Thank you for your composition (19 selected)
The past is over
2023-09-22 07:50:30

Thank you for your composition (1)

People should thank many people in their life, thank their parents for their upbringing; Thank the teachers for their selfless dedication; Thank the society for its care for you. So today, I want to tell you that I want to thank my classmates.

I want to thank them for their help over the past few years. Some students let me understand what is mutual help, some students let me understand what is trustworthy, and some students let me understand what is "step back to the sky"\

Once, I played cards with Huang Jiulong, and I lost. What can we do about it? I played a lot this time. If I lose, I will lose a lot. Eh! By the way, I saw his manual operation when I was playing cards with him just now. It's better to say that he cheated according to this. Yes, that's it. So, I argued with him. When we were quarrelling, he might step back to say that I won in order not to destroy our friendship. At that moment, I was shocked. When I received the cards, I felt uneasy and felt sorry for him. Soon, I slipped those cards into the drawer of Huangjiulong. From then on, I learned that friendship is more important than interest. Thank Huang Jiulong for letting me understand this truth.

When I was about to graduate, I felt that my friendship with my classmates was so sincere. Here, I would like to say "thank you" to my classmates.

Thank you for your composition (2)

The autumn wind was crisp and the maple leaves were flying. I walked alone on the campus. When I passed a class in the teaching building, I saw a teacher asking a girl to answer a question. The girl did not answer. The teacher beat her a lot with a stick. I suddenly felt as if my heart had been pierced by something. It seemed that I had seen that scene somewhere.

I remember that in a Chinese exam under seven, I got the highest score ever in junior high school, which made me very happy. When I got the paper, I found that there were some questions I should not have buckled. In a moment, my heart fell to the bottom again. Suddenly, you said you were going to comment on the paper. When you talked about extracurricular reading, the inscription wrote: "Why describe snow..." And you just called me. I looked at my paper in a daze and found that I had written a mistake. "Say it quickly!" It said that you walked to my front, holding the stick in your hand, "It is to pave the way." Hit me with a stick, "I said yesterday, what did you hear? Tell me again." You kept holding the little roll in your hand. "Heavy snow..." You then hit me several times again, saying I was fooling around. I felt my body tremble. I felt like I fell into a deep pool full of grievances. Crystal tears hung on my eyelashes, drop by drop on the pale paper.

After scolding me, I hated you all the time. But later, when I went to the Book City again, I saw a book of famous sayings. A sentence in it really woke up the dreamer! "Beating you is to love you, if this is tolerant of others." Beating you is to love you, perhaps I should not bear you in mind, but should be asking you that I was right, teacher, I was really wrong, teacher sorry. In addition, I would also like to thank you for letting me know that my knowledge is not solid.

If the teacher is a gardener, then I say you are like a beacon. A station lights up my heart, thank you, teacher, thank you!

Thank you for your composition (3)

The year my grandfather left, I was less than nine years old. Maybe it was providence. I was supposed to be at school that day, but I suddenly had a fever in the morning, so I asked for a day of sick leave. At noon, my mother and father received a call from the hospital, saying that my grandfather was no good. When my parents and I arrived at the hospital and pushed into the ward, I heard the cries of aunts and grandmothers. I went to the hospital bed and called for grandpa, but grandpa did not answer me with a happy smile as usual. At that time, I didn't understand. I thought my grandpa was asleep, so I didn't bother him. It was not until he was sent to the crematorium to be cremated that I realized that my grandpa had left me and the beautiful world forever. Up to now, it has been nearly five years, and my impression of grandpa's appearance has gradually blurred. Now I reluctantly recall grandpa's face and that kind face by relying on a black and white photo. In the evening, I always dream that there is a close and gentle company that takes root in my mind, like a static picture. My grandfather sits on the balcony, holding a small hammer in his right hand, tapping walnuts, and smiling happily. The sun shines on my grandpa. I think it must be warm. I dreamed that this picture was not only once, but also clearly visible every time. Now I always like to sit there, recalling that grandpa used to sit on that chair and feed me smashed walnuts one by one. I savor the sweetness. The beam of sunshine is still so warm, shining on me, shining on the place where Grandpa once sat. My grandpa left me with endless sadness, but he left me a warm sunshine, a beautiful memory. As long as there is a sun, I still sit there and feel the warm sun. My eyes look into the blue sky without a trace of color. I know that although my grandfather has gone, he has left a warm light for me to warm my heart forever. There, Grandpa must look at me with a smile.

Thank you for your composition (4)

The stars are shining in the quiet night. The teacher's window lit up all night and the song rang in my ears, singing my heart.

When I was young, my parents often worked outside and asked me to stay at home alone. At the beginning of the light, when I saw the children and parents playing next door, I was very sad. Since then, I have changed. I have stopped talking and touching people until that day.

When school began, I saw many strange faces, which made me less confident and unwilling to touch others.

In the first English class at the beginning of the new semester, the teacher asked us to mix and match at will. Ten minutes later, when I saw that others were friends with me, I lost myself. The teacher seemed to see my thoughts, and gradually came to me. His eyes showed some amiability, so I saw that she was very kind. How about you and me? Ah! How did the teacher surprise me? After practicing for a while, the teacher asked me to perform. I slowly stood up and calmly carried my back. After carrying it, I kept my head down. Later, there was a lot of cheering in the class. The teacher patted me and prompted me to sit down.

After class, the teacher called my name to the office of the company, took out a book from the drawer cabinet, and gave it to you. I hope you need to be confident. Don't look like this anymore. Everyone has the confidence that belongs to themselves. I hope you need to cheer up.

The teacher's words poured into my heart like surging heat waves, and nourished my heart like cool spring water.

Many years later, a boy sat on the guardrail of the slide and saw the book in his hand page by page with his heart.

The years passed quickly. In the twinkling of an eye, I have become a primary and middle school student. My height has grown and my appearance has changed. But the only thing that has not changed is the teacher's original education. I am a confident little man.

Teachers thank you for helping me overcome weakness, teachers thank you for helping me find self-confidence, teachers thank you.

Thank you for your composition (5)

It is often said that the purest friendship in the world only exists in childhood. This is an extremely sad sentence. There are so many people who agree with it. It is conceivable that life is lonely and difficult. I don't agree with that. Childhood friendship is just a happy hip-hop. What adults add to it by memory is very unreal. The true meaning of friendship comes from adulthood, and it cannot reach its best state before it has gained meaning.

In fact, many people suddenly found themselves growing up in a sudden change of friendship feelings. It seems that one day at noon or in the evening, the difficulties encountered by a good classmate made you feel an unshirkable responsibility. You slowed down and began to understand the weight of life. At this moment, you suddenly grow up.

My mutation occurred at the age of ten. When I went to Shanghai Test School from my hometown, facing a strange city, I only had friends from the countryside, but I could not find them. One day, I went to a small bookstall to read comic books and happened to see this one. The whole body seemed to be covered by a strange magic and turned over again and again until dusk, when the old man in charge of the bookstall tapped my shoulder gently with his finger and said that he would go home to eat, I closed the book and put it in his hands respectfully.

The title of that comic book is: Yu Boya and Zhong Ziqi.

Pure adult stories can make me fully understand by elevating difficulties to simplicity. It clearly means that no matter how important you are in the future, there will always be a day when you will escape from the bustle and ride alone, just want to meet the mountains and rivers. If you go far away, you may meet a person, like a woodcutter, a hermit, or a passer-by, who will appear between you and the mountains and flowing water. A few words will frighten you and make you unforgettable for life. However, the way of heaven cannot tolerate such perfection, and you are doomed to lose him, as well as most of your life.

The story is led by music, which leads to the loneliness of thousands of miles, the bosom friend of thousands of years, and the broken string fragments of the lyre. A wordless starting point points to a wordless ending, which is friendship. People can't use other words to express its lofty and rare. They can only keep the word "high mountains and flowing water", which has become a strong and ethereal common expectation in Chinese culture.

Of course, I didn't know the position of this story in Chinese culture that day. I only knew that yesterday's children had been eclipsed, and none of them could be regarded as "bosom friends". I haven't played a decent voice yet. Where can I find a bosom friend? If you are a bosom friend, how can you give up the hard searching in the boundless clouds and water and land at your own side, your own class? These questions made me raise my head seriously for the first time and stare at the street and the crowd in confusion.

After nearly forty years of watching, I have reached the age of frost leaves everywhere. If someone asks me, "Have you found it?" My answer is a bit difficult. Maybe I can only say that my lyre hasn't broken yet.

I think it's more difficult than me. In recent years, I attended the memorial meetings of several seniors and noticed one detail: the elegiac couplets hanging in the middle of the mourning hall often wrote about mountains and rivers, but I know that the deceased did not feel the same about the elegiac couplets writers. But what's the use of this? Only a few days after the deceased lost his ability to argue, in his only life summing up ceremony, the words of friendship were dark and bright, so tough that they could not be corrected, so that all participants in the ceremony bowed their heads.

When the lyre could no longer be played, Zhong Ziqi came, and there were more than one. Or, the noisy Yu Boya people all cried in front of the tomb, and the cry became "high mountains and flowing water".

No malice, just dislocation. But malice can be subverted, but dislocation cannot, so dislocation is even more sad. Among the absurdities of life, the misplacement of friendship is the first to bear the brunt.

Second, the dislocation of friendship originates from our own confusion.

From the starting point similar to that comic book, there are always a few wisps of misty music circling in my heart, but I am not used to being aloof and proud, like to take things as they are, and have no attachment to daily communication. These two aspects are often difficult to take into account. Over a long period of time, it is difficult to capture the ethereal music, and the bustle around makes people bored. The lonely boat of seeking friendship cannot dock on either side. At a loss, some precious predestination has been fleeting, while a bunch of boring relationships are still irrigating. If you irrigate, it will grow. It will grow in layers, block the sky and block the sun. Its branches are like dragons, and its roots are like nets. You can't blame it. It still thinks it is setting you off, protecting you, and doting on you. After decades of accumulation, I may have grown into one with it, just like in the tropical rainforest in Southeast Asia, buildings and plants are indistinguishable from each other. It never occurred to anyone that the life that started from looking forward to friendship was crowded by friendship to the point where they didn't know who they were. Kawabata Yasunari's last words when he committed suicide were "great congestion", which shows that congestion can be fatal. We will be more stubborn than him, and have the opportunity to shout to ourselves in the face of congestion: What do you want?

We can only wait for ourselves to answer. However, the funny thing is that most of our answers do not belong to us. What can be uttered casually is the voice of early teachers, benevolent elders, and old books. Fortunately, fleeting time has also given us another set of vague discourse system, which can slightly argue with those familiar answers.

They said that friendship comes from common cause. Elders like to use big words. What they say is career. Is being in the same profession the basis of friendship? Of course not. If it happens occasionally, don't put the cart before the horse. Emotion can't be attached to deeds, friendship can't be subordinate to making a living, and friends can't be limited to colleagues.

They say they rely on their parents at home and friends when they go out. This statement not only shows the importance of friends, but also shows that the value of friends lies in being depended on. But can we become friends without reliable practical value? Can anyone who has helped you count as a friend?

They said, "In adversity we see our best friend, and in fire we refine gold.". This puts forward a request for friendship, hoping that it will appear in time of crisis. Of course, it's good to be able to appear, but friendship is not an emergency reserve, and friends should not be deliberately tested

For some reason, our nation, which lacks commercial thinking, has so emphasized practical principles and exchange principles in friendship.

True friendship doesn't depend on anything. It does not rely on career, fortune and identity, nor on experience, location and situation. It essentially rejects utility, ownership and contract. It is the mutual echo and confirmation between independent personalities. It enables people to be alone but not isolated, and to interpret the meaning of their own existence with each other. Therefore, so-called friends are just people who make each other live more comfortable.

Among the thousands of beautiful words about friendship at all times and in all over the world, I particularly agree with the British poet Herbard's saying: "A friend who is not what we want is a real friend." Real friendship should have the nature of "nothing to ask for". Once we want something, "seeking" becomes the goal, but friendship turns into an external decoration. In my opinion, at least half of the friendship in the world is corrupted by demands, even if the demands are not bad at first sight; Let friendship share sorrow, let friendship promote work...... Friendship has become a busy tool, then what is it? We should remove the burden of friendship and make friends relaxed. A friend is a friend, and nothing else.

In fact, friends who have nothing to ask for are the most rare. You might as well close your eyes and try to delete the friends who have something to ask for. How many are left?

The friendship between Li Bai and Du Fu may be the most respected in the history of Chinese culture, except for Yu Boya and Zhong Ziqi, but their exchanges are also so short. It was too late to get to know each other, and it was too late to leave in a hurry. Li Bai's farewell poem was: "Feipeng is far away from each other, and we should drink in our hands". We never saw each other again. Since then, the amorous Du Fu has been missing Li Bai, and has written unforgettable poems no matter where he lives; Li Bai should be missing him too, but he has a wide range of friends. Du Fu's name has never appeared in his poems. There seems to be a huge imbalance here, but the best feelings in the world are not conditional on balance. Even though Li Bai no longer missed him, Du Fu also made a unilateral commitment. Li Bai has nothing to ask of him, and he has nothing to ask of Li Bai.

Friendship is profound because of nothing, no matter whether they are balanced or unbalanced. The poet Zhou Tao described a profound balance: "Two trees talked loudly for a long time in summer. They saw each other's yellow leaves falling in the autumn wind. They were quiet for a moment and said goodbye to each other: See you next summer!"

Chuchu wrote an unbalanced profundity: "I really want to live well for you, but I am exhausted. Before my life ended, you did not arrive. Only for the last look at you, I fell here." All of them are free fall, poetic nobility.

Third, true friendship is always pure and fragile because it does not seek anything and does not rely on anything. All lonely people in the world have also experienced friendship, but they don't know how to identify and maintain it, and they are broken one by one.

In order to prevent breakage, seniors have thought of many ways.

A hard way is to tie up friendship, which is to form a gang. No matter how grand the ceremony is and how powerful the force is, in the final analysis, the reason for forming a gang is still out of distrust of the stability of friendship. Therefore, we should take a vow of blood to punish severely to prevent deviation. Banding dissimilates friendship into organizational violence, which is quite different from the original meaning of free and independent friendship. I think that once the friendship is tied up, it begins to deteriorate, because no one can tell how much of the loyalty of the partners comes from the heart and how much comes from the guild rules. Of course, loyalty that does not come from the heart is not friendship. Even the part that comes from the heart, how many personal elements remain under the wrapping of group action? If you lose a person, how can you say friendship? All combinations that devour individual freedom will inevitably lead to large-scale fratricidal warfare, which is not difficult to understand. In history, the vast majority of gangs that erect friendship flags have finally become barren land of friendship, even bloody, wasteland.

A soft way is to downplay friendship. Also out of distrust of the stability of friendship, we can only use dilution concentration to obtain extension. Can it be broken if it is not condensed into a solid? "A gentleman's friendship is like water". This brilliant saying contains a kind of resourceful helplessness. Unfortunately, it has been applied by people who have no wisdom but helplessness. Afraid that all promises could not be fulfilled, they did not make promises; Afraid that all the cheers would not last, he stopped making cheers and only kept smiling and nodding in the shadow. Some people also used mysterious oriental aesthetics to support this attitude: it can only be understood, not explained; Without a word, it is romantic; An antelope hangs a horn, and no trace can be found... In this way, friendship has become a kind of ink freehand brushwork. However, at this point, what's the difference between friendship and acquaintance? This is not so much maintenance as suffocation, and a dying friendship is better than no friendship, which we all know very well. On the street, an acquaintance politely held the corner of his mouth and handed us an overly reserved smile. Why did it bother us so much that he would rather turn his face and shout good morning to a statue? At the banquet, a guest stretched out his hand to show friendliness, but straightened his finger to show indifference when he shook hands. Why did it make us sick so much that he wanted to wash his hands at the pool?

Another popular way is to paste friendship. Neither forming cliques nor pretending to be elegant, but greatly lowering the standards of friends, expanding the scope of friendship, being friendly and achieving a wide range of benefits. They need friendship very much, and they don't trust friendship very much. They try to resist the desolation with the accumulation of quantity. This is a very tiring thing. I have to accept every invitation and respond to every greeting. No one dared to offend me. As a result, none of my friends regarded him as a bosom friend. With such a large network of contacts, it is inevitable that all kinds of troubles will arise. He does not know how to express his position and has no ability to coordinate, so he often looks wandering, flashes in tone, and is ambiguous, which cannot be ignored by either side. Most of these people are not bad people. They don't do anything bad. When there are cracks between friends, they stick and paste. When friends have estrangement from themselves, they stick and paste. Finally, they also love this friendship in their hearts

Thank you for your composition (6)

Dear classmates, you help me when I need someone to help me most; Lovely classmates, you accompany me when I am loneliest; My dear classmates, you came to comfort me when I was sad. Today, I want to thank you, sincerely thank you. I hope our friendship will last forever!

I remember once we had a quarrel. That night I went out to play with Sister Li Xuan, while you were playing with Bao Yuting. I saw that Sister Li Xuan could turn a circle on the horizontal bar, but I couldn't. But I really wanted to try, so I began to experiment. Although I turned over, I landed first. Ah! It hurt so much that I burst into tears. You and Bao Yuting in the pavilion came at the sound. You immediately came to comfort me and said, "Huang Yuxin, will you stop crying?" As soon as I heard your voice, I couldn't find a crack in the ground. Then I felt how familiar your voice was to me! Then I will say to you: "Ha Yu, let's make up. It's my fault. Please forgive me." You smiled and nodded.

How many days and nights have passed, I don't know how many times you have helped me. You always appear when I am most helpless to help me. Although I don't know how many times you have helped me, I know that we will always be good friends and the best pair of friends in the world!

[Chapter 2: Thank the students]

My deskmate, Zu, is a helpful person. Once, I was preparing school supplies for my math class. Suddenly, I found that there was no rubber in the pencil box. When I was at a loss, a green rubber in one hand reached out to me. When I saw that it was my deskmate, he was smiling at me and said, "Lend it to you." I took the rubber and said to him gratefully, "Thank you."

Yang is our monitor. She not only has excellent grades, but also treats people sincerely. When students encounter difficulties in their study and life, they are always the first to think of her. Once I did a good job of Chinese daily practice homework and handed it to the teacher for approval. The teacher put a cross on "four". I checked carefully and could not see where the word was wrong. I had to ask our monitor Yang for advice. She took it over and looked at it carefully. She immediately said to me, "The first stroke of 'four' is' horizontal ', not' skim '. You must be careful not to make mistakes." I scratched my head and said to her shyly, "I was too careless. Thank you for your help."

There are many such students in our class. I feel very happy living in this big family. While thanking them, I also learned their spirit of helping others, making myself a good learner and cooperative person.

[Chapter 3: Thank you for your composition]

Whenever I think of that past event, I will say "Thank you, classmate!" because that event is very impressive to me.

It was a day in the third grade. The teacher was sitting on the platform, and the students were quietly writing the composition assigned in today's class. I was writing, but suddenly my pen couldn't write. I shook my pen, wrote again, shook again, wrote again... My pen was completely * by the last minute. No matter how I shook it, twisted it, squeezed it this time, it was a result - I couldn't write.

On the platform, the teacher looked at us with a smile and said, "The first one who finished writing will be rewarded!" It was really unlucky. I had two minutes to finish writing. At this time, I couldn't write it. Ten minutes later, one student finished writing, and the teacher covered her with two red flowers. I was so worried that I almost cried. I should be the first one! At that time, I was like a wild lily hiding in the corner of a wall in my class. How inconspicuous. I have to write! Many people handed their compositions to their teachers. At last, the teacher's mood turned from sunny to stormy. He said loudly, "Yang Ting, you are the only one left. Hurry up!" I was so scared that I whispered to the students around me, "Can you... lend me a steel... pen?" To my surprise, everyone was willing to lend me. I finished my composition quickly and handed it to my teacher, who also gave me two red flowers.

Students, although this is a small pen, it contains a strong feeling of classmates. Students, you gave me one thing - confidence. Thank you, classmate!

[Chapter 4: Thank the students]

In my memory, there are many shining shells. Each shell represents a beautiful thing. Now, I want to pick up a shining shell and share my beautiful past with you.

I remember the day when I was in grade one, when I had lunch, I ate two pieces of ice cream secretly without my mother's attention. I felt cool and refreshing at that time. How comfortable! But just ten minutes after school in the afternoon, I talked and laughed with my classmates Chen Jing and Yuan Yinuo and walked home. Suddenly, I had a stomachache. At that time, when I was still in the first grade, I just leaned on a big stone and didn't want to go home. In order to let me go home and have a rest as soon as possible, the two of them came up with a solution: one person quietly went to my back to help me carry a heavy schoolbag, ran in front of me, and led me back to my grandmother's house. One person helped me behind.

"Do what you say"! Chen Jing took my schoolbag in front and trotted all the way. Yuan Yinuo picked me up in the back and began to chase me. Because they were afraid that I could not stand it, they helped me run and run. In this way, the two of them used this cute way of children to make me sweat and send me home.

Although it has been two years, I feel warm when I think about it. Students, I thank you! It is you who understand me, care about me and help me when I am in pain. You are my best partner and my best friend forever!

Students, I thank you!

[Chapter 5: Thank the Students]

"Ah! What's wrong with this day? How can it rain when it rains? I haven't brought an umbrella yet!" I said angrily.

As soon as school was over, it began to rain so heavily. I really regret not having listened to my mother - take an umbrella. It's really "Don't listen to the old man, and suffer losses in front of you"! As I walked around in front of the reception room, I kept complaining about God: it didn't rain early or late, but it rained cats and dogs after school. My mother is still at work, my father is on business again, and my sister is not at home, I thought to myself. What should we do? Do you really want to sleep here today? I was almost crying, tears swirling in my eyes.

"Li Zhe!" I heard someone calling me, so I turned around. Oh, it was my deskmate Wang Erxiao! I answered her listlessly, "Hey, I can't go home." When he saw me standing here without an umbrella, he knew why. He said, "Come on, I've brought an umbrella. Let me take you home! We're on our way, too." I hurriedly agreed, and we were on our way.

On the way, he held the handle of the umbrella, and the strong wind blew his hand too fast to hold the umbrella. He kept leaning the umbrella to my side, and I said, "Let me support it!" He smiled and said to me, "Let me support it. I'm stronger than you." I saw that half of his arms were wet. I didn't have the heart to push the umbrella towards him, but he pushed the umbrella towards me again, so we pushed back and forth, but he still held the umbrella.

Later, I learned that his family and my family were not on the right road. Thank you, classmate! I will certainly learn your spirit of helping others.

Thank you for your composition (7)

I remember that morning when I overslept, I ate breakfast in a hurry, picked up my schoolbag, rode on my bike, and hurried to school. As I rode, I silently read in my heart: "Hurry up, hurry up, don't be late, don't be late." Fortunately, when I arrived at the school gate, the bell for class had not yet rung, and I was preparing to enter the school gate, but the student on duty stopped me, He said to me, "You must wear a red scarf to enter the school. Look at you." Oh, no, the red scarf has just left at home. It's almost time for class. What should I do? There is a stationery store across from the school, but now I have no money, how can I buy it? I am as anxious as an ant on a hot pot - round and round. Just then, a junior classmate came up to me and asked with concern: "Little sister, don't you have a red scarf?" I said to her with a worried face: "I'm in a hurry!" The little sister said: "I have a red scarf here, let me use it first!" I took the red scarf and just wanted to say thank you, But on second thought, "How can she get in without wearing a red scarf?" The little sister seemed to see my mind and said with a smile, "I still have a red scarf in my schoolbag. This red scarf is for you! I'm going first." I watched the kind and lovely little girl enter the campus, and I quickly put on the red scarf and hurried into the campus. Fortunately, The bell rings

Although this matter has passed for a long time, whenever I see this red scarf, I think of the little student. I also want to say to the little girl again: "Thank you, little schoolmate."

Thank you for your composition (8)

On Wednesday, the teacher handed out the math exercise books to us. When I saw it, it was "You"! I'm very happy. Mr. Lin read us "playing Yoka" and the homework of the triangular people. There was only one student in the class, Junliang. It's him again! Mr. Lin took up his exercise book and began to read his answers to us. Everyone listened with interest, and even I was deeply attracted. I think his answer is really superb. Teacher Lin finally said, "Junliang answered this question very well. Do you understand?" The loud answers of the students were deafening, but I was secretly planning to ask him for advice after class. Then we changed them ourselves, but they were not so superb. The teacher asked a classmate to read her answer. He talked for a long time, but we thought it was not as good as Junliang's answer. The teacher praised Junliang again, which made me envy him to death.

After class, I was the first to run to Junliang and ask him why he answered so well and who taught you. He looked at me and said what he thought, then turned around and walked away smiling. I was really scratching my head at that time. I thought to myself: Junlang, isn't that another joke? I was teased by him again!

"This man is strange, but not strange." If you slowly taste his movements, the answer will come out, won't it?

[Chapter 2: Thank the students]

A person who has not lived in a group cannot know what it is like to get help and care. I have a deep understanding of the help and care of my classmates. It was their help and care that made me spend the good time in primary school happily.

In the sixth year of primary school, I only got along with my classmates for five years, because I transferred from school when I was in the second grade. At that time, I was timid, facing the new collective, new students, new teachers, and new environment. I didn't dare to play with my classmates or ask my teachers. But after class, all the students came to me to play with me. They were willing to lend me what I lacked. At that time, my books were incomplete, and I always looked at my deskmate in class. I really cared about that, but my deskmate said, "It doesn't matter.". They are always eager to answer my questions. Soon, I had a new understanding of my classmates. They were very warm-hearted, helpful and kind-hearted.

Classmate, if it weren't for your care and help at that time, I wouldn't be like today. It is you who let me feel the friendship between classmates and the warmth of the class, and let me study and live happily in the group.

Classmate, I remember countless times that you patiently solved problems for me. The numerous formulas and equations on the grass paper were patiently and carefully explained, but I didn't even say thank you later. When I was injured, you helped me to the infirmary. You encouraged me to be strong. After class, my classmates went out. I sat alone in the classroom with nothing to do. It was you who amused me that made me happy. It was you who talked with me that made me feel less lonely.

Classmate, your care and help for me cannot be said in a thousand words. Here I will condense all my words to you into five words: Thank you, classmate!

[Part 3: Thank the students]

Whenever I think of that past event, I will say, "Thank you, classmate!"

It was a day in the third grade. The teacher was sitting on the platform, and the students were quietly writing the composition assigned in today's class. I was writing, and suddenly the pen couldn't write. I shook my pen and wrote again, again and again, again and again... Just before the last point, my pen completely went on strike. No matter how I shook it, twisted it or squeezed it this time, it was a result that I could not write.

On the platform, the teacher looked at us with a smile and said, "The first one who finished writing will be rewarded!" It was really unlucky. I had two minutes to finish writing. At this time, I couldn't write it. Ten minutes later, Zhu Keying finished writing, and the teacher covered her with two red flowers. I was so worried that I almost cried. I should be the first one! At that time, I was like a wild lily hiding in the corner of a wall in my class. How inconspicuous! The whole class called me Zhu Keying. My friends are also very few. If I go to borrow a pen from others, will they lend it to me? However, I can't help writing! Many people handed their compositions to their teachers. At last, the teacher's mood turned from sunny to stormy, and he said loudly: "Zhu... what, Xiong Feng, is short of you two. Hurry up!" I was so scared that I whispered to the students around me: "Can you... lend me a steel... pen?" Surprisingly, everyone was willing to lend it to me. I finished my composition quickly and handed it to my teacher, who also gave me two red flowers and said I wrote the best.

Students, although this is a small pen, it contains a strong feeling of classmates. Now I have become conspicuous, because you have given me confidence. Thank you, classmate!

Thank you for your composition (9)

There are 54 people in our class. We are like living in a warm family. We share happiness and difficulties together.

I remember once, we had a good computer class and ran to the classroom. Because I ran fast and fast, I fell to the ground with a sound of "Pa". There were bricks on the ground. The fall was so bad that a big piece of skin was broken. I wanted to stand up, but I tried several times without success. "Hu Xiaowen, what's wrong with you?" I turned my head to see my classmate Shi Chenyang. She saw me fall to the ground and bleed, and her face showed anxiety and worry. She ran to me in three steps and two steps to gently lift me up. At this time, several other students ran to me. When they saw me fall, they surrounded me. Some helped me to pat the soil, and some asked me how I was hurt? Does it still hurt? Then he helped me into the classroom, and a warm current rushed all over my body.

Ah! This is my classmate who helped me when I was injured. When I forgot my school supplies, they lent them to me enthusiastically. When I have questions, they patiently teach me. When I failed in the exam, they supported me and encouraged me

Thank you, my classmates. Because of you, my primary school life will be so happy. In the future, I will also pay more attention to you and help you.

[Chapter 2: Thank the students]

Gratitude is a virtue. Learning to be grateful is a kind of happiness. On the road of life, only by learning to be grateful can life be meaningful.

I want to thank many, many people. There are parents who raised me up through hardships; There are teachers who have taught me the truth of how to behave; Some students make it clear that learning is like sailing against the current - if you don't advance, you will fall back; There are friends who, when I need help, do not stand by, but help each other.

The people I want to thank most are my classmates. If I do something wrong and want to cover it up, my classmates will expose me first and let the teacher teach me.

In learning, they gave me motivation. When I miss out on high scores due to carelessness, their scores will be higher than mine. However, they will not show off in front of me. They will point out my shortcomings and let me correct them. At this time, I will feel the existence of friendship.

In life, they also gave me a lot of help. When I forget to bring my pencil box, they will generously lend me pens, no matter how many pens they have. When I get hurt while playing, they will do everything to help me. When I am at odds with them, he will help me regardless of the past.

Even when playing, they will help me. Once, I went out to play before I finished my homework. When they saw me, they immediately asked, "Have you finished your homework.

Thank you, my classmate. It is you who give me the motivation to study; It is you who solve my difficulties in life; It was you who taught me the truth in playing.

Thank you, my classmates!

[Part 3: Thank the students]

"Eh? Where's my lid?" There was a small lid on the table, but now it's gone. I hurriedly turned the drawer for several times, but still can't see my lid. I blushed anxiously. Who the hell hid my things? School is almost over! My eyes were still looking everywhere, and there were some sweat on my hands. "My deskmate, did you see my lid?" I threw a ray of life, "No!" My deskmate's decisive answer made me a little frustrated, "but I seemed to see Jiang Yue just at your side. A word pulled me from hell to heaven, and I was angry and happy.

"Jiang Rui, did you hide my lid?" I asked him angrily, thinking: "It must be to revenge me.". In the face of my sudden questioning, he was a little overwhelmed, but quickly said: "Not me!" "It must be you!" Quickly return my things to me and forgive you. I made a small decision in my heart. "It's really not me!" He stood up and looked very pale. I didn't answer him. I just looked in every drawer and said, "I'll help you find it!" His voice was very firm, as if it was not him. I was afraid that it was not him. I kept looking for him. After turning around, I still couldn't find it. I picked up my schoolbag and left. At a glance, Jiang Rui seemed more anxious than I was. I thought: He must have pretended it!

"I found your lid. Gao Cheng'an took it home by accident!" It was Monday when I was talking about it. I didn't blame him when I saw him happy. It suddenly occurred to me that he wanted to endorse that day, but he helped me find the cover because of my misunderstanding. I felt ashamed again.

I admire his courage. He didn't help me because of my misunderstanding. I want to learn from him.

[Chapter 4: Thank the students]

Classmate, I want to say thank you for your care and help from my classmates since the first year of primary school. I have also cared about and helped my classmates. My classmates have helped me a lot. They can help me answer all the questions I don't understand. They are willing to help me when I have any difficulties. I really don't know how to thank them.

She is also the most helpful person. She is a team leader. Although she seems a little serious, she is always kind to her classmates and they like her very much. She is also a math representative. My math has always been poor. She has been patiently teaching me, and has never ignored me because of my poor math.

Once, I did not understand a question and was going to ask her. Before I asked her again, I wondered: would she not answer such a simple question and say, 'You need to ask me such a simple question'? But when I saw her, I dismissed all my worries. I thought it would not be shameful to understand something I didn't understand! I listened carefully to her talk about the simplest topic. see? I understand everything. I won't lose points in the next exam.

After that, I asked her every question I didn't understand, and she took pains to teach me. With her help and my efforts, my math scores have finally improved. Although I entered the middle school and became a team leader and class representative, I still can't forget the scenes she patiently taught me, scenes after scenes...... Played back in my mind like a movie, and those scenes were the flowers of gratitude that opened in the depths of memory. That opening again and again made me never forget the kindness of the angel sister to me. Others may not have met an angel like this angel sister. If you are willing to learn from her, maybe someone will also thank you.

Perhaps, this is the so-called sheep have kneeling milk grace, crows have the meaning of feeding back!

Thank you for your composition (10)

Thank you for your composition 600 words 1

The bird asked the eagle: Who should you thank? The eagle said: I should thank the blue sky, it is the blue sky, let me fly freely; The bird asked the fish: Who should you thank? The fish said: I should thank the sea, the sea, let me swim freely; The bird asked the flower: Who should you thank? The flower said: I should thank the sun, it is the sun, let me happy growth; In my heart, I should thank my classmates. It is friendship that makes me summon the strength of life to travel far!

I remember when I was eight years old, I took five yuan to play in Tigger Amusement Park alone. After playing for almost half an hour, we met two students in our class, Wang Jingwen and Shi Xinyu, and we played together. When we came to the slide, we couldn't wait to "swish" and "rush" down, and fell into the bunker under the slide. Tired of playing, I went to the hammock area to lie on my back. Suddenly, Wang Jingwen sat up from the hammock, looking excited, as if he had just been inspired by something, and said, "Hey, hey, let's go and play hand boating! Don't we all have money with us!" Just after the words ended, I sat up, clapped my chest, and said, "I just want to say this, and I raise my hands in favor of it!"

The three of us ran to the rowing lane and said to a big sister, "Sister, we want to row! I have no choice but to admit that I am unlucky. At this time, Wang Jingwen and Shi Xinyu thought for a while, looked at each other and said, "Let's invite you! We can take 10 yuan each!" Then they winked at me again.

That time, I had the most fun, because I know that love between classmates is the most sincere! Thank you, thank you for helping me draw a complete end to my embarrassment.

Thank you for your composition 600 words 2

One night in the dead of night, I sat on the balcony, holding my cheeks in my hands, looking up at the sky. A group of stars kept circling around the moon, just like playing a fun game with the moon. In such a quiet night, I couldn't help thinking of the red pen and the classmate He Yansong.

It was a summer. I was reading Volume One of Grade Three. That morning, I came to school early. I hummed a little song all the way. I was very happy. When I came to the school and just walked into the classroom, the sound of reading came to my ears, which made me energetic again. I came to my seat, put down my schoolbag, took out the book immediately, and integrated into the sound of students' reading.

After a while, the teacher came in from the door and said, "Today we are going to have an exam. Please take out the test tools and get ready, OK?" "Yes!" We replied. I turned around and reached into my schoolbag. When I was about to take out my pencil box, I suddenly found that the pencil box was missing. I was so worried that I was like an ant on a hot pot. I looked for my schoolbag again and again, even my desk. But I still couldn't find it. At this time, I thought I must have left it at home. I thought: Oh, what can I do? I have to take an exam later. How can I take an exam without a pen? I have to get a zero!

I was whispering. He Yansong asked, "Yang Yifan, what's wrong with you. My eyes were wet. I said to him, "Thank you, He Yansong." Then I turned around and waited for the teacher to hand out the test paper.

There are many beautiful pens in the classroom during the exam! But the brightest one is mine.

Thank you for your composition 600 words 3

"Bad", I suddenly found that I forgot to bring the paper jam. What should I do? Mr. Wang, if we forget anything, we will be asked to do 100 squats and stand as a penalty! I don't want to. My heart is very anxious and my mood is very confused. I scratch my head and ears, but I can't think of a way.

Can I borrow it from my classmates? I bowed my head and went to him in embarrassment, saying, "Can you lend me a piece of cardboard?" I saw that the student was working hard on his homework without looking up. It was almost a deaf ear to me! There seems to be a sense of contempt in my eyes. I'm really angry! I still didn't give up. I forced my anger and walked to another classmate with an embarrassed face. I asked, "Can you... lend me a card?" I was afraid of being rejected. Unexpectedly, this classmate was even more outrageous. He suddenly turned around and said angrily, "What's bothering you? Don't you see that I'm busy with my homework?" I could only say wrongly, "Sorry, sorry!" I was very upset. What's the big deal, just a piece of card paper? He went back to his seat dejectedly and watched the time go by. It was only 2 minutes before class. He thought to himself, "It's over, it's over, let God help you. If it's a big deal, let the teacher punish you for standing up. Who let me not remember long?"? You deserve it!

At this moment, something unexpected happened. A female classmate in the class, I usually don't talk to her very much, and I also look down on her a little like other students, because she is from a rural area. She just transferred to our class this semester, but it was this person who did not hesitate to tear up half of the card paper for me, saying: "Use it first, emergency!" She helped me through this emergency, so that I was not punished by the teacher. At this time, I felt a wave of shame in my heart, and said to her in my heart, Cui Yanni, "Thank you!" No matter what other students think of you, you will be my good friend.

Yes, there should be friendship between students and help each other. In the future, I will also learn from Cui, unite my classmates and extend my hands to those who need help.

Thank you for your composition (11)

Thank you for your composition 500 words 1

"Eh? Where's my lid?" There was a small lid on the table, but now it's gone. I hurriedly turned the drawer for several times, but still can't see my lid. I blushed anxiously. Who the hell hid my things? School is almost over! My eyes were still looking everywhere, and there were some sweat on my hands. "My deskmate, did you see my lid?" I threw a ray of life, "No!" My deskmate's decisive answer made me a little frustrated, "but I seemed to see Jiang Yue just at your side. A word pulled me from hell to heaven, and I was angry and happy.

"Jiang Rui, did you hide my lid?" I asked him angrily, thinking: "It must be to revenge me.". In the face of my sudden questioning, he was a little overwhelmed, but quickly said: "Not me!" "It must be you!" Quickly return my things to me and forgive you. I made a small decision in my heart. "It's really not me!" He stood up and looked very pale. I didn't answer him. I just looked in every drawer and said, "I'll help you find it!" His voice was very firm, as if it was not him. I was afraid that it was not him. I kept looking for him. After turning around, I still couldn't find it. I picked up my schoolbag and left. At a glance, Jiang Rui seemed more anxious than I was. I thought: He must have pretended it!

"I found your lid. Gao Cheng'an took it home by accident!" It was Monday when I was talking about it. I didn't blame him when I saw him happy. It suddenly occurred to me that he wanted to endorse that day, but he helped me find the cover because of my misunderstanding. I felt ashamed again.

I admire his courage. He didn't help me because of my misunderstanding. I want to learn from him.

Thank you for your composition 500 words 2

On a sunny morning, I came to school happily with my schoolbag on my back.

As soon as I entered the school, I saw the beautiful triangle plum. The triangle plum is like small bells hanging on the tree, which makes people feel very comfortable. I continued to walk to the class and saw Sister Chrysanthemum and Sister Orchid greeting me!

When I came to the class, the sweet and beautiful sound of reading came from the classroom. I went into the classroom, picked up the Chinese book and read it carefully.

Miss Qiu came to the class from the corridor with a serious face. After listening to our reading, she became all smiles. The teacher came into the classroom and gave us a beautiful smile.

The "bell bell" rang. Teacher Qiu came to us with a thick stack of test papers and said solemnly, "Now, we are going to have a unit test. Come on, I believe you will get good results!" After that, the teacher handed out the test papers group by group.

The test paper was handed out, and I was preparing to write the name of the class, only to find that my pen was out of water. I was worried like an ant on a hot pot. I thought to myself, "What should I do? I can't take the test without water." When I was worried, Xiaohui, who was sitting beside me, seemed to know what I was thinking. Without hesitation, she handed me a erasable pen, and said with a smile, "Use it first, and return it to me after the test!" "Thank you, Xiaohui, you are really my lifesaver!" I said gratefully. "You are welcome. We are friends, and we should have helped each other!" Xiaohui said, and buried herself in the exam. I am also carefully reviewing the questions and answering the papers.

A few days later, the results came out, I scored 97 points, and I jumped three feet with joy.

Xiaohui, I want to thank you. You let me understand what it means to "give roses to others, and the hand has fragrance".

Thank you for your composition 500 words 3

I knelt on the playground with one foot supporting my body. From time to time, there were bursts of pain in my left leg, and the scope was slightly expanded. I looked at the five red plastic runways in front of me. There were some small pieces of paper scattered on the runways. Suddenly, my face felt cold, my face was hit by the wind, and small pieces of paper also hovered in the air. Just now, the sun was still shining in the sky. Suddenly, dark clouds were thick and lifeless. I tried hard to stand up, but when I stood to a certain extent, my left leg knee felt a pain, and I could not use it at all. I tried many times, but I could not break through this gap. Just when I was completely desperate, a figure appeared in front of me

He is wearing a purple coat and a pair of jeans. It's Hu Yihao! "What's wrong with you?" A voice broke the silence around. "I, my knee hurts and I can't stand up......" I heard Hu Yihao's condolences and felt incoherent. "I'll help you!" he replied quite simply. Hu Yihao is willing to help me? I can't even believe it. I'm not very friendly with him, and I haven't lent him anything when he asked me to lend something several times. We always go our own way. My hands were warm all of a sudden, as if I had touched something. When I came back to myself, it was he who held my hand. I was at a loss. I was stunned. "Get up!" Hu Yihao smiled and two dimples appeared. Although it was just a small act, I just gave me a hand. I felt extremely warm at once. I'm sorry for Hu Yihao. I really want to say to him: "Thank you!" But I just can't muster up courage.

What is friendship? Friendship is trying to help others without seeking return. The world would be very beautiful if everyone could do "everyone for me, I for everyone".

Thank you for your composition (12)

Students, there must be someone in your heart who is grateful. Of course, I'm no exception. Let me tell you who I want to thank.

I want to thank my classmates. He is Li Jia Yang. As the saying goes, "At home, we rely on our parents, and when we go out, we rely on our friends.". A friend can give you happiness or help you share pain. This is the benefit that friends bring to you.

Some people will ask: Why do you thank your classmates? In fact, there is a small story that happened to me: that day, I hurried to finish breakfast and packed my schoolbag. He quickly ran to the school. Unexpectedly, as soon as I walked into the school, I heard the sound of "ding ling ling ling ling ling ling ling ling". As soon as I heard it, it was the sound of the school bell. He ran away quickly. When I was careless, I tripped over a stone. At this time, my classmate, Li Jiayang, came. Say. He helped me up and asked me, "What's wrong with you?" I said, "I tripped over a stone accidentally." He said, "Why are you so careless?" Well, I'll help you into the classroom. Be careful next time. I said, "That would trouble you." To be honest, I really appreciate him.

Through the last thing, I understand: "Friendship is the most important."

02 Thank you for your composition

In recent days, my classmate Liu Wenzhe has done a good deed for me, so I want to thank him.

Liu Wenzhe is my good friend. He is a sports committee member in the class. He studies well, is a bit naughty, likes playing table tennis, and often comes to me after class.

I remember that when I had the last math class that day, I was going to do the problem, but my pen could not be found. I searched left and right, but I didn't find it; I searched carefully again, but still couldn't find it. I was so shocked that I had to use a pen that was not easy to use. After school, I told Liu Wenzhe about it, and he agreed to help me find a pen. After everyone left, Liu Wenzhe and I "started". No in the table hole, no underground... I have searched almost countless places, but I still haven't found them. When we were depressed, Liu Wenzhe suddenly remembered a place - my schoolbag. We are going to "start work" again. We desperately searched for it and finally found it in my schoolbag. After saying "thank you" to Liu Wenzhe, I carried my schoolbag home together.

Liu Wenzhe helped me find a pen, which not only wasted my homework time, but also made me go home late. I am very grateful to him in my heart. When Liu Wenzhe can't find something, I will also help him, because I want to repay him.

Thank you is just a light, let us start a better life. Thanks are the shining stars of the Big Dipper, which make us enjoy a better life. In life, we should thank others so that we can have more friends.

03 Thank you for your composition

When I need help, she will always tide over difficulties with me; When I was sad, she was always the first one to amuse me; When I was depressed, she comforted me and let me regain confidence; She will applaud me for my good exam results; I did poorly in the exam. She would say something encouraging to me... This person is Wang Yifan.

She has black hair, is about half my length, and always has a happy smile on her face. Since then, she has become my friend. Her popularity is very good. Every time they ask her to play, she always pulls me up. However, when I was not familiar with them at that time, she took care of me, and from then on, we have become a good friend admired by everyone.

I still remember when I was in the fourth grade, on the day when I handed out the test paper, I only got 70 points because of my carelessness. My heart was broken like glass hit by a stone. This is the worst result I've ever had! At this time, you came with your comfort. You said: The exam can't be smooth. There will always be some setbacks. We should face them bravely and work hard to move forward. My mood slowly calmed down, carefully analyzed each question and learned a lesson. But you, because did not test well and secretly cry in the corner.

I still remember that time, I didn't bring any card paper, so I borrowed it from my classmates around me, but they were busy and ignored me. I was very angry at that time. When you saw it, you handed me your card paper, but you used a broken card paper.

Remember that time

Thank you, Wang Yifan, for your help! In the next life, we must be good friends!

04 Thank you for your composition

On that day, she and I started our first day of deskmate career, and I still remember her awkward greetings.

Later, we became familiar with each other. She and I became very close. If there was anything interesting, we would share it together. Because I am a procrastinator, I often forget to bring pencil, ruler and other stationery. She always lends them to me generously.

I still remember that there was a Chinese mock exam. I got the highest score in the class. I was so happy that my eyebrows flew into the sky and I kept showing off. When correcting again, one of the students told the teacher that he had misread one of his questions, and he found it himself. The student was praised by the teacher. I was so worried that I was overjoyed after I checked it again - originally, after my careful inspection, I found that the teacher only gave me one wrong question, only minus 0. 5 points. In this way, I not only won the first place, but also got the teacher's praise. I carefully placed the test paper and went to the toilet. When I came back, I saw my desk mate was looking at the paper carefully. When she saw me coming, she whispered to me: "Hey, the teacher misread your two questions, and a total of 1.5 points will be deducted!" I was shocked, and my heart was bitter. I became the second place again.

When I got home, I complained to my mother about why she stole my first place! My mother said to me earnestly: "She is good for you so that you can learn experience and lessons from it, so that you can also get the first place in the exam next time, and we should be fair. Only this score is your real score. Your classmates have helped you so much, you should thank her!" I made up my mind to thank her.

Thank you, classmate!

05 Thank you for your composition

On that day, she and I started our first day of deskmate career, and I still remember her awkward greetings.

Later, we became familiar with each other. She and I became very close. If there was anything interesting, we would share it together. Because I am a procrastinator, I often forget to bring pencil, ruler and other stationery. She always lends them to me generously.

I still remember that there was a Chinese mock exam. I got the highest score in the class. I was so happy that my eyebrows flew into the sky and I kept showing off. When correcting again, one of the students told the teacher that he had misread one of his questions, and he found it himself. The student was praised by the teacher. I was so worried that I was overjoyed after I checked it again - originally, after my careful inspection, I found that the teacher only gave me one wrong question, only minus 0. 5 points. In this way, I not only won the first place, but also got the teacher's praise. I carefully placed the test paper and went to the toilet. When I came back, I saw my desk mate was looking at the paper carefully. When she saw me coming, she whispered to me: "Hey, the teacher misread your two questions, and a total of 1.5 points will be deducted!" I was shocked, and my heart was bitter. I became the second place again. ()

When I got home, I complained to my mother about why she stole my first place! My mother said to me earnestly: "She is good for you so that you can learn experience and lessons from it, so that you can also get the first place in the exam next time, and we should be fair. Only this score is your real score. Your classmates have helped you so much, you should thank her!" I made up my mind to thank her.

Thank you, classmate!

06 Thank you for your composition

I want to thank a girl who often fails to finish her homework. A girl whose academic performance is not very good, and a girl who is not ugly but not beautiful, is called Xiaoyan.

Xiaoyan sits at my front table and our relationship can be regarded as an iron friend. She has helped me many times, but what impressed me most was one time that I cried.

It happened in the fourth grade. I was pushed to the ground by bzh. Because I didn't pay attention, my knee hit the ground heavily. The sudden pain made me cry. At this time, he began to shirk his responsibility. He said that it was several other boys who played with him and pushed me carelessly, At this time, Xiao Yan came forward and helped me up and asked me if you were OK. I nodded with a sob and was about to start packing my schoolbag. When I went to school the next morning, I had already left this matter behind. At about seven o'clock, Xiaoyan arrived late. Fortunately, the teacher hadn't arrived yet. At that time, she put down her schoolbag and looked at me, "Are you all right? I am just like you. I used to be like this. It must hurt to hear you cry again when you fall to the ground with such a loud voice. " When he said, "Is it still painful?" I wanted to say that it was okay, but I always didn't interrupt, "It's okay." "That's good."

Just a few words touched me. I forgot about it. It's strange to say it from a person who often forgets to speak about homework. I thank you, Xiao Yan, for your help over and over again; Thank you for your comfort time and time again; Thank you again and again for your encouragement.

Thank you, Xiao Yan.

07 Thank you for your composition

Maybe there are some people who will not take us to travel in the ocean of knowledge like teachers, nor tell me the true meaning of the world like their parents. They will tell you some short but beautiful stories, and they may teach you to play fun and healthy games. They are my good friends and classmates.

I want to thank my friends. In class, we discussed enthusiastically; After class, we played happily together. They brought me smile and happiness.

We always play together with good things. We listened to the music of the music box together in the quiet corner; I always help the doll design hair style and clothes at whose home, and have fun. We rolled on the grass, and then climbed to the trees to pick delicious berries; On the night when the moon is full, we are telling creepy ghost stories on the roof. Thank my friends for sending me these stories that are worth collecting and remembering.

Good friends are not only happy and happy together, but also share the pain together. Once, I did badly in the exam. The next class was PE. I stayed in the classroom quietly and thanked my friends for their three 600 word compositions. Crystal tears ran across my cheeks. My friend came back. She took out a tissue and gently wiped the tears off my cheeks. She said, "Don't cry. The exam is just a test. Don't pay too much attention to it. I think success and failure are equally important to you. Let failure belong to the past, and victory belongs to the future." I looked up after this and went to the playground with her to have PE class.

They are like a refreshing breeze, blowing away my sad troubles; They are like a bright emerald, shining on the road of my childhood: they are like a beautiful fantasy, cleaning my soul. Thank you, my friends who have been schoolmates for five years. You have brought me not only interesting games, beautiful songs, but also that memorable memory that I will never forget!

08 Thank you, classmate! composition

A boy stepped into the class timidly. Alone, sit there and watch others talk and laugh. You come over and say hello and chat with him. They became good friends.

When playing ball together, the boy accidentally fell down. You ran over and asked with concern: "Are you all right?" The boy smiled and shook his head. Every day after class, you always play with the boy together. The boy became happy. Life has also become colorful.

In the mid-term exam of the first semester, the boy was discouraged because he did not do well in the exam. You go to comfort him, "Don't lose heart, this time is nothing, there is another time. Believe yourself, it will be OK!" However, the boy doesn't listen to you. He is depressed all day and listless in his studies. After class, I didn't come out to play. I sat alone in the classroom.

The boy lost his former liveliness and self-confidence. You are also very sad, trying to find his former. However, no matter how much you try to persuade him, he will not listen. He will not pay any attention when he is asked to play. This has been the case for several days in a row. You finally can't help shouting at the boy: "What a man you are! You can't even stand a failure in an exam. What great achievements can you make in the future?" The boy was surprised by your words, but at the same time, he woke up from his dream and finally realized that he was just wasting time.

So the boy shook off all his sadness and began to study harder and harder. Finally, in the final exam, the boy achieved satisfactory results.

The boy was very happy. You came to congratulate him and smiled happily with him. The boy said gratefully; "Thank you for your original words, which made me clearly see my own stupidity; understand that 'bad advice is good for action'; and recognize what is a true friend!" The boy regained his former liveliness and confidence, and happily played ball games with you.

Perhaps dear readers will be curious, why do I know that boy so well? Because I am the boy!

I want to thank you - my dear classmates, the most sincere friends! You are like standing in front of the window and enjoying the snowflakes falling in winter

A cup of hot tea held in his hand; An umbrella in hand when walking in the summer rain; When winter comes, it temporarily blows the melancholy spring wind of winter; In the harvest season, I was intoxicated with the cup of wine with endless aftertaste when whispering in autumn

Thank you, classmate!

09 Gratitude composition

In life, we should be grateful to our parents, teachers, society and nature. Here, I want to thank my classmates.

1、 Care in life

After running 800 meters in PE class, I was sweating profusely and felt thirsty. My throat seemed to be on fire and I needed some water to put it out. I looked for a water bottle everywhere and turned my bag upside down. I didn't even see the shadow of the water bottle. It suddenly occurred to me that my schoolbag was surprisingly light when I went to school today. What should I do? I was so worried that I scratched my face when a water bottle appeared in front of me. "Did you forget to take the water bottle? Here, drink mine first!" The clear words sounded in my ears. I looked up at her gratefully and took the water bottle to drink.

The concern of students is not only a pot of water when thirsty, but also a cry of comfort when sad, an umbrella shared when it rains, a make-up lesson when sick... The concern of these students makes me feel warm and grateful, and I always have a grateful heart.

2、 Learning help

"Boys and girls, turn to page n and do these questions." The math teacher asked questions again, and the whole class began to struggle after a sigh. At the beginning, I did quite well, but the last question baffled me. After a lot of efforts, I finally decided to turn to XXX for help, but I hesitated. Her performance was almost the same as mine. Will she tell me? I got up the courage and asked, "Can you do question x?" "This question should be done like this..." "Thanks!" "How should I do the above question?" I have finished the question "Should..."

In this learning environment of mutual help, my classmates and I learn together and make progress together, giving me the power to keep forging ahead.

3、 Friendship lasts forever

"Who, when is your birthday?" I blurted out without caring. "July 23 this year." "What is this?" I asked in surprise, looking at the rough but delicate figure in my hand. "This is a birthday gift given to you in advance. I made it myself, don't care!" I was a little surprised, but soon it was replaced by joy. For the first time, someone gave me a birthday gift, and my heart was full of joy and gratitude.

The friendship between classmates is the purest, noblest, simplest and most ordinary emotion. It is also the most romantic, moving, solid and eternal emotion. In the friendship between classmates, I feel full and happy.

Thank you for your composition (13)

Thank you for your narrative composition 400 words 1

Since the first grade of primary school, I have always wanted to say to Guo Xuexin, a classmate in our class, "Thank you!"

The story goes like this. When I was in the first grade, I happened to have a unit test, and I accidentally wrote a word wrong. I hurried to look for a eraser, but there was no eraser in my schoolbag or pencil box. Alas! What a slob! I forgot to bring it again! I was so worried that I was sweating. I silently said, "What can I do?" At this time, Guo Xuexin, who was sitting behind, saw me and quickly turned over his pen to poke my back. When I looked back, it was a eraser. It was really a timely help! I was just about to say thank you to her. She put her index finger on her pouted mouth and "shush" me to stop talking. With this lifesaving eraser, I successfully finished the test paper. I remember that I got full marks in that exam.

From this incident, I got inspiration. When we encounter difficulties, how we hope to get help from others! The reverse is also true. When others need help, we should also not hesitate to lend a helping hand to give support or help. I have been doing this for several years.

I have the good quality of being ready to help others. I really want to thank Guo Xuexin.

Thank you for your narrative composition 400 words 2

I sincerely want to thank my classmate Shi Ya, who has given me a lot of care and help in life and study.

Once, I met a difficult problem, I tried to think about it myself, but I just wanted to break my head and couldn't figure out how to solve it. So I went to consult Shiya. This question is very simple for her. I thought she would laugh at me, but she didn't. She patiently taught me until I knew it. She gave me a similar question to further consolidate. She really looks like a little teacher. But I didn't thank her, and sometimes I was jealous of her. Now I think I'm really ashamed!

Another thing happened yesterday. We rehearsed dancing together. I missed a class because I was ill. The teacher said, "Jiahui, if you can keep up with me, I will give you more moves. If you can't keep up with me, I will tell you next time." Shiya? She came up to me and said, "Jiahui, I believe you are the best and you will keep up. No problem, OK!" Her encouragement to me filled me with confidence. During the rehearsal, she always looked at me with encouraging eyes. At this time, the teacher's eyes seemed to be talking, as if to say: "Good job, Jiahui has completely followed!" The teacher also asked me and Shiya to help the other team members pose!

Thank you, Shiya?, When I am in trouble, you warmly help me and encourage me!

Thank you for your narrative composition 400 words 3

Thank you, classmate Chen Yixuan. Thank you, classmate, you always patiently explain to me when I encounter a problem; Thank you, schoolmate. You let me feel the warmth and precious friendship between schoolmates at every moment

I remember that in the last math assignment, there was a question about finding pi. I didn't particularly understand the meaning of the question. At that time, I took that question to ask you, and you explained it to me again and again in that soft voice... until I understood it; You used that gentle and clear tone to analyze the topic for me; That scene is really unforgettable! You deserve to be the leader of our class!

I still clearly remember one thing that happened not long ago, that is: "Didn't you re elect a new group leader last time? When I returned to class, something happened. As soon as Mr. Zhou finished speaking, one of the students in a large group said something that I could not accept and was very depressed. There were words from you and the other student. But your words made me feel the preciousness of friendship; As soon as the student's voice fell, your face immediately became serious. There was no more smile, and you immediately refuted her. She walked out of the classroom door unconvinced, and you comforted me... "

Thank you, classmate Chen Yixuan for your encouragement, comfort and concern.

Thank you for your composition (14)

This morning, it was cloudy. Suddenly, it began to rain cats and dogs. The students held umbrellas and stepped on the rain step by step to insist on returning to school. Although almost all the students held umbrellas, they were still wet because of the heavy rain. The students began to complain about the ever-changing weather. At this time, teacher Zeng, the head teacher, saw this situation. While maintaining the order of the class, she took out her mobile phone and called the parents of a dozen students in the class, hoping that they could send clothes for their children. Among the dozens of parents, Yang Baihui's parents were the hardest. At first, she just sent clothes to her son. Later, she heard that other students in the class got wet, but did not notify the parents. She immediately went home in the rain, brought clothes, pants, etc., and personally sent them to the students to ask for help, without any complaints.

After that, Zeng and her classmates were very grateful to the parents who traveled around for their children. They also wanted to say "thank you" to Yang Baihui's parents, and felt deeply sorry for the trouble she had caused. Teacher Zeng also contributed a lot. She could use the office phone to contact the head of family, but she did not do so.

It's easy to say "thank you", but the most important thing is to say "thank you" from the heart.

Composition 2: Thank you

I have a classmate, Chen Junliang, who is an active little boy. He has a melon seed face, a small mouth, exquisite eyes, cheerful personality and good at thinking. He is good at all subjects, especially mathematics. He answers all the questions very well. He always scores higher than anyone, but he likes to joke.

On Wednesday, the teacher handed out the math exercise books to us. When I saw it, it was "You"! I'm very happy. Mr. Lin read us "playing Yoka" and the homework of the triangular people. There was only one student in the class, Junliang. It's him again! Mr. Lin took up his exercise book and began to read his answers to us. Everyone listened with interest, and even I was deeply attracted. I think his answer is really superb. Teacher Lin finally said, "Junliang answered this question very well. Do you understand?" The loud answers of the students were deafening, but I was secretly planning to ask him for advice after class. Then we changed them ourselves, but they were not so superb. The teacher asked a classmate to read her answer. He talked for a long time, but we thought it was not as good as Junliang's answer. The teacher praised Junliang again, which made me envy him to death.

After class, I was the first to run to Junliang and ask him why he answered so well and who taught you. He looked at me and said what he thought, then turned around and walked away smiling. I was really scratching my head at that time. I thought to myself: Junlang, isn't that another joke? I was teased by him again!

"This man is strange, but not strange." If you slowly taste his movements, the answer will come out, won't it?

Composition 3: Thank you

Students, in fact, the feelings of students are very deep, its feelings may be deeper than the feelings of sisters. Students will help me, comfort me and protect me when you are injured.

Sometimes, when I failed in the exam, I would lie on the desk and cry. Looking at that test paper, my heart was cold. At this time, some students patted my back and said to me; Cry, cry if you want; Then he took a piece of tissue paper and told me. My cold heart feels warm as if touched by a pair of warm hands.

Sometimes, when I ran on the playground, I fell down and bled, 'It hurts'. My deskmate ran over, and when she saw it, she asked me anxiously, "Does it hurt? Or I will take you to apply the medicine." I looked at her once, and then looked at my feet. It seemed that there was no pain. She hurriedly bandaged me and helped me into the classroom.

Sometimes, in PE class, we sweat profusely. I said, "I'm thirsty. My throat is almost smoking." When we went to class, everyone was gasping. At this time, a classmate came over with a bottle of water and asked me, "Do you need it?" I said, "Yes." I took it over and drank it all

Sometimes, I get sick. I lie in my own bed and don't go to school. My classmate will come to my home with her schoolbag on her back to tell me jokes and tell me what the teacher taught me today. I am very moved. Ju water rolls around in my eyes

For me, the little help from my classmates

Thank you for your composition (15)

Thank you for your narrative composition 1

The six-year learning task of primary school has finally been completed. Looking back on the past six years, we have been facing each other every day, and today we finally have to part. Just like the saying "God

The feast will come to an end. "Although we can't study together, the friendship between our classmates will last forever.

The past time can get along with you, but I didn't cherish it. Now that I am ready to graduate, I know how to cherish a little of our good time together. Just like owning a thing, when you own it, you don't know how to cherish it, until you lose it, you feel pity and regret.

We are together every day, inseparable. Back home, the children of every family are only children now, and there is no one to find a partner, so I can't bear to spend so little time. What's more, I will take a two month vacation in the future, and I won't even meet again in the future. How painful it is!

Originally, we wanted to have a grand reunion at our graduation ceremony, so that everyone could talk about their own heart and let everyone tell their reluctance to the class in the form of singing. However, because the H1N1 epidemic case occurred in other schools, the Education Bureau issued a notice: the schools in the city will have a holiday immediately after the examination, and the graduation ceremony will be canceled on July 3. After hearing this notice, I tried hard to keep my tears from falling, but they still burst out and ran down my cheeks. I pretended to be happy and didn't let my classmates know. However, everyone cried, but like me, I pretended to be happy without going to school.

My heart suddenly soured.

Thank you for your narrative composition 2

A person who has not lived in a group cannot know what it is like to get help and care. I have a deep understanding of the help and care of my classmates. It was their help and care that made me spend the good time in primary school happily.

In the sixth year of primary school, I only got along with my classmates for five years, because I transferred from school when I was in the second grade. At that time, I was timid, facing the new collective, new students, new teachers, and new environment. I didn't dare to play with my classmates or ask my teachers. But after class, all the students came to me to play with me. They were willing to lend me what I lacked. At that time, my books were incomplete, and I always looked at my deskmate in class. I really cared about that, but my deskmate said, "It doesn't matter.". They are always eager to answer my questions. Soon, I had a new understanding of my classmates. They were very warm-hearted, helpful and kind-hearted.

Classmate, if it weren't for your care and help at that time, I wouldn't be like today. It is you who let me feel the friendship between classmates and the warmth of the class, and let me study and live happily in the group.

Classmate, I remember countless times that you patiently solved problems for me. The numerous formulas and equations on the grass paper were patiently and carefully explained, but I didn't even say thank you later. When I was injured, you helped me to the infirmary. You encouraged me to be strong. After class, my classmates went out. I sat alone in the classroom with nothing to do. It was you who amused me that made me happy. It was you who talked with me that made me feel less lonely.

Classmate, your care and help for me cannot be said in a thousand words. Here I will condense all my words to you into five words: Thank you, classmate!

Thank you for your narrative composition 3

"Ah! What's wrong with this day? How can it rain when it rains? I haven't brought an umbrella yet!" I said angrily.

As soon as school was over, it began to rain so heavily. I really regret not having listened to my mother - take an umbrella. It's really "Don't listen to the old man, and suffer losses in front of you"! As I walked around in front of the reception room, I kept complaining about God: it didn't rain early or late, but it rained cats and dogs after school. My mother is still at work, my father is on business again, and my sister is not at home, I thought to myself. What should we do? Do you really want to sleep here today? I was almost crying, tears swirling in my eyes.

"Li Zhe!" I heard someone calling me, so I turned around. Oh, it was my deskmate Wang Erxiao! I answered her listlessly, "Hey, I can't go home." When he saw me standing here without an umbrella, he knew why. He said, "Come on, I've brought an umbrella. Let me take you home! We're on our way, too." I hurriedly agreed, and we were on our way.

On the way, he held the handle of the umbrella, and the strong wind blew his hand too fast to hold the umbrella. He kept leaning the umbrella to my side, and I said, "Let me support it!" He smiled and said to me, "Let me support it. I'm stronger than you." I saw that half of his arms were wet. I didn't have the heart to push the umbrella towards him, but he pushed the umbrella towards me again, so we pushed back and forth, but he still held the umbrella.

Later, I learned that his family and my family were not on the right road. Thank you, classmate! I will certainly learn your spirit of helping others.

Thank you for your composition (16)

Thank you for your classmates Composition 1

Dear classmates, you help me when I need someone to help me most; Lovely classmates, you accompany me when I am loneliest; My dear classmates, you came to comfort me when I was sad. Today, I want to thank you, sincerely thank you. I hope our friendship will last forever!!!

I remember once we had a quarrel. That night I went out to play with Sister Li Xuan, while you were playing with Bao Yuting. I saw that Sister Li Xuan could turn a circle on the horizontal bar, but I couldn't. But I really wanted to try, so I began to experiment. Although I turned over, I landed first. Ah! It hurt so much that I burst into tears. You and Bao Yuting in the pavilion came at the sound. You immediately came to comfort me and said, "Huang Yuxin, will you stop crying?" As soon as I heard your voice, I couldn't find a crack in the ground. Then I felt how familiar your voice was to me! Then I will say to you: "Ha Yu, let's make up. It's my fault. Please forgive me." You smiled and nodded.

How many days and nights have passed, I don't know how many times you have helped me. You always appear when I am most helpless to help me. Although I don't know how many times you have helped me, I know that we will always be good friends and the best pair of friends in the world!

Thank you for your classmates Composition 2

In my memory, there are many unforgettable things, but the most unforgettable is the night of junior high school.

I remember the day when I was in the seventh grade. It was my birthday. Every time I celebrate my birthday, my father and mother will buy me a lot of delicious food, but this time, I am very disappointed. My father and mother did not prepare anything for me, as if they had forgotten my birthday at all, which makes me very sad. So I quickly finished my meal and rode my bike to school. When I got to school, I would lie on the desk and not talk. This made my classmates very uncomfortable, because I was always lively and cheerful in the class, and liked to joke, but today I was the opposite. In this way, an afternoon finally passed. After school in the afternoon, when I was eating out, I was surprised to see my classmates hurried to school after lunch. When I returned to the classroom after I had had enough food, I walked to the lower floor of the teaching building and found that the classroom in one of our classes had no lights on. I thought that something was wrong, so I quickly ran to the door of the classroom and rushed in. At this time, the classroom light suddenly came on, and everyone in our class was holding a balloon. At this time, I heard my long-awaited song: "Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you." I left happy tears at that time, I swear, this is the best and most beautiful song I heard.

Thank you, classmate! Thank you for giving me a special birthday, an unforgettable birthday.

Thank you for your classmates Composition 3

Thank you, classmate Chen Yixuan. Thank you, classmate, you always patiently explain to me when I encounter a problem; Thank you, schoolmate. You let me feel the warmth and precious friendship between schoolmates at every moment

I remember that in the last math assignment, there was a question about finding pi. I didn't particularly understand the meaning of the question. At that time, I took that question to ask you, and you explained it to me again and again in that soft voice... until I understood it; You used that gentle and clear tone to analyze the topic for me; That scene is really unforgettable! You deserve to be the leader of our class!

I still clearly remember one thing that happened not long ago, that is: "Didn't you re elect a new group leader last time? When I returned to class, something happened. As soon as Mr. Zhou finished speaking, one of the students in a large group said something that I could not accept and was very depressed. There were words from you and the other student. But your words made me feel the preciousness of friendship; As soon as the student's voice fell, your face immediately became serious. There was no more smile, and you immediately refuted her. She walked out of the classroom door unconvinced, and you comforted me... "

Thank you, classmate Chen Yixuan for your encouragement, comfort and concern.

Thank you for your composition (17)

Thank you for your 400 word narrative composition 1

I'm sure you will thank many people, such as our father, mother, teacher, etc., but what I want to thank most is an unnamed classmate. Here's the thing:

I remember a big exam last semester. I was preparing for the math exam. I was waiting for the exam with confidence. Suddenly, I found that I didn't bring a ruler. At this time, the invigilator had already entered the exam room. What should I do? If you don't have a ruler, you can't draw pictures!

When I was worried like an ant on a hot pot, a classmate next to me saw it and asked me in a low voice: "What's wrong with you?". I took the ruler and was about to say thank you. The bell of the exam had already rung, so I devoted myself to the end of the exam. I looked for the unknown classmate in the crowded crowd and wanted to thank her face to face, but there was still her shadow? Now this half ruler is still in my pen holder.

On this occasion, I sincerely said to this student: "Thank you!"

Thank you for your 400 word narrative composition 2

At school, I got a lot of help from my classmates. Every time, I will silently thank them in my heart.

A few days ago, I accidentally hurt my foot. During morning exercises, I couldn't run fast and gradually fell behind. A classmate saw me and asked me, "Gui Bing, why can't you keep up?" I said, "My feet hurt!

When I finished morning exercises and was going upstairs, I heard my classmates behind me saying:

"Do you want to hold Guibing upstairs?"

"Why don't you help me? What if I fall down?"

Hearing this, I burst into tears. When I went upstairs, two classmates rushed to help me. My classmates were really good!

In PE class, the teacher asked me to run, but I wanted to run hard. Unexpectedly, the students took the initiative to tell the teacher that I was injured and asked the teacher to let me rest. The teacher verified it and let me have a rest. I sat on a stool under a big tree and watched my classmates run past me. I really wanted to join them.

During the lunch break, I was about to climb up to the middle bunk, and the students at the lower bunk anxiously proposed to change positions with me. The next student also advised me to change my position. I couldn't refuse, so I had to change to the lower berth. Lying in my new bed, I was thinking about my classmates' concern for me and how to repay them.

I feel very happy living in such a caring class!

Thank you for your 400 word narrative composition 3

Thank you, Xiao Weiming. You helped me when I was injured, you comforted me when I was lost, and you helped me to solve my learning difficulties.

I remember one time when I was playing on a slope with you. Because I accidentally fell down and my leg bled, you bent down and asked me, "Does it hurt?" I nodded, and you asked, "Can you stand up?" I nodded again, so you lifted me up and helped me step by step to the school doctor's room. After seeing my leg, you helped me into the classroom. At that time, I'm so excited about you! I really want to say to you, "Thank you, Xiao Weiming!" But I am too hurt to speak.

I remember another time when the teacher was in class and assigned homework. After class, none of us spoke and did it quietly. After a while, all the students finished and went out to play. I only had one question that I couldn't do, and everything else was done. I thought hard. Xiao Weiming, you came to play with me. When I saw that I couldn't do one question, you came to enlighten me. Finally, I would, I'll go out to play with you after I finish writing. It's almost time for class. I whispered to Xiao Weiming: "Thank you, Xiao Weiming!"

Thank you, Xiao Weiming! You have brought me infinite happiness!

Thank you for your 400 word narrative composition 4

Ask students what is love? Why is it so hard to forget!

In three years of junior high school, I was in the prime of my life. I was just a student and a teenager. I flew the melody of youth together, experienced the trouble of growing up, suffered the pressure of examinations, and walked through the days of rebellion. The cornerstone of life is deeply buried, the seeds of friendship quietly sprout, and the taste of growing up together

How can life be satisfactory? In adversity, classmates are a fire, burning your passion, teaching you to fight and never give up; In good times, your classmates are a piece of ice, so please don't get hot headed; In the wind and rain, students are the arms to help each other, and the umbrella to shelter from the wind and rain; In the sun, the students are white clouds floating in the blue sky, the rainbow after the rain

I want to share my achievements with my classmates and report to my alma mater; When encountering setbacks, I want to confide to my classmates and get comfort from them. Those who can laugh because of you are classmates, and those who can feel sad because of you are also classmates.

As the saying goes, "A thousand years of cultivation will lead you to sleep together, and a hundred years of cultivation will lead you to cross the same boat." Now, another sentence is added: "Five generations of cultivation will lead you to study together.". Let's cherish our classmates' feelings when we are studying or graduating! In addition to love, kinship, friendship and comrade in arms, this is another kind of beautiful, indispensable and memorable feeling in life

Thank you for your composition (18)

We should thank everyone who appears in our life, whether they are parents who are extremely grateful to us, teachers who love us more, classmates who grow up together, or even strangers who only meet once but deeply affect you. But now, what I want to thank most is my classmates, thank them for coming to my youth in full dress, thank them for coming to my youth in full dress, but not to miss me, nor just to offer gifts.

As young people, my classmates and I are facing the sun, stepping on the rain and dew in the morning, constantly moving forward; As a student struggling in the third year of senior high school, the college entrance examination is near at hand, and I can't stop. I can hardly breathe under the pressure of heavy study every day, but fortunately, the glimmer from the crack of the university door seems to attract me with a pair of invisible hands; Fortunately, there are a group of good students around me to accompany me to work hard and struggle together.

In my heart, my classmates not only represent my friends, but also motivate me to move forward. In these years of friendship, not only our sweat, but also our tears. When we first met, although we knew that it would be this group of people who would accompany us in the next three years, we still locked ourselves in a small space because of the strange face: after class, we would just sit on the chair in a daze except for going to the toilet; In the dormitory, minor contradictions are constantly aroused, while major contradictions occur from time to time. But slowly, countless days and nights let us deeply intertwine. From just being able to call each other names and greet each other, to now being able to think of others, we can't be separated from each other. Day and night's hard work has finally forged our friendship with classmates. Every time I think of it, all I have left in my mind are beautiful memories and the promise that we are classmates. The unhappy and cynical words have long disappeared under the beating of time. I will cherish this feeling, and I will remember this love in my heart and appreciate it for life.

Time is our accumulated capital, which enriches our life. From a newborn baby to an elegant teenager, from youth to maturity, as we grow up, there are a variety of people around us, and some of them will become intimate friends and classmates with you. A thin piece of white paper at the beginning of human life is immeasurable "weight" at the end of one's life. It can be seen that the companionship of our classmates around us adds more "weight" and "thickness" to our lives, so never forget the friendship with our classmates, and never forget to say to the humanity who sincerely walks with you: "Thank you, my good classmates, and thank you for coming to my youth dressed up!"

Thank you for your composition (19)

That person's hand is always so thin, warm, and caressing. He always encourages me when I fail, arches me when I fall, praises me when I succeed, and he is always around me like a bee. That person is always around me when I need company, when I need laughter, when I need distraction, Walk with me in the corridor. That man gave everything for me, expended all his strength for me, wasted all his time for me, all for me, because I am very happy with him.

Although that person was weak, he gave me the most powerful hug, the most cordial greetings and the warmest hands. He reached out his hand to help me get up when I was lonely. He sheltered me from the wind, rain and sun no matter in the stormy weather or sunny weather. The man's hands always give me the greatest encouragement, the greatest support, and the greatest concern. How generous, warm, and patient his heart is. His chest is so hard, so thick, and so dependent. All his things are my support points, and let me rely on them.

But these warmth will soon become a memory, can not become a fact, its existence will soon be blown away like sand, "he" is my classmate, my classmate's embrace let me also know in school, he replaced my parents' position, how great he is in my heart. I just want to find an opportunity to say thank you to him, the biggest, most sincere and most beautiful thank you.