Composition describing Clivia (18 selected articles)
The gentleness behind
2024-05-01 01:15:02
fifth grade

Composition describing Clivia (1)

There are many flowers in our house, hanging orchids in the bedroom, cactus, and many balconies. But it's not as beautiful as the special Clivia on the porch. It's special because it's a fake flower. But this Clivia is more beautiful than the real one. The colorful colors are fascinating.

Clivia has purple and red flowers. White and yellow flowers. It is composed of green leaves. The flowerpot is porcelain, green and white. The flowerpot is also tied with several bows. The soil of Clivia is made of white foam, because it is a fake flower.

Although Clivia is a fake flower, it is lifelike and very beautiful. I think it is more special than real flowers.

Composition describing Clivia (2)

Grandpa raised several pots of Clivia. I went downstairs this morning and saw a pot of Clivia blossoming. The flower of Clivia consists of 12 red morning glory flowers, and the golden core emits a delicate fragrance. Grandpa said that Clivia's flower language is noble, gentle and polite, talented but not arrogant, ambitious but not arrogant, living in the valley but not inferior, and is a gentleman in flowers. Clivia has high ornamental, environmental protection and medicinal value. My father told me that the leaves of Clivia have the function of absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen. Lycorine extracted from the roots of Clivia not only has anti-virus effect, but also can fight cancer.

I understand why Grandpa loves Clivia, and I will take care of it like Grandpa did.

Composition describing Clivia (3)

There is a pot of Clivia on my balcony. It stands proudly and has extraordinary temperament, showing a spirit of never losing.

The leaves of Clivia are symmetrical, and the flowers with the style of a gentleman grow in the middle. The leaves are thick and long, green and lovely. From the side, the leaves look like stairs, and the flowers look like a small red flag. Ants were attracted by Clivia and scrambled to climb up. A gust of wind blew, and Clivia also saluted the contestants!

Clivia has strong vitality and can only be watered once a week. My father told me that Clivia can only bloom once a year, so I ran to it and said, "Why don't you bloom more?" Clivia didn't answer, but its flowers grew bigger and its fragrance became stronger. I understand its meaning. Although it is only opened once a year, it should leave the best one in people's memory.

Do you know why it is called "Clivia"? Because its flower is as fragrant as orchid, and its shape is tall and straight. "Clivia" is the orchid like a gentleman. This name really deserves its name!

Composition describing Clivia (4)

The year before last, on March 8, my mother bought a small Clivia from the flower market. Grandpa planted it in a flower pot. After two years of careful care, it bloomed on the March 8th Festival this year.

Today's Clivia has grown large, dark green, plump leaves, like curved boats spreading to both sides. The green and slender stems grow straight up. The flower opens at the top of the stem, like a big flower ball. Each flower has six petals, and the middle is composed of a male and six female slender stamen. The flower is light green, light yellow, and orange from the bottom up, like a small trumpet blowing, emitting a faint fragrance. I like this pot of Clivia very much. I took it as my mother's holiday gift.

Composition describing Clivia (5)

"With the sound of firecrackers, the spring breeze warms Tusu". The annual "Spring Festival Flower Market" of Xiaoshan District Flower and Wood City has opened! I heard from my teacher that visiting the flower market can bring good luck to the new year. As a young reporter, I accepted the interview with honor, and felt the breath of spring with patience and excitement!

Entering the New Year's Fair, I saw a variety of flowers on the flower racks. You see, the rich phalaenopsis, the elegant peony, the delicate narcissus, the fragrant lily, the precious Clivia... There are many varieties, as if you have entered the sea of flowers.

In particular, the Clivia is graceful, simple and charming. Uncle Wu, the shopkeeper, told me that Clivia is known as one of the famous flowers in China, and it is a favorite flower of Premier Zhou. In fact, Clivia was originally a wild flower in southern Africa, and later was introduced into Europe and Japan. In 1932, Japan presented this flower to Puyi and planted it as a precious flower in the garden of the fake imperial palace. Tan Yuling, the "Xianggui Ren", liked Scholar's Orchid very much. After his death, he and Scholar's Orchid were transferred from the Imperial Palace of Manchukuo to the Prajna Temple of the Protector of the Nation, and then there was a valuable variety of "monk head". In 1945, Clivia flowed from the palace to the people, and spread to all parts of the country from Changchun. In the early 1980s, Changchun Clivia was once popular. Today, the price of Clivia is tens, hundreds, thousands or even tens of thousands.

Clivia is a flower with noble character and implicit fame and wealth. It not only has many external beauty, such as dignified flowers, regular flower shape, beautiful flower appearance, bright flower color, red and bright fruit, but also has profound internal beauty.

Uncle Wu and every customer repeatedly stressed that Clivia should be watered less, and it is better to use rainwater and well water. If it is tap water, it must be precipitated for several days. The temperature is very low these days. You should keep Clivia warm and not let it freeze, otherwise, the elegant Clivia will get sick or even die. These words made my aunts and uncles nod frequently. It seems that the elegant and beautiful Clivia is so valuable that it depends on both fine varieties and cultivation.

No wonder there is such a poem praising Clivia: "The leaves are wide and green, and the veins should be clear. The golden plate holds the ruby, and the silver stamen sends a feeling of serenity. It stands like a beautiful fan, and spreads like a phoenix. It is dignified and elegant, and heralds spring and fights winter."

Composition describing Clivia (6)

In the vibrant nature, flowers have always been loved by people. Some people like magnificent peonies, some people like holy and innocent magnolias, some people like chrysanthemums released alone to welcome the cold, but I like the noble and elegant Clivia.

Clivia is afraid of both cold and sun, so it moves from outdoor to indoor every day. Moving from indoor to outdoor is too troublesome. It also needs watering and fertilizing. After that, I will leave it alone and let it go.

In late November, when I came back from playing basketball, I sat down on the sofa exhausted. If I hadn't accidentally looked up and found the pot of Clivia abandoned by me, Clivia still stood stubbornly in the dry flowerpot, enduring drought and loneliness. The six leaves are divided into two columns, half and half. The leaves are green and deep. I can't help sighing that the vitality of Clivia is too strong.

therefore. From then on, I treasure it more. Finally, one day, Clivia bloomed a flower. It was wrapped in leaves. Its leaves were like an open fan, arranged neatly, and like several sharp swords. The small flowers in the center are divided into three colors, red, purple and orange. In a round shape, this flower seems to add a kind of re burning energy to Clivia, bringing hope and confidence to people. Clivia is placed in the living room. Whenever guests come to my house, they will see this beautiful Clivia, which gives people a relaxed and happy feeling. The sun shines on it and releases colorful light, glittering like a graceful girl. Shuttle and run through the flowers of Clivia. At this time, Clivia stood proudly against the cold wind. How beautiful it was!

Like plum blossom, Clivia is a strong warrior who is not afraid of the cold. Even though it is icy outside, it still proudly opens in winter. Isn't this indomitable quality of Clivia exactly what we need to learn?

I still sincerely praise Clivia for its honest, simple, strong and unyielding spirit.

Composition about Clivia (7)

During the winter vacation, my mother and I went to grandma's house.

I found a pot of flowers on the windowsill of Grandma's house. I asked Grandma, "What kind of flower is this?" Grandma said, "The name of this pot of flowers is Clivia." I like this pot of Clivia very much. The leaves of Clivia are symmetrical. From top to bottom, there is a piece on the left and a piece on the right. There are dozens of pieces in total, long and wide, green, like a dozen swords stabbing into the blue sky. I watered it once every three or two days and thought, "Clivia, let's grow flowers and bones quickly!"

One day, I was surprised to find that there were two strong flower stems standing on the leaves. One was full of tender yellow buds, and the other had orange red flowers that had just begun to bloom. The flowers from the root to the top were light to dark, like an upside down flower skirt. During the Spring Festival, the orange flowers swell day by day. Clivia is so beautiful that it brings joy and hope to our family. The uncles and aunts who came to visit praised that Grandma's Clivia was well raised. Half a month later, the flowers on the Clivia gradually withered and withered. I feel very sorry.

Although the life of Clivia is very short, it has made great contributions to human beings. It has left the role of purifying air to the world. I love Clivia, its appearance and its character.

Composition describing Clivia (8)

My Clivia has grown for six years. This Spring Festival, I was excited: "Clivia has flowers!" As soon as the words were uttered, the whole family gathered around the flowerpot and looked at it carefully. Really? In the six centimeter wide green leaf, there is a cluster of water sprite flowers and bones. I'm very happy. This is my first time to see Clivia blooming.

After that, I stopped in front of the basin every day to observe its growth process. Every detail of it makes me happy. Yes, I, Huaguduoer is born on a flat stem. The flower stems are growing day by day, and the flower bones are growing day by day. Look carefully, there are 22! Don't be too happy.

Finally, on the Lantern Festival, a flower bloomed. It opens on the right side of the flower stem, pleasing to the eyes. The orange petals are evenly distributed and arranged, with six stamens and pistils sticking out. When the flower just opened, its stamen was a small green "bud", dotted on the filament, making the flower more delicate and beautiful. A few days later, several more flowers came out. I, the stamen of a flower wilted, and a small "bud" appeared, showing yellow powder. The flowers are more beautiful and show a mature charm.

More than ten days later, the flowers are more and more beautiful, and then, hold each other together. I like it, but I'm worried about the unopened bud. At the top of the flower stem, you can see the space of flowers. Still open? I am really anxious. Yes, to my surprise, there are several more flowers with small "bracts"! Not only was it squeezed, but the petals were still stretched out like that. All the flowers are blooming together, and the open umbrella is bright and beautiful. Ah! There are many flowers on the top of the flower stem, and they can even occupy one side equally. They don't open first but occupy more territory. The quality of modesty! Its qualities of humility, unity and mutual help make me particularly admire. The stem ground of Clivia supports the flowers and makes the whole plant heroic.

Composition describing Clivia (9)

There is a dignified, elegant, quiet and gentle Clivia on my balcony.

The leaves of Clivia are distinctive. The green leaves are long and wide, like ribbons. The veins are clearly visible on the upward side of the leaf. The lower side is glossy, as if coated with wax. What is amazing is that there are only two leaves in each layer. They are about the same size, like twins, stretching to both sides. In this way, the symmetrical green leaves cover one layer at a time, and the leaves in the inner layer are always a little longer than those in the outer layer. Layers upon layers, like the unfolding green fan, how elegant!

At the center of the leaf is the flower stem, which is flat and much lighter than the leaves, smooth and thick to the touch. When the Spring Festival comes, she will open a beautiful smile!

The red in the green is the most conspicuous. On the same Clivia, you can see various forms of flowers. The newly grown flower bud is pink green, especially delicate. The petals grew longer and longer, and gradually became red. Some are in bud; Some opened their mouths slightly; Some turned it on half, like a horn; Some flowers are in full bloom, and the petals extend outward. The petals are divided into two layers, one layer for every three petals. The ivory flower heads wear orange caps, which are covered with powder. After two weeks of blooming, the orange cap gradually blackened... A pot of Clivia is like a family that has lived for many generations.

Clivia is not easy to serve. Drinking too much water is no good, drinking too little is no good; You should see light, but the light should not be strong. However, flowers know how to repay their masters. As long as you care for them with your heart, they will give you the most brilliant flowers. When you see the green and red flower ball, all your troubles will be forgotten.

I love Clivia!

Composition about Clivia (10)

My family grows many flowers, one of my favorite flowers is the potted Clivia beside the sofa.

Clivia is called Lycoris viridis or Damulan. Its leaves are dark green, with 15 leaves, each about 17 cm long and 4 cm wide. The top of the leaves is oval. The sword leaf is beautiful, fan-shaped and green, standing side by side. Seen from a distance, it is green, like a layer of wax, shiny, with clear lines. They are uneven in length and symmetrical on both sides. From the overall shape of Clivia, a line from the side looks like opening a fan; People who are as proud as peacocks will never get tired of looking at them, leaving ripples back and forth to compete with famous paintings and handicrafts.

Clivia is the most energetic flower among countless flowers I have ever seen. Although it is not as beautiful and delicate as peony and other flowers, it has simple beauty.

Spring is coming, and the spring rain rustles outside the window. Clivia also put on a new outfit and pulled out a straight and flat stem with eight small round white flowers. Flower bones grow day by day. After more than 20 days, it sprouted. A few days later, the pink petals peeped out of the green leaves and opened a delightful flower. Each flower has 6 petals, which are evenly distributed and neatly arranged, with 6 stamens and 1 pistil protruding. When the flower just opened, it was a small "flower bud", dotted on the silk, making the flower more beautiful

After more than a month, the color of the petals changed from pink to red, and several flowers began to wither slowly, producing fruits as big as small nails. The color of immature peel is the same as that of leaves: dark green. The fruit is bigger and brighter. After more than forty days, the fruit changed from dark green to dark red, with a diameter of about 1cm. There are many fine wrinkles on the main stem. After months of waiting, the fruit turned light red. At the same time, the root became weaker and weaker, as if even a few small fruits on it could bend it. In the following days, I will pay close attention to its growth as always. Sometimes I will water it, sometimes I will fertilize it... I hope it can produce full fruits.

Clivia not only has beautiful flowers, but also has the characteristics of absorbing carbon dioxide, spitting out oxygen, reducing noise, sterilization and other beneficial to the human body.

The elegant posture of Clivia, its green leaves, plump beauty, gorgeous colors, delicate petals, brilliant blooming time, has a warm and charming atmosphere, which makes people relaxed and happy, and gives people a kind of dignified spirit.

In addition, it can create a comfortable living environment. Because Clivia has these characteristics, people use it to beautify the living room. In addition, it is also a beautiful symbol of spiritual civilization and material wealth.

Composition about Clivia (11)

Some people like peonies with natural beauty, others like bright and beautiful roses, and others like clean and elegant Magnolia grandiflora... I like the elegant, quiet and gentle Clivia.

The leaves of Clivia are different from others. The green leaves are long and wide, like ribbons. On the upward side of the leaf, the veins are clearly visible, and the downward side is shiny, as if coated with wax. What is amazing is that there are only two leaves in each layer. They are about the same size, like twins, stretching to both sides. How elegant it is to develop into a green fan layer by layer!

At the center of the leaf is the flower stem, which is flat and much lighter than the leaf. It feels smooth and thick. When the Spring Festival comes, she will open a beautiful smile!

The red in the green cluster is the most conspicuous. On the same Clivia, you can see various shapes of flowers. The newly grown flower bud is pink green, especially delicate. The longer the buds grow, the bigger they become, and gradually become red. Some are shy to be released; Some opened their mouths slightly; Some turned it on half, like a horn; Some flowers are in full bloom, and the petals extend outward, and are divided into two layers, with each three petals as one layer. The ivory flower heads wear orange caps, which are covered with pollen. After two weeks of blooming, the orange cap is gradually turning black... A pot of Clivia is like a big family with many generations.

Clivia is not easy to wait for. It's not good to drink too much water or too little water; You should see light, but the light should not be strong. However, the flower knows how to repay its owner. As long as you care for it with your heart, it will give you the most brilliant flower. When you see the green leaves and red flowers, all your troubles will be forgotten.

I love Clivia! Love its leaves, love its flowers, love its pure and elegant charm. How much fun it has added to our life!

Clivia is so beautiful, do you like it?

Composition about Clivia (12)

Clivia is the "gentleman" among flowers, and its flower language has the meaning of "nobility". Many flower connoisseurs believe that even if it does not have beautiful flowers, only those leaves carved like jasper are enough to make some leaf watching plants out of reach.

Clivia belongs to Lycoris Clivia and is a perennial herb flower. Its leaves look like a sword, verdant and dripping. Seen from a distance, they are like waxed and shiny. Its veins are dark green, and the shape is as beautiful as silk screen. The leaf of Clivia symbolizes the noble character of tenacity, fortitude and fortitude.

Clivia not only has green and straight leaves, but also has colorful flowers.

Although the flowers of Clivia are not as elegant as peonies, nor as fragrant as roses, nor as colorful as roses. But it has its own unique charm. Its flowers symbolize prosperity and happiness, so people love it very much. They buy a plate of Clivia and put it at home every New Year and holiday. Its stamens are light yellow, as dazzling as small diamonds. The upper part of the petals is fire red, the middle is apricot yellow, and the lower part is milk white. The whole flower looks like the Olympic torch from a distance, graceful and charming.

Clivia is not only graceful and beautiful, but also can absorb harmful gases, reduce noise, kill bacteria and create a comfortable living environment.

I love the lush green leaves and dazzling flowers of Clivia, and appreciate its tenacious character!

Composition about Clivia (13)

My Clivia has been growing for 6 years. On the eve of the Spring Festival this year, my mother excitedly told me: "Clivia has flowers and bones!" As soon as the words were uttered, the whole family immediately gathered around the flowerpot and looked at it carefully. Really? In the middle of the green leaves, which are only 6 cm wide, there is a cluster of delicate flowers and bones. I'm very happy. This is my first time to see Clivia blossom. Since then, I have to stop in front of the basin every day to observe its growth process. Every minute change of it makes me happy. One day, I suddenly found that these flowers were born on a flat stem. Look at the flower stems stretching day by day, and the flower bones growing up day by day. Count carefully, there are 22! At this time, my heart was more than happy.

Finally, the first flower bloomed on the Lantern Festival. It opens in the middle of the flower stem, which is particularly pleasing to the eye. The orange petals are evenly distributed and arranged, with 6 stamens and 1 pistil protruding from them. When the flower just opened, its stamen was a small green "bud", dotted on the filament, making the flower more delicate and beautiful, appealing. A few days later, several more flowers came out. I found that the stamen of the first flower wilted, and the small "bud" opened, showing yellow powder. The flowers are more beautiful and show a mature charm.

More than ten days later, the flowers are more and more beautiful, and one after another, holding each other together. I like them even more, but I am worried about those unopened buds. Because at the top of the flower stem, it seems that there is no more space to see the flowers. Can they still drive? I am really anxious. Until one day, I was surprised to find that there were several more flowers with small "buds"! Not only did they not get squeezed, on the contrary, the petals were still stretched one by one. All the flowers open together, like an open umbrella, so bright, so beautiful. Ah! There are so many flowers on the top of the flower stem in the place where they stand, but they can equally occupy one side. None of them will occupy more territory because they open first. What a modest quality! I particularly admire its qualities of humility, unity and mutual help. The stem of Clivia tightly supports the flowers, and their close cooperation makes the whole plant vigorous.

I sincerely hope that people can be as united and humble as Clivia and help each other; I hope that our people can unite closely, work together and strive together. In this way, the take-off of the motherland will be just around the corner!

Composition describing Clivia (14)

Clivia is known as one of China's national flowers. It is graceful, simple and charming, and is a favorite flower of Premier Zhou. But do you know that this precious flower was just an unknown wild flower growing in the African jungle two or three hundred years ago? It was not until the early 19th century that it was introduced into Europe, and then into Japan. A professor who loved flowers as much as life thought it was a "handsome gentleman among flowers" and named it "Clivia". Since then, Clivia has gradually become a famous and valuable flower.

Clivia is very valuable and cherished, which is inseparable from its beautiful flowers and leaves. As the sword leaf of Clivia grandiflora is neat, broad and green. Generally, there are six to eight sword leaves of Clivia grandiflora, which have been growing for three or four years. The shape of each leaf is somewhat similar to that of the roadside sisal: straight and strong. The tip is needle shaped. Compared with the sisal leaves, the sword leaves of the well veined Clivia are beautiful, delicate, round and green. Standing at the edge of the pot plant, quietly watching the vibrant sword leaves, a fresh and comfortable feeling will flow into the heart, which makes people's spirit feel better.

The origin of Clivia is warm all the year round, with the lowest temperature of 10 ℃ and the highest temperature of 22 ℃ ", which is the best temperature for Clivia to grow. However, in general areas of China, the temperature difference in the four seasons is large, coupled with the changeable climate, which has caused great difficulties in planting and breeding. For example, in Shanghai, it is windy in spring, and Clivia placed outdoors is easy to be damaged and frostbitten; In summer, it must be cooled down, or it will "have a high fever"; In autumn, only when the temperature is neither hot nor cold can Clivia grow smoothly; In winter, you must keep the Clivia warm and not let it freeze, otherwise, a cold winter will make the elegant Clivia "die".

On the other hand, watering and fertilization of Clivia should also be very particular. For example, the "drinking water" of Clivia is as follows: running water, magnetized water, rainwater, well water, and the lowest grade is tap water that has been precipitated for several days. For fertilizer, the roots of Clivia cannot contact with fertilizer directly, otherwise the flower roots may rot and die.

Elegant and beautiful Clivia is precious, half of which depends on fine varieties and half on breeding. The famous and well bred Clivia is very valuable. Once a pot of precious Clivia was sold abroad for hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Clivia is recorded in the history of flowers as a symbol of nobility and dignity. No wonder there was such a poem praising Clivia, "The leaves are wide and green, and the veins should be clear. The gold plate holds the ruby, and the silver stamens are tender. It stands like a beautiful fan, scattered like a phoenix, dignified and elegant, announcing spring and fighting winter."

Composition about Clivia (15)

There is a small corner cabinet in the northwest corner of the classroom, on which there are two elegant "guests" - Clivia and camellia. Although camellia is not inferior to Clivia, I prefer Clivia. I probably like the noble and elegant posture of Clivia.

Clivia was moved from He Xi's house. There is not only one root in the flowerpot. A closer look reveals three roots: one big root and two small roots. The big root really wants to grow taller. Look, its roots are squeezed out of the black soil. Approaching it, you can feel the smooth and flat leaves of Clivia. A flower umbrella was propped up on the leaves. The handle of the umbrella was wide and flat, and the color was light green. There were 16 bright orange flowers blooming on the umbrella cover. The flowers were not as delicate as lilies or as red as roses, but stood upright all the time, like a modest gentleman. No wonder people call it "Clivia". From a distance, the green leaves surrounded the flowers, as if to say to it: "You are so beautiful! There is no flower in the world except you!"

Xiaohua seemed very embarrassed and said, "This is not very good. I look good because of the careful cultivation of human beings and your background! If there were no you, I would still not look good."

Now, all 16 flowers of Clivia have withered. Although the flower is gone, its spirit remains in my heart forever.

Composition about Clivia (16)

At the end of last year, my father bought many plants in the "Green World". Among them, there is a pot of Clivia.

That Clivia is very beautiful. Its leaves are very long, and its tip is round, like a rabbit's long ears. It feels smooth, like wax. The leaves are neatly arranged into one piece, like an open green folding fan, or a peacock is opening its screen.

My father said, "Clivia will blossom when it grows to 13 leaves. It likes a semi cool place, so put it on the right side of the TV cabinet." Hmm, not bad. It looks noble and elegant. It is really a modest gentleman. It is said that Clivia can clean the air. If several pots of Clivia can be placed within a dozen square meters, the indoor air will be very fresh all day with the windows closed.

Our family takes good care of this Clivia. One day, when I was watering, I found that a new green leaf appeared in the middle of Clivia, like a newborn baby. I shouted happily: "Great, a new leaf has grown." My father proudly said: "I take care of this Clivia the most, which is my credit. Do you know why I raise Clivia, and it will grow leaves? Because I am a Clivia, I will raise Clivia." "How beautiful!" My mother and I said with one voice.

It was summer in a twinkling of an eye, and Clivia had grown 13 leaves, but there were still only green leaves. I say every day: Clivia, blossom! Clivia, blossom! In fact, even if Clivia does not bloom, the jasper like leaves are also pleasing to the eye.

Composition about Clivia (17)

Early in the morning, I smelled a fragrance when I got up. I walked along the fragrance and saw a basin of Clivia in the living room.

I observed carefully that Clivia was planted in a reddish brown ceramic flower pot. The pot was about 30 cm high and 20 cm wide. There were four strong words "Blooming Richness" carved on the pot.

There is a slim and graceful Clivia growing in the flowerpot. Its leaves are dark green and have four fingers in width. Its pieces are stacked together and orderly distributed to both sides. The veins of the leaves are very clear, and the end of the leaves is sharp.

There are two or three more flowers embedded in the green in the leaves, like a shy sister-in-law who sticks out her head and looks around shyly. Its color is orange petals, yellow flower cores, and there are two budding flower buds beside the two flowers.

In the sun, I seem to be a Clivia, attracting many bees with my fragrance. He flew to tell me the joy of flying early in the morning; Butterflies also spread their beautiful wings to compete with me! Suddenly there came a voice: "Xiaowen, what are you doing?" It was my mother's voice that pulled me out of Clivia, so that I remembered that I was not Clivia, but watching Clivia!

I love Clivia. Clivia adorns my home with its own beauty.

Composition about Clivia (18)

Today, when I got home, I found another pot of flower - Clivia.

The leaves of Clivia are wide and large. These leaves are very many. There is a crack in the middle, and the bottom is very thin. The crack grows bigger and bigger as it goes up. The green leaves are divided into two groups. The outer leaves are very big, but the inner leaves are smaller, and the innermost ones can hardly be seen. Maybe it is because they are too dense.

A few days later, Clivia bloomed. When I heard the news, I was very happy. I ran over to have a look. Wow, its flowers are really beautiful, emitting a faint fragrance. However, it only bloomed three flowers. Only one flower unfolds two or three petals. The second petal is fully unfolded, like a lovely trumpet. The first petal is bright yellow, and the second one is orange. Another flower has not yet come out completely. It looks like it will burst soon.

What a beautiful Clivia!