Multi flavor Childhood (8 Collections)
endure hardships and be capable of hard work
2024-03-07 05:33:55
third year in high school

Multi flavor childhood (1)

Childhood is colorful and flavorful. It is sour, sweet, bitter and spicy.


Childhood is sweet, like a cup of honey water. I remember once playing games with my cousin. I fell down carelessly, and my cousin, who was only six years old, rushed to me and helped me up. Because my knee was broken, my cousin called the adult as soon as he saw it. Suddenly I was very pleased.


Childhood is sour, like sour plum. When I was playing football, my friend accidentally broke the glass, but the family had already identified me. They wanted to find my parents immediately and scolded me severely. Even if I have a hundred or countless mouths, I can't tell the story clearly. I feel like a dozen elephants stamping their feet.


Childhood is bitter, like pills. In an exam, I couldn't think of one question. After the exam, I didn't turn the book again, but the answer suddenly popped out of my mind, and I could not help complaining: if the answer came out five minutes earlier, why did it come out at this time? I felt as if my heart had suddenly broken.


Childhood is also hot, like pepper. Once, I accidentally wrote the wrong answer and only got 89 points. When my mother saw this score, she was furious. The voice of blame wanted to lift the roof. And asked me to face the wall and think about my past. I suddenly felt hot, as if I was covered with pepper. His face was so red that he could not speak. But my heart is cold.

This is my colorful and interesting childhood. Although these things are small, they are all worth cherishing. I love you, my childhood, you give me happy and beautiful memories.

Multi flavor childhood (2)

"How do you know how to litter? It's useless. I don't know how to clean up. Why did I give birth to you?"

Hearing such words, I was also angry. Because he didn't use what I said. I ran to my room and took out a small backpack and quietly left the warm little home where I had lived for decades.

I walked aimlessly and casually. I came to the small park unconsciously. My mood now is almost as sad as Lin Daiyu who buried the flowers. The weather really changes like my mood. It was sunny when I went out just now, but now the clouds are so thick that I can hardly breathe.

I was thinking that it might rain in a while. Let's find a place to take shelter first. I came to a small pavilion near a small pond. It was too late. The rain began to fall. One by one, cattle hair fell into the pond and melted into the water. I heard a voice, "Baby, be careful! Don't fall." I looked outside the pavilion and saw a young woman playing with a girl of five or six years old. Seeing all this, I suddenly remembered my mother. She left without saying a word, and she found out, What a hurry

I ignored the heavy rain outside and ran home quickly. When I saw my mother's busy back in the kitchen, my eyes were hot and my nose was sour

Multi flavor childhood (3)


One sunny afternoon when I was five years old, I played very hard with my brother at my grandmother's house, while my sister sat by with a knife and a bamboo stick, absorbed in cutting something. When my brother and I were sweating and ready to put on sandals to take a bath in the river, my sister rushed to us with a bamboo strip and said, "Guess what?" My brother and I approached curiously and saw that the three of us were written on the bamboo strip.

I said, "According to the name on the bamboo strip, which bamboo strip belongs to whom?"

Sister said, "Guess what?"

"It's used to hide from the cat! Whoever gets the name will hide," the elder brother replied excitedly.

"No, think again," my sister looked at my brother and shook her head.

"Unexpectedly, tell us quickly!" My brother and I asked in unison.

My sister had no choice but to say: "Let's play a game according to the name above, from top to bottom. Whoever is in turn can instruct the other two people to do anything. It's fun to take one day as the time!"

My brother and I cheered. You know, some people have no right to command others, especially those of us who are children. Now, we can finally command others.

After a long addiction

On the first day, I came to be the leader, directing my brother and sister to work for me. I was very excited and got up early. When my brother got up, I sat on the stool and said, "I'm thirsty and want to drink water. Go and get me a glass of water." My brother was stunned and understood what was going on. He immediately picked up the glass and poured water. I smiled happily.

It's time for breakfast. My sister got up. She is the laziest. So when I eat, I ask my sister to help me with the dishes. As soon as I say what I want to eat, there will be something in the bowl.

On this day, my mouth almost never stopped, and my brothers and sisters were also busy. Only when I fell asleep did they stop, just like a ball rolling down the downhill road. It took a long time to reach the level road, and then they stopped rolling a few meters. Their hard work brought me comfort and made me have a good time. At night, in my dream, not only my brothers and sisters, but also many of my partners commanded me, and I gave out laughter

Insect, go away

The next day, my brother came to order. At first, he didn't say anything. He took my sister and I to a small forest, found a stone and sat down. Then he said, "Now you each catch three caterpillars and put them in this bottle." He pointed to a mineral water bottle. The mouth of the bottle is very small, and the fingers are so big. Looking at the sinister expression on my brother's face, he should be tricking us to catch caterpillars with his hands.

My sister and I dare not move, because we are afraid of insects, let alone caterpillars. But in order to complete the task, we came up with a way: block the insects in front of us with a stick to let them climb up by themselves, then take the bottle over, aim at the mouth of the bottle, shake the stick, and the insects will fall in. However, many insects avoid the stick when they see it. Few insects climb up. They shake the stick several times, but the insect falls on the ground. They are worried when they see it. There are countless times in my mind that I want to catch insects directly with my hands, but I can't do it when I see the fluffy, soft and wriggling body.

Finally, my sister opened her head and thought of using chopsticks to trap insects. This method is really effective. The task was completed in less than an hour. On the way home, my sister found a worm on her sleeve. She was so frightened that she cried out and stamped her feet. When my brother saw her expression, his stomach hurt with laughter.

At night, I had a terrible dream. I dreamed that there were many insects around me, but I couldn't get rid of them. Later, I was awakened by fear. Since then, I have been afraid of mosquitoes

"Goddess" arrives

Today, my sister got up very early. Maybe she was too excited. She thinks of herself as a queen (I think we have seen too many ancient TV dramas). We have no choice but to call her "queen" according to her meaning. Fortunately, the "Queen" doesn't have much to do. Except for the food for her, most of them lie on the sofa reading. My brother and I took a cattail fan used by my grandmother and stood beside to fan for her. It may be that the "Queen" felt too comfortable and soon squinted as if she had fallen asleep. We thought we could finish the task and go out to play. As soon as we stopped working, the "Queen" said, "It's so hot, don't stop, continue." After that, she closed her eyes and fell asleep again.

I don't know how long later, my brother and I also fell asleep against the wall

Childhood and Bamboo Strips

A few days later, my brother picked up the bamboo stick again and set up a new rule. Whoever was in the turn to command that day should take good care of it.

My brother and sister went to school, and I, a child, had no playmates. I spent all day playing bamboo sticks belonging to the three of us at home, looking forward to their coming home from school, sometimes going out of the house, sometimes climbing the roof, looking at the road leading to the school. In the afternoon, I finally hoped that a tall and a short figure appeared in the field. They were my brothers and sisters. I ran out happily, holding a bamboo strip in my hand, to meet them. As he ran fast, he accidentally fell on the ridge of the field. The bamboo strip crossed the clothes woven for him at dusk, drew a beautiful curve in the air, and landed in the field. I don't know where it is.

After that, we didn't make bamboo sticks anymore. My brothers and sisters were busy studying, and my mother didn't let me disturb them. Later, as we grew up, we never played the game of conductor again. Instead, we had more mobile phones in our hands, and this game was forgotten.

After many years, many plants have grown in the field. Maybe that bamboo has taken root, sprouted, and thrived into a plant, which will produce a childhood of many tastes

Multi flavor childhood (4)

Unfortunately, childhood is always bitter, but happy childhood has its own taste.

Bayberry flavor

Dad went home on business! I welcomed him joyfully. My father always brought some special products from other places, so I began to search, and then I looked like finding a new continent to lock the target: several round black balls with some miscellaneous silk on them! Dad said it was coconut, a kind of fruit. Coconut, where is this sacred? I think it is a mutant watermelon. Hee hee - it must be delicious! I thought to myself, salivating. Action is better than heart stirring. When Dad is neglecting, he first selects a large one and puts it on the table. First, extend the "white bone claw" to remove the black silk. He started to work, so he scratched on it and it was all gone. "It's ready to eat". I said to myself. They can't wait to pounce on the coconut, "cluck cluck" ah, my teeth, so hard ah! I covered my mouth and almost cried. My father came in. You can't laugh or cry, you calumny cat. Coconut is not eaten like this... I feel like eating a red bayberry, and my heart is sour.

Peach flavor

When I was in the third grade, I experienced the first class cleaning. At that time, we were as childish as if we had won the lottery. We were ecstatic! In the afternoon, the teacher handed out tools. You took the broom and I took the duster. But they are all "action dwarfs". When they are ready to start work, you look at me and I look at you with wide eyes, but I don't know what to do! When the teacher was in a hurry, I saw a child holding a mop and waving it on the floor in a manner. Unexpectedly, that person is me. My mother always taught me to work. This is a big red flower for me. I am as happy as eating peach, a word "sweet"! Interesting Stories in Childhood Composition: Childhood with Many Tastes

Green apple flavor

I don't know why, I caught a cold again, and my nose was still twitching like a hornet's nest -- messy and annoying. My mother was still in front of the bed, pouring water and medicine for me. Don't mention medicine. When I think of Amoxicillin and Ganmaoling, my head will turn big. "Don't eat", "Don't eat"! I resisted my mother. Take it, eat it and it will be fine. She is still very gentle. As he spoke, he handed over the medicine. I was so bored that I patted hard and spilled the medicine all over the floor. My mother was still not angry, so she cleaned it up. Later, I recovered, but my mother lost a lot of weight. At that time, my heart was like that green apple, astringent.

Postscript: I'm glad that I had a very interesting childhood. And I will treasure it for my whole life.

Multi flavor childhood (5)

Childhood is like a ship, full of stars, full of ignorant dreams; Childhood is like a song, jumping notes, composing the melody of growth—— notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

Everyone has a childhood. My childhood is like a multi flavor condiment in the kitchen.

Childhood is sour, like a jar of vinegar. Some time ago, the eighth scholarly contest on the school's XunTong blog just started, and students rushed to publish blog articles on it, hoping to be recommended by the school's XunTong. I saw that my good friends had four XXTs (recommended by the University Smart), but I didn't have any. Whenever I saw other people's blog articles recommended by the University Smart, my heart was sour. It was really not a taste.

Childhood is sweet, like a bowl of honey. Last week, the teacher told everyone in front of the whole class that my textbook play "You're not a bad boy" won the third prize of the provincial small cherry cup children's script. Everyone applauded me. My heart was very sweet and happy!

Childhood is bitter, like a medicine. When I was in kindergarten, my good friend and I were playing games together when a drink bottle hit the back of my head. When I looked back, my deskmate was laughing, so I picked up the drink bottle and threw it at him. He pretended to cry, and the teacher was attracted by his cry. His villain at the same table complained first that I hit him with a drink bottle. The teacher listened to me, but he criticized me. My heart was bitter and astringent, so I felt bad!

Childhood is hot, like a pepper. I remember one time, my mother was telling me a math problem, and there was a dispute because our answers were different. I insisted that my answer was right, and my mother insisted that her answer was right. Mother was angry and criticized me, but that's what the teacher said! My heart is burning. I feel terrible!

My childhood was like a table of delicious food, sweet and sour, bitter and hot, all kinds of things, taste.

Multi flavor childhood (6)

Childhood is like a ship, full of stars, full of ignorant dreams; Childhood is like a song, jumping notes, composing the melody of growth.

Everyone has a childhood. My childhood is like a multi flavor condiment in the kitchen.

Childhood is sour, like a jar of vinegar. Some time ago, the eighth scholarly contest on the school's XunTong blog just started, and students rushed to publish blog articles on it, hoping to be recommended by the school's XunTong. I saw that my good friends had four XXT articles (recommended by the University Smart), but I didn't have any. Whenever I saw other people's blog articles recommended by the University Smart, my heart was sour. It was really not a taste.

Childhood is sweet, like a bowl of honey. Last week, the teacher told everyone in front of the whole class that my textbook play "You're not a bad boy" won the third prize of the Children's Script Award in the Small Cherry Cup. Everyone applauded me. My heart was very sweet and happy!

Childhood is bitter, like a medicine. When I was in kindergarten, my good friend and I were playing games together when a drink bottle hit the back of my head. When I looked back, my deskmate was laughing, so I picked up the drink bottle and threw it at him. He pretended to cry, and the teacher was attracted by his cry. His villain at the same table complained first that I hit him with a drink bottle. The teacher listened to me, but he criticized me. My heart was bitter and astringent, so I felt bad!

Childhood is hot, like a pepper. I remember one time, my mother was telling me a math problem, and there was a dispute because our answers were different. I insisted that my answer was right, and my mother insisted that her answer was right. Mother was angry and criticized me, but that's what the teacher said! My heart is burning. I feel terrible!

My childhood was like a table of delicious food, sweet and sour, bitter and hot, all kinds of things, taste.

Multi flavor childhood (7)

People say that people are iron and rice is steel, so there must be some condiments at home. I think the campus life in my childhood is also a combination of many kinds of condiments. How delicious??

Taste 1: taste of sugar

Speaking of this flavor, there are too many things to write about! Let's start with one thing. Tug of war is the "trophy" that our Class 5 (4) once proud of. Every time before the game, we are extremely excited. I think even if the opponent is "vicious" again, we are not afraid, because our class consists of four King Kong: Zhao Xuhao, Dong Xinyu, Zhang Jiuhu, Xu Yuzhou. As expected, the result was: this time, our Class 3 (4) came out again with bursts of laughter!

Taste 2: taste of salt

As we all know, salt is salty, so we must not like it. Once, when the school held a sports meeting, there was a "wind fire wheel" project. The teacher was strict with the requirements of selecting young athletes: not too high, not too low! In this way, I, the "dwarf spirit", said goodbye to the project.

Taste 3: Spicy taste

I don't like spicy food. Hearing the word "spicy" turned me off. Once, when I got a science exam, I didn't study hard, so when I got the test paper, two red words came into my eyes: 79 points! It was the highest score (counted down) in my history. At that time, my face was hot, and my eyes seemed to be choked with tears.

Look, this is campus life like condiments! This is an unforgettable childhood!

Multi flavor childhood (8)

Unfortunately, it is always bitter. However, happy childhood has its own taste.

Bayberry flavor

Dad went home on business! I welcomed him joyfully. My father always brought some special products from other places, so I began to search, and then I looked like finding a new continent to lock the target: several round black balls with some miscellaneous silk on them! Dad said it was coconut, a kind of fruit. Coconut, where is this sacred? I think it is a mutant watermelon. Hee hee - it must be delicious! I thought to myself, salivating. Action is better than heart stirring. When Dad is neglecting, he first selects a large one and puts it on the table. First, extend the "white bone claw" to remove the black silk. He started to work, so he scratched on it and it was all gone. "It's ready to eat". I said to myself. They can't wait to pounce on the coconut, "cluck cluck" ah, my teeth, so hard ah! I covered my mouth and almost cried. Dad came in, you big slander cat, can't laugh or cry, but coconuts are not eaten like this?? I feel like eating a red bayberry, and my heart is sour.

Peach flavor

When I was in the third grade, I experienced the first class cleaning. At that time, we were as childish as if we had won the lottery. We were ecstatic! In the afternoon, the teacher handed out tools. You took the broom and I took the duster. But they are all "action dwarfs". When they are ready to start work, you look at me and I look at you with wide eyes, but I don't know what to do! When the teacher was in a hurry, I saw a child holding a mop and waving it on the floor in a manner. Unexpectedly, that person is me. My mother always taught me to work. This is a big red flower for me. I am as happy as eating peach, a word "sweet"! A childhood full of flavors

Green apple flavor

I don't know why, I caught a cold again, and my nose was still twitching like a hornet's nest -- messy and annoying. My mother was still in front of the bed, pouring water and medicine for me. Don't mention medicine. When I think of Amoxicillin and Ganmaoling, my head will turn big. "Don't eat", "Don't eat"! I resisted my mother. Take it, eat it and it will be fine. She is still very gentle. As he spoke, he handed over the medicine. I was so bored that I patted hard and spilled the medicine all over the floor. My mother was still not angry, so she cleaned it up. Later, I recovered, but my mother lost a lot of weight. At that time, my heart was like that green apple, astringent.

Postscript: I'm glad I have a delicious one. And I will treasure it for my whole life.