College life (17 high-quality articles)
Brilliance in the sun
2024-02-04 04:23:06
primary school

College life (1)

Swimming class - learn to cooperate!

Very united together

Joined the Four Eyes Team!

Physical education - learn passion!

This passion has pain!

Love lesson - learned gentleness.

The unsolvable problem!

Skipping classes.

Learn to bear pressure.

College life (2)

My college life is like a dream.

Sometimes I stay in the dormitory to catch up on my work and sleep.

Sometimes I play in the wild.

Good mood!

The children in our class always get together.

Play together and laugh and cry.

While recording graduation speeches.

I can't help crying at last.

On the last day of graduation.

We silently buried a capsule of time.

There are many wonderful moments in life.

These precious memories will be profound

Life rings, quiet Zhiyuan.

College life (3)

At three o'clock in the morning, I opened my sleepy eyes, forced myself into the water room, and gave myself a basin of cold water to double my spirit and start a day of life.

With my walkman, I ran to the playground. The walkman kept repeating the old song "My future is not a dream". After morning exercises, I sat alone in the pavilion in the east of the school with a book of Bingxin's poems. Surrounded by water, there is only one passage. At this time, there was a layer of fog on the water surface, and people seemed to walk through the clouds.

Leaning against the pillar, tasting a poem, waiting for the rising sun. At five o'clock, the sun finally came out, and the fog on the water gradually dissipated. The sun cast an image in the water, which was really beautiful.

The rising of the sun means the end of leisure time and the beginning of rush time.

I ran to the canteen, took a few mouthfuls of food and hurried to my first place of work - to help the shopkeeper sell breakfast. There are more and more people on the street. The city in sleep wakes up again and starts its busy day. So do I.

At eight o'clock in the morning, I went back to school on time, and started studying with my classmates. I listen more, think more and remember more in class, and try not to review in my spare time. When the bell rang at eleven o'clock, I rushed out of the classroom to my second workplace.

I don't have time to rest at noon. I need to work until four o'clock in the afternoon. After four o'clock, I finally had some free time. I like to use this time to surf the Internet. Now the society is developing so fast that only through the Internet can we understand the world and enrich our minds.

Evening time is easy to be wasted. I get together with my classmates and friends, eat, sing, play games, and even wander around until late at night.

Most of my college life is used by me to study and work. Learning is to enrich my mind and work is to enrich my experience. The organic combination of the two can help me have a better future.

College life is not boring. I have many good friends around me, and they will bring me happiness. Let my life more colorful.

University is a bridge to success in my heart. Only by grasping it well, can we have a better tomorrow.

Therefore, I will make good use of my college life to enrich it.

College life (4)

Today, my cousin suddenly had to go back to school to do something, because her home was far away from the school, and it took too long to return home. So my mother decided to drive her back to school with me.

My daily learning task is very heavy. I can't slack off and relax just because I arrive at a new environment. So I told my mother that I would like to experience the feeling of self-study in college and see how college students learn. When we got to my cousin's school, my mother and I walked around the teaching building, trying to find a place to study. My cousin's school has been closed, but there are still many people in the study room. My mother and I moved from floor to floor, and finally found a classroom on the fourth floor. I thought this classroom would be very messy, because in my opinion, college students will not have to take the exam after they enter the university. They should be relaxed, and the corresponding relaxation is, of course, loose discipline. So I have been prepared to study quietly in this classroom like Chairman Mao did in downtown.

However, as soon as I entered the classroom, I found that I was wrong. This classroom was unusually quiet. The only sound in the classroom was the sound of the air conditioner running. Everyone in the classroom sat quietly at their desks and studied hard. No one looked back at our participation. What surprised me more was that, unlike our self-study in school, there was no teacher in the classroom. Their good discipline was completely achieved by their own self-control. Compared with the big brothers and sisters who focused on learning, I felt a little relaxed. I was in a daze, flipping things and making some noise. After a while, I couldn't sit still, and dragged my mother to accompany me out for a walk to relax. My mother and I walked around the campus and played sports on the school playground for a while. I was so hungry that I couldn't wait for my sister to come back for dinner after work. After dinner, I was a little thirsty for water, and then remembered that my water cup fell into the classroom, so I went back to fetch it. When I walked into this classroom again, the scene I saw shocked me even more; People who used to study in the classroom are still learning. It's 12:30 at noon now. I thought they were all going back to eat or sleep, but they are still studying intently. No one is doing anything unrelated to learning, which is unimaginable to me.

With this experience of self-study in the university classroom, I realized the gap between myself as a junior high school student and a college student, from which I realized my shortcomings in learning habits. In the future study, I will pay attention to improving my self-control and become a self disciplined and prudent person. In learning and life, we should concentrate on doing one thing wholeheartedly and focus on doing one thing perfectly, instead of being half hearted and doing nothing in the end!

College life (5)

It has been two months since I came to Nanjing, and I gradually get used to the life here. From dormitory to classroom to canteen, it seems that my college life is not as interesting as others'. Introverted, I only like to be in the shade of a tree, in the deep corner of the library, or holding a book or staring blankly.

I do not know that winter has arrived, and the campus is still alive. Occasionally, flowers are fluttering in the wind, and most trees are evergreen. After class today, I walked slowly with my roommates on the campus. Playing with the mobile camera while chatting. As you walk, the scenery in the camera changes constantly, but you don't want to press the shutter. Bamboo trees, small bridges, flowing water, birds on the water skip over, rippling in circles, it seems very picturesque.

On the side of turning the path, when I look back, I bump into your chest. It's picturesque, like a soft old dream in the snow, and I miss you - the waist posture of ginkgo leaves. You are so quiet in the corner, the autumn wind has yellowed you all over. Yellow, orange yellow like sunset, reflecting the sunset in the sky, sunset and solitary ducks flying together, the autumn water is the same color... I feel as if I have returned to my hometown and returned to the realm of my heart when I was young, and I feel as if I am standing in the desert and watching the solitary smoke fly straight up to the flying geese wailing. oh Dear hometown! At this moment, I understand that the attachment to my hometown is so easy to hurt people's soul

Every autumn and winter, you are as orange as burning yourself, burning your life, sending warmth to the cold wind. When everything withers, you are as orange as fire to dispel the chill of people's hearts. In autumn and winter, my father swept the fallen leaves in the yard and piled them up. When the weather was sunny, the cats and dogs slept lazily in the sun, as if there was nothing better than this. Suddenly, when the wind blew, I felt my hair was flying and the leaves were flying. There was nothing between the heaven and the earth but recklessness. I can't describe the inner shock. After a long time, I felt tears in my eyes. Bloody flowers bloom in the heart.

College life (6)

Every day, when I was awakened by the alarm clock, I climbed out of bed with hazy eyes open, put on slippers and slowly moved into the water chamber. Close your eyes, brush your teeth and wash your face, then go back to the bedroom with your eyes slightly open, change your clothes and shoes, dress up your face a little, and then go out in a hurry.

The temperature difference in autumn in the north is very great. It's very cold in the morning. I can't help shaking when I just go out. While rubbing his upper arm with both hands, he said to his classmates, "Hurry up, you will be late!"! After I say this sentence, my classmates will look at their mobile phones and say, It's still early. What's the hurry! Our dormitory is in the southeast corner of the school, and the small playground is in the northwest corner. From our dormitory to the small playground, it almost crosses the whole school obliquely. The trees beside the road are blowing in the cold wind, rustling leaves, which makes people feel chilly. Bypass the old big job, walk through rows of trees, pass the swimming pool and library, turn around the tennis court and stadium, and finally arrive at the small playground.

After several laps of running baptism, we ran to the restaurant that has called our stomach for a long time. As soon as we entered, we became the tail of the dragon. After waiting anxiously, we finally became the dragon head. After we quickly expressed our request to the dining aunt, we took our delicious food and began a long journey to find a seat. Sometimes, we can quickly target and attack the target; Sometimes, I can't find a seat even after looking for a long time. After finding a seat, if there are classes in one or two periods, we will quickly sweep away the food and rush to the classroom; If there is no class, we will eat our breakfast slowly, and then go back to the bedroom to lie down and play with mobile phones. If there is a class in the morning, I will get up before class. If there is no class in the morning, I will lie down and get up again at lunch time, and the same is true in the afternoon. In addition to weekends, we have to study at night. For most of us, studying at night is just another place to play mobile phones. Mobile phones are poisonous. We have poisoned our bone marrow. After self-study, go back to the dormitory, and lie in bed and play with your mobile phone after washing until you feel sleepy.

The above is a true portrayal of my current college life! However, I hope I can live the college life I want!

At six o'clock every day, get up on time, wash quickly, change clothes, dress simply, and walk out of the dormitory door in an orderly manner. Facing the fresh and cool air in the morning, stepping on the fallen leaves last night, listening to my favorite music, humming the familiar tune, slowly walked to the small playground. Whenever you can't run, encourage yourself secretly and stick to it again, instead of stopping directly. Think of running as a way to exercise yourself, rather than resenting its existence.

After dinner, if there is a class, I will go to class with spirit; If there is no class, read the book, do the exercises, or preview the content that you did not attend. When you are tired, you can sleep for a while without strong support. When you have time, go to the library to read the works of everyone, or read some interesting novels, or browse the latest magazines and periodicals, learn about the current popular, enrich your leisure life, and strive to get rid of the addiction to mobile phones. In my spare time, I plant flowers and grass to learn to slow down, cultivate my patience, stop being impetuous, calm down and deal with what has happened, and try to be as calm as possible when I suddenly face it without being surprised or angry when I add it without reason. In the evening, browse current affairs news to learn about state affairs and world affairs. Try to go to bed early. Only going to bed early can make you more energetic when you get up early the next day. If you can't sleep, you should read some books in classical Chinese. In this way, you can not only make good use of time, but also have a good sleep inducing effect and enhance your knowledge of classical Chinese. Why not?

In this way, there is at least a Pacific distance between my current situation and my ideal state. But if we really want to change and live in an ideal state, it is not impossible. Even Magellan can travel around the world. How can a Pacific Ocean help us?

College life (7)

The college life I yearn for should have stopped in this autumn. However, after a tense and fierce competition, I still waited at the gate of hell, looking up to the "luxury" of heaven, rolling the wave of thinking from time to time, and continuing my yearning.

The college life I yearn for is free. There will be a large botanical garden in the campus. Walking in it, you will have no worries. "The wild fragrance is fragrant, and the beautiful trees are luxuriant". When the sun comes out, it will be full of the flavor of tropical rainforest. The sun sprinkles on the winding path, speckled with bright stars. There will also be a lotus pond. I will often sit by the pond and enjoy the dancing willows on the bank; Look at the round lotus leaves, crystal beads rolling happily; Admire the grace of lotus that "comes from the mud without dyeing, and washes clean lotus without demon"; Look at the fish in the water freely spitting bubbles. There will be students playing the piano, singing, playing or playing on the grass near the bank. The air is full of free breathing.

The college life I yearn for is rich and colorful. In the open blue sky of the university, every cloud will welcome my habitat. At that time, what I wrote was not boring arithmetic, but beautiful pictures; I dream that what I spit out in my teeth at that time was not the rules on textbooks, but the energetic songs; My dream is that the road under my feet is not only stretching in the campus with high walls on all sides, but also going to the society and seeing a broader sky; I yearned for the time when I was no longer buried in old papers like I was in middle school. Instead, I went to the society to heal the sadness of the suffering people, feel the warmth of human nature under the uncertainty of the world, and let it prove my true existence.

The college life I yearn for is also rigorous. In a loose and free environment, I will not be lazy. I hope I still have a vigorous and upward mentality. I will read English aloud at the dawn; Will persist in the spirit of not giving up when encountering difficulties; I will immerse myself in learning in the library full of books. I hope that the preciseness and liveliness of the university can make me satisfied

University, when I rub shoulders with you, you don't seem to see me. I'm still here at the departure station to guess whether you will carefully prepare a feast in front of me, and look forward to my arrival with a pious heart. This time, I hope I can persevere in the end, so that yearning is no longer yearning.

College life (8)

Everyone has his own plan for college. Some people choose to continue studying, some choose to develop hobbies, and some choose to participate in more social practice. For me, practice is the best accumulation in college.

We know that "it's never too late to learn." Learning is something we can never give up in our life, but for children who have gone through the college entrance examination, college life should be more inclined to interpersonal communication and social activities. And interest is the best teacher. When we are in college, we have a lot of time to arrange ourselves. It's best to develop our own interests. However, we should always bear in mind that a university is equivalent to half of the society. After graduation, it will be in line with the society. Only by accumulating practice can we gain a foothold in the society.

Some time ago, a middle-aged rural poor woman named Wu Jihong came into our sight. On the surface, she is plain, even difficult to live, and can not find the value to talk about her. However, she is actually a "graduate of the National People's Congress". Since 1992, the state has no longer arranged and assigned jobs. Newly graduated college students have been looking for jobs everywhere like headless flies. Wu Jihong is one of them. At that time, because the country needed talents in a certain field, they studied a certain specialty; Because the state allocates work, they neglect practice. In the end, some college students were eliminated by the society. If they had realized at that time that learning is not only about textbook knowledge, but also about "unity of knowledge and practice", they believe that today's life will become better.

And (it is more reasonable and natural to change it to "no doubt") today, with the rapid economic development, the significance of practice is becoming more and more obvious. As the saying goes, "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step". In the university, many students have already felt the pressure of "difficult employment" before graduation. They start their own businesses while they are on campus. Whether they are successful or not will not be said for the time being, but the spirit of brave practice and keeping pace with the times is worth learning for everyone. In the process of innovation and entrepreneurship, it is the transformation and application of the knowledge learned over the years, which can also reflect the efforts spent over the years. When your classmates are busy looking for jobs after graduation, you have got ahead of them. Why not?

What's more, not only are college students facing graduation, but also the "post-00s entrepreneurs" have swept all major online platforms. Although he is young, he is careful in thinking and extraordinary in speaking, which has attracted a lot of acclaim as well as an uproar. He has also developed several applications as far as he can. More netizens jokingly called him "Ma Yun of the future". We can't predict his future, but we know that this kind of practice will become a valuable asset in his life and a "stepping stone" on his way to success!

Therefore, when we are college students, we should always remember the truth that practice is the best accumulation!

College Life (9)

"Some poems are written for yesterday and tomorrow, some poems are written for love, some poems are written for ideals that have never met, but have never been put down before sunset", while I want to write for my poetic youth - my university.

I often hear people praise the university, saying how unrestrained and broad the sky is, but it seems not to me. It is because I have experienced nearly a year of college life that I find that my college life has never been able to fit this ideal.

In the campus of a university, the classroom for classes is not fixed. Therefore, every day I must move from one place to another in order to take different courses. In addition to surprising me, such a "tortuous" class experience is more incredible. In addition to class time, other spare time is arranged by myself. There is no fixed classroom and no teacher to stare at self-study, so I began to hesitate. It seems that there is no place to go in the spare time during the day except the dormitory. The library is always full of people. Although there are still some empty stools in the huge self-study room, there are high books stacked on the table. Although I have a thief's heart to sit down, I don't have the guts. Just because the owners of those books come, I have to be driven away viciously; Of course, in addition to the library, there are six teachers who can study on their own. Sadly, when I first came to the university, I didn't know there was such a place where I could study on my own.

These things are difficult for me, who is used to high school life. Maybe the so-called unrestrained college life just means that there is no heavy homework, no full classes from morning to night, no self study forced by teachers... But at the same time, our courses have become more difficult, right? Without the teacher's supervision, are we conscious? If we don't learn our major well, what will we do with our ideals? In fact, because of such freedom, universities have become more demanding on us, and we need to work harder to learn and forge ahead.

However, I have to admit that I have gained a lot of happiness from my college life this year.

The first time I walked into this strange campus, I felt so big and beautiful. Crescent Lake, pavilions, willows, flowers... It seems that I came to a carefully designed garden. Although there are no waterside pavilions or pavilions, one water, one tree and one beautiful shadow are enough. With joy, I began to try to experience the new things around me.

At the beginning of the university, the recruitment activities of clubs have been carried out in full swing. I was also full of enthusiasm and expectation to deal with various clubs. I filled in two long-awaited recruitment forms for clubs, followed by one round of interviews after another. Fortunately, I entered. The days when I worked in the club can't be said to be very simple. Because of the reason of the selected department, I was always busy, and my spare time was almost divided in this way. However, in the community, working with others is a happy and satisfying day. I learned what is solidarity and cooperation, learned how to get along with work partners, and also got training in potential. In this way, I worked hard with others, with both pay and gain. This also makes me more convinced of the saying: "A flower that admires itself is just beautiful, and a piece of rich brocade that relies on each other and blooms is brilliant"

The most brilliant page of college life should be the new friends. Students, roommates, working partners... One year is not short or long enough for us to understand each other and understand each other. At one time, I thought that my college life would be lonely without the company of my deskmate and former bosom friends in college. Everything in the past would only become perfect memories, but there was nowhere to find. But, unexpectedly, I found a new good friend, a good friend who can say everything. My former good friends also kept in touch. Across the phone, we smiled and recalled the happy time we had together before, and shared the interesting, happy, sad things we met on the campus... This life was very happy and enjoyable, I also thank God for allowing us to have each other so sincerely, whether it was a good friend before or now.

If life is a book, then college is undoubtedly the most wonderful page I have read. Although I feel that college life is not simple, but it is another kind of hard work, I still want to enjoy reading every word of it and recite this poem of youth - my college.

College life (10)

The days are always passing in a hurry. If I don't always look back, I can't see the distance between yesterday and today. Let me review it. The most obvious change is that when I came here, I still felt like a fire when I wore a thin shirt. But now, the snow is falling quietly, I am wrapped in thick cotton padded clothes, and I still feel the cold wind seeping through my skin and gnawing at my bones and muscles

My freshman life has passed quietly in such a day after day change. It is like a high flying aircraft. You see it coming like a small bird, but in fact, the distance deceives the line of sight. The more you think it comes slowly, the more it is like an arrow leaving the string, disappearing without sound.

I often feel at a loss. I am a person who is easy to feel sad. Sometimes I will be in a daze and recite the passage of time. Sometimes I like falling leaves, falling one by one. I think it is a lonely enjoyment, but I will blame myself. In fact, I often hate myself for not waking up early.

There are always so many things to do, but time is still wasted a little bit. I often put myself on the bare beach, and then said to myself, "This is my territory, and I want to create a legend here.". But the waves came, a gust of wind passed, and the water slowly poured towards me, and then swallowed up my territory, wet my feet

university! My dream was to look for wings to fly here.

What I need to do now is to build a boat and put it beside me. I want to plant flowers next to me. If I can, I will lie on the golden beach and enjoy the sweetness after sweat when I am tired

College Life (11)

When entering the university campus, new things will be displayed in front of every new student. I got to know the students who came together from all over the world, participated in the grand opening ceremony, experienced the first class of military training, and participated in various community activities. The rich and colorful college life gives each new student a fresh feeling and hopes that his college life will be full and meaningful. However, one hundred people have one hundred ways of living. Under the same environment, some people have positive college life and made achievements; Some people's college life is boring, which is worth thinking about.

When I first entered my freshman year, life can be interpreted in one word, that is, "Shuang". In college life, there will no longer be busy junior year and tense college entrance examination. It seems that the burden on the shoulder has been lifted all at once. All day long, we will have classes, eat, go to the dormitory, and participate in club activities casually. After a long time, we will be tired of this seemingly routine life. At that time, as soon as we return to the dormitory, we will shout "emptiness". Then when we have nothing to do, we go to the library to read books. Sometimes the dormitory will reach an agreement to go outside and visit the tourist attractions in the city. In fact, life depends on oneself, and the content is determined by oneself. When I was a sophomore, I had the idea of doing part-time jobs, so I would also use Saturday and Sunday to do part-time jobs, just like going out for experience! In fact, my college life is not full, but I will try my best to make it full.

The confusion of many students' lives is mainly due to the lack of motivation and direction. When life has no goal, it will feel confused and empty, so college students should set a goal for themselves, and be proactive and not depressed and degenerate. We should also seriously think about life, cultivate interest, and participate in more activities in schools and society to make our lives full and meaningful.

College Life (12)

On June 2, 20xx, a year of college life will soon come to an end. Time flies. It seems that I just came to the school yesterday with a heavy suitcase to report. It seems that I was still in military training yesterday. It seems that I was excited about meeting new friends yesterday. It seems that yesterday... It seems that everything happened only yesterday. At that time, the joy only stayed in yesterday, and the vision of college life was only yesterday.

Looking back on this year, busy but confused. The school has participated in many activities and won many awards, but the future is still unknown to me.

The students around me look at them with dull eyes and nothing to do. When they don't have classes, they just sleep in the dormitory and chase idol dramas. I really fear being the same as them. I don't want to be infected. Sometimes I go to work, sometimes I read books. I don't want to be that mediocre person.

When I went out to work, I met all kinds of people. They made me learn a lot. I learned about the workplace in advance, what I should not say and what I should not do, and became mellow.

In fact, I really hate myself, because it is hypocritical. In order to get more, I plead for redress and make good relations with all the people who can help me, even though I hate them very much. I'm afraid flattery is the best way to describe me.

Now I have finally found my ideal and no longer idle. No matter how busy I am, I will continue to read for two hours every day. I still participate in school activities, but I am more enthusiastic than before. I like this kind of life. The students around me will still be the same. I think I will be happy for my efforts in the future. (text/color)

College Life (13)

Finally, I graduated from high school. I came to the university with excitement and started my college life, but college made me happy and sad.

College life makes me happy. Leaving the shackles of my family, no one in the university can control me. I can do things more freely, which makes me feel happy. Because I was strictly controlled when I was in high school, I had to say hello to where I wanted to go to play, and I had to get the consent of my parents. Now I have left the original city to come to the provincial capital, and I have a lot of freedom. And there is no teacher in the very strict discipline and supervision of us, most rely on self-consciousness.

In addition, when I go to college, I have more time at my disposal and can do more things I want to do. I don't have to study in my life as before, and my time is fully arranged by schools and teachers. I also have more freedom in time management, which I like very much.

In addition, the library is larger, and there are more books for us to borrow. I think it is very good, because I am a person who likes reading very much. The campus environment of the university is also better than that of the high school, at least a little more. The infrastructure is also complete, but it is a little old, a little old, and looks not good.

College life also worries me. I don't know how to correctly handle the relationship between people in the university. Is it different from that in high school? I don't know many rules about the university, which still need me to explore slowly. I am new to the environment here, and don't know what is good, and what is necessary. If no one guides me, I may suffer many losses.

There is also homesickness, because I have never been so far away from home, and I really want to go home from time to time.

College life (14)

Dear leaders and students

This is Ji Dedong from Class 0601, Environmental Survey, Department of Environmental Chemistry

Standing on this podium, I feel honored. If I shrink back in front of town now, I will be ashamed of my behavior. This is the honor and disgrace around me

Similarly, you pick up a piece of paper scraps in the campus and put it in the dustbin. When a classmate is in trouble, you reach out your hands to help him. You have worked hard to join the club. You are honored. The topic of my speech today is honor and shame in life

There are often four words in our life to remind us of what is honor, respect, filial piety to parents, respect teachers, respect jobs, respect others. Quiet, keep quiet in public places, eat without words, sleep without words. Give others a harmonious and warm environment. Keep the environment clean, dress clean and dry, keep the mind clean and pure, and keep the soul pure and beautiful. Compete, establish a sense of competition. You can't do the best, but you should do better, Actively exercise yourself and participate in various competitions

I want to ask my classmates, if you can do all the above four things, you will be a caring person. A caring person not only has the passion to love the motherland, people and life, but also has a kind heart. And it is this kind heart that makes the world beautiful

Living on this land, every one of us, as long as we live, will have a moral conscience with us. We should learn to be grateful to those who know honor and shame for protecting the environment. Don't stop doing good because it is small, and don't stop doing evil because it is small. School is our home, and cleanliness depends on everyone

Each of us can keep our body clean only by taking a bath every day, and a person's soul can become clean only by regular baptism and edification

Good deeds are like climbing a mountain, evil deeds like collapsing. The road is under one's own feet. How to behave varies from person to person. Honor and shame are the standards of life. I believe that our students in Yellow River Water Institute will be able to do these four things. We are proud of loving our institute, ashamed of harming it, proud of serving our classmates, ashamed of deviating from the same school, proud of pursuing progress, ashamed of not thinking about progress, proud of hard work, It is a shame to be absent from school and leave early. It is a shame to be united and help each other. It is a shame to harm teachers and friends. It is a shame to exchange experience. It is a shame to be closed. It is a shame to obey discipline and laws. It is a shame to violate school rules. It is a shame to be hardworking and pioneering. It is a shame to be extravagant and wasteful

I believe that there will be a place where our students from the Yellow River Water Institute will live. There will be a pure land and a blue sky

College Life (15)

As for the university, I seldom mentioned it before. I remember that the first of the four books, "The University", said about university life: the way of university is to be virtuous, to be friendly to the people, and to be good. Now it is the truth of the university, which is to highlight the bright virtue that everyone has and has, and then promote themselves to others, so that everyone can remove pollution and start a new life, and strive for perfection to achieve the most perfect level, and remain unchanged.

Time flies, time flies, and we have unknowingly completed seven years of middle school life and started to enter the university. If junior high school is the spring of enlightenment and senior high school is the summer of passion, then the university is undoubtedly the precipitation of autumn before facing the cold winter of society. The green and astringent fruits in summer will gradually mature in autumn until they can take root and face the long cold winter alone. When we walked through the busy and happy high school and waited after the black June, the university came to us in this way, suddenly it was so logical. Twelve years of struggle and waiting made me cry. In the face of such a result, I was a little overwhelmed by excitement. People are always afraid of unknown things. That's how the university awed me. The description of university life in books is so beautiful, but that beauty buried doubts and worries in my heart. After ten days of military training in college, I learned how to press my missing in my heart to face a person's life bravely, so pure and clear; University, I am slowly changing, ready to accept the review of society.

As a student majoring in architecture, in college life, we should first learn our own scientific and cultural knowledge as well as professional knowledge. At the beginning of college, we should have a preliminary understanding of the major, understand how to master the preliminary learning methods, actively learn cultural knowledge, and gradually enhance our interest in the major and develop professional dedication in constant learning and exploration, The excellent habit of Leye, under the leadership of the Party and the state, China's construction industry has made rapid progress. It is a drop of water, a piece of land, a grain of grain, a cavity to keep warm, a tree, a shelter to cool. As a small builder, I will also do my part in my job, So that China's construction industry can get better development and people can live in safe and secure houses.

So pure and clear university; I will change slowly in college. Such a long and hard college is the last place of peace in my life. Three years later, I will embrace the rugged life with this peace.

College Life (16)

In this rainy autumn, I went to school again. But this time it is to leave the high school that once carried my happiness and sadness, take the train to Xi'an - and then go to university.

My school is in the southern suburbs, far from the urban area, which makes me a little disappointed. I remember that on the day of registration, the sky was drizzling at the right time, which matched everyone's mood perfectly. It suddenly occurred to me that I would drop out of school and go home to make up for it. Because I am sad, the school is too remote, and I feel sad. But just to think about it, just joking, there is no turning back at this step.

I left home for the first time and lived in the dormitory for the first time. I believe many students can understand the pain of homesickness and should have experienced it. I remember the night after I came to school, I cried like a child, just because I was homesick

On the third day, we started military training. I learned a lot from 14 days of military training.

For the military training, the most unforgettable thing was that the company commander sang very well, and the children of more than a dozen battalions sat together at night singing songs. Everyone is like a family! This first taught me to live in harmony with my classmates. Because I am too serious to be lazy like others, my feet were worn out in training and my legs were strained. In fact, I don't care about this little pain, although I am a girl. I understand that growing up is painful. It is as painful as the silkworm turns into a cocoon and the cocoon turns into a butterfly. This has taught me to be strong and honest.

Remember the task assigned by the head the night before the military training: each person writes a military training resolution! I said that actually I was afraid, because I heard my brothers and sisters said that military training was very hard. However, I will not be a deserter. I will cooperate with the company commander and learn every movement carefully. I am determined to challenge myself! As a result, I really did it. Although I was finally brushed off because of my low stature, I was still rated as an excellent individual. I'm very proud! Not only because of this award, but also because I learned to face it bravely, instead of just escaping like before.

I believe that anyone who has a healthy and progressive heart, combined with hard work, will be close to success. I was once deeply attracted by Guo Jingming's words, and even sorted out many of his classic quotations, and recited them in my pocket all day long. The most ridiculous thing is that I used to imitate Xiao Si deliberately until my words were deeply sad! And many times I will feel sad without any reason, and suddenly I will be silent when I walk with many friends, pretending to be a meditator. It's really funny to remember now. In fact, each of us has our own life, and we should not be affected by one person so easily. It is very important to have a positive heart, especially in senior three!

Now my heart is still, I wonder if I am numb? Maybe it's just because I just finished the military training. I'm too tired! What my friends said warmed my heart - your choice, my support; If you choose, you will be happy!

The military training report is completed today, and the formal class starts tomorrow. I will study professional courses well, and then enter the student union to become an official. Then it is to participate in social activities and learn my favorite hip-hop dance! Complete my college life with my seriousness and enthusiasm, and write a colorful title page!

I hope that the younger brothers and sisters can cheer up, especially the friends in senior three, and don't cry tired. Know that someone is reading while you are resting! Get into your ideal university as soon as possible!

College Life (17)

High school life is over, the door of the university is open, and my dream shines into the university life. I am honored to be an art college student. This is my first time to pursue my own ideals and interests. I like my college life very much, because it makes my youth so wonderful, so my college life is also rich and colorful. There are various school activities, community activities, not only learn a lot from it, but also know many friends. I feel very happy.

I thought that college life should be very leisurely, but unfortunately I found that college is busier than high school. Without the friends I miss and the campus I am familiar with, it does not mean that I can muddle through the past. I can get the opportunity to show and exercise myself. Be the best version of you. Be optimistic about college life. Try your best, no matter what the result is.

I have unconsciously spent two years of college life, which has been full of ups and downs. In any case, we are growing up and maturing day by day, step by step towards our dreams.