Good students (20 collections)
bon voyage
2023-10-26 02:02:08

Good students (1)

"Oh, why did I forget to take this dead ruler today? What should I do?" I opened the cold pencil case, as if to say to me, "Who told you not to take it? Ha ha, this time you have tasted the pain." At this time, a new triangular ruler came to me. I looked gratefully at my deskmate, and my heart seemed to be rejuvenated. I thought: Great, My deskmate unexpectedly brought me a ruler. I must thank her after class. I did it quickly, my heart was as warm as sunshine, and my heart kept showing that she handed me a ruler

After class, I returned her ruler and said thank you, but she just said: "It doesn't matter. You are so critical, I always want to help you, otherwise, what's your deskmate?" Suddenly, my gratitude came from the inside: My deskmate is really good. When I didn't bring anything, she not only lent it to me, but also looked at it as a small matter. Remember last time, I didn't bring an eraser, but she lent it to me. What a noble spirit! It's my great honor to be her deskmate. When I walked out of the classroom, the sun shone on my face and warmed my heart. It seemed that the sun had lit up my heart and warmed my heart with it. I watched the shadow of her leaving. It was so long and beautiful in my eyes, I thought of the moment when I was helped by her, the whole world also warmed up

My deskmate is such a helpful person. Her spirit touched me. My deskmate is really good!

Good students (2)

A standard melon seed face, a pair of bright big eyes, a small nose under the eyes, and a small, eloquent mouth appear below the nose. Yes, this is my classmate, Guo Hongkang. Why do you say he is good? Wait, wait, listen to me slowly.

Once, when we came to the classroom, I found that I didn't bring a pencil case with me. I was anxious. I must go out to play after finishing my homework yesterday. I didn't put the pencil case in my schoolbag. It's over. Today, I will clean up every week. It's a must not to bring a pen. I thought again. By the way, I didn't bring a pen. The students did. Can I borrow a pen from them? Soon, I packed my schoolbag, ran to my seat, and asked my deskmate: "Excuse me, can I borrow my pen?"

Then I asked everyone around me again, but they could not lend me their pens. It seems that my "bad habit" has spread all over the world.

When I was depressed, someone patted me on the shoulder and said cheerfully, "I can borrow you." How familiar the voice was. I turned around and saw my classmate, Guo Hongkang. I thanked him a few times and returned to my seat.

Our friendship is not only a pen relationship, but also an endless friendship. From that day on, I found that my best classmate, Guo Hongkang, was really good.

Good students (3)

She is my deskmate and my good friend. She has short black hair, big pearly eyes and a small cherry mouth. When she smiles, two dimples appear on her face. She is usually very quiet, but I have seen through one of her small shortcomings, that is, she is stingy. Sometimes she can't help crying. Tears flow like water from the Yellow River. She likes to make friends, often with Lin Lin, also said that she is two sisters.

She sits at the same table with me and can suffocate people. She usually doesn't talk in class. Every time I want to talk to her, I see her saying nothing, her waist is straight, and she swallows the words just to her mouth. I think it's more difficult to talk to her than to go to the sky. Once, in a math class, I happened to chat with other students. At this time, the math teacher set a question. I didn't know the page number, so I had to ask her to tell me the page number, and then I worked out the question. She usually takes advantage. She doesn't need a pen. She has to use my pen, and my correction fluid is also used. I was so angry that I really wanted to give it to her and was afraid of causing "disaster", so I let her go several times. She said, "We are good friends and should help each other in difficulties." With this magic words, the "fire" in my heart gradually went out. I am extremely ashamed. She has changed the biggest shortcoming of my life: talking in class.

She is Yang Zhuofei. She said, "We will always be old friends." This sentence has always inspired me to move forward.

Good students (4)

Students, we are surrounded by many different people every day. If you ask me which student in my class is the best, I will not hesitate to say, "Of course it is my inseparable friend Xiang Yixuan."

"Tink, Tink, Tink..." The clear and sweet bell rang. I picked up my schoolbag and jumped to Xiang Yixuan's side.

After a while, I arrived home. I excitedly moved a chair, sat down with Xiang Yixuan, talked and laughed, picked up a pen, and wrote with concentration. As I was writing, the pen in my hand suddenly stopped, and I was stopped by a "road block". This math problem baffled me. I bit my pen in my mouth, held my head in my hand, and my eyebrows were wrinkled tightly, almost turning into an "eight" shape. I pondered and racked my brains, but I still couldn't figure out how to solve this problem. I became irritable unconsciously, and said, "Oh! Why is this problem so difficult? Let me think of it quickly!" At this time, the air around me seemed to become very depressed, and the flowers outside the window seemed to be covered with ash, not as beautiful as before, and the afterglow of the sunset gradually became dim, There is no more gorgeous rays of the past.

At this time, Xiang Yixuan looked up at me and saw my worried expression. She asked, "Zhu Zhiyuan, what's wrong with you, Grasping up the pen and calculating on the paper. However, this is not an ordinary math problem, but an Olympian math problem. At first, he was full of confidence. Maybe he thought that this problem was a piece of bean sprouts for Zhang Fei, a math genius, but now he is a little bit weak. Oh, no, even Vivian Xiang can't. If this question is empty, I will be scolded!

When I was preoccupied, he shouted excitedly: "Ah! I've figured it out!" and then slowly told me. At first, I was like a monk in law - I couldn't understand, but he didn't say I was stupid like his mother, but he told me very patiently, over and over again, without bothering until I understood. At this time, I felt a warm current in my heart, melting the ice and snow in my heart, making me feel the temperature of friendship and the beauty of the world.

Xiang Yixuan, it's very kind of you to always lend a helping hand when I need it most, so that I can stop being depressed and hesitating. It's good to have you in my life!

Good students (5)

She has short dark shiny hair, a round face, a pair of watery eyes, a glib cherry mouth, and a high nose. He is my classmate, Song Wen.

Song Wen and I have had many stories, sad, sad, moved, interesting... They are full of ups and downs, of which one thing that moved me is still fresh in my memory.

The story happened last Tuesday after the first class. I opened my schoolbag and prepared to take out the crayons for the next art class. Eh, why is the crayon missing? I scratched my head. "Is it at home or lost?" "What should I do? I can't finish my homework, but I will be criticized."

Alas, I can only brazenly borrow from my classmates. I found a classmate and asked him to borrow a pen, but he was also borrowing from others. I found another classmate who replied, "It's not that I don't want to borrow it, but that I have already lent it to three people, so I can borrow it again... I'm afraid." I walked back to my seat dejectedly. Suddenly, a clear voice came: "Xia Yanfeng, do you want to borrow a pen?" I looked up, and it was Song Wen. I said listlessly, "Hmm." He said to me, "Don't be upset. I have two boxes. It's OK to lend you one." "Really?" I was overjoyed. "Really." Song Wen said as he took out a box of new crayons from his schoolbag and handed them to me. I happily caught them, then sat down on the seat and happily waited for the teacher to come to class. Suddenly, I felt a warm current in my heart, and tears slowly flowed down my cheeks.

In art class, the teacher asked us to draw a picture about people, so I thought of Song Wen. He looked at him and saw that he was painting carefully. Suddenly, I saw that Song Wen's crayon was broken. Then I looked at his new crayon. Suddenly, my heart was shocked and I couldn't help exclaiming, "Nice, classmate!"

Good students (6)

"Concern" may be your kind action, your warm words, or... many, many, many, many, and I will slowly introduce to you how I care about my classmates.

One morning, Mr. Xie prepared the mid-term exam papers to test our learning. Everyone is whispering, this is our half semester results! When the bell rang for class, Teacher Xie handed out the papers to the students. Everyone consciously opened the table and devoted themselves to the examination. Only the sound of rustling writing could be heard in the classroom. Time was fast. When it was time to hand in the papers, Teacher Xie took them away. I saw my classmate Wang Yujia's face was ugly when I looked at her. She looked very sad. I quietly walked behind her and wanted to frighten her. But she was still indifferent. I asked her with a puzzled face: "Wang Yujia, what's wrong with you?" She told me very sadly: "I must have failed this exam!" Her eyes were wet, and tears were swirling in her eyes, like strings of beads that were about to fall off. I immediately comforted her and said, "It's OK. The scores have not been released yet. You must have 100% confidence in yourself. Maybe you will do better than me in the exam!" After listening to my words, Wang Yujia finally laughed: "Really?"

In the afternoon, the exam results came out. Teacher Xie said to us seriously, "I have changed your exam papers this time, and you really let me down." I glanced at my classmate Wang Yujia with the rest of my eyes, and she became more confident than before, I think it may be because what I said in the morning encouraged her: "Everyone did poorly in the exam, maybe I was good, so I can't shrink back like a turtle.".

Teacher Xie began to read the students' exam results. Everyone held their breath and listened. It was obvious that the students were very nervous! After reading, Wang Yujia didn't do well in the exam, and her tears poured down. After class, we all went to comfort her. I said to her, "It doesn't matter, Wang Yujia, this time the exam was poor. It's OK to try hard next time. Believe yourself, let's work together, OK?" "OK!" We clasped our hands together, "Let's work together!"

Wang Yujia believed what I said. She kept working hard, and her self-confidence increased day by day, and her performance became better and better!

It's good to care about your classmates! Although I could not help her materially, I encouraged her spiritually and also encouraged myself. When my classmates who I helped made progress, I would feel a sense of achievement in my heart, and thus obtain a kind of spiritual happiness!

Good students (7)

Since the holiday, I have been at home every day without leaving the house. Today, I finally have to go out. The weather is also particularly good. At the same time, today is the day for primary school students to get together.

In the morning, after eating breakfast, I hurried out to our alma mater. Along the way, I had a lot of thoughts, imagining the changes of my classmates and what would happen after meeting them. I don't know whether the time has passed. Finally, I arrived at my alma mater, which I missed for a long time.

When I entered the campus, I felt as if I heard the sound of reading. After experiencing the scene of the goal, I felt a sense of intimacy in my heart. At the same time, I found that my alma mater had changed a lot. First of all, the teaching building has been put on new clothes and painted, as well as the playground and the reading room... Walking on the avenue of the campus, I think about my previous study life carefully, and I really have a different taste. At this time, only a few make-up students were scattered along the path. They were in a hurry. Now time is too bad for them. Along the tree lined path, I came to the meeting place - Class 1, Grade 6. At that time, there were already many students. I stepped up my pace and walked to them. They shouted my name loudly. At that time, naturally, there were some greetings, and everyone changed a lot, a lot. Next, Lailu came one after another. In the midst of all the greetings, we walked to the teacher's house.

Our class teacher is still the same as before, talking with humor and website, and then we have dinner together for entertainment

The day ended with laughter. It was very kind of you.

Good students (8)

It is you who let me have no fear in the face of difficulties; It is you who enlighten me when I feel helpless; It is you who give me brotherly care and warmth. You are my good friend, Zhao Ziheng. I still remember that time, we played football together in the park. When I saw the ball coming, I kicked it. Unexpectedly, the football rolled under the car parked at the roadside. When I saw this scene, I was at a loss and thought: What should I do? My mother will kill me. You looked at me and kept silent for a while. Suddenly, you rolled up your sleeves, squatted down, and stretched your arms under the car. As a result, you didn't reach the ball, stood up, lifted your pants, lay on the ground facing the car, and climbed in. You know, you are a clean freak! I always like to be clean, and my shoes and clothes are spotless. I was puzzled for a moment, frowned and said, "Are you afraid of the dirty inside?" "What is this? Go home and take a bath. I don't want you to be beaten by your mother." Then I went inside again. After listening to this, I was shocked except for being moved.

After a while, the ball finally came out. You are covered with dust, and your arm is still scratched. You hurriedly discharge the dust from your body, smile and say to me: "OK, I'm out, let's go and play together!" I suddenly have an inexpressible feeling. You later made a face at me and said: "Don't worry!" Later, I knew that your mother quarreled with you when you came home, but did not tell me.

Another time, it was time for science class. I buried my head in my bag and said, "Hey, where's the science book?" As I searched again and again, my heart became more and more flustered. Then you came over and put your science book on my desk, but you were punished by the teacher. My heart is full of guilt and remorse. Do you think you are stupid?

My dear friend, you are like rain and dew pouring on my heart, like the sun bathing me. You are my right arm, without you, I am just like the broken kite, drifting in the boundless sky, without a home.

I just want to say: "It's good to have you, classmate!"

Yi Jinnan

Good students (9)

It is a kind of happiness to know you. This summer in the year of 20XX, your singing led me into the world of music. At first, I was not very impressed with you. I just listened to your songs and felt an inexplicable love. It was like seeing something. Somehow, I just liked it. Maybe it is right to say that "there is no need for too many reasons to like". Every affectionate interpretation lures my heart, and every lyric is full of "Zhou style". It is you who bring me a special music feeling, which is a kind of enjoyment and happiness.

It is a kind of happiness to know you. In addition to your unique singing attracted me, let me begin to pay attention to you slowly, how much joy your lovely side has brought me. Your lovely lead me to immerse in the sea of joy. "Every 'meeting' and smiling face are engraved on each other", even for a few seconds. You often make a small action of "monkey scratching the back of the head", causing a lot of cheers; Often stood in a deep, silent and cool manner, leading the audience to scream; Often, they also show children's innocent actions, holding their round faces with their hands and pursing their mouths... It's really everything you should have! It's you who gave me a happy time. It's a joy, a happiness.

It is a kind of happiness to know you. Your charming and cute, unique interpretation, seems to make me drink the mellow green plum wine, let me "drunk" in the fun! This is enough to make me forget you in ten years. Recently, you once again made me feel the power of the world of love. With a heavy step, we stepped into the area of "mother's cellar" in the west. We not only offered material support to the local poor families, but also enthusiastically appealed to the general public to offer their own love. This move makes me really understand you, the kind and lovely side. Your image will not only accompany me through ten years of spring and autumn in my memory, I think it will always, never disappear. It is you who make my world full of love, which is a joy to help others and a kind of happiness.

"I LOVE YOU, I can't help loving you, BABY, this right to love you..." Whenever I hear this song, I feel a trace of happiness!

Good students (10)

When I opened the book "Cultural Journey" full of ink aroma and looked at the vials full of platycodon on the table, I thought of you again.

Our acquaintance was also an accident - I accidentally got the same book with you in the library. After a conversation, we looked at each other in a friendly way. Later, I found that we all like Dream of Red Mansions, Keiwu Dongye and Baby Annie... even the flower you like told me - Kikyo, what a beautiful name! You said you like the flower fragrance with a light bitter taste. You are a very special girl I have seen, just like the little eustoma in the blooming rose roses.

Your writing style is very good. You once showed me your articles published in the newspaper. The fresh and elegant writing style is just like the feeling you gave me. It is not pretentious or pretentious. It is simple but has a different aesthetic feeling. That summer vacation, I came to your home with my wordy words for advice. You picked up the pencil and carefully revised it. I was deeply impressed by the long hair, elegant side face and serious expression. Looking at the beautiful handwriting on the book and your careful notes, I really feel that God intended to let us meet. I picked up my pen and carefully revised it. Your clear voice echoed in my ears. Soon, I finished it under your guidance. We sat on the floor side by side, talking about our favorite writers, favorite songs and small secrets. I share my favorite songs with you. We share a pair of earphones, and each one wears one ear. It's hard to imagine that such a noisy person like me can be so calm.

In the second year when we got to know each other, I made great progress and was sometimes read as a model by my teacher. I was so happy that I ran to your house and told you the good news. You are also very happy to open your arms and embrace me. Later, you took out a dried flower made of platycodon grandiflorum from a book and gave it to me. I gladly accepted it, but I saw the deep loneliness in your clear eyes. I asked you carefully, thinking you were in trouble. But I heard that you were going to study in the south. I just stared at you blankly, but could not speak with my mouth open.

You still left. In the email, you told me you were all right. Our acquaintance is so short, but so profound.

I extracted the dried flower from the book. It has a light bitter taste. I think it smells good. Turning over the page again, I found a line on the title page: It's good to know you.

My tears fell down.

Good students (11)

The official start of a week of learning, I am most impressed by the teacher Han.

Miss Han shares my surname. Although a little fat, he is so fat that people want to know him. He is funny and makes people want to know him better.

On the first day of military training, he carried a heavy camera to record every wonderful words and pictures. He saw us laughing and crying. He asked the drillmaster to give us a rest. He often told us jokes during the rest. It was he who made us laugh and forget the hardships and tiredness of military training. By the end of the day, his clothes had already been wet with sweat, and his clothes were exactly the color of Ipoh, so he had the title of "Ipoh". He is a good and considerate teacher.

On the first day of school, it was he who kept the class in order and carefully taught every lesson. His class is full of fun, his humorous language, his exquisite courseware, and his determination to let students have a good class. I also want to have his class from the bottom of my heart. The students should be the same, because everyone listened with great interest and enjoyed it. He is a humorous teacher.

Our preparation before class is always not well done, and there are always people who do not follow the rules, leading to some unsatisfactory learning in class. But before every class, he always comes to inspect the class. Finally, he asked us to stay after the fourth class, and he wanted to prepare before the training class.

At the end of the fourth class, he walked into the classroom with a serious face and gave us a strict education, so that we understood the importance of pre class preparation, and also trained several times for pre class preparation. Now everyone can get ready for class. He is a teacher with strict discipline.

In the first Chinese class, he proposed several high requirements and standards to us, which gave students some pressure, but we must restrain ourselves in the pressure to grow. I think Mr. Han's approach is correct, and higher demands on himself will make him grow more. He is a strict teacher.

On Friday afternoon, in the class meeting class, the students said their nicknames or injuries this week. Miss Han always severely criticized the students who hit others. He is a man who will never forgive students for making serious mistakes.

Han Guangda, this is your nickname. I feel extremely lucky to have a teacher like you. Han Guangda, it's good to know you!

Good students (12)

Haixia, knowing you is the most beautiful meeting in my life

I came early today. I didn't see your figure when I opened it, but I found a message in it. You told me that you had to stop electricity for 8 days and could not chat with me online. My mood became very empty-

Since I met you, I seem to have a very solid life every day, and I am in a good mood. When I saw this news, my mood suddenly became depressed. Today's business is not good, and my mind is full of you. What do I want you to do now? Do you feel that I am worried about you?

-It's good to know you. Although we have known each other for a short time, I always feel that we are acquaintances. We have known each other for a long time. I always feel that you can understand my heart. In my heart, you are so honest and trustworthy. Who says there is no true love in the world? The meeting between you and me is the reappearance of true feelings. I feel that as long as I am with you, my words will never end. Talking with you is a kind of spiritual enjoyment for me. I will eliminate my troubles and unhappiness in the laughter of talking with you, and go to sleep with satisfaction and happiness. In recent days, my laughter is the most. "A smile makes you young." Because of you, I have a bright laugh.

Although we have never met in reality-

Although we never had in life-

Although we never know who each other is-

However, the miraculous network makes us have this fate-

We don't need real ownership, but we need that deep concern-

We don't need to meet each other every day, but we need that sincere emotion-

We don't need forever company, but we need forever bosom friends. I will cherish them all my life-

The wonderful time I met you-

We are destined to be bosom friends in this life-

-No matter how numerous people are, no matter how many spring and autumn flowers bloom and fall-

I sincerely wish you peace, health and happiness!

Good students (13)

I have a very good friend. His name is Sun -- and he is our monitor. He is fat and has no appearance of a monitor. He likes to get along with the masses. Some people call him "Pang Xiaohai". If anyone asks him questions, he will be enthusiastic to answer them.

Once, the fifth grade math calculation was successful, and we began to compare speed again. The teacher gave an order, and he and I compared speed like two horses. We did it crazily. After a fierce "hissing", I finished it. But when I looked back, I was stunned because he had already done it, and he called me "Slow Jingtou". I was very unconvinced, but there was no way, I had to go back and check again and again to compare the accuracy with him. I'd better get everything right. He made a mistake. I was very happy. Lian said, "Speed is not everything, only right can be." He also said a lot of ugly words. On that day, neither of us paid any attention to the other, and we had a quarrel. I also know that he is angry and may ignore me. But in the afternoon, I met a difficult problem, which baffled me. I was puzzled. I used to ask Sun Wangbin in the back, but today we are having a quarrel. I thought, "This is my fault, and I should apologize." I said embarrassed, "I'm sorry." He said he still remembered this, forget it, it's all over. I asked him how to do this again, and he told me as before. This problem can prove that our friendship is not made of grass, but made of steel bars.

This is him. He is lovely. He doesn't remember the past. We have the same hobby. By the sixth grade, he and I became inseparable friends.

Good students (14)

That day, when I was in class at school, my nose ran out from time to time uncontrollably. However, what was more embarrassing was that I didn't bring a tissue at that time.

When I was covering my nose and feeling a little uncomfortable, my classmate sitting at my back table suddenly used his hand to gently bucket me. I continued to cover my nose, but still turned my head. "Here, paper towel." The student handed me the paper towel and said in his own voice. At that moment, I felt the kindness of my classmates. After taking the tissue, I quickly thanked my classmates.

After this class, I didn't expect that my nose was running more. I thought, I must have caught a cold. I used up all the small paper towels that my classmates handed me. I looked at my classmates with shame. After receiving my line of sight, the classmate seemed to understand the meaning in my eyes. Then the classmate smiled at me and said, "It's OK. Do you still need paper towels? I still have them here."

Although I felt very embarrassed, I was still forced to do something because my nose ran down again. I thought it was a small cold, but what I didn't expect was that after another class, I obviously felt my head was dizzy, and even I could feel the burning on my forehead. Suddenly, I felt my head sink. At that moment, the classmate sitting at my back table immediately held me up. I almost fell down, which made me grateful to my classmates.

"You seem to have a fever. Do you want me to take you to the hospital?"

When my classmates supported me, they felt my body burning, so they asked me. I nodded. I also felt that I had to go to the campus clinic.

Students carefully took me to the infirmary and accompanied me in the campus infirmary. I can feel the kindness of my classmates and their concern for me. This day, I can't help thinking that it's good for my classmates to have you. Later, under the care of my friends, my cold was completely recovered.

Good students (15)

On my growth path, there are many people who make me feel warm. There are parents who take care of me meticulously in life, teachers who earnestly teach me, and even strangers who only meet once... But when I saw the sentence "It's so good to have you", a figure came into my mind involuntarily.

A pair of black pupils always have a naughty sense, and with long curled eyelashes and raised corners of the eyes, it looks full of charm. The bright red lips lifted up, and two slender eyebrows slanted there, drawing two clear diagonal lines on the skin as white as magnolia. Her hair is her biggest feature. Throughout the year, her hair is always messy and broken, because every time class is over, she is always running.

Her appearance is not only distinctive, but also her daily behavior is audacious and bold. Her performance is very good, but she is not a "good girl" in the eyes of teachers and parents. Sometimes she makes some trivial mistakes, which makes teachers love and hate her and can't laugh or cry. One day, she came to the class wearing a home-made ghost face mask, which really scared us. During the break, she still wore a mask and chased her classmates everywhere in the corridor. The students were frightened and shouted by her. Excited, she didn't take off her mask in class. Many teachers were shocked and gaped. As a result, everyone will know that she gave a lot of criticism, but she laughed it off.

She is such a wanton girl. She is also a famous "woman man" in the grade. Even the teachers who don't take her classes know her. She is careless, but also careful.

Once when I was running in PE class, my stomach suddenly hurt badly and my pace slowed down. At this time, she noticed that she accompanied me down the track and told me to rest. I just sat down, but she didn't know where she had gone. After a while, a glass of steaming boiled water appeared in front of me. She smiled and leaned close to me, saying, "Drink quickly, or it will hurt my stomach if it gets cold!" The heat rose in front of me, and my heart warmed, and I smiled and said, "OK!" In the dense heat, tears were already in my eyes.

She is not only a good partner in my life, but also a rival in my study. Every exam seems to be our competition. This time, she has two points more than me. Next time, I will catch up with her by one point; This time her article was published, and next time my painting won a prize, we would like her to catch up with me and make progress together.

I am very lucky to meet such an excellent student in primary school - Zhang Run. Here, I want to sincerely say to her: "It's good to have you!"

Good students (16)

A pair of clear eyes sparkle with nimbus, thick eyebrows, a clever mouth, and a few words can resolve the conflicts between students. Her round face, with the high ponytail, looks energetic. She loves to smile, and when she smiles, she shows two dimples, and the whole person is full of warmth and vitality. Speaking of which, I believe you will not be unfamiliar. She is my classmate Yang Yue.

Look, she is coming far away. Her walk is very characteristic: her back is always straight; Keep your chin high; Always look straight ahead; At first sight, he is a dancer. She learned dancing at an early age and got the Level 10 Certificate of Dance at a young age, so she acts like a little lady. Once when a school held an art performance, the teacher came to the class to select dancers, and the teacher fell in love with her at a glance. Since then, she has used her spare time to rehearse every day without delaying her study. Her kung fu pays off. On the day of the performance, her graceful dancing, smooth movements and devoted expression brought us into the song. This program won bursts of applause from everyone, and I also looked at her with new eyes.

After listening to my introduction, do you all want to be friends with her? Remember, she is Yang Yue in our class.

Good students (17)

My classmate is called Men Yufei. Her hair is dark and shiny, and she has a long ponytail. She walks like a butterfly flying up and down. Her white face is covered with willow eyebrows, and under her big eyes is a small, eloquent mouth. She is a versatile singer and dancer.

Once after class, Men Yufei played a game with a classmate to kick the shuttlecock. Zhang Xia kicked first. Zhang Xia watched the shuttlecock while kicking. I counted 19 shuttlecock kicks, and the shuttlecock fell straight to the ground like a bird with broken wings. Men Yufei said, "Look at me, I can definitely surpass you Men Yufei seemed to think: "I don't care about you. I want to see how many I can kick?" When the number of kicks reached 90, more and more people started to shake their heads with the shuttlecock. The shuttlecock flew up and down like a colorful bird in the air. In the end, Xumen Yufei was not strong enough, so the shuttlecock finally landed. At that time, almost all the fourth grade students came to see her. Zhang Xia asked her how many kicks she had kicked. Out of breath, she said, "149." We were all amazed that she had broken the record of the whole grade, but she was so powerful. I really admired her!

This is my classmate, the versatile man Yufei.

Good students (18)

It's good to have you. This is a warm word. Gazing at these four words on the book, a very familiar and kind face emerged in front of me.

In spring, summer, autumn and winter, the four seasons have changed. For six years, I can't count the number of days with you, and I can't remember the number of things we have experienced together. Say you are a chatterbox, won't you be angry? When you are on the bus, you always say this and that in my ear. I am so upset. But occasionally one day when you are not around, there is a quiet uncomfortable, less interesting, less humor. When you came back, I racked my brains to find a topic. You said it first when I was about to say it. So I'm used to your reading.

Every morning, the first thing I ask you is "Can you do homework?" You always say, "Alas! If you can, just write. If you can't, just leave it empty.". In fact, I know you care.

I still remember that summer vacation when you promised to accompany me to Taitung, I was so happy that I would jump up. In fact, I know you don't want to go. When I got to Taitung, I asked you, "Do you know the way back?" You still said, "Hey! Let's talk about it later." At that time, I was about to collapse, but I came with two empty claws! You began to pick up your mobile phone and check it. Then you took me to the next bus and the next bus. I was almost crying. Finally, you said quietly, "There you go, find it!" Finally, we returned home safely.

Students have been so long and experienced so much, and they are used to your garrulous and calm. I still think it's good to have you.

Good students (19)

On my growth path, there are many people who make me feel warm. There are parents who take good care of me in life, teachers who earnestly teach me, and even strangers who only meet once. But when I saw the sentence "It's good to have you", a figure came into my mind involuntarily.

A pair of black pupils always have a naughty sense, and with long curled eyelashes and raised corners of the eyes, it looks full of charm. The bright red lips lifted up, and two slender eyebrows slanted there, drawing two clear diagonal lines on the skin as white as magnolia. Her hair is her characteristic. Her hair is always messy and broken all the year round, because she is always running after class.

Her appearance is not only distinctive, but also her daily behavior is audacious and bold. Her performance is very good, but she is not a "good girl" in the eyes of teachers and parents. Sometimes she makes some trivial mistakes, which makes teachers love and hate her and can't laugh or cry. One day, she came to the class wearing a home-made ghost face mask, which really scared us. During the break, she still wore a mask and chased her classmates everywhere in the corridor. The students were frightened and shouted by her. Excited, she didn't take off her mask in class. Many teachers were shocked and gaped. As a result, everyone will know that she gave a lot of criticism, but she laughed it off.

She is such a wanton girl. She is also a famous "woman man" in the grade. Even the teachers who don't take her classes know her. She is careless, but also careful.

Once when I was running in PE class, my stomach suddenly hurt badly and my pace slowed down. At this time, she noticed that she accompanied me down the track and told me to rest. I just sat down, but she didn't know where she had gone. After a while, a glass of steaming boiled water appeared in front of me. She smiled and leaned close to me, saying, "Drink quickly, or it will hurt my stomach if it gets cold!" The heat rose in front of me, and my heart warmed, and I smiled and said, "OK!" In the dense heat, tears were already in my eyes.

She is not only a good partner in my life, but also a rival in my study. Every exam seems to be our competition. This time, she has two points more than me. Next time, I will catch up with her by one point; This time her article was published, and next time my painting won a prize, we would like her to catch up with me and make progress together.

I am very lucky to meet such an excellent student in primary school - Zhang Run. Here, I want to sincerely say to her: "It's good to have you!"

Good students (20)

Everyone has their own good friends, who are always good to themselves. No matter how she treats herself, she is good to me. We will also understand his intention. No matter how she treats him, he will not be angry or blame you. I have just a few good friends, Zhao Ruiping, Heiqing

Remember once, it was not my fault, but always said it was my fault, I was wronged! But what can we do? No one will believe me. I want to find someone to talk to, but no one will listen to my explanation. I ran to one side and cried. I felt that there was a person who came over and saw that it was Zhao Ruiping. He said, "Don't cry, it's OK, I believe you, we don't care about those boring people." I didn't speak, but my heart was warm. After a while, Heiqing came over and saw me crying. Zhao Ruiping coaxed me and walked up to me with a cold, heartless look. He said to me, "Li Lei, it's not me who says you cry. How old are you? Can you learn to be strong? Hum!" After that, Zhao Rui commented, "He will never grow up like you." Then he pulled him away. Suddenly, it was dark, just like my heart, but, I know... He was also for my good, although this is heartless words, but he is good to me, I don't blame him.

Maybe he helped you with such cold words. Maybe the cold words also express one meaning, that is, care. My friends do everything for my good. Maybe this kind of inconspicuous concern warms my heart. No amount of rhetoric is better than a friend's sincere words, even if he scolds me. Because at least he is for my good.