Tutoring as the theme (7 popular articles)
Sweet dreams, rain and smoke
2023-12-23 06:37:15

Family education as the theme (1)

China is a country of etiquette. Five thousand years of Chinese civilization has been deeply engraved in the hearts of every Chinese. Every family has its own family customs and rules. From Meng's mother to her mother-in-law, good family rules and customs not only carry the hope of generations for future generations, but also reflect the fine national style of the Chinese nation! Speaking of this, I can't help but come up with scenes of my relatives' education.

Since I was sensible, my mother has told me the truth of being a man. I should study hard, make progress, be honest, be kind, and be useful to the society.

When I was young, I was picky about food, didn't like to eat vegetables, and often left leftovers. My mother taught me: "Diligence and thrift are the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation, and grain is grown by farmers' uncles little by little, and can't be wasted." From that moment, I knew to "be diligent and thrifty".

When I was in primary school, my family held a grand family meeting. My grandfather said to me, "Granddaughter! You are going to the first grade. My grandfather hopes you will remember three sentences: the first sentence is to respect the elders. No matter where you go in the future, you should be polite and respect the elders when you see them; The second sentence is to be filial to your parents, who brought you to the world and raised you. When you grow up, you must repay them and be filial to them; The third sentence is self-reliance. No matter what you do in the future, you should not rely on others. You should work on your own strength, be content with the status quo, and be diligent and enterprising. This is what I expect of you, and I hope you will remember it all the time. "

My family is diligent, enterprising, honest and kind; Family rules are diligence and thrift; The family motto is to respect elders, be filial to parents, and be self reliant.

I believe that if each of our families sets up a good family style, inherits excellent family rules and instructions, and delivers "positive energy", then our society will be more harmonious and beautiful, and our country will be more prosperous!

Family education as the theme (2)

Home is our root; Family style exerts a subtle influence on our character. Home is the deepest place in my heart; Family style is the temperament of life.

Home is fertile land, we are the tender grass in the home, and home wind is spring wind and rain drops. When I was a child, my family was not as rich as it is now. There were only a few expenses for a family of four, and my parents did not have much knowledge or great ability... What was just the most common and simple essence of a farmer - diligence and thrift. Family style has affected me little by little. My family style helps me grow, and it is indispensable for me to grow up.

The family style has no power to shock people like the summer storm, but only grows gently and leisurely like the spring wind. Gradually grew up, the family also gradually receded from the initial poverty. I began to become more and more extravagant. However, no matter whether it's half eaten at the table, half bitten apples in front of the table, the newly opened milk on the desk, and not much messy toilet paper in front of the computer... there is always such a figure - finish the meal, put away the apples, store the milk, and separate and pack the toilet paper... Slowly, I began to realize that I felt that I was changing! My family style accompanied me to grow up. Along the way, I pointed out my arrogance and extravagance, and showed my mistakes and confusion.

The family style is not as solemn as the cold in winter, but only the warm fruits in autumn. When I entered middle school, I gradually grew up and matured, and my family style still fluttered in the deepest place. For several years, even more than ten years, under the influence of my parents and family style, diligence and thrift began to emanate from my body. He has no pungent aroma, but a light aroma of fruit. Diligence and thrift quietly flow on me. After growing in spring and suffering in summer, we finally got the harvest in autumn. The tender grass in the past is fruitful today, and the family style helps me grow.

Diligence and thrift, the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation, is a part of Chinese culture. Every one of us should remember this! My family style - diligence and thrift, it has no gorgeous appearance, no ability to overturn the world, and no ability to change the world... What he has is the most essential simplicity and subtle touch in everyone's heart.

My family style helps me grow. On the way to growth, my family style points out my arrogance and extravagance, and reminds me of every step of luxury and waste. Long life, long family style and I accompany.

Family education as the theme (3)

Grandparents are old, and it is inevitable that sometimes there will be some minor contradictions. In such a situation, parents always patiently persuade and never contradict their grandparents. Although what they say sometimes is unreasonable, parents have no intention to blame them.

Parents often say: "When parents call, do not delay, when parents order, do not be lazy." This means that when parents call, they should quickly agree; If your parents have orders, you should do it quickly.

I remember one winter, my father was busy repairing the heating, and suddenly a phone call came. After answering the phone, my father hurried out. I thought to myself, "What else is more important than repairing the heating?" As soon as my father came back, I asked him, "Dad, why did you go there just now?" "I went to your grandma's house. Your grandma's radio broke, and I helped repair it." I was puzzled at that time. Is grandma's radio more important than repairing the heating? You know, my sister will be very cold in winter without heating. Later, my mother told me, "Do not delay when your parents call, and do not be lazy when your parents call." This sentence suddenly dawned on me.

In the Disciple Rules, it was also said: "If you like your relatives, you should do your best." It means that you should strive for what your family likes. Speaking of this, I think of my cousin Zhuang Zhuang, who is 9 years old. On that day, he and his grandmother went to the market. Grandma saw a sweater for 90 yuan. Grandma said it was too expensive to buy. So Zhuang Zhuang saved his monthly allowance of 35 yuan, and his family occasionally gave him a few yuan. Within two months, I saved more than 90 yuan. He gave 90 yuan to his grandmother and bought her the sweater that she had been admiring for a long time. This is the answer to that sentence - love, strength.

Filial piety comes first, and filial piety comes first. This is my family motto. At the same time, I also regard "Do not delay when your parents call, do not be lazy when your parents call, and do not be lazy when your parents call." as my family motto. From today on, I will firmly remember these words. From now on, be a person who respects his parents and knows how to be grateful.

This is my family style, which is the best in my heart. I will tell it to my classmates and let us all be excellent teenagers in the new era!

Family education as the theme (4)

Home is the most warm harbor for people, giving them warmth. But the home should also have the appearance of a home. There can be no rules. As the old people often say: "There are national laws and family rules. Without rules, there is no square."

What is our family style? Our family style is just one word: "filial piety". Respect parents and teachers. My parents dote on me, but they are strict with me. My mother often said to me, "I should study hard and be a person with culture and thinking."

My father always told me: filial piety is the first! He often tells me the story of "three fish". The story of snakehead in Weishan Lake moved me very much. It is said that after giving birth, the fish became blind and could not find food but suffered from hunger. Hundreds of small fish hatched were born spiritually and could not bear to die of hunger. One by one, they actively swam into the mouth of the mother fish to feed the mother fish. The female fish survived, but the survival of their children was less than one tenth of the total. Most of them sacrificed their young lives for their mothers. The snakehead is a filial fish.

My father often said, "If a person is unfilial, no one will make friends with him sincerely." My parents are very filial to my grandparents. I want to learn from my parents to be a good child who respects their parents.

Family style is a motto that should be kept in mind. China is a country of etiquette, and we should continue to inherit the culture of 5000 years.

Family education as the theme (5)

In China, many families have family discipline, of course, my family is no exception. But there is only one sentence in my family motto: filial piety comes first, and filial piety comes first.

When I was young, my parents taught me to be filial and to respect the old and love the young. At the same time, they also set an example for me with practical actions:

Once, my family had a little dispute over insurance. Everyone has different opinions. Just then, Dad decided to listen to his grandparents. Why? In my father's words, this is filial piety first, which means that we should properly follow the old people and let them follow their heart. If there is no obedience, where can filial piety come from?

Grandparents are old, and it is inevitable that sometimes there will be some minor contradictions. In such a situation, parents always patiently persuade and never contradict their grandparents. Although what they say sometimes is unreasonable, parents have no intention to blame them.

Parents often say: "When parents call, do not delay, when parents order, do not be lazy." This means that when parents call, they should quickly agree; If your parents have orders, you should do it quickly.

I remember one winter, my father was busy repairing the heating, and suddenly a phone call came. After answering the phone, my father hurried out. I thought to myself, "What else is more important than repairing the heating?" As soon as my father came back, I asked him, "Dad, why did you go there just now?" "I went to your grandma's house. Your grandma's radio broke, and I helped repair it." I was puzzled at that time. Is grandma's radio more important than repairing the heating? You know, my sister will be very cold in winter without heating. Later, my mother told me, 'Do not delay when your parents call, and do not be lazy when your parents call.' This sentence suddenly dawned on me.

Filial piety comes first, and filial piety comes first. This is my family motto. At the same time, I will also say, 'Do not delay when your parents call, and do not be lazy when your parents order; If you like your relatives, you should have strength. ' As my family motto. From today on, I will firmly remember these words. From now on, be a person who respects his parents and knows how to be grateful.

This is my family style, which is the best in my heart. I will tell it to my classmates and let us all be excellent teenagers in the new era!!

Family education as the theme (6)

When you open the door of our house, you will find that it is very clean and everything is placed in order. Do you want to know why? Today I would like to introduce our family style to you. However, we have to start from kindergarten.

When I was five years old, I developed a bad habit: I would put things around when I picked them up, instead of returning them to their original places. Once, my good friend Wang Qirui came to my house to play. We took many toys from the toy rack to play with. If we didn't want to play, we threw them on the ground. We had a lot of fun. After playing, I found that the ground was full of toys. It was a mess and had no place to stand - every time I moved, I would step on many toys! In order not to be trapped in the toy pile, I had to conscientiously tidy up: first put the toys together, and then put them back in categories on the toy shelf. Although it seems that there are only two steps, I spent a whole hour with the help of my parents! After finishing the "work", I was so tired that I gasped for breath and said to myself, "Alas, I'm so tired. I won't bring out so many toys next time." My father said mysteriously, "I have a secret that can let you enjoy yourself and receive quickly." "What method?" I asked eagerly. "Every time you take out something, you can put it back to its original place after playing, so that although it was a bit troublesome at that time, you won't have to spend so much time sorting it out when you finally clean it up." Father explained slowly. "Oh, I see. This is a good way." I can't help but suddenly realize. I remember that I went to my father's office and saw that his office was neat and beautiful, which was a good idea.

So, my parents and I made an agreement: after we used up things, we will put them back in place in time, and everyone will supervise and remind each other.

Since then, our house has become clean and tidy, and the number of large-scale cleaning has significantly decreased, from once a week to once a month. In this way, we have formed our good family style - put things back to the original place when we take them, and achieve "return to the original place".

Family education as the theme (7)

"There are national laws, school rules, and family rules." This sentence has been echoing in my ears, making me understand that every family has its own style and discipline.

Family style is the moral character of the family, and family discipline is the rule of the family. My family style is noble, and my family motto is honest and trustworthy.

At noon on Friday, the teacher came to give me some money. When the change was not enough, he asked me to change it. When I came to the store, the boss gave me a dozen change. I counted them and found that the number was wrong. At this time, the boss had already entered the room. There was a voice in my heart. Let's go, the boss didn't find it. Suddenly, a louder voice sounded, "Zhao Ziyi, you are a Young Pioneer. Where did your knowledge go? How could you lose your principles?" I called the boss quickly and returned the extra money. The boss praised me, and my face was burning. This really gave me an impressive ideological and moral lesson. I will always be vigilant in the future and be honest and trustworthy.

China has always been a nation of ceremonies, and its 5000 year history and culture have been passed down to this day. As future successors, we should carry forward good family customs and family precepts.