Primary School Composition Spring 600 Words (3 Collections)
2023-09-08 02:08:37
Grade 6

Primary School Composition Spring 600 Words (1)

When spring comes, the earth gradually wakes up from its deep sleep, the ice and snow melt, the vegetation sprouts, and various flowers and plants bloom in succession.

Spring girl walked slowly to the world. The grass was green with stars, and grass stretched out from the hard stones, looking curiously at everything around.

The river is full of spring, with pieces of residual ice from the upstream flowing happily into small eddies, full of laughter, reflecting the blue sky and white clouds, and the green of early spring on both sides, flowing with soft and cheerful voice.

On both sides of the river bank, willows swayed their soft branches in the breeze, gently brushing the water, like beautiful girls combing their hair against the river.

Looking into the distance, you can see that each orange tree is graceful and graceful, stretching its dark green branches and leaves, looking far away like a girl in green.

Especially those orange trees standing on the roadside, like a girl who likes to tear up, lazily extend their long arm like branches on the road.

The colorful kites on the grass are swaying and rising against the gentle spring wind. The blue sky is full of flowers and butterflies, which is very beautiful.

I went up to the mountain and looked at the terraces below at the top of the mountain. It looked like a small flower basket hanging in the air, filled with green seedlings.

Now after the rain, the small seedlings in the rice days are like children who are full of milk. They are very green.

I slowly walked down the mountain, and suddenly saw the orchids open. Some were like fire butterflies flying in their wings, some were like a row of bells shaking, and some were like a majestic military call. A drop of dew condensed in the stamens of each orchid was what the ancients called the orchid ointment! Crystal like a tear.

Back home, sitting on the chair, you will see the pear tree in front of the door. The pear flower only blooms at night, as if there was an appointment. It seems that everything comes from nature, and the rain falls soundly. The pear blossom is real and vivid.

Spring is the smiling face of flowers, the willow branches with light greenness stretching their muscles, and the grass opens its dim sleeping eyes.

Spring is all kinds of kites swaying in the sky. It is the child who runs up and down the mountain holding the kite string.

Spring, the goddess of nature, cleans up in front of the dresser as soon as she wakes up; She "unfolded" the frozen water, added the bright colors to the earth, washed the sky clear and blue, pushed away the dark clouds, and let the colorful sunshine shine on all things.

I love you, Chun!

Primary School Composition Spring 600 Words (2)

Listen! Listen! Spring girl came with light steps. She brought a green new dress to the yellow and cold earth.

She gently stroked everything with her tender hands, revived everything, and gave us vitality. There is no need to mention the blue sky, the small river, or the endless grassland, just the flowers that compete for fragrance and beauty, so spring is full.

Among them, the most fascinating one is the Baolian flower. She is so white and flawless, just like the Baolian lamp in transmission, and also like a young girl, who is waving her white dress in the spring breeze, emitting a faint fragrance. When you smell it, you will be immersed in dreams, relaxed and happy, and forget to leave. Nearby, the tall and low trees in the distance stand erect, and the newly issued leaves are green and dripping. They are like loyal guards guarding this quiet and peaceful moment.

"Tick!" Oh, that's dew! But just when I wanted to catch it with my hands, a gust of wind blew, and the slightest coolness seeped into my heart. It's raining, what a fine rain! Dropped in the hand, it is hairy and itchy, like cattle hair, flower needles and filaments. Seen from afar, there seems to be a thin fog, if there is nothing, it seems to be far away, the whole world seems to be a shy girl covered with gauze, laughing secretly there

The rain is getting heavier and heavier, which makes people sigh. It's really a timely rain! It not only makes people feel refreshed, but also makes flowers and grass more red in the drizzle! Greener! It immediately reminds people of Du Fu's poem "sneak into the night with the wind, moisten things silently". But people are only amazed at the flowers in the Spring Festival, how beautiful the grass is, and who knows how long they have been dormant and waiting before?

Ah, spring! Your colorful colors decorate the earth; Your gentle caress gave birth to everything; Your fresh breath brings vitality. I love you, beautiful spring!

Primary School Composition Spring 600 Words (3)

Have you ever remembered that the brilliant spring, when everything turns green and flowers turn gorgeous, has drunk many scholars and talents. Yu Shiping, "A red apricot comes out of the wall", "Peach blossoms bloom in mountain temples"

"The spring breeze is also green on the south bank of the river" and other well-known lines have been passed down constantly, making people chew hard today. It can be said that spring is brilliant. The cuckoo bird's cry wakes me up from my dream. I look around the walls. A few sparse stars have already lit the morning light for me. It's really difficult for me to fall asleep before dawn. I use my stiff hands to rub my thin, dry face. Suddenly I think of the beauty of spring, and suddenly I think of walking in the green to find spring. How can I still sleep? Get up quickly! With a bit of silly energy of humble scholars, I spread an uncontrollable heart of searching to mountains and rivers, and worked for thousands of families, feeling the unique sense of comfort of a silly scholar. The mountain stronghold is located at the foot of Guanshan Mountain, far away from the hustle and bustle, and looks simple and quiet, followed by the scholar's paradise. Qianxun could not find a place to relax, and suddenly he felt that he was suddenly enlightened. Why don't you see spring flowers? Where has the grass gone again? Looking around the mountains, rivers, villages and courtyards, there are only a few wisps of smoke curling and waving, and a few dry, cracked and crumbling branches swaying in front of us

Tao is the spring of mountain fastness? Standing on the top of the mountain, I almost froze. Sadly, green has not been seen for a long time, and the depression of spring is tasteless. Pursuit is iron, spirit is steel, both are sad and pathetic. I felt heavy when I was frustrated in my search for spring. When I was about to go back, I suddenly saw the Red Cliff River. After being ravaged by winter, it was dressed in crystal clear and flawless clothes and stretched out into the distance like a white Hada. I followed her and listened to her teachings. Ah, the spring of the cottage is here

Although it is not as sweet as the green trees and red flowers in the south of the Yangtze River, it has some beating vitality. When I found the Spring of the Stronghold, I was as happy as a calf seeing its mother. Looking at the towering Guanshan Mountain, it seems that my father is abetting his children: "Spring is coming, it's time to move." I walked down the mountain and passed the campus gate. A loud sound of reading awoke me from my meditation. The original spring of the shanzhai campus has already arrived. Since then, the spring of the cottage will no longer be monotonous, and the spring of the cottage campus will be stronger, which is fascinating and pursuit.