Discovery of Animals (19 practical articles)
Memory also faded
2023-11-28 06:31:57
primary school

Discovery of animals (1)

That evening, the sky was overcast. I had just walked out of my classmate's house when I saw several swallows playing carefree on the road. Suddenly, a big truck roared past, my heart was tight, I couldn't help closing my eyes, and I didn't dare to see the bloody scene. I knew that something bad had happened, and I slowly opened my eyes. What I saw in front of me surprised me very much: there was a swallow lying on the ground, its wings flapping on the ground, its feet kept twitching, and soon stopped moving. Looking at the poor little guy, I was very sad.

Suddenly, I heard the sound of "flapping" in the sky. I looked up and saw another swallow flying down the road. It jumped eagerly and soon approached its dying companion. The swallow first turned around its companion for several times, and its mouth made a "chirping" sound from time to time. It seems to say: "Wake up quickly. It's too dangerous here. Let's play somewhere else!"

After a long time, the swallow seems to have understood that its lovely partner will not come back. It stood beside its companion stupidly, stared at his corpse closely, and kept "chirping", which was very sad and seemed to be crying.

My tears could not stop flowing down, and my eyes were blurred with tears, until I walked far away, but I could still see the swallow standing in the middle of the road.

This priceless friendship between small animals deeply moved me and kept me fresh in my memory. There is love between animals, not to mention our human beings!

Discovery of animals (2)

I found that animals also have feelings in the world, and people have feelings. I found that animals also have feelings inadvertently, some of which are even more sincere than human feelings. At that time, I seemed to be in kindergarten, and I stayed at my grandparents' home every day. Our neighbor, Grandpa Wang, called "Lily", is very cute.

Grandma's house is on the first floor, and there is a big platform. Lily can just get through the gap between the platforms. I sometimes give it meat or ham sausage, and gradually we become good friends. I found that when it was happy, it would always wag its hairy tail and bark. Sometimes very excited, the front foot will answer in my leg. Once, when the lord was ill, an ambulance was called. When a doctor in a white coat came to the lord's house with a stretcher and carried the lord out, in ordinary times, Lily would "bark" when she saw a stranger, but today Lily lay down quietly under the chair, drooping her ears and looking helpless. I still remember clearly that Lily shed tears.

Mother said, "Oh, Lily is so cute, so human!" After more than a month, the lord was discharged from the hospital. Lily looked at it and wagged her tail happily. She walked around the lord... Dog, a most understanding animal, has deep feelings with human beings. That time, I found out.

Discovery of animals (3)

Today, I saw the first animal that was on the verge of crisis. This is a classic animal book for children's science popularization. This book shows a magical animal world.
For the first time, we found many animals that we have seen or have not seen, such as the fish, such as golden qi  ng fish, small dolphins, piranha and coelacanth. So far, we can also see them in the sea or in the sea. One of the animals we haven't seen is the Dodo, a strange bird with a beak like a hook. It once lived in Mauritius, but so far, this bird has been killed and extinct by humans.
Through this book, I know the living habits and habitats of each animal, so as to cultivate my observation ability and learning and exploration ability. At the same time, through a large transparent film, I found that the world is so magical. After reading this book, I decided to continue to explore the journey of other animals.

Discovery of animals (4)

Here, I solemnly declare that this is not my own experience, but my discovery in books.

Everyone knows deer. The male deer has forked horns on its head. In addition to horns, deer have no other weapons to resist natural enemies, so the doe without horns will follow a strong male deer every day. This male deer is called a deer. The name of this generation of deer is Huck. Huck is an old deer, and there will inevitably be young male deer trying to ascend the throne.

But he never thought that Mick, who was just an adult, would challenge him. After several rounds of fighting, Huck suddenly wanted to kill the wolf who had recently threatened the deer. It was his dying wish, so he planned to give up and reserve his strength and energy. It is not the life of a deer that is unbearable. The deer find a piece of grass and leave it only some scorched grass; Find a saltwater pond and leave it only mud. Within a few days, it fell from the cloud to the bottom of the valley, and gradually lost weight. Finally, it found the old wolf and died with it.

This is the deer society. The law of the jungle eats the weak. The deer will only support the deer that have value for their own use, and will not pity the deer with low status. There is no emotion in the deer society. Except between mother and son, the deer society is very cruel.

Eagle, people don't often touch it, but they also know something about it. The life of an eagle is that there can only be one eagle family in a region. The male eagle and the female eagle raise children together.

Somehow, since a strange thing happened in the valley, the male eagles here have a poor physique and a short life. They often become new ghosts just after becoming bridegrooms. Therefore, the female eagles usually raise their young eagles alone. This female eagle is called Frost Point. She has two children, one is called Black Top, the other is Red Leghorn. The two young eagles have not eaten for a long time. Red Leghorn is too hungry to stand up, and Frost Point is too hungry. The female eagle can only sacrifice a young eagle as a bait for a snake. Finally, it chose the red foot pole as the bait to make the black top live.

This is the society of eagles, where the fittest survive and sometimes have to choose. But in the eagle society, kinship and the relationship between husband and wife are very good.

There are still many secrets of animals that need people to constantly dig. Now people still have little understanding of animals.

Discovery of animals (5)

At the end of last century, in a zoo in a Pacific island country, there were all kinds of animals, including smart monkeys, ferocious lions, heavy bears, and beautiful peacocks... The animals' greatest wish was to go out and see the outside world.

The opportunity finally came. One day, the careless keeper hurried home and forgot to close the door of the little monkey. The little monkey jumped up happily. He liked traveling best. Usually people came to see the monkey. The little monkey didn't know what the outside world was like. He wanted to see it too much. But when he went alone, he felt afraid. The little monkey thought for a while and asked for more partners. When it was getting dark, the little monkey crept to the door of the little cat. After discussing with the little cat, the little cat was also very willing to go and opened the door for the little cat. Then they went to the door of Little White Rabbit, Peacock and Big Black Bear and opened the door for them.

The five friends were all together. They were nervous and excited. They carefully escaped from the zoo and walked into the street. Afraid of being discovered, they walked quickly across the street to the seaside. They looked at the twinkling stars in the sky, listened to the singing of the sea, and were very happy. They sang and danced on the beach and played with each other. When they had played enough, they felt a little hungry. The little monkey first suggested: "Let's find something to eat!" The partners responded positively.

They walked along the seawall until they came to a forest. The little monkey immediately smelled the aroma of fruit, and saw him running up and down the tree, picking bananas, coconuts, lychees and some unknown fruits for his friends. The five friends tasted such fresh fruit for the first time, and they were very happy. The big black bear made interesting movements while eating, which made his friends laugh.

When they were full, the little animals continued on their way. Unconsciously, they came to a lake, when it was already light, the fish in the lake jumped up and down, as if to welcome the arrival of young friends. Wild flowers grow all around the lake, and the fragrance wafts. On the other side of the lake stood several beautiful swans. The scenery was beautiful. The little kitten's eyes lit up and popped out: "This is the Swan Lake!" So the little friends sat on the grass beside the lake and listened to the little kitten telling beautiful stories about the Swan Lake

From then on, little monkeys, little spotted cats, little white rabbits, peacocks and big black bears lived happily by the Swan Lake, and nobody mentioned anything about the zoo.

The keepers in the zoo still don't know where these small animals have gone until now. Maybe they will never find them.

Discovery of animals (6)

In nature, we always find some insects, which are various, large and small, beneficial and harmful. But there are big secrets.
The weather is hot in summer, and there are many insects. Of course, the mosquitos are the most! One day, several mosquitoes flew into my home. I said, "We must drive away mosquitoes"! I took the mosquito swatter to beat the mosquito, but it was hard to beat it. I was about to beat it, but it flew away. Why?
I learned the reason through the online encyclopedia. It turns out that some insects have compound eyes and single eyes. The compound eye can see everywhere at 365 degrees without dead angle. The compound eye has more than 10000 small eyes. So it is!
I made great efforts to find the truth, and finally I understood a truth: I would observe because of my curiosity (doubt), and I would look up data because of my observation, and I would gain new knowledge because of looking up data.

Discovery of animals (7)

My family has a very cute kitten.

This kitten is very cute. Its gray and white fur is soft and comfortable to the touch. On its round head, it has a pair of pointed ears. In its big eyes, a pair of blue eyes squint into a line during the day, but at night it becomes very large, very bright and very spiritual.

Why is this? I thought and thought, once, I was taking a nap in the afternoon. Before going to bed, I closed all the curtains, and the room immediately became dark. When I woke up, I opened the curtains, and the strong sunlight came in, and I squinted my eyes. Suddenly, I thought of the cat. Could it be that the light line in the day is too bright, causing the eyes to narrow into a seam, while at night it is the opposite?

I also found that my cat will grow a beard at the end of its life. What's the use of this beard? Because the teacher said that everything on animals is very useful, otherwise it will degenerate. "I was very surprised, so I looked up the information on the Internet and understood that the reason why the cat's beard grows on both sides is that the cat's beard is like a ruler, slightly longer than the cat's body. When entering the hole, the cat must first compare the beard with the hole. If the hole is smaller than the body, the cat will not enter the hole. If the hole is larger than the beard, the cat will enter the hole.

When cats sleep, they always put their ears under their forelimbs and close to the ground. I think it's strange. Is this position comfortable for sleeping? What are the benefits of sleeping like this? So, I learned to sleep on the ground like a cat. At this time, I heard a sound of feet, but I looked up, but could not hear it. After a while, I heard the sound of footsteps. It was not clear just now. I fell down again, much clearer than just now! Suddenly, I understood that because the sound on the ground is much faster than that in the air, the cat will wake up immediately once a mouse moves, which is why the cat sleeps on the ground.

Cats like to eat fish and mice. Cats like to eat mice, probably because mice are active at night, and cats are also active at night. So cats like to eat mice. But what about fish? Why do cats like to eat? I checked the information on the Internet. It turns out that cats often move at night, and their bodies must have a large amount of taurine, a substance that can improve their eyesight at night. Fish and mice are among the animals with the most taurine, so mice and fish naturally become a good meal for cats. If cats do not get the supplement of this substance for a long time, their eyesight will be reduced, and they cannot see things in the dark, I can't catch mice.

In nature, there are many mysteries waiting for us to discover. As long as we watch carefully, we can find something.

Discovery of animals (8)

When I was young, I often went back to my hometown with my parents to play. There were many animals in my hometown, such as kittens, dogs, calves, chickens and lambs. One problem has always puzzled me: I can go to the hospital when I am sick.

What about animals? You may say: go to an animal hospital or ask a veterinarian! But there are no animal hospitals or veterinarians in some places. What should we do? You can't wait to be killed!

Several of my findings have solved my question. Once, I went to see my aunt mowing the grass. After watching for a while, I went to one side to play. At that time, I saw two venomous snakes fighting. I thought it was fun, so I watched the battle nearby. In a moment, one of the stronger ones bit the head of the other one. The head of the injured snake was swollen, and finally the mouth could not close. I think it must be over, but it went crazy and climbed to a stream to drink water desperately. After a long time, the swollen head of the snake gradually disappeared.

I was very surprised to see here. Isn't it like people! When rescuing patients bitten by poisonous snakes, people often give them a large amount of infusion to speed up the discharge of venom. I thought: Could this be accidental? After I went home, I quickly opened the "100000 Why" and looked it up. In a short time, I found it. It is no accident that animals treat themselves. For example, when cats suffer from gastroenteritis and diarrhea, they will find a kind of grass called Newtonian grass to eat, and then vomit. This kind of vomiting is an effective way for cats to treat gastroenteritis. And the American black bear, who wakes up from hibernation, is always uncomfortable. At this time, he will go out to find some fruit to eat, and these fruits will make him have mild diarrhea, and soon he will recover his health and be energetic again! Apes and orangutans are more intelligent animals, and they can also cure themselves. The orangutan is sick, and its gums are aching. At this time, its face is facing the sun, and it uses its hands to dig some mud and apply it to its cheeks. Then it uses both hands to press it tightly, fearing that the plaster on it will fall off, otherwise it will have to suffer from pain again. The ape grows in the tropical jungle. When it feels cold and shivers all over the body, it chews the bark of cinchona with its mouth. Like humans who take quinine, it recovers quickly.

The nature is really amazing. There are many mysteries waiting for us to explore and discover.

Discovery of animals (9)

When I was young, I often went back to my hometown with my parents to play. There were many animals in my hometown, such as kittens, dogs, calves, chickens and lambs. One problem has always puzzled me: I can go to the hospital when I am sick.

What about animals? You may say: "Go to an animal hospital or invite a veterinarian! But there are no animal hospitals or veterinarians in some places, so what should we do? You can't wait to die!

Several of my findings have solved my question. Once, I went to see my aunt mowing the grass. After watching for a while, I went to one side to play. At that time, I saw two venomous snakes fighting. I thought it was fun, so I watched the battle nearby. In a moment, one of the stronger ones bit the head of the other one. The head of the injured snake was swollen, and finally the mouth could not close. I think it must be over, but it went crazy and climbed to a stream to drink water desperately. After a long time, the swollen head of the snake gradually disappeared.

I was very surprised to see here. Isn't it like people! When rescuing patients bitten by poisonous snakes, people often give them a large amount of infusion to speed up the discharge of venom. I thought: Could this be accidental? After I went home, I quickly opened the "100000 Why" and looked it up. In a short time, I found it. It is no accident that animals treat themselves. For example, when cats suffer from gastroenteritis and diarrhea, they will find a kind of grass called "Newtonian grass" to eat, and then vomit. This "vomiting for diarrhea" is an effective method for cats to treat gastroenteritis. And the American black bear, who wakes up from hibernation, is always uncomfortable. At this time, he will go out to find some fruit to eat, and these fruits will make him have mild diarrhea, and soon he will recover his health and be energetic again! Apes and orangutans are more intelligent animals, and they can also cure themselves. The orangutan is sick, and its gums are aching. At this time, its face is facing the sun, and it uses "hands" to dig some mud and apply it on its cheeks, and then uses two "hands" to press it tightly, afraid that the "plaster" affixed on it will fall off, otherwise, it will have to suffer from pain again. The ape grows in the tropical jungle. When it feels cold and shivers all over the body, it chews the bark of cinchona with its mouth. Like humans who take quinine, it recovers quickly.

The nature is really amazing. There are many mysteries waiting for us to explore and discover.

Animal Discovery (10)

There are many wonderful animals in the animal kingdom. You may want to know, let me tell you!

Do you know chameleon? know of. Do you know how long a chameleon's tongue is? You may not know. Let me tell you, the tongue of a chameleon is twice its own body, isn't it magical?

Do you know fleas? I must know. Do you know how high it can jump? You may not guess. Let me tell you, it is the champion of high jump in the animal world, isn't it powerful?

Do you know seahorses? I think you know. But do you know who gave birth to the little seahorse? You may not think of it. Let me tell you, it's the father of seahorse. Do you think it's funny? In fact, after being fertilized, the mother of the seahorse lays her eggs in the brooding pouch of the father of the seahorse, and the father raises the child and regenerates it. This can protect children from harm.

Let me tell you again, the great white shark is the largest carnivorous fish in the sea. Its teeth are very sharp. If it falls, it can grow out in a few days. A shark needs to replace more than 20000 teeth within 10 years.

Dragonflies can fly very smoothly because each dragonfly has a thick spot at the end of its wing that is slightly heavier than its surroundings. It can prevent the wings from shaking when flying. By studying dragonfly wings, scientists installed a similar thickening area on the leading edge of the wing end of the aircraft to eliminate flutter. Indeed, the flutter phenomenon was miraculously overcome, and the resulting air disaster disappeared. Dragonflies are our good friends. They can kill pests and forecast the weather for us. The dragonfly is high, scorched, low, and rainy. Isn't it interesting?

In addition, whales are also human teachers. Scientists have designed a "streamline body" clipper by carefully studying its shape. The body length of the whale can reach 30 meters, which is the largest animal in the world now. The smallest whale also weighs 200 to 300 kilograms.

I've said so much. You should be more and more curious about animals, right? There are many kinds of animals in the world with many mysteries. Let's learn more about them and protect them!

Animal Discovery (11)

The cat is a very strange animal. During the day, I lazily bask in the sun and sleep well. In the evening, he began to be active as if he had taken some medicine. Its triangular face, sharp ears, vigorous posture and sharp eyes give it a noble demeanor.

The cat acted strangely. When stretching, the cat will tightly hook the floor with its front paws and raise its buttocks, but its expression is very carefree. When going to the toilet, it will dig a small hole in the soil and bury it back. I always lie in a ball when I sleep. They are animals that act alone, unlike dogs, they obey their masters' orders and act collectively. Many people keep cats like this. No matter how you call them, they don't care. So many people who keep cats do not regard themselves as owners, but treat them as friends. But once it trusts you, it will treat you as a parent and act coquettishly at your feet. When it feels lonely, it will climb onto the master's knee.

All cats have a habit of cleanliness. When they can walk, they often lick their bodies and clean themselves. If the cat's body is covered with water, it will keep adding. After it licks, its hair will dry quickly. When the owner touches the cat, the cat will keep licking the place touched by the owner. Many people think that the cat is dirty, but in fact it is remembering the owner's smell. Sometimes they also lick the owner's hand, which is the same reason. They run very fast and have no sound because they have soft meat mats under their feet. In the earliest days, cats usually ate fish, mice, rabbits and other food. They are not because fish, mice and other foods are delicious, but because cats are nocturnal animals. In order to see things clearly at night, they need a lot of taurine. Fish and mice contain a lot of taurine. This is what cats need most.

A cat usually gives birth to three to four at a time, which is called "three cats and four dogs". A newly born kitten has only one layer of hair on its body and grows up on the mother's breast milk. From this we can know that cats are also mammals. When it is happy, it will raise its tail or make a grunt sound, and it is very cute. But even so, don't think that the cat has no mood, because when it is angry, it will shake its tail vigorously and is very likely to pounce on you.

Animal Discovery (12)

This morning, I was surprised to find that a dog on the roadside ate grass. What happened?

I went home at noon and checked on the Internet. I also heard from my mother that, first of all, it is not always harmful for dogs to eat grass. Dogs will eat a small amount of their own hair when they eat, and will eat some fiber when they play. These accumulated in the dog's body will cause stones, dyspepsia or anorexia, which are very harmful to the dog's health. A small amount of grass can help eliminate these toxins in the body. However, be careful if you find that the dog often eats grass. It may be the dog's stomach pain or stomachache. If you have a dog and find such a strange thing, you should go to the veterinary hospital.

Ah! So many secrets in the animal world!

Animal Discovery (13)

It was a Sunday morning. I did my homework and played outside my home. I found a yellow dog urinating near my house. I didn't take it seriously. But after a while, I saw the yellow dog urinating again not far away. I thought: Where did this yellow dog get so much urine? Did he get diabetes!

In the afternoon, I saw the yellow dog coming here from a distance, and it seemed that he was still looking for the place where he had urinated while walking. I thought to myself: How can this yellow dog smell urine? Is its urine very fragrant? I became interested. With this question in mind, I searched for information about dogs, but did not find the answer. My father told me: "In fact, a dog urinates all the way, which can help him find his way. He urinates on the way he doesn't know, and when he comes back, he can smell the smell of his urine and walk forward to avoid getting lost." After listening to my father's words, I was half convinced. To prove this, I decided to do an experiment.

I found a rope, tied up my dog, and took it to a road that it had never walked before. He also walked for a while and urinated a little. After about seven or eight minutes, I untied the rope, and I quickly ran home from another road. It was only ten minutes after I got home, and the dog also came back.

Now I completely believe my father's words, and I am very happy because I have proved the reason for the dog to urinate after walking a short way through my own experiments. At the same time, I have also got an enlightenment: observation can dispel doubts, and as long as you carefully observe, you will certainly gain knowledge that you cannot learn from textbooks.

Animal Discovery (14)

This morning, after I got up, I went hiking with my father. When we stopped to have a rest, my father said that we would go to see the soil animals together.

"Soil animals"? This is a new term for me! So my father removed a big stone beside his feet and saw a group of ants crawling out in panic. I dug a few times with a stick and found several snails of all sizes. Suddenly, a guy with red head and tail scared me. My father told me that this is a centipede. It likes to live in damp and cool places. The centipede is poisonous and is a good Chinese medicine.

We removed another big stone, and the money string and the two tailed worm crawled out. They are very fierce! I touched the two tailed insect with a branch, and it raised its tail clip behind me. It turned out that this was its "weapon". I put the money string and the two tailed worm in the cup. They fought fiercely, and soon they were "both defeated".

At this time, an earthworm crawled over from the wet soil, and its movements stretched and shrank. No wonder so many people didn't like it. Encouraged by his father, we dissected it: divided it into two sections. Strangely, its two ends are still alive, and its vitality is so strong!

Finally, my father told me that the soil had no vitality and fertility when it was formed. Through the constant decomposition of dead trees, fallen leaves and animal carcasses by these soil animals, the soil gradually became "alive". It suddenly dawned on me that the soil is alive, and there is a "big world" under our feet!

Animal Discovery (15)

These days, I am worried about something. Why don't cats die when they fall from high places? Because these days, I picked up the kitten and threw it away. If I didn't catch it, the kitten fell to the ground and didn't die. I was puzzled.

Why doesn't a cat get hurt after falling from a high place? It turns out that this is related to the developed balance system and perfect body protection mechanism of cats. When a cat falls from the air, no matter when it starts, even with its back down and its feet facing up, it can always turn around quickly in the process of falling. When it approaches the ground, its forelimbs are ready to land. The thick fat meat pad on the cat's toes can greatly reduce the shock of the backlash against the cat body. It can effectively prevent the damage of vibration to various organs. The tail of a cat is also a balance organ, just like the tail of an aircraft, which can keep the body in balance. In addition, cats have well-developed limbs, short forelimbs and long hind limbs, which are conducive to jumping. Its motor nerve is developed, its body is soft, its muscles and ligaments are strong, and its balance ability is perfect. Therefore, although there is a big drop when climbing and jumping, it will not lose its balance and fall to death.

Unexpectedly, kittens still have this "special function". It seems that I still have a lot of knowledge to learn.

Animal Discovery (16)

One day when I was reading a newspaper, I found a piece of news that said that a girl who was only eight years old was kidnapped by a gangster. She was not nervous and afraid, but also used her wits to escape from the villains. After reading this news, I really want to know that people have the ability to save themselves, but do animals have the ability to save themselves? In order to understand this problem, I bought two beautiful little Dutch pigs and put them in a small cage to test whether animals have the ability to save themselves. After two days, I got up one morning to have a look! There is only one Dutch pig left in the cage. Where has the other Dutch pig gone? How did it escape from the cage? Why only one escaped? A series of question marks popped up in my mind, so I decided to open the mystery myself. The Dutch pig abandoned by his companion at the beginning appeared very impatient in the cage. Finally, at noon, the rest of the Dutch pig also started to move. First, he circled in the cage. When he came to the door, he used his own body to hit the door. The door was suddenly knocked open. When he was ready to abscond, I caught him with one hand. It turned out that the escaped Dutch pig escaped when people were asleep in the dark and he broke the door. The other Dutch pig was sleeping, so he lost a chance to escape. My grandmother has a dog at home. She usually keeps it in a cage. Once I went to grandma's house to play, the dog saw us coming and was overjoyed in the cage. Suddenly it hit the door that was not strong enough, and the door opened at once. Joy spread around me. The above two examples show that although most animals today are domesticated, they still have the ability to save themselves, especially when their lives are threatened and overexcited. I also learned a truth from this incident: if you are in danger, you must be calm and use your intelligence like a Dutch pig or a dog to escape from difficulties. It also made me understand that as long as I use my heart and brain to solve problems, everything can be solved. I will also use my brain to solve problems like this in the future study.

Animal Discovery (17)

Today, Mr. Deng took us out to observe. I can't find writing when I look around. I found that animals have feelings. The composition is 50 words

Animal Discovery (18)

Composition I of Finding Animals

There are many small secrets in life. As long as we observe carefully, we will find that nature is actually ever-changing. No, I found an amazing secret.

Today, after school, I was still preparing to feed my little goldfish as usual. Just walked into it, it jumped in the water tank, seemed very excited. I sprinkled some food, squatted down and observed it quietly.

It rushed to the surface, touched and kissed a grain of food with its small mouth. Slowly, the food was eaten up, and it ran back to the bottom. It wandered around among the water plants for several times, stopped at its original position, and its bulging eyes stared at me. I seemed to understand its gratitude and smiled slightly.

Gradually, I found that the little guy seemed to have spirituality, and seemed to know who was its master. Every time I approach it, it is very excited. In order to verify the accuracy of this discovery, I collected some information about goldfish on the Internet. As expected, the little goldfish has a memory and can recognize its owner.

Ah! Nature is so wonderful. My friends, let's discover the little secrets in life together!

Composition 2 of Finding Animals

In my beautiful hometown, when spring comes, there will be a group of lively "elves" accompanying the arrival of spring. She wears a gorgeous yellow and black coat. She can not only sing, but also brew a sweet honey. Who is she? Yes, she is a little bee.

One day, I found an "uninvited guest" on the balcony - little bee. Maybe the flowers on the balcony attracted it, because I was afraid that it would fly into the room and sting people. I tried to drive the little bee out, but I didn't succeed, so I gave up. That night we had dinner outside and bought a rabbit on the way home. Dad put the rabbit on the balcony. The next day, when teasing the rabbit, he found a big red thing on the rabbit. It was not bitten by something, was it? Then I remembered that there was still a bee on the balcony. I looked all over the balcony and saw the little bee lying motionless on the floor... How could the little bee die?

My father told me that it was the little bee that used its sting, but the sting could only be used once. When it pricked out the sting, it took out its own internal organs with it, and naturally it would not survive. I wonder why the bee's poison needle can only be used once? My father also told me a little story. It is said that when God created everything, he gave the weak bee a poisonous sting in order to make it survive. The little bee was very proud. He would sting whoever he saw. Everyone was afraid of him if he stung indiscriminately. Finally one day, God knew it and came to the bee and said, "You can't do this. From now on, don't use your sting when your life is not in danger, because it can only be used once. Otherwise, you will be punished." Then he flew away. The little bee still didn't repent. When it stabbed the little animal again, it gave its own life. That's because its poison needle has a back hook, so it can't be pulled out.

This is the secret of the little bee I know, but I told you everything!

Composition 3 of Finding Animals

Recently, I learned about "hunting dog" from "Animal World" on TV. Through the introduction on TV, I am very interested in it. So I decided to explore "hounds".

"Hound" originally lived in the city ruins of ancient Egypt. This kind of animal was thin and small, but its muscles were developed. The female "hunting dog" has longer front legs than the male, so the female "hunting dog" runs on four legs, while the male only runs on the back legs, and the running speed is amazing. Because local people often catch them on a large scale, this kind of animal is now on the verge of extinction. According to incomplete statistics, there are less than 50 survivors of this animal.

Why does the "hound" run so fast and its teeth are so sharp that it can quickly crush bones? The reason is this.

Because "hunting dogs" are born by nature, although they are thin and small, they have their special physiological structure. The bones of their legs and tails are connected together, so they run faster than ordinary dogs. In addition, in order to adapt to the living conditions there, hunting dogs need to run for a long time every day, and their muscles are more developed than other animals, so the running speed of "hunting dogs" is quite fast.

In order to survive, "hunting dogs" often catch some small animals for food, and bite and swallow them together with bones and meat. As time passes, their teeth become harder and harder, even sharper than knives, so they can quickly crush bones.

So why are they called "hounds"? It turns out that some kind-hearted local hunters took out some food to feed them every day when they saw that they were on the verge of extinction. As time passed, these small animals became attached to them. In addition, they were like dogs hunted by hunters, so they were named "hunting dogs". As good hunters often feed them with food, they often come to the village, so they are easily caught by bad people. To protect their instincts and living conditions, these "hunting dogs" can only return to their "hometown".

When I saw the news that these small animals were on the verge of extinction on TV, my heart was very heavy. Why can't people give them a living space? So I decided to appeal to people all over the world to protect animals and not let "hunting dogs" go extinct. The earth is also their home.

Through this event, I also learned that we must always observe all creatures in nature and make new discoveries.

Discovery of animals (19)

During observation, I found that the kitten lifted its cat leg, made a 180 degree rotation of its head backward, bent down and stretched out its tongue to lick its fur. I also want to learn, but as soon as I lifted my leg, I turned and gave up immediately. Because the cat's body is soft and our body is hard, we can't do this.

My kitten is very cute. Every time I see it, it will "meow" and turn around at my feet, so I like it very much. Give it meat in the vegetables and fish in the plate every day, and let it sleep on the bed. One day, when I was sleeping, there was a strange sound. Who was snoring? I thought it was the noise outside, but later I found that my cat was snoring, and the snoring was very loud. I never knew that cats could snore. This has taught me a lot.

Do you like small animals? If you like them, you should observe them more, and you can find a lot of knowledge from them! It's interesting to discover their secrets!