Composition of Banana (18 pieces)
Youth is used to waste
2024-04-25 04:23:02
topic of conversation

Composition of Banana (1)

The skin of the banana is wrinkled. It doesn't have the smooth feel of apples or the crystal clear of grapes. Seen from near, it looks like a golden curved moon. Seen from a distance, it looks like a scimitar with embroidery. However, its sweet aroma made my mouth water three thousand feet.

I can't wait to peel the skin! The white and tender fruit is waving to me and smiling at me. I quickly took a bite, ah! Sweet, I couldn't help closing my eyes to enjoy the sweet banana.

Ah! I seemed to be in the banana garden. The sky was blue, and white clouds were floating one after another. I listened to the happy singing of birds, the rushing water of streams, and large bananas waving to me, as if they were welcoming me. I felt like entering a huge picture, and I became the person in the picture. When I woke up from my dream, I felt comfortable all over, and then I put the remaining bananas into my "private restaurant".

My mother said to me: "Bananas are not only delicious, but also contain a variety of nutrients." Bananas are really treasures in fruits!

Composition of Banana (2)

When uncle comes to my house, he always likes to take a bunch of bananas with him. The conspicuous golden color cannot hide the cleanness of picking vegetables. Maybe one year, my father mentioned that I like bananas.

My uncle seldom comes to my house. Although he is my father's brother, he always comes to visit me every Tomb Sweeping Day, the twelfth lunar month, and the first lunar month, and burns some paper money at my grandfather's grave.

My grandfather died early. I heard from my grandmother that my grandfather was an officer of the Kuomintang when he was young.

Since the Liberation War, my grandfather has been criticized and jailed. My grandma has supported the family. She works hard every day. She works on the land and mends clothes, but sometimes she goes to visit my grandpa. Uncle didn't go to school for a few years, so he went down to the ground and built up a world. My aunt is younger than my uncle, and she doesn't work less than my uncle. It has been like this for about twenty years.

The Russians withdrew their economic support, and men, women, and children suffered from hunger. This was very painful for my relatives. Elm bark, wild vegetables, and chaff were the necessities of daily life. At that time, perhaps the water was the most abundant. Drink more water, and prepare a stomach cramping cloth belt. It would not be unbearable to be hungry. Fortunately, except for my other uncle who died prematurely, all survived. The excessive suffering makes even the father who has improved his life want to save everything. I'm afraid there are few people in the good days now. I think of the day when the wind, the snow, and the moon were eating elm flour cakes with cold water and the stool was difficult to solve.

"Bananas are a good thing. They are sweet and not greasy."

This is the banana peel that Uncle saw me throw away before I finished eating. I would also say, "Fat meat is appetizing, isn't it what the older generation of you often say?"

When I looked at the words and pretended to be clever, I could not help smiling again. Every time I smiled, my uncle almost let the long beard, which was not often trimmed, fall into my mouth, which made me worried every time, Or if an outsider comes, the smile can't be restrained.

Although Grandma has also left now, what remains unchanged is the friendship of the brothers. Uncle still comes to the grave every year to burn paper money. What is puzzling is that Uncle is always very busy. He has almost never spent the day at my house, usually comes at night. It's just early in the morning to burn paper money. After dinner, he takes the early bus home.

In those years, I went to college, and in recent years, I have studied finance.

Year after year, eating Uncle's bananas, I grew up to be a big child. I didn't think that I was a young child, nor would I know and think about problems as I used to. I noticed that Uncle was getting older, and my father also added a few more wrinkles. I can't go back. Sometimes, I really want to live in the same age as my uncle and aunt. But I, now seventeen years old, have nothing to gain. There are only a few unfinished books.

I don't know when the root of the disease fell. It has always had an inflammatory lesion of the trachea, mostly inherited. My father sometimes coughs a few times, and I also have pharyngitis. Every year, in the closing season, it is necessary to use a bottle. Sometimes I really hate that our family has so many sick bags?

I remember my uncle used such a folk prescription. Walnut kernels are soaked with hot honey and some pine pollen. Maybe it's easy to use. It reduces the throat a little, but now it's a bit offensive.

Every day, I would push a car to the morning market before dawn. There was nothing to do during the day. My uncle would read newspapers and some literature books about some reports. After dinner in the evening, I will go to the night market to sell socks and towels.

Every day seems to pass.

I am also growing up.

The only thing that remains unchanged is the "banana" that we eat every year.

Composition of Banana (3)

My favorite fruit is bananas. Bananas are abundant in tropical and subtropical regions. The banana is curved, like a crescent moon, like a boat with two sharp ends. Its skin is yellow and smooth to the touch. When you put it in front of your nose and smell it, there is a faint fragrance. Peel off the peel and see that the pulp inside is white. It tastes sweet and glutinous, which is both delicious and delicious.

My mother usually buys me the most fruit is bananas, because it is my favorite. Besides eating raw bananas, they can also be made into my favorite food - banana cakes. The so-called banana cake is: mash the bananas into mud, add eggs, milk and flour, mix them into a paste, and use a pan sprinkled with sesame oil to fry them into yellow, plump little round cakes.

When my mother fried the banana cake, the aroma of the home suddenly filled my nostrils. I had already become a greedy cat, staring at the yellow round cake in the pan. When my mother cooked it, I could eat five or six banana cakes at a time.

Bananas are rich in protein, vitamins, calcium, iron and other nutrients. It also has the effects of moistening intestines, relieving constipation, lowering blood pressure, and eliminating edema. It's very good for people's health.

Delicious and nutritious bananas have already become an indispensable part of my life. Children, what's your favorite fruit? Come and share!

Composition of Banana (4)

"Lunch!" the students shouted. I was just so hungry that I "cooed". I rushed out of the classroom first, and ranked first. I cooked, bagged, and ate voraciously. After finishing the meal, I began to drink soup. After a bowl of soup, I wiped my lips and felt that I was still hungry, so I made another bowl of soup. There will be no leftovers, and the soup can be filled.

I went to the podium table and broke off a banana, peeled it, and ate it. But when I was about to finish eating, I found a dead insect on the banana. "Ah!" I exclaimed, and my classmates asked me, "Why? Heart disease is almost frightening!" "Dead... dead insects!" When I called this, the scene in the class was really "spectacular". Many students gathered around and talked, "Where are the dead insects?" "Throw the bananas away." "The bananas didn't move, how did the flying insects fly in?" Others said: "Maybe there was a hole in the banana, and the flying insects flew in to eat the banana, and they were stuck to death."

How come there are dead insects in bananas? I threw away the remaining bananas, but I had eaten almost all the bananas eaten by the worms. Could the "family" of the worms have gone into my stomach? I suddenly felt that the meal I had just had turned my stomach, eh!

Composition of Banana (5)

Today, my mother invited a mysterious guest for me, the lovely baby banana, to write an observation diary.

The baby banana is wrapped in a thick golden quilt and is sleeping soundly. It looks so cute. Its body is curved, like a crescent moon at a distance, like a boat at a close look. I stroked it gently. It was silky, cool and very comfortable. I couldn't help but go up and smell it. A fresh fragrance came to my nose. I thought to myself: such a delicious banana must be very delicious, so I couldn't wait to peel it. I took a closer look and found that there were strips of white silk outside the bright yellow pulp. My mother told me that these white silk helped to deliver nutrients to bananas. I gently took a bite. It was sweet, smooth, and lingering. It was full of fragrance and lingering aftertaste.

Bananas are not only sweet and delicious, but also have countless uses. You can use it to beautify, prevent constipation, and delay aging. It is a natural tonic for all ages!

Friends, for your health, please eat more bananas!

Composition of Banana (6)

I like to eat many fruits, such as red apples, yellow oranges, purple grapes, large and round watermelons But what I like best is bananas with delicate taste.

The shape of banana is very cute! Like a sharp sickle, like a boat that braves the wind and waves, like a cradle where babies sleep, like a graceful girl. The banana feels very smooth, and gives off a faint fragrance when smelling the skin. It tastes soft, glutinous, sweet and delicious. The color of bananas also varies. When they are not mature, they wear a green coat; When mature, he changed into a yellow coat; Ripe bananas are also dotted with several small black spots, like black sesame seeds scattered on them. Peel the banana to reveal the milky flesh.

According to the nutritionist, bananas are high calorie fruits, which are rich in starch, protein, vitamins, pectin fat, potassium, calcium and other trace elements necessary for human body. Bananas not only have rich nutritional value, but also can prevent and treat diseases, moisten the lungs, stop coughing, clear heat and detoxify, assist sleep, relieve tension and promote digestion. Bananas are suitable for all ages, especially for patients with high blood pressure and heart disease, but should not be eaten on an empty stomach.

There are many interesting ways to eat bananas. You can make fruit salad, cheese and ice cream, or dry bananas to make banana slices

After listening to my introduction, did you also like delicious and nutritious bananas?

Composition of Banana (7)

"The brothers are so kind. They sit side by side every day. They like green clothes when they are young, and wear yellow clothes when they are old." Guess who I am? You guessed it right. I am the king of fruits, bananas, which are popular among all ages.

I wear a "yellow dragon robe" and a "small golden crown". It is said that Sakyamuni, the founder of Buddhism, got wisdom after eating me, so I am also called "the fruit of wisdom". I have a lot of brothers and sisters. We stand together like a comb. It's very neat! Some people say that I am like a boat, I really want to travel happily in the river; Some people say that I am like a crescent hanging in the night sky. I really want to swing in such a high place; Others say that I am like an elephant's tooth. I really want to roam the animal world with dignity! What's more, the attractive fragrance that makes my mouth water down three thousand feet makes people like me!

You see, lovely children like me, because I can clear away heat and detoxify, so that they are less sick; Beautiful girls like me because I can lose weight and make them slim; My amiable grandparents also like me because I am rich in vitamin C, E and minerals, which can help them prevent hypertension and other diseases. I also want to tell you a little secret. According to scientists' research, eating me often can also relieve stress and relieve pain, so I am also called "happy food"! Am I good?

Take off my "yellow dragon robe", expose the white and tender pulp, and gently bite it. You will feel soft and slippery, like eating "cotton candy", sweet and delicious! There are still many sweet aftertastes left in your mouth, giving you endless aftertaste! However, you should not eat too much, or your stomach will "make havoc in Heaven". Also, you should remember to leave my "Yellow Dragon Robe" to "where it should stay", otherwise, someone will "bang" and "walk away" accidentally!

This is me. Do you like me?

Composition of Banana (8)

Children, the second place in the fruit kingdom is bananas.

In kindergarten, the teacher gave us bananas. I began to observe it carefully. Its shape was curved, like a curved boat. It felt slippery and yellow, like golden yellow flowers. I can break it with a sound of "Chi". It smells sweet and tastes sweet.

When I was sleeping, I suddenly heard a voice coming from the refrigerator. The orange in the refrigerator said, "Look at my tender skin, and the nutrition the master needs is all in me." The watermelon said, "What, I'm cool and refreshing in autumn, and I'm the best one to eat." The banana said, "What you said is wrong. Look how good I am. The little master will open the refrigerator to eat me every day when he comes home. ”The more noisy they are, the more loud they are. I opened the refrigerator and told them, "You all have your own nutrition. Your nutrition together can make me grow healthily and make me grow taller day by day." They bowed their heads in shame.

Children, although bananas are not as nutritious as peaches, they are also good for our health!

Composition of Banana (9)

Hi, everyone! I am the famous banana! My name is also Ganjiao. The flesh is very soft and glutinous, sweet and delicious. Legend has it that Sakyamuni, the founder of Buddhism, gained great wisdom by eating bananas! How about me? Am I good? By the way, I look like this: my shape is similar to that of a cucumber, but it looks much more handsome than it. My body is golden without any flaws. My nutrition is very rich! 1 per 100 grams of pulp from China and South Korea. 2 grams of protein, 0 grams of fat. 5 g, carbohydrate 19. 5 g, crude fiber 0. 9 grams, 9 mg calcium, carotene, thiamine, niacin, etc. How about it? Enough. I am very effective in losing weight. My calories are low, and the fiber content of food is very high. I am very sweet and often mistaken for high calorie. In fact, a banana has only 100 calories! Clear the intestines and pass the stool. Who can use my banana without it? I can cure constipation, but it's good news for constipation! High blood pressure! What should I do? I heard someone calling. Don't worry, I can also help you lower your blood pressure! For some incurable diseases, such as cancer, if you eat me in advance, you can also prevent it! After listening to this, you must know that I am good at bananas! So, a banana every day, you must be healthy! Grade 5: Calm down Wang Anzhi

Composition of Banana (10)

Hi, everyone! I am the famous banana! My name is also Ganjiao. The flesh is very soft and glutinous, sweet and delicious. Legend has it that Sakyamuni, the founder of Buddhism, gained great wisdom by eating bananas! How about me? Am I good? By the way, I look like this: my shape is similar to that of a cucumber, but it looks much more handsome than it. My body is golden without any flaws. My nutrition is very rich! 1 per 100 grams of pulp from China and South Korea. 2 grams of protein, 0 grams of fat. 5 g, carbohydrate 19. 5 g, crude fiber 0. 9 grams, 9 mg calcium, carotene, thiamine, niacin, etc. How about it? Enough. I am very effective in losing weight. My calories are low, and the fiber content of food is very high. I am very sweet and often mistaken for high calorie. In fact, a banana has only 100 calories! Clear the intestines and pass the stool. Who can use my banana without it? I can cure constipation, but it's good news for constipation! High blood pressure! What should I do? I heard someone calling. Don't worry, I can also help you lower your blood pressure 'Yo! For some incurable diseases, such as cancer, if you eat me in advance, you can also prevent it! After listening to this, you must know that I am good at bananas! So, a banana every day, you must be healthy! Grade 5: Calm down Wang Anzhi

Composition of Banana (11)

After lunch today, my father asked me to go to the fruit store to buy fruit. When I came to the fruit store, I saw a bunch of yellow and green bananas hanging high above the fruit display shelf. Those bananas are like big yellow green fans and giant hands. I said to my father; Dad, I like bananas. Let's buy bananas today, OK? Well, since you like bananas, you can buy them. OK, how about this one? OK, I'll take this one. Then, my father paid the money, took the banana with me and went home.

Back home, I hurried to the bathroom to wash my hands clean, and then went to the living room to break off a big banana from a banana string. When I looked at the big banana, I felt that it was not only like a curved scythe, but also like the crescent moon in the sky. Ah, it also emits faint fragrance, which makes me want to swallow it in one mouthful. I peeled off the banana skin, revealing the tender yellow banana meat, which was more fragrant. I put it into my mouth right away. Hmm, the banana is delicious, soft and sweet, and makes people want to eat it.

I looked at the bunch of bananas and asked Dad: Dad, some of those bananas are green, some are yellow, and some are half yellow and half green. Why? My father patiently told me that it was because these bananas grew in the south, and it took some time to transport them, so they should be picked when they were still ripe. When they are transported here, they become mature slowly. Some mature quickly, and turn yellow; Some are green when they mature slowly. Oh, I see!

Composition of Banana (12)

I have many favorite fruits. Golden bananas, red apples, and white pears. But in my eyes, the best is the golden banana.

Its appearance is crooked, like a sickle in the hand of death, which represents the fate. When I smelled it, I smelled a faint fragrance. I touched the skin of the banana, which was very smooth.

After peeling off the skin, you can see the yellow and white, white and yellow skin and meat. I smelt it again. It was stronger and more fragrant than the original one. At this time, I seemed to be intoxicated. A very magnificent and beautiful small house with a height of 100 meters appeared in front of me, and I was the sleeping beauty in that house silently. I couldn't help but take a big mouthful, soft and sweet, as if in a fairyland. I took another mouthful, sweeter, softer and more fragrant than the first time. I took another bite, which was sweeter, softer and more fragrant than the previous two times, and I saw the black seeds in the banana field.

I can tell you secretly that bananas also have the functions of digestion, weight loss and beauty. Don't tell others.

What about? After listening to my introduction, why don't you buy a bunch of bananas to satisfy your craving!

Composition of Banana (13)

In autumn October, fruits and melons are fragrant. There are red apples and yellow pears in the fruit shop... But my favorite food is bananas!

On the whole, the thick, plump, golden banana looks like a giant palm. My mother knew I loved bananas, so she bought them right away. I can't wait to break one. It looks like a hunchbacked grandma, and can't stand up.

My mother said that bananas are green, sour and astringent when they are not ripe, and they are not delicious at all. After ripening, the skin is golden, just like wearing a golden coat. Touch, the surface is smooth and soft. Peel off the skin, and the banana skin looks like a blooming flower. The flesh of the banana is milky white, and there is thin and long banana silk on the outside of the flesh. At this time, a burst of fragrance came, making people salivate.

I couldn't help taking a bite, feeling sweet, soft and delicious. I didn't want to swallow it, but it slipped into my stomach.

I also heard from my mother that bananas can also beautify, lose weight and cure indigestion.

Speaking of which, I ate another one!

Composition of Banana (14)

There are all kinds of coveted fruits in the orchard. There are red apples like the sun, green watermelons like leather balls, and purple red grapes like agate... But today I want to introduce golden bananas.

There are many kinds of bananas. There are emperor bananas, immortal bananas, Bajiao bananas... bananas hang on trees when they are not ripe, like little girls in green coats. They live in a big family in order and grow up together in sunshine and rain; Ripe bananas, as if put on a golden yellow coat, curved, like the curved moon. Peel the banana skin, and the meat inside is white and tender, like white jade. Take a bite gently. It's soft and sweet. It's delicious!

Bananas not only can be eaten directly, but also can be cut into pieces and fried into golden yellow in oil pan to make banana slices; You can also mix bananas with other fruits to make a variety of delicious fruit salad. In short, each way of eating has its own flavor.

Bananas, fragrant and sweet bananas, bring me countless wonderful aftertastes! I like bananas.

Composition of Banana (15)

Hi! hello everyone! I'm a cute little banana. Do you want to know me? Let me describe myself.

I come from Hainan, and my skin is golden. If you put me in the sun, I will float on the golden river like a shining boat!

When you peel me off, the golden "petals" explode, and the cream colored "flower heart" inside is like a crescent moon, hanging quietly in the golden sky. Taste it, the sweet taste leaps in the tongue, the taste buds seem to be all "blooming", intoxicated with the sweet and delicious taste.

Hey, don't think I'm just beautiful in appearance and good in taste. I still have many functions! Please listen to me carefully.

Look, an uncle over there is worried about the company. His daughter handed him a banana. After eating it, he felt better immediately and determined to continue his struggle; There was another senior high school student who did not perform well in the exam walking down the street dejectedly. At that time, a kind pedestrian handed him a banana. He tasted it and felt confident again. He raised his head confidently and strode forward, intending to prepare well for the next exam; A little girl here accidentally fell down and was sitting on the ground crying sadly. Her partner handed her a banana. After eating, she stopped crying and played happily with her partners again

Me! It is also rich in vitamins and other beneficial substances, which can keep you healthy!

Have you been moved by my 'self statement'?

Composition of Banana (16)

Bananas, as the name implies, are fragrant bananas. But I have different views on bananas from others. I regard bananas as necessities of my life. One day without it, I feel uncomfortable. Bananas have many benefits, such as reducing blood sugar and strengthening immunity. Banana peel can be tasteless and banana seeds can be used to plant next generation bananas.

Bananas are green when they are not ripe, light yellow when they are ripe, and small black spots like eyes are covered on the light yellow coat when they are old. It is shaped like a small boat and a curved moon. The taste of bananas is soft. When I eat bananas, I first ask about the taste. "Oh! This banana emits an attractive aroma. I peel off the yellow coat and leak white flesh outside. I licked it. It's really sweet. I took another bite of this soft banana." Not bad ".

Composition of Banana (17)

One day, when the sun was shining brightly, the leader of the ants found that Di Xiaolong's house was empty, so he quickly gathered the team and took nine ants on the way to find food.

Once entering the house, the leader of the ant team saw the sweet scented osmanthus cake on the table. So, he immediately commanded them to move. The ants quickly climbed onto the table, carried the osmanthus cake and ran away. One of the ants followed him for two steps. Suddenly, he saw a plate of delicious bananas and put down the osmanthus cake. He thought to himself, "I'm tired of sweet scented osmanthus cakes. I'd better change my taste!"

So, the little ant climbed up the table along the legs of the table, jumped into the plate, and vigorously pushed out a banana. Then he happily pushed the bananas to the pool. Suddenly, the banana slipped out of his hand and fell into the water outlet of the pool. He was so stunned that he had to move another banana.

The second time, he pushed a banana and walked carefully through the pool, but he accidentally fell beside the washing machine. The banana in his hand fell into the washing machine uncontrollably. He looked at the dark hole and decided to move another one.

At this time, the clock struck five. It was already five o'clock. He quickened his pace and ran with bananas. However, the banana fell to the ground and became a mess. He still didn't give up and went on carrying bananas.

This time, the banana fell on the ground but was intact. He picked it up excitedly and left. Unexpectedly, as soon as we got to the stairway, the banana rolled down the stairs and fell beyond recognition. The little ant was disappointed, but was very unwilling, and ran back to carry bananas. However, the plate was empty.

At this time, the clock struck six. It was already six o'clock, and the master was coming back soon. The little ant was panicked. He saw a big pineapple on the table and thought, "What are you moving?"? Suddenly, there was a sound of opening the door. He picked up the osmanthus cake he had left before and hurried back to the hole.

Captain Ant asked him curiously, "Why did you come back so late?" He told the captain the story. The captain respected him and let other ants learn from him the spirit of never giving up!

Composition of Banana (18)

When bananas are not ripe, farmers pick them in clusters and put them in a dark place, and they will mature slowly. There are no ripe bananas. They are green and hard. They are like a bunch of brothers who get together. You hit me, I hit you. It's so sweet!

Ripe bananas are yellow. They stand up like a telephone bucket, cross like an arch bridge, and turn upside down like a curved boat. Touch your hand, hey! It's slippery. Peel the skin from the root of the banana, and the banana skin turns into petals. The banana pulp seems to turn into stamens, which are milky white. There are many small black spots in the pulp, just like small plum blossoms. Smell, ah! The flesh is so delicious that I took a bite, ah! The flesh is so sweet, fragrant and sweet, soft and smooth, delicious.

Bananas have many functions, children can eat them to moisten intestines and relieve constipation; It is most suitable for old people with bad teeth; Women who love beauty can use it as a mask; There are also banana skins that can be used to wash clothes and clean shoes

Bananas are full of treasures. No wonder they are popular!