Describe Applause (Top 10)
A real traveler's province is boundless
2024-04-26 06:55:02

Describe Applause (1)

In my 13 years of study and life, I have seen a lot of applause: applause of encouragement when there is failure, applause of joy when there is success, applause of ridicule when there is disappointment occasionally... Among them, the most unforgettable one is the silent applause from the heart

"The bell rang..." The class bell rang, and the teacher stood on the three foot platform and told the story of Hua Mulan: "Grandpa has no big child, Mulan has no elder brother..." My eyes slowly left the teacher, left the classroom, flew through the glass, and flew out of the window.

At that time, I was a person who carried a lot of books between the classroom and the dormitory every day.

Once, on the way to the library, my eyes inadvertently fell on a cleaner who was cleaning Lin's vagina: her skin was dark, her head was covered with silver, and a pair of rough hands were struggling to shovel garbage

I raised my mouth and walked faster. I thought to myself: uneducated people deserve to do such lowly work. As long as I study hard, I won't grow up like her.

The light in the library was getting darker and darker. I rubbed my sore eyes and looked out of the window. It was dark like a pot cover. Raindrops were splashing on the window glass. Lin Vagina was empty, and there was no one.

I stared at the rain, suddenly lost. Suddenly, a man in a black raincoat came out from the rain curtain, and the full garbage truck stood out in the rain.

It's her -- the cleaner I saw just now. She is constantly working for our clean and comfortable learning environment. But I just despised her and labor that way, and my heart suddenly felt embarrassed.

The rain stopped slowly, and a rainbow hung in the sky. Looking at her faraway back, I silently applauded the hardworking gardener in my heart, cheering from the heart

The campus after the rain, everything is so fresh.

Describe Applause (2)

On everyone's growth path, we all need applause. Applause gives us encouragement, courage and confidence. On my way of growing up, I will never forget one applause.

I remember that when I was in the fifth grade, I was going to make a speech under the national flag. Our school has a flag raising ceremony every Monday. After the flag raising, a student representative from a certain class will make a speech on the rostrum. After the speech, we will leave and return to the classroom.

Next Monday, it was our turn to make a speech. The teacher carefully selected me in the class and finally chose me. I was very happy because it meant that the teacher trusted me, but I was afraid that I would fail to live up to the teacher's expectations if I said the wrong thing too nervously on the podium.

Time passed quickly. After the flag raising ceremony on Monday, the radio said, "Please prepare to make a speech on the stage, and please let the students of Class 5 (7) make a speech on the stage..." I took the prepared speech script and went on the stage with joy and excitement. I said to myself, "Come on! Chi Zirui, you are a good guy, you must be able to!"

I stood on the stage, picked up the microphone to say, but I was very nervous. I was afraid that I would say the wrong thing and let myself discredit the class. As a result, I spoke intermittently and often made mistakes. When my classmates and teachers heard my speech, they were too nervous to speak. They were very worried. I saw the teacher's eyes seemed to suggest to me, "Don't be nervous, relax, and speak out boldly." I did as the teacher said, although better than just now, it was still not coherent.

Suddenly, the teacher said loudly to the students, "Boys and girls, shall we give Chi Zirui a little applause.

I heard the applause of my classmates and immediately got up the courage to read the speech fluently and emotionally. There was another round of thunderous applause.

This is the most unforgettable applause that I can never forget.

Describe Applause (3)

In life, there is applause everywhere. One applause can make me stand up from failure; Sometimes, a round of applause makes me confident from success.

At that time, my mother heard that there was a remedial class organized by the school in Chongchuan District - Children's Palace. At that time, I thought it was accompanied by parents. Unexpectedly, after signing up, I knew that it was for training to write essays and think questions, and parents could not go there. The first lesson, my mother mercilessly dragged me into the Children's Palace. After entering the classroom, I left. I was so sad that I had to follow the teacher. I sat in the third, with Zhang Yixin. Our first lesson is "Xiaohe". After the teacher told us the general idea of the composition, we began to write imaginary compositions with self prepared topics. I let go of my anxiety and began to let go of my imagination ---- I was reading at home and found a small door under my desk.

As soon as the second lesson of composition class ended, I handed in my composition. The second lesson, the composition has been improved. The teacher reported that the composition score was "Duan Guojun - 76 points. Shen Xinyue, um 85 points."

When I heard my name, I thought to myself; Is that me? Is that me? The teacher's powerful voice sounded. Now, let's ask Shen Xinyue to read her composition! " I was stunned: should I go? This is the best time to express yourself! Up? No? "Now, Shen Xinyue dare not come to read it. I will use applause to make him brave, but I may not be able to do it alone, I read in a low voice. Under the platform, every student waited quietly. Gradually, my fear went nowhere, and the voice became louder and louder. Finally, after reading it, I don't know who took the lead in applauding again. "Pa --------" This time, it seems to be louder and longer than last time! With tears in my eyes, I strode down from the platform.

In life, there is applause everywhere. It makes me brave from shrinking and confident from success. I believe I will do better!

Describe Applause (4)

The power of applause is wonderful, especially when you fail and lose. It needs more applause.

I like scribbling since I was a child. As soon as I picked up the pen, I started my "creation" on the white wall at home. Before long, the wall of my house was full of my "works" - a person was painted here, a tree was painted there, and a car was painted at the other end. I proudly invited my father to visit. The father frowned: the man on the wall has no neck, and his hands are directly on his face; The tree is crooked; The wheels of the car are seven sided and at sixes and sevens.

I thought my father would beat me up, but what I didn't expect was that my father said to me, "Your painting is good, but it can't be saved on the wall, only on paper." He gave me a round of applause, which made me fall in love with painting.

Since then, I have more confidence in painting.

In the first semester of the third grade, I began to write a composition, but I didn't know where to start, and I couldn't write a few words in a few hours. In boredom, I began to paint on the composition paper: there were figures of the Three Kingdoms, figures of the Marsh... As a result, the composition book became a painting book, Every time I was caught by my father, however, he was not angry, but sat quietly beside me, looking at me calmly, and I thought: "After all, a violent beating is inevitable. "I covered my head and stayed on the ground like a turtle, waiting for the" storm "to come. But I waited for a long time, and did not see my hands fall to the ground. Instead, I heard an unexpected sentence:" How can your painting be interesting without a written description? Please make it into a comic book“

With my father's encouragement, my pictures and compositions were gradually "released", including "The Three Kingdoms of Q Edition", "The Water Margin of Q Class", "Han Xin of Q Edition", "Liaozhai of Q Edition"... My father used a scanner to scan my works into electronic documents and send them to his friends and relatives. My works were encouraged by everyone.

Soon, I found myself changed. I liked painting compositions. When I was alone, I could write compositions independently. At the same time, my painting level was improving day by day. I got the same applause. The applause gave me confidence. This confidence is so important that my paintings finally won the third prize in Zhejiang Primary School Painting Competition, and also "published" my composition collection.

Applause is needed in life. It is always encouraging. Applause can help you build confidence, give you encouragement, and let you grow better.

Describe Applause (5)

From childhood to adulthood, I was weak and cowardly by nature. I was used to being unknown and was only a passer-by.

In class, the teacher's question, clearly I can, but I envy others to answer. The teacher has inspired my desire and passion in the bottom of my heart for many times, but I was shy and afraid of wrong answers. Can I really only be like the crowd actor in the movie? No matter how beautifully dressed, people only care about the protagonist. Quiet I am used to writing under beautiful music alone, writing some small works that belong to me only. The small things that look boring to others shine so brightly under my pen. The little things in life are regarded by me as the shining stars in the night sky. I cherish, imprint and recall. No reason, because I am ordinary, I am lonely, I just want to use words to express the pain that I want to express myself but it is difficult to tell.

The learning life of the first day of junior high is coming to an end. In order to miss this wonderful time, the Chinese teacher held a diary contest called "Memories of the first day of that year". Everyone looked at each other. Look at me and I look at you. The ugly duckling, who is usually not looked up to, suddenly had an inexplicable impulse. "Teacher, please let me try!" As soon as the words landed, dozens of eyes were focused on me. I held the precious memory book tightly in my hands, and slowly walked to the platform where only the beloved teacher could sing the leading role, and confidently played a song with me as the leading role. Our former happiness and unhappiness flowed freely between my lips and teeth. Suddenly, the classroom was quiet, only my clear reading voice. "Thank you all, my speech is over!" I bowed deeply, and the applause was thunderous at that moment. My body is stiff. I can't believe that I can really get applause from myself! Why didn't I dare to reveal myself before? Why is there no brilliant color in youth? Why does life dare not publicize itself? Why have you been afraid to pursue happiness? At this time, I really realized that people should dare to challenge themselves, so as to get your applause.

At that moment, I defeated myself, I won applause, and I succeeded!

Describe Applause (6)

I am a fish, a fish swimming in the sea. Day after day, I feel my breath is strangled in the boundless depression, my tears are dried up in the sea of bitterness, and sadness engulfs me like quicksand... I am an ant, an ant shuttling between high-rise buildings in the city, looking up at the crowds coming and going, hiding behind a mask, tasting a lonely world of one person

I have tears, but I don't want to throw them in front of everyone. I don't want anyone to see my weakness; I am eager for success and applause, but I try to pretend that I don't care... I feel inferior

In the piano room, it was very quiet. I opened the door, sat in front of the piano, stroked the black and white keys, and felt happy ripples in my heart - only then could I find myself and confidence.

Both hands jump, and notes flow out from the fingertips. A joyful song flows in the huge piano room, wrapped in thick sweetness, hitting my heart. It seems that there is only piano and me in the world. I am very intoxicated because of music

At the end of the song, applause began... I raised my head in surprise, and a boy leaned against the door. Really, you play very well; I thought you were cold, but there is such a lovely you under the black mask. You are also red. I'm glad to know you again! With applause and encouragement, he left, leaving a stunned me and a seemingly flattered heart. The applause covered my heart with a sweater woven with understanding, love and encouragement. At that moment, there was an impulse to cry

At night, I dreamed. It was a colorful dream, a dream without tears, a dream full of applause

I sat in front of the piano on the stage, and my skillful fingers played a happy music; Off the stage, there were thunderous applause and crowds of people. They all applauded, cheered and cheered for my passion... Applause, the real applause shook my eardrums, and I had the joy and touch of success for the first time. Dreams are sweet

At school, I saw the boy again, and he gave me a note: you will also be eager for success and applause, believe in yourself, and dare to try to succeed. Open your heart and take off your mask of indifference. You are also the most excellent and lovely girl. Applause, right ahead, believe in yourself, your tomorrow will be better! The sun is always shining!

A few words intruded into my deepest feelings, and it seemed that a few drops of hot liquid dropped down my cheeks and broke... But I clearly saw the rise of the dream, carrying my inner surging 'emotion, flying far away... I felt that the sun was rubbing into my days, applause, lingering in my ears, mask, broken

Describe Applause (7)

On the road of our growth, there are laughter and tears. But we need to be strong and work hard to get out of the darkness, see the light and succeed.

I remember that in February last year, our community held a writing contest called "The Road to Growth". The judge is the audience: if the listener thinks it is good, he will applaud. If it is bad, he will not applaud. At that time, there were 24 contestants, and I was one of them. When I walked onto the stage, there was a burst of warm applause from the audience. I was very happy. I hope I can get such applause when I finish my composition.

However, things are not what I think. After I read my composition with trepidation, there was a silence. I even heard: "What is this? What a terrible thing!" "How come this is so bad!" "It's not good at all!" At that time, I was hit so hard for the first time. Before I knew it, my tears flowed down... When I stepped down, I walked slowly back home like a soulless person, with various complaints and criticisms echoing in my ears.

My mother encouraged me to say: "My child, failure is not necessarily a bad thing. You should find the reason for failure and make unremitting efforts. Only in this way can you stand up again!" With my mother's encouragement and help, I regained confidence and began to work hard. In February this year, our community held another meeting with the theme of "Your position in my heart." Although this time, I mustered the courage to register again. However, on the day of the competition, my "courage" became a disgraceful deserter, and "loss" returned to my heart.

It was cloudy on the day of the game, representing my mood. I went on the stage and looked down at my composition. I didn't dare to look at the audience directly. My friend shouted for me at the side: "Come on!" My mother also said to me at the side: "Child, raise your head!" I calmed down and began to read my composition.

After reading the composition, I thought it was the same as the previous one, another cold. However, something unexpected happened to me! Bursts of warm applause, again and again in my ears! My tears fall down again, this time is excited tears! Tears of joy!

This time, I won the title of champion!

I've learned that on the road of growth, when you fail, don't be discouraged. You should sum up experience and lessons in time and work hard, so that you may succeed next time! On the road of growth, there will be failures and tears, but you must work hard to go on. Because only through hard work will there be light and success!

Describe Applause (8)

Let others applaud for me. It is courage, persistence, proof of my existence, and my promise to my soul.

I applaud or applaud for me is actually a way of life chosen by one person. If applauding is commendable, isn't the courage to dare others to applaud me more commendable?

Life is like a road, and you must walk out of the busy landscape from the wilderness. What does our desolation mean? It is not disease or suffering, but a willingness to be mediocre and not eager to make progress. If we do not have the courage to break through the wilderness and the courage to let the world applaud for me, how can we have a prosperous landscape?

People say that youth is a magnificent run. After falling, stand up and run again. Isn't this the passion and courage we teenagers should have? In the face of the phenomenon of more and more civil servants applying for examination in today's society, I have many feelings. Admittedly, this is a way they are willing to accept, but I don't agree with the attitude of today's Chinese young people. They are willing to applaud, busy in stable jobs, but don't know why they are, and some people call it sheep nature, It's not that sheep are not good, but if there is no wolf, what's the difference between our youth and a pool of stagnant water.

The wolf nature is really admirable here. A wolf is born to make them applaud for himself!

Bi Shumin once said: I don't believe in the palm lines, but I believe in the power of fingers plus the palm. This sentence is a way, a way of striving and enterprising, and also a way that everyone should know how to get their applause. We run forward, but we can't rush into each other. We lower our head to pull the car, and also look up at the road. We should have courage as support and wisdom as tools. Otherwise, we will get not applause, but laughter.

Liang Jizhang, a famous radio host, wrote to his son in a letter from home: People can start from scratch, but they cannot be unarmed. In the three years of high school or the nine years before, we are building our own iron. If we only build weapons and tools in so many days of life, but do not make them work, wouldn't it be a pity?

I want others to applaud me. It's a long and hard process, but the tools are there, the courage is there, the light is there, and everything is ready. I will start to go. I and other people who are a little wolf like, let's move forward together, let the applause be thunderous, and make life extraordinary.

Describe Applause (9)

Everything grows and grows in the sunshine; Bathed with family love, we spend happy time; Bathed with care, we have confidence and hope?? What about applause?

Practice Ballroom. "Ka" heard a crisp sound from the ankle. The parents standing outside the practice dance hall hurriedly pushed the door open and ran in to help the girl who fell to the ground.

In the hospital. The doctor said to the girl's parents outside the door, "Nothing serious, just a sprain, but I can't do strenuous exercise in a short time."

"What about dancing?"

"Not yet."

The girl on the bed lowered her eyelids and moved her ankles. A sharp pain irritated her nerves. The eyes were covered by mist, but the girl's stubbornness did not allow her to cry.

In the dance hall, the girl bit her lower lip, endured the pain from her ankle, and danced with the soft music. Girls are not allowed to discard their hard work, and the parents of girls outside the dance hall are changing their hearts with the girl's dance moves.

On the court, the audience and judges paid special attention to the stubborn girl when they learned that the girl was injured before the game but insisted on playing. The girl was at a loss when she stood on the stage. She was worried about her next performance, and her eyes were full of panic. One of the judges saw her panic, raised her hands and clapped. All the judges and audience members heard the applause and saw the girl's expression, and also extended their hands and clapped. The girl looked up with confidence in her eyes.

With the sound of music, all the whisperers turned their eyes to the girl. The audience was silent, and the soft music seemed louder than usual, but everyone's heart was surging, silently cheering for the girl.

Rotate, jump. Everyone's eyes follow the girl's every move. At the end of the music, the last curtain action was originally to land on the left foot after rotating 580 degrees in the air. However, after the injury, the girl changed to landing on her right foot during rehearsal, but the girl has been dissatisfied. At this time, the girl intended to end with a perfect action. She forgot the doctor's advice, her parents' advice, and the pain from her ankle.

"Ding Dong!" The girl ended the dance with a perfect posture. But I can't hear the applause in my imagination, and my nose turns sour.

"Good!" An old judge responded first. All of a sudden, he was overwhelmed by applause.

At this moment, it is no longer important to win the prize. The girl bathed in warm applause, enjoyed the applause, raised her head confidently and walked out of the stage.

Everyone needs applause in life. Achievements and honors will be praised, encouraged and re created by applause; In the face of difficulties and tests, applause will give people confidence, courage and motivation. It should be said that applause is a kind of affirmation, encouragement and respect. Therefore, we should learn to applaud: applaud for others, applaud for ourselves, and applaud for a colorful life.

Describe Applause (10)

Today, I read an article entitled Let the Devil Applause for You, which tells a moving inspirational story: diver Jonny Erickson became a disabled person after falling off the platform, but she did not abandon herself or become decadent, and finally became a great writer through unremitting efforts.

After reading this article, I felt deeply that a disabled girl who was almost forgotten by the world could become a great writer of the American Legendary Inspirational Works Forum and a model for teenagers around the world. How much suffering would it take to be reborn!

Especially when I read that "after she fell off the platform, she saved her life, but all parts below her neck were paralyzed", my heart felt like it was torn. How pitiful she was when she lay in the hospital for more than a year and was tortured by the "devil" day and night! She loves diving so much, but she can no longer walk on the snow-white platform that makes her yearn, jump into the light blue pool that makes her happy, and be embraced by the water that blooms with her dancing. She is really an unfortunate person!

At the same time, I was deeply moved by the tenacious perseverance and indomitable spirit of Jonny Erickson. When I read that "she firmly believes that her soul can stand tall again", I thought of the scene that I often bow to defeat in the face of difficulties, and could not help but blush and feel ashamed.

She is physically disabled and ambitious. After reading two pages of a book, she always turns over the book with a small piece of bamboo in her teeth. Even when she reads that her teeth are sore, her eyes are sore, and the sweat is itchy and hot in her eyes, she perseveres persistently and never gives up. Her spirit is really shocking!

What makes me admire more is that she found another self in the book and she wants to create! It was so difficult and painful for her to write with the pen in her teeth, but she resolutely persevered. Finally, in the ninth year of her paralysis, she completed a novel named after herself, "Johnny". Two years later, she wrote an autobiography of a novel, "Further Before". It's really "Kung Fu pays off"!

After reading this article, I learned a profound truth: as long as you don't bow to difficulties, the devil will applaud for you one day!