Experience for the first time (16 general articles)
Encounter tulips
2024-02-06 01:44:49
Grade 3

Experience the first time (1)

Saturday, October 20 Sunny

This morning, my father and mother took me to pick vegetables at my aunt's house in the countryside. When we got off the Niutang Section Viaduct, my father drove the car into a winding country road. At the end of the road was the village where my aunt lived.

In front of the village is a large area of countryside, which looks like rows of neat green ribbons from a distance, but it turns out that there are a lot of small vegetables growing close up. I used to only collect vegetables in QQ Farm. Today, I finally come to the scene and can show my skills. I pulled up my sleeves and went to the field to pull vegetables like an aunt. I also reached out to grab a vegetable and gently pulled it, but it didn't come up. My aunt said to me, "It hasn't rained in recent days, and the soil has become hard." Then I pulled again, and finally I pulled up a tree. My father told me: "We should pull it up from a relatively sparse place, where the soil has been loosened." Later, I followed the method my father taught me, and I was able to pull it up as easily as my aunt. I was thrilled to see the results of my work. There is a large piece of soil on the uprooted vegetables. I see many roots on the soil. Dad said, "The longest one is the main root, and the fine hairs on the edge are lateral roots, which are used to absorb water in the soil."

Later, I learned to cut grass, dig sweet potatoes and pull up carrots. I also saw white flowers on the cabbage, like morning glory; The vine of pumpkin is like a creeper; The endless water chestnuts in the fields are green.

Autumn is the harvest season. Today, I experienced the joy of autumn harvest and gained a lot of insight.

Experience the first time (2)

On August 6, we came to the beautiful Hengshan Leisure Farm. On the farm, we played many games, of which the most intense and exciting one was the live S gun fight.

The game began. First, we, as attackers, proudly rushed to the enemy's position with guns. "Bang bang"...... "The gunshot was heard all the time, and even the leaves were shaking. Under the cover of natural barriers such as walls and trees, we bravely rushed to the enemy's position. I hid behind the wall and shot a few shots from time to time. At the same time, I looked around vigilantly for fear that the enemy would sneak from behind. The enemy also used harassment tactics, sending several "shot dead" people to our base camp from time to time. As the saying goes, we are always ready to cheat. The other side's move of "bringing the dead back to life" really gives us a threat, and we lose a lot. Before I mastered my skills, I held a gun and shot randomly, but I didn't get a shot. I finally got the hang of it and shot an enemy soldier, but the bullets were exhausted. Looking at the boy who was "shot" by me, I felt a burst of ecstasy in my heart. Just as I was about to change the bullet, I suddenly found something strange behind me. A "magic claw" grabbed my hat, "no good!" My head was held by a gun, and I had no time to resist. I heard a "bang bang bang bang", and then a figure went away, and I was "martyred". Alas, pride will defeat you! This is a painful lesson.

At this time, the battle is in a relatively moderate stage, and the enemy and our sides have stored ammunition and breathed a sigh of relief. But at the same time, both sides are very alert and ready for the imminent war. We quietly went into the enemy's hinterland and killed one person. The harsh sound of gunfire broke the silence of this moment. The enemy immediately understood what had happened and took up the gun to counter attack. We seized the last chance and won after a burst of strafing.

Experience the first time (3)

Making money, for this word, you may think: This is not what our parents should do? But I want to tell you that I can make money now! Now, let me tell you about my experience of making money!

I learned the hard work of making money for the first time in a busy day of handing out leaflets. From then on, I also learned that it is not easy for parents to earn money.

On Saturday morning, I got up early, and it was the right time for me to go to school when I finished cleaning, although the boss said that I would be there before 8:30. However, I arrived at the place where I received the leaflets early, because it was my first time to work. I was afraid that the leaflets would be robbed, so I wanted to come earlier.

After receiving the leaflets, the boss asked us to distribute them in different areas. The amount of leaflets I received was 10000 in a day, but the boss only gave me 8000. The boss said that I was too young to distribute them, so he divided my area near Longjiang Park. Because it is arranged near Longjiang Park, there are more people there. I will also send it faster. After listening to it, I am full of gratitude to my boss.

Although there are many people here in Longjiang Park, this is the first time for me to send out leaflets. I feel embarrassed, and I can't reach out. But in order to complete the task, I finally got up the courage to launch the leaflets. I distributed them to everyone, gradually forgot my shyness, and really integrated into the work. After a day of hard work, I finally distributed all the leaflets.

In the evening, I went to get the salary of the day with my boss exhausted! I saw that those big brothers and sisters had sent ten thousand copies, but only 60 yuan. I only sent eight thousand copies, and the boss also gave me 60 yuan. Although I was happy with the money, I was still a little embarrassed. Maybe the boss saw my mind, smiled and said to me, "Little girl, you deserve it, go home quickly!" I took the hard earned salary and went home happily.

This is my first time to experience making money. Although it is hard, through this experience, I not only know how hard it is to make money, but also break through the barrier of being shy when distributing leaflets. I am no longer timid!

Experience the first time (4)

"The continuous progress of human society is due to the continuous innovation of human beings". When I was watching TV, I suddenly saw such a sentence flashing on the TV screen. It also reminds me of my creativity.

I remember that time when I played with remote control cars for a while at home, I was bored. I think: if I can also make something fun, I will do what I say, check information, find tools, and prepare materials. The thing I want to make is called "octopus smoke ring launcher".

I started to make it. First, I found a bottle, cut a hole in the bottom, unscrew the lid, cut a small hole with scissors, take a mosquito repellent incense, ignite it, and insert it into the small hole. But I suddenly found that my cut was leaking smoke! I wanted to trap it with something, but I couldn't do either. So I started to try the same thing, cardboard, sponge paper, cotton cloth... Finally, I found something to use. Cut the balloon in half, stretch it, and put it on the big mouth. "It's finally done!" I shouted and tried immediately. "Eh, how could this happen?" I frowned. After some thought, I found that this was not properly set. "It's a pity," I said, shaking my head. However, I'm ready to do it again. We learned the lessons of failure and redesigned it.

According to the original steps, this time, I only cut one third of the length, and put it on with five leather bands. This time, I made a coat for it. Take pink cardboard, cut an octopus, cut two eyes with black cardboard, and then put a rubber band on it. In this way, the octopus smoke ring launcher is complete!

This self made transmitter made me understand a truth: only by practicing can we exercise our independent thinking ability, face failure ability, and cultivate our spirit of marching forward bravely.

In life, as Chen Yi said, "We should know that learning is difficult, and we should be diligent." Not only learning is valued by hard work, but research, invention and life are valued by hard work everywhere. One cannot lose heart because of failure, let alone be proud of victory. Think independently, sum up experience and start again.

As long as we read more, think more, practice more and use our brains more, we will certainly realize our dream!

Experience the first time (5)

Without the first failure, there will be no success; No failure, no growth. This is my first time growing vegetables.

One summer vacation, my mother took me back to my husband's house. When I got to Grandma's house, my mother said to me, "Honey, we didn't come back to our hometown to play, but to help Grandma work." I was only 8 years old at that time, and I didn't know what work was, so I promised my mother.

The next day, we came to a wide lawn. Golden rice, red persimmons, many birds are chirping, and the sun is smiling at me! Just as I was immersed in the beautiful scenery, my mother's voice came from my ear: "We want to plant rape." When it comes to rape, it is my favorite. I remember once when my mother bought rape and fried it at home, I could finish a dish alone. At the thought of this, my saliva dripped down. When my mother saw it, she smiled and said, "My saliva dribbled before we planted it." Then I responded and said, "Mom, let's plant it quickly!"

It's time to plant vegetables. My mother showed me how to use a hoe to dig the soil into small holes, then put the seeds down, then bury the soil, and finally pour some water. I couldn't take my eyes off and thought it was easy. So I also picked up a hoe and tried it. After the small pits were dug, I grabbed a handful of seeds and put them in the pits. When my mother saw it, she said in a hurry, "Honey, there are too many seeds, and the vegetables are not growing well." I picked up the seeds one by one, leaving only a few, and then filled the pit with soil. Unconsciously, the soil was as high as a "hill". Mother said, "The soil is too thick for vegetables to grow." I had to remove the soil higher than the pit. Finally, I fetched a bucket of water and poured more than half of it. My mother was surprised and said, "You can't put so much water at one time." It seems to be a simple thing, but it is so difficult to do. I sat down impatiently and said, "It's so hard to plant a dish! I won't plant it if I need so much knowledge!" My mother came to me and said gently, "Baby, you should know that you can't do things halfway, try again." Later, I slowly mastered the method.

I tried again, this time, I succeeded! My mother said kindly, "You see, it's a success." "Well! Mom, I know, I will stick to everything in the future!" I said happily.

Experience the first time (6)

On Saturday morning, because my parents didn't wake me up when I went out, I slept a little longer. When I woke up, it was already over ten o'clock. Before my parents came back, my stomach began to sing "Empty City Plan". I imitated my mother's usual appearance and learned to cook for the first time.

I got my apron tied, washed the pot, put water on it, washed the rice, and started to make a fire. I lit the straw, put it into the pot hole, put firewood on the rack, and went to wash the vegetables. When I came back after washing the dishes, there was no movement in the water in the pot. When I looked at the pot hole, the firewood was not burning at all and went out. My heart was cold, so I had to make a fire again. The fire seems to be deliberately trying to get over me. I saw smoke coming out, but it didn't burn well. It made me cry a lot. It was very uncomfortable. Later, I thought of the words "fire heart should be empty", so I put firewood on the ground, and the fire was really burning more and more. It turned out that there was knowledge in burning fire.

When the water boils, I cook rice. I only know that my mother usually churns in the pot. I don't know how long it takes to cook. I just read comic books while burning the fire. Later, I found that the rice was boiled thin and almost burnt. I hurried to empty the rice and thought that my mother would scold me. When I was suffering, my parents came back and saw that I was cooking. My mother smiled and said, "My little cat can cook!" I quickly took a mirror to look at it. I didn't know that I had made a face when I burned the fire. Dad also gave me a thumb, but I was not happy. I told my mother that the food was thin. My mother came to see it and said, "It doesn't matter, we like soft food. You should study hard in the future, and you will cook better!" After listening to my mother's encouragement, my heart was warm, and I would cook well.

Today is my first time to cook. Although it is not a success, I have gained a lot. I have learned to be serious and consult others when I am not.

Experience the first time (7)

I had just started my twelve years of poverty, and I experienced a failure of experience. It was really an unforgettable pain.

After school, our group of mathematical "elites" were entrusted with an important task by mathematics teachers. This is the annual Olympiad Maths Competition. For those who participate every year, I will certainly participate, and I will win prizes every time. Just as I was thinking, the teacher came to me and said, "Ling Wei, your Olympic math background is not very strong. You should do more exercises when you go home. If you don't understand something, you can ask the teacher." Having been overwhelmed by self-confidence, I already don't know the word "modesty". I smiled and said to the teacher, "Don't worry, I will get the ranking easily this year." The teacher saw that I was so proud, but it was hard to break my self-confidence. He just shook his head and left with a long sigh.

Seeing that the teacher didn't say anything, I became more and more convinced that I had "divine power". I didn't even read the Olympic math book when I came home from school every day. After finishing my homework, I sat on the sofa and watched TV leisurely. The scenes in the cartoons made me laugh and dance. My parents saw that I was so arrogant and asked me if I had finished my homework and how was my Olympic math review, I was stunned for a moment, and then immediately said proudly: "The homework of all subjects has been completed with quality and quantity guaranteed. After class, the teacher assigned us to do some Olympiad math problems, and my calculation speed is faster than the teacher." Dad snorted and said: "You can blow it, there will always be time for you to regret." I still live by myself. How time flies! It was the day of the competition in a twinkling of an eye. Suddenly, it seemed to me that there were two chapters that I didn't fully understand. While blaming my parents for not reminding me, I made up for them. Time passed quickly without saving me any face. That day, I entered the examination room with a feeling of trepidation. I silently read in my heart, hoping that the two chapters would not be put to the test. After the paper was handed out, I looked at the sea of questions. I scanned the paper, and suddenly I was dumbfounded. God, it was the creation that made people laugh. Those chapters I didn't understand were the most problematic. The more I saw it, the more I panicked. The more I panicked, the more I didn't know how to write. I bit the pen holder and meditated hard. Time passed by, and my test paper was still white. Before long, the invigilator began to give friendly tips, which still had ten minutes to go. I calmed down, straightened out my thoughts, and started on the right track, but it was too late to mend the situation. Even a child prodigy could not recover.

A few days later, I went back to the old place with some of my best competitors, and came to the entrance of the examination room unconsciously. I suddenly looked up, and a bitter taste suddenly came to my heart, and my face was burning. When an alumnus asked me how I did in the exam, I held my head high and said, "Either the first prize or the second prize, I will win the prize anyway.".

After the result came out, I was really regretful. Maybe only when I lost it, I knew the value of opportunities, only after I failed, I knew my hateful place, and only after I tried, I would have experience, but such experience was a bit painful.

Some examinations are the destiny of life, and we must not be careless. I've learned a lesson.

Experience the first time (8)

Today is really a good time. The leaders of Jiangsu Province will come to our school to check the health situation these days. It's the right time for me to investigate, and I will do my best.

Here we are. There are bursts of enthusiastic cheers. Most people say hello to the leaders of Jiangsu Province and send flowers to them. Only I walked to the leader's side step by step, smiling and holding the microphone, said to the leader, "Dear leaders, I congratulate you on behalf of the whole school. I wish you to prevent SARS early and also wish you good health. You must have had a hard journey, please come to rest with me."

"Please tell me if you are busy now, and if you are dizzy about SARS." "You are a sensible and caring child," "Don't praise me, I will be proud," "I will have a meeting now, and I will tell you later."

Today, I am so happy! Interviews are really good.

Experience the first time (9)

This Thursday, it was our class's turn to bake in Longzhou Campus, and everyone seemed a little excited.

Soon we took a bus through half of the city to Longzhou Campus. The surrounding environment made everyone feel strange, and they looked around to learn about the campus we just came to.

Our learning course is mainly baking. In the morning, the teacher specially invited several Xinjiang teachers to introduce us to the food there, and some of them also cooked hand pilaf for us to eat. In the afternoon, it's our turn to practice. What we want to do is egg biscuits. First, we separate the egg white from the egg yolk, put the egg yolk and butter into a container and use an egg beater to break them up. Second, we put in flour and mix them. Then we knead them into flour balls, squeeze out various small biscuit shapes, and finally put them into the oven. At the beginning, our group did a good job, but later our dough crumpled up, which made us difficult. After a lot of discussion, we found out the reason for this. It turned out that the proportion of flour and butter was not good, so we added a little more flour, kneaded them into a ball, put them in the refrigerator for half an hour, and took them out, It's time for shape processing. Our team showed their skills, some were pinched into petal shape, others into star shape. Finally, we put the squeezed biscuits into the oven in order. With the fragrant biscuits coming out, we finally tasted the fruits of our labor.

In the laughter and laughter, we returned to school. It was really a funny thing to make cookies for the first time!

Experience the first time (10)

Whenever I see flying birds, I want to fly freely in the sky like them. Today I realized my wish, I can fly!

We came to the flight experience field in the desert park. As soon as we entered the door, I saw red and handsome gliders. The head of the glider is triangular, there is a propeller at the tail, and there is a triangular sunshade above the fuselage, which is respectively fixed at the front, rear and left of the fuselage by four steel pipes. I got on the glider with the help of the staff. They also helped me put on the helmet and fasten the seat belt. I grasped the safety bar with both hands and the plane took off. I heard the whirring wind and my clothes shook. I looked down, wow, I have flown! Big trees have become saplings, and buildings have become mini versions. People in the desert are like ants. I suddenly feel like an eagle flapping its wings. I also feel like a new fairy. Look here and there, everything is so new.

How time flies! The five minute flight time has come, and I landed safely with the roar of the motor. It was really an unforgettable flight!

Experience the first time (11)

Today, I bravely broke through myself and challenged my limits.

Today, I actually embraced the blue sky and experienced the joy of flying for the first time in Maowan International Paraglider Park. That strange feeling is still fresh in my memory!

Just arrived at the paraglider park, I was shocked by the cries and cheers that broke through the sky. It seems that everyone involved has released themselves heartily, which seems very exciting! But when I saw a boy about 12 or 13 years old get off the glider and stumble to his mother's side and cry loudly, I was shocked. Is "Heaven" so scared?

The coach explained to us in detail the precautions of gliding and control, especially the steps of starting, changing direction and landing. He demonstrated again and again, emphasizing and emphasizing. The coach has finished the demonstration, and it's time for us young players to play. Can I do it? I walked forward with apprehension and clenched my fists, and I was ready to experience flying.

Wearing the equipment and safety helmet, I listened patiently to the coach's another detailed explanation. Seeing that he finally opened the paraglider skillfully, my heart began to beat a drum, which made my heart ache. Finally, I sat down smoothly. Now we have "everything is ready but we owe it to Dongfeng". The coach led me to run forward desperately, waiting for the moment of wind. The sound of encouragement and cheering cheered me on. At this time, I felt as if I was full of strength. Just a slight jump, my feet immediately flew into the air, and the wind blew on my wings, so I flew lightly! The glider seems to be integrated with me. My wind is blowing in my ears. I am like a free bird flying in the sky. I flew over hills and fields one after another. I fly freely in the wind! At this time, I quickly took out the selfie stick to record the great rivers and mountains of the motherland. The coach took me safely to land on an empty lawn. It's a good feeling to "fall from the sky"!

In my first paragliding experience, I finally overcame my psychological fear, challenged my limits, and enjoyed the infinite beautiful scenery!

Experience the first time (12)

Time flies. I am ten years old. I have not only experienced some storms, but also experienced happiness and joy. I believe that you, like me, have had many life experiences. But have you ever experienced the life of blind people? Do they have fun and happiness? Destiny played a joke on them. Their life is full of endless darkness and frustrations. They must have a lot of troubles.

Today, I experienced the life of a blind person, walking from the balcony to the door with my eyes covered. I covered my eyes with red cloth first. Suddenly, my eyes were dark and everything around disappeared. I felt that danger lurked everywhere in my home, so I wanted to back down a bit. However, when I think that blind people live in such a life every day, and I just have a small experience, I must be brave. So I got up my courage and started the journey of blind experience.

I took a deep breath, straightened my body, rubbed my feet against the ground, moved forward little by little, fumbled my hands back and forth, and kept looking around. I touch either the globe or the tea set; Either hit the table or knocked over the chair. My hands were pricked by something, and my feet were hurt by the chair. When I was walking, I almost stumbled. I rubbed forward a few steps and hit the furniture again. So I stumbled all the way. After many difficulties, I finally reached the door.

The difficult journey of blind experience has been completed. I took off the cloth, looked back, and walked five meters away. "It's hard to be blind!" I exclaimed.

Through experiencing the life of blind people, I know the difficulty of their life. They can't see colors, flowers and plants, sunrise and sunset, blue sky and white clouds, and beautiful rainbows. How difficult they are! Let's love! Learn to protect them, give them more encouragement, give them more confidence, and use our tolerance to add courage to their lives.

Experience the first time (13)

Today, my parents took me and my brother to Wuhan. We went by high-speed rail. We came to the waiting room, which was spacious and bright. I saw four huge silver pillars, like four giants propping up the roof. Each pillar has six big branches and a very big tree. The wall also said: "Enter the new era of high-speed railway, enjoy the new life of high-speed railway, safe, high-speed, convenient and comfortable.". Then we pulled into the station and stopped at the platform to wait for the high-speed train. After a while, with the long sound of "Ming --", the high-speed railway came roaring. I saw that the head of the high-speed railway was like a duck's mouth, and the body was white, like a white snake. The body of the high-speed railway was written with "Harmony", and the English word was "CHR". We got on the bus. The air in the car was fresh, the lights were bright, the floor was wiped clean, and rows of sofa seats were waiting for us! I quickly found my seat, which was extremely comfortable. Everyone had a seat, and there was no need to grab a seat or "punish the station" like a bus. There was a small table behind each seat for passengers behind. The train soon started. The screen in front of the carriage showed the speed, which reached 350 km/h. It only takes 70 minutes for the high-speed railway to reach Wuhan, while we took the ordinary train back to Changsha in the evening for 5 hours. I walked proudly on the moving train, not afraid of wrestling at all. I also went to the 16 carriages to watch the driver's uncle concentrate on operating the button, and no more drivers need to shovel coal to drive.

I found a big secret. There is a small red dot in the window. In case of an accident, we can use a nearby hammer to break the red dot and escape.

It's fun to take the high-speed rail. I like to take the high-speed rail.

Experience the first time (14)

Zhao Tianwu experienced sewing schoolbags for the first time. (2) When school was over this afternoon, my schoolbag belt was robbed and fell off. When I got home, my sister wanted to help me sew the school bag belt. I said to my grandma, "I want to sew my own things and do my own things". So, I said to my grandmother first, "I will sew myself and do my own things." So, I asked my grandmother for a needle and a thread. Because the school bag belt is too thick, it took a lot of effort to put the needle into the school bag belt. I accidentally stuck my finger, and lost some heart. I immediately put the broken finger in my mouth to suck. I threaded the needle from the front of the bag to the back, and then from the back to the front. Alas, I pierced my finger again. I was very angry, so I cut the thread and took a large needle. I wanted to put the thread into the needle hole, but I couldn't put it through right or left. Later, I took a magnifying glass to put the thread into the needle hole. I sewed the schoolbag belt needle by needle. It took me nine years to sew the schoolbag belt, although it was askew and my fingers bled. But in the end, I was very happy to see my own achievements, and I didn't know what words to use to describe them. Grandma looked at the askew school bag belt I sewed. She was very happy. Her eyes narrowed with laughter and said that I was much more diligent. (Instructor: Mr. Qingqing)

Experience the first time (15)

This is my first time to participate in a small reporter's interview in Beijing Aerospace City. After eight days of visiting there, I saw Yang Liwei for the first time, the return capsule of Shenzhou V, swimming in a constant temperature swimming pool... What a lot! On the evening of January 25, our reporter from Shenzhen Evening News was ready to take the train to return home.

The weather in Beijing is still cold, and the sky is still gray. In the railway station, adults and children are wearing thick cotton padded jackets, carrying large and small bundles, pushing and pushing forward. It's a horrible scene. In the crowd, it took us almost 10 minutes to walk 2 meters. The crowd was so crowded that even an apple would not fall on the ground. The whole railway station was full of people. The waiting room is full of "ants on the hot pot". There have been people waiting for days and nights. People without seats have to lean against the wall to sleep. The trash can is full of instant noodles and snacks. Fortunately, the teacher gave us a seat in advance. I heard from the teacher that our tickets are hard to buy. The train going home is divided into two trains, one afternoon and one midnight. We can't live in the same trunk and are assigned to live with other adults. What a pity! We take most of the trains at midnight. We have to wait from 6 p.m. to 12 p.m., how long it is!

Finally, we got on the train. The whole carriage was like salted fish in a can of salted fish. The air was mixed with sweat, body odor, leftover food odor, and musty odor. We could hardly stand it. Standing in the aisle, although my bed is only 5 steps away from me, I feel as if it is 5 meters away, and the people in front do not move. I had to squeeze, but I couldn't squeeze.

The train started, but people in the corridor were still crowding around, carrying luggage and looking for places. Along the way, the most frightening is the intermediate station. People waiting to get on the train stood in the cold wind, shaking their bodies from time to time, very anxious. As soon as the train arrives at the station, people who get on and off the train push each other, and even fight. Some people are too crowded to get on the train. They may have to wait for the next train in the cold wind. They are so pathetic.

This is my first time to experience the Spring Festival travel. I'm very nervous and afraid I won't be able to go home. Although all kinds of difficulties are preventing people who are eager to return home, they can't stop people from thinking about a League member!

Experience the first time (16)

As soon as I arrived at the gate of the museum, I saw all kinds of colorful flowers and bright green leaves. But these did not attract my attention. My heart was already attracted by the mysterious 3D printing. I strode into the museum and soon found a place for 3D printing.

The operation began. The teacher gave each of us a printing pen. While holding the pen, she said to us, "This is a 3D printing pen. We can use it to make anything we want! We first put the silk into the hole behind, and when the temperature of the pen reaches 185 degrees Celsius, we can start to make it." After listening to the old teacher's explanation, my interest instantly increased ten times, and I can't wait to start making it.

I was thinking about what to do when I suddenly saw a flower. Hmm, just make a flower! I took a pen to draw the petals of the flowers on the paper first, but the first time I used a printing pen, the lines I drew were not so straight, but rather crooked. At this time, my mother on the side saw that I was upset. She came to me and said, "Nono, it doesn't matter! Take your time. There is still time. "So I slowly outlined other petals and colored them. This time, I did much better than before. It took me two hours to finish the flowers.

This 3D printing experience is so interesting! It is not like ordinary printing but three-dimensional printing. I have a magic pen like Ma Liang.