600 words composition of smiling face life (19 recommended)
Northern Girl
2023-09-04 07:06:47
Junior 1

600 words composition for smiling at life (1)

Face life with a smile

Life is like a novel, with twists and turns, bitter and sweet. Since flowers have been sprinkled on the road.

There must be thorns and rugged places. Life is not plain sailing. In the face of these, we should have a positive position to live. Therefore, face life with a smile.

Reading Pushkin's "If Life Deceives You", I was deeply moved by a sentence: "Melancholy days need calm: believe it, happy days will come." Only when you are full of determination and belief in life, life will not abandon you forever. As long as you are full of calm about life, success will not be far away from you.

Helen Keller, who was blind with both eyes and deaf with both ears, painstakingly wrote the world famous book "If You Give Me Three Days of Light". Even though her steps were inconvenient and the environment was even worse, she was calm and comfortable after struggling with her thoughts, detached from the unbearable pain of ordinary people, and wrote her dream into this book, so that everyone could appreciate her noble soul; Ludwig van Beethoven was deaf in his middle age, but he did not give up his pursuit of music. He used a small stick to complete the amazing world famous music "Symphony of Destiny", which made people feel his unremitting pursuit and persistence in the simple sound of music. They can become great people, not only because of their outstanding achievements, but also because of their attitude and spirit towards life, which has touched thousands of people who are full of hope for life in the future generations, and made them feel the encouragement and support across the ages.

"A Brief History of the Universe" has stirred the world, and its author is Stephen Hawking, who has suffered from Lugaret's disease for a long time. Why can a man with paralyzed limbs, unable to move his lower body, and unable to articulate clearly create a millennium masterpiece beyond relativity and quantum mechanics? Stephen Hawking is such a legend. Like Helen Keller and Beethoven, he transcended the unimaginable thinking of ordinary people, turned the suffering he faced into a driving force for progress, and treated everything with his own positive stance.

Yeah! If we face the world with a positive attitude, the obstacles in front of us will disappear.

Smile at life

No matter what difficulties I meet, I always smile. I know it can't solve anything, but it makes me have a positive and optimistic attitude.

Life is always like this. There are many disappointments. I know that the road of life cannot be smooth. This has become a difficult problem for many people, making them become depressed and pessimistic, as if they have lost their determination, faith and hope in everything.

But I don't think so. There is a strong contrast between pessimism and optimism. The words "sad" and "happy" are so conspicuous. Even if we try to face it with pessimistic ideas, what can it say and solve? What can I get? More will be lost in this way. It's better to keep a good attitude and face life with a smile. Maybe you will find that the world is not so bad. God always pity me.

I believe that most of the troubles of students come from schools and families. In school, we must study hard. The double pressure of teachers and parents is so heavy at the moment. In other words, teachers and parents want us to have a better tomorrow, a better future and a better life. For this, we have to fight. When you are missing and in mourning, you might as well think about your wonderful life after your efforts. You will feel moist and happy when you think about it. They put their troubles behind them and forgot all the happy and unhappy ones.

Smile, not discouraged, not proud. You will find how beautiful the world is. Let's keep it in mind. Let's work together for a better day of tinnitus, a better future and a better life!

Raise your hands and follow my rhythm "If you feel happy, clap your hands. If you feel happy, clap your hands. If you feel happy, clap your hands, clap your hands. Oh! If you feel happy, clap your hands..."

Face life with a smile

Perhaps, from then on, she no longer smiled, and her life was like stagnant water from that moment on. Just because her friends will never come back

He had to lead the army to fight, and she could only send him off in silence. He stayed up at night, hoping for his safe return day and night. I want him to return triumphantly, to dance lightly, to speak softly

Just waiting quietly, hoping that he would return far away, playing the piano and chanting the moon together. Just wait for the sunset to return, never wait for you to return. After staying overnight, I finally waited for the king, but I didn't see the invincible God of War, just the fatigued end hero who was defeated and returned to account. Her heart could not be calm for a long time.

Without him, I would still say goodbye to an ordinary woman who lives a simple life and adds infinite charm to her ordinary life. In the past, she and he wanted to be together, but they were blocked many times. They overcame difficulties all the way through the storm. Their faith has always been so firm, and they never thought of shrinking back. They have been together ever since. But now he wants to leave her, only to see that she has gradually become gloomy.

His tired eyes opened slightly, and he vaguely saw her tears. Never seen such crystal tears, the corners of his mouth slightly turned to the most beautiful woman who gave him the most beautiful smile in the past.

The slight appearance of his mouth seemed to convey the pursuit of love with a smile. Anyway, her eyes are so bright. She has a deep connection with him, and she deeply understands what he wants to say at this time from his expression. But she still dare not face

He knew that she was very fond of him, and his departure would certainly make her sad, but what he wanted to do most was to make her happy. Although he had to leave her now, he was so hoping that the woman he loved who was sad in front of him could face life with a smile, and he tried his best, Say what I want to say most: "I can't be happy with you anymore, but I don't want you to lose happiness because of me... Our love is endless, just a change of form. My greatest happiness is having you, and my rarest happiness is having you, a woman who brings me the most beautiful smile (he looks at her so sweetly) I hope you can live a happy life with our love and smile, and you should allow me... "She knows that her commitment is an interpretation of her love with him, and she will live a happy life for him.

She didn't say anything, but she just braced up and danced for him again. What a dance it was: her pale yellow dress, bright eyes and white teeth, bold and vigorous, charming and moving. Her eyes were touched by stars, and the corners of her smiling mouth were no longer gloomy.

He, quietly left, and she, will also take his love and smile to live.

Farewell to the bank is still charming, and the bamboo house still exists. She quietly faces everything in life with his love and happiness. Farewell to the men, women and children at the bank all like her dance. She has been selflessly bringing happiness to others. She has also got happiness from it, simple happiness, and happy life with his love.

600 words composition for smiling at life (2)

Smile is a sunny and upward position. Smiling in the face of life is a positive attitude towards life. The following is Xiaobian's 600 word composition with a smile facing life. Welcome to read it for reference!

Smile at life 600 words composition 1

Failure is inevitable in life. In the face of failure and frustration, it is optimistic and confident to smile away; It is a kind of courage to rally. And do we have it?

Zhang Haidi, Wu Minxia and others all face life with smiles.

When Zhang Haidi was 5 years old, she suffered from spinal cord hemangioma and high paraplegia. As a result, she did not go to school. As a child, she began to learn knowledge by herself with indomitable perseverance. She taught herself professional courses in primary schools, middle schools and universities. At the age of 15, Zhang Haidi was sent to a poor mountain village in Shenxian County, Liaocheng with her parents, but she was not afraid of hard life, but dedicated her youth with an optimistic spirit. There, she taught the children in the village primary school, overcame various difficulties, learned medical knowledge, and enthusiastically treated villagers with acupuncture. During her stay in Shenxian County, she treated more than 10000 people for free, which was warmly praised by people.

According to the past personality of Chinese athletes, if they did not win the gold medal, they were generally reluctant to be interviewed by reporters after the game. To the reporter's surprise, Wu Minxia, who has the delicate and elegant characteristics of a Shanghai girl, seems not depressed by losing her gold medal. On the contrary, her sun flushed face has always been wearing a natural sweet smile. After the game, she embraced her opponent very generously and sent sincere congratulations to him. In terms of her personal appearance, temperament and loveliness, Wu Minxia was not inferior to Guo Jingjing.

In the face of misinterpretation and hatred, a smile is a kind of magnanimous acceptance, and then maintain their true colors, which is a kind of philosophical. In the face of praise and encouragement, it is a kind of humility and sobriety to laugh off, and then keep forging ahead, which is a kind of strength. In the face of troubles and worries, it is a kind of peace and relief to laugh away, and then try to resolve it, which is a kind of realm.

Dumas Dumas once said that life is a rosary composed of countless small troubles, and a philosophical life is to count the rosary with a smile.

I think life is like a rosary, so we should face failure with a smile. Let's give failure a bright smile and create a better life!

Smile at life 600 words composition 2

In one's life, setbacks are inevitable, and only such a life can be colorful.

Einstein made many important discoveries in his life, but how many people knew of the failures he had encountered? When he was young, he was once regarded as a "benzene child". After a long time, no one found the shadow of genius in him, and how did he succeed? He smiled and regarded failure as the "stepping stone" to success. Isn't it important to smile?

Mencius once said, "When the sky is about to take on a great task, people must first work hard, strain their muscles and bones, starve their skin, and empty their bodies. Brushing disrupts what they do, so they are patient and have benefited what they cannot." Is it not important to have setbacks?

Smile, frustration, there will be success.

Failure is often accompanied by success, and failure is the mother of success.

Zhuge Liang once said, "A good loser never dies." In ancient times, defeat is a common thing for soldiers. Since ancient times, how many ever victorious generals? In modern times, there must be countless failures behind those great scientists, but they always have determination and faith, always face with a strong smile, and will not stop until they achieve success.

Smile, light your heart with your heart; Smile and surpass dreams with dreams; Smile and sow seeds with sprouts; Smile, set off hope with hope.

Please imagine whether the sea will lose its majesty if it loses the rolling of huge waves; If the desert loses the wild dance of flying sand, will it lose its splendor? If you know the exact answers to these questions, then you must know that if life loses setbacks, then life must also lose its charm! You should know that failure does not represent the result, it represents only a process, it represents a kind of experience, it represents a wealth that can never be obtained by comfortable people!

So let's face failure accurately and create our own glory with a strong smile!

Smile at life 600 words composition 3

"Laugh often, and good luck comes naturally." Although we know that smiling often may not bring good luck, but laughter can promote blood circulation. More importantly, laughter is the best expression of a person. Laughing often can make a person cheerful.

Smile is a kind of smile. Although it will not be fierce, it is purely natural.

I am a "optimist" who laughs when nothing happens. I have a habit of giving people nicknames. Everyone I know is lucky. Because my "crow mouth" has offended many students, and occasionally I will be retaliated. But most of them were made by me. This time they "rebelled" and ganged up to bully me. "Three cobblers are the best, Zhuge Liang" I am outnumbered, but they seem to be relentless in "besieging" me.

Later, they quarreled so much that they said something that was not nutritious. When things got out of hand, we made a scene like we lost our soul.

Oh, no, we changed from fighting to fighting. Exaggerate! Even the schoolbag was thrown to the first floor, but the sturdy schoolbag was undamaged. When the noise became serious, the teacher came to stop it, so that everyone could calm down. We were criticized and our friendship broke down. It was a long time ago.

One day, a student wanted to transfer. Although our heart knot has not yet been opened, we are good friends after all. We met before he set out, so our hearts were opened. Our friendship has become stronger. I sent him away with a smile.

Smile is the bridge that concrete can strengthen friendship. When we met, we smiled at each other without speaking, but our eyes gave each other the answer. Maybe you guessed right, we forgive each other.

Smile! When you and your friends don't edit music, smile to understand each other; when you learn difficult problems, smile to face them; when you are sad and cry, smile to touch the pain. "Laugh often, good luck comes naturally." I really want to shout a thousand times to let the world hear. Please try to smile at all the problems.

600 words composition of smiling face life (3)

Hugo said, "Smile is Voltaire. The writer, with his deep eyes, makes us feel his broad-minded mind and the true meaning of his smile." People said, "Smile is the old man of the century - Bingxin." Her chaste heart and optimistic attitude towards life make us feel that smile is a kind of mind and realm again, Because it marks a person's measurement, a tolerant heart.

Life is like a beautiful scenery. During this journey, we will inevitably encounter various strange landscapes. However, as long as we concentrate on appreciating and feeling with a good mood, you will feel that "with a good mood, you will have a good life."

When we stand elegantly on a high place to enjoy the scenery, we will not forget the hardships along the way. When we are exhausted, we might as well look back and smile, give ourselves a determination and a belief, and give ourselves an encouragement, just as: no matter how beautiful a flower is, it will wither. Although its fragrance only lasts for a moment, it will still blossom into beautiful flowers, and it will also emit a pungent fragrance. For small flowers, it is their best "smile" to give all their beautiful and subtle fragrance to human beings. However, when we face it with a smile and face ourselves accurately, you will find that a gentle "smile" will make you win the whole world.

In life, we may all find that laughter is often more than sorrow and pain. Why? At one time, many people were puzzled by this problem, and today there is no fair explanation. Maybe it's natural!

Life is destined to make us smile more, so why don't we make ourselves happy; Why not give yourself a smile, give others a smile, give life a smile. Let's face life with a smile!

600 words composition of smiling face life (4)

When you face life with a smile, life will give you the gifts you deserve.

Living on campus, I left my parents and my vacation. Living in a small space with a group of strangers. The days seem so boring, and the goal seems so far away, but I am also a passionate and introverted person. I am keen on writing my mood in the white paper with water in the bright ink.

I am very quiet, and my surroundings are also very quiet. Their talk and laughter seemed meaningless to me. Their laughter on their faces is just a filling of boring life. I was so lazy that I felt sleepy. I just heard the sound of knowledge coming from the platform and the response of some reward recognition. I sneer. The bald paper outside the window is sprouting, and the rain is falling. I want to walk in the rain, but in my timidity, strange eyes look through my depression. I have to say that I am pessimistic, and I am also a competitive person. I can use laughter to hide my mind in front of others. God does not agree, but let my mind be exposed on my face.

Along the way, the scenery in a hurry and the voices of various people came into and out of the eyes and ears. I live in paralysis, paralysis in life. Pessimism flooded my heart, paralyzed my heart, confused and complicated, but the laughter in front of them seemed to be a ray of light in life. I can't refuse. I can't be a wooden man. There is still an optimistic heart in my heart, and an optimistic consciousness in my mind. I want to get rid of my depression, someone replied, forget yourself. Someone answered, smiling at life. "Face life with a smile"? Philosophers have their loneliness, poets have their loneliness. Yeah! Smile at life, but we don't need loneliness in youth.

I must put aside the loneliness that has soaked in my heart for many years, and I will use the sunshine of my youth to melt this layer of ice. Let the heart garden of youth blossom in spring. Find with enthusiasm, be happy with optimism, and be strong with confidence. Smile at life. Look at the road under your feet carefully, and constantly appreciate the strange shapes of sand, stones, flowers and plants along the road, making life fragrant all the way. I also always believe that life is an interesting amusement park. As long as you visit every scenery carefully, you will get the gift of life.

After leaving my parents and home, I have close friends and respected teachers, and I have a calm heart to imagine my heaven. Naturally, I am pessimistic, but at least I have the awareness to recognize it... In fact, if I look at life with a smile, I will also find hope in life. Where is the smile? Just wait for me to create! Come on! Come on, my water and wood years.

600 words composition of smiling face life (5)

Smile is the most beautiful language in the world. Disappointed, look at the blue sky and smile. Is there a sense of calm in your heart? Be proud, smile at the flowers, will you feel a little comfortable? Smiling at life, you will find that the sun is waving to you, and the night is not lonely!

As the saying goes, "Smile, ten years old!" Life is inevitably full of melancholy clouds and mists, and smiling can dispel the sadness. Why don't we often smile? There was a story about a little boy who was abandoned by his mother when he was young, and his father was paralyzed by a car accident. He was withdrawn and introverted. The haze in his heart covered his whole world, and he became more melancholy and sad. However, the appearance of a teacher changed his life and taught him to laugh at life. Since then, the boy has shouldered the burden of the family and smiled in the face of the eclipsed home. The boy's world has more smiles, more relief, and life is also stable. Face life with a smile, and your heart will suddenly open up. Dear friends, why not let a smile replace a frown? Why not let a smile fill your eyebrows?

Smile is the key to unlock the shackles of the soul. We are always looking for something, but we don't know that smile is the most beautiful thing. Smile can make strangers who meet by chance become bosom friends; Smile can make the bitter tears disappear; Smile, can let the true feelings pass in silence; Smile, can let people in desperate situation get rebirth. How many people were fascinated by the world famous oil painting Mona Lisa? The mysterious smile and gentle eyes seemed to be the tender moonlight of Nian, and the rippling lake. Does that flower like smile intoxicate you? This is a realm, a realm of smiles.

Open your heart and let the sun shine through. Face life with a smile and open the door to communication. David Cornins is a typical example. When he was young, David Cornins was always shy, timid, not good at communication and speech. Under the guidance of Mrs. Roosevelt, he walked towards life with a smile and embarked on the road of writing, eventually becoming a famous' writer '. His smile brings both friendship and honor. People can't live without a smile. Who wants to face a cold face all day? Who wants to live a dull life? More smiles, more friendliness! In fact, smile is a wealth.

When a friend gains honor, a smile is the warmest blessing; When life is full of clouds, smile is a good medicine; When you are in a happy mood, smile is the most comfortable and natural beauty... May life be full of smiles, let's face life with a smile!

600 words composition for smiling at life (6)

People or the world will face a lot of things every day. There are not only laughter and happiness in life, but also suffering and sadness. When we face adversity, don't be sad or sad. We should face life with a smile, then we will get a different life.

Not everyone will live very smoothly. No one goes on a grand road and sits in a boat sailing on the calm sea. Occasionally, they have to be scratched by glass pieces or small gravel. Occasionally, they have to try to stimulate the feeling of being swept up by the strong wind and surviving safely. There is no God in this world, so there is no perfection.

Try to greet anything with a smile. Difficulties are really difficult to solve. Don't look for trouble first. Try to observe from another happy angle. Don't go into a blind alley. Luck may give you a helping hand. You will find that it is not that God is bad for you, but that you are unaware of the infinite happiness in life.

It's like two people walking on the desert. One person said sadly to the only half bottle of water: "Alas, there is only half a bottle of water left." The other person was in a different mood. He looked at the half bottle of water and said happily, "Oh, great, there is still half a bottle of water left!" The two people faced the same situation, but their attitudes were very different. If you think like the first person, you can only feel fear and unwilling to live; If you think optimistically like the second person, you will feel God's mercy and passion for life. Which of the two different attitudes would you choose?

When we face the difficulties in life, try to solve them with a smile. Don't be sad, but treat life with a positive attitude. Then you will find that life will give you a bright tomorrow, and your life will always be full of happiness and happiness.

600 words composition of smiling face life (7)

Smile is the most beautiful language in the world. Disappointed, look at the blue sky and smile. Is there a sense of calm in your heart? Is there any comfort in your heart when you smile at the flowers? Smile at life, and you will find that the sun is waving to you, and the night is not lonely!

As the saying goes, "Smile, ten years old!" Life is inevitably full of melancholy clouds and mists, and smiling can dispel the sadness. Why don't we often smile? There was a story about a little boy who was abandoned by his mother when he was young and his father was paralyzed by a car accident. He was withdrawn and introverted. The haze in his heart covered his whole world, and he became more melancholy and sad. However, the appearance of a teacher changed his life and taught him to laugh at life. Since then, the boy has shouldered the burden of the family and smiled in the face of the eclipsed home. The boy's world has more smiles, more relief, and life is also stable. Face life with a smile, and your heart will suddenly brighten. Dear friends, why not let a smile replace a frown? Why not let a smile fill your eyebrows?

Smile is the key to unlock the shackles of the soul. We are always looking for something, but we don't know that smile is the most beautiful thing. Smile can make strangers who meet by chance become bosom friends; Smile can make the bitter tears disappear; Smile, can let the true feelings pass in silence; Smile, can let people in desperate situation get rebirth. How many people were fascinated by the world famous oil painting Mona Lisa? The mysterious smile and gentle eyes seemed to be the tender moonlight of Nian, and the rippling lake. Does that flower like smile intoxicate you? This is a realm, a realm of smiles.

Open your heart and let the sun shine through. Face life with a smile and open the door to communication. David Cornins is a typical example. When he was young, David Cornins was always shy, timid, not good at communication and speech. Under the guidance of Mrs. Roosevelt, he walked towards life with a smile and embarked on the road of writing, finally becoming a famous writer. His smile brings both friendship and honor. People can't live without a smile. Who wants to face a cold face all day? Who wants to live a dull life? More smiles, more friendliness! In fact, smile is a wealth.

When a friend gains honor, a smile is the warmest blessing; When life is full of clouds, smile is a good medicine; When you are in a happy mood, smile is the most comfortable and natural beauty... May life be filled with smiles, let's face life with a smile!

600 words composition for smiling at life (8)

Smile, in fact, is powerful. Look at those ordinary happy smiles, which tell us that life is very simple—— notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

Smile is the most beautiful noun, although it is only a radian of the lips.

Smile is the most beautiful adjective, although it is only the ① part of the smiling face.

In life, there are often people who smile in their memories, and there are also people who worry about life. Some people's backs expand like physical changes, while some scenes are shrinking. Some people see through the world too early and are doomed; Some people wake up too late and let the right one be there forever. What should we do in such a world?

The world is very delicate, which will make people unable to retrieve some things. So, should we give up? Should we be decadent?

No, we can't. We should use a smile to give ourselves and others warmth. Give others a care and comfort with a smile.

In life, some people have no worries about food and clothing, some are powerless to live, some are wasteful, and some are coming back and forth in the roadside alleys. Some people don't, and some people worry about money all day and night. In such a day, should we take money as the only goal, or even do some outrageous things? No, no, nor can we do that. We should smile and tell ourselves with a smile that money is not the whole of life. We can exchange it through hard work. We should use a smile to decorate the poor, simple life or the rich and rich life more perfectly!! I can't forget Hawking's example. It's sad that he was told that he suffered from an incurable disease when he was admitted to Oxford University in England. But he was not depressed because the world was unfair to him, nor did he give up his original pursuit and goal. He still lives well, does what he should do, and treats his life with a smile. Even though he could only spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair, his hands could not write. In this way, he lived longer than the doctor expected. This is the power, the power of smile. The power of smile can even fly far away, bringing comfort and care to more people. Smile is a kind of radian, the most beautiful radian. Smile is a seed that can grow into a towering tree. Smile is a feather, too gentle to look good. Smile is a power that can change life, change destiny, and even change the world. In this case, why don't we face life with a smile? So smile! Face life like this!!!

600 words composition of smiling face life (9)

Smile at life 600 words composition

No matter what difficulties I encounter, I always smile. I know it can't solve anything, but it makes me have a positive and optimistic attitude.

notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

Life is always like this. There are many disappointments. I know that the road of life cannot be smooth. This has become a difficult problem for many people, making them become depressed and pessimistic, as if they have lost confidence and hope in everything.

But I don't think so. Pessimism and optimism are in sharp contrast, how conspicuous the word "sadness and happiness" is. Even if we face it with pessimistic thoughts, what can it say and solve? What can I get? More will be lost in this way. It's better to keep a good attitude and face life with a smile. Maybe you will find that the world is not so bad, and God always pity me.

I believe that most of the troubles of students come from schools and families. In school, we have to study hard. The pressure of teachers and parents is so heavy at the moment. In other words, teachers and parents want us to have a better tomorrow, a better future and a better life. For this, we have to fight. When you are lost and in mourning, you may want to think about the good life after your efforts. You will feel moist and happy when you think about it. They put the 'troubles' behind them and forgot all the happy and unhappy ones.

Smile, not discouraged, not proud. You will find how beautiful the world is. Let's keep it in mind. Let's fight together for a better day of tinnitus, a better future and a better life!

Raise your hands and follow my rhythm. If you feel happy, clap your hands. If you feel happy, clap your hands. If you feel happy, clap your hands, clap your hands. Oh! When you feel happy, clap your hands

Liu Meiling, Junior Two, Taizhimiao Middle School, Xinshao County, Shaoyang City, Hunan Province

600 words composition of smiling face life (10)

Smile at life, you will drive away the haze and usher in the light; Smile at life, you will drive away inferiority and regain self-confidence; Smile at life, you will be indifferent to fame and wealth, quiet Zhiyuan.

What will you do when flowers and medals of honor come to you? Is it exultation, dancing happily and not knowing the southeast and northwest, or is it calm and smiling? If you are excited and ecstatic, you are bound to get disaster because of happiness and become sad because of extreme happiness. Think about it: Who in all times and in all over the world has achieved new glory by sleeping on the merit book? Surely not? But as long as you smile, everything returns to normal. You should continue to work, learn, and do, so that you can gain more glory.

You may ask: It's easy for me to smile in the face of success, but life is not always smooth? What if I fail?

Yeah! When you are walking on a road full of thorns and bumps, what should you do? Is it cowardly, afraid to move forward, staying in place forever, or is it smiling, pulling out the thorns one by one? Even if it stabbed your hand, you still smiled and said, "It's lucky that it didn't stab my eyes"? We must choose to face with a smile. If you always stay in the old place and don't want to make progress, you will be eliminated by the society. But if you are optimistic, fearless, and cut through the thorns, then victory will not be far away from you, and you will also love life more.

Look! There are so many benefits to face life with a smile, why don't we face it with a smile?

"Smile, ten years old; worry, white head", perhaps this traditional old saying can also explain the benefits of smiling in the face of life. Please face life with a smile! Life can be sunny or dark, but we have only one choice: smile.

Friends, let's smile together! Face life with a smile! Life, always want to live in the past, since you can smile, can also cry, then why don't we choose to smile?

600 words composition of smiling face life (11)

The most beautiful flower in the world is not a rose, not a lotus, nor a peony, but a smile. Smile is a flower, the most beautiful flower. It doesn't need too much words, just a shallow smile, maybe, it will achieve a miracle.

Smile is an oasis in the boundless desert, which makes you feel the excitement of hope when you are in despair; Smile is a ray of bright sunshine in the storm, illuminating your devastated soul; Smile is a boat in the vast sea, guiding you in the direction of confusion. Put a smile on yourself. I appreciate a famous saying: face life with a smile, no matter what! In life, raise your head, squint your eyes, and raise your mouth to give yourself a beautiful radian; In life, no matter success or failure, no matter gain or loss, you should give yourself a smile. Giving yourself a smile is not only a kind of expression, but also represents a kind of mentality and wisdom. Smile at success or failure. Smile is the catalyst, which makes you more motivated to move forward in the face of setbacks; Smile is a stimulant. Facing thorns and frustrations, you rush into the dark forest. What greets you is sunshine, spring and success. Give yourself a smile, but also give others a happy‘ Harmony generates wealth. Never underestimate a smile. A smile will make you happy and successful. Smile will change your life; Never underestimate a smile, a smile gives you the courage to despise the trapped. When life is like a huge mountain, pressing on yourself, what gives you strength and confidence is a smile. We need to learn to filter our mood and be good at giving our mood a holiday. Keep running, let our laughter with a bit bitter. Therefore, we should always clean the mental storeroom, sweep out yesterday's troubles, make room for the mind, and store more today's happiness. Sometimes life is to live a mood, and the quality of mood is also the quality of life. There are some unhappy things in life. As the ancients said, "Ten things are not going well in life." The fact that things are good or bad cannot be changed. No matter how sad or sad you are, it's useless. It's better to give yourself a smile. Don't need too many words, don't need gorgeous decoration, just a shallow smile, perhaps, is a wonderful.

Standing on the podium again, I was in tension and anxiety again, but a faint smile calmed me down, which not only gave me enough confidence, but also brought eternal warmth to others, just because I believed that "I can do it". What's more, even if you become a loser, a smile, everything will pass, just want to leave a confident smile for yourself, for the future. Think of any famous person in all times and in all over the world who has never experienced failure? But they all chose to give themselves a confident smile in the face of failure. Deng Yaping chose to smile, Tai Lihua chose to smile, Helen Keller chose to smile, Zhang Haidi also chose to smile... It is confidence that gives me a smile, and it is also a smile that gives me confidence.

Maybe in our life, we will encounter a lot of troubles, such as failing the exam, failing to achieve our aspirations, failing to achieve our goals... But if we don't have these, in Fu Lei's words, we will be too tired of being a man. Besides, even if we are sad or even cry, it will not help us to vent. What we should do is to figure out how to face the future. One year later, we will enter the examination room of the middle school entrance examination. One year later, we will enter the palace of high school. One year later, we will fly the wings of our ideals! One more year, no! There is only one year left. We can't abandon ourselves any more. Cheer up! Let's face setbacks, failures, misfortunes and all the "stumbling blocks" in life with a more brilliant smile formed by confident smile, tolerant smile and beautiful smile. Let's gently raise the corners of our mouths!

600 words composition of smiling face life (12)

On the road of growth, smiles accompany us all the way. These smiles are kindness, happiness, and emotion. They help me learn how to treat life well from different perspectives.

A smile is like a rain after a long drought, which is enough to nourish the dry hearts of desperate people. I remember a story: there was an employee in a company who had great ambitions and ideals, but was always dissatisfied with the status quo, or even divorced from reality. In the conversation with the company's leaders or customers, he put his hard to achieve ideals through, but everyone did not recognize his "unconstrained" plan. One after another, he was frustrated, and the subsequent conversations were of no avail. Gradually, his family also became extremely dissatisfied with his practice, thinking that his career was unrealistic, and under too much pressure, they often quarreled with his wife, who finally chose to leave him. Because of divorce and the loss of his favorite person, he was very sad and disappointed. He didn't understand why everyone opposed him and felt that there was no good person in the world. He was full of hatred for the world, frustrated and disillusioned with life, and made the decision to end his life. He decided to walk into the 100 meter tall building in front of him and end his life at the top of the building, because it was closer to the sky of the city.

With his head down, he walked into the lobby on the first floor and walked towards the elevator beside the service desk. "Hello, sir! What kind of business do you need to handle?" The sweet voice from the service desk came into his ears. He looked up and saw a lady standing in front of the service desk with a smile. "It's a familiar face. It seems familiar. Hum, how could it be possible? How could anyone know me?" He thought to himself, lowered his head and shook a wry smile, and continued to move forward. "Wait! Amin!" cried the lady who had just spoken. The man suddenly raised his head and turned around. "Do you know me?" the man asked in surprise. "I'm Ah Zhu, Xiao Li's best friend!" The woman's name was Ah Zhu. Xiao Li was Ah Ming's ex-wife. Ah Ming seemed to remember something but didn't say much. Later, Ah Zhu asked Ah Ming to sit down and talk, but Ah Ming could not refuse. "In fact, I have heard from Xiao Li about you and know your current situation. Ah Ming, you can't give up. You should work harder. I believe you can succeed." Ah Zhu said earnestly, "I have a friend who has shared your ideas with him. He is interested in your plan. He thinks you should look more at the market demand and improve it." This news was like a timely help. He did not expect that anyone would recognize him. He was very excited: "Thank you, Ah Zhu! I, I, I..." He has been incoherent, A Zhu smiled again. He found the sun in his heart, a sun with great power. He got out of his confusion, fog like confusion, and the sunshine gave him hope for life. He understood the hard work. He firmly believed that there would be something useful for those who worked hard. He continued to embark on the journey of hard work and realize his own ideal.

"Laughter is sunshine, which can eliminate the winter color on people's faces." This is the definition of smile by Hugo, a French writer. Did you see it? The power of smile.

A smile is enough to create an amazing miracle. Hawking is a miracle of the world. It is sad that he was told that he suffered from an incurable disease when he was admitted to Oxford University. However, he was not upset because the world was unfair to him, nor did he give up his pursuit and goals. He smiles at himself every day. He doesn't complain about the shortness of life, but lives happily day by day. He also did not know when the god of death would come. He was ready every day and welcomed each new day with an optimistic attitude. It is precisely because of his positive and optimistic attitude that he can not live longer than the doctor's budget, which is a great miracle in the world.

Laughter is like the sun, which gathers thousands of strands into a beam of light, shining on the heartless pain, but also on the cold heart; Laughter is like a river. It flows in all directions into a big river, flowing in the desert and Gobi, as well as in the mountains and vegetation. Smiles bring us warmth, and also bring us hope. Life is colorful and interesting with a smile.

Smile is a beautiful arc, which sets up bridges of truth, kindness and beauty in our hearts; Smile is a seed, today's fragile, but tomorrow's big tree; Smile is a force that can change life, destiny and even the world. Be good at life and smile, are you ready?

600 words composition of smiling face life (13)

Laugh at life and yourself. Smiles always influence us and the things around us with their unique appeal and appeal. Smile with magic, blooming the spirit of life.

With a smile on your face, the morning light is shining. Smile is the heart singing of walking and singing, arousing the optimism in people's hearts; Smile is a song to drink in the leisure pavilion under the moon, expressing depression and regaining the brightness; Smile is the first ray of sunshine in the morning, which warms the frozen soul. Smiles are silent, but can calm your impatience and anxiety; Smile is simple, everyone has it but intoxicating. Smiles are extremely valuable, but the lack of smiles is very common in today's society. It is increasingly rare for people to raise their corners of the mouth. Faces that are expressionless and do not allow strangers to enter are extremely depressing.

We are numbed to smile at the corners of our mouth by the colorful and materialistic life and the competitive and fast-paced life. It seems that we are used to chasing and looking for our roles in the crowd. We are blind to the direction of our progress, growing up alone, lacking smiles, and isolating ourselves. After a night's sleep, people put on serious faces and fresh air, clean streets, golden morning light, as if the next second is the end of the world.

Living with a smile is an attitude. Even if we meet by chance, your smile will bring vitality to his heart like ripples in the lake. Smile at others, and your smile will connect you and form a friendly bond. Someone said, "Give roses and leave fragrance in your hands." When you treat life and people around you with a smile, you will find that the light on the road of life guides you. Your optimistic smile will give you infinite strength to overcome it even if there is temporary hardship. You will find that when you treat others with a smile, others will repay you with a smile.

Smiles give you charm, spirituality, smiling eyes, curved eyebrows are the most beautiful looks. "Do you have an intoxicating smile?" If everyone smiles at life and interacts with others, the world will be more beautiful and colorful.

With a smile, the spring blossoms and the ice melts.

600 words composition of smiling face life (14)

In learning and life, people will inevitably encounter setbacks. Frustration is inevitable in life. We should face setbacks correctly, with a good attitude, take setbacks as stepping stones, and make unremitting efforts for our own ideals. Sunshine is always the darkest after rain and before dawn, so when encountering setbacks, do not despair, but face them with a smile.

I am now in the third day of junior high school. My life in the third day of junior high school is very tense. I can't finish my homework every day. It is always boring. Sometimes, even when this teacher just finishes class and leaves the classroom, another teacher will come one after another, not giving the students a chance to breathe. In addition, some teachers also take the rest of the students and ignore their sleep, They took their textbooks to give us a lecture. Although they all know the teacher's intentions, they still don't want to live such a life.

Therefore, some students will have a negative attitude in class, unable to concentrate and listen carefully in class; Even every morning when I heard the bell of Shangcao, I sighed and felt bad every day. While some students often wear smiling faces every day, they are very happy to do sports, give themselves a smile every day, and take the trouble to do the homework assigned by the teacher. The life of the third day is still orderly, tense but very happy. In contrast, of course, the latter is better. Therefore, smile is vital to life, and it is indispensable every day.

When you encounter difficulties, you should not encourage yourself for several years, believe that you can do it, face it with a positive attitude, and do not abandon yourself. When you succeed, you should continue to work hard after the tide of applause and smiles, and not be immersed in pride; When you are discouraged, give yourself a smile to increase your confidence. When you take an exam, you can calmly respond to the challenge and play your normal level only if you do not have anxiety and face it with a smile; The waiters who serve the guests in the hotel do not treat the customers with a serious look, but treat the customers with a smile and encourage themselves with a smile, which can satisfy the customers and make themselves successful.

Smile can help people overcome setbacks and darkness. Smile can lead people to success. Smile can eliminate anxiety. Smile can make people happy. So start a new day with a smile, end each day with a smile, and give yourself a smile!

600 words composition of smiling face life (15)

Every healthy heart will have some dark time, in which we will need to smile.

I still remember that I was very homesick when I was just in junior high school, but I went to a boarding school far away from home, and only returned home once every two months. During that period of time when I just entered school, I was homesick and thought that I would cry in the middle of the night, which scared the people in my dormitory to death. But I was also a stubborn person. I always didn't like to tell others about my worries, so I kept holding back.

All people thought I was just too young to adapt, but no one comforted me. Later, during the Dragon Boat Festival, our school did not have a holiday. I was homesick in the corridor and cried. One of my classmates told me not to be homesick after a long time, saying that she was homesick like me. She accompanied me to look at my direction and smiled at me.

I have always been very grateful to this classmate. Maybe she just happened to comfort me, but I still remember her for four years now. At that time, his smile was like a gospel to me. When people are most afraid, they want someone to see their fear. I am the deep-rooted one. I thank that classmate. Now we are not in the same class in high school, but we are still friends.

A smile may have no effect on oneself, but for those who are in sorrow, it is an angelic purity, a gift from God. One smile may not change anything, but if there are many smiles and many people start these smiles together, then the power is endless.

Everyone should smile, whether it is to treat familiar or unfamiliar people, whether it is to treat good or unfriendly people, whether it is to treat older, younger or younger people. The smiling object has no age, no familiarity, and no difference in kindness. This is not only to give others a smiling face, but also to give yourself a happy day.

The taste of smile is the best taste you think. Smile at everyone, and you will get a smile.

600 words composition of smiling face life (16)

The taste of smile is sweet. It is a kind of sweet filled with honey, which warms the heart. Smile in life makes people feel comfortable. It brings friendliness and companionship; Bring trust, let estrangement go, bring confidence, and let hope stay... Smile is the spice of life and an indispensable part of life.

Smile is the first ray of sunshine after the cold winter, warm and bright. Smile is the first ray of sunshine after the cold winter. Everyone's life is inevitably difficult, and everyone's heart is inevitably troubled and confused. It can even be said that hardship and confusion are life itself, which is innate. The dilemma is not that you can't get out of it, but that you lack a smiling heart.

As a child, I once heard a story: after the war, a young trumpeter finally left the battlefield and returned home. His fiancee, whom he thought about day and night, had married someone else; The young trumpeter was so miserable that he left his hometown and wandered around. On the lonely road, the only thing that accompanied him was the trumpet, and he played the trumpet. The sound of the trumpet was sad and desolate.

One day, when he came to a country, the king heard his bugle call and asked the trumpet player why he was so sad? The trumpet player told the king why. The king issued an order, asking the whole country to experience the desolation and misery of his trumpets and listen to his sad life experience. Give him encouragement and smile after listening. Day after day, the trumpeter's horn is no longer bleak, but becomes vibrant, warm and bright.

Smile is a clear spring in the hot sun, clear and sweet. Helen Keller, in her eighty-eight years, she only had one year to live in the light. In the other eighty-seven years, she lived in endless darkness and pain. But she did not abandon herself. She smiled in the face of these hardships and began her life full of struggle.

She was admitted to Harvard University and won the title of "Top Ten Spiritual Idols in America". Her "If You Give Me Three Days of Light" has inspired countless people. The charity foundation she founded enabled a large number of deaf and mute children to enter school, and gained the opportunity to let the flower of life bloom. With her smile, she infected more people and made the world a better place.

Smile is the beacon of life, standing quietly in the distance, illuminating the world, illuminating hope!

600 words composition of smiling face life (17)

Smile is the most beautiful language in the world. Disappointed, look at the blue sky and smile. Is there a sense of calm in your heart? Be proud, smile at the flowers, will you feel a little comfortable? Smiling at life, you will find that the sun is waving to you, and the night is not lonely!

As the saying goes, "Smile, ten years old!" Life is inevitably full of melancholy clouds and mists, and smiling can dispel the sadness. Why don't we often smile? There was a story about a little boy who was abandoned by his mother when he was young, and his father was paralyzed by a car accident. He was withdrawn and introverted. The haze in his heart covered his whole world, and he became more melancholy and sad. However, the appearance of a teacher changed his life and taught him to laugh at life. Since then, the boy has shouldered the burden of the family and smiled in the face of the eclipsed home. The boy's world has more smiles, more relief, and life is also stable. Face life with a smile, and your heart will suddenly open up. Dear friends, why not let a smile replace a frown? Why not let a smile fill your eyebrows?

Smile is the key to unlock the shackles of the soul. We are always looking for something, but we don't know that smile is the most beautiful thing. Smile can make strangers who meet by chance become bosom friends; Smile can make the bitter tears disappear; Smile, can let the true feelings pass in silence; Smile, can let people in desperate situation get rebirth. How many people have been fascinated by the world famous oil painting Mona Lisa? The mysterious smile and gentle eyes seemed to be the tender moonlight of Nian, and the rippling lake. Does that flower like smile intoxicate you? This is a realm, a realm of smiles.

Open your heart and let the sun shine through. Face life with a smile and open the door to communication. David Cornins is a typical example. When he was young, David Cornins was always shy, timid, not good at communication and speech. Under the guidance of Mrs. Roosevelt, he walked towards life with a smile and embarked on the road of writing, eventually becoming a famous writer. His smile brings both friendship and honor. People can't live without a smile. Who wants to face a cold face all day? Who wants to live a dull life? More smiles, more friendliness! In fact, smile is a wealth.

When a friend gains honor, a smile is the warmest blessing; When life is full of clouds, smile is a good medicine; When you are in a happy mood, smile is the most comfortable and natural beauty... May life be full of smiles, let's face life with a smile!

Chapter 2

When spring goes and spring comes, the flowers wither and bloom. When I stopped at the window again, I was not the child who would cry in the corner. The childishness has faded, replaced by a consistent smile. Body and mind, bathed in the morning light.

Whenever I saw that sentence, my mouth would involuntarily rise.

That day was almost the end of the world in my eyes, and the sky was gray. I walked to the classroom as usual, but was blocked at the door by several students. "Did you take her watch?" One of them asked unkindly, "Needless to say, it must be her. Yesterday I saw her holding the watch and fondling it!" Another person looked at me with disdain. I wanted to argue, but it was hard to trust, and accusations poured in, Almost swallowed me.

"The mountain spring will not lose its sweetness because of a grain of sand, and the sky will not lose its vastness because of a piece of white clouds." I don't know when this sentence came out on my desk, maybe it was a word to wake up the dreamer! Suddenly I feel that life is like this. Why should I feel sad because of other people's mistakes? The sky is still blue.

Face life with a smile when encountering misunderstanding.

Purple wind chimes were ringing crisply at the bedside, like silver bells.

I flunked the exam. This is what I said to everyone after the exam, and then fell into a long silence. I feel that my future is uncertain, and I wander helplessly like a duckweed. In those days, my mentality was terrible.

My mother didn't trust me all the time and paid attention to my actions. At last, she gave me a wind chime. The sound like a silver bell seemed to break the magic barrier in my heart. I didn't live for exams. I still have a lot of people's care and love. Don't lose hope.

Face life with a smile when encountering setbacks.

Time is running fast. What we always remember is those faint smiles that will never disappear, shining in front of the dusty window.

600 words composition of smiling face life (18)

How can we face life with a smile? This requires us to treat failure correctly first.

Failure is the mother of success. There must be conditions to transform failure into success. If conditions are created, we can move from failure to success; Otherwise, we can only stagnate in the pain of failure forever. What is the condition? It is to defeat yourself first. You should have great psychological tolerance for failure, dare to trample on failure, and then talk about giving play to your potential, and strive for success with indomitable efforts. For example, Gao Shiqi, the world famous person we know, studied in the United States when he was young, and stayed in the United States to continue his studies after graduation. At the age of 23, a test tube containing type A encephalitis virus broke, and the virus invaded the brain along his eardrum, damaging his nerves. He was disabled, paralyzed, vague in language, straight in eyes, and even difficult to eat and drink. However, his spirit did not break down. He wrote with strong will and perseverance and published many excellent works. His intellectual novel Laughter fully shows that his will and perseverance are inseparable from his noble sentiments.

In addition, we also know some world celebrities who fought against the disease, such as Beethoven and Hawking, who have created many miracles with their strong will and perseverance.

The same is true of us in learning. As long as we have firm faith and strong perseverance, and face difficulties with a positive and optimistic attitude, we can understand the fun of learning and taste the value of life.

600 words composition of smiling face life (19)

Life is like a novel, with twists and turns, bitter and sweet. Since flowers have been sprinkled on the road.

There must be thorns and frustrations. Life is not plain sailing. In the face of these, we should have a positive attitude to live. Therefore, face life with a smile.

Reading Pushkin's "If Life Deceived You", I was deeply moved by a sentence: "Melancholy days need calm: believe it, happy days will come." Only when you are full of confidence in life, life will not abandon you forever. As long as you are full of calm in life, success will not be far away from you.

Helen Keller, who is blind with both eyes and deaf with both ears, painstakingly wrote the world famous book "If You Give Me Three Days of Light". Even if the action is inconvenient and the environment is bad, she is calm and free after a struggle of thought, transcending the unbearable pain of ordinary people, and writes her dream into this book, so that the world can appreciate her noble soul; Ludwig van Beethoven was deaf in his middle age, but he did not give up his pursuit of music. He used a small stick to complete the amazing world famous music "Symphony of Destiny", which made people feel his unremitting pursuit and persistence in the sound of music. They can become great people not only because of their outstanding achievements, but also because of their attitude and spirit towards life, which has moved thousands of people who are full of hope for life in the future generations, and made them feel the encouragement and support of the cross era.

"A Brief History of the Universe" has stirred the world, and its author is Stephen Hawking, who has suffered from Lugaret's disease for a long time. Why can a man who has paralyzed his limbs, can't move his lower body, and can't articulate clearly create a millennium masterpiece that transcends relativity and quantum mechanics? Stephen Hawking is such a legend. Like Helen Keller and Beethoven, he transcended the unimaginable thinking, turned the suffering he faced into a driving force for progress, and treated everything with his own positive attitude.

Yeah! If you face the world with a positive attitude, the obstacles in front of you will disappear.

Smile at life

No matter what difficulties I encounter, I always smile. I know it can't solve anything, but it makes me have a positive and optimistic attitude.

Life is always like this. There are many disappointments. I know that the road of life cannot be smooth. This has become a difficult problem for many people, making them become depressed and pessimistic, as if they have lost confidence and hope in everything.

But I don't think so. There is a strong contrast between pessimism and optimism. The words "sad" and "happy" are so conspicuous. Even if we face it with pessimistic thoughts, what can it say and solve? What can I get? More will be lost in this way. It's better to keep a good attitude and face life with a smile. Maybe you will find that the world is not so bad, and God always pity me.

I believe that most of the troubles of students come from schools and families. In school, we have to study hard. The pressure of teachers and parents is so heavy at the moment. In other words, teachers and parents want us to have a better tomorrow, a better future and a better life. For this, we have to fight. When you are lost and in mourning, you may want to think about the good life after your efforts. You will feel moist and happy when you think about it. They put their troubles behind them and forgot all the happy and unhappy ones.

Smile, not discouraged, not proud. You will find how beautiful the world is. Let's keep it in mind. Let's fight together for a better day of tinnitus, a better future and a better life!

Raise your hands and follow my rhythm "If you feel happy, clap your hands. If you feel happy, clap your hands. If you feel happy, clap your hands, clap your hands. Oh! If you feel happy, clap your hands..."

Face life with a smile

Perhaps, from then on, she no longer smiled, and her life was like stagnant water from that moment on. Just because her friends will never come back

He had to lead the army to fight, and she could only send him off in silence. He stayed up at night, hoping for his safe return day and night. I want him to return triumphantly, to dance lightly, to speak softly

Just waiting quietly, hoping that he would return far away, playing the piano and chanting the moon together. Just wait for the sunset to return, never wait for you to return. After staying overnight, I finally waited for the king, but I didn't see the invincible God of War, just the exhausted end hero who was defeated and returned to the account. Her heart could not be calm for a long time.

Without him, he or she would still be an ordinary woman on the side of departure, living a simple reciprocating life. It is he who adds infinite charm to her ordinary life. In the past, she and he wanted to be together, but they were blocked many times. They overcame difficulties all the way through the storm. Their faith has always been so firm, and they never thought of shrinking back. They have been together ever since. Now he wants to leave her, only to see that she has gradually become dark.

His tired eyes opened slightly, and he vaguely saw her tears. Never seen such crystal tears, the corners of his mouth slightly raised towards the most beautiful woman who gave him the most beautiful smile in the past.

In the corner of his mouth, it seems that he is using a smile to convey the pursuit of love. Anyway, her eyes are so bright. She has a deep connection with him, and she deeply understands what he wants to say at this time from his expression. But she still dare not face

He knew that she was very affectionate towards him, and his departure would certainly make her sad, but what he wanted to do most was to make her happy. Although he had no choice but to leave her now, he was so hoping that his beloved woman who was sad at the moment could face life with a smile, and he tried his best, Say what I want to say most: "I can't be happy with you anymore, but I don't want you to lose happiness because of me... Our love is endless, just in another form, my greatest happiness is having you, and my rarest happiness is having you, a woman who brings me the most beautiful smile (he looks at her so affectionately) I hope you can live well and live with our love and smile. You should promise me well... "She knows that her promise is an interpretation of her love with him. She will live well for him.

She didn't say anything, but she just braced up and danced for him again. What a dance it was: her pale yellow dress, bright eyes and bright teeth, heroic, charming and moving. She was moved by the stars in her eyes, and the corners of her smiling mouth were no longer gloomy.

He walked away quietly, and she would live with his love and smile.

The parting bank is still so charming, and the bamboo house on the parting bank still exists. She was alone quietly and happily faced every thing in life with his love. The men, women and children at the parting bank all like her dance. She has been selflessly bringing happiness to others. She has also got happiness from it, simple happiness, and lives happily with his love.