600 words of Zhou Ji's composition (17 popular articles)
Whatever I want
2023-08-28 08:55:52
Junior 1
Weekly journal

600 words in Zhou Ji's composition (1)

Time is fleeting. In a twinkling of an eye, two months of summer vacation life has passed. We are lamenting the misfortune of life. When we wait for the moment of hope, time passes us like a naughty elf snickering. The following is a 600 word weekly record of the summer vacation of the first year of senior high school brought by Xiao Bian. Let's have a look!

The wheels of time slowly roll over, bringing us into another midsummer.

As a street lamp, I saw a student in such a summer vacation - the summer vacation was so long, she left her usual friends, although less nagging, but also a bit more lonely. Summer vacation is very short, and time is fleeting. How can we afford to waste every minute?

She sleeps until she wakes up naturally every day. Sometimes she misses the busy figure in the early morning of the past, stretches out, and watches the sun rise slowly. A new day has arrived. Water the flowers in front of the door and manage the messy grass. Life is so beautiful.

She moved a small stool and sat in front of the door under the cool shade of the tree, holding a thick copy of A Dream of Red Mansions to study carefully. The style between the lines and the thought-provoking plot, from the book, she saw not only life, destiny, life, but also the accumulation of history and national heritage.

Occasionally, when I am distracted, I will keep an eye on the busy army of ants carrying food. They are well ordered and united with strict discipline. I am often attracted by them and curious about the survival world of these weak groups. As the saying goes, "A thousand mile dike will collapse in an ant nest". Any life may be ordinary, but it is not ordinary. In this world, any life has its value and significance.

The luxuriant branches and leaves overhead, a gust of wind blowing, rustling, cicadas hiding in them, with that loud voice singing the songs of the exclusive summer. The old tree wrapped in the cracked bark has built a cool paradise for us in this noisy world.

Noon is the girl's favorite time. The four members of her family gather in front of the TV to have lunch. They watch the current news and anecdotes, talk and laugh together. Everything seems so plain, but she cherishes it very much. Life is so flat and light. They experience real and simple happiness in the flat.

After lunch, her parents went to take a nap to save strength for the hard work in the afternoon. Her sister also spent a little time on her hard study in the afternoon. Only she was happy and relaxed, watching the "Lecture Room". She likes to hear this Generation after generation of sages, a group of heroes, contain a national spirit with a mind, and support the future of a nation with a belief. In the long river of history, they glow with their own glory, inspire the world, and spur the "I".

It's often hot in the afternoon. Sometimes she would wash her clothes and tidy up her room. Sometimes she would listen to music, practice calligraphy and paint as she wanted. But more often, she will write her homework, and sometimes she will invite friends to the seaside to enjoy the different customs of the water and the sky, and feel the boundless breadth of the sea.

Every night, before going to bed, she always goes to the square nearby for a walk, which is called walking. On a summer night, the square is brightly lit and full of people enjoying the cool. Here, a group of old men and women dance slowly; There, middle-aged women were dancing big silk cloth and dancing Yangge in a glittering manner; In this area, children of all ages are chasing each other with roller skating, skateboards and cars; There is also a place where men, women and children sit and watch movies on small screens; People talking to each other are sitting in every corner of the square... The lively square is filled with happy laughter. Being in it can always give you some spiritual comfort and touch. People who have worked hard all day here relax, dispel fatigue, and use sincere laughter to pierce the walls of each other's hearts, eliminate barriers, and convey joy.

This is like paradise, more like heaven

In the dead of night, people gradually fell asleep. She lay on her bed and looked at the stars all over the sky through the window, thinking a lot about her responsibilities, her dreams, her beliefs and her future. She knew that she was growing up. She hoped to make her life full and meaningful with her own hands.

The summer vacation is about to pass when the heat gradually fades away, and good memories also stop there, waiting for "me" to miss them often.

During the summer vacation, I came to Qingdao, a beautiful city with red tiles, green trees, blue sea and blue sky.

The beauty of Qingdao lies in its sea. I walked barefoot on the thin sand beach, enjoying the boundless sea with sea and sky in one color. When the sea is calm, it looks like a transparent and transparent glass mirror; When the sea surges, it is like rows of orderly sentries walking solemnly in front of the rostrum; When the sea roars, it looks like a roaring lion, rolling up thousands of waves and rushing towards the beach.

Seagulls fly up and down on the sea, adding a beautiful style to the beach. The beach has attracted many tourists, some of whom are playing beach bathing in the sun, some are playing water fights in the blue water, others are digging sand castles and washing their feet on the beach. What's more interesting is that some people are swimming happily in the sea with puppies, which has opened my eyes to what is called dog gouging... watching others play so happily, I couldn't help picking a lot of colorful shells on the beach. Sometimes the sea water jumped on my face when I didn't notice, making me laugh. I also played Digging Sand Castle. I walk in the sea, the water constantly slapping my little feet, one wave after another. I left a series of footprints on the beach, and a spray hit me, and those footprints disappeared

The beauty of Qingdao lies not only in its sea, but also in its mountains. Here is Laoshan, one of the birthplaces of Taoism. It is surrounded by sea water. The mountains rise and fall, green mountains and green waters. From a distance, the mountain peaks seem to be covered by a layer of gauze, like a fairyland. We mainly visited the Taiqing Palace, which has three main halls: Sanqing Palace, Sangong Palace and Sanhuang Palace. There are many strange trees here: for example, three in one trees, three different species of trees combined into a tall tree; The yellow lotus, ginkgo, camellia, and the legendary itchy tree move their leaves when they touch the trunk; The dragon head tree, once touched, it can bring good luck. I touched it several times... There are many unknown trees. There are many strange stones on the mountain. Some look like a monk from a distance, some look like a frog looking up at the sky, and some are very interesting. They look like turtles and mice at the same time

The beauty of Qingdao lies in its environment. The environment here is elegant, the streets are clean, the air is very fresh, there are almost no impurities in the air, and there are many flowers and trees.

I love you in Qingdao, a beautiful city with red tiles, green trees, blue sea and blue sky.

If I were at school, I might not be able to get up, but today I woke up before seven o'clock. This means that the long-awaited summer vacation has begun.

After breakfast, I will find work. Although we will go to Dongying to learn knowledge on the 19th, we can't be idle these days.

I, Dazui and Youfeng, spent more than two hours wandering around the county town, asking about where we needed help. Some stores politely refused us, and some even ignored us. This is very useful for us to hone our skin. Maybe I won't forget Feng's blush when he asked the clerk when he entered the Jordan store.

The effort pays off. Finally, we found a summer training school that advertised when we broke our legs. At more than ten o'clock, the three of us went to the school, negotiated the price and settled other related matters: go to the square at night.

At more than seven o'clock, the number of people in the square began to increase gradually. Feng and I will start work soon.

Just then, I met my geography teacher in junior high school. I yelled at him from the opposite side of the road. When he saw me, he ran to me eagerly. It has been two years since we met. The teacher held my hand tightly, and I also held my hand tightly. There was an inexpressible excitement in the teacher's heart. The teacher's face showed a happy and happy smile. I used to be the opposite teacher to him, the teacher who once made him angry with me, and the teacher who once took out most of the lessons for me to tell a big truth, now I see you so kind. Although the wrinkles on the teacher's face are more and deeper, the smile that has been lingering for a long time is so sweet.

Maybe I can't let my teacher proudly show off his achievements to my younger martial brothers and sisters in the future. Maybe I won't remember him all my life, but now the street meeting is so beautiful, so easy to cry.

Days go by day after day... The summer vacation, which always belongs to students, continues every year, and that is what every student is looking forward to.

When I first stepped into the school gate that year, I began to get familiar with many new things. However, the first knowledge I came into contact with was not our Chinese, nor delicate mathematics, but the summer vacation, a strange and yearning word. With the vision, we walked step by step, and finally one day the summer vacation came

That day, I just finished the exam. In fact, when I took the last exam, my heart had already flown to the summer vacation I most longed for... What mysterious thing was that? Unconsciously, the summer vacation came. At that time, the summer vacation was only happy. I played with my friends in the fields, talked to the smaller children about how good the school was, looked at their eyes, and yearned... I talked about the ups and downs of the school with my friends, and played jokes with my brothers and sisters... It was such a good day, and I had a happy summer vacation.

Before long, the time of __ years has passed unconsciously.

On that day, I was very happy. I was lucky to enter my dream high school. Smile, it seems that the joy of that day has continued

On the first day of school, I was faced with neat military uniforms for the first time. I ran, jumped, and marched on the beautiful green field... In this way, I entered high school life.

I don't know what this life will be like. Does it seem tighter than junior high school, stranger than before, changed than before... or everything is the same, I don't know. Therefore, we have to face it by ourselves. Even if I didn't mention summer vacation a few days ago, who would have thought of it! A few days later, just a few days later, we began to look forward again, waiting for the arrival of the summer vacation... One day, the summer vacation came again.

However, everything has changed. Even if you are fake, what you have to do is to fight hard and never lose heart. Because the moment you relax, it must mean that you will fall behind at another moment. So when we face the summer vacation again, it is much less and much more. Less relaxation, more tension; There is less joke in the past and more discussion in the present; Less passive once, more active now; Less ignorance, more responsibility

In the summer vacation, it is not the same as before. The changes are just like before. Maybe this is only a small part.

The summer vacation will continue and our struggle will never stop. Therefore, the summer vacation is changing because we are changing and we want to become more powerful. Believe in yourself

Along with the journey of summer vacation, we climbed the road to the top of the mountain. It was a winding road. As long as you work hard, you will experience the heroic moment of seeing all the small mountains on the top of the mountain!

On the first morning, I got up at 5:23, the first time in the world, and dragged my sister up the mountain to run (there is a mountain behind my house). Finish washing and gargling. Put on your bag and sports shoes. Put on your hat, go out of the yard, and run up the mountain with your sister. On the way, many people greeted us. It was much easier to have a sister as an interpreter. They made some friends and went up the mountain together. Finally, after half an hour of jogging, we reached the top of the mountain. Opening the bag, taking out the food, we had a picnic on the top of the mountain.

The next morning, from that day on, I would go to the fields and play my new song, Dream Field (adapted from the City of Sky), with the flute while walking. That's not usually interesting, because the sound of some small animals will accompany me from time to time in the fields.

Three days before leaving home to return to Xiamen, our seven sisters opened a queue. It is mainly because we are going back to Xiamen. I don't know when our sisters will meet again. We played in the hall all night. Finally sleepy, he fell asleep in my bedroom.

The day before I returned to Xiamen, I took a bus to Daiyun Mountain in Chishui Town for a visit. When I was almost out of breath, I reached the top of the mountain. I watched the timer: 3 hours, 28 minutes, 23 seconds! I can't help sighing: It's really the roof of central Fujian, the second highest peak in Fujian Province. It's really exhausting!

Looking around (with a telescope), I want to see if it is true that we are facing Alishan Mountain in Taiwan as mentioned in the introduction. There are many flowers along the way: orchids, lilies, rolling peonies, camellias, wild peonies, azaleas, and many others that I can't name are simply a treasure house, which is unforgettable.

On the way back to Xiamen, it was an unforgettable thrill.

The 23 days I returned to my hometown were colorful: sports, picnics, enjoying the beautiful scenery, composing songs, writing homework, blowing the flute, reading extracurricular books, preview, review, having parties, making friends, shopping, traveling around, thrilling, attending birthday parties... It was very interesting to meet my hometown in such a colorful way, not to mention the whole summer vacation?

600 words in Zhou Ji's composition (2)

This summer vacation, I experienced a new feeling - the feeling of selling newspapers.

On the morning of July 23, my friends and I went to sell newspapers. When I received the newspaper, I thought excitedly: I have also become a child selling newspapers. I heard that there are children selling newspapers during the holiday! I went to Yanquan Road with him to sell newspapers. He sold newspapers at that end, and I sold newspapers at this end, so as not to steal business. There is a big difference between the way he and I sell newspapers: he is very enthusiastic and takes the initiative to ask pedestrians whether they want newspapers; But I just stood by the roadside and shouted in a low voice: newspapers are sold for one yuan! In a short time, he sold two newspapers! no way! I also want to refuel! Don't be a laggard! I have to sell one! Just do it! An uncle came right in front of me. I strode past and felt an inexpressible nervousness. Finally, I came to the uncle and said nervously, "Uncle, do you want a newspaper? One yuan each." The uncle gently replied, "Show me." I hurriedly handed the newspaper to my uncle, who took it and read it and said, "OK! Sell me one!" My heart was full of sunshine at once. My uncle finally took out a lot of money, looked for it and said, "There is no change." I was like being splashed with cold water at that time, and the flowers that just opened in my heart withered immediately, hey! My life is really hard! Before I could say it was OK, my uncle gave me one yuan and left with the newspaper. All of a sudden, I felt warm and grateful to my uncle! I finally sold my first newspaper! The first time was the second time, so I went up again and again and asked, "Do you want newspapers? One yuan for each copy", but the newspapers were sold out within an hour! I felt the ten yuan in my pocket and felt very full.

The next day, I sold all the newspapers in the same way. Ah, I made another eight yuan (twenty cents a copy). On the third day, I don't know whether it was because we had to pick up the newspaper after 10 o'clock after the weekend, so no one came to buy it. I only sold two copies, and my friends also sold two copies, but it also saved the capital and didn't lose money. On the fourth day, perhaps the luck had turned today, and there were more people. I sold eight copies of newspapers, almost all of them, and my friend also sold eight copies. On the fifth day, the last day I sold newspapers, I sold six copies, and my friend sold seven copies. Ah, it's also good! In total, I also made 37 yuan! Counting the money, I felt that the money was hard won.

Through selling newspapers this time, I realized that it is not easy to earn money, understood the hard work of my parents, realized the touch of strangers to me, and exercised myself! I will always remember this experience of selling newspapers!

600 words in Zhou Ji's composition (3)

400 meters, it looks simple, it sounds simple, it's easy to run at will, but it's not easy to run in the race. The following is my experience of 400 meters high-speed running, please look forward to it.

The tension before the start is not worth mentioning, because any race will be nervous before the start, so let's get straight to the point. I ran once, although the curve was small, but it was very difficult to catch up. The 400m was about lasting explosive force, so the three tracks that only needed to run half a curve after the start were definitely the cheapest. Anyway, after the extreme collapse of the first leg of the 4 × 400 run, I had a shadow on this project, so I was very nervous and at a loss when starting.

With the sound of a gun, I ran across the curve as fast as I could. After I ran across the curve, I overtook the people who were running on the second track. At this time, I was not far away from the people who were running on the third track, so I planned to overtake him when entering the next curve. I did it, and then entered the second lap. They changed lanes. Because I spent too much energy on the first lap to overtake them, so on the second lap, Gradually I lose strength. If I can't win with strength, I will win with wisdom. When they want to overtake me when changing lanes, I speed up a little, and then slow down when they are all behind. This can ensure that they can not surpass me, and can also save their strength. But something prevents me from saving my strength

It's the same feeling when I run 4 × 400. If I use the analogy of legs filled with lead again, it's not image, and it's too stereotyped. According to the feeling at that time, I can't feel the existence of legs. There is a feeling that the car is almost out of gas but is still running. If I can, I will choose to break down because I can't stand it, The feeling of physical and psychological collapse, I kept shaking my head to keep myself awake and avoid being eliminated by a direct fall.

Soon I entered the 50 meter sprint area. Because my legs were too weak, I swung my thighs with my waist to "run" in a big step. I kept swinging my arms with my shoulders, because this could make my legs move instinctively (but finally I found my shoulders were too weak). Soon my consciousness began to blur and I looked back from time to time to see where the two guys were, But I didn't find them following me until I crossed the finish line.

This is what 400 meters brings to me. I don't know whether it is good or bad, but it is better than nothing.

600 words of Zhou Ji's composition (4)

I am me, a unique snowflake. Yes, everyone is a snowflake and unique. So what we need is to constantly refresh ourselves and make ourselves better, braver and stronger.

Refreshing yourself is not to change your appearance, but to pay attention to your heart and make your life fuller. Make the flower of your life bloom more brightly.

In the first half of the semester of the third day of junior high, my performance was not very good. There was only one month left. I set a goal for myself to be admitted to the top 20 in the class, which was a great challenge for me at that time. A gentleman's word is irretrievable. I will try my best to achieve the goal I set myself.

That month, I listened to every class carefully, completed every homework carefully, and went to the teacher to ask questions. During this period, I also had a retreat. I felt as if I was walking on a dark, endless path, confused. I didn't know whether to go back or move on? It was very difficult. Finally, I could not resist the complex of entering the class of 20, so I told myself: I must do it! Later, he studied harder, and ran every day with words and ancient poems in his mouth. I know that nothing is impossible as long as I work hard. My heart is focused on learning. I don't know the result, but I know the process is also important. As long as I have worked hard and fought hard.

The final grade sheet was issued. There were 21 students in the class, one less than my goal. I know that I did it. Of course, there is still a gap between the reality and expectations. However, I am still very grateful to the original self who struggled in the learning battlefield.

Nobody knows what the future will be like. However, the future is in our hands. We should work hard and bravely. The future is beautiful and wonderful.

At the age of youth, we need to work hard. This age is the age of hardship, struggle, sweat, and self renewal.

Refresh yourself, leave no regrets in the future, make tomorrow better, and make your life more brilliant!

600 words in Zhou Ji's composition (5)

When Anyu was eight years old, carrying a heavy schoolbag and dragging a heavy step home, beads of sweat rolled down his pale face. Mother thought that Anyu had caught a cold, but in the middle of the night, her face became more pale and her breathing became difficult. The family sent Anyu to the hospital. The examination results made them unable to believe that Anyu suffered from serious heart disease.

From that day on, Anyu started a long - term treatment, but the surprising result never appeared. At the age of 14, Anyu was admitted to the hospital again. She lay quietly on the bed, watching her father ask the doctor about her illness like a pupil. Anyu's heart was broken. She felt that she was committing a crime. This was a happy family, but because of her, she was in debt. The expensive medical expenses every day made my father reluctant to drink mineral water of one yuan. He was hungry and ate the dry steamed bread at home, and thirsty for raw water. An Yu thought to herself, why did she let the family bear so much?

After the infusion, Anyu began to implement the plan she had been thinking about for a long time. When everyone else left and only Anyu was left in the ward, she took out the bottle under the pillow and broke it... Her every move was seen by her careful father standing outside the window.

Angry father slapped Anyu hard, and Anyu cried sadly. In her memory, this was the first time that her father hit her. She raised her tear stained face and looked at her father's old and sad face. Anyu threw herself into his arms and cried loudly, crying out all her fears and her guilt for her father. The father held the thin Anyu tightly with his thin and powerful arm and sobbed: "Don't do that, son, we will work together, and you will be better." That night, Anyu slept quietly in his father's arms until dawn

Later, many scenes were like this: "Anyu, it's time to take medicine." Father came to Anyu with a glass of water. He put down the water cup in his hand, put his strong arm around his daughter's shoulder, and told her: "Children, let's work together." Anyu Ren wet his father's clothes with tears, nodded and said: "Let's work together, Dad."

An Yu once wrote in his diary: "It is said that maternal love is selfless, and in my eyes, paternal love is also selfless and broad. Because of paternal love, I must be strong..."

Several years have passed. Although Anyu's illness is not completely cured, she lives happily every day.

600 words of Zhou Ji's composition (6)

How can I refresh myself? I'm asking myself.

My thoughts are lingering around my mind. I can see the leaves floating in the wind outside the window.

It was more than ten o'clock, and my mother came back.

How can we refresh ourselves? After listening to this, my mother was stunned and thought for a while. She said: "Refreshing yourself is an important process. The key is whether you know yourself or not. If you don't talk about it first, you go to work on it first, and I will talk about it with you in a few days.".

I went to work on the problem.

Minutes slowly rotate an incomplete 90 degrees on the clock face. I haven't arrived for 15 minutes yet, but I'm already impatient, and I feel that I can't wait for a minute! I put down my pen and ran to play.

Mother sighed, as if she had known, and said, "He always does."

The next day, the sun once again put his head into the balcony and shook the ears of gold all over the floor. Everything was so peaceful. But I wanted to play computer again on a whim. When I turned on the computer, a desktop suddenly appeared on the screen. Although it was only eight words long, I could see the sun when I poked through the clouds. It turned out that refreshing is to eliminate bad habits and cultivate good habits. It is a process of life renewal. It makes life more full and perfect.

Oh, so this is the essence of refreshing life. Mom came over and asked me with a mysterious expression on her face, how can I refresh life? Without thinking, I blurted out that refreshing is a more perfect life, putting aside the old bad habits, so as to face the road of life with a new self. Mom smiled and asked me, can you do it? can

in the future

My father said that I like to change this person recently. I am serious about my work and I love learning more and more.

Grandma said that I am very hardworking and often help me do things.

The math teacher said that the questions I wrote were clear from the original carelessness, and the words were also logical.

The Chinese teacher said that I love reading, so my knowledge is also wide.

Time said that I am reluctant to leave him now because she loves me very much.

I have refreshed myself, and I will refresh myself more in the future to make my life fuller and better.

600 words of Zhou Ji's composition (7)

If you feel very good, welcome to comment and share~Thank you for your reading and support!

I finished all my homework when I came home from school today, leaving only the weekly diary. After I wrote half of it, my mother thought it was not ideal after reading it, so I wanted to erase it and write a new one. At this time, my father called me to tell me a story. The story of Yugong Shifting the Mountain. The main idea of the story is as follows: A long time ago, there was an old man named Yugong. His family lived behind a mountain. It was very inconvenient to travel. Every time you went to the market, you had to take a long turn, which took several days. Yugong was very angry, so he swore to heaven: "I must move this mountain", so he dug and dug with a shovel every day, but he never meant to move the mountain. Dashan seemed to laugh at him: "You also want to move me, hum! That's impossible!

Yu Gong's friend

600 words of Zhou Ji's composition (8)

This article, "600 Words in Junior High School Weekly Record: The Kid is in charge of the Family", is organized by the composition of primary school students, for reference only. If you feel very good, welcome to comment and share~Thank you for your reading and support!

On the morning of the weekend, bright sunshine peeped out of the window and gently covered me. At this time, a crisp alarm clock sounded, and the day's leadership began!

After I washed, I walked gently to the refrigerator. Open it and there is no food left. So I went to the market to buy food with my wallet, my small vault. I came to the vegetable market and looked around. When I arrived at the stall selling loofah, I saw several large loofah, and my mouth watered down. I asked the boss: "Uncle, how much is the loofah?"

"------ One yuan, one jin!" The boss was shocked when he saw that I came to buy vegetables because of my "talent", and then he reacted!

"I'll take one. The towel gourd is too long. Please cut it in half and put it in the bag after weighing it!" I said suddenly when I looked at the "big slap" bag held by the boss.

The boss gave me a warm nod and put the weighed and cut loofah into the bag and gave it to me. After that, I went to buy some tomatoes and left with a little song.

When I got home, I took some eggs, broke them gently, let the white egg white and golden yolk flow into the bowl, and stirred them with chopsticks. He turned on the gas stove and poured a little oil. Suddenly, the oil jumped into a "old disco" in the pot. I immediately picked up the pot to let the oil "spread all over the world", then poured the eggs into the pot to "dance with the oil", then cut the tomatoes into small pieces and poured them in, and then I sang the "scrambled eggs with tomatoes" while frying.

At this time, a delicious taste of drooling will float all over the "world". After a while, my scrambled eggs with tomatoes were finished. Later, I made a large bowl of fragrant loofah egg soup.

After a while, my parents and sister came out of the room. When they saw it, the house was clean; There are already bought breakfast on the table; And when there was a plate of fragrant scrambled eggs with tomatoes and a large bowl of loofah egg soup on the table, they thought they had come to someone else's house! When they saw me out of breath, they couldn't help laughing and gave me a thumbs up.

Call me a competent little boss.

600 words of Zhou Ji's composition (9)

October 1, 20XX Sunny

October 1st is the founding day of the People's Republic of China. People of all ethnic groups across the country gather together to celebrate the birthday of the motherland. National Day is a happy day for every Chinese. In this peaceful and peaceful day, the festival mall is dressed up to be charming, colorful and permeated with a strong festival atmosphere. People in the whole city are relaxing, traveling, shopping... under the same blue sky, enjoying the sunshine and joy of the golden autumn.

You see, the streets and alleys are full of people and flowers. There are countless pots of flowers in the park and beside the road, forming beautiful flower beds, which decorate Zhengzhou like a colorful garden.

The fountain in the park seldom shows its posture at ordinary times. On this day of national celebration, it also shows its skill. Seen from afar, the spring water looks like white practice flying in the sky and silver splashes everywhere. In the blue sky, there are kites of various colors, shapes and strange things, some of which are like drunken drunks spinning around; Some are like eagles flying high, looking for prey with their sharp eyes; Some are like flower fairies - butterflies, a leisurely and complacent look... people are flying their hopes and ideals here!

Bright five-star red flags were planted at the entrance of each store, fluttering in the wind. The "Challenge Arena" in front of each major shopping mall is built high, and songs rise one after another. In particular, Dehua Commercial Pedestrian Street is more heated and noisy, and the sound of hawking and laughter can make people feel the happy atmosphere of the festival. The Central Plains Book City on Longhai Road is bustling with people taking advantage of the National Day holiday to travel in the sea of knowledge.

The festival is so beautiful that people are reluctant to leave. At the same time, I am extremely proud of the development of our motherland.

600 words of Zhou Ji's composition (10)

Outside the window, a peach blossom is dancing on tomorrow. How beautiful it is. When the bright spring comes, a hundred flowers will bloom. The powder will force your eyes to compete for rain and dew. I don't know why.

I often look at it in the window, which is not even as green as the surrounding bamboo leaves. It just stands in the lush bamboo forest, can't see the pink flowers, and is fascinated by the colorful world. I grasp the rope of the beautiful world, and only wish that every minute of beauty.

Another year, I returned home with the floating dust of the colorful world, ah! The flowers bloomed and flourished, but they just kissed the bamboo leaves lightly. In the slanting wind from morning to night, I tell my heart to nature. I am also in the slanting wind, telling my wish that the flower buds of the tree grow more beautiful. The nature heard that the flowers gradually bloomed, and the pink color gradually dipped from the petals to the buds. Ha, the beauty shone on the whole mountain, and stood side by side with the sunset in the rosy clouds of spring night. The flowers fell, only after one night, quickly let the sunset sun also don't recognize the tree, the flowers.

Oh, cruel punishment, the land gave life and let it grow on this land. Since it has given you all the joy, why should you take it away one by one? In the spring of the next year, the trees are full of flowers, still from petal powder to flower buds. The trees have squeezed out of the bamboo forest and rushed into the sky. I saw the flowers fall. Oh, do you know me? Is it the heartless land that commands you? I am eager to ask all the questions to the flowers. Are you sad? Pain? Once spread all over the mountains and dotted the earth, now it is scattered in the soil, slowly becoming black and small.

Be happy when you are happy, and let go when you are down.

I heard the flowers telling me that when they put down their burdens and restrictions, joy will come, and joy will return, wither themselves and bring new life. So I looked up to the peach tree. In the slanting wind, I wished it: let go of myself and gain myself.

Spring has come again, and the flowers on the tree have shown their green fruits. I smiled and saw the beauty of the fallen flowers, and heard it put down again. Shh, calm your heart and listen to the withering words

I walked away from the colorful world and came to the peach tree.

600 words of Zhou Ji's composition (11)

Hot summer days.

The sun scattered like fireballs.

These days, I did well in the school exam. In order to reward me, my mother took me to the supermarket to prepare delicious rewards for me.

When I came to the supermarket, I chose from east to west, but my mother was very patient and always followed me. Whenever I choose something, I will ask my mother, and her mother always smiles and says, "Buy whatever you like!" I naturally put it into the cart.

The sun shines through the glass and makes the goods on the shelves glitter.

The cart was full of my favorite food, but my mother didn't pick any. She told me that she didn't need anything. Settle the account and go out of the supermarket. I bought a lot of things, very heavy. My mother took the things over without saying anything. I want to help my mother carry a bag. But her mother said that she carried a bag in one hand, which was symmetrical and comfortable.

The sun shone on her mother's body, and sweat soon soaked her back.

Mother must be Superman, because she is very thin and weighs only 90 kg. But she always takes care of heavy things and always walks in front of me. My mother walked with great strides, while I followed my mother with empty hands.

The sun shines brightly on my mother's back.

Unconsciously, I suddenly found that I had walked in front of my mother. Looking back, I realized that my mother was struggling with two bags of things. I found that every strand of her hair was dotted with white flowers, and the wrinkles around her eyes were slightly obvious. I've just come back to my senses. Time is urging me to grow up and my mother to grow old. I walked to my mother's side and walked side by side with her. My mother smiled silently. The sun shines on my way home with my mother

My mother always carries everything on my back and always walks in front of me to help me block the difficulties in front of me. Mother's love for me is like a tree root, while I am a tree pole. Only the company of the tree root can the tree stem be healthy. I remember a great man once said: "No matter how long the shadow of the tree is pulled by dusk, it is always connected with the root."

The roots firmly grasp the earth and nourish the trunk.

600 words of Zhou Ji's composition (12)

A season, as sweet and shy as lemon, seems to be in full bloom quietly. A little bit of "Zhe" takes the fragrance and beauty of the Japanese fruit, no matter when and where it is, it is as exciting as a cicada without knowing the snow.

I like nothing better than the warm and calm moment in early summer and May. It is characterized by heat, purity and beauty.

The heat from the early summer in the north often makes some people dizzy.

When the first ray of sunshine shines on the earth in the morning, it doesn't feel like the warmth of spring flowers, the lightness of autumn wind, or the biting cold of winter wind. It's hot, the feeling of early summer is hot, warm.

The coolest is not winter or autumn, because it is always cold. People can't feel the cool and clean after the heat.

So the coolest and clearest thing is the rain and water in early summer. It always makes people feel cool. Dripping rain, rhythmic music and cheerful tunes are desirable, just like another world in the heart.

The rain, falling gently in the pond, slowly swirls and melts into it, like an elegant ink painting.

After the cool rain, the lotus blossoms in the pond become more and more moving, and it seems to have become a picture of lotus leaves.

When, the red lotus next to me also showed its stamens. The flowers are close to each other and weave together. The green lotus leaves add much red. It makes him unique.

The fish jumped happily in the pond, splashing with spray and waves. They wagged their tails and opened their eyes wide. Every word you said made the whole pond more joyful. This seems to let me see the picture of carp leaping over the Dragon Gate and lotus leaves. At the same time, it also evokes a song: "I am like a fish in your lotus pond, just waiting for the white moonlight with you."

The night in early summer is very comfortable. Watching the stars all over the sky dotted in the dark night, it looks like the light of stars, and the bright moon, just like a bright Milky Way, shines in the night sky.

What a beautiful night in early summer

600 words of Zhou Ji's composition (13)

The politics textbook said: "Youth is a good time for us to never return." As I entered the middle school campus, I became a freshman in junior high school. Sitting in a strange classroom, I saw strange faces, looked at the flying figures on the playground outside the window, and I smelled the flavor of youth.

The last class in the afternoon was outdoor sports. The school organized our first grade department to watch basketball games on the playground. On hearing the news, the class immediately burst into flames. It was not the boys who were playing tricks, but the girls who were full of loveliness. Because the boys on the basketball team must be tall and handsome.

At the last break in the afternoon, after class, the girls ran to the platform upstairs, and I was pushed up by the crowd. Upstairs, as expected, looking down, you can see the members of the junior three basketball team doing preparatory activities. Girls: "Wow! How handsome!" I: "What can you see on the fourth floor?" The classmate covered my mouth with a righteous face. As soon as the class bell rang, the girls swarmed down, and the poor military body was powerless to shout. It was the head of the level department that "suppressed" them back. When we get to the designated position of each class, we can find that the girls in each class have surrounded the court completely. The game started.

The boys are all absorbed in watching the game and talking about technology, while the girls don't understand it. They are all absorbed in watching the handsome boy, and sometimes make comments: "Ah ah ah, he is my ideal type, I can" "He is more handsome without glasses" "His nose is good". I have no watch. Alas! Since I read anime and novels, I seem to have no feeling about the male gods in reality. In the middle and late stages of the game, I was also fascinated, not by the handsome guy, but by the flying air and the spirit of the school leaders' strategizing. Look, the boys on the court are straining their faces. Sometimes they intercept and block, sometimes they jump and dunk. No wonder girls love watching boys play basketball. Who doesn't love the taste of sunshine and youth?

With a whistle, the game was over, I took a deep breath, the campus of youth is like this. No wonder people always miss campus life. What I am experiencing is the best moment of life.

600 words of Zhou Ji's composition (14)

Those who can read you can't read your mother's heart.

You like growing flowers best, so on your birthday, I gave you a pot of hyacinths with flowers and bones, and I went all out to irrigate this pot of hyacinths.

Until one day, a little brother came to my house as a guest. I didn't think he would mess up my room, so I locked the door and didn't let him in. After he left, I opened the door with confidence. Unexpectedly, as soon as I opened the door, a face darker than the dark clouds outside came into my eyes. You begin to say that I am not polite at all. I argued, but you said I was stingy, and I quarreled with you even more. In a fit of anger, I roared loudly, picked up a pot of plants and threw them on the ground. With a "bang", the glass bottle broke into pieces like my heart. Settled down, I was surprised to find that the pot of hyacinths I threw away!

Finally, I couldn't help but push the door open and run out. It began to rain in the dark sky, and raindrops hit me. I wandered aimlessly in the street. There was no one on the road. All the lights are bright, but my heart is not bright at all. Only your busy figure appears in my mind. In sunny days, you run back and forth for the pot of hyacinth, taking a watering can and a shovel. On second thought, what I have destroyed is not only the pot of hyacinths, but also a heart you love me! At this moment, only the wind is whistling and the sound of rain is ticking across my face, and I can't tell whether it is rain or tears. I summoned up my courage and walked home silently.

I stared at the door, pushed it gently, and the door was open, and the tears slipped down again. I picked up my slippers and walked quietly into my house. When I walked to the place that was still a mess a few minutes ago, I found that it had already changed. The basin of hyacinths on the balcony had already changed into new clothes and fell asleep. There is also a note under it - I love you forever. After carefully reading these five simple words, I can understand the heart of this mother who has endured hardships.

In retrospect, you always forgive me before I admit my mistake. Every time I go my own way, you will tolerate; You always talk about my strengths in front of others, and those weaknesses seem not to exist

You came out of the room and I stared at you blankly. But you raised your mouth and smiled, and brought dinner to the table, as always.

Having been your daughter for more than ten years, I finally understand your heart!

600 words of Zhou Ji's composition (15)

The topic of this experiment is to analyze whether light has an impact on the living environment of the rat wife. Our group believes that light has an impact on the living environment of the rat lady, who likes dark places. The experiment began after the viewpoint of this group was determined. We put 10 rat dames into a petri dish covered with black paper along the wall to observe. They crawled in the petri dish and kept climbing on the wall of the petri dish. However, because their claws could not hook the wall, they fell down repeatedly and fell on their feet. After observation, I put a semicircular piece of cardboard on the petri dish, blocking part of the light, forming a dark area in the petri dish in contrast to the bright area.

Then the teacher began to count the number of rat ladies in the area not covered every minute. During this time, a rat lady kept climbing up the wall and falling down, and then one of them came out. Her calf kept tumbling and quickly climbed out of the petri dish. He "escaped"! As a "guard", I have the responsibility to "arrest" it! I gently grabbed him from behind and sent it back to "home". "Counting for the first time!" When I heard this, I became alert, and my eyes turned around, looking for the shadow of the rat lady in the petri dish. "One, two, three, four, five! There are five mousewomen in total! No more, no less! Exactly half!" A minute later, the mousewomen was not tired at all. She crawled around in the petri dish, and the two tentacles were swinging around, silly. There is also a rat lady who turns around the petri dish! "Count twice!" "6"... "Count four times!" "4"... "Count nine times!" "7!" "Count the tenth time!" "5" "Count the average!" "5" "What! Why is it half of the total? Is our view right? Alas! What happened?

At last, the result of the whole class came out, and we finally got the final answer: the rat woman likes yin, and light has an impact on the life of the rat woman! yeah! Our point of view is right!

Everything is new to me after high school.

600 words of Zhou Ji's composition (16)

When I arrived in Fushun, I saw that the streets were crowded with people, and the crowds here and there surrounded the streets. I looked at my mother and asked her where the party was? Mother said it was on the high mountain. At the end of the street, I saw the mountains. One mountain stands next to another, towering into the sky, as sharp as a sword, and like a waterfall. When I got to the party place, I knew it was my uncle's house. Looking around, there are bamboo forests all over the mountains. The wind blows the bamboo leaves. The sound of "rustling" ripples away, crisp and pleasant, like a wind chime! In this green sea, there is also a winding brook: the brook is singing a cheerful song, and it seems that it is also welcoming the happy "National Day" Golden Week!

After lunch, my uncle said to our brothers and sisters, "If you are bored, let's race and run! OK?" We said with one voice, "OK!" The rule of the race is: whoever first climbs the mountain and then comes back from the road, whoever comes first will be the first. With my uncle's powerful voice: "Ready -- start!" I rushed out like an arrow leaving the string, and it would be far away. After a while, I ran out of breath and was very tired. After running for about ten minutes, my brothers and sisters caught up and I became the last one. At this time, I really wished there was a hole in the ground that could be drilled in. I was very frustrated. Mother seemed to have a pair of bright eyes. She saw what was on my mind and came up to me and said, "Don't be discouraged. It doesn't matter if you lose this time. The important thing is not to lose at the starting point of life. You should learn a lesson: when starting, you should not run too fast or too slow. You should be appropriate. At the end of the day, you should use all your strength to sprint, you know?" I nodded and smiled sweetly, as if laughing with the bright sunshine

From this interesting competition, I realized that failure is not terrible, as long as you can fall, you can stand up where you can, and such people can become the final real big winner! This truth will accompany me all my life and lead me forward step by step!

600 words of Zhou Ji's composition (17)

This interesting lesson will never be forgotten by me.

On a sunny morning, I happily carried my schoolbag into the beautiful and quiet real school and came to Class 3 (2) classroom with clean windows and neat desks and chairs.

I went into the classroom, took a rest in my seat and began to have class. Teacher Song said he would take us to play some games, which made everyone very happy. The whole class immediately sat upright, waiting for the teacher to announce the rules of the game. The teacher announced the rule of the first game: use what voice I heard to make sentences. From the first student in the first group to the last student in the fourth group, you should make such sentences one by one. Some students said they heard the wind rustling bamboo leaves, some said they heard cicadas singing, and some said they heard birds chirping, It's really interesting. Teacher Song said that this is to cultivate the ability of "listening".

The second rule of the game is: use what voice I want to hear to make sentences, and the students scramble to raise their hands to speak. Some said they wanted to hear the sound of willows twitching, some said they wanted to hear the sound of the red sun rising in the east, and some said they wanted to hear the sound of grass growing. Song also said that this is to cultivate "listening".

The most interesting game is the "Send Digital Telegraph". The boys and girls are divided into two groups and send numbers with clapping palms. One student in the boys' group acts as the transmitter, taking different numbers with the palm of his hand, and another student in the same group acts as the receiver. It is necessary to tell the group accurately. If it is wrong, it will be a failure, and the girls' group will do the same. After several rounds of competition, the smart and careful girl group won the final victory. Teacher Song also said that it is to cultivate "listening attentively".

This class is really wonderful. The classroom is full of laughter and cheers. In a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere, the students enjoyed their body and mind and increased their knowledge. How I wish I could often have this kind of class!