My mother's 600 word composition (19 compilations)
Yesterday was all right
2024-05-21 04:50:32

My mother's 600 word composition (1)

The thread in the mother's hand, the coat of the wandering son's body. Before leaving, I am afraid of returning late. Who can say that the heart of grass can be rewarded by the sun—— notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

People often say, "Maternal love is the greatest!" I think this sentence is not only reflected in Meng's mother, but also in all mothers in China.

On my growth path, although my mother was not obedient to me, she loved me meticulously. In my heart, words like "dote" and "obedient" are not commendatory words, but some derogatory words, satirizing the extreme indulgence of some parents to children, while my mother was more strict and serious to me, even when I did something wrong, If I don't change my mind, my mother will beat me up, but she is not willing to beat me, but who makes me the kind of child who can only learn a lesson after being beaten?

My mother almost didn't care about my study, because in her mind, "self-consciousness" is indispensable in learning, and it is useless to rely on urging and supervision, so I have formed a good habit of self-consciousness since childhood.

My mother told me how to behave and how to do things; Tell me how to deal with interpersonal relationships... Mother thinks that these are far more important than learning.

I dare not say what mother is, because those gorgeous and graceful adjectives have done their best. I can only say that even the most luxurious words are powerless in the face of the fact of responsibility.

Similarly, I dare not say how great my mother is, but I will remember the never fading red umbrella in the wind and rain, the delicious dinner on the table; Under the fluorescent lamp, the always busy figure; Moonlight hazy, that warm teachings.

I live in the shadow of maternal love. Although I can't say "Mother, I love you", I will remember all these in silence. Perhaps this is more convincing than all the charming words.

In front of that selfless and pure maternal love, all the authorities are so small. He wants a piece of scattered sunshine to warm every corner of the new house.

For my mother, I have only moved and appreciated, mother, you have worked hard!

My Mother's 600 Word Composition (2)

Motherly love is like the rain in spring, moistening the hearts of wandering children; Motherly love is like the mid summer breeze, blowing away the floating clouds in my heart; Motherly love is like the sunshine in cold winter, warming our hearts.

In my heart, maternal love is always so tender, and mother is always so kind.

Because my grandparents died early, the burden of raising me and taking care of me fell on my busy parents. For this reason, I was sent to kindergarten before I was 3 years old. My mother used to work in villages and towns. She got up early every day to send me to kindergarten, and then hurried to work by motorcycle. The kindergarten ended at half past four, and my mother came back from the town to pick me up after six o'clock. When I got home, my mother had no time to rest and was busy cooking for me, afraid I was hungry. Father came home late because of work, so a lot of housework fell on his mother alone, and her mother always worked hard. I know my mother's hard work and often do some housework within my power. At this time, my mother will teach me some life experience, teach me to wash clothes, cook and do sanitation. She also often said, "You should be diligent and be able to bear hardships! If you can bear hardships, you can become a superior person!"

I remember one time when I was bullied by my classmates in kindergarten, crying and making trouble not to go to school. My parents asked me why I didn't go to school, but I didn't dare to tell them. When my father was angry, he took the stick to "intimidate" me. I cried even more, but my mother held me in her arms and said gently, "My child, going to school is a very interesting thing. Don't you have many friends in the kindergarten to play with you? And your favorite sister Li! She will also teach you to sing good songs, learn to write and draw. How about this? Today you go to school and learn a song from Sister Li. Go home and sing it to your mother. " I listened and gradually stopped crying. Sobbing, she told her parents why she didn't go to school. Mother smiled and said, "I see. OK, let me talk to that classmate later and let him stop bullying you. Then you should obey to go to school today." I smiled through tears and nodded to my mother.

Since then, I have never stopped going to school because of little things, and I will not shrink back when I encounter setbacks. Because, I remember: "Eat bitter in bitter, and then become a master!"

My Mother's 600 Word Composition (3)

Maternal love is a light rain, which moistens my heart from time to time; Mother love is a big tree, protecting me from wind and rain. Many celebrities have praised our mothers and praised their love, but these still cannot express our gratitude to our mothers. Our mothers have suffered a lot to give birth to us, and then brought us up. So I still want to praise our mother and thank her for her love.

There is a story that happened in the Wenchuan earthquake on May 12, 2008, a mother was buried in the ruins. When the rescue workers found her, she was dead, but she still firmly protected her child under her body. The child was only a few months old. Because of the protection of his mother, he was unhurt. When he was taken out of the ruins, he still fell asleep quietly. Before she died, her mother left a text message to her son on her mobile phone, saying, "Dear baby, if you can live, you must remember that I love you." At that moment, the doctor who was used to seeing life and death in the hospital could not help crying, and everyone who saw this scene in front of the television shed tears.

How great is the power of maternal love. In order to protect her children, she exchanged her own death for their lives. In fact, there are many such mothers around us. Although they are ordinary, they are as great as heroes. They are unknown, working hard for their children and families day after day, year after year. Time has left too many traces on their bodies. The increasingly curved spine, the more and more wrinkles on their forehead, and the rough and calloused hands remind us all the time that our mother is quietly aging with the passage of time. But in my eyes, it is not that they are old, but that they are as beautiful as a landscape painting. Ah, mother, what a great name, motherly love, what a moving word. Everyone has his own mother, either great or ordinary. In the eyes of the mother, the child is everything to the mother. In fact, in the eyes of the child, the mother is the heaven, the earth, and even more like a god. Mother, because of you, I can thrive. Mother, you are my greatest pride in this life.

How can I not be grateful - my mother.

My Mother's 600 Word Composition (4)

My mother is a strict mother, but also a loving mother. Now let's take a look at my mother's composition of 600 words for your reference!

My mother wrote a composition of 600 words in Senior 2

I may be the most disobedient and playful person of my age. From childhood to adulthood, I could not help but be severely criticized by my school teacher. But now I can become a kind student who is not bad at learning. On reflection, I suddenly remember that my mother's hands were full of love.

My mother may be the most ordinary one among mothers, like a drop of water flowing into the ocean of life. She was born in a quiet village. In my distant memory, there were many families there. The paths were full of ink stones, and the house was located on the ink stones several meters higher than the surrounding ones. A deep ditch divides the village into two parts. There is a river and a small bridge on the river. After the bridge, the mother's primary school is located. When my mother was born, she was not strict in learning. She was also very smart. She had to help my grandmother work during the busy farming season. The family conditions were not good, and she stopped studying after finishing high school. There were many people in the family. I think my mother's diligence, tolerance and kindness are the gifts of my grandmother and the small village.

I was most impressed by my mother's education when I was a child when she guided me to read. Other mothers will keep telling their children with books until they are thirsty, but they still cannot let their children read independently. Where's my mother? She only tells me a story every night and tells me to tell it once. I can't remember telling it tomorrow. Listening to my mother's words without too much emotion, I sank down and memorized them word by word. In order to hear the story again the next day, I finally didn't want her to tell me again, and I held up the book myself. At that time, I thought my mother was lazy, but now I think my mother is patient wisdom, not blind.

I always feel that my mother is cold to me, but when I fell down at the last sports meeting, my mother appeared at the first time. Seeing her back, I saw the warmth and home. With her help, I recalled my mother's embrace when I was young. At this moment, my mother gave me great strength.

My mother, the first teacher in my life, taught me perseverance and kindness, and was a great loving mother in my life. She brought me care and gentleness. Let this love accompany me through the road of life.

My mother wrote a composition of 600 words in Senior 2

Someone once asked me; "How is your mother?" I just opened one eye and closed one eye to this question, crying and laughing; "She is a person I can hardly understand." This answer is somewhat strange. For me, it is often the most familiar and unfamiliar person.

My mother has told me more than once how she "broke out" from the hard times. I couldn't understand what she was trying to say to me, but just rolled her eyes casually; "That was in the last decade." I can't count how many times I said this, but when I think of it, I can't help feeling a little sorry - after all, she doesn't believe it. Maybe she suffered too much when she was a child. Now she drives a BMW and lives in a high house. She has a happy family and my son who is not up to the standard. Weekend, and mother's trivia is only a few things, every day at home she would not like to nest. People, after all, still have to walk around and play with friends for a while - I left myself to find friends. In fact, she was quite willing to accompany me at home - I didn't want to, so she had to go out.

I really don't like her pointing at me. She was dissatisfied with everything I had done. I tried to reject her: "You are not satisfied, why don't you do it yourself?" But I choked back every time because I thought she was my mother after all. Every night, I said as soon as I got on the bus, without exception. There are rare quiet moments, but she broke them. Although boys are supposed to be strong, when they suffer from such "torture", their will will collapse.

On the first question, I always wanted to joke and answer: "My mother is not good!" But I immediately became angry. This is a mother, but also my mother's disrespect. She has worked so hard to bring me up as a naughty bad boy. If I say such a sentence to her now, I wonder if she has broken her heart - I will. Rotten wood cannot be carved. It's also because she has pulled me so far.

My mother suffered half her life, but her mother suffered all her life. Now it's my turn. Am I suffering? Time flies like an arrow, the sun and the moon fly like a shuttle. Time flies, but it never returns. I was very satisfied with my mother, but she was very dissatisfied with me. Although I am not bitter now, I must be sweet in my mother's eyes.

My mother wrote a composition of 600 words in Senior 2

Mother is the continuous drizzle in March, which moistens my heart; Mother is a big tree in the hot summer, supporting a green shade for me; Mother is a ray of sunshine in autumn, warming my lost heart; Mother is a cotton padded jacket in winter to dispel the cold in December.

My mother, who is not tall, has pale yellow skin and round eyes, which sets off her nimbleness. Mother is forty years old, but her temples are stained with hoar frost because of hard work day and night.

I remember last winter vacation, my mother took me and my sister to play with my aunt. It's a pity that the weather is not so beautiful. In the middle of the journey, it began to rain heavily. The rain kept coming at me and hit me. It was freezing cold. Mother worried that we would catch a cold if we got wet in the rain, so she put her overcoat on us. Although I didn't get wet, my mother had a bad cold. I waited on my mother in front of the bed. I sat still and cried. My nose was sour and my eyes were sour... I bowed my head and buried my head in my arms. I remembered in my mind that my mother was busy with cooking and sweating. My mother covered my quilt late at night. Everything she did was for me. And me?

I remember once, I stayed in bed in the morning. No matter how my mother called me, I still fell asleep dizzy. At this time, my mother would always say loudly: "It's half past six!" When I heard this, I got up quickly, dressed well, and did not drag my feet. My mother asked me to have breakfast before I left. I looked at my watch and thought, "I will be late soon." I replied, "I don't want to eat." When I was near the school, I suddenly remembered my words and deeds. I felt that I hurt my mother again. She got up so early to cook for me. It seemed that I was not a child, but I wanted my mother to get up late at night to cover my quilt, The mother's youthful vitality disappeared in her hard work, leaving only her crow's feet and tight eyebrows at the corners of her eyes. At the thought of this, my eyes were red with tears, and my guilt was like a tidal wave.

I think that mother may be like a landscape painting, without the beautiful colors like flowers. The spring on the mountain has washed away the lead carvings, leaving a fresh and natural. Mother love is like a wisp of warm sunshine, melting away the glaciers, bringing warmth.

My Mother's 600 Word Composition (5)

Mother's composition 600 words (1)

600 words of thanksgiving mother's excellent composition

Mother's love is selfless. She sacrificed all her time for me. When it rained on the way to school, who took off the fur coat and put it on me, but was wet by the rain was my loving mother.

I did not do well in the exam. Who encouraged me with a kind voice, filled me with confidence, and walked forward to be my loving mother.

When I met difficulties, who helped me solve them was my loving mother.

In the cold winter, who knit a beautiful, comfortable and warm new sweater for me needle by needle is my loving mother.

I remember that one morning, my mother had just sent me to school when it began to rain heavily. At that time, I arrived at school safely, but my mother had to go home under the heavy rain. I looked at my mother's back in the rain and thought: If I were a small umbrella on her head to cover the rain for her, how wonderful it would be! But I could only watch my mother walk alone in the rain. I shouted to my mother: "Mom, hurry home, don't get caught in the rain!" I hurried into the classroom and began to class with a heavy heart. When school came to an end, I saw that my mother was safe and healthy, so I put down the stone in my heart. At this time, I could not help hiding my little face in my mother's arms, feeling that her heart was really warm.

In another school sports meeting, the teacher asked the students to tell their parents to sew a piece of white cloth on their school uniforms and write their numbers on it. After I came home, I immediately asked my mother to sew white cloth for me. My mother found two clean cloths and sewed them carefully. Unexpectedly, the sharp needle cut my mother's hand. I quickly found a Band Aid and carefully stuck it on for her.

At this time, my mother's eyes were moist, and she said, "Son, you are really filial." At this time, I thought of Meng Jiao's poem "Wandering Son Singing": the thread in the hands of a loving mother, and the jacket on the body of a wandering son.

One day, I thought: My mother has spent her whole life's efforts for me. How can I repay her? So I asked my mother: "What do you want most when I grow up?" My mother said: "I want you to be a useful talent in the country when you grow up."

Ah, mom, you have paid so much for me, but you have no complaints. I must study hard now, and I will honor you when I grow up. Thank you for your love over the years. I am grateful to my mother who gave birth to me, my mother for the motherland, and my mother for the earth. Your children should repay their mothers with wisdom, science, diligence and courage to make your smiles sweeter, the mountains more magnificent and the environment more beautiful.

Mother's composition 600 words (2)

600 words in the composition of maternal love

Every time I make a mistake, my mother yells at me and sometimes beats me, which makes me feel that my mother is not as kind as my father, and that my mother doesn't love me anymore.

I remember once, when I was one o'clock deep, my whole body felt uncomfortable, my hands and feet were cold, my mother took my temperature, and the high fever was 40 degrees! Mom hurried to look for medicine, but there was no medicine at home. Now it was 1 o'clock, and the outpatient clinics around were closed. What should I do? Mother is so worried that she looks like ants on a hot pot. It's no use being urgent. Go to the clinic for injection as soon as possible. My mother immediately took a taxi on my back to see the driver again and again on the glass road. She urged the driver to drive faster. As time went by, I found an emergency hospital and the doctor gave me an injection. When I woke up the next day, I found that there were still a few drops of sweat on my mother's forehead. The eye rims were dark and bloodshot. She smiled heartily as I looked fine.

"Examinations are the magic weapon of teachers; scores are the lifeblood of students!" This score is really the lifeblood of students. What will happen if the exam is not good? One day, the teacher was handing out an English test paper: "Huang Zhewei, 68!" I was shocked. "How could this be?" I took the test paper and stared at the 68 points written in bright red ink. After school, my heart was very confused, like a leaf blown here and there by a whirlwind, and my head was too heavy to lift. It seems that this time there is no shortage of a beating, and the tears keep rolling in the eyes. After returning home, my mother learned about the exam, not only did she not hit me, but also comforted me: "It doesn't matter. The key is to know how to work hard. Next time, try to get 100 points. This is your real gain!"

The love of parents is as deep as the sea, and the feeling is higher than the sky! No matter what they do, they love us. There is a folk proverb: a child's birthday is a bitter day for a mother. When our mother celebrates our birthday, have we ever thought of exchanging the disabled pain for our mother?

I deeply realize that maternal love is the greatest, and maternal love will put us on a ship of life that is free from obstacles. When you are helpless, your mother's smile will reflect a bright light for you! Students, let's remember our mother's kindness and learn to be grateful to our parents! Let the mother feel beautiful, beautiful and unforgettable with a word, let her tears fill her eyes, let us say to her affectionately: "Mom, I love you!"

Mother's composition 600 words (3)

Mother's composition 600 words

Mother's composition 600 words (1)

When I came home from school, my mother was alone at home. After saying hello to my mother, I went directly to my room.

"Mom, have you searched my things?" I walked into the kitchen with my diary, full of anger! My mother looked back at my face and my diary in my hand, and understood everything. She turned her head and continued to cook. "Yesterday, you teacher Yang said that you have behaved a little abnormal recently, and my mother only looked at your diary because she cared about you." Perhaps I was irritated by my mother's words. Without saying a word again, I walked into the bedroom and slammed the door loudly.

At dinner, my mother asked me to ignore it and sulked in the room. Not long after, my mother gently pushed the door open and stood behind me. I was annoyed. I turned around and knocked off the milk in her hand.


"Are you bored? Don't always come to my room, ok? Why are you around me all day?" My mother looked at the milk on the ground that was knocked over by me, with tears in her eyes. I can't help regretting it, but how could I take it back so easily?

Mother quietly swept the broken glass on the ground into the garbage can, pulled the door and went out.

At the moment when the door was closed, I couldn't help crying. I didn't want to contradict my mother at all, but in that case, emotion had overcome reason. He threw himself on the bed and tore the diary into pieces in anger.

I understand that he loves me out of love, but how can she not understand that I have grown up and yearn for freedom? I don't want to be taken care of as a child all day long. I have my own ideas and secrets, and I also have things that people don't want to know, but they don't consider my feelings. I really grow up!

In the dead of night, I wrote in my exercise book: Mom, my daughter wants to tell you that sometimes love is also a kind of injury!

Mother's composition 600 words (2)

This afternoon, my mother suddenly announced loudly: "I want to lose weight! I must lose weight!" My father and I looked at her, but no one said anything. She pretended to be gentle and asked her father, "What do you think, husband?" Dad was still concentrating on reading the newspaper. After a long time, he said "Hmm" quietly. Obviously, she was extremely dissatisfied with her father's answer, and asked me again with a fawning face; "My dear, what do you think?" I said hesitantly, "Well, as long as you work hard, it is still possible." Ah? "Seeing my mother staring like a copper bell, I quickly changed my mouth and said," Mom, you must do it! "

After dinner, my father and I devoured as soon as we got to the table and enjoyed the endless fun brought by the delicious food. Anyway, we were as thin as a benchmark, and we could eat as much as we wanted. Mom took out the smallest bowl in the house and filled the least rice. We couldn't help sympathizing! When my mother finished her meager meal, she threw away her chopsticks and carefree "brushed

Sleeve away ". As soon as she left, my father and I laughed and said, "Wow! How handsome!"

Next, we thought Mom would walk around the living room with sighs as usual. Unexpectedly, she made some Pu'er tea, and then kept drinking tea and going to the toilet! My father and I watched my mother go in and out with great interest. What a dazzle! I shouted to my mother: "Mom, healthy women are the most beautiful!" "Wife, there are still some in the pot." Before Dad finished, my mother had already rushed into the kitchen like an arrow. My mother created a record of eating and drinking and destroyed a large pot of food, which made me and my father dumbfounded. "Hey hey, how about losing weight?" Dad smiled. Mom glared at Dad, and then walked into the study as if nothing had happened.

Alas, my weight loss mother!

Mother's composition 600 words (3)

A gentle breeze brushed my face, and a calm came to my heart. It was cool and refreshing.

The curtains were half closed. Several lights of different shapes were reflected on the floor. It looks a bit mottled.

I leaned on the sofa and fiddled with the remote control. On the cold screen, a hundred boring soap operas are playing. Yidi. A flash of light. The living room was immediately surrounded by light. You come slowly. Sat next to me. Write with your arms across the coffee table.

I leaned over curiously: you were holding a 7.8 cm pencil and immersing yourself in your family notes. The air was filled with the sound of the pen "brushing" on the paper, and your hands were repeatedly clenched. I'm afraid that half of the pencil will slip out of my hand.

I smiled, "Mom, can't you write with another pen?"

You turned your head and looked at me blankly, but still responded: "Save you some money."

I suddenly blushed and flashed scenes in my mind: I was throwing a newly bought fountain pen at my deskmate with my arms crossed; Scribble and write on the book, and occasionally throw out the water inside; When the pen ran out of water, it was thrown away together with the pen shell: sometimes he took the pen water to get boys' clothes; In one month, 20 pens are absolutely worth mentioning.

But because of this luxury, I now take waste as a matter of course, and take my mother's painstaking care as a matter of course.

Sorry, Mom.


Your voice broke the silence, and I was as frightened as waking up in a dream.

"Oh, Mom. I went to do my homework." After that, I got up and went back to my room. I picked up the homework that I was going to copy at school tomorrow.

The wind caresses the silence of the night. It also raises my mind.

Mother's composition 600 words (4)

My mother's composition is 600 words

My Mother

The thread in the mother's hand and the coat of the wandering son's body are sewn closely before leaving, and they are afraid of returning late. Who said

My Mother's 600 Word Composition (6)

Time is like a sword, which makes us totally unrecognizable. But my childhood memory is still clear.

My mother is not amiable, I would like to say that she is a double faced person. She always smiles at outsiders, but she is fierce in front of her family. I can't guess her true character, but she is cruel to me, but I feel that she wants to be strong.

When I was still living in the countryside, my parents had to do farm work. Autumn was a harvest season. The farmland was naturally busy. There were many green vegetables, such as spinach and cabbage. There were also many mushrooms and agaric. But my family grew the most corn. The hometown in autumn looks most golden, which is naturally the color of corn stalks.

Because of the industrious and simple people in the countryside, many people help each other, but my mother insists on doing it herself, pulling down the corn, and then going into the basket on her back, followed by the next one. Mother worked like this for several days, and finally cleaned up one mu of corn in my family. Father was also busy harvesting other crops.

When reading a book, I remember the saying when dealing with people: I can do it alone, but I think it is better to do it with two people. So I think that even if one can do it alone, it will make oneself tired. It is better to do it with friends, not only to deepen friendship, but also to share their own hard work. How happy it is.

This is not true. My mother's constant bravado has made her fall into trouble since she was 40 years old. Although it is not a big problem, she cries pain from time to time. It was all because of her own bravado when she was young.

Although my mother is industrious and capable, she is not kind at all. She is cruel to my sister and me. When I was young, I had to go to the tomb to pay a New Year's visit to the dead. I didn't want to go, either. I deliberately hid the only pair of fur shoes in the rice barn. Now I think it was naive at that time. My mother beat my face to bleed, but I was forced to go.

She is really cruel, but if it were not for her cruelty, maybe I would be more daring and disobedient.

It's midsummer. I watch the drizzle outside the window, but it's still hot and dry, but I always walk through the rain with an ordinary mood

My Mother's 600 Word Composition (7)

My mother is usually very busy. There are few days in a year when she is not too busy. However, once she gets home, she will be busy doing this and that. She has no spare time. She will also care about me in life and study.

Once, when the weather got warmer, the original sneakers were too hot to wear, but those single shoes were too small to wear. I asked my mother to buy a pair of bigger shoes. My mother always promised me that she had no time to buy shoes for me. I have no way either.

On that day, my mother came back from work earlier than usual. When she saw that I had come home from school, she said, "Xiao Li, I will take you to buy shoes after dinner!" "OK, Mom is so kind!" Then we both hurried to have dinner.

After dinner, my mother picked up the dishes and took me away.

The two of us came to the street and watched as we walked. At this time, I saw a shop on the roadside, which was a shop specializing in buying shoes. Just tell your mother. Mom took me inside. I look down on every pair of shoes there. I shook my head and went out. My mother took me forward. Come to the second shoe store. My mother liked a pair, and I felt satisfied, so I sat on the stool beside and tried to wear it. Alas, these shoes are too small. It hurts to wear them. Ask the shopkeeper, he said this pair of this style is the largest. I had to follow my mother out again. My mother encouraged me and said, "It doesn't matter, kid, there are many stores to buy." My mother took me to other stores for a look. Either the style is unsatisfactory or the size is inappropriate. Alas, it's really difficult to buy a pair of shoes. I felt a little tired when I walked. Seeing my mother was still so confident, I had to follow her and move on.

I still didn't buy my favorite shoes when I went to more than ten stores. I saw that the whole street was almost finished and the shops were about to run out. What should I do? My mother said, "Come on, let's go and have a look!" It's true that heaven pays the piper. I bought a pair of shoes that my mother and I both like in the last shop. By this time, we had been wandering in the street for more than two hours, and it was a little over nine o'clock. Many stores had closed their doors.

From this time of buying shoes, I realized that my mother really loved me!

My Mother's 600 Word Composition (8)

My mother, who has no profound knowledge, will always teach me something useful.

My mother always reads slowly. When I have read two lines and am eager to see the following plot, my mother only reads one line. She told me that reading should not only read, but also learn to think, not forget after reading, understand the meaning of it, and savor every word carefully.

My mother is always responsible for all the housework at home. When I was in school, she would not let me do any housework. She would let me study hard and find my own way in the future. She said that I will give you the best environment to study without distracting you. Your future depends on you. I won't support you in the future, and I don't need you to support you. You only need to support yourself.

But during my holiday, my mother will let me do more housework. She said that you should learn to be independent. In the future, when parents are not around, only you can rely on yourself. She will teach me to cook, saying that sometimes they are busy and have no time to cook, so they should go out less to buy food, which is bad for their health. If you learn to cook, you can cook for yourself. Even if it tastes bad, it is healthier than outside. Good health is the only way to get out.

My mother likes to raise plants. Green plants. She never raises flowers. She says flowers are too delicate. She is busy and has no time to take care of them. She raises hanging orchids and bamboos. They are green and beautiful. She said that she would be in a good mood if she raised these things. She saw how these things had grown from so small to so prosperous, with a sense of achievement and pride.

My mother, she told me, don't always play computer, it will waste your time; She told me not to watch too much TV, which will not only be bad for your eyes, but also waste your time and make you unable to think; She told me that we should read more books. In this society, learning more is a little bit. It will always be useful. Even if it is useless, it will increase your self-restraint and taste; She told me to read more newspapers and news.

My mother always teaches me some things in a casual way. Some are her thoughts and some are her experience. No matter how she gets them, they are all for my good, so that I can avoid detours and have a good future.

My Mother's 600 Word Composition (9)

With countless hopes and expectations, I came to this world. When I first came to this world, everything was new. Accompanied by strangeness and happiness, I met the most important person in my life - my mother.

Now when I saw my mother, I suddenly remembered that I could hardly remember her appearance when she was young. I remember one time when I was cleaning my room, I flipped the old photos randomly, and I stared at my mother's face when she was young, trying to find the flaws of time. Unfortunately, my mother is really old. No longer so powerful, no longer so dynamic. But I always admire and appreciate my mother. What I admire about her is her style, her intelligence and her persistence; What I appreciate is her care and love.

My mother is a very realistic person. She will talk about the current affairs of the country with me. She will also criticize the heinous villains in TV dramas. She gives me the feeling that she is more like a big sister. But the love she gave me is countless. She did too much for me. By contrast, what I did seemed small enough to disappear.

But I can't praise how good my mother did. After all, I know that my mother is not a god. She can't be liked by everyone or perfect in everything. I don't want that false fame floating over her head, nor does she want to accept such praise. In fact, my mother also knew that a false name was just a dispensable thing. I just want her to know that she is great enough for me.

It is said that filial piety comes first. Mother is naturally a filial person. She is always concerned about her parents getting older, and can't help sighing that life is too short. Is she right? When caring for others, they often neglect their own physical condition. And I don't have much time to take care of the my mother. She worked hard all day, which made my heart ache. Why do I work so hard. In fact, I know without saying.

In fact, my mother gave me a feeling of not only heartache, but also profound gratitude. Thank her for giving me life; Thank her for giving me the personality; Thank her for teaching me the truth; Thank her for all the love she gave me! Mother can live a long, healthy and happy life, which is naturally what I want. Sometimes not expressing is just not knowing how to express, not being unwilling to be grateful. The years passed so quickly that I didn't even have time to say thank you. Maybe my expression is not vigorous at all. Maybe it can only be calm. But mother, you should know. In my heart, the love for you is always there!

My Mother's 600 Word Composition (10)

I live in an ordinary family. I enjoy the happiness of being a child, but my mother, an ordinary laid-off woman, has untold bitterness and astringency.

My mother liked to smile most when she was young. As can be seen from her photos when she was young, she smiled very happily and her face was full of bright smiles. As time went on, my mother got married and her face became more mature. As the days passed, my mother gave birth to me, and my mother's expression and gentle eyes appeared on her face. Until today, I found my mother, There are signs of hard life on your face - wrinkles, which have increased on your face for several days. The image shows that you are old, and you seem to be really old!

Remember? When I was twelve years old, I got eczema, and the doctor told us not to wash my skin with too hot water, but to apply the medicine three times a day... My mother wrote these down in her notebook conscientiously, and did it every day as the doctor told me. My mother rubbed my skin with lukewarm water, and asked me "Does it hurt? If it hurts, tell me.", Tears welled up at the corners of my eyes. I turned around and gently helped my mother straighten her irregular hair. I found several wrinkles on her forehead, and her hands became rough and swollen. How many times at night, I slept there, and you did housework there. How many times you ate, you always waited for me to finish eating, How many times have you used your thin and weak hands to soak in the cold water like an ice needle, again and again... Mother, you have contributed too much to me and my family, and I will never know in my whole life, no, the next life.

I will always remember your love for me. I will never regret it, because it is the most basic performance of a mother and wife. Mother, I will never forget your dedication to my family and me at any moment!

Mother, a mother who only gives, not wants to get.

My Mother's 600 Word Composition (11)

Mother, what a familiar word. Like most mothers, my mother loves me very much. My mother is an ordinary person, and the biggest feature is hard work.

It is said that a drop of grace should be repaid by a gushing spring. How can we realize that we are pregnant in October! My mother's hope for me is so vast. My mother has paid too much for me. It is said that father's love is like a mountain, mother's love is like a sea, yes, mother's love is inclusive love; Mother's love is tolerant love; Mother's love moistened me like spring rain.

My mother is petite. Her dark, weather beaten face is full of wrinkles. I don't know when my mother's dark hair is mixed with a few white hairs. Her back is broad and her mother's mind is broad. She nurtured me and raised me. I can't repay what my mother gave me.

When it comes to my mother's hard work, it can be said that all the neighbors know it. I can remember that my mother always gets up before dawn, first cleans the yard, and then cooks with my grandmother. When I get up, there is always delicious food waiting for me. After dinner, my mother sends me to school. That's because my family's conditions are not good. My mother rides a tricycle to take me there, picks me up at noon, and goes there in the afternoon. It's like running four times a day. Today, the broken tricycle has disappeared, but my mother still insists on picking me up every day.

Every autumn harvest season, mother is busy. She and grandpa each took a sickle, more than one mu of land, and they finished in one day. Although they were sweating hard and had backache, she felt a sense of achievement. At this time, if you ask him why not ask the harvester to help, she will surely say: Save some money for my son's college entrance exam! With simple and firm language, who can't see the mother's beautiful longing for success? Then, drying grain and stocking grain. I know my mother is busy again

My mother's love for me is also obvious to all. That day, it was raining hard outside, but I was ill and had a high fever. My mother was either applying alcohol or cold towels to me. She was very busy, but it didn't work. She was so anxious. Finally, she resolutely carried me to the hospital. Finally, I recovered. Before sleeping, I heard a few coughs vaguely

Now, my mother suffers from cervical spondylosis, and her veins dilate. I am determined that I will not let you down! I will honor you, hold your hand, and continue to walk, just like you did to me before.

My Mother's 600 Word Composition (12)

Day after day, year after year, I grow up day by day with vigor in my hand. But my mother's face is full of scars of years. My mother is a golden beacon, always pointing out the direction of my progress; Mother is a paper umbrella to protect my young life; Mother is a winter coat, always warm for me.

Mother is a strict person, and no mistakes are allowed in doing things. When I was a child, I didn't know why, but I always felt awkward when writing. I didn't like writing, and it was extremely ugly when I opened it. My mother always speaks like a person, and always teaches me carefully. "I have learned a lot since I was young, and I have high aspirations in my life. When others have swords, I have pens like knives." But I never listen to my bad personality. The mother changed her initial ideological education into behavior education. At that time, it was very hard. I am afraid of writing a word every day. At that time, I often complained about my mother in my heart, but now it's funny.

Mother is a hardworking person. Every time, she will see that she is busy all the time, as if there are endless things in the whole family. Mother often said I was a slob. Almost every Sunday when she is at home, she will say, "As a girl's family, I don't know how to work hard and clean the house frequently. Do you know which girl's house is the same as yours. Although I don't deny this, I always think my mother has made a mountain out of a molehill.

Mother is also a great person. My sister had a high fever when she was two or three years old. Mother took her to see a doctor alone. At that time, I remember that in the evening, my mother went to knock on the door of the neighbor's house and asked them to drive to the hospital and stay there for several days. After coming back, my sister had a fever again in a few hours, and I followed her. On the way, I can feel my mother's nervous and weak heartbeat. During the whole examination, the mother's forehead was covered with sweat. That night, my mother did not sleep. She has been guarding her sister for fear that she might make any more mistakes.

Mother's love is a kind of simple and unadorned love, which covers every corner of your study and life. It is meaningful to think about it and enjoy it forever

My Mother's 600 Word Composition (13)

They bring us to this world and give us the right to live; They take us to know the world and give us opportunities to grow. They nurture us, take us to maturity step by step, learn how to behave, feel the world, feel life.

Since I was born, my mother has always loved me with their selfless love. Mother's love is like a swallow in spring, bringing me intoxicating spring flowers; Mother's love is like a trickle, watering my childish heart all the time; Mother's love is the most affectionate movement of love, playing the most moving, brilliant and holy music for me This kind of love melts in the plain life like water, and with its meticulous care and care to resist the cold spring and autumn in the world, has always accompanied me to grow up.

My father is an excellent teacher, and he has an infatuated love for his work; He has a deep and honest love for his grandparents; Have a real and moving responsibility for the family; Have a kind of generous and frank concern for colleagues and friends; For me, there is also a kind of fatherly and selfless love. Dad inspires me to strive for progress with actions, and educates me to be honest and trustworthy with words! In the deep winter night, I sat in bed reading with relish. My father always put a warm hot water bag at my cold feet, and the warm fatherly love filled the whole room.

Children's debts with white hair and deep lines of time. Some people say, "Parents give everything and sacrifice everything." Parents work hard for us all their lives. However, most of the time, what we always do is just to play the role of a child. We have never experienced the love of parents without regrets.

Filial piety is priceless. Rich children can give their parents gold and silver jewelry, delicacies and delicacies; Children from poor families can give their parents simple meals and help within their ability; Children who travel far often go home to see, just to show their filial piety These slight love will give parents great comfort.

Love our parents, because they love us wholeheartedly.

Today, my mother is so careless. In retrospect, the previous math exams were all caused by carelessness. I want to be a careful child.

My Mother's 600 Word Composition (14)

My mother has planted many potted flowers at home. They can not only green the environment, but also cultivate the sentiment.

One day, I said to my mother, let me also raise a pot of flowers! I can be responsible for watering, fertilizing, trimming, caring, etc. Mom said of course, but you should be responsible for it! I thought for a while and decided to take the cactus. The cactus is short and ugly, but he is a guard of the desert!

Many plants can't live without water, and some plants can't live normally in the desert, either withering or dying in the sun... Only cacti that are not afraid of wind and sand, are not afraid of the sun, and have strong vitality can "build a home" in the desert. Although it has no attractive appearance, it has a persistent spirit. It is covered with thorns. In addition to protecting itself from harm, it also symbolizes the will and courage to struggle. The firmness of cactus is incomparable to cuckoo, rose

The cactus belongs to a family of desert plants of the lithophyte family. Its alias is also called the king tree. The perennial fleshy herb has green stems, leaves, roots, veins and juice. It is spherical, elliptical and flat. There are more than ten longitudinal ribs, which are needled and the flowers are light red. It is suitable for tropical areas in Europe and Asia. It can clear heat and fire, remove blood stasis and swelling, calm dysentery, and be used as folk medicine.

The cactus does not need to be watered every day, nor does it need special care from people. It just sprouts, grows, blooms and bears quietly. Whenever I feel wronged or unhappy, I will encourage myself: "We should learn from the strong and indomitable spirit of cactus! Work hard."

After my unremitting efforts, the original bulbs grew many balls. The longer the balls grew, the bigger they grew. My mother helped me divide the bulbs into other flower pots, and then kept growing. She opened a small flower shop and sold cactus exclusively

Ah! Cactus, you are the warrior in the plant. I will keep learning your quality and carry it forward.

My Mother's 600 Word Composition (15)

Mother is great, she has done everything for us. Mother is a blue sky, and has boundless tolerance for us. Mother is a sun, taking care of us. Mother is a candle, burning herself and illuminating us. Speaking of my mother, he is like a sugar, a sweet, sour, bitter, hot sugar.


Mother is a sweet sugar. Every time she sees her, she smiles brightly and asks me this, that, when it is cold, she asks me to put on more clothes. When it is hot, she asks me to go out and bring an umbrella. Mother is so concerned about me, I really like to eat honey like sweet candy.


Sometimes I have a bad temper and quarrel with my mother. My mother is not angry, but she also talks to me with reason. My mother always persuades people with reason. After I make trouble, my mother smiles and asks me to do something. Suddenly, my heart was sad. I thought: my mother's heart must be more sad. Her daughter is such a person. When I think of this, I feel like eating a very sour sugar. I can't swallow it, and I'm still spinning around in my mouth.


Mother is also really hard. She gets up early and goes to bed every day. She makes breakfast for me in the morning, then wakes me up, tells me to eat, and goes to work. In the evening, she makes dinner for me, and then does housework. In short, my mother did not rest all day long. Everything she did was for us. It seemed that I had eaten a bitter sugar, but no matter how bitter it was, it was not as bitter as my mother's.


Sometimes, my mother would hit me when I was extremely incorrigible, but I knew that the pain was in my body and my heart. It was like eating a very hot candy, which made me cry.

Mother, a great figure, makes me unforgettable. Mother is a "sugar" that never melts.

My Mother's 600 Word Composition (16)

Mother's face became pale after taking medicine for a long time. But the more her rough hands hurt, the more she wanted to work. Because she once said that only by doing everything carefully can we forget the pain and everything around us. This also inspired me.

I remember that it was a few days during the summer vacation, and my mother and I had some conflicts. My mother said that I was a timid and shy daughter, but I insisted that I had become bold and not shy since the fifth grade of primary school. We quarreled for a long time, and couldn't tell who would win or lose. I ran out of the house in anger. When I was wandering on the path under the moonlight, I thought a lot, "Should I quarrel with my mother?" I thought about this for a long time. Suddenly, a gust of wind came to me, and I felt a cold current pouring into my heart. At this time, I thought of the scene where my mother brought me an umbrella in the rain when I was a child. The rain soaked her. At this time, I couldn't stop crying. I decided to dry my tears and apologize to my mother. When I said "I'm sorry" to my mother, she touched my head and said, "I'm really grown up.".

In my childhood memory, there is another thing that I will never forget. That time, my mother and I had a conflict. Until my mother fell down in the work, I realized that everything she did was for us.

As the saying goes, "If you are poor, you can't be poor in children, and if you are poor, you can't be poor in education.". Mother not only spared me, but also educated me. So I think if there is any misunderstanding between you and your mother, you should put yourself in the mother's shoes. In this way, the mother daughter relationship can continue to be delayed.

My Mother's 600 Word Composition (17)

Mother never found out until that day

"Son, it's time to go to class!" She always signed me up for cram school without my knowledge, "No! I won't go." I beat the table fiercely and shouted: "You always sign me up for cram school, but I don't want to go." Mother seemed to see me playing with the handheld computer when I was writing my homework, rushed to grab my hand and scolded: "If you don't make up for class again, you will be dead! When doing homework, you still play with your mobile phone, so you need to stop living. " I stopped crying and went to class, but she didn't know. I cried for 2 hours that night and turned over and over. Finally, I was so tired that I fell asleep.

That day she sat alone in the room, looking at the screen of her mobile phone. I came in and stood in front of the door: "Today's homework is finished, can you play with your mobile phone for a while?" My tired face showed a pleading look. "How long?" "One hour if you allow?" I said quickly. Her answer has surprised me. "Well, just an hour," she said. I was so happy that I sat down later and stood up later: "Then hurry to find the earphones." "Oh, I'm not bored. Why should I wear earphones for an hour?" I smiled too. I sat beside her and listened to her while playing: "Play well with my mobile phone. Let's visit your alma mater. When you were a child, your favorite teacher Wu handed you English. Remember your achievements when you were a child? Your performance is among the best in the class. After a while, there will be improvement and breakthrough... "She suddenly stopped talking and I stopped playing. She is more sensitive to such words as "promotion" and "breakthrough" than I am. She went out quietly.

She went out for a while, and I heard the mouse click on the keyboard and the roar of the printer, "creak, creak, creak." It seems that something is coming!

"Well, one hour should be enough." After listening to my mother's words, I seemed to foresee something. "Come on, make these papers," my mother said to me kindly.

At that moment, I understood my mother's meaning.

How I want to go back to primary school.

My Mother's 600 Word Composition (18)

That day when I was doing my homework in the study, I suddenly got thirsty and went to the living room to get water. When I opened the door of the study, I saw such a scene. Mother was sitting on the sofa, her teeth were biting her lower lip, one hand was holding a mirror, and the other hand was holding several hairs, trying to pull them down. At the moment, there was a clump of white hair beside her, which was torn off by her, She looked up and saw me, and some sad people said to me: Baby, can you help your mother pull these white hairs off? ", When I came closer, there was a faint blood stain at the root of those white hairs that could not be pulled off. I took a deep breath, felt a nameless pain, and murmured: "I am not slovenly at ordinary times, but today I think of pulling white hair!"

Later, I found that my mother also loved beauty in the spring of one year. When my family went on a trip and went back to the hotel to have a rest at night, my mother and I lay on the bed and looked at the photos during the day. When we looked at it, my mother's hand suddenly stopped, looked at the mobile phone screen gently, stroked it with her hand from time to time, and the corners of my eyes were slightly cocked up, Ah! It's so beautiful to see a mother I've never seen before! Her small face was painted with exquisite makeup, and her elegant embroidered cheongsam set off her noble temperament. It turned out that she was not only messy, but also wore beautiful woolen skirts in winter; She used to dress herself up every morning; She was also graceful! My mother gave me all her time. She wasted it for me!

When I grew up, I finally understood my mother.

My Mother's 600 Word Composition (19)

Every sailor who goes to the sea has two mothers: her own mother gave birth and raised us, and the sea mother accepted and trained us. The sea is the second mother in our life.

A mother's love is deep, broad, and lifelong, but another mother's love is passionate, surging, and even rude.

Every crew member who has just entered the sea has experienced the excitement of another mother. "Korowan" is an unforgettable gift given to us by the mother of the sea. On August 25, 20xx, we met "Korowan" in Beibu Gulf. The maximum inclination of the ship at 32 degrees and the maximum wind speed of 42 meters/second made my mountain child feel the anger and power of the sea for the first time. The typhoon is getting closer and closer to us, and the pressure is getting lower and lower. I hold the tiller tightly, with one eye fixed on the compass and the other on the barometer. The captain held the handrail in his left hand and the clock in his right. The whole ship kept shaking violently, almost overturning, and the roar of the machine could not be heard. The only thing I knew was that the clock had reached the end, but the two cars could not hold it. The ship kept retreating, and the window was white again and again. Only rain, like waves, hit the window glass horizontally, looking for some tiny gaps and pouring into the bridge. The air pressure is still falling. It is stuffy, dizzy, almost suffocating, and unconscious. Everyone is gritting his teeth, holding on, and waiting. The air pressure pointer is like a pause, and the time is like losing movement. Finally, in the rigid insistence, the pressure pointer began to rise, the rain began to soften, and the waves began to recede. We defeated the typhoon, we cheered, we were excited, because we defeated ourselves more. The mother of the sea accepted us in this fierce way, the most realistic scene, and the most icy way, which is the feelings of the mother of the sea.

After the initial fear and panic, over the past ten years, I have been trained by my mother from a small gang leader to a mature man, from an unknown sailor to a skilled captain, and from an apprentice who is afraid of the violent sea to a sailor who can communicate and live in harmony with the mother of the sea. Walking in the sea for 3650 days and nights, I felt my mother's tolerance and greatness, and appreciated the experience of this other mother, so that we can learn to be calm, brave and strong.

The Locke construction site has started again, and the monsoon season has also arrived. The cold air in the Bohai Bay has been blowing one after another. The gales are five, six, seven, and eight. We are familiar with whether to prepare the left anchor or the right anchor, five or six anchors, and whether to single anchor or double anchor. We confidently say that we have learned the methods and skills to deal with storms under the cultivation of the mother of the sea. We are proud to say that we have learned the feelings of another mother.

Facing the bleak sea in winter, we shouted loudly - "The sea, our dear mother!"