An unforgettable lesson (15 articles)
Smiling face with red eyes
2024-01-18 08:10:57
fifth grade

An unforgettable lesson (1)

Memory is the ice and snow in the heart, which will never melt—— notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

"Class time is coming, please..." With this timeless bell, the teacher walked into the classroom.

While the teacher was reading the text with great emotion and voice, the snow outside the window fell slowly and untimely, and naturally everyone's eyes could not help but leave the teacher and turn to the window. The teacher saw this scene. Instead of the scolding loudly, he stopped lecturing and asked, "What do you think snow looks like?" Everyone's thoughts that floated out of the window were immediately pulled back.

Just when the students were wondering about this irrelevant question, a boy stood up "tensely" and said loudly, "Like goose feather!" Then he laughed. We have all heard the word "goose feather heavy snow". Although the snow is not big, most of the students in the class agree with him. However, the teacher smiled and shook his head. Just as he was about to say something, he heard a sound from the window that was as thin as a mosquito and a fly: "But the willow catkins were blown up by the wind." The owner of the sound was Qi Qi, who played Liuqin well. At that time, when we were just in the third grade, we had no experience of such profound things as "classical Chinese", so everyone was shocked by her words that sounded beautiful but didn't know what they meant. Until the monitor loudly explained: "She means that the snow is like catkins blown by the wind. This is what Xie Daoyun, a famous talented woman in ancient times said." Seeing the teacher nodded happily, the whole class suddenly understood and gave a long "oh".

After that, everyone continued to enjoy the snow, and the teacher did not disturb our "Yaxing". Instead, he quietly took out a black bag from the drawer beside the podium, and smiled. Plus, the bag was black, so we could not see what was inside, which added to the mystery. The teacher's hand slowly reached into the bag and slowly took out a white stick and colored wrapping paper. "Wow! It's a lollipop!" everyone shouted in unison. The teacher smiled and looked at us, and smiled and sent the lollipop to each of us. Everyone enjoyed the spring scenery, ate lollipops, talked and laughed, and a Chinese class passed happily

Because of this experience, I understand what is unforgettable

That was my most unforgettable lesson, the most unforgettable snow

An unforgettable lesson (2)

One evening, a teenager and an uncle on the bus taught me a valuable lesson

At that time, I was sitting on the bus going home. When I arrived at Lianhua Village Station, a teenager came up. He is holding a book in his hand, and his eyes have been looking for something in the book. It looks like a person who is about to face a major exam. He is not tall and thin, wearing a brown coat. He stood in front of an aunt's seat, whispering English words. At this time, the aunt became angry and shouted: "You have seriously disturbed me, please go somewhere else, and don't bother me again!" The boy was very helpless and had to stand elsewhere. When an uncle saw the boy, he thought he was very hard, so he gave his seat to the boy and walked to the door. The boy thanked him and sat down. Maybe it was because of fatigue. The boy sat down for a while and fell asleep.

The bus gradually drove for half an hour, and I was almost at the station. There were very few people on the bus, so it was no problem to punch on it. Suddenly, the car suddenly braked, waking the sleeping boy. He realized that he had missed the stop. So he walked to the door, but he was stunned. Following his eyes, I found that the uncle who gave him his seat was still in the car. Uncle smiled at the boy, but said nothing.

When the teenager got off the platform, he seemed to think of something, and bowed deeply to the bus like he had just woken up from a dream

An unforgettable lesson (3)

In the last class on Friday morning, Mr. Wang took us to the multimedia classroom for a Chinese lesson.

I have read the text "Touching Stones" very well last night. I believe it will be OK. When I followed Mr. Wang to the seat, my heart was like a little rabbit.

A burst of beautiful music floated into our ears. Suddenly, I felt extremely relaxed. After class, the first content is to let us read the text freely and think about the following questions:

1、 What is building stone?

2、 Why build stones?

3、 What if there is no stone?

After a while, everyone was busy, some students read aloud; Some students took up a pen and drew something on the book; Others hit their heads with a pen, as if to open their heads and find out if there is an answer...... Five minutes passed quickly. Teacher Wang motioned us to stop, and the classroom was silent at once. Miss Wang walked up to me lightly and asked me with a smile: Do you know what a stone is? I quickly stood up and answered: In autumn, when the weather gets cooler, people in my hometown will follow their depth to find some flat and square stones from both sides of the river. According to a distance of about two feet, a row of stones will be placed horizontally in the stream for people to step over. This is called building stones. Mr. Wang touched my head with a smile, and I sat down happily. Teacher Wang asked again: Who said what did you feel after reading the third paragraph? I raised my right hand high. Teacher Wang asked me to answer. I stood up calmly and said, "I feel harmonious after reading the third paragraph.". by the way! As Mr. Wang said, he turned around and wrote "Harmony" on the blackboard.

Then, Mr. Wang asked me to read Qingbo Yangyang, and I read it vividly. The students listened attentively. Miss Wang asked Jin Jincheng: Please answer. Listen to Chen Jing reading these two words. What kind of scenery seems to emerge before your eyes? Jin Jincheng said calmly: I seem to see the stream water is very clear, so clear that I can see the sand at the bottom of the stream. When the wind blows, the stream surface ripples layer upon layer. The human shadow is reflected in the water, which is extremely beautiful. Teacher Wang asked Zhang Rui and Shen Jingru to perform the fourth natural segment of the scene of walking face to face to the stream. They performed vividly, and after the performance, there was warm applause.

Unconsciously, the 40 minute Chinese class passed, and we reluctantly left the multimedia classroom.

An unforgettable lesson (4)

Jingle the bell... As the class bell rang, the teacher mysteriously came in through the back door with a small note in his hand.

I thought: why does the teacher take a small note in his hand and ask us to write something? At this time, the teacher said, "Today we will play a game and ask you to show me how to guess." At that time, the whole class seemed to set off firecrackers. It was very noisy. Someone bit his tongue and it hurt. It was true that someone jumped around.

A funny game began. The teacher first said to one or two groups: "Who will play?" Only the second group of small hands broke out like bamboo. There were only three people in the first group. When they were on the court, the teacher took out a note. I looked at it and smiled. Looking at the people in the stands, they used their hands as wings and learned to crow. We were amused by this interesting performance. The teacher thought there was some noise, so he stopped and everyone's voice disappeared. The teacher took out a piece of paper and asked them to guess. Their performance made us laugh again.

Unexpectedly, the performance was so bad. It was Wang Yuqing who accidentally said a word wrong. Everyone rushed to say "quit". When others laughed, they thought: "This time it must be our first, but the stupid Xu Zecheng never guessed it. One of the members of their group was so angry that he opened his eyes and said to him," How stupid you are! "Then he took his seat with his head down.

Next, it's our turn. The two groups of us are very active. Each of us holds his hands high. I suddenly thought and stood on the table. The whole class was amused by me. Fortunately, the teacher also let me join the team. But the people in front of me were not happy. They kept rolling their eyes. I put my buttocks on him and he slapped me gently on the face. When the competition officially started, the teacher took out a small note: "The old lady was drunk." Before the performance, I said to the people next to me, "Be careful what you say, and English." When I saw this topic, I pretended to be an old man, but there was a "old woman" on it. I said to the side, "You are a girl, you play." Then I was like a drunk person, When the guesser blurted out, I jumped up excitedly.

The second question is "fall on rainy days". This baffles me. How should the rain perform? I had no choice but to give up. Put the goal in the last two words. So I deliberately fell and fell twice. My teammate finally gave me the answer, and I thought that I had not wasted my efforts this time.

Finally, we beat the whole class with a score of 3:1, and won the victory. Before we knew it, the bell rang. This is really a Chinese lesson that I will never forget.

An unforgettable lesson (5)

The world is changing, and time has gone by. What people have experienced, what they have encountered in this wave like era has been washed away for several times, almost all of them have forgotten! But the lesson in my heart often appears before my eyes. Yes, that lesson in life.

It was a classroom as usual. Teachers and students had the same attitude in class, which was really boring. The teacher seemed to have an uncanny insight and suggested: "Students, what we learned today is The Blind Child and His Shadow, and we will also play the blind child." The voice of approval rose one after another, and the students all volunteered and were eager to try.

The first one to play was a comedian, optimistic, but at this time, he was blinded and could not see the light. The teacher assigned the task and found another student. He set out and started well. After all, he had stayed in class for more than half a year, and he arrived at his destination in a flash. There are all kinds of birds in the big forest. There are many scheming people in our class who have changed the position of the student they are looking for, so he has nothing to think about. Someone set obstacles for him again, but he took a pair of glasses and shook them. He was really angry. He was no longer optimistic. What the blind people fear most in the world is "obstacles"!

At last it was my turn. I learned how to climb the wall and stagger, and moved to the seat bit by bit. Fortunately, I found my own book, which was as clear as the palm of my hand. Their careful thinking had no place to play. I fumbled, fumbled, my books were too many, and my drawers were in disorder. Finding that book was like looking for a needle in a haystack, and I finally completed the task through countless hardships. How frightened I am when facing the temporarily dark world! Nobody helps, nobody asks, is this the life of the blind?

Keep thinking - no, no, the life of blind people is more than that, they are facing an unknown world! How can they live? They have to work harder to overcome all kinds of psychological worries and unexpected difficulties, and overcome all the difficulties in life.

Yes, blind people are not normal people. In the face of society, they are discriminated against like black people. This is a blow to their injured hearts! Yes, I once discriminated against them, but today they have a great will! Climbing mountains and going to sea, people who have experienced dangers are more brave.

Yes, I learned an unforgettable lesson, which made me understand the difficulty of blind people's survival and the truth of life.

An unforgettable lesson (6)

In 1894, Japan invaded Korea and provoked China in the Sino Japanese War of 1894. Due to the corruption and incompetence of the Qing government, it was defeated. In 1895, it was forced to sign an unequal treaty - the Treaty of Shimonoseki. Taiwan was ceded to Japan, and Japan ruled it for 50 years! During the period of imperial rule, Japan enslaved the people of Taiwan by military occupation, economic plunder, enslavement education and other means, and did not return Taiwan to China until the victory of the Anti Japanese War in 1945.

From the "Unforgettable Lesson", I felt the strong Chinese feelings of the Taiwanese people. They learned the Chinese language, and they always remember that I am a Chinese. I love China with this blood, which will never be forgotten as time and space change. Today, Taiwan, a child who has lost his way and cannot find his way home for the time being, will one day return to his mother's arms. Because blood is thicker than water, the hearts of Taiwan's children will always be ringing; I am a descendant of Yanhuang, and I will always love my Chinese mother.

Grade 5: Cui Jiateng

An unforgettable lesson (7)

In daily life, there are always some things engraved in the memory of the palace, lingering. And the thing that impressed me most recently happened in a very common place - the classroom.

I remember that it was a few days ago. The winter sun was very bright, and even the flowers outside the window seemed very beautiful. As usual, we sat in the classroom and had a lesson. The students stared at the blackboard. The classroom was very quiet. Only the sound of teacher Chen was heard. Even a leaf fell on the ground could be heard clearly.

”Buzz... "An uninvited guest" - the bee flew into the classroom, and I don't know who shouted, "Look! Bees! "51 pairs of eyes were immediately attracted to the past," quickly open the window! Open the window! Look! over there! "... The whole classroom was like a pot of porridge. Some students stared at the bees without turning their eyes and shouted something at the same time; some students held textbooks in one hand and looked around to find the bees; some students were hiding from the wandering bee, afraid that the bees would eat him at one mouthful... The voices and shrieks were loud.

At this time, Mr. Chen said with a smile, "The bee must be attracted by our class. This is the 52nd 'student' in Class 4, Grade 6. How can we drive it away? It also has the right to teach here, doesn't it? "As soon as this was said, the students burst into laughter. Another student took the opportunity to joke:" It seems that the 52nd 'student' did not pay the tuition fee. "The students were all out of breath with laughter. Some students even laughed while holding their tummies. The joke was a joke. The teaching room soon quieted down and continued the class The new student "has no intention of leaving at all. It seems that he is really attracted by the class. With the arrival of the new student, the students seem to be more attentive, looking at the blackboard intently, and no one looks at the bees. The bees don't bother the students anymore, but listen to the Chinese class on the ceiling. After class, the students remember the new student. Look!" The new student "is still there, but it seems that he is still immersed in the classroom just now... After a long time," the new student "just" reluctantly "left the classroom.

In one class, 51 students and one bee formed a beautiful picture and an unforgettable lesson.

An unforgettable lesson (8)

Today, the teacher gave us a lesson, which is very unforgettable. Because parents will come to the school to listen.

After class, I came to the meeting room with a nervous heart and found my own place to sit down. I turned around and looked for my mother. Oh, my mother was sitting behind me. The teacher began to have class, and the computer released a familiar song: "Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you......" It turned out to be "Happy Birthday Song"! The teacher asked, "What did you think of after listening to this song?" The students scrambled to raise their hands and said, "Come on.". The teacher called the roll, and the student couldn't wait to say: "My birthday." The teacher drew several students, and their answers were varied. Some said: "delicious cake." Some said: "parents' blessing." Some said: "birthday party." Unfortunately, the teacher didn't draw me, and fewer students answered the following questions, There are only three or four people raising their hands, and most of the students have become shrinking heads. I still raised my hand when the teacher asked, "Is there any way to know Mom and Dad's birthday, Write what you said to your parents. I wrote down what I wanted to say and gave the card to my mother, who nodded and smiled with satisfaction.

This lesson really made me unforgettable. It made me understand that we should have a grateful heart, feel the love of our families, and let us care for our families.

An unforgettable lesson (9)

When I was a child, I was introverted and weak. Once I had any idea, I hid it in my heart and never showed it. Sometimes I was afraid of showing up and was willing to follow others. But now it's better, because an unforgettable math class not long ago changed me and let me find self-confidence.

I remember that when we had math class that day, Miss Li came to the classroom with her left hand pushing the chair and her right hand holding the book. The classroom was silent at once. When the student on duty finished his report, Miss Li began to talk about triangles. While talking about it, Mr. Li suddenly put forward a judgment question that is not in the book: "An equilateral triangle is a triangle belonging to an isosceles triangle. Those who agree with me, please raise your hands." After a moment of thinking, I immediately raised my hands. At the same time, I looked around the classroom and was surprised to find that few people raised their hands. Later, they became suspicious of this problem and put down their hands. I glanced at the students around me again and stopped raising my hands, so I felt uneasy, my face suddenly warmed up, and my hands involuntarily retracted. Suddenly, there was a force that I didn't know where it came from, which calmed me down. After thinking about the teacher's words again, I firmly held my hand higher. At this time, it seemed to me that everyone's expressions seemed to laugh at my "stupidity", and also seemed to confirm that my answer "must be wrong".

At that moment, Miss Li finally understood the expression on my face and shouted confidently: "Zhang Xingyun, tell me your reason." I immediately stood up and said confidently: "I think that the three sides of an equilateral triangle are equal, and then two of its sides must be equal, which is consistent with the law of isosceles triangle." After listening to my answer, the students suddenly understood, They all gave me approving glances.

It has been several years, but it is deeply imprinted on my mind. It makes me understand that the success or failure of what you do is not important. The important thing is to dare to try. Emerson once said, "I must do what I think instead of what others think." We should have full self-confidence in everything. I learned to think with my own mind. At the same time, I also realized that learning science and culture can only make me accumulate more knowledge if I have the courage to question and answer questions.

An unforgettable lesson (10)

On Thursday afternoon, we welcomed a group of special guests -- more than 30 armed police uncles. They are members of the military band that participated in the military parade of the 60th anniversary of the National Day.

At 1:15 p.m., armed police uncles in dark green clothes and green hats came to us. Their steps are so neat, so energetic, and the instruments on their hands are polished, which can almost reflect the figures.

The conductor uncle of the orchestra briefly introduced their deeds of participating in the grand parade. The most exciting moment has arrived, and the uncles will play live for us. The first one is Military Song. The conductor made a gesture, and the uncles stood up in unison, picked up the instruments in hand in unison, and got ready to play. That action is called "Qi"! We were dumbfounded. The conductor uncle made another gesture, and the uncles began to play. We couldn't help beating time for them. With the loud music, I seemed to see the scene of the National Day military parade again. It was these armed police uncles who, with their sonorous and powerful music, showed us the majestic posture of Chinese soldiers and the vitality of the new China since the reform and opening up, making us unforgettable.

During the interval of the performance, the teacher told us that the band had been established for only one year. That is to say, some uncles in this team did not touch the musical instruments in their hands one year ago. Now, they have not only grown up, but also won a special award from the Central Military Commission in this National Day parade. It is conceivable that behind the honor, their efforts must be hard. They must practice early, late, even at midnight. When we have fallen asleep, they are still practicing

Our whole school listened very attentively, and would sing quietly when encountering familiar songs. Time flies. The uncles of the PLA want to say goodbye to us. We reluctantly bid them farewell.

Later, a group of grandparents in New Fourth Army clothes came to us. They sang red songs, talked about crosstalk, danced, and sang praises of the great changes that had taken place in the motherland on the 60th anniversary of the founding of New China. They sang so seriously and so deeply moved us.

Thanks to the armed police uncles and grandparents. This lesson is deeply impressed on my mind and I will never forget it.

An unforgettable lesson (11)

The teacher gave us an unforgettable Chinese lesson this evening.
In class, the teacher took out an empty glass jar from the plastic bag, and took out a bag of dates, saying: "I will fill this jar with dates now." After saying that, he poured a bag of dates into the bottle. This series of actions immediately aroused the interest of all people including me. Some people immediately surrounded the teacher, while others stood or sat in their seats with their necks stretched out and watched the teacher operate.
When there was no more jujube in the jar, he asked us: "Now there is no more jujube in the jar. Boys and girls, is the jar full?"
We shook our heads and said, "No."
The teacher took out a bag of peanuts from the plastic bottle again. When it was too late to hold another peanut, he asked us, "Now we can't hold a single peanut. Boys and girls, is the jar full?"
We shook our heads and said no.
Later, the teacher took raisins from the plastic bag and put them in. Finally, the teacher took out half a bag of millet from her treasure bag and put it in. "Then what else can be put in it?" he asked
"Water", "Air"... The answers are various.
The teacher asked us to return to our seats. Just when I thought it was just an ordinary quiz to test our reaction ability, the teacher suddenly opened his mouth and said, "If you take this empty pot as your life, then what do dates, peanuts, raisins and millet represent in your life?"
No one answered.
The teacher continued to enlighten us: "The most important thing? The unimportant thing? Or..."
We responded: "Dates are the most important thing, peanuts are..."
After listening to our answer, the teacher wrote on the blackboard: "Date: the most important thing; peanuts and raisins: the second important thing; millet: the unimportant thing..." Then let's write down what we think is important behind each story.
"Family, study and health... the most important", "relaxation, making friends, hobbies... the second important", "games, playing mobile phones, chatting... not important", and the answers are classified and displayed on the blackboard.
The teacher said again, "If I fill in millet at the beginning, won't I be able to put dates in?"
"Yes," we replied.
"So don't spend too much time on unimportant things, so that you can't accomplish the most important things......"
So that's what the teacher wants to talk about! It suddenly dawned on us.
After class, I walked home and still remembered this unforgettable lesson. "Don't let meaningless and unimportant things fill your whole life", this sentence still echoes in my heart. Looking back, how many meaningful things did I do during my winter vacation? Driven by heavy work, entangled by TV and mobile phones, I can't do what I want to do - how sad! Never again!
I suddenly want to eat dates

An unforgettable lesson (12)

September 19 is a special day, because today we will receive a lesson from the famous national super teacher, Mr. Jiang.

In fact, we learned the news as early as September 15. I was there when I first heard about it, so it was an ordinary public class, so I didn't pay much attention to it. But then I heard the teacher said that teachers from all over the country would attend the class on the stage, and then sent out the text to be taught that day. My God? It's actually an article in classical Chinese! For those of us who are new to classical Chinese, this is undoubtedly a big challenge. At that time, my heart was both excited and expectant. Of course, I was also nervous.

At 8 o'clock on the morning of September 19, the head teacher took us to the ladder classroom. When I walked in, there were no empty seats in the stairway classroom. Only the stage that had been cleaned up gave us full play. Somehow, at that moment, my nervousness was swept away. Instead, I enjoyed the time of that class.

At 8:35, the class kicked off. Mr. Jiang wore a pair of glasses. His words were not only humorous, but also witty, which made us immersed in the classroom. First of all, Mr. Jiang showed the subject of copying, and then he invited three students to tell stories of copying. Because everyone had made full preparations, they were vivid and pleasant. Even Mr. Jiang could not help calling them "story kings". Then, Mr. Jiang recited this article in classical Chinese for us. He read it in cadence and let people live in it. Of course, I can't help praising my teacher. My careful taste made my teacher praise me very much. At that time, my heart was very happy. Then, the teacher took us to read this article in classical Chinese, and we read it carefully through the method of your comments and my discussion, which made us intoxicated with the reading of classical Chinese. Finally, Mr. Jiang and we explored the writing method of this article in classical Chinese, and we came to the conclusion that side contrast, through the actions of passers-by when they saw Dongshi, side contrast showed Dongshi's strange ugliness...... Time flies, and in a twinkling of an eye, class is over, and we reluctantly bid farewell to the class. At 9:35, we returned to the classroom. We were very satisfied. The students were immersed in wonderful memories, and everyone's face was full of happiness.

This class is our first contact with classical Chinese. Thank you for what Mr. Jiang has brought us, so that we have a good initial impression of classical Chinese. At the same time, let this one hour class become an indelible memory in our minds.

An unforgettable lesson (13)

The most unforgettable part of participating in Sheyang Qianhe Bay practice activity is collecting leaves for painting.

The instructor asked us to collect leaves for painting while watching the leaves on the roadside. I swept my eyes to the trees, raised my feet, and reached out to pick the leaves I liked. In order to prevent the lack of materials when painting, many leaves were favored by me. They were oval, round, love shaped, fan shaped, needle shaped, and so on

After collecting the leaves, the instructor led us to the manual classroom to paint. She told us a lot about the functions and functions of leaves. In addition to photosynthesis and respiration, leaves also have a lot of value. I was ignorant and opened my eyes. The small leaves are small in shape, but they bring green, natural decoration, and pleasing to the eyes. Isn't every ordinary person like this leaf? After learning about leaves, the instructor distributed us the auxiliary materials for painting, so that we could use leaves to make our imaginary paintings.

I held my chin in my hands, frowned, and rolled my eyes a few times. Finally, I decided what to do. First, the petioles of three red leaves cross to form a big red tree. Then put a needle shaped leaf about 6cm long across the bottom, which looks like a strong tree rooted in the ground. Then sprinkle the love shaped leaves on the paper. They are drizzle. The big tree is enjoying the moisture of drizzle. On the "earth", I used four leaves of different shapes to represent the flowers dropped by the rain, as if they were emitting a thick fragrance. Finally, I used three leaves like needles to make glass bottles around the tree.

When the work is finished, I can see that the imagination of the students is really rich! Look, this is a big beetle made of leaves. You see, that leaf and watercolor pen are ingeniously combined to form a Doraemon. The monitor unexpectedly made a red crowned crane pattern out of leaves. Thanks to her imagination, it coincided with the name of Qianhe Bay, Sheyang, the activity site. I was amazed. Suddenly, a painting attracted my attention. When I looked closely, it turned out to be a painting by Xu Zhihao: pink peach petals were falling on the pavilion, and on the ground, two scholars were drinking under the pavilion. What a beautiful artistic conception! I suddenly remembered the lyrics of "Sorrow of Leaving People": spring went white, Chinese hair fell lonely and pondered/it was hard to tell the truth when the curtain of prosperity ended/I should stay in the Jianghu and drink a pot of wine/watch the deep sorrow of flowers when drunk... Maybe the inspiration of the painter came from this song.

At the work display, the instructor said, "This picture looks very warm and beautiful, but why put such a beautiful picture in a bottle?" I stood up and told the students: Due to the deterioration of the natural environment, many varieties of trees have disappeared, and our generation should take great care of nature, Don't let the most beautiful scenery in the world just stay in people's memory! The instructor immediately commented that "although the picture is simple, its connotation is not simple. The little author is really considerate! It is the responsibility of every citizen to protect the environment and cherish any corner of nature." The students who were just making noise in hip-hop suddenly became calm, and the classroom was quiet.

The most unforgettable thing in this practice activity is the leaf painting class. Maybe it's the first time to paint with leaves and feel fresh. Maybe it's because I used my brain to participate in painting and was praised by the instructors. Maybe it's the first time that I use leaves to express my thoughts and express myself in public.

An unforgettable lesson (14)

So far, I have had so many lively and interesting classes, among which the most unforgettable one is a special psychological test that the teacher gave us in the composition class.

I remember that in the afternoon, Mr. Zhang said to us seriously, "Today I'm going to give you a psychological test. Since it is a test, please take it seriously. Now please write down five people you love and love most on the paper. Let's start."

As soon as the teacher spoke, I wrote down my five favorite people in my notebook without thinking: father, mother, grandfather, grandmother and sister.

At the moment when he stopped writing, the teacher said, "One day when you were traveling with these five people, suddenly a disaster came. At this time, you can only save four people, and one person will leave you. Who do you choose to abandon? Use your stroke to get rid of the abandoned person. Think clearly, your stroke means that the person will disappear forever. Please make a choice." My pen kept coming and going behind five people, hesitating. Everyone was my loved one. I couldn't bear to abandon anyone. At last, the pen stopped behind my sister, and I gently scratched the "sister" with my pen. This choice seemed to be a spiritual war.

"The disaster has become more and more serious. Now, with your ability, you can only save three people. This time, you need to cross out one more." As soon as Mr. Zhang finished speaking, I raised my pen and frowned. Only my mother, father, grandfather and grandmother were left. They took care of me and cared about my growth meticulously, but this was a test and a choice question that had to be done, My pen stopped in the air, my eyes closed tightly, let their fate decide their "life and death". When I opened my eyes, I didn't expect that what I crossed was "Grandma". I was extremely sad.

Mr. Zhang once again gave us a difficult question: "The disaster is so severe that you can only save two people. At this time, you need to sacrifice one family member or friend again. Who will you sacrifice?" After listening to this, I pondered for a long time, and my hand shook slightly with the pen. The best target was my grandfather. Although I was reluctant to give up my grandfather, I considered that my grandmother would be lonely when she left alone, Besides, my grandpa is also old (maybe my idea is selfish). I have to sacrifice my grandfather.

I thought the test was over, but I didn't expect - "The disaster is approaching you quickly, this time the disaster is approaching you quickly, this time the rescue time can only save one person, who will you save this time?" Alas, the disaster, you are so heartless and hateful, do you have the heart to see a happy family become fragmented in your hands? My eyebrows are frowning more tightly. After my careful consideration, the winner who "smiles" to the end is my mother who has nurtured me for more than ten years!

Through that test, I finally understood that kinship is priceless and valuable. Disasters may come sometime, so please cherish the happiness you have now!

An unforgettable lesson (15)

1、 Teaching objectives:

1. Understand the main content of the text and read the text with emotion.

2. Through the reading and understanding of "I am a Chinese, I love China" in three places in the article, I can feel the profound and strong national spirit of the Taiwanese people's love for the motherland, so that students can receive patriotic education.

2、 Key and difficult points in teaching: understand the main content of the text, guide students to grasp the main line of the text, connect with the background of the times, and feel the national spirit and patriotic enthusiasm in the text.

3、 Preparation before class: Collect relevant information about the Song of the Seven Sons (Macao is the first of a group of poems Wen Yiduo wrote in March 1925 when he was studying in the United States. The other six are Hong Kong, Taiwan, Weihaiwei, Guangzhou Bay, Kowloon and Lushun, Dalian. The poet used personification to describe the seven "lost places" It can be compared to seven children who are far away from their mother's embrace, crying in the voice of a child about their strong feelings of being forced to leave their mother's swaddling clothes, being bullied by foreigners, and longing to return to their mother's embrace.)

4、 Teaching process:

(1) Import text

Teacher: Boys and girls, do you still remember that we learned the Song of the Seven Sons? "Do you know that Macau is not my real family name..." This song is about who returns to the embrace of our motherland mother? Macau

Teacher: Who returned to the embrace of the motherland before Macao's return? (Hong Kong)

Teacher: So, who else hasn't gone home? (Taiwan)

Teacher: As a Chinese, we should "learn from the wind and rain, and care about family and state affairs." We are all Chinese. Everyone has a responsibility for the rise and fall of the country. Please remember the poem "Song of the Seven Sons - Taiwan" we learned

Teacher: How do you feel after reading this poem? (Talking about feelings)

Teacher: When you are excited, you don't have to use words to express it. When feeling comes to my heart, I can see it in your eyes. With this feeling, we walked through the tunnel of time and came to Taiwan's rural primary school 57 years ago to have a class together... (blackboard writing topic: an unforgettable lesson)

(2) Introduction background

The story in the text happened in the early days of Taiwan's "recovery". Taiwan has been China's territory since ancient times. After the Sino Japanese War of 1895, it was occupied by Japan in 1895 and returned to China after the victory of the Anti Japanese War in 1945. Taiwan has been ruled by Japan for 50 years, during which Japan has carried out economic aggression, cultural aggression and human rights aggression against Taiwan. This text is about the events after the recovery of Taiwan.

(3) First reading of the text, overall perception

Please read the text freely and think about it:

A、 What does the text say? Use simple words to summarize. (The text tells the story that after the victory of the Anti Japanese War, the author saw a young Taiwanese teacher in a rural primary school in Taiwan seriously teaching children to learn the Chinese language, and that visiting Chinese great men in the school auditorium triggered his deep feelings.)

B、 Find the sentences that appear many times in the text and draw them with "----".

Student report

(4) Surround the main line and experience emotions

Teacher: The text details the learning scenes of teachers and students and the visit to the auditorium. Let's focus on these two parts. First of all, let's ask the students to think: "I am Chinese, and I love China." What's the feeling of "I" in each of the three times that appear in the text? (Emphasize how "I" feel each time)

Teachers lead students to understand deeply:

Teacher: When we entered the article, I was Chinese for the first time. When did I love China? Why was this teacher so laborious when he wrote "I am Chinese, I love China" for the first time? Don't hurry to answer. Now, each of us will pick up a pen and write this sentence. (Teachers and students write this sentence together)

Teacher: Did you write one stroke at a time? Are you serious about it? Are you struggling? Why are Taiwanese teachers struggling? Who can talk about it. (Talking about)

Teacher: After writing this sentence, how does the teacher teach his students to read it? ("He first used Minnan dialect...... Every sound came from their warm and sincere hearts.")

Teacher: Why do they read this sentence so seriously? Who will solve this problem?

(It can be seen that he loves his motherland very much. So when reading this sentence, they are serious and full of feelings. They read this sentence so seriously, which reflects their patriotism more.)

Teacher: They read it again and again. Please read it again and again. I am Chinese, and I love China... (four times in total) (pay attention to reading serious and serious feelings)

(The teacher reads with emotion: the teacher and the children are so serious and emotional, as if every word and every sound comes from his fiery and sincere heart.)

Teacher: Students, the Taiwanese who are unwilling to be enslaved have not forgotten their motherland, nor have they forgotten the language and characters of their motherland. Although they are laborious in writing, they still write one stroke at a time. Although they read hard, they read one by one (serious and emotional)

T: It seems that every word is one by one. (Every sound comes from their ardent and sincere heart.)

Teacher: I have seen every word and every sound comes from your sincere heart. This is the first time that this sentence appears. What is the second time? (The crew and students read this sentence together in the classroom.)

Teacher: We see that the teacher in the classroom is so serious and reads this sentence with such emotion. Who can not be attracted, and who can not be moved, and will not respect the feelings of the Taiwanese people? So I could not help but walk into the classroom and follow how the children read this sentence, but the teachers and children in Taiwan were not surprised. Why is this? Who can talk about it. (Talking about)

Teacher: Don't be surprised. The common Chinese language proves that we are all Chinese. As Zhang Mingmin sang in his song, "My ancestors have already branded everything with the Chinese seal, and they are as close to each other whenever and wherever they are." Students, please read this sentence again. (There should be no surprise, no accident, and it should be read loudly, neatly, and again and again)

Teacher: Is it exciting to read this.

Teacher: Now let's do a small program. After class, the following scene happened in the process of the small auditorium. The children surrounded the "I" and led the "I" to the small auditorium, where we visited - (a portrait of a great Chinese man)

Teacher: So who wants to be a teacher, who wants to be a student in Taiwan, and who wants to be 'me'. Please read the last part of the text, which is the third part of "I am Chinese, I love China!". Ask the students to learn by themselves, and the teacher will interview you later to see if the students understand and feel the mood at that time. Read this part again and again by yourself, and then cooperate with each other in groups to play the role of teacher and crew. Now get ready. (Start to discuss and prepare the performance)

Students perform by themselves first, and then go to the front.

Teachers and students perform together, and teachers perform as Taiwanese teachers (during the performance, the crew introduces the images of Chinese great men and other great men) (try to make students feel the strong and true patriotic feelings contained in "I am Chinese, I love China")

Teacher: Our mainland friends are going to say goodbye to us. Let's read Yu Guangzhong's poem "Nostalgia" to see off the crew.

(5) Summarize the full text and sublimate feelings

Teacher: I can see that at this moment, students' hearts are boiling. What else can express our feelings? My heart will only pour out a word (I am Chinese, I love China)

Teacher: Read aloud to express your feelings at this time!

Teacher: Now please pick up your pen and write this sentence again to express your feelings (teachers and students write this sentence again, teachers use red pen)

Teacher: Students, in this class, we went through the feelings expressed in the text. I believe you must remember the sentence "I am Chinese, I love China". You can choose anything in the world, but what you can't choose is your mother and your motherland. Maybe the mother is ugly, but you must not abandon it, because the mother's whole blood turns into sweet milk to feed you; The motherland is poor, and children will never abandon it, because the whole cells of the motherland cast your soul. Yes! Our country is not rich and strong, and needs development. Although there is darkness, we should face her with a positive attitude and change her, because you are her child. Now studying abroad has become a hot topic, but one day, once you are abroad, please don't forget the teacher and your class. Let's not forget that you remember in this lesson, "I am Chinese, I love China!" Please read this sentence again.

Teacher: It can be said that this is a lesson of life perception. Of course, it can be an unforgettable lesson! (The teacher adds an exclamation mark after the topic)

Blackboard writing: an unforgettable lesson!

I am Chinese, I love China