not fade, and her body and bones were strong. I threatened to invite my grandparents to eat cake, so I took them to the "destination". As you can imagine, the next thing is just a family singing around the table and eating cakes. The scene at that time is almost forgotten now. The only thing that impressed me was the sentence I said: "Grandma, when I grow up, you will buy you a cake every day, OK?"

Time always passes quickly. Two years have passed since the cake incident. In those two years, Grandma grew old day by day, but her love for me grew deeper and deeper day by day. My grandmother knew that her days were numbered. Every time I went to her house, she would stare at me for a long time. I once asked half honestly, "Grandma, do you think your granddaughter is very beautiful after seeing me for so long?" Grandma smiled at me and said, "Yes." She smiled and shed tears

Later, because I had to go to school every day, I reduced the number of times I went to my grandmother's house. Later, the news of her death came, and I was really silly

Grandma, I miss you. I really miss you. Do you really look at me in the sky? Grandma, your granddaughter still owes you so much cake. Grandma, I will be your granddaughter in the next life, ok? Grandma, Grandma

Grandma's Footprint 800 (IV)

800 words of composition with footprints

800 words of composition with footprints

Oral quotient sensitivity

My Footprint (10)

I saw my footprints Composition 800 (1)

800 words of composition with footprints

800 words of composition with footprints

Oral quotient sensitivity

At the age of 16, I have left many footprints in my life. The footprints, large and small, contain family and friendship that I can never forget.

When I was young, whenever it snowed, I would ask my father and mother to go out to play with snow. My father walked in front, I followed behind, and my mother stood by to help me, lest I should slip. Looking back, the footprints were very messy, but it was still clear which was mine and which was father's - the small one was mine, the big one was father's and mother's. These large and small footprints linked up our laughter and hung in my young memory. The footprints of kinship accompanied me through my innocent childhood!

Gradually, I entered the kindergarten. I didn't have much time to play. Only in winter vacation and summer vacation can I have a good time. In the winter vacation, as long as we have nothing to do, we will get together to play, talk and play. Every snowy day, we will have a snowball fight together. Our happy footprints are everywhere on the snow. Every time, we would not rest until we were sweating. The footprints of friendship let me feel the infinite happiness after school!

Since the first grade last year, my grandmother will pick me up and send me to school every day. At that time, there was still a dirt road in front of my house. It was good if it didn't rain. When it rained, the road became muddy, and this road was the only way I had to go to school. At this time, Grandma would carry me on her back and wade through muddy water, leaving a string of footprints on the road. Grandma's footprints accompanied me through six years of primary school!

After entering junior high school, the important task of picking me up and seeing me off fell to Grandpa again. When I entered ninth grade and studied at night, I didn't live in school. I went out early and came back late every day. Especially in winter, it was extremely cold and dark. When it was snowy or rainy, my father came. But my father was sometimes busy and couldn't come. My grandfather always came to pick me up. When it snowed that day, my father worked overtime, and my grandfather came. Yes, it was like this. Under the light, I noticed my grandfather's footprints on the snow, deep. Although grandpa is over sixty years old, he walks with such strength every step. Grandpa's footprints will encourage me to move towards a better future!

It is precisely because of the company of these footprints that I will not be so lonely on the road of growth and will not fall a lot. These footprints also guide me and become the guiding lights on my life path, so that I will not lose my direction in the darkness and confusion. They will encourage me to move forward bravely!

Class 7, Grade 3, Baichihe Junior High School, Zhucheng, Shandong


The article mainly wrote about the footprints of different stages of my growth, including the footprints of family, friendship, grandma and grandpa, which accompanied me to grow up step by step. At the end of the paper, the function of these footprints is revealed.

Instructor: 800 Words of Footprint Writing by Zhong Zhaolin

I saw my footprints Composition 800 (II)

800 words of composition related to footprints

There are many footprints in the world. In my short life, I also left a series of footprints, of which the most profound one is about learning.

When I was a toddler and babbling, my mother sent me to a nearby kindergarten. Every morning, my grandmother sent me to school. I often ask my grandmother: Why do you have to send me to school? What do you do when you go to school Grandma didn't go to school, so she didn't know how to answer me, so she said to me, "When you grow up, you will know.". At the beginning, I thought that kindergarten was still very fun, not only having snacks to eat, but also watching cartoons. But gradually, I began to hate this kind of life, because I felt not free. One day, I said to my mother, I don't want to go to school, but my mother insisted on letting me go. We both stood still for a long time. At the end, we all stepped back. I said: If I can not go to school today, I will never ask for leave in the future. My mother promised me. I soon graduated from kindergarten, and sure enough, I didn't take a day off from kindergarten except for being ill.

After primary school, when I was in the first and second grades of Cili Jinci Primary School, I often got a double percentage. In the third and fourth grade, it was 0. The hero was defeated by 5 points, and only one percent was saved. At that time, although my grades were good, I was very careless. Every time I got the difficult questions right, but the simple ones were wrong. By the fifth grade, I was a little rebellious because I didn't know how good learning was for me, and my mother insisted that I go to school every day. Although I knew that learning was for me, my laziness defeated my reason. In the second semester of the fifth grade, my father transferred me to Wulingyuan Military and Local Primary School. At that time, although I didn't want to go to school, I still went there every day when I saw my father working so hard to do so much work in the unit and also insisted on picking me up and sending me to school, but I always felt a little disgusted. When I came to junior high school, my weariness became more serious. I skipped three classes in a month. People went to school, but they never wanted to enter the classroom, so as to resist the complex of not wanting to read. Later, thanks to the teachings of my teachers, parents and the director of the Political and Educational Office, I finally realized the importance of learning and decided not to rebel anymore.

Reviewing the footprints left in the learning process, I deeply realized that in society, people with knowledge may not succeed, but people without knowledge will not succeed.

I saw my footprints Composition 800 (3)

I See the Footprint of Time Maybe we can't feel the rapid passing of days. Indeed, in the face of everything around us, it is difficult to detect that the "time shuttle" is carrying us through at a high speed. But this year's trip home surprised me. I seemed unable to accept everything that was familiar and strange. Why... is it because of the changes of time? Yes, the big tree in front of the courtyard was once a tender seedling, which proved this point. Hometown, the haven of my childhood. Under the care of my grandmother, I grew up happily almost carefree. The stream in front of the gate, the swing under the tree, is my playground. Once upon a time, I gathered a few friends and played in groups. I didn't know that night was coming, but I didn't always come home with a scolding. How many times, my grandmother led me through the streets, caring for nature, taking care of miscellaneous things in the hut... Here, I accumulated my most primitive joy; Here, I have made a deep friendship with my "Xiaoya" (the pet dog my grandmother bought for me)... I have printed the image of my hometown in my heart. However, for some reason, I was surrounded by my parents in the street. Before leaving, I clung to my favorite "Xiaoya", but the conditions did not allow me to do so, so I ended up at my grandmother's house. Before I could say goodbye to my hometown, I arrived at another place. After nearly ten years, everything changed when I returned to my hometown again. The only constant is the lofty mountain in front of the house. When I walked into the warm "home" of Zeng Jin, I saw almost all the strangers I had long missed. My dearest grandmother came to me slowly and gladly with her warm touch. Her hands full of thousands of ravines made me feel faint pain. The scars of time were ruthlessly engraved on her face, and the ridges like wrinkles replaced the smoothness of her cheeks in the past. Only the simple and beautiful words "back, wow, much taller!" are still rippling, but it is not difficult to recognize the weakness. Suddenly, a white fluff came to me. I really couldn't believe that it was the "little tooth" that I could once hold with one hand. The friendship between us was still unchanged, but it was a little uncomfortable to get along. I can't wait to see the scenery outside. After lunch, I went to two favorite places in the past alone. I saw the stream disappeared clean and clear in the past, with obvious stains vaguely visible; The swing under the big dark trees no longer exists, and more of them are luxuriant branches and leaves, penetrating into the sky. At this time, two young girls who looked very friendly walked up to me. After the exchange of "strangers", they learned that they were my childhood friends... Time passed, like a swift river, and never returned. This may be something I didn't realize deeply before. This trip home, I deeply understand this truth. Stopping at the present and looking back, I can clearly see the footprints left by time. Time, quietly passing away

I saw my footprints Composition 800 (4)

Footprint of growth

Photos suggest the footprints of growth; Pieces of clothes imply the footprints of growth; Now, even the environment implies the footprint of growth.

At the age of five

At that time, green mountains and clear water embraced me. I grew up in such a beautiful environment, and my grandfather often planted trees on the mountain to add green to my surroundings. The air is so fresh, the sky is so blue, look far, all green, make it feel so relaxed and happy!

At the age of seven

Due to the development of many projects, there are fewer green multi-function, but there are still so many green people who want to breathe. It is not so simple to go to the green places to breathe the fresh air and embrace the blue sky! It makes people feel more comfortable at once.

at the age of nine

Eh? A new park has been built! The new building has been built! But there is less green! Those park facilities are for our entertainment! Only the other side of the river provides us with fresh air, and only the other side of the river has blue sky. At that time, I had an idea in my mind: Can we let green come back to us?

At the age of eleven

A large area of mountains in the east is missing, and the green area is also half. The only places to go are the suburbs and mountains. How I wish developers would not destroy those mountains! Mount Tai! The only place I can embrace the blue sky and breathe fresh air! The water of Yi River is no longer so clear and green!


The mountains of Dongshan are gradually destroyed! A large number of trees have also been cut down on Mount Tai! Whenever I see a cart full of trees being transported away, my heart gets sore! Garbage, wrapping paper and beverage bottles can be seen everywhere on the Yi River. The water is no longer clear, and I can only embrace the blue sky in the mountain village and breathe the fresh air!

When I was a child, those memories of green never came back! I think there are many children like me eager to have such green!

Although this can also be regarded as the footprint of growth, I do not want such growth to happen again. Green is common to all creatures in nature. We human beings cannot be blinded by interests!

Friends, for ourselves, for our animal friends, for the peace of nature! Please protect the environment!

Photos suggest the footprints of growth; Pieces of clothes imply the footprints of growth; Protecting the environment should be the next step of growth.

I saw my footprints Composition 800 (5)

My Footprint (11)

Everyone is growing up. Today, I will tell you the story of my growth.

In the process of our growth, there will be many stories. When we grow up, things in childhood become memories, and beautiful memories become the witness of our childhood.

From babbling to growing up, this process takes a long time, and parents are the people who take care of us modestly in this process. The first cry touched the parents' hearts and proved the existence of a small life. I walked home for the first time, holding my parents' hands. The first time we spoke, our parents cried.

Life is like a play, of course, the protagonist of the play is himself. At home, we are children of our parents. In school, we are teachers' students. But we must play a good role as the Son of Man and students. This is our task and must be completed. There are supporting roles in a play. So teachers, parents are supporting actors. We are supporting actors. Teachers and parents have paved the way for us. It depends on how we go. Of course, our own life is our own.

When I was young, I used to act like a coquette in my father's arms and let him tell me stories like this and that. I always felt that my father had endless stories to tell. I was scolded for not doing my homework, and the final result was that I did my homework obediently. But my mother is my mother after all. She once sent me cotton padded jacket to school in cold winter, and took good care of me when I was feverish. We grew up rebellious and often quarreled with our parents, hurting their hearts, but I never hated them in my heart, After all, they are the parents who gave birth to me and raised me. They are the people who accompany me.

At night, I imagined countless situations where I grew up, what I wanted to do when I grew up, where I worked and so on. In these imaginations, they are full of beautiful fantasies. They no longer want to find Prince Charming like Snow White when they were young, put on beautiful crystal shoes like Cinderella, and kill the wolf like Little Red Riding Hood, but think about some more realistic problems. Of course, we don't need to think so far at present, just think about it occasionally.

There are many more stories of growth, and each story will become a good memory of future life.

My Footprint (12)

Books are teachers and can teach us knowledge; A book is a bosom friend, which can accompany us to have a heart to heart talk; A book is a companion that can accompany us through childhood. I love reading.

Gorky said, "Books are the ladder of human progress." Yes, we need spiritual food to enrich our lives. When I was young, I always liked to read children's pictorials without words but only pictures. I felt that the words were monotonous and boring. Only comic books could bring me happiness.

I often make gestures to comic books, babbling and mumbling incessantly. I like reading some imaginative comic books best. Sometimes, I play the role in the book in my room to amuse myself.

When I was in the second grade, my sister read with interest a diary of smiling cats. I looked at the cover: Alas, what's the story of a cat? So, I tried my best to please my sister, and finally, I returned triumphantly - to get the book.

In this colorful story, full of all kinds of temptations, I can't put it down. Sometimes I will hold the book and laugh, sometimes I will be moved to tears by the scenes in the book, sometimes I will stare at the book and fall into imagination. There are many things different from reality in Smiling Cat's Diary: cats that can laugh, cats and mice that can be friends, cats that can understand people, mice that can become refined, and turtles that have magic skills - is it amazing? Sometimes I can't wait, and sometimes I wonder why Aunt Yang Hongying doesn't write quickly! I have almost finished reading it. What if Aunt Yang Hongying hasn't written it out after reading it! It was not until later that I found that other text books were also very interesting!

Since I realized the interest contained in the book, I began to contact more literal books and fell in love with them.

Charles IX Series, Wolf King Dream, Naughty Horse Jumping Series, Doing a Good Job in Students is a Little Tired, etc. A good book attracts me deeply and makes me have endless aftertaste.

The series of Charles IX tells about the protagonist Murdoch, three friends and a dog who can talk to people - Charles IX. Don't underestimate this dog. It's their leader! The masterpiece "A Dream of the Wolf King" is another story: Zilan, the mother wolf, gave birth to a litter of piglets and asked one of the children to become the Wolf King, but her efforts fell short and her children died——

Sometimes I have to chew and read for a while at noon. When my parents fall asleep, I will also take out books to read. Whenever my mother comes in, I will put the books under the pillow and start pretending to sleep. Finally one day, my mother saw through my trick and told me: "Reading is a good thing, but it should also be a combination of work and rest, not good sleep!"

Now that I have reached the fourth grade, my study has become more and more intense, and there are more and more competitions. But I still take some time to read, broaden my vision, and increase my extracurricular knowledge. Books have become one of my closest friends in my life. I can't live without them for a day. They have taught me a lot about life. Books are my best teachers and friends. I will grow up with books.

My Footprint (13)

I remember in the third grade of primary school, the teacher asked us to write a diary every day. At that time, I thought it was boring to write a diary, because teachers and parents forced me to write. What I wrote was boring, so I stopped writing. When I was in the fifth grade, I happened to see a particularly lovely book with a lock, so I couldn't help buying home. It's a pity to have it all day long, so I have the idea of writing a diary again. Since then, I have kept a diary every day, no matter how tired and busy I am, I will keep it down. At the beginning, I only wrote one or two lines. Later, as I grew older, my diary became a small world in my heart, which enabled me to spread my wings and fly freely in my own small world. I don't know why, there is always an impulse in my heart that makes me want to record the footprints of youth. Sometimes I unknowingly write on seven or eight pages. Before long, I filled my lovely diary and formed the habit of keeping a diary. Now, I feel itchy every day without writing. After that, I wrote a lot of books. Every time I finished writing one, I felt satisfied. Every new feeling, every new discovery, every new experience in youth is recorded by me in that small diary. Every time I open my diary and look through my previous records, I can always find that the ups and downs of the past are all so beautiful. Sometimes, writing a diary is like chatting with a bosom friend, and all secrets can be told to her; Sometimes, writing a diary is like learning from a teacher. She has strengthened my expression ability in the continuous record; Sometimes, writing a diary is like talking with myself. Every time I see and write down my true feelings... Diary is indispensable in my life. It can help me find myself, see myself clearly, change myself, and make my youth more beautiful. Ah, diary is the mark of my youth. Youth will never return, but we can leave footprints of youth. My way is to use the pen in my hand to record the details of youth in my diary. Now, I still write every day, recording youth and feeling growth every day. I wonder if you are the same as me?

My Footprint (14)

Whether in school or in society, everyone has dealt with composition. Composition is a speech activity in which people express their feelings in written form. So the question is, how to write an excellent composition? The following is a carefully arranged composition of counting my growing footprints. We welcome you to learn from it. I hope it will be helpful to you.

Growth is a familiar and unfamiliar word. I think, perhaps for children who are still learning to walk, it means that they have taken another step; For those of the same age who are learning at school, the growth is the addition of all kinds of new knowledge.

For me, growth is a long waiting process. Like a flower bud, the flower bud should reserve sufficient nutrients for a more beautiful and powerful bloom; Just like a worm, only by accumulating the power of the whole life can it spin silk and spin cocoons. Let's review the childhood of me, you, him and them. Why not? When the garden is full of flowers, only one of them is outstanding; The flowers are gorgeous and fragrant, attracting butterflies. There are a large group of butterflies, one of which is gorgeous. After a long wait, the flower has sufficient nutrition and has blossomed out bright and plump flowers. And the insect, also grew up. When the pupa is laboriously earned one day, it is not only conducive to the blood circulation of the wings that have not yet been spread, but also the growth process of Zhongzhong. Only through personal experience can we realize what growth is!

When I was young, I entrusted my secret to my locked diary for a period of time. My happiness and anger were all in the diary. After a period of time, I took it out to "appreciate" it. Now I feel very childish. Now, I will tell my mother what I don't understand before I go to bed and ask for help. My mother answered very seriously. Every sentence hit my heart, and my heart disappeared. Fortunately, my brain has been actively cooperating, and the unhappy things will be forgotten. At this time, "growth" has another explanation in my mind: learn to adjust your emotions, find the person who is willing to listen to me, and listen to his opinions.

The other day I had another worry. Why is that person still unwilling to forgive me after apologizing? During morning exercises, I stepped on the foot of a female student in front of me several times, and she was very unhappy. I apologized long ago and said repeatedly, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry." She was still unhappy. At this time, I thought that maybe I could solve this problem by myself. I really thought about it for a few days. I thought that as long as I and her changed the way of dealing with others, this would not happen. I am one step closer to growth!

As the saying goes, "Women have changed in eighteen years." When I was young, I was silent and golden, and I was almost a model for ladies, because I was "quiet and elegant". Who knows, I just don't like talking and fighting with them. Entering the sixth grade, looking at the students, a sense of pride came into being in my heart. The mood became cheerful and gradually merged into the students.

In this summer vacation, my cousin sent me several books, one of which is called Perfect Flower. It shows me how a girl can break through the difficulties on the way of psychological growth, and the process of perfect opening. Maybe this girl is you or me. Among many people, the shadow of that girl is clearly visible. The key is to see how you grasp yourself. These are the stepping stones to your growth. There is a sentence in The Perfect Flower that I want to share with you: hold the stamen tightly because I want to open it more perfectly. There must be scars behind perfection. Only when you grow up and open your heart, you will really grow up.

My Footprint (15)

In daily study, work and life, when it comes to composition, everyone must be familiar with it. According to the characteristics of writing proposition, composition can be divided into proposition composition and non proposition composition. How to write a composition to avoid stepping on thunder? The following are my father's footprints arranged by Xiao Bian. Welcome to read and collect them.

Another spring.

Birds are singing happily on the branches, embellishing the deep blue sky with beautiful notes; The grass just poked out of the field and looked around mischievously. Several old farmers were busy in the fields. I knew it was the planting season.

Father took me walking in the field. He was in front, leaving a string of footprints, and I followed them carefully.

I remember when I was very young, I liked to walk on my father's footprints. Every evening after school, he takes me home. When the sun sets, I will walk on his footprints and go home happily. I like the setting sun at this time, and I like stepping on my father's footprints. I know that, following the footprints, I like stepping on my father's footprints. I know that, following the footprints, I can go home, and following the footprints, I have a direction.

Later, when I grew up, I still liked to walk in my father's footsteps. One day after school, my father suddenly turned to me behind him and said, "The girl has grown up, and it's time to learn to stand on her own feet. Dad is busy now, go home by yourself!" I was stunned, a little panicked, and suddenly lost my direction. The father said, "You shouldn't walk on this footprint anymore. I remember when my father was as old as you, your grandmother asked me to sell cotton in the town a few miles away. A man carrying such a heavy bag groped around and around, asking questions all the way, and finally came home with dozens of yuan. Dad asked you to walk on this footprint, understand?" I nodded vaguely. On that day, I didn't walk on my father's footprints that I had been stepping on since childhood, but I didn't lose my direction, because at the moment when my father turned around and walked by, the sunset pulled his shadow long, I seemed to understand that I walked on my father's real footprints.

I walked on this footprint all the time and entered junior high school. My math score has been unsatisfactory. My father said calmly: "Dad failed in math when he resumed his studies, but I was not discouraged. I worked hard. Finally, the emperor did not disappoint the people who wanted me. When I graduated, I changed from failing to full marks. Don't be discouraged. I walked on my father's footprints. That's right!" I nodded and followed the footprints, I found my direction again.

My father was walking in the field, and I carefully stepped on his footprints to follow him. Against the blue sky, my father looked so tall.

Suddenly, my father turned around again, smiled and said, "Girl, step on my father's footprints, that's right!"

I smiled, the spring breeze blowing in my face, filled with the taste of happiness, very sweet, very sweet.

"Growth is a shy fruit, and happiness, anger, sadness and joy are its flavor. I will tread on my father's feet carefully, and one day it will grow into a sweet fruit." I thought.

I walked in the field with my father's footprints and smiled as I watched the farmers planting seeds. Seeds, you will sprout and bear fruit.

My Footprint (16)

The river of years flows slowly, and the footprints of growth are deeply left. When I look back, I left a series of footprints, deep or shallow, on my way to grow up, recording happiness and sadness, accompanying me along the way.

When I was young, I always liked to play in the sandpit downstairs with my friends. I felt so happy and comfortable stepping on the soft sand. Accidentally, he fell down and tried to get up. A series of footprints appeared behind us, and the sun shone on our smiling faces, which became more brilliant. That string of footprints recorded happiness and my growth. Childhood is happy, carefree, good hope is always childhood.

I went to kindergarten. At that time, I loved reading most. Every evening, I always pester my mother to take me to the bookstore to read, and walk through the busy pedestrian street to the bookstore door. When I was a child, I always stepped on the big footprints printed outside the door. How funny. Although I am not as happy as I was when I was a child, I have another more substantial happiness, which is reading. Books take me to travel in the ocean of knowledge. The big footprints outside the bookstore are the witness of my happy growth.

Now I am a student of grade, and I can't breathe under pressure one by one. I have failed again and again.

Today, I failed the exam again, holding the math exam paper with less than 80 points in my hand. Tears swirled in my eyes, and I was bored. Walking listlessly on the way home, I inadvertently stepped into the bunker where I played. A series of footprints came down. A gust of wind blew away the test paper in my hand, and blew it into the bunker. I hurried to pick it up. Suddenly, I saw the footprints, reminding me of the happy footprints I left when I was a child running here, It also reminds me of stepping on the huge footprints in front of the bookstore in kindergarten. Thinking of this, I smiled, heartily. Ah, I see. In fact, happiness is always with me, along with my growth.

Isn't that failure and frustration a happy reminder? Without wind and rain, how can we see the rainbow? Only by withstanding the test can there be happiness, the most substantial happiness. Only by laughing can you feel happy. Yes, I firmly nodded, I must work hard, I want to get good results!, I picked up the examination paper and strode home... A series of footprints were printed behind me. Under the sunlight, it became gold. It was the footprints leading to success and happiness.

Thanks to the footprints of growth, I have regained my confidence and the happiness of my childhood. Indeed, if you look carefully, you will find that. And this happiness will always follow us and grow with us like footprints.

My Footprint (17)

My father led me on the way to school, and said to me while walking: "If you come to school alone in the future, neither father nor mother will send you. You can walk by yourself." Instead of being normal and amiable, my voice seemed to change. I just answered and nodded. Whatever, just talk about it.

The next day I was going to school, and everything was ready. I only owed my father the "east wind" - I was waiting for him to send me.

I kept shaking my father's hand and pleading, "Dad, please send me!" But my father ignored me, instead, he said like a devil, "Go to school quickly. It was agreed that you would not be able to enter school if you were late." So I had no choice but to carry my schoolbag. Unexpectedly, he is serious!

Look at all the "twinning" children walking by. I think my father is merciless.

Fortunately, the journey is not far, and the "trek" is not hard. A series of small footprints have been connected to the school gate. The qi in my heart has evaporated into steam and disappeared. Instead, I feel like a runner proud of winning the championship.

Since then, as always, I have never asked my father to pick me up and see me off like other children. Because I think it is unnecessary.

Once upon a time, I walked alone on the way to school with an umbrella under the scorching sun. Accompanying me are increasingly thick strings of footprints that are no longer barefoot in the sand, followed by tut tut of praise.

One snowy evening, after school, all the students were picked up by their parents. The sudden weather made me stand there alone. If I had rain gear, if the wind and snow were gentle, as long as one of the conditions was met, I would rush home immediately. However, the sky does not follow people's wishes, the wind blows without resistance, and the snow falls without stint. It's getting dark. My hands are so cold!

Suddenly, a vague and familiar figure appeared in front of me, getting closer and clearer. As he approached, he ran. Is it Dad? I'm not sure. How can this be possible?

"Beibei!" Yes, it was Dad's sweet voice!

In the shortest distance, Dad came running at a brisk pace. "I'm late, wait for a long time! Look, your hands are freezing purple." Then he took my hands in his big hands and rubbed them. In fact, Dad's hands are not hotter than mine. "Come on, I'll carry you." I stared at my father in surprise, and I thought I heard wrong. "Come on up." Yes, I heard it right. So I stepped on my father's back and put my hand into his bosom. It was really warm!

With the creaking sound of walking in the snow, the footprints of my father were left all the way. I think my footprints must be there, right after the snow melts.