I have never written 600 words (7 required articles)
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2023-09-12 06:32:14
Junior three

I have never had 600 words (1)

In the afternoon of early summer, the sun shines on the earth, gilding the city with a layer of golden brilliance. People on the street rush to work, racing against time.

At the moment, my father is still taking a nap because he stayed up all night last night. I asked him why he didn't go to bed early at night. He said that he couldn't catch up with the goods. How could he sleep? It turned out that when I put down all my tiredness and fell into a dream, my parents had been working hard just for me and my brother. At more than two o'clock, my father began to work again. He carried a large bag of goods up and down. A bag of goods weighing dozens of kilograms seemed to be able to crush me. But in my father's hands, it seemed that he closed his eyes and bit his teeth. At that moment, in my heart, my father was great. The back was once the place where I was carried, but now it is replaced by the heavy goods.

Time is always cruel. One day, when my father was carrying goods to be shipped out as usual, we heard my father's painful "ah", and immediately came to check. My father said that he felt his waist was going to be broken, so we immediately helped him into the bedroom to rest. At that moment, I felt that I had built the bridge for my growth. After the baptism of years, the sun baked, It seems to be collapsing. In the evening, I quietly went in to get a book, and didn't want to disturb my father. Unexpectedly, the wrinkles on his eyes suddenly spread silently in the night, and the speed surprised me... Father, old. It was also at that moment that I found that the years had passed unexpectedly for 13 years, and my father had grown a lot of white hair. I wanted to touch my father's hand, whether it was as thick and powerful as when I was a child. In fact, I did so, but it seemed that what I touched was not his hand, but the vicissitudes of his life for most of his life, and I remembered the lofty and straight mountain, How many hardships have you experienced. I'm afraid. I'm afraid. I've never been so afraid. I'm afraid that my father will be so old. I'm afraid that my father will never be able to hold my hand and play around like he was when I was young. I'm afraid that when I grow up, my father will be old.

The next morning, I stood by the window. The sun stole through the window and sprinkled a lot of broken gold. Time passed like this.

I have never had 600 words (2)

Human growth is a process of continuous success.

After junior high school, I lived alone in a strange school. Faced with the expensive tuition fees, the expectations of my family weighed heavily on me, which made me have a strong sense of responsibility. Faced with the scholarship system of the school, I had an idea: to win the scholarship by my own efforts to repay the expectations of my family.

The failure of the first exam sounded an alarm in my heart. I realized that this is a place full of competition. The law of the jungle must work harder to stand at the top of the food chain. I began to become busy. The small note behind my badge was filled with knowledge points. During the lunch break, I recited with my classmates in the quiet breath of others. Occasionally, when I relax, I see that everyone around me is studying hard. Suddenly, I feel a fear of being left behind, which makes me gasp for breath. Sometimes, I suddenly fall into the abyss in my sleep, and gasp in the dark after waking up. This fear always spurs me. I am afraid that other people's hopes for me will fail, I am afraid of seeing those disappointed faces, and I am afraid of their comfort in whispering. So I ran desperately, trying my best to catch up with others. In the midst of nervousness, I passed the midterm exam.

On the day when the report card was posted, the fallen leaves in late autumn were paved into a golden carpet, and the warm sun was on the ground, but I had no time to enjoy it. In front of the report card, I made every effort to squeeze into the crowded crowd, looked up and shook to find my name. In a series of numbers, I found my own ranking - 23. The big stone hanging in my heart dropped suddenly, and I breathed a sigh of relief in the noisy classroom.

When I came home with a 600 yuan scholarship, my father praised me with a smile, and my grandmother smiled from ear to ear when she looked at the certificate of award. The adults in the family all gathered around, and the happy atmosphere filled the whole room. My mood is as gorgeous as a rainbow. After returning to school, I put money into my meal card, and even the food ordered with this scholarship is delicious.

The joy brought by this sense of achievement is unparalleled.

I have never had 600 words (3)

"Bell, bell, bell!" When school was over, the life of the second day of junior high was even busier. Some people were rushing to the real hall at the moment, some were returning to the dormitory, some were working against time in the classroom to do their homework, and some were desperately reciting. At this moment, I walked to the playground, and the beauty of the sky caught my attention. In this busy second day of the year, we immersed ourselves in the classroom every day, but forgot about the beauty around. Looking to the west, the sun was emitting its own enthusiasm. It seemed that it stole some red chalk from the teacher, but deliberately made trouble, squeezed it into powder, scattered it around itself, wiped it off, and created the color it liked, The white clouds in the air were like cotton candy, which could not resist the enthusiasm of the sun, but also covered with a layer of warmth and fire like sweetness. Look to the east, the moon has crept up quietly, its brightness has not been fully exuded, it is still the blue sky behind it, it has not changed everything behind it, it still maintains the purity of cotton candy, maintains the unique beauty of the blue sky, only adds a touch on it to show its silence. I stand in the middle of the two. It seems to symbolize us, our second year in junior high. The left side is passion, and the right side is calm. We will show our most beautiful and best self in the only second year in junior high. We will also have more reason in enthusiasm and calmly face all kinds of problems.

I sit on the grass, close my eyes, can smell us growing up, can hear us being positive, can feel us being lively and cheerful. Imagine the happy life in the second day of junior high, can't help yearning, what kind of life will it be? We will sweat for our dreams on the road, we will grit our teeth and stick to the good life in the future, we will fight for what we desire, go after it, leave a beautiful youth, and leave no regrets... In a moment, a gust of wind interrupted my thoughts, and I know that it would be a good life, but at the moment, I don't see anything, listen to nothing, and think about nothing, Feel the peace now, including the soul, which I enjoy very much.

When you are busy, you can look at the scenery outside the window and feel the beauty of nature. You will be touched by the unprecedented tranquility.

I have never had 600 words (4)

In the daily study, work or life, everyone has dealt with composition. With the help of composition, we can improve our language organization ability. So how do you write a general composition? I have never been so confused about my composition of 600 words. Welcome to read it. I hope you can enjoy it.

In everyone's life, there may be many confusing times, and I am no exception. At that time, I was young and ignorant.

Probably when I was going to primary school, I was ignorant and naughty, because I thought my mother would always stand by me no matter what I did. One day, my mother brought back a box of chewing gum for her friend. Suddenly, I didn't eat chewing gum, which immediately aroused my curiosity and focused all my attention on the small green box. So when my mother went into the bathroom, I took a piece of it secretly, tore the package, smelled it and put it into my mouth without hesitation, but after chewing it a few times in my mouth, I vomited it out immediately. I thought to myself: "How can there be such a disgusting thing? It is pungent and tastes bad. How could my mother choose it as a gift? Alas, since I can't eat it, I'll play with it. Suddenly, I had a brainwave and went quietly to my brother who was doing his homework. I pretended to take something. When my brother wasn't paying attention, I stuck gum to his hair. Then, I covered my mouth and went to the room to secretly laugh.

Soon, my mother came out of the bathroom. She soon found something was wrong with my brother's hair, so she called me out and scolded me while cutting his hair. At this time, I was confused. I didn't understand why my mother, who always stood on my side, was so angry just because I stuck gum to my brother's hair. Was she so angry?

My mother, who cut my brother's hair, saw that I was unrepentant. She grabbed me and grabbed the coat hanger and grabbed me into her room. She said angrily, "Don't you understand why I am so angry? Do you know? I always told my brother that you are too young, you should be considerate, and don't be too fussy with you, but that doesn't mean you can develop a spoiled disposition."

At that moment, I have never been so confused, but I still remember what my mother said and always remember.

I have never had 600 words (5)

Before I was seven years old, I was an authentic "greedy little cat". I drooled beside the snack bar all day long and coveted delicious snacks. Under the lure of snacks, I couldn't help thinking of becoming a thief.

That night, I began to commit crimes. I always feel that there is a stone in my heart that can't be put down. When I think of the faces of my parents, I am jumpy; Another look at the feather duster made me shudder. In the tense and anxious waiting, a great opportunity came: parents went shopping in the supermarket, while my sister was absorbed in reading. I was overjoyed and crept to the cabinet. I held the key in my "gentle" hand, afraid that the key would "scream" - making a sound. After taking the key, I was sweating.

When the most important moment came, I took off my shoes, danced ballet and walked to the cash box. I couldn't wait to open it. A stack of banknotes came into my sight. I wanted to steal 2 yuan to satisfy my craving, but I was greedy. I grabbed 20 yuan at one go, and just about to leave, my craving started again; It takes a lot of effort to steal more. So I turned around and grabbed a few more. I quickly put the things back and walked out of the room with the harvest "joy".

The next day, early in the morning, I went out to the snack bar. Spending money is like running water. I bought my favorite food for 15 yuan at a time and ate snacks with a big mouth. I was happy and uneasy. Paper can't hold fire. When I got home, my mother sat on the stool angrily and said, "Yangyang, did you take my money. If I admit it, I'm afraid my mother will slap me. I didn't say a word, but my mother was angry and lifted me up to the room like a schoolbag, saying, "It's really hopeless, I dare to steal money at such a young age!" While scolding me, I grabbed my ear, and my tears "poured out like a thousand miles." After my mother played, it was my father's turn to beat me. At school, I was criticized by the teacher again.

Alas, I deserve it! I really regret that I will not

I have never had 600 words (6)

All this is because I am so short of hands that I wrote a masterpiece. Alas

Mr. Ma began to comment on yesterday's composition as soon as he had class. As long as he wrote well, he would rewrite it. Generally, he didn't have to rewrite what he wrote. What a hell of a rule! I am overconfident in myself. I never feel I have to rewrite, but the reality has disappointed me

But this is not just disappointment.

Mr. Ma began to read the list, "Huang Haiqing, rewrite; Lin Jiayi, rewrite..." I prayed earnestly that I would not be called. My emperor is above me, wish me good luck, I would rather write generally than well! Guanyin Bodhisattva, Lord Lao Jun, my good fortune has been used here all my life! "

"Kong Fanming, rewrite." Teacher Ma said calmly.




In an instant, countless feelings intertwined, and the mastermind of all this made me sad was teacher Ma. Although this is just a light sentence, it sounds very heavy to me now.

It seems that there is a huge mountain pressing on me, which makes me breathless, desperate, collapsed, and a new composition is waiting for me.

But I am not happy at all when I write a good composition. What I have is despair when I write a good composition.

After a long time, I slowly accepted the reality. Indeed, there was a new composition waiting for me. I was desperate, but there was no way. The reality was so cruel and merciless.

I hate Mr. Ma!

At this time, in front of me, there is only a pen and a piece of paper, a new piece of paper, and a blank piece of paper. I was so desperate. How many brain cells must die from this piece of paper!

This piece of white paper is light but heavy at the same time.

After a long time, this piece of blank paper was still blank, and I sat in the position stupidly, because I felt a feeling that I had never had before - despair.

I have never had 600 words (7)

So is my sister.

That day, I took my sister for a walk in the field. The little guy said, "Sister, I'll go ahead and play first."

"Hmm." I smiled and answered softly. My sister ran to the front in a very cute way. Suddenly, my sister squatted on the roadside and didn't know what she was looking at. I walked forward and saw that she was carefully squatting beside the weeds, slowly poking away the weeds with her small hands, and then staring at the weeds with her head extended. I looked carefully, and there was a cluster of small pink flowers in the green leaves. The thin handle held five pink petals, which were slightly white. There is a light yellow stamen in the middle of the petals. Under the sunshine, each flower tries to stretch out, shining, and full of vitality.

The little guy seemed to be aware of my arrival. She looked up and said, "Sister, look at this beautiful flower. Let me bring it to your head!"

My sister picked a flower and carefully held it in her hand, as if it were a treasure. She stood up, and I bent down with her cooperation, but my sister's height was still not enough. She tried to stand on tiptoe, raised her head, and her face was full of seriousness. She pinched some flowers and gently put them on my head.

After taking it, my sister looked at the flower on my head, her eyes narrowed slightly and smiled brightly. What a smile it is! This is a happy smile after giving the beautiful things I found to my sister; This is the smile of satisfaction after seeing my sister bring flowers; This is a child's unique innocence and loveliness.

A warm wind gently brushed across the fields, accompanied by the fragrance of flowers, entered my heart, bringing the fragrance of grain and the smile of angels. I only felt a warm current slowly flowing through my heart.

I have never been so warm!