Garlic sprouts observation composition (15 refined articles)
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2023-09-27 03:01:07

Garlic Seedling Observation Composition (1)

Pupils' Composition: Garlic Seedling Observation Diary 1

During the holiday, I wanted everyone to try fried garlic sprouts with eggs. I could do it by myself and have enough food and clothing. So I made a big effort. I found a garlic to wrap up, a pot to put two-thirds of the soil in. I poured the soil into mud and inserted garlic. Grandpa saw it and said, "It's not suitable to grow garlic now." After listening to my grandfather's words, I lost confidence in garlic sprouts, But I still hope that he will sprout quickly and grow up healthily.

Pupils' Composition: Garlic Seedling Observation Diary 2

Today, I finally want to eat fried garlic sprouts with eggs. I got a pair of scissors to cut the garlic sprouts and wash them, and asked Grandma to help me make fried eggs with garlic sprouts. After a while, the hot eggs came out of the pot. "How delicious!" When I smelled the faint smell of garlic, my mouth was watering down. I quickly added a mouthful and tasted it. I didn't like eggs at ordinary times, but I ate a lot for dinner today. How happy I am to taste the fruits of my labor!

Pupils' Composition: Garlic Seedling Observation Diary 3

School is over. Let me take a look at my garlic sprouts! I had no hope for it. "Ah! The garlic sprouts," I exclaimed. Mother said: "The vitality of garlic sprouts is very strong." Its buds are light green, which is one centimeter long, and look very delicate. I must take good care of it and let it grow healthily.

Pupils' Composition: Garlic Seedling Observation Diary 4

A week later, the garlic sprouts have grown a lot. When it just grew out, it was just a stem, and gradually became a leaf. The leaf turned from the original curly to wide green, just like the leek leaf. When the wind blows, the leaves swing with the wind, and I seem to smell the smell of garlic. I hope that if it works hard, I can have fried garlic sprouts with eggs.

Garlic Seedling Observation Composition (2)

It's winter vacation. The teacher suggested that we plant garlic seedlings at home and observe its growth process.

I first found a large flowerpot and filled it with nutrient soil. Then I selected some high-quality garlic, broke them into pieces, root down, and inserted them in the soil. Then use a watering can to pour some water to keep the soil moist. In order to make the garlic sprout grow faster, we put it in a warm place.

Three days later, the garlic sprouts have not changed at all. But on the fourth day, the garlic sprouts sprouted tender buds, and short white roots grew underneath. By the fifth day, the garlic sprouts were more than one centimeter tall, like baseball bats. On the sixth day, there was a crack on the head of garlic sprouts. I was very curious. Close up, I seem to see some small leaves, which is probably where the leaves grow! On the seventh and eighth days, garlic sprouts grew very fast, ranging from thick to thin, from high to low, with different shapes. By the ninth day, the garlic sprouts had grown 13 cm high in a flash, and the root whiskers under them were growing longer and longer.

After that, I will continue to observe my little garlic sprouts, hoping that they will grow taller and taller.

Garlic Seedling Observation Composition (3)

In our daily study, work and life, we all have the experience of writing compositions. We have a good understanding of compositions. According to the different writing time limits, compositions can be divided into timed compositions and non timed compositions. So how do you write a general composition? The following is the observation of Garlic's composition by Xiaobian, hoping to help everyone.

Observe Garlic Seedling Composition 1

This morning, I took a piece of red garlic that Grandma had just bought from the market, and began to peel it, prepare the garlic sprouts, and observe its growth process.

I first peeled off the thick skin of garlic, leaving only a thin layer of light pink skin. This is to prevent garlic cloves from spreading. The garlic cloves are plump and shiny. They are next to each other, like brothers sitting under a big pillar holding hands, and it seems that they are playing games. The pale pink thin skin reflects the white plump garlic cloves, which are like little dolls. I soaked garlic in water and waited for its change on the sunny balcony.

The next day after school, I ran home quickly to see the growth of garlic seedlings. Wow, the white garlic seems to have gained a lot of weight, and the outer layer of thin skin has also been broken by them. A little green and yellow tender buds grow on the top of 4-5 petals, like pearls and babies who want to get out of their mother's arms. They are very cute. At the bottom of it grew about 3mm thin white roots, like whiskers. I was very excited, and I carefully changed the water for them again.

Under the influence of sunlight and water, the growth rate of garlic sprouts is much faster. When we observe them on the third day, other garlic cloves have sprouted. The sprouts of the first few garlic cloves have grown to 1 cm high. The green garlic sprouts are sharp and straight, like little soldiers. The "beard" at the bottom of garlic grows a little longer, about 0. 5 cm.

These days, the garlic sprouts are racing to grow up. The highest garlic sprout is about 5cm high. The garlic sprouts began to bifurcate, green, like small onions. The garlic cloves are not as shiny as before. It seems that the mother gave all the nutrition to the baby, and would rather wither and grow old, but also let the baby thrive.

Through observing the growth of garlic seedlings, I found that from taking root to sprouting, there should be water, sunshine and air to help, and of course, time is also indispensable.

Observe Garlic Composition 2

Today is Saturday. From today on, I will carefully observe the growth process of garlic seedlings. In the afternoon, I put two plump garlic on a plate, and then put them together to concentrate on water purification. I heard from my father, so that the garlic seedlings can grow slowly. At the beginning, I ran to them every half an hour, eager for green buds to emerge from the two garlic, but there was no change in the two garlic from six o'clock at night. I was really disappointed.

The next morning when I got up, I came to the garlic sprouts. I found that there was a sprout on a clove of garlic. This sprout was light yellow and looked very delicate, but no other garlic sprouted. I hurried to ask my father. My father looked at it and told me that the garlic was too tightly wrapped. So we peeled the skin off the garlic. When I came home in the afternoon, I found a lot of small sprouts on garlic. I was very excited.

In the morning of the third day, I found that the garlic sprouts had grown a centimeter high, and the color had become tender green. I picked up the two garlic plants and found that there were small roots growing at the bottom of them.

On the morning of the fourth day, I found that the garlic sprouts had grown a lot taller, and the color had also turned dark green. I picked up two garlic plants, and found that the roots had turned black. I hurriedly called my father to see them. My father said, "As long as you change the water, it will be all right." So I changed the water. In the afternoon, I went home, and I picked up the garlic to see it. It turned white again, and I was relieved.

In the next few days, my garlic sprouts grew very well. Now we have eight centimeters of green garlic sprouts. Looking at this plate of green garlic sprouts, I felt excited and a little sense of achievement. I will carefully cultivate them and let them thrive.

Observe Garlic Composition 3

Planted on Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Today, our teacher assigned us a special lesson - writing observation diary.

I thought about it for a while. What can I grow? Plant garlic! I found five cloves of garlic and peeled them off. I found a jar that had not been used for a long time, and then went to the yard to dig some fat soil and put it into the jar. Put the garlic into the soil and expose a little sharp.

Look forward to their healthy growth!

Saturday, September 13, 2014

After school, four cloves of garlic sprouted. They are small, sharp and tender, very cute! They seem to be spitting out their tongues mischievously and making faces at me! What fun! But the rest of them are still languidly refusing to get up, playing games with them and growing up together!

I really like them!

September 14, 2014

This morning, the last garlic clove woke up. It sticks out its little head and seems to be playing hide and seek with me!

There is a thin layer of skin beneath these young plants, as if they are wearing a white dress.

Named on Wednesday, September 17, 2014

The garlic seedlings have grown up continuously, ranging from high to low, from thick to thin, with different shapes. I named them because I wanted to distinguish them.

The thickest and largest is called Xiaonen; The second is called Xiaozi; The third is Xiaomeng; The fourth is Xiaotian; The youngest is Xiaoguai. Well, just look at the name and you will think of the lovely garlic sprouts! My name is very good!

I also made some marks with colored pens to make it easier to remember them.

Friday, September 19, 2014 Accident

An accident happened today. I'm so sad!

I accidentally interrupted the small sweet fold: I touched the tender, small, sweet stem. With a snap, Xiaotian broke off. I was so distressed that my mother comforted me and said: It's OK, it can grow up again. I nodded. I hope Xiaotian grows up quickly! How sad!

I really like these little garlic sprouts. How about you?

Observe Garlic Composition 4

Previously, when I was in the first volume of the fourth grade, Miss Guo taught us to learn "statistics" and asked us to go home and plant garlic seedlings. When I came home from school, I took some garlic in the kitchen. I planted them in a roc, hoping that they would grow up quickly.

In a math class, the teacher asked us: "Have you planted garlic seedlings?" We all answered with one voice: "Yes!" The teacher was very excited and taught us to make a table. The teacher said, "This table is for you to record the growth height of garlic seedlings." When I got home, I took care of the garlic seedlings carefully, but they had no news, just like sleeping. After three or four days, the teacher asked us: "Who can tell us the height of your garlic sprouts?" Many students raised their hands to answer. I looked at my records and was very sad. After class, a classmate asked me: "How tall is your garlic sprout?" I lied and said: "It's seven or eight centimeters!" I looked at the garlic sprout without news and said to myself: "What kind of garlic sprout? It's not long at all, hum!" I was angry and put it in the corner of the window sill. I would never care about it again. But Suanmiao seemed to understand my words, as if he was also very sad.

Time passed day by day, and it was time for vacation in the blink of an eye. One day, I woke up from my sleep and stood by the balcony. Suddenly, I found a little garlic sprout that had never been heard before. Today, it has become a "tall girl"! I excitedly picked up the garlic pot, looked at the dried soil, and hurried to water it. I touched the garlic sprouts and laughed happily, as if my hope and determination had increased tenfold. Xiaosuanmiao was also very excited when he saw that the owner had to take care of himself carefully.

Under my careful care, Xiaosuanmiao never stops growing and becomes slim, beautiful and moving. Yes, a person can only succeed by going through all kinds of difficulties to do a thing. Just like my little garlic sprouts, they grow higher and higher through hardships.

Observe Garlic Composition 5

As soon as I got home, I found garlic that did not sprout. I immediately ran to a sunny place to plant garlic seedlings. I found a small flowerpot, poured some water into it, and planted it. At this time, I was really ecstatic. I hope my garlic will sprout small buds soon.

The next day, I didn't even have time to wear my clothes. I ran to the windowsill to see my garlic and see if it had sprouted. I imagined that my little garlic sprouts had bulged round and goose yellow bracts, but when I saw them, alas! I sighed, why didn't the goose yellow bracts bulge? When I asked my mother, she said, "The garlic sprouts will not sprout until three days later." After hearing this, I said, "Oh! That's so!" I smiled at ease.

On the third day, I couldn't wait to see my garlic sprouts again. I thought: this time the sprouts must have sprouted. I was excited. I looked closely, "Why haven't sprouts sprouted yet? Mom, come and see. What's the matter?" My mother ran over and said: "This... I don't know." I was very disappointed and returned to bed sadly.

A few days later, I went to see the garlic sprouts again. The garlic sprouts bulged with dark bracts. I asked my mother why the garlic sprouts bulged with dark bracts instead of goose yellow bracts, as if they were dying? Mother said, "It seems that Grandma said that garlic has been irradiated by ultraviolet light, so it will not sprout again." Oh, I nodded, so it was like this.

Planting garlic seedlings let me understand the process. Although my garlic did not sprout, I was also very happy! Because I also learned some knowledge!

Observe Garlic Composition 6

Last week, when my mother and I peeled garlic, we had a strange idea: why not plant a plate of garlic seedlings and observe its growth law? My idea certainly got my mother's support.

First, we decided to use the soilless cultivation method to put the peeled garlic on a small plate. It is required that the roots of these garlic must be downward, and they should be firmly held together. But these garlic babies are too disobedient. You hug me and push me, and then you stagger. With the joint efforts of my mother and I, we finally subdued them. You see, they are now neatly arranged together, like a group of lively and lovely cute babies. I said to myself, "You should grow up quickly!"

The next day when I came home from school, I rushed to the balcony and was surprised to find that some of their heads had sprouted a little green shoots, looking at the world in a light, bright and mischievous way. On the third day, after careful observation, I found that the green buds had grown taller, and the color was greener. There are also many white roots growing at the bottom of it, which are hard and strong. The growth of the fifth day was even more enjoyable. The green buds broke through the inner coat and finally grew green leaves, sharp and flat, five or six centimeters long, which looked particularly promising. The root whiskers at the bottom become longer and thicker, and they are intertwined like friends who have been reunited for a long time, firmly embracing each other, protecting the happy growth of garlic seedlings. On the seventh and eighth days, the water became a little turbid. The garlic sprouts grew unevenly, some straight and tall, some short and thin, and the highest one was thirteen or four centimeters. It was high and happy.

In the following days, although the garlic began to crumple, the garlic seedlings were still trying to absorb nutrients, growing upward

Garlic Seedling Observation Composition (4)

Observe Garlic Miao's third grade composition

In the light study, work and life, everyone often comes into contact with the composition bar. With the help of composition, you can vent your feelings and adjust your mood. Do you know how to write a standard composition? The following is a small editor's observation of Garlic's third grade composition for everyone. For reference only, I hope it can help everyone.

Miss Wan gave us a lesson to go back and plant garlic and soybeans.

On the first day, I selected three of the most plump garlic, gently peeled them off, and three shiny white fat dolls appeared on my palm. Then take out a plate, put some clean water on it, put the three fat dolls head up and root down, and finally put the plate on the balcony, and I began to wait quietly.

The next morning, I went to see garlic again, and found that there was no news, but the skin was a little wrinkled. I wonder if there will be other problems? My father told me, "If you want to succeed, you must be patient."

On the third day, I found many white whiskers growing from the root of garlic, and a small crack in the head. Inside, there was a green bud desperately squeezing out.

On the fourth day, the short beard at the root grew long, like the old man's beard, and the shoots on it grew long, already two or three centimeters high. Look at the water in the plate, it is almost absorbed by three garlic. I also found a very interesting place, no matter what direction the baby garlic is placed on the plate, the garlic sprouts grow towards the sky right above!

It's so interesting to observe garlic sprouts!

Garlic Seedling Observation Composition (5)

After finishing the homework on October 26, I thought of the 'task' that our teacher assigned us - planting garlic seedlings.

I picked up more than ten sprouted garlic sprouts in the kitchen. I called my mother over and put the garlic sprouts in a cabbage like boy with me, and then poured some water. In this way, garlic seedlings are ready.

Let's give Xiaosuanmiao another name. I took out a small label and wrote the word "Kui" on the top of the biggest one, and then wrote "Wufu" on the second one. The third one wrote "Sunwalker", the fourth one, "Windrunner", the fifth one, "Sword King", the sixth one, "I love Luo", the seventh one, "Naruto", the eighth one, "Xi", the ninth one, "Crazy", and the youngest one, "I am human". I have named you Xiaosuanmiao. You must be very happy. Xiaosuanmiao, please grow up quickly. I love you.

On October 26, I came to see the little garlic sprouts again. The little garlic sprouts have begun to grow. The white garlic skin is wrapped with green buds. I like green best. They are full of the power of life.

On November 1, under my careful care, the little garlic sprout grew up slowly, growing all the time. Watching them grow up day by day, I was very happy, as if I was raising a child. In a few days, I can eat garlic sprouts. However, at that time, I will definitely be reluctant.

Garlic Seedling Observation Composition (6)

Planted on Wednesday, September 10, 20xx

Today, our teacher assigned us a special assignment to write an observation diary.

I thought about it for a while. What can I grow? Plant garlic! I found five cloves of garlic and peeled them off. I found a jar that had not been used for a long time, and then went to the yard to dig some fertile soil and put it into the jar. Put the garlic into the soil and expose a little sharp.

Look forward to their healthy growth!

Germination on September 13, 20xx

After school, four cloves of garlic sprouted. They are small, sharp and tender, very cute! They seem to be spitting out their tongues mischievously and making faces at me! What fun! But the rest of them are still languidly refusing to get up, playing games with them and growing up together!

I really like them!

Sunday, September 14, 20xx

This morning, the last garlic clove woke up. It poked out its small head, as if playing hide and seek with me!

There is a thin layer of skin under these young plants, as if they are wearing a white dress.

Named Wednesday, September 17, 20xx

The garlic seedlings have grown up continuously, ranging from high to low, from thick to thin, with different shapes. I named them because I wanted to distinguish them.

The thickest and largest is called Xiaonen; The second is called Xiaozi; The third is Xiaomeng; The fourth is Xiaotian; The youngest is Xiaoguai. Well, just look at the name and you will think of the lovely garlic sprouts! My name is very good!

I also made some marks with colored pens to help me remember them.

Friday, September 19, 20xx

An accident happened today. I'm so sad!

I accidentally broke Xiaotian: I felt the tender and small stem of Xiaotian. With a snap, Xiaotian broke her waist. I was so distressed that my mother comforted me and said: It's OK, it can grow up again. I nodded. I hope Xiaotian grows up quickly! How sad!

I really like these little garlic sprouts. How about you?

Garlic Seedling Observation Composition (7)

Sunday, xx, xx

If you ask me, this garlic grows really fast. It's 7cm overnight, and it doesn't grow tall again.

But No. 1 garlic has always grown crooked, and the seedlings have gone to the root. I asked my grandmother, hoping to find the answer, and she said: "You tied it too tightly before, so it can't have enough space to grow up, and naturally it will be crooked." Oh, so it is.

My father asked me a question yesterday, "Do you know why some crops grow so well and so quickly under the greenhouse?" I shook my head, and he said: "It is because there is enough sunshine in the greenhouse, not dry, not wet air, and the temperature and humidity are just right. Do we have a try? You put the poor garlic on the windowsill to let it absorb sunlight and fresh air. What will happen? " "Oh, I know." I turned and moved the garlic, which was lower than other garlic, to the windowsill.

Today, I saw that the garlic was growing fast. The garlic became greener and the seedlings grew taller, obviously surpassing the others. It was straight and beautiful. I made a medal "Crop Expert" and stuck it on my father. He smiled happily.

But the garlic that had been treated with pesticide has only grown 2cm. The garlic sprouts are not green at all, just like malnourished bean sprouts. Seeing this situation, I really want to say, "Please stop the occurrence of pesticide incidents."

Garlic, I pray that you will grow quickly. When school starts, I will bring you to the school to show it.

Garlic Seedling Observation Composition (8)

One day, the teacher asked us to plant garlic sprouts and keep a diary. I was so happy when I heard that, as if I imagined my future garlic sprouts would grow healthily. When I came home from school, my mother and I would plant garlic seedlings in the soil and soak them in water.

The first day, I got up early to see it. Unexpectedly, it was very naughty. We did hide and seek with me, but didn't show our heads.

The next day, I came to water it, and found that the soil began to crack. Will my garlic sprouts come out? I'm looking forward to it.

On the third day, the garlic sprout gave me a big surprise. Its head came out a little, slightly emitting a little purple, but I was so happy that my brother and I jumped around the house.

On the fourth day, my garlic sprouts showed higher and green buds. I watered them again, hoping they could grow up faster!

On the fifth day, it was green. The leaves were a little longer, so bright and attractive.

On the sixth day, under my careful care, it got higher and higher. When a gust of wind blew, it shook slightly, as if greeting me.

On the seventh day, as the leaves grow, they become slightly bent, and the shape becomes more beautiful.

The eighth day, a week has passed, and the garlic sprouts are getting greener and taller. My lovely little garlic sprouts, grow up quickly. I will accompany you every day and witness your growth every day!

Garlic Seedling Observation Composition (9)

Grade 3 Volume 1 Unit 4 Composition: Garlic Seedling Observation Diary 300 words

Today, the teacher assigned an assignment. Let's write an observation diary. I went home, finished my homework, and began to practice.

I want to observe the growth process of garlic seedlings. First, I found a garlic "family" and gave them a "capital sin". I took their five brothers

They parted cruelly and took off their white jackets, revealing their white and fat bellies. My sister smiled and said, "Fat man, fat man!"

I found a small paper cup and filled it with some soil. I carefully put the garlic in it. For the first time, I covered the garlic with a "black quilt". My mother saw it and said, "Alas! You laid it so tightly that it will suffocate." After hearing this, I quickly took it out and put it a little shallower. I poured water on it and put it on the balcony, With a series of question marks in my heart, I am anxious and excited, waiting for tomorrow.

Garlic Seedling Observation Composition (10)

first day

After dinner, my mother began to peel garlic cloves. Ah! I'm very happy to plant garlic sprouts. My mother chose some white and fat garlic cloves as seeds, and I helped my mother choose seeds nearby.

After selecting the seeds, my mother brought an empty plate, placed the selected garlic seeds on the plate one by one, and then poured water on it. I thought to myself: "The head of garlic cloves is bare, no soil, only water, can they grow garlic sprouts?"

on the third day

Just two days later, the top of the garlic clove split, revealing a bit of light green buds, like a chicken's mouth just sticking out of the eggshell. It is soft when you touch it with your hand. Look at their roots, some short fibrous roots have grown and stood on the plate. I was afraid that the garlic cloves would fall, so I pressed them down one by one.

Mother saw it and said, "Little fool, don't press it, you will kill them."

I quickly asked, "What should I do? They are easy to pour."

Mother smiled and said, "In a few days, when the roots grow long, they won't fall down."

After listening to my mother, I felt relieved. I thought of the question on the first day and asked my mother.

She said: "Garlic cloves have nutrients themselves. As long as the temperature is appropriate, there is sufficient sunlight and air, and there is no soil, they can grow."

Oh, so it is. The mystery in my heart has been solved.

The Fifth Day

In a twinkling of an eye, the garlic sprouts grew to one centimeter high, and the fibrous roots were twined in the plate like thin threads. Among these garlic seedlings, one is tall and strong, like "Mu Tiezhu". I gave it a red dot as encouragement; There is one that is the shortest. I gave it a blue dot and hope it can catch up.

Today, a small clove appeared on the garlic sprout. I thought it was sick. Mother said: "That's the split leaf." I knew it was a false alarm.

Day 10

Garlic sprouts grow very fast. Every day, I seem to hear the sound of them "brushing" upward. The white jade like stems and green leaves embrace each other like a small bamboo forest. The long fibrous roots are firmly standing on the plate, crisscross and tightly intertwined, and can not be pulled apart even by hand.

Day 14

The garlic sprouts have grown to more than half a foot. Mother said, "You can eat it. If you don't eat it, you will get old."

When my mother cut the garlic sprouts, she deliberately left one centimeter to let them grow.

Eating my own garlic sprouts, my heart is sweet.

Instructor: Geng Aihong

Garlic Seedling Observation Composition (11)

20xx。 9。 thirty

During the holiday, I wanted everyone to try fried garlic sprouts with eggs. I could do it by myself and have enough food and clothing. So I made a big effort. I found a garlic to wrap up, a pot to put two-thirds of the soil in. I poured the soil into mud and inserted garlic. Grandpa saw it and said, "It's not suitable to grow garlic now." After listening to my grandfather's words, I lost confidence in garlic sprouts, But I still hope that he will sprout quickly and grow up healthily.

Observation diary (II)

20xx。 10。 three

School is over. Let me take a look at my garlic sprouts! I had no hope for it. "Ah! The garlic sprouts," I exclaimed. Mother said: "The vitality of garlic sprouts is very strong." Its buds are light green, which is one centimeter long, and look very delicate. I must take good care of it and let it grow healthily.

Observation diary (3)

20xx。 10。 ten

A week later, the garlic sprouts have grown a lot. When it just grew out, it was just a stem, and gradually became a leaf. The leaf turned from the original curly to wide green, just like the leek leaf. When the wind blows, the leaves swing with the wind, and I seem to smell the smell of garlic. I hope that if it works hard, I can have fried garlic sprouts with eggs.

Observation Diary (IV)

20xx。 10。 twenty

Today, I finally want to eat fried garlic sprouts with eggs. I got a pair of scissors to cut the garlic sprouts and wash them, and asked Grandma to help me make fried eggs with garlic sprouts. After a while, the hot eggs came out of the pot. "How delicious!" When I smelled the faint smell of garlic, my mouth was watering down. I quickly added a mouthful and tasted it. I didn't like eggs at ordinary times, but I ate a lot for dinner today. How happy I am to taste the fruits of my labor!

Garlic Seedling Observation Composition (12)

First, the teacher asked Rao Yupeng and Ren Zong to ride to get some soil, then poured the soil into the box and the teapot, shook the soil evenly, asked Sun Yashu to take a glass of water, inserted garlic into the soil vertically one by one, poured water on it, and made the water even. There are still a few autumn pear paste bottles left. The teacher wanted to plant garlic with water, so he asked Rao Yupeng to go to the restaurant to order vinegar and garlic. Unexpectedly, none of them were left. It's a pity that if there were any, we could see how to plant garlic with water.

In this time of watching garlic growing, I learned how to plant garlic, so I can plant garlic by myself when I go home.

Chapter 2: Growing Garlic

I didn't go to the special class today because the teacher of the special class had to approve the papers. In this class, I and all the students who didn't go to the special class were planting garlic.

At the third class, the teacher gave us a big bag. Ren Zongqi and I went to Qiushi Garden to shovel the soil. At first, I started to shovel the soil. Because my hands were too cold, I replaced it with Ren Zongqi. I told him, "Take this to shovel the soil first, and shovel the mud together. It's better to do it more often, and loosen the soil before shovel it." After listening, do as I told him, The first time we shoveled the soil, it was wet. Some of the mud was shoveled into the things we were holding. We had to squeeze out the mud piece by piece, then take out the stones and dried leaves and throw them back. The second time, Ren Zongqi could not get the soil in. He was squatting, but suddenly fell there. Slowly, we finished the production, Ma Juntao of our class also came. Suddenly, there was an opening in the tape. We put it on things. When we got to the classroom, Ren Zongqi and I washed our hands. When we got to the classroom, we kept watching how the teacher planted them. The teacher asked me, "Do you have transparent bottles in your house?" "No," I said dejectedly, "I have one in my house." Huo Shengqi said. After a while, The teacher saw two autumn pear paste bottles in the cupboard where the cups were placed, and said, "Rao Yupeng and Ma Juntao went to rinse the bottles." We took the bottles and quickly cleaned them. Then we watched with our classmates how the teacher planted them. Suddenly, the teacher heard, "There must be children who have urinated and pooped." I suddenly felt that we were lucky to wash our hands, I saw the teacher put the sprouts on the top, and then the teacher poured some water, and the teacher said, "Ah! It's a bit too much." The teacher gently shook the water to evenly distribute on both sides, and then the teacher used a cup to plant the remaining garlic. I looked and said that the sprouts were green.

This is the process of growing garlic.

Chapter 3: Growing Garlic

This time we didn't go to the special class, because all the teachers of English and mathematics went to approve the papers. In the third class, the teacher was planning. First, the teacher asked Rao Yupeng and Ren Zongqi to dig some soil, and then asked Rao Yupeng and I to rinse the cups. After rinsing, we picked out all the things on the bottle. My autumn pear paste bottle was very easy to pick, In a short time, I finished cutting. Later, I went to help Rao Yupeng. Rao Yupeng's nails were very difficult to cut. My nails were very painful to cut. Finally, although the cutting was finished, there was still some glue on the bottle. Later, the teacher put the soil into paper cups and iron cups, inserted garlic, and finally sprinkled some water. Then it was finished. At the end, The teacher asked Rao Yupeng and I to complete a difficult task. He asked us to go to the restaurant and ask for some vinegar and four garlic. Then we went there with a cup. When we got there, the teacher said that there was no garlic and vinegar, and then we had to go back. This time, we failed. The task was not completed, but I was not discouraged. There will be some next time.

This is the process that the teacher planted garlic in the third class to let us do things.

Garlic Seedling Observation Composition (13)

I first peeled off the thick skin of garlic, leaving only a thin layer of light pink skin. This is to keep the garlic cloves from spreading. The garlic cloves are plump and shiny. They are next to each other, like brothers sitting under a big pillar holding hands, or they are playing games. The light pink thin skin reflects the white plump garlic cloves, which are like little dolls. I soaked garlic in water and waited for its change on the sunny balcony.

The next day after school, I ran home quickly to see the growth of garlic seedlings. Wow, the white garlic cloves seem to have gained a lot of weight, and the outermost thin skin has also been broken by them. A little green and yellow tender buds grow on the top of 4-5 petals, like pearls and babies who want to break free from their mother's arms. They are very cute. At the bottom of it grew about 3mm thin white roots, like whiskers. I was very happy, and I carefully changed the water for them again.

Under the influence of sunlight and water, the growth rate of garlic sprouts is much faster. When we observe them on the third day, other garlic cloves have sprouted. The sprouts of the first few garlic cloves have grown to 1 cm high. The green garlic sprouts are sharp and straight, like little soldiers. The "beard" at the bottom of garlic grows a little longer, about 0. 5 cm.

These days, the garlic sprouts are racing to grow up. The highest garlic sprout is about 5cm high. The garlic sprouts began to bifurcate, green, like small onions. The garlic cloves are not as shiny as before. It seems that the mother gave all the nutrition to the baby, and would rather wither and grow old, but also let the baby thrive.

Through observing the growth of garlic seedlings, I found that from taking root to sprouting, water, sunshine and air should help, of course, time is also indispensable.

Garlic Seedling Observation Composition (14)

I want to observe the growth process of garlic seedlings. First, I found a garlic "family" and gave them a "capital sin". I took their five brothers

They parted cruelly and took off their white jackets, revealing their white and fat bellies. My sister smiled and said, "Fat man, fat man!"

I found a small paper cup and filled it with some soil. I carefully put the garlic in it. For the first time, I covered the garlic with a "black quilt". My mother saw it and said, "Alas! You laid it so tightly that it will suffocate." After hearing this, I quickly took it out and put it a little shallower. I poured water on it and put it on the balcony, With a series of question marks in my heart, I am anxious and excited, waiting for tomorrow.

Garlic Seedling Observation Composition (15)

Unit 4, Volume 1, Grade 3 Composition: Garlic Seedling Observation Diary 300 words Today, the teacher assigned an assignment. Let's write an observation diary. I went home, finished my homework, and began to practice.

I want to observe the growth process of garlic seedlings. First, I found a garlic "family" and gave them a "capital sin". I took their five brothers

They parted cruelly and took off their white jackets, revealing their white and fat bellies. My sister smiled and said, "Fat man, fat man!"

I found a small paper cup and filled it with some soil. I carefully put the garlic in it. For the first time, I covered the garlic with a "black quilt". My mother saw it and said, "Alas! You laid it so tightly that it will suffocate." After hearing this, I quickly took it out and put it a little shallower. I poured water on it and put it on the balcony, With a series of question marks in my heart, I am anxious and excited, waiting for tomorrow.