A piece of white paper (18 pieces are preferred)
A thousand years of flowers bloom on the other side
2023-12-28 08:52:21
Junior 1

A piece of white paper (1)

What is life? Some people think that life is a test paper, others think that life is a performance without rehearsal, and others think that life is a thick book. There are countless answers, but I think life is a blank sheet of paper, waiting for you to show your skills on this blank sheet of paper.

At the beginning, we were empty handed and had nothing, just like a blank sheet of paper. Later in life, we should use our achievements to enrich this blank paper. Some people want to be a painter, so they draw beautiful pictures on white paper; Some people want to be a writer and write many wonderful articles on this blank paper; And some people go to rob or steal, to do something against social morality, then his white paper will only be a messy draft.

Of course, when there are drawing mistakes on this white paper, you should correct the mistakes with pictures or articles instead of changing a piece of paper, because life does not print, there is only one piece of white paper!

Yes, there are times in life when you can achieve something, which is equivalent to drawing a wonderful stroke on white paper. Then you have to make a choice. Should you continue to move forward, or should you enjoy the wonderful stroke and stop moving forward?

Some people have been idling away their time. In the end, he still got nothing, and his blank paper is also empty.

My dear friends, are your white paper beautiful pictures, beautiful articles or messy drafts? Look forward to your wonderful picture!

A piece of white paper (2)

A piece of white paper can have many possibilities, which can let us exert infinite imagination.

It can be made into gifts, such as greeting cards, invitations, awards, certificates of honor, etc

A piece of white paper can also be printed into various bills: water bill, electricity bill, gas bill, movie ticket; It may also be made into one hundred dollar bills for children to buy various toys; It may also become a newspaper to let us know what is happening around the world; It can also be made into diplomas, passbooks, invitations, etc., providing various conveniences for our life.

We can also draw colorful pictures on white paper, cut them into beautiful paper cuts, and even write a pair of calligraphy, etc.

The wishes of people all over the world can be written on white paper. Although everyone's wishes are different, the possibilities of white paper are also diverse, just as each of us is unique, so each of us has a completely different imagination and world!

A piece of white paper (3)

Everyone has his own dream. Only when he has a dream in life can he pursue it and have the power to live. If there is no dream, maybe life is as boring as a blank sheet of paper.

In my mind, I have always had an idol since childhood. He is the famous actor Huang Haibing, who specializes in making martial arts dramas. I have loved swordsmen since I was young, especially some swordsman TV dramas. I admire the behaviors of those heroes. All kinds of reasons combine to make me have a dream: to be a star, and I can play martial arts dramas in the future. Shooting TV can reflect people's dissatisfaction and unfulfilled desire in real life in a virtual world to complete it. So now I am determined to study hard, accumulate knowledge, participate in more activities and the like, and increase my courage and acting talent. For this reason, I try my best to participate in more extracurricular activities.

It is not easy to be an actor. You should have high acting ability and accumulate more knowledge, such as good proverbs, which will be used in future filming. There are more things I need to learn. At present, what I want to do is to study hard so that I can apply for the Shanghai Theater Academy in the future, realize my life goal and pursue my dream.

This is my dream. If I realize this dream, my life will be free of regret. In short, I will always remember one sentence: How can I be satisfied, but I want to be worthy of my heart.

A piece of white paper (4)

What can an A4 sheet of paper be used for?

Writing, drawing, graffiti

If I gave you a piece of A4 paper, what would you do with it. Writing and painting are too common. Have you ever thought about letting someone pass through this piece of paper? Maybe you will say, "It's impossible."

Cut. Cut the white paper into a circle, one that is absolutely larger than the paper.

As a result, there were 12 boys standing in the white paper of a newborn baby denied by one mouthful, but there were still empty seats.

This is just a play on a piece of white paper. Nothing is impossible, as long as you dare to imagine.

I just want to use scissors to cut open this white paper and cut out a pattern.

Life is a piece of paper, no matter how big. The key is to fill in the background of the painting and supplement it until the painting is finished.

Being a fashion designer has always been my dream. I want to cut this paper into clothes because I can use it as a piece of cloth.

This piece of paper can be used to write, which is the most satisfactory word. You can write a composition. Like Zheng Yuanjie, a composition of about 800 words has generated a value of nearly 500 million yuan, helping many poor children change their destiny. Of course, you can also do handwork, or draw something you really want but never get, as your goal, and strive for it.

Try to use this piece of paper to do something useful and always considered impossible.

There is no "impossible" in the dictionary for those who dare to try. Scientists, if people said at the beginning that there would be no such thing, how could there be such things as telephones, televisions, computers and airplanes?

A piece of white paper, countless patterns; One life, how many ways!

A piece of white paper (5)

Today, the teacher gave us a piece of white paper. Eh? What is this for? Is it to let us paint again? Or are we origami? My heart is full of questions! The teacher finally opened his mouth. It turned out that she let us feel the seemingly plain white paper!

How does it feel to feel white paper? I have seen a lot of white paper, and I have never seen white paper. At this time, the teacher began to let us feel it from a perspective. Look, this white paper is square, nothing special, and the color is also very ordinary white. It doesn't mix a trace of color, but when you look at the paper in the sun, there is another hole: a ray of sunlight penetrates, and the white paper is not as airtight as expected, but translucent, like the sky with dark clouds. But a closer look, through a few wisps of sunlight white paper. Like the starry night sky. I can't see that the lines of white paper are also so reverie making.

Gently flick the white paper, and suddenly a clear "rustling" sound comes from the white paper body, like a light rain in the gloomy sky. If you flick the white paper hard, the original light rain will become a heavy rain. The wind is blowing, the rain is heavy, and the sound of "Hua Hua" is heard all the time. When you calm down and listen, the heavy rain turns into the sound of waves, and at this time I seem to have been on the beach by the sea. Listen to the surging tide beating the rocks on the shore, and look at the vast deep blue sea

Of course, this white paper brings me more than these feelings. I touch this soft and smooth white paper with my hands and smell the faint fragrance from the wood in the forest. This magical white paper brings me to the tropical jungle: the moist and fresh air, in front of me is a green, tall trees, dotted with fresh and elegant flowers, which is extremely beautiful. The cold touch of the white paper, Soft and smooth, it is another world: as wonderful as the smooth skin of a newborn!

After experiencing so much, let's talk about the role of paper. In fact, it has many functions: writing, painting, and transmitting information. These are all the skills of paper. Paper has so many uses, thanks to Cai Lun, the ancient man who invented paper. In the past, people wrote letters and painted on bamboo boards and animal skins, which is not convenient to carry and save, The invention of paper has solved this problem and promoted the process of human civilization!

But the production of paper requires trees to be cut down, so we should save paper.

A piece of white paper (6)

Life is a book made of white paper. People who want to write with light pen, full of flowers, colorful and swaying; Unintentional people, hurried through, a desolate.

Childhood is white paper

In the whole life, childhood should be the happiest. I remember when I was five years old: in the kindergarten, there were many partners accompanying me to grow up. In the morning, when I was doing exercises, I was sometimes tripped by other students, but my best friend would not run away. Instead, he would help me to get up and say, "Is everything OK?" A warm current came from my heart. In the afternoon, I ran, jumped rope and played on the slide with my classmates. Every word, every word and every smile of you made me very happy. Childhood is like a piece of white paper. We work together with our partners to add color to the white paper.

Life is white

Everyone has to experience setbacks. When walking through the "maze" primary school, everyone is confused: what is life in the end? How should we face it? Nothing can cover the footprint of life. A failure, a success, finding a job, raising children, are extremely happy! Parents, relatives and families will help me to move forward and never shrink back! Life is like white paper. Only by going out can you add a little color to your white paper.

Life, as a worthless piece of white paper, has to fight hard. It has gone from empty to colorful. I understand that life is immeasurable and the future is limitless.

A piece of white paper (7)

Life is a blank sheet of paper. I ride the wind and waves, driving in the ocean of life. The water is constantly pounding, which makes me feel painful. I once chose to escape, but now, I am facing the waves, and I have experienced many scenes that I have never seen before. In this long journey, I changed from white to color.

The first thing I learned was hate. It should be cowardly. I lost my friends and was fooled by the world. No one came into my heart. I just walked in darkness day after day, year after year. There was no light and no hope. I hated the world, everyone and myself. I have black which represents hate.

But now, I have red, I have people I love, and I have people who love me. Love is a wonderful thing. It holds two people's hearts tightly together. One smile and one action can affect another's heart. Two people who have nothing to do with each other are loved and linked together, and have the common memories of two people. I have love, even if I don't know what love is, my heart tells me that this is love. Maybe some people think I don't understand, maybe they think I don't know anything, but I can be sure that I can think, and many things don't need them to say, I know, I am not a simple and ignorant child, I think a lot. In love, we are all the same. Why should love be unfair because of age and gender? What's wrong with falling in love with someone? If we can't get the real white head in our whole life, why can't we love it now? Love can change a person, it can make a person change for another person, it can make a person strong for another person, it can make a person no longer selfish, it can make a person learn to be humble, it can make a person become himself...... In love, I learned a lot, I can finally be myself, I can cry, I can laugh, I can learn to care about and understand others, I learned to be strong, which is more valuable than what I learned in books, at least I think so. No matter what people think of me, I will not be cowardly. The waves, the eyes, the ridicule and condemnation, I am fearless, because I learned to love.

All kinds of colors are the station of life. In this process, you have to pay countless sweat and courage for every stroke and painting. When you finish this road, you will be proud to find that the life once was so colorful.

Life begins and ends. Everyone has a piece of worthless white paper, but its color application will be in your hands. A person's life should be crazy once, whether for a person, a love, a journey, or a dream, because I remember in my heart: I loved, I hated, I laughed, I cried, no matter what the outcome, I do not look back, I do not regret.

A piece of white paper (8)

This is a piece of white paper, a piece of colorless, lifeless paper. There have been countless hardships, countless traumas, countless praise words, and countless vivid scenes reappeared in it.

Paper, which has a white face and a snow-white skin, feels like a wave on a calm lake, cool and smooth. When it is blown by the wind, like the sound of a stream running towards the sea, it is so crisp, so decisive, and so soft. If you gently paint on it, it will feel so comfortable.

In the past, I thought that paper was not worthy of praise, but from today on, I know that paper is so precious, and you usually see it very dull, because you never appreciate it directly. It has thousands of words on its back, but you don't know, there are countless beautiful pictures, you don't know, he never left you, when you can read, use it to practice writing, when you are happy, use it to paint; When you are worried, use it to vent your anger. You have never left it. Paper is your best friend. You can tell it everything from your heart, but it can't tell you. Its greatest wish is that you can know how to cherish it, but you don't know how to cherish it.

A hundred pieces of paper can write many words and draw many pictures. If you don't treasure it, what will it be? What would it be? It is nothing. As long as you paint it with a beautiful rainbow and beautiful things, it will be your bosom friend. When you leave it alone, accept it, and manage it, it will say "goodbye" to you

What do you think paper is? Never thought about it. Paper is so noble, but it has never been proud. It has always listened to you, but you tore it up and destroyed it. Have you ever thought about how it feels? You can tear it up and buy it again, but it can't. When life is over, it is over.

Paper, you are so good, so forgiving, so strong, so brave, so kind, you are really perfect!

A piece of white paper (9)

When we were just in the first grade, the teacher gave each of us a piece of paper on which we wrote "Your goal". The goal seems very simple. Write a few simple words on it. Although everyone wants to write down his most desired goal, he wants to drink the soup prepared by the fox on the plate. I raised my head and looked around. I was either whispering or thinking. I was not satisfied with what I had written and painted. In fact, I want you to say one at random and blurt it out. But when you calm down, you find that this is no longer the case. I have too many goals. In the future, I will be admitted to a good university and find a good job. When I finally received the paper, I had not written yet, and it was too late to write. I handed in a blank sheet of paper.

A piece of white paper (10)

"Take it apart and have a look!" said one boy eagerly to the other boy beside him. Just as the voice dropped, a key was inserted into the door lock, and the door opened with a "click".

The little boy who opened the door did not rush to his own door without hesitation as usual, opened the door, grabbed the remote control and turned on the TV switch.
He looked at the two little boys walking side by side, watching them take the first step, the second step

Suddenly, he immediately pulled out the key inserted in the door lock, ran to the two little boys and said rudely, "Is this your letter?" They hesitated for a long time, then said hesitantly, "No." "You know, letters can only be read by recipients. It's uncivilized for you to do so!" The little boy who opened the door said, extending his hand.

The two little boys who walked side by side blushed like Guan Gong, and put the letter in the hand of the little boy who opened the lock. The little boy took the letter, turned and walked quickly towards the iron gate. The two little boys immediately ran away.

The little boy who opened the door opened the unlocked mailbox and placed the letter carefully.
He smiled knowingly at the "unlucky" mailbox, took out the key from his pants pocket again, inserted it in the door lock, and walked quickly up the stairs.
This time, he stopped again, as if thinking something. When he recovered, he went to the mailbox again.

When he came to the mailbox, he put down his schoolbag, took out his pen, tore a page from his exercise book, and wrote on it:
Please protect this "long lost" friend, who will be very grateful to you.

A reminder from a primary school student.
The boy put the note into the mailbox, looked at the blue sky, and could not help sighing: "The sun is beautiful after rain!"
That boy is me, my classmate, my friend, a stranger I never knew

But I know him. I have known him since the first grade kindergarten. But I am introverted and withdrawn by nature and don't like making friends with him.
Now it is different. I have made friends with him, and he always reminds me: speak civilized words, do civilized things, and be civilized!

A piece of white paper (11)

Life is like a piece of white paper and a chess game. It is wise to think before you act in every line.

Everything in the world has a turning point. I am a creator and a designer. I want to design my own life and create a perfect destiny.

"Chu 3" is really a popular word. In the face of people who advocate the first and perfect soul, it is just carbon dioxide. It should be called the first turning point of life. Turning point, turning point, no turning point can be called perfect life! Turning around and looking at the stains left over in his life, he couldn't help crying, how he wanted to stay and wipe away. Because I know that I regret, regret decadent so far.

I want to add a few drops of color to my life, but I want to have faith. As long as I have faith, the stain will disappear. When turning, we should lay a foundation, otherwise we will turn into deep mountains and cold valleys. Life should be win step by step. Like running, it always ends. But what we want is not the result but the process. We should experience the beauty that passes by us, and feel the infinite enjoyment that nature has given us.

We should work hard in life. The perfect life we want is behind our efforts. As long as we work hard, we can get it by waving our hands. Because we should write in the dust to add infinite emotion to our life.

A piece of white paper (12)

In class this morning, the teacher gave everyone a piece of white paper. Let's play with white paper. I'm curious why I want to play with white paper?

White paper is white, thin and square everywhere. I swung the white paper, and the white paper made a sound of "Hua Hua Hua Hua". It was white paper laughing. However, white paper is particularly useful.

I rolled the white paper into a small ball. Sometimes, I will throw a small paper ball up, and the small paper ball will act like an acrobat in the "Flying Man in the Air"; Sometimes, I throw a small paper ball forward and fly past with a whoosh, just like an arc in the air; Sometimes, in a group of two, we throw paper balls around like happy birds flying around in our hands.

After class, the teacher said that there would be a paper ball contest. We are very excited. When I practice bumping paper balls, I bumped eleven times at a time. The game started. The little paper ball in my hand began to be naughty and jumped to the ground after two bumps. I said, "Paper ball, can you be more obedient?" The paper ball seemed to understand my words and nodded. I finally bumped 22 times, although I didn't win the first place. But Zhituan and I are very happy.

The spirit of a piece of white paper is like those people who are simple, unknown and selfless. Just a piece of white paper brings us endless happiness.

Grade 5: Chen Shuxin

A piece of white paper (13)

Zhang Yuhuan, Class 2 (3), Huancheng Campus, Wenqing Road Primary School, Ganzhou City

This is an ordinary white paper. It is rectangular, which can be folded into a paper boat, cut into a window flower, and used to write brush words

We crumple the white paper into a ball, which can be used to play the game of bumping paper balls.

The paper ball game begins. My deskmate and I were bumping behind with paper balls. At first, the paper ball was very disobedient, left and right, which irritated me. I shouted to the paper ball: "Little paper ball, you don't listen to me, do you want to be beaten?" Then the paper ball seemed to understand my words, and jumped up and down like a little frog in order. I'm getting better and better. I'm so happy!

The game is over. Yang Dan won the first place. She was so excited that she jumped up like a spring. She was very happy!

(Tutor: Chen Xirong 13576760 * * *)

Genuine website

A piece of white paper (14)

The winter wind always comes so easily. At noon, when it was supposed to be warm, the wind blew.

A few pages of paper sandwiched in the book fell on the ground with a few sounds of "Hua Hua". I picked it up, and a piece of white paper appeared in front of me, with several beautiful characters scattered on the paper: Sister, you have always been my pride.

Looking at those words, my heart sank into a deep valley, and tears could not help gushing out of my eyes. A stream of remorse overwhelmed me. But for my stubbornness, how could there have been that accident? If it wasn't for my vexatiousness, how could he not write?

Yeah! Everything is my fault. I still remember that afternoon in the summer, it took me out to play. I never rode a bike, so I grabbed him and asked her to teach me. He is so obedient even though he is unwilling. I learned very fast, but he was still worried. He kept holding the car with his hands. I asked him to go away, but he just didn't. As soon as I was angry, I rode away by myself, but I didn't know that the car didn't know what I was doing. I would just rush forward, but I didn't know how to stop. When I was riding a tiger, a truck came to me. My heart was in my throat. I didn't know what to do. I even felt the breath of death approaching me.

When I came to my senses, I found that the car stopped moving, and he fell in front of the car. I was shocked. His finger was twisted in the middle of the wheel. Seeing that I was safe, he smiled: Are you all right, sister? "

His face is like a piece of white paper, even his lips are white, just like his heart is white without a stain. He was sent to the hospital. I sat in the room alone and found the white paper. He lay quietly on my desk, shining white in the sunshine

He was discharged from hospital, but his finger was broken and he could not write any more. He intended to go back to school again, but instead of complaining, he smiled and said, "Sister, it's OK. I don't want to go to school anyway. You will help me a lot."

I can't stand his magnanimity any more. I rushed out of the room and cried loudly whatever passersby thought

At this moment, when everything reappears before my eyes, I still can't accept it. Looking at the white paper, it seems that everything is so ethereal

He - my brother, a gentle and elegant boy, uses his love and tolerance to meet all my unreasonable requirements. In my memory, he was always shy and obedient. Even now, his size has already exceeded mine, but he still listened to me.

But what about me? I am like a child who will never grow up. I always take his kindness for granted. I never know how to care about him or what he needs. Am I his pride? I asked myself more than once.

The winter of this year is warmer than that of previous years. Maybe it is the sun father who hates to let him be frozen! As a teenager, he is working for others and listening to others' orders. Does that person make trouble for nothing like me?

Close the book, and I will add this white paper to my book again. It will stay with me forever and be printed in my life track. With it around, my heart is warm. I just want to ask it: Tell me, am I really the pride of my brother?

Tears flow in my heart, just begging that this winter will pass earlier, because he is afraid of cold!

A piece of white paper (15)

Life gives us endless expectations. Let's look for light and happiness in the silent world. We are constantly surpassing and challenging. We are embellishing the flowers of life on the desolate land.

Maybe we are not happy enough, we experience too little, maybe we are not simple enough, that is we have not opened the window of the heart; Our life is like a piece of white paper. Since our cry, we have been embellishing beauty and breeding vitality on the road of growth. Some people will go to the peak of glory once and for all. The white paper is full of beautiful scenery. From then on, we have a different life.

Lincoln, the former president of the United States, had nothing. In terms of education, he didn't have anything. In terms of family circumstances, he didn't have anything. His eight elections and eight defeats were plagued by hardship, and his two businesses were filled with grief. He did not give up when he reached the top of despair in life. He chose to stand at the peak and watch the scenery. He worked hard and finally succeeded. He turned the impossible into the possible and the dim into the reality.

"The child is determined to go out of the countryside, and will never return if he fails to learn to become famous". He tried his best to fulfill his ideal and ambition. At the age of 16, he was frivolous and left home. At that time, he was penniless, but he had a passion to save the country and people. He fought for the rise and fall of the country. He led 40 million Chinese people to fight hard to save the people and the people in deep trouble, and he made a new China, He is the great man of the century. The sentence "The Chinese people have stood up since then" on the Tiananmen Gate tower was a boiling moment. It was a period of history that was hard to remember. He had experienced too many hardships and setbacks. The long march and the flight to Luding Bridge made him unavoidable, but he could surpass and perform to the extreme. Like our leaders, we have successors. Our disabled torchbearer Jin Jing uses her life to defend her integrity and dignity. Ji Ji integrates great love and small love into her dream and moves towards an insurmountable peak. Zhai Zhigang and Liu Boming go out of the countryside and use the road of bicycles to realize their dreams. They ignite the future with passion, ignite their dreams, enter the long river of history, and enter the era!

Those who continue to move forward in the dark have a brave heart. We are brave because we are not afraid, because we are confident, because we are moving forward. Maybe we should open our hearts and step forward on the way of growth, so that we can harvest the moisture of rain and dew and nurture a green life.

Let's light up the bright light of life, look for light, and constantly challenge the suffering. You also have Hongquan in the desert, and beautiful flowers bloom in the desert.

A piece of white paper (16)

A piece of white paper, as the name implies, is a piece of white paper, which is very common in some people's eyes and can be seen everywhere, just like people on the street. I only prefer it.

White paper is like a man in a white windbreaker, or the hair of a beautiful white swan. It is full of spirituality, seemingly ordinary, but not ordinary. The snow-white windbreaker is only a quarter of the newspaper. Take it in your hand. Gently swing, you can hear the rustling sound. It's like beautiful and passionate music. It's also like hearing the white paper talking about how we should protect the environment and telling his tragic experience. Gently touch, smooth - it is definitely the first word you want to think, and gently brush your face with paper, as if you are being caressed by your mother.

Paper, in the eyes of many people, can only write and draw. Doing other things is like the military of Liangshanbo - useless (Wu Yong). However, in my eyes, its functions are far more than these: fans, toys, rags, fires, benches, spoons, hats... omnipotent. Maybe you will say that I have heard people say that I have not used it myself. You are totally wrong. I am a loyal user of white paper.

One day in summer, when the sun was blazing, people stayed outside, just like entering a steamer. The scorching sun baked the earth, and the cicadas cried wearily, as if to say, "Hot! It's killing me!"! The dog also kept sticking out his tongue. On my way home after school, I felt that I was almost a roast duck. Quickly take out two pieces of paper, one for shading and the other for fan. It feels cool. In the cool bath, I slowly walk home.

See here, you should have a new understanding of paper. Maybe you can make paper have more functions.

A piece of white paper (17)

When heaven and earth were still fused together, Nuwa created human beings and broke the tranquility. She signed her name on the original white paper without trace. Since then, the world has become so beautiful.

When we are born, our mind is just like a piece of pure white paper, without a little dirty white paper. Because of the greatness of maternal love and the loftiness of fatherly love, we begin to have "gratitude" in our hearts. This adds a foam of paint to the original flawless white paper.

At this time, the paper is no longer a blank sheet of paper. It has been stained by our footprints of growing day by day and maturing year by year. Our original pure and flawless heart has become enriched, rich, and understand the world's family, friendship, love. It is no longer only child who knows how to eat, drink and play. We have our own ideas, our own goals, and our imagination beyond all others. We also learned to describe our own white paper with a little color.

At the beginning of learning, we only have to "learn it", everything is so straightforward, as long as you learn it, you will learn it well. I won't think about "I will learn what to learn next." In a twinkling, our primary school life was over. At this time, we will think about what we should leave for our childhood and write down our experience in junior high school on that white paper.

In junior high school, we no longer just want to "learn". It is to understand the reason of learning process. At this time, we have understood the image and the importance of friendship. I also learned how to make a future for myself. He would go to academic studies and stop being a naughty bag beside his parents and an investigator beside his teachers. At this time, we printed our new experience and discovery on the paper again.

After entering high school and university, we have a lot of meditation time, more imagination, more creativity and research power. At this time, we have not been discouraged by failure, nor excited by failure. We have experienced too much. We will once again paint more colors and more beautiful patterns for our paper.

The beginning of life is just like a piece of white paper, which becomes colorful under the breakthrough and description. Because of that white paper at the beginning, our life will be so beautiful. It is precisely because of this white paper that our life will not be dull. Yes, life is written on a piece of blank paper.

A piece of white paper (18)

A piece of ordinary white paper, which seems useless, is actually very useful.

You can draw on white paper, and draw a beautiful childhood; Can write, write perfect calligraphy; You can also do arithmetic problems to make your brain more flexible.

In class, the students sweated like their backs were scorched. The teacher looked more painful. He was out of breath when he was lecturing, and his legs itched with heat. The teacher suddenly stopped. She folded a piece of white paper into a fan. The teacher picked up the fan and waved her arms up and down. A cool wind blew on the teacher. The teacher was not hot, but the small fan was whistling. I said softly: "It's hard for you!", and the wind from the small fan was blowing harder and harder, as if to say: "I'm not tired, and I want to use my full strength to bring cool to my beloved teacher". I smiled and it smiled too.

On Sunday, the teacher held a bumping match on the playground, and I was very excited. The game begins. The rule of the game is that everyone has three chances to bounce the ball. If the ball falls, it will lose. The person who bounces the most will win. It's my turn. My heart is like a little rabbit. I thought, calm down, I will play the most. The first time I bumped 4 times, the second time I bumped 6 times, and the third time I said to the small paper ball, "You must cooperate with me. The small paper ball seems to understand my words, and I hit 16 times.".

On Sunday, I played touch paper ball with several students in the community. Three people, one in the front, one in the back and one in the middle. I stood in the middle and looked at both sides. People in front threw the ball. When I dodged, people behind began to throw. I grabbed the ball and caught it. I won.

A piece of paper is very useful.