Silkworm Growth (Selected 5)
Fengyun Purple Autumn
2023-12-10 05:07:27
junior middle school

Silkworm growth (1)

I am a silkworm. My fate is a little different from that of other silkworms. Different from the naturally grown silkworm, the silkworm used as a spinning tool, and the delicious silkworm after cocooning, I was raised as a human pet.

I don't know who my parents are. I only know that since I hatched, I grew up with other silkworm babies who have no blood relationship. My master, a 16-year-old high school girl, was very gentle and gave us a lot of mulberry leaves to eat. Unfortunately, some mulberry leaves are too old for us to chew. Sometimes, she will be angry and yell, "How hard to serve!" I will bite some old leaves skillfully. I know I can't chew them. I just hope she can be happy. She distinguished that we did not eat old mulberry leaves, so she only picked young leaves for us to eat. She is really a kind person!

We grew up at the speed visible to the naked eye, and soon became a group of white and fat silkworm boys. She is happy that we grow so fast. But we had a bigger appetite, but she didn't know anything about it. Every time she picks the mulberry leaves, we rob them. In many cases, we can only feed and clothe ourselves, or when it rains, we can only starve. But I never complained. I knew that she had made great efforts for our good.

She likes to gently tap our heads with her chubby finger pulp. Itchy, we will also rub her finger pulp. But most of the time, she always stretched out her hand unexpectedly, and we responded slowly. Often, before we could see her movement clearly, her hand reached out to us, which made us tremble and thought there were some enemies.

Slowly, we reached the age of spinning. My brothers and sisters began to cocoon one after another, but I didn't start to spin silk. Just as the silkworms were all asleep, the master was scolded by her parents because she was found to have raised us secretly. I heard her parents threatened to throw us away from the tall building. She stubbornly locked the door of her room. Then I saw her tearful face gradually enlarged to my eyes. She sobbed and said, "What should I do? What should I do?". In fact, I really want to wake up my brothers and sisters and let the master put us back to the nature suitable for our survival. Unfortunately, I could not wake them up, and the master could not understand my idea. She still stubbornly supports us. She is always on guard against her parents. I don't know how long this life of trembling will last.

A few days later, I finally began to spin silk. I wrapped myself in a warm cocoon and fell asleep. In this, no matter what happens in the outside world, I am totally ignorant

In my dream, I saw the master's face vaguely, and her expression was very strange. She had tears in her eyes, and she bit her lips. At the moment when the tears fell, she turned around, and then disappeared into the darkness. Master, wait for me, I will wake up as soon as possible and continue to accompany you!

I woke up in a very cold and humid environment. I opened the cocoon stupidly, felt the cold wind outside, and suddenly withdrew my tentacles. However, it was too uncomfortable to be in the cocoon. I still broke the cocoon completely and stretched my wings in the broad outside world. I have transformed into a silkworm moth! I looked around and found a pile of broken cocoons. This world was something I had never seen before. The cold rain fell on the incomplete shed, making a cold and empty sound. Am I under an abandoned shed? Where's the owner? Where are the brothers and sisters? I began to be afraid and wanted to go out, but I couldn't fly because of the rain. Maybe the master took his brothers and sisters out to look for food first? I'm the last one to break the cocoon, so the master will come back to find me. Thinking like this, I feel a little calm. The waiting time was too long. I saw that the night began to lighten, but I still didn't wait for the master. I'm going to take a nap. Maybe time will pass quickly

I was awakened by a drop of cold rain. I opened my eyes. It was dark again. I didn't know which night it was, but the master still didn't come back. I'm going to find her myself. Because my wings are wet, I can only climb on land. I walked along the wall outside the shed. I felt that after a long walk, I still could not see the end of the wall. But when I looked back, I found that I was not too far away from the starting point. If only the rain stopped, I could fly fast! Thinking like this, I'm crawling. Suddenly, a group of ants appeared not far ahead. They were surrounded by something and wanted to be transported away. I was so curious that I hurried over. There was a roar, and thunder shook the sky. I think that if I could shed tears, my tears would burst out now. That's my sister's body! One of her wings is missing, and the other is full of dust. I was so scared and sad that I began to run out.

The rain was falling more and more heavily, I tried to fly, but was heavily pressed to the ground. I tried again, but the wings were stuck by water and could not open. I flapped my wings with all my strength, but before I could fly higher, I was knocked down again by the rain. I struggled for a long time. Finally, I was tired, and I had no strength to move. The rain is getting heavier and heavier, and the rain gradually submerges me, even my breath is being deprived. I thought of my master again. Does she remember that there is another me here, and she is anxiously looking here? When I think of this, I feel a little calm. I'm still waiting. I know she is so kind and will come back. However, I'm a little tired. I'd better take a nap first

Silkworm growth (2)

One day, the science teacher sent us twelve baby silkworms, saying they were colored silkworms. I cheerfully brought them home. I have observed them carefully for a long time, but I don't understand why they are called color silkworms.

As soon as I got home, I built a warm and comfortable "home" for silkworm babies with shoe boxes and fed them mulberry leaves. A few days passed quickly, and the growth rate of silkworm babies was amazing. For only a few days, Silkworm babies have grown thick and long. I am very happy! But I sometimes find that they will hold their heads up and do not eat mulberry leaves. I was wondering and worried. After science class, I knew it was because the silkworm was molting. Silkworm babies need to shed their skin four times before cocooning to become fifth instar silkworms. Their growth is really interesting!

One morning, I came to see Silkworm Baby as usual. Suddenly, I found that several silkworm babies were missing! I was so worried that I thought they had run away. So I looked carefully and found some colorful things. I went to the school with a question and asked the science teacher. The teacher said: "This is a silkworm cocoon, which is usually white. Because these are 'colorful cocoons', what you see is colorful!" I suddenly understood. When I returned home, I found that there were still several silkworm babies without cocoons. Silkworm babies who are spinning will become quiet, no longer eat mulberry leaves, their bodies will become bright, their stools will be much larger than usual, their heads will keep swinging, and their head muscles will contract back and forth with the swinging. I gave them a plastic shelf and found that Silkworm Babies first spit out C-shaped silk and then slowly turn into S-shaped silk and finally into 8-shaped silk. These silks are spit out and stuck on the shoe box and bracket, forming a beautiful cocoon.

In the cocoon, the silkworm will first shed its skin to become a pupa, and then become a moth. After the male moth mates with the female, the male moth will die first, and the female moth will have 300 to 500 eggs left. The female moth will also die after completing its mission of life. So the silkworm molts six times in total, and lives about two months.

The life process of silkworm is the greatness of "the silkworms in spring will die"!

Silkworm growth (3)

My family raises several silkworms, and I feed them mulberry leaves every day. Silkworms are getting fatter and fatter. My heart is happy. I sometimes play with them! A week later, I found that he had taken off his "green clothes" and put on his "yellow clothes", becoming yellow and thin.

A week later, I found that he took off his yellow clothes and changed into white clothes, which became white and tender.

A week later, I found that he took off his white clothes and put on new clothes.

Day by day passed like this. Silkworms are more fun than before. Sometimes they roll, fight and turn somersaults in my cardboard box. It's fun! However, the good times are not long. They suddenly don't eat or drink. I wonder if they are sick or dead? So I wanted to touch it with my hand, and then my mother stopped me: "Don't move! It's not dead yet, and then look down!"

Many days later, my mother took me to pick branches. I asked my mother: "Why do we want these branches?" My mother just smiled and didn't answer me. Back home, my mother put the branch on the box.

The next morning, a miracle appeared before my eyes! One by one, the silkworms climbed onto the branches and began to spin cocoons. They are like a group of ingenious girls weaving white beds to make themselves more comfortable. At night, the cocoons are all formed.

I waited for them to break out of the cocoon. On this day, I finally got there. One moth lost its life after breeding. This reminds me of an ancient poem, "Spring Silkworm Ends in Death"!

Silkworm growth (4)

1、 The silkworm eggs hatch

The newly born silkworm eggs are light yellow. With a magnifying glass, they look flat and a bit elliptical. With a ruler, they are about 1mm long. If they are kept at room temperature, they will gradually become purple black.

2、 Silkworm growth

1. Silkworms eat a lot. From the ant silkworm, they eat all day long and grow very fast. Every few days, they will stop eating and stay still, as if sleeping. This is sleep, and then molting. This process will be repeated four times, that is, after four molts, they will begin to spin silk and cocoon

2. The color of the silkworm's head begins to darken, indicating that it is about to molt. The silkworms after molting have tender skin and large body.

3、 Silkworm spinning and cocooning

1. After molting, silkworms become less fond of mulberry leaves, and their bodies will become shorter. At the same time, their body color will turn yellow, appear transparent, and their skin will be tight. They may start to spin silk and cocoon. At this time, they should prepare small grids for cocooning.

2. Silkworms like to spin silk and cocoon in the corner.

3. It is found that silkworms are about to spin silk. It is better to use cardboard to form many squares in the feeding box so that silkworms can spin silk in the lattice.

Since Mr. Wang, the science teacher, told us that we would start raising silkworm babies this semester, I was looking forward to getting the silkworm babies early. Finally one day, I got the eggs of silkworm babies. Silkworm babies' eggs are like black sesame seeds. I thought to myself: Isn't Silkworm babies fat and white? Why are its eggs black? Therefore, I began to raise silkworm babies with this question. Every day when I come home from school, I will open the box to see if the baby silkworm has come out of the shell? Under my care, after a few days, the first silkworm baby came out of the shell. The newly hatched silkworm is called Ant Silkworm. It is dark and looks like a small ant. I also thought: How can the Ant Silkworm turn into a white silkworm? So I began to observe the silkworm babies again. After a few weeks, my baby silkworm slowly grew up, and its color gradually changed from black to milky white. Only this time did I understand that baby silkworms are white when they are born, and it takes several stages for the first instar silkworms to become white. In the next few weeks, the silkworm babies ate mulberry leaves more and more quickly. When a piece of mulberry leaves was put down, the silkworm babies would wriggle over and eat mulberry leaves in large mouthfuls. Soon, small holes would appear on the mulberry leaves. I change mulberry leaves for it every day. A few days later, I saw a white thing in the box. After a careful look, it turned out that it was the baby silkworm cocooning. Although Silkworm Baby hasn't come out yet, I believe that what comes out of it must be a beautiful moth.

A few days ago, I got a group of lovely silkworm babies from my science teacher. I put them in a box covered with mulberry leaves, and helped them clean up their "room" every day, cleaning up the leftover leaves they ate. The newborn silkworm is gray and white, slightly larger than the ant. Under my careful care, they soon grew plump, white gradually increased, gray began to become less. Whenever I come home from school, I always remember to change fresh and delicious food for silkworm babies in time. Silkworm babies have fun eating! As soon as I put mulberry leaves into it, they can't wait to climb to the side of the mulberry leaves and scramble for "seats". Some eat from the edge of the mulberry leaves, some eat from the center of the leaves, and some like to drill into the back of the leaves to chew. They really eat in different ways. I hope the baby silkworm will grow stronger and stronger, and become a white and fat silkworm girl. Observe the beginning of the diary freely. As things begin, so does the composition. In fact, don't worry about how to start your composition. Keep silkworm babies as pets. Write about the color, appearance and changes of the silkworm babies. Look at "I" carefully. I specially observed the eating patterns of silkworm babies, so I wrote the eating patterns of silkworm babies. To write them as human beings is to use personification. For example, the cute and chubby silkworm babies are compared to the white plump girls. (2) One day after school, I suddenly found that Silkworm babies did not eat or move. I thought they were ill or dead, and I was so sad that I cried. My father told me that Silkworm Baby was not dead, just molting. I am doubtful and lie down beside the paper box to have a look

Silkworm growth (5)

Today, I took out the silkworm eggs, spread them on white paper, put them in a paper box, covered them with a cover with holes, and put them on the table. Be careful not to expose yourself to the sun. The silkworm eggs gradually become larger, white and transparent.

April 20 Temperature 27 degrees Monday

When the ant silkworm hatched, I cut the prepared fresh mulberry leaves into strips and fed them to the ant silkworm. Attention: the ant silkworm must be fed well, the mulberry leaves fed must be kept fresh and dry, and the feces and residual leaves must be regularly cleaned.

April 28 Temperature 27 degrees Tuesday

Another week later, the baby silkworm had some abnormalities. He did not eat mulberry leaves and sometimes did not move. This is the phenomenon of silkworm babies molting. Silkworm babies generally molt every other week. After 4 times of molting, the baby silkworm is whiter and fatter than before. After a period of growth, it will no longer eat mulberry leaves, and its body will become bright. At this time, the baby silkworm will begin to cocoon.

May 21 Temperature 29 Thursday

Early in the morning, in order to facilitate the cocooning of silkworm babies, I built a frame for silkworm babies with a wooden stick. When I came home from school, I found some messy cocoon silk on the stick. Maybe it was the support made by silkworm for cocooning itself. Within two days, the silkworm became smaller and smaller, and was surrounded by a large number of silk bales it spit out. In this way, the cocoon was ready. It is true that the silkworms in spring are dying.

This is the growth process of the silkworm I observed.