How to write well in junior high school (4 in total)
Just let it go
2023-12-30 02:17:38

How to write well in junior high school (1)

1. The beginning of the article is simple and appropriate. It sets off the mood of the characters through the description of the environment, which is very artistic.

2. The beginning is concise and to the point

3. The beginning of the article is novel and has the effect of preempting others. The readers will be able to have an impression of the characters as soon as they meet.

4. The beginning of the article is fascinating and attracts readers The combination of point and surface makes the article vivid, specific and appropriate.

5. The article is vivid, rich and readable.

6. The beginning is extraordinary, attracting readers

7. At the beginning, it touches people's hearts and has real feelings.

8. The article is very clear at the beginning

Chu, plays the role of master of the full text.

9. The selection of materials for the article is novel, and the readers' desire to continue reading is aroused.

Composition process: with full feelings of Ji, described

2. The key points are prominent, the details are appropriate, and the content is specific.

3. The metaphor is appropriate and the words are vivid.

4. The language of the article is easy to understand, close to the reality of life, and it makes people feel cordial.

5. ... spoke to us in a relaxed and pleasant tone, which made us memorable.

6. The narration is natural and vivid, compact in structure, natural and coherent in connection, with a prominent center.

7. For the description of the scenery, the language is concise and accurate, and the association is to touch the scene, and the scene is naturally integrated.

8. By enriching the characters' language and action, it sets off the characters' ideological quality.

9. The article expresses feelings while narrating.

10. Make full use of the combination of dynamic and static writing, supplemented by metaphor, personification and other techniques

How to write well in junior high school (2)

Writing Methods of Junior Middle School Composition

1. The opening question is endless: the past is like smoke, and with the passage of time, most of them gradually fade away. How can those eyes make me forget--

2. The famous saying points the way, which opens with a clear meaning: Bacon said: "A person who has no real friends can be called a really poor person who is trapped in a lonely life forever." His words speak of the importance of friends. Yes, if a person loses his friendship, he can hardly survive in the world--

3. Contrast and highlight the key points: With the passage of time, many people are gradually forgotten by me. However, a pair of eyes, a voice and a figure still haunt my mind for a long time--

4. Flashback begins to attract readers: When we left the National Defense Education School, I didn't know why, but my tears rolled in my eyes. Is it nostalgia? Is it a nostalgia for the life that is full of vitality though suffering and tiring, or a nostalgia for the soldiers who treat others harshly but sincerely and kindly, our instructors?

5. Set things right and see the sun through the clouds: Some people say that indifference is to see through the world, see through everything and think that everything is false: hypocritical... This view is a misinterpretation of indifference. If we look at the dictionary, we will understand that "indifference" means not pursuing fame and wealth-

Junior high school composition 1: Superman can't fly

Only a person who will get hurt and be afraid will try his best to do something. Such a person can be called a real hero—— notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

Hero is not only a commendatory noun, but also a symbol of runners. Heroes have an indestructible will, an indomitable strength and an indomitable spirit.

What is a hero?

When I was young, I always liked to read Jin Yong's novels with relish. Watching the soaring eaves and walls in the Wulin and the heroic chivalrous men wandering in the Jianghu, I cannot help but yearn for them. So he secretly defined heroes, who are always omnipotent. What I imagined in my heart was that I could also become the legend of Asia the Invincible in the Jianghu in the shadow of swords and swords.

Later, I realized that Wulin is just a bunch of imaginary illusions. It is unavoidable to feel frustrated. So I fell in love with science fiction films. Harry Potter and Spider Man on the screen showed their bravery and wit when they fought against evil forces, which convinced me and made my blood boil. Even though I know that Superman can't fly in reality.

Until now, people have grown up and their ideological horizons have gradually widened. I have a new definition of heroes. Heroes are not necessarily omnipotent; It is not necessarily a just superman; Maybe a hero is just an ordinary person. But the hero must be a person who has the courage to run on the road of life. Only a person who will be hurt and afraid will do everything he can to do something. Such a person can be called a hero. Any person who can be called a hero, no matter how ordinary he is, he will also have a shining point that will be convincing.

"You can destroy him as much as you can, but you can't defeat him." Strong and powerful notes came from Santiago's mouth, not from the pen of Hemingway, the legendary literary tough guy. This is his most impressive sentence.

In Hemingway's story that he knew he would eventually fail, Sandiago never gave up, never gave up the fight, never said defeat, and determined to fight with sharks to death. He fought against fate. During his three days at sea, he felt lonely in seeking help and helpless in the face of threats, but more importantly, he was strong and resolute, fearless in the face of pain and heroism. Not only is Hemingway's Sandiago, but also Hemingway himself is a miracle. Two plane crashes and two near misses are a miracle for ordinary people.

What is it? Can Santiago face the fierce shark for many times and just drag his tired body to fight against it? What made Hemingway support his body with great suffering to complete the novel The Old Man and the Sea?

There is always a kind of gold like obsession in the world, and there is a kind of light in the endless transmission. Yes, it is a guide of spiritual strength, and a kind of indomitable belief is shining.

I finally understand that a hero is every ordinary individual who runs on the road of life to pursue the greatest satisfaction of his life.

In fact, superman who can't fly is also called a hero.

Junior high school composition 2: Nizi Zan

My dear friends, when you see those pure, fragrant and magnificent lotus flowers, you are ready to praise them: "The lotus comes from the mud and does not stain, its quality is noble, and its spirit is commendable." When you see the green white lotus leaves, you are ready to praise them: "The lotus leaves support the lotus flowers, not seeking fame and wealth, and good character." Will you think of flowers, The mother of lotus leaf --- silt?

"Out of the mud and not contaminated" probably everyone thinks so? But I will fight against injustice for the silt. My friend, how do you know that the silt has polluted the lotus? I wonder if you have heard such a story: people praise lotus flowers and lotus leaves by the pool, but they don't pick up the silt under the flowers at all. They think that the silt is not worth mentioning, and even think that it will only affect the landscape and mood here. The lotus flower and the lotus leaf knew this and repeatedly cried: "We are so beautiful and noble, why should we stay with the ugly mud? Please help us to remove the mud!" So the mud was removed. But the beautiful lotus did not feel happy because of this, but regret and sadness. Why? Without the support of silt, the lotus is like a bird without wings. The beautiful posture of the lotus and the pleasant green layer of the lotus leaf are gradually withering and dying. The lotus flowers and leaves in the pool disappeared forever because of their words.

Look, my friend, the silt is actually nurturing and protecting the lotus! Although the appearance of the silt is not as beautiful as the lotus, or even ugly, its quality is really valuable. This quality can not be changed by the beauty of thousands of lotus flowers! The silt is not the debris that pollutes the lotus, but the hero who silently dedicates!

The silt never shows up in public, never loves praise, never asks people to find their own quality, but silently bends down at the foot of the lotus, silently protects the lotus, silently nourishes the lotus leaf, and silently bears all kinds of human condemnation. They don't seek fame and wealth, ask for nothing, praise, return, or even care about their own gains and losses, just to let the lotus grow up and selflessly contribute everything to themselves. Although lotus leaves also have the spirit of selfless dedication, their spirit has been found and praised by people. Even if lotus leaves are not praised, they will not be discriminated against or misunderstood. Friend, but what about the selfless sludge that you think is useless? Instead of being praised by others, he was criticized and despised by others while making silent contributions. Dear friend, have you ever thought about how much pain the mud must endure!

I used to think that it is difficult and difficult to make contributions in obscurity, but it is even more difficult to make contributions in obscurity. But now I understand that the mud has done it. The unknown devotee should be respected and praised by people, but silt is an exception. It is not respected by others, but it suffers misunderstanding. But it can take the overall situation into consideration, continue to make contributions to others' misunderstanding, and continue to make contributions to people. Such a person is really valuable, and should be admired.

It is impossible to live a life without being wronged. Everyone is like this. Grievances, big and small, are compulsory courses for our growth. Everyone has taken them. But why is the final result different? The reason is that it depends on temporary tolerance, and it depends on the fate of a lifetime. Some people, having suffered a little injustice, blame others for worrying about the weather, blame this person, blame that person, always feel that if they knew this earlier, there would be no such consequences, and they would gradually give up their beliefs in the future; However, although some people have suffered great wrongs, they can bear it silently, and can become admirable only by strengthening their belief in any environment, taking the overall situation into consideration and ignoring personal gains and losses.

My friend, I sincerely advise you that there is no ifs, no ifs, no early knowledge, and no ifs in the world. Only now, only now, and only at this moment, with everything on hand, can you become the mainstay and turn the tide.

At the pond, people praise the noble character of the lotus. Of course, there is no lack of words to praise the lotus leaf. The lotus leaf, which is like a cover, just sets off the lotus's graceful and graceful appearance. However, I would like to praise the mud for its silent dedication. I cannot forget that it is the mud that supports the lotus and its leaves. The mud is the fertile soil for the lotus and its leaves to survive. Without silt, where can we get beautiful lotus flowers and green lotus leaves?

Dear friends, before you praise the magnificent lotus or the green lotus leaves, have you ever thought about feeding the sludge of the lotus and its leaves?

Junior high school composition 3: Write romance with blood

You said you had no regrets. This uniform was worn once; You said you have no regrets, this year has become a monument; You said that being a soldier is more sweet than bitter... "

Just as the ideal bud was about to blossom, we walked into the ranks of straight line plus square. The company commander said that there are more volunteers for a new soldier than his idea of being a platoon. It is said that youth is the flower season full of fantasy. Wearing military uniforms, we put our colorful wishes into our backpacks and into the ranks of straight line plus square. The camp is full of romantic and rich ambitions as soon as it is invigorated.

When you first become a soldier, everyone will have a sense of mystery. The military camp is a place that has a strong charm for hot blooded men. The mysterious military camp is full of great charm for the contemporary youth, and there is also some confusion when choosing. Now that we have entered the green square, we should know him well and have a deeper understanding of the value of soldiers!

Perhaps I still remember such a picture: a beam of setting sun reflects the soldiers with helmets and shoulder cloth guns. The soldier who thought his face was dark and his expression was simple and honest, and there was a flower in the muzzle of his gun, which made him stand out in the jungle where he had just shot his bayonet. The cold bayonets and fragrant flowers are typical portraits of soldiers.

Perhaps our generation of soldiers will have little chance to make contributions to the battlefield. We fought for several years in places where there was no possibility of the enemy; We rubbed the steel gun a hundred times, making the paint still shiny, but we could not get the chance to dump bullets on the battlefield; On the exercise field set up with detonators, small packets of explosives and smoke canisters, we practiced company attack and group attack again and again, but it was doomed to be impossible to be confirmed on the battlefield... When we found that even our company commander and battalion commander had never fought a war, and we might never win military medals on the battlefield, you are willing to pay attention to the future Is it possible to devote all your wisdom and efforts to a war that will not happen?

Comrades in arms, brothers, peace does not mean that we can "put weapons into storage" and "put horses in the south", but that we need to "prepare troops" and "build a strong army". In this sense, the responsibility on our shoulders when we enlisted in the peaceful years has not been alleviated at all.

There is a saying in our barracks: soldiers who don't want to be generals are not good soldiers! However, if everyone becomes a general, when the war comes, who will fight against the enemy? Therefore, please do not be discouraged because you are just an ordinary soldier; Don't think your position is too ordinary. Who said that moving dramas can't be performed on the small stage?

Like the vast sea, the rising tide is just a slice of the ocean; Without endless sea water, there would be no surging waves. As soldiers, although our position is low, the potential power we have must not be underestimated. Not to mention that strong generals come from the ranks, many military strategists with outstanding military achievements have also grown up by soldiers; Even the work undertaken by soldiers is irreplaceable. We don't have to feel insignificant because of our low rank. We have our own value!

In the spring breeze, when young lovers stroll along the beautiful Xizi Lake and beach, parents and children build lifelike castles with soft sand; On New Year's Eve, hundreds of millions of people welcomed the New Year with the sound of festive firecrackers... Do you know that this happy, sweet and warm life is related to the unremitting combat readiness of countless soldiers. Can you say that the unknown soldiers in the "lead and ready" are inactive? Can you say that it is meaningless for our soldiers to carry out training and combat readiness tasks over the years? Can you say that it is difficult for soldiers to reflect the value of life in military activities that are difficult to obtain direct benefits?

It is often said that when a soldier regrets two years, when not a soldier regrets a lifetime! I dare not judge whether this sentence is correct, but from the moment I put on my military uniform, I never regret it!

Along the way, I sprinkled my sweat all over the camp and absorbed everything in the camp. I found that I had given a part of my life to the military camp, and the military corps had left indelible marks in my life. I firmly believe that after years of tempering in the melting pot, wearing military uniform is a man, and taking off military uniform is also a man. Wherever I go, I will never forget that I was a soldier; Wherever I go, I will enjoy the gift of military career!

"My hero goes to the ends of the world to make his home everywhere", which is a true portrayal of military life! "The warm stables can't support thousands of miles of horses, and the flower houses can't support thousands of years of pines", which is the best embodiment of soldiers. Real soldiers will never choose comfortable posts, but let the motherland choose themselves.

In fact, I wanted to write something for the military camp and soldiers for a long time, but I was afraid that my writing and naive words could not explain the feelings of soldiers; I'm afraid that all the words will look pale before the noble qualities of the soldiers. After several times of searching and thinking, I deeply felt that only the word "dedication" could summarize the life pursuit of soldiers.

Dedication means that soldiers take on extremely hard and hard work and only receive less pay; Dedication means that soldiers are stationed in the desolate and hard frontier defense, away from the busy life in the city; Dedication means that soldiers and their families live separately for a long time, and it is difficult to enjoy the romantic atmosphere of modern youth; Dedication means that soldiers are practicing hard and mastering operational skills that are not needed by the local government, and facing new challenges when they are employed for the second time... Life will shine brightly in such dedication.

"I said I have no regrets, I have carried this steel gun once; I said I have no regrets, and this youth has merged into the border; I said that there are gains and losses in being a soldier, which is more a relief; I said that joining the army is poetic and picturesque, which is like a waxed plum flower in life... I know I can't cut it, and I am tied to my heart by this military flag......"

On the day when soldiers take orders, they forget their homes!

When you are in battle, forget your relatives!

When playing drums, forget yourself!

It is for the sake of the people's happy life that I am willing to die and fight against the invaders; It is in order to make people's lives more sweet that I left my family building industry and blood to write about romance!

How to write well in junior high school (3)

Methods of composition writing in junior high school

1. Use the "five senses" method: eyes can see the color and shape of objects; The ear can hear all kinds of sounds; The nose can smell the smell of smell; The tongue can know the bitter, hot, sour, sweet, salty and astringent of objects; The skin can feel the soft, hard, cold and hot of objects. When we describe an object, we can write its characteristics through the feelings of various sensory organs. When using the "Five Senses" method to describe objects, we should pay attention to the main characteristics of the objects and avoid fragmentation. In addition, pay attention to the description in a certain order.

2. Lyricism by borrowing: Lyricism by borrowing requires us to express our feelings implicitly by borrowing the image of objects when describing objects. The key to using the method of borrowing things to express feelings is to find out where the characteristics of the goods resonate with your feelings, so that the goods and feelings can be unified and the feelings can be supported.

3. The method of expressing one's will by relying on things: the characteristic of articles written by relying on things is to use a certain object to compare or symbolize a certain spiritual character, ideology and feelings. To write such an article well, it is necessary to grasp the internal relationship between "objects" and "aspirations", and between "objects" and "feelings". First of all, the main characteristics of goods should have some similarities and similarities with their own aspirations and wishes. Secondly, when describing, one's ambition should focus on the characteristics of the object. Objects should be able to express their will. The most commonly used writing method of expressing one's ambition according to objects is metaphor and personification.

4. The article readme method: the article readme method uses the first person to describe the article, so I want my article to have human characteristics. In the specific description, we should pay attention to accurately grasp the characteristics of the object, so that the personified object not only reflects the characteristics of people, but also does not lose the true color of the object. With human characteristics, objects appear vivid, attract readers' interests, and can clearly show the author's thoughts and feelings. The essential characteristics of preserved objects, while the description of objects is true and natural.

Junior high school composition 1: I am such a person

My parents gave me the name "Lufei". They wanted me to "fly high when I grow up". Since then, I have worked hard for this belief.

I love painting. Every day as soon as I have time, I go into my study. From the painting books, I learned how to use colors and what patterns should be matched with what colors. From the colorful, I know that the outside world is colorful.

I also like reading extracurricular books, from which I have enriched my knowledge and accumulated a lot of vocabulary. I also have a book dedicated to memorizing words, good sentences and good paragraphs.

I also have many shortcomings. I once learned to practice pen writing and brush writing, but I finally alienated them because I didn't have perseverance.

This is me. Although I have many shortcomings, I will gradually change them. Would you like to become good friends with me?

Junior High School Composition 2: Intense Auction Activity

Today, our school held a bidding activity to donate money to the school's love fund.

"Ding Ling Ling - Ding Ling Ling -" The second lesson arrived in the afternoon. The teacher asked everyone to put their babies on the platform. Soon, a "hill" was piled up on the platform. A variety of items dazzle everyone: plush toys, books, daily necessities, and beautiful cards.

Teacher Wang gave a command: "The auction is now on!" The teacher picked up a pink and white pearl bag and said with a smile: "The bottom price is 5 yuan."

This exquisite bag made the girls look bright, and someone immediately offered "I'll buy it!"

"I want it too!" Yuan Weiyu stood up in excitement.

"The students who want to increase the price." Teacher Wang stirred up the wind and ignited the fire. "The students who want to increase the price will sell it to the others."

I was not interested in it, so I didn't raise my hand and gave the chance to others. At last, Huang Xinyi, sitting in front of him, had bought the bag for seven yuan.

Mr. Wang thought we were worthless. A small decorative bag sold for seven yuan. Later, Mr. Wang picked up two books of Brainstorm and said, "The bottom price is 10 yuan."

"No!" the whole class said in unison.

"Eight yuan," Mr. Wang said in surprise.

"Don't buy it!" The whole class agreed again.

"It's so expensive. Two books cost 8 yuan. Who will buy them?" I thought.

"Another copy of Brain Sharp Turn, five yuan."


"Four yuan for a story book!"

I wanted to buy it when it dropped to two yuan, but Mr. Wang seemed to see through our trick, "If you don't buy it, Mr. Wang will buy it."

"Ah!" The bottom screamed bitterly. It seemed that they were all "smart people" like me.

"Ginger is still old and hot." I could not help sighing in my heart for a long time. Compared with the teacher, we are still tender! Alas----

The auction was going on fiercely. My desk was full of trophies. I didn't want to buy any more. I watched the fierce competition among my classmates.

At the end of the auction, the teacher counted and sold a total of 398.5 yuan, which will be donated to the Love Foundation.

Today is really killing two birds with one stone. I bought many good things for myself and donated money to the Love Foundation. This day will be remembered by me forever.

Junior high school composition 3: Let people have a love hate rain

I hate rain. Because it brings us inconvenience, whenever it rains, I have to take my umbrella to school. Through the window of the school, I saw the rain beating on the earth, and the big trees were wreathed in the wind, like angry madwomen. The fish curtain is hung between heaven and earth, which is very spectacular. The raindrops as big as soybeans fell down, and only the sound of "crackling" was heard from the glass. The wind rolled down the fish spots the size of soybeans. The roof seemed to be covered with a layer of light smoke, and the ground was splashed with small white flowers.

But I also like the rain, like its hazy, like its picturesque poetry. The rain is as light as falling leaves, as fine as cattle hair, and as long as a line, which is densely scattered to the earth. When the rain hit the plantain, it was like a sentimental zither player playing a beautiful melody, melodious and pleasant. The rain has added a lot of life to the earth. The grass is greener, and the fuzziness is attractive. On the rows of trees, the new and tender leaves are more vivid, plump and green because of the rain.

I love rain and hate rain!

How to write well in junior high school (4)

1. Carefully examine the topic and make a decision. The soul of the article must carefully examine the topic of the topic composition and make good intentions for the free composition. To have a clear theme, an article must have four conditions: accuracy, clearness, profundity and concentration. 2. Draft the outline, build the skeleton of the article. After making good intentions, write the outline and build the skeleton of the article. Three things should be done well in the layout of the article: arrange the hierarchical paragraphs, lay out the transition, and handle the beginning and end. If there are prompt sentences in the proposition composition, we should also start from the key words of the prompt sentences, expand our thinking around the key words, give play to association, and record the things we think of in the next link, which can be sentences or word phrases, English or Chinese. 3. Write the topic sentence of the paragraph. The context of the article. The paragraph of a short article is generally divided into the leading paragraph, the topic paragraph and the ending paragraph. The topic sentence of each paragraph is very important. It is the starting point of the author's thinking, the criterion of relevance, and the object of elaboration. When you see the topic sentence of the paragraph, the reader will have a general understanding of what the paragraph is about to say. The topic sentence of a paragraph is usually a single sentence with complete grammatical structure, general content and concise and clear words. The topic sentence of a paragraph is usually placed at the beginning of a paragraph to make the structure of the article clearer and more convincing. 4. Complete each paragraph by referring to the outline and the topic sentence. After the topic sentence of the paragraph has been created, you need to follow the direction of the topic sentence of the paragraph and refer to the ideas in the outline to complete each paragraph. The guiding paragraph should be able to attract the attention and interest of the readers and pave the way for the theme segment. The topic paragraph should focus on the article and the topic of the paragraph. The methods of expansion include: sequence method, example method, comparison method, comparison method, explanation method, causal method, deduction method, induction method, and definition. You can choose one or more methods according to your needs. 5. In this step, we should also pay attention to three aspects: 1) ensure the consistency between the ideas of paragraph structure in the outline and the theme sentences of each paragraph. Only in this way can we ensure that the paragraphs written are not off the topic. 2) The content arrangement of each paragraph shall be comprehensively considered to avoid the intersection of paragraph contents. 3) Use connectors well and pay attention to the coherence between paragraphs and sentences. In order to achieve a clear hierarchy, clear thinking and coherent writing, it is necessary to build bridges between sentences and between paragraphs, and conjunctions play the role of bridges. Tips for increasing literary talent: If the first and second steps are the idea of the article, the third and fourth steps are really "writing". Whether the words are appropriate, grammar is accurate, sentence patterns are changeable, and literary talent is angry or not is related to the writer's language skills and level, but there are also some tips, which can be used for your reference. 1. In the whole article, avoid using only one or two sentence patterns, and use various sentence patterns flexibly. Such as inversion sentence, emphatic sentence, ellipsis sentence, subject subordinate compound sentence, comparative sentence, participle phrase, prepositional phrase, etc. 2. Use sentences of different lengths to enhance the coherence and expressiveness of sentences through sentence splitting and sentence combining. 3. Change the beginning of a sentence, and do not blindly follow the order of subject, predicate, object and form. Adverbials can be placed at the beginning of a sentence, or participle phrases can be used. 4. Learn to use transitional words.