Taste of composition life 600 words composition (15 practical articles)
2023-09-06 08:09:28

Taste of composition life 600 words composition (1)

Once, I went to a friend's house to play. Her father was very hospitable. He took out a bunch of fresh olives from the refrigerator and handed them to me. He said with a smile, "I haven't eaten them yet. Try it!" I saw these fresh green olives, big and full, very attractive. I was curious to pick up one of them, gently put it into my mouth, and chewed off a small piece of olive meat. Suddenly, a astringent taste fills the mouth. I quickly spit out the small piece of olive meat. When my friend saw this, he smiled and said to me, "Don't worry, chew slowly, and then try again." I put the olive in my mouth again and chewed it carefully. The taste of olives is astringent at first, and then a cool and light sweetness gradually drives away the original bitterness, lingering on the tongue for a long time. It turns out that fresh olives are first astringent and then sweet.

Aren't many things the same as eating olives? It is inevitable that I will not adapt to the new contact, and I always feel that it is very hard to do this. But when you become familiar with and master the essentials and skills, you will find how wonderful it is to do a good job!

My PE performance in the class is extremely poor - although my other subjects are good. Therefore, sports has become my heart disease, tasting the bitter taste of fear. But everything has changed since I learned to skip rope.

At first, I could only jump two or three times clumsily, either the rope caught my feet or the rope was stopped by my feet. On several occasions, I wanted to give up. However, a small voice in my heart told me to work hard! So I insisted. Finally, I jumped more and more, and spent less and less time - I succeeded! The taste of rope skipping changes from the bitterness of frustration to the sweetness of success. It told me: Don't give up easily!

In fact, there are many things in life, just like tasting green olives. Only by tasting carefully can we taste the wonderful taste.

Taste of composition life 600 words composition (2)

The taste of life in the third day of junior high is that in the third day of junior high, everyone is full and busy. Everyone is spinning like a top. However, if you calm down and experience it carefully, you will feel the "hundred" flavor of life.

Bitter "tick", "tick", the watch needle moves rapidly, and the lights in the opposite building go out one by one. I am still drifting in the sea of questions. It was extremely quiet around, as if the whole world was asleep. I was still struggling with sleep tenaciously, persevering, persevering... until the last question was finished. "Alas..." I often take a sigh of relief, drag my tired body and squint my hazy eyes to sleep.

There is no end to learning how to make a boat... Sweet "Alas..." I want to vent my anger and spread it on the table powerlessly. The "stars" in front of me dance happily with the belly growling. "Do you want to eat?" Suddenly, I heard the voice of an angel, and a box of biscuits appeared in front of me.

"Thank you." I shook her hand excitedly.

The taste of chocolate and friendship is sweet, and the surrounding air seems to be covered with sweet taste.

Sour because the running results are not ideal, so I firmly embarked on the road of "make-up examination". As the teacher shouted "At first, I rushed out with the feeling of fighting on my back. The first lap was easy. At the second lap, my legs were as heavy as lead. The wind whistled through my ears, giving me a lot of resistance. I really hate that I am not streamlined... Finally, I saw the end. I dragged my will to die and ran the last leg at the speed of 100 meters... The day didn't follow people's wishes, only improved One point, sad. Is it easy for me... The little things in the third day of the junior year are integrated into our taste of life. Although there are bitterness and distress, there are also joy and happiness. Let's appreciate the beauty of life in the third day of junior high and live a wonderful day.

Taste of composition life 600 words composition (3)

The taste of life is like a palette, colorful; The taste of life is like a table of delicacies, which are sour, sweet, bitter, spicy and salty. And I have tasted it in my life.

Some time ago, a "bus falling into the river" incident occurred on a bridge in Wanzhou, Chongqing. There were sixteen living and precious lives in that car, and it was because of a woman's bad temper that they were buried. At the thought of this, my eyes are sour, my eyes burst into tears, my nose is sour, and my heart is like drinking vinegar. There may be pillars of the future, and this accident will make many families collapse in an instant. The sour taste is very unpleasant.

Looking back on myself, I had a good time every day, because I could travel in the treasure house of knowledge every day, and travel freely in the sea of books. When encountering a problem that I don't know, I will put down my posture and ask questions, or go to consult a teacher. It is the so-called "knowing is knowing, and not knowing is not knowing". A few days ago, I just learned to recite many ancient poems and the solution of the cubic equation. When I thought of this, I felt happy. Learning makes me happy, which may be the sweet taste.

As I grew older, I began to help my mother do all kinds of housework within my power, such as sweeping the floor, washing dishes, drying clothes, etc. When I finished these tasks, I found that my back was aching, which made me feel the bitter taste of my mother every day.

On the sports field, several of our athletes wore red clothes. After running, several people like hot peppers, bursting out their potential, which makes me feel hot.

A few days ago, my family asked me to mix the taste of dumplings. I ate one mouthful first. It was tasteless, but I didn't know how much salt I put in. Finally, my mouth was full of salty taste.

This is my personal experience, feeling that life is full of flavors. How about you? Do you feel the same with me?

Taste of composition life 600 words composition (4)

The music of life - the symphony of pots and pans. The colors of life - red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple. What's the taste of life? Nature is sour, sweet, bitter and salty. I don't believe it! Come and experience it with me!

A sour feeling

Ah, when the exam results came down again, my heart was pounding, "Oh, no! I didn't have the face to see anyone, even got 86 points." I muttered to myself. As a math leader, I feel ashamed. The nose and eyes are sour, like chewing a green olive in your mouth. At this time, I suddenly remembered what my father had told me: "What's the use of crying? I don't believe in tears in exams!" Yes! Wipe away tears, what is failure? Maybe this green olive will give me a long aftertaste.

Sweet feeling

"Well, it's really good..." I was flattered when I began to praise my arrogant brother, and my efforts over the years were not in vain. My brush calligraphy has finally been recognized by everyone! Listening to the praise of brothers and sisters, a sweet feeling rose in my heart. Alas, even my brothers and sisters are inferior to me. Walking on the road, birds are so crisp and flowers are so beautiful. Even they are sharing the sweetness with me!


Since it has a sweet taste, it is more bitter. Learning life is a bitter taste. I have just finished a difficult math lesson, and the Chinese teacher brought the test paper of Unit 1. It's really hard to finish the homework. The papers are rolling in. Few students are in high spirits and suffer unspeakably.

Spicy experience

"Yo! This test is good!" My brother's words were a bit sharp. I looked down at the bright red marks on the test paper. I don't know whether I am happy or sad. I just feel disgusted and regretful. I was asked to do so much homework, and my mother asked me to do an English test. I had no time to do it, so I had to peek at the answer. At this time, my brother curled his mouth and looked at me doubtfully. I buried my head lower and didn't want to see my brother's hot eyes. My face became very strange, like being wiped by chilli sauce. It's very hot and painful. What should I do? What should I do? What should I do? Forget it, summon up courage, take the paper with disgraceful scores, and go to find my parents. Spicy, I don't want to experience it anymore!

Have you ever tasted life? Sour, sweet, bitter, hot Nevertheless, we find it colorful in our experience.

Taste of composition life 600 words composition (5)

In the quiet night, the bright moon, accompanied by gusts of breeze, inlaid her figure into the white frost on the ground. Take an antique rocking chair, hold a prose and enjoy in the moonlight with a quiet and leisurely heart—— Life should be like this.

Tao Yuanming's idyllic life makes me intoxicated with the hustle and bustle of the world. Such a quiet and elegant life is exactly what I aspire to. It is just like the naive, simple, poetic and dreamy thoughts of childhood, and the comfort and leisure of the summer sun shining on the body

Taste of life - light. It is not a kind of monotony. It is light that can truly experience a more perfect taste of life than sweet, sour, bitter, hot and salty. Every bit of our life is brewed from it. In the morning, a cup of warm milk, which is the faint fragrance of maternal love, once distributed, it will be out of control. After a fall, a friend's strong and powerful hands are a smile in his heart under the sunshine... Don't think that only colorful colors and posturing personality is a full life, no need, just light, like ink painting, and find the fragrance of life in the light ink traces.

I think that perhaps home is the most prosaic place, and everyone has it, but the taste it gives warms people's hearts. After a hard journey home, after suffering setbacks outside, after getting home tired of red and white... home will always comfort the wounds of the soul with warmth. In fact, life is also like this. The faint taste will be more beautiful and lasting.

People often say that it is true to be plain. Only in the light life, can we listen carefully to the voice of nature, and get the freedom of mind from it, and truly understand the true meaning of life. "The moon shines among the pines, and the clear spring stone flows upward" was originally just an empty landscape painting in life, which was written by the poet with profound pride. It turns out that the plain life can also reflect the light of wisdom and highlight the enrichment of the soul.

It is another quiet night. The breeze is accompanied by the moon. It caresses the leaves with its hands and makes fragrant sounds. Similarly, with a calm heart, you can taste the fragrance brought by the subtle implication

The faint taste is the unique fragrance of the beautiful life. Let's live in a plain life.

The taste of life is not the ups and downs, nor the joys and sorrows, but the light in the extraordinary.

Taste of composition life 600 words composition (6)

When I first entered junior high school, I made up my mind to sprint with my new face, whether in study or in life.

After a week, I didn't say a word to anyone except my colleague. When I came to school in the morning, my greetings were always stuck in my throat.

Sunset. I walked alone on the way home, and the afterglow scattered on my red eyes. Today I didn't speak again. The failures again and again hurt my heart like needles. They told me again and again that failure is the mother of success. But it can't be replaced by success. Walking on the busy street, the wind is cold on my face.

The taste of junior high school is as bitter as coffee, but it can taste a little sweet in the bitter. Life may be like this, only after tasting all kinds of bitterness, can we get back all kinds of sweetness.

I still remember that day, it was a rainy day, and my heart seemed to be covered with fog. I walked alone in the campus. Suddenly, a bright smiling face came into my eyes: "Here, coffee and milk tea, sweet! Relieve my mood." Seeing that I didn't answer, she came up again and said, "Look, you are always depressed. Sweet milk tea can make you feel better! Try it, hehehe!" Looking at the girl's sunny smiling face, I can't help being amazed. I wanted to greet the new school with such a bright smile! I took the milk tea with a bitter smile and took a sip. Although it was bitter, the more I tasted, the sweeter it was. I smiled thankfully at the sunny girl.

I found that friendship is the belief that you can firmly believe in and rely on, and it can make you feel warm; Friendship is someone who can let you find someone to tell when you are sad, someone to share when you are happy, and someone who can help you when you are in trouble. Even if the whole world forgets you, friendship will find you. I found that the faint sweetness of friendship has been quietly integrated into my life. The sweetness and friendship are as fragrant and mellow as coffee.

I found that just like fish can't leave water, nature can't lose sunlight, people can't leave friendship, and the most real friendship is just like the beautiful scenery in nature, fresh and transparent.

Taste of composition life 600 word composition (7)

The whole family was very excited about going mountain climbing. My father volunteered to borrow my uncle's car. My mother excitedly invited my uncle across the street. I also invited my good friend Qian Yikai to prepare some food. Needless to say, the taste in my heart at this time is sweet, plus a little excitement.

At the foot of the Red Buddhist Temple, I felt a little disappointed. The disappointment was that the mountain was so high that I could not see the top at a glance. I wondered: When can I climb to the top of the mountain. But I still started to take action. My good friend and I rushed to the middle of the mountain. My uncle also quickly caught up with me. Walking, walking, and soon my uncle and my good friend left me far behind. They didn't even look at me, and I didn't stop to wait for me. At this time, I was very angry and sad because they left me behind. I was sad because I was exhausted, thirsty, hungry and tired, but my parents with snacks were still far behind. Standing halfway up the mountain, I felt uncomfortable and a little wronged. The beautiful scenery on the mountain did not interest me at all. Finally, I climbed to the top of the mountain breathlessly. After a sigh of relief, I found a slightly lonely place in this crowded place and cried sadly. Just when my parents just climbed to the top of the mountain, they saw me. After listening to my intermittent crying, my mother quietly comforted me, and my father scolded me, asking me to think about why I must think it is someone else's fault every time, Without thinking about what's wrong with you? Let me also think more about the benefits and advantages of others, rather than the disadvantages of others. At this time, the taste in my heart is best expressed by an idiom - mixed feelings.

From the decision to climb the mountain to the foot of the mountain to the middle of the mountain to the top of the mountain, the feeling in my heart is different every time. I feel very strange. My mother told me that this is life.

Taste of composition life 600 word composition (8)

Now, parents are "charging" their children so that they can not lose at the starting line. My parents are no exception. They pay most attention to words. Therefore, I can't stand my mother's persuasion and went to calligraphy training class.

The taste of attending a training class is like a strange bean, which has all the joys and sorrows.

Sour, the teacher was very gentle in the first class, so we were very naughty. Finally, the teacher couldn't help laughing and said: "Students, we won't have class today, and now everyone will write a word for me to see." Ah! It was really the beginning of "sugar coated bullets". I was very happy and thought: Today, I can relax. Then he excitedly took out his pen and wrote carefully. The calligraphy book seemed to have magic power. How to write it could not be finished. My hands were sore. The words I wrote had no strength. My hands were so soft that even the strength of holding the pen disappeared. Finally, when I finished writing, I gave the teacher a full article. After reading it, the teacher frowned, but said nothing. When I got back to my seat, I began to talk with my deskmate. In a blink of an eye, class was over, the teacher squeezed out a wry smile and said: "Today's homework.

Write two more words. " After listening to the teacher's words, all the students complained. Alas, this may be the bitterness in the cannonball.

It was hard for me to write when I came home. It was a scorching summer. I had just written a few words. I was sweating heavily, sweating heavily, and my hands seemed to be smeared with lubricating oil. I got my pen at all. It was slippery, so I had to wipe off my sweat and began to work hard again. It was bitter.

Spicy, when the homework was handed in, the teacher quickly wrote a "good" on it and gave me the book. I worked hard to write it! This teacher is really a red pepper!

Sweet, when I changed from "good" to "excellent", it proved that my words had improved, and my heart was like drinking honey, sweet.

This strange bean, sour, sweet, bitter and hot, makes me remember it. It is also a precious "memory star" for me. I want to engrave it firmly in my mind.

Taste of composition life 600 word composition (9)

Meteors pass by, leaving behind eternity

Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you are going to get next. All you can do is take a good hold of today, because every day something unexpected happens to you.

In my memory, I wrote a lot of answers that made the teacher nod frequently. However, my performance regressed inadvertently. In a quiz, I missed again. I missed success again. I lost the first place again. My head thumped. I looked at the red test paper in my hand, and I wanted to cry, There is endless bitterness in my heart.

The afternoon passed in a flash. When I got home, I sat in the living room, faced with numerous certificates of honor and numerous red awards. I had nothing to say but bitterness to accompany me. In this way, after sitting in the living room for a long time, I suddenly had an inexplicable impulse. He drove me silently, making me continue to look forward and strive hard. After that, I did devout introspection on numerous honors. Looking back on my performance in recent days, I may have been really relaxed and really played crazy. Maybe I would only lower my arrogant head in front of honor to know my mistake. Whenever I think of this, my heart will always be filled with endless bitterness.

My mother often said to me: "My child, learning now is like climbing a mountain. You have climbed very high now. If you are always so careless, you should know that 'one slip makes a thousand regrets'! If you always fall from such a high mountain, one day you will fall into the abyss. So, you must work hard now, because you will never fall. Once you fall, you will start all over again. "

Now I think back to my mother's words, facing countless honorary certificates, my throat seems to be stuck by something. I know from the bottom of my heart that it is bitter!

Taste of composition life 600 word composition (10)

The gray sky was raining.

After self-study in the evening, I went out of school with a friend who usually played better and ran home. My friend used his hands to block the raindrops that fell from the sky like heaven crying for whom. My friend urged me in front, but I slowly walked behind.

He walked to a laundry, which was opened by his father alone after his mother and father divorced. My father stood in front of the shop. When I came to him, my father said, "Your mother is not at home, so you can sleep with me today." I nodded, and then asked, "Where has my mother gone?" As I said, I motioned to my friend to go home by himself. After the friend left, my father said, "Your grandfather's old illness has recurred, and your mother is looking after him in the hospital, alas! Come in and sleep. You have to go to school tomorrow. " After listening to this, I felt a little shocked, and then relaxed. My grandfather's old illness had recurred before, and it was nothing serious. Maybe it was OK this time too!

In my hazy sleep, the rain is getting heavier and heavier.

But I don't know when it stopped.

The next day, at noon, I returned to my father's place for dinner, but my father suddenly said to me, "Last night, your grandfather died!" After hearing this, I was stunned. At this moment, my mind was blank, and I just felt that my eyes had been misted and could not see clearly!

Another day later, I asked my teacher for leave to attend my grandfather's funeral. When I came to my hometown, I heard the sad sound of trumpets. I dared to settle down. My grandfather died! Another mist!

Seeing grandpa into the stove, I felt grandpa's pain on the ground! An hour long, waiting is a lifetime of departure. My grandfather, who talked and laughed with me a few days ago, is now a pile of bones, which makes people feel sad! The fog finally turns into rain, falling with sorrow!

Departure starts quietly with the rain, and stops suddenly with the rain. It's really scary to come here and painful to go!

Taste of composition life 600 word composition (11)

Swallows have gone, but they will come again; When the willow withers, it will be green again; The peach blossoms have withered and will bloom again.

Day by day, year by year, I unknowingly left a string of long footprints behind me. The four seasons are spring, summer, autumn and winter, and life is full of ups and downs. We have learned about life by tasting all kinds of tastes.

"People have joys and sorrows, and the moon has ups and downs." Everyone will face separation in life and death. The word separation is always sad for us. When I was young, the person who loved me most was Grandma. Grandma wants to give me all the beautiful things in the world. But my grandma, who loved me most, died of illness last year. I tried to hold back my tears, but as long as the pictures of Grandma's kind smile appeared in front of me, I couldn't help crying. I regret why I didn't show more filial piety.

Later I learned that life is sour, and life needs to be strong.

"The horse's hoof disease is very proud in spring, and I can see all the flowers in Chang'an every day." There will always be gains after my efforts. My math score has always been unsatisfactory, so my mother began to find tutors for me to make up, and I also concentrate on it. The tutor was very experienced and made a series of review plans for me according to my situation. Finally, I improved in the later exams. Speechless joy arises spontaneously. I suddenly felt that my efforts were not in vain, and my sweat was not in vain.

Later I learned that life is sweet, and life needs struggle.

"The thread in the mother's hand, the coat of the wandering son." The mother is the closest person to each of us. I remember when I was a child, I had a high fever. My mother saw my sad face. I was also flustered and rushed to the hospital. Looking at the sweat on my mother's forehead, I couldn't help shedding hot tears.

Later I learned that life is spicy and needs love.

Life is full of ups and downs. Let our life be full of wonderful colors, let us become strong in the face of difficulties, learn humility in the face of pride, and find self-confidence in the face of conceit.

Taste of composition life 600 word composition (12)

Sometimes I will think about what life is like, whether it is the kind of life I want, how happiness is, how to face it sincerely, and slowly realize whether there are extravagant demands on ordinary days, and what life demands.

Like many people, I am as light as water. I live in a quiet time. It is so simple, nothing new, everything is as usual, and the years are so cruel. It seems that there is no passion and change. The quiet pool reflects the moonlight, no waves, no waves, and the breeze in the valley is gentle.

In fact, I will also think that many people's lives are similar. How many feelings of passion and new ideas can they have? They all live in a routine day. Even if they occasionally release them, they will inevitably hesitate. Passion needs investment, feeling needs change, not simple thinking, love needs courage, and courage is what we adults lack, wandering between gains and losses and trade-offs.

Is passion really so important, and can feeling decide everything? Maybe it's just an excuse to find a balance for your mistakes and wrap up the scars of life. In fact, life contains many things, not only passion and feelings, but also the most important thing is emotion. Emotion is the key to the problem, emotion is the foundation of happiness, and emotion is the source of happiness.

What life is, it doesn't matter anymore. What does it matter if it is dull. My life is like this, and I keep a happy attitude. For me, life is very simple. The taste of life is a cup of jasmine tea, with a light fragrance. After drinking bitter tea, I can taste sweet. It is the so-called sweet after suffering. Bitterness is just an illusion. Different moods lead to different tastes.

In fact, life is very simple, happiness is also very simple, that is, home from work, warm environment, full of food and drink, the child is doing manual work, the wife is watching TV, and I am playing computer, simple and calm, no desire, no desire, let nature take its course.

The taste of life, in fact, is very simple, that is, natural harmony.

Taste of composition life 600 word composition (13)

Teenagers do not know the taste of sorrow, but fall in love with the floor. Fall in love with the floor, for the new words strong sorrow. Not only did Xin Qiji feel that when he was young, he was reluctant to say "worry" for the sake of a new word "worry free", but even now, these teenagers are still said to emphasize loneliness with the worry of nonexistence.

Indeed, it seems that a teenager will never feel sad. When he was young, he had the care of his parents, when he was young, he had the advice of his teachers, when he was young, he had friends to accompany him, and until he became an adult, he would have relatives to help him. However, in life, there are really not many people who don't feel sad. After all, when they look up, they can see the huge high school entrance exam filled with smiles in front of them. I think it is impossible for teenagers not to regret this sour taste.

The boy who stayed beside his parents was silent and could not say a word because he knew that once he opened his mouth, the following would always be just endless quarrels. Expectations were too high, love was too thick, and they could always say to the boy that we were the one who loved you the most, and the boy could not do anything but become better and better. At this age, I can't say the most lines to my parents and teenagers. Can you treat me better? But the parents' response must be me. Is he not good to you? It's always a cycle of incomprehension. Teenagers think it is appropriate, but they also know that few parents are not good to you, but they also understand other children and teenagers. They just don't know how to express, just like teenagers don't know how to understand their love. Although they may bring more pain than happiness, teenagers always understand that they are still the most primitive dependence and sustenance of teenagers.

The flowers are blooming and falling, and one of the back tables is left empty due to poor academic performance. The number of students in the classroom is getting smaller and smaller. Unconsciously, the leisurely days of listening to the elders' clich é s are getting farther and farther away from the teenagers. Unexpectedly, they all come to a fork in the road, and people often say that the teenagers are happy generations with countless choices and opportunities. However, Will the youth be confused and miss planting. In the end, life is too helpless, or the youth is too clumsy, why only thick ink is left. When the lost teenager in his heart was at the end of the separation for the first time, he chose the middle school entrance exam for the first time, and his playmates of three or nine years parted ways in this way. I think this is the most sad because the teenagers do not know that they will have no choice but to lead to their own life for the first time. For example, after the kite was cut off for the first time, where will it float to in the future, and who will not know what.

The feeling must be to remember. The school and family have made up for the whole life of the teenager. I don't know where to go to pursue the past of the teenager, but I know that his sorrow will only come from them.

Often, adults see these young people laughing too much, and then put on the label of "young people don't care". People think that only when people get old and have experience can they feel sad and nostalgic. In fact, this is not the case, The boy can never have more sky. He can only sleep under the sky and wake up drunk. But the boy's sadness is too much. The sky is not enough to comfort butterflies, nor flowers, nor most of the beauty. So he only worries about the present and the past. Under the protection of relatives and friends, he is always quiet and safe. At this moment, young people are most aware of sorrow, and with some shallow or deep sadness, they draw the end of their youth.

Juvenile complex will never really be implemented to a specific person, because we understand that he only exists in our hearts, and all kinds of sorrows that we feel the taste of life.

Taste of composition life 600 word composition (14)


Alas, the exasperating Chinese and mathematics must have failed this exam again. The results were announced. The students in our class had sour noses and sour eyes, as if they were chewing a green lemon. "Get up where you fall!" The teacher said to the students, whose tears were swirling in their eyes. yes! One failure does not mean another failure, just get up again.


Holding the award certificate, my heart is sweeter than eating honey dates. After more than two years of hard work, my calligraphy won another prize. Listening to the congratulations of the students and the praise of the teacher, a sweet feeling swelled in my heart, and tears of joy flickered in my eyes.


After the sweet taste, the bitter taste becomes more profound. It is distressing for a student to master all the knowledge he has learned. Just after the math teacher finished copying four exercises, the Chinese teacher handed out another test paper, English and a lot of things to memorize, as well as my calligraphy

The final exam is coming, and I can't breathe under the pressure of exam papers. Isn't it bitter?


Looking at the test paper handed down, the score of the composition was deducted the most, 9 points! Listening to the teacher's instruction and the parents' criticism, my face was burning. The students' sarcasm was tingling with bitterness: "Wow, I did so well in the exam!" I secretly decided that I must do well in the exam next time.

Life is like this. Happiness contains tears, and joy is accompanied by hardship. We are like young trees, bathed in the sun and sucking nectar, and will grow into towering trees in the wind and rain.

Taste of composition life 600 word composition (15)

When I was young, I thought that life was about eating and drinking every day and living happily. That was the meaning of life. But one day my brother and I played on the mountain. Suddenly a bird fell from the sky. My brother and I ran to see it. We found that the bird's foot seemed to have been hurt by someone with a stone. We took the bird home and wrapped its injured foot in a cloth. We all hoped that the bird would get better soon and then let it fly. When it was time for dinner, we filled the birds with buckets and fed some bird food. We also went to dinner. When we went to see the bird again, it seemed to be more lively. But somehow, the next day we went to see the bird, but it died. We were very sad to bury the bird. When Dad came home, we told him the whole story, but Dad said: The bird is natural, and you don't know how to feed it. " Dad told us a lot of truth, and we nodded.

I know that birds belong to nature. They work hard to feed their children and go out every day to find something to feed them. But they are not afraid of human "invasion". They also feel very happy and beautiful because they are very comfortable. In fact, birds are like human beings. Their parents work hard to raise their children. Although the process of raising them is very hard, they never give up and do not want to return.

Everyone has a different life, some people are rich, some people are poor, but their faces are full of the same smile. What is the taste of life? I think the taste of life should be sweet. Even the very poor people, as long as the whole family is together, they share the wind and rain, and share happiness, isn't it very happy?

The taste of life should be bittersweet.