Animal composition tortoise (20 selected articles)
Swallow vicissitudes
2023-11-27 00:50:05
high school

Animal composition tortoise (1)

There is a little turtle in my fish tank. Because it is lazy all day long, I named it Lazy Turtle Turtle. I like Lazy Turtle Turtle very much.

The lazy turtle wears green armor. There are 13 large scales on its shell and a circle of small scales outside. It has two orange patterns on its head and two small eyes, which are very cute.

The lazy turtle likes to eat a lot of things, such as small fish, shrimp, aquatic plants, fruits... It likes to eat. Whenever I walk past the fish tank, it will swim to me with all its limbs, as if to say: "Little master, give me something to eat quickly! I'm starving."

The lazy turtle was very timid when he first came to my house. As soon as he saw people coming, he retracted his head into his shell. Slowly, he was no longer timid. The little tortoise was also very interesting when walking. First, he put his head out and looked carefully to make sure there was no danger. Then he climbed forward step by step.

Later, I found that the lazy turtle was still a TV fan! Whenever I watch TV, it climbs onto the stone, sticks its head out of the tank and stares at the TV without moving, as if it can understand. However, it did not take long for it to fall asleep.

My little turtle is very cute. I like it very much.

Animal composition tortoise (2)

Today, I want to introduce my little turtle to you. It has a small, curved red mouth, four small feet standing like four small pillars, and a rough turtle shell like a hill draped on its soft body, like a turtle pavilion, so cute!

I remember that when my father just bought it for me, it was still too small. We put it in a round transparent glass fish tank with lace. The little turtle shrank in its shell, and most of the day passed. Slowly, a small head came out and went in again; Slowly, the small head comes out again! Slowly, slowly, the tortoise looked around with his eyes, as if he found me, and then went in again! After a long time, the little turtle's head slowly stretched out again. Looking at me, he didn't look dangerous, so he shook his head and stretched it longer. Then, one leg, two legs, three legs, four legs, ah! The tortoise has four legs! well! There is also a small tail! It's short, thin and looks like a compass! The little turtle moved his legs and walked around in the water. He found that the place was very small, so he crawled around in the glass jar. I thought it was funny, so I knocked on the glass jar with my finger. The little tortoise was so frightened that he retracted into his shell and did not move. I laughed excitedly.

Since the addition of this "little guest" at home, the family has begun to be interesting and hopeful! I watched the little turtle slowly swimming around in the vat, and the warm sun shone on its back. I was excited! I think the little tortoise may be a little hungry. He quickly brought turtle food to feed it. When he saw food, the little tortoise put his head out. One, two, three... The little tortoise ate delicious!

I felt that the little tortoise was really homesick. He could not eat much tortoise food all day long. He huddled in his shell and slept soundly. I thought about it and decided to let it go home.

On Sunday, I took my beloved little turtle to my father's office to play. My father led me to a big pond. I reluctantly put the turtle into the clear river. My hand trembled slightly as I put it in. In the river, the big and small fish swam freely and leisurely. Looking at the new "uninvited guest", they all opened their eyes like copper bells, "Who is it? How did it come to our heaven!" But the little turtle didn't care at all. He shook his small head, kicked his four legs and gently waved his tail, and then swam freely and leisurely! I was so excited that the flowers were in full bloom that I quickly poured all the turtle food into the pond. "Little turtle, your food is coming!" I shouted. The little tortoise seemed to think of me at this time. He quickly turned his head and looked at me. Then he reluctantly swam into the water

I love my little turtle, but I hope it can live a happy life in the water and play freely with its friends in the water. One night, I had a dream that the little tortoise had grown up and was accompanied by a little tortoise. They came to visit me!

Animal composition tortoise (3)

My tortoise On July 22, 20xx, in the Woody Sun Rain, my tortoise has a round shell with 13 small patterns on it. It's said that it was cracked when Sun Wukong hit the old tortoise. Its head is round, it has small black eyes on it, its nose is small like a needle, its mouth is like a V shape, it can open large, its limbs are very short, and its tail is from thick to thin, Thin as the tip of a needle. I remember once I fed him rice. He didn't eat it for some reason. I thought he was afraid when I was beside him, so I hid and observed.

After a while, he still didn't eat, so I took this question to ask my mother: "What does a turtle like to eat?" My mother said: "He likes meat!" I suddenly realized: "He doesn't eat rice, so he likes meat!" I took a piece of meat to let him eat, and he ate it in a whirlwind!

After eating it went to bed. I think it looks lovely when it sleeps. Its head, limbs and tail are all shrunk into the shell! It seemed that he was running a marathon with someone else. I saw him run into the kitchen. He was climbing on a stick. I thought, "Isn't he going to perform acrobatics for me?"? I just sat by and watched, but it climbed up the stove along the stick to eat meat. I thought: It is really greedy! I hope it can always accompany me.

Animal composition tortoise (4)

Carrying a large round and heavy shell, the deep and shallow lines crisscross into a messy picture, and the short limbs slowly step out every step - this is the tortoise, an animal trying to crawl and grow.

Before the tortoise was raised, I thought it was a clumsy and greedy guy with a distinctive appearance [Note: different from everyone else.] and a very stable personality. But when I fed them with great care, I also found their other side, their unity and beauty.

The sun was warm and shining directly on the transparent glass of the fish tank. Two little turtles stretched their arms and legs lazily, narrowing their big watery eyes into a slit, motionless, as if enjoying leisure and stability in the afternoon. But the calm did not last long before the "storm" came. A small tortoise seemed to get an electric shock. Its forelimbs kept moving forward. The post occupation was struggling to pull water, making the sand in the fish tank float up and down. Its eyes suddenly radiated a light that had never been seen before. I looked at it half knowingly, put a finger in it and moved its head. It was not afraid, but stretched its neck. It turned out that a piece of turtle was quietly left in the other corner of the bathtub. At that time, I was laughing to myself: this little greedy ghost, when he saw the food, he was totally lost. To my great surprise, it didn't run past

Regardless of three or seven or twenty one, I swallowed it in one mouthful, but used my head to push the food over bit by bit, and finally arrived in front of another turtle, looking at it with pleading eyes, as if to say, "Eat fast, eat fast!"! I suddenly felt funny, thinking that this little thing also knew how to "let people three points". Later, I found that another tortoise was injured, and the inner palm of its forefoot was scraped off a small piece of skin by a stone particle.

Although there is no amazing appearance, there is a kind heart. This is my favorite animal.

Animal composition tortoise (5)

There are many lovely animals in the world, such as birds, rabbits, ducks, chickens... But my favorite animal is a turtle.

The head of the little turtle is as big as my thumbnail, as round as a leather ball, and there are green patterns, yellow patterns, and orange patterns on its back.

The body of the little turtle is as big as a copper coin, and the turtle shell also has that kind of stripe, but it is green.

The turtle's paws are short, black, and a little sharp. Its belly is grid by grid. There are many small black spots in it, like Grandma's mahjong card.

The little tortoise is very naughty and cute. I turned it upside down, and the two legs behind it turned over. I put it on the table, and it stretched its neck and ran to the third group, because there was a big turtle over there. I think it might be its mother. "Catch it quickly, the little turtle is going to jump!" My deskmate shouted, and I quickly reached out my hands to catch the little turtle. I thought: "Fortunately, I caught it quickly, otherwise that little turtle might really die from jumping off a building."

After a while, the teacher took all the little turtles from our three groups and put them together to let the three little turtles race. The race began. There was a little turtle running backwards, a little turtle climbing forward, and a little turtle staying where it was. I thought: "The little tortoise who stayed in the same place is thinking that the second brother is almost at the end of the race, how can you run back?" Finally, the little tortoise in our group won the race, and my classmates and I cheered together.

The little turtle is really cute, naughty and interesting. I love the little turtle.

Animal composition tortoise (6)

My mother bought this turtle for me at the food market. I put it in a small fish tank, put some water in it, and fed it some sausage. I observed it carefully that night.

My little turtle always swaggers when he walks, and his eyes are also staring at one place. Sometimes his neck rises high, as if to see how high the fish tank is. Its body is smaller than an egg shell, its nose is like a round dot, its eyes are a very small circle, and its tail is thin and short, less than a centimeter. When it eats, it always likes to eat with its head down. Its hands and feet can't help it a little. It walks very slowly, at least two or three times faster than a snail. If it finds that the aquarium is shaking, it will retract its neck, feet and hands. This is its self-protection method.

Whenever I have free time, I will put my little turtle on the table and play with it on the tea table for a while. I love my lovely, young turtle.

Animal composition tortoise (7)

Today, my mother bought me a little turtle as a reward for my good performance.

I put it in a transparent box, and put several pieces of longan leaves inside. The longan leaves are green, light green, and light green. How beautiful!

The tortoise lay in the corner, motionless, like a stone. Later, he seemed to wake up. I fed him some shrimps and he ate them in a few bites. Maybe he was hungry. Its shell is like a small hill. It spits out several small bubbles and keeps bumping into the box. It looks naughty. So I gave it a name - Pipi. Then he stood up. I put the shrimp in the box, and he ate it again. Pipi is really a snack.

After a while, it seemed that it could not swim any more. It swam slowly next to the box. It stuck its head out, as if learning from a small fish that it was going to rain. Later, he lifted himself up with his sharp tail. Pipi is really a Wulin expert!

I like little turtles. How about you?

Animal composition tortoise (8)

I have a turtle pet called Duandian. It's very interesting and powerful! Why do I judge Duan Duan so? Please listen to me slowly!

One day, on Duanduan's birthday, I took Duanduan to the park to play. Seeing Duanduan was so happy, I released it from the "cage" and watched her crawl to the river. Suddenly, I laughed. So I put the end on the chair, and it almost fell off! Duanduan looked at me angrily, and I put it back into the "cage" water to play. Duanduan was very unhappy, and I was afraid of Duanduan's successful "prison break", so I had to put Duanduan, who was "so angry", home to the pool to play.

The next day, thinking that Duandian must have been unhappy yesterday, I asked my parents to buy delicious food. Mom and Dad bought shrimp, fish and so on. My mother put the delicious food on the table, and I was enjoying myself. However, it was found by Duanduan. It beat the glass with its feet discontentedly, so I had to close my mouth, shell the boiled shrimp, divide it into several small pieces and feed Duanduan, and swallow it one mouthful at a time. It was very fast! So I threw the whole shrimp to Duanduan, and saw that it bit the shrimp tightly with its mouth, and its two front paws tore the shrimp in turn. After a while, the shrimp had become the object in Duanduan's belly, which was very powerful!

Duanduan likes to play with me. When I shout "Duanduan", she sticks her head out and climbs towards me. Sometimes she would stand up on her stomach on the glass. When she did not stand firmly, she would lean back and turn over with her head and feet. I always take it to play in the corridor and tickle her.

This is my pet Duandun. I really like it! You ask me what it is doing now? I guess it is either sleeping soundly or lying on the glass wall waiting for me to go home to play!

Animal composition tortoise (9)

As I lay on the bed, a scene appeared in my mind: one day, a scarred bird lay dying in front of my window. I looked at the bird distressed and said to myself, "What a pity! Let me wrap it up!"

After a few days, the bird got better. Suddenly it said, "Benefactor, where are you?" I walked around the room but didn't find anyone talking. Finally, the voice rang again, and I found it was the voice of a bird.

The bird said, "Thank you, my benefactor. I should go!" I said, "Wait a minute, tell me your story, right?" The bird began to tell its story: "Our family used to live in a beautiful forest, where the trees were lush and the spring was tinkling like singing. But the good times didn't last long. One day a carpenter came to my home with a large number of people and cut down all the trees in our forest. Trees have also been used to build factories to exhaust toxic gas. It doesn't matter whether these birds are shot and killed by hunters. What's more, they are roasted to eat. My family died, but I escaped alone. " The bird then said: "Thank you, I should go!"

The bird flew away, and my dream woke up.

Animal Composition Turtle (10)

My hometown has a cute kitten. It has yellow and white flower hair, which feels hairy. The round, bulging face has a pair of ears like apricot leaves, which are particularly sensitive. A pair of bright and flexible big eyes stared at you straight, as if to see through your mind. The dark pupils change three times a day: in the morning, they are as big as walnuts; At noon, I squinted into a line; At night, it turns into two green light bulbs, round and shiny.

Kitten likes to eat fish and mice. If I hold a delicious fish, it will jump into my arms with a cute look. You see, its tail is hanging down and its eyes are blinking and blinking, as if to say: "Little master, can you give me a fish to eat?" Looking at its begging eyes, I have to throw the fish to it. Once, when my mother was knitting a sweater, she accidentally threw the wool ball to the ground. My cat and I fought for it. My mother laughed beside me, which made me embarrassed. So I had to give the wool ball to the cat

Is my cat cute?

Animal Composition Turtle (11)

My tortoise has big eyes like a frog and never blinks. His dark green face was full of wrinkles, although he was only two years old, and his nose could not be seen. Its mouth will not open except when eating. It has two red spots on its neck, which is my favorite. On the hard shell, there are regular, neat hexagons with black edges arranged orderly on the shell. Four long feet always like to crawl around, and a small tail does not like to stretch out. She is the fourth life in our family.

It is a glutton. It will eat as much as you give it. It has to support itself to death. But it is wrong to say that it is greedy. As soon as it heard a sound, it immediately stopped what it was doing and put its head, feet, including the small tail, into its shell. Only when the sound disappeared did I put out my head trembling. Therefore, we should call them cowards.

Although it is greedy, it is also very careful. Every time I put the meat piece by piece in the bucket, it always revolves around each piece of meat for several times. It is also very stubborn. It will not stop until we are all asleep at night. It doesn't eat meat even when it is put on its mouth or when there is no one at home. Isn't he stubborn?

It is the fourth life of our family, greedy, timid, cautious and stubborn. I love my turtle.

Animal Composition Turtle (12)

My family has two big turtles. They have died for a long time, but I still miss them.

They have four strong legs, a short and thin tail, and two small eyes are vermilion. Their bodies are green, their backs are oval, and their shells are extremely hard. I think: no matter how hard a hammer is, it can't break their hard shells.

From the outside, the tortoises are honest, but actually they are very naughty. Usually, they are packed in boxes. They have racked their brains to come out and take a look. The expression is kicking and grasping the box. When they see me, they will act pitiful and look at me pitifully, as if to say: Little master, we want to go out and have a look, OK? Although I love them, I know I can't let them out because they are too naughty. Once I let them out, but I couldn't find them in a twinkling of an eye. I searched and searched, but I couldn't find it. I was about to cry. Later, when I took a bath, I saw an oval object stuck in the drain of the bathroom. It was the little turtle! It really takes no effort to get here! I grabbed the turtle's leg and pulled it with force, but it didn't move. It took me nine cows and two tigers to pull it up. When I went to bed, I found another one on my bed. I picked it up easily and put it in the small box.

They are very greedy. If they see food, they will rush to eat it. Sometimes they will fight because of food. Once they fight, they will not give up until one of them succumbs.

This is my little turtle, isn't it cute?

Animal Composition Turtle (13)

On my bookshelf, there lies a cute little turtle. It is not a real turtle. It is made of several shells with different shapes.

Its turtle shell is made of a brown shell with flowers. Four white shells are glued to the four limbs, and its head is stretched forward. With wire glasses on his eyes and a straw hat on his head, he looked like a scholar, and his tail was made of the smallest spiral shell.

Don't underestimate this little tortoise. I was involved in making it myself! On the other day, we played at the seaside. After a big wave came over, I found that my feet were full of colorful shells. I picked a few and took them home. When I returned home, my uncle said, "Let's turn these shells into a small toy!"! So, under the guidance of my uncle, I glued the shell into a small turtle.

Every night when I was doing my homework, he would quietly lie on the bookshelf and look at me, as if to say: Do you need to consult me? I thought: Don't underestimate me!

This cute little turtle is my favorite ornament, and it accompanies me to spend every happy night.

Animal Composition Turtle (14)

I have a little turtle in my family. It makes me very happy to think of it.

The day my father brought me a turtle for the first time, its head was light green, triangular, like a snake's head. There are two small, dark eyes on both sides of the head, which look very energetic. The back of the head is closely connected with a rough skin neck, and the most powerful thing is its hard armor -- its shell. After careful observation, I found that there are fifteen dark green diamond shaped spots on its shell. The turtle's four feet are short and thick, and there are five small sharp claws on its feet. It also has a thin and short tail, and the tail tip is very thin.

At first, the little tortoise was a little afraid of the strange place in our house. He always retracted his head into his shell. I had to use my "killer mace". I put a piece of fat meat in front of him. He looked around and quickly retracted his head. After several attempts, he decided that there was no danger around before he dared to eat it. He ate with a big mouth and seemed to enjoy the delicious food I prepared for him. The little guy especially likes meat. Whenever I hold meat, it always climbs in my direction.

My tortoise is not only greedy, but also very playful. Every time when I go to school and my mother goes to work, he always climbs out of the pot mischievously and hides somewhere. When my mother and I come back, we always look for the whole house. It is either under the sofa or under the bed, or behind the door... play hide and seek with us!

I still remember one time when I was doing my homework, it quickly climbed up to me. If I didn't pay attention, it disappeared. I looked around and couldn't find it. Suddenly, I found my schoolbag moving - ha - it was hiding in my schoolbag. Does he also want to go to school with me?

Look, this is my little partner. It often makes me laugh and cry.

Animal Composition Turtle (15)

The flower and bird market is really lively, with birds, fish and turtles!

These little turtles are dressed in armor and swing their arms and legs like several "great generals" who are full of pride in armor. The tortoise's shell is oval, hard as a stone, and there are 13 small squares on the shell. The tortoise has beautiful patterns on its limbs. As long as you touch it gently, its head and limbs will stretch and shrink. It's very interesting. Its tail is pointed like a needle. It seems that if it touches its tail, it will be pricked and bled. There are two red spots on the head of the turtle. The eyes are black like "black gems", the nostrils are like two "little black beans", and the mouth is small, curved like a "little crescent moon".

Little tortoise is so interesting. I like little tortoise! Interesting Little Turtle

Zhejiang Lanxi Juren School

Related Topics: [Composition of Things] [Animals]

Animal Composition Turtle (16)

In life, work and study, everyone is familiar with composition. Composition requires a complete text structure, and must avoid the appearance of open-ended composition. How to write a thoughtful and literary composition? The following is my little turtle, my favorite animal composition written by my editor in Grade 4. Welcome to read and collect it.

My family raised several cute little turtles in the aquarium. They were my birthday presents from my mother. I really like them.

These little turtles are very cute. They all have small round heads, big bright eyes that sparkle like pearls, short limbs, long thin tails, and a cute look.

Although they are cute, they are all food experts. Shrimp, fish, turtle food, snail meat... They are all very fond of eating, and have always been scrambling for food. Look! When their lunch time came, I poured a handful of tortoise food into my hand, and counted at least twenty of them. I thought that there was enough for these little guys to eat. When I turned my hand over, the turtle grain jumped into the water, some slowly sinking, and some directly fell to the bottom. The little turtles were worthy of eating. After a while, they followed the fragrance and came to the turtle food. You see, they form a circle and stretch their necks together to grab food. Some climb over other turtles' backs to grab food, and some poke other turtles' heads with their paws. Everyone tries their best to compete with each other. They stretched their necks and smelled the familiar smell. So he stared at the target, opened his mouth, stretched out his neck, and swallowed a turtle food into his mouth. In this way, after a while, the turtles ate a piece of turtle food?? There is no residue left.

My little turtle is also my pistachio. Once, I was punished by my coach when I participated in swimming training. When I got home, I walked into the bedroom sadly, looked down and saw the turtles in the turtle tank. I told them my grievances and grievances. I didn't expect a turtle to face me?? He climbed over, stretched his neck out to me, vomited bubbles, as if he was deliberately amusing me. There was also a turtle who stood up by the side of the tank. It was like a child who was punished for doing something wrong. Look at other turtles. Some of them stand upright against the wall. Looking at their funny and cute appearance, my grievances and sadness have disappeared? Has.

What a cute little turtle! How can people not like it?

Animal Composition Turtle (17)

There are two very lively and lovely little turtles in my family. They are bought by my father from the busy street. The little tortoise has a triangular head, which seems to stretch freely like a spring, and two small sesame like eyes rotate noisily, as if he is visiting the wonderful world curiously. Its limbs are dexterous and soft, and it climbs slowly. When it encounters danger, it quickly retracts into its shell. There are sharp little claws on the four limbs, and a short tail is swinging back and forth. It also has a dark green, hard shell with many hexagonal lattices on it, which is really like a commanding general wearing armor, making people shudder.

The little turtle is very interesting when eating. Sometimes I feed it shrimp skin, sometimes I feed it water gurgling, sometimes I feed it lean meat. It eats all of them and is never picky. But it is necessary to eat soft and small pieces of food. Large pieces of food cannot be eaten, and the vigilance is also high when eating. Once, I fed it fish maw. I threw the fish belly in front of it, and the little tortoise shrank his head in. After a while, he saw that there was no movement around, and then slowly extended his head, looking left and right. When he saw me, he retracted his head, limbs and tail into the shell. I had to go to a distance to see. He looked around and made sure that everything was safe. Then he looked at the fish belly and smelled, as if he were looking at what I had given him to eat. After watching the fish, he became bolder and slowly climbed towards the food. He stretched out his neck and bit the fish belly in his mouth as quickly as he could. Because the fish belly is large and a bit tough, the tortoise can't bite it off and swallow it. What shall I do? Look at him! The tortoise first bit the fish belly with its mouth, then tore it up with the help of its front paws, and then ate it one mouthful at a time with relish. It looks really cute. After eating, he looked at me with pleading eyes, as if to say: "This fish belly is so delicious, can you give me another one?" It was so interesting.

I like catching turtles to bask in the sun. When the tortoise is basking in the sun, his head is all out, very comfortable. On one occasion, the tortoise raised his feet when he was basking in the sun. Its lovely appearance made me laugh. Usually, I also like to catch turtles to play. Once, I put a pole in front of it, and I thought: it must not climb over. Unexpectedly, the little tortoise crawled and crawled when he came across a pole and immediately retracted his head into the shell. After a while, I stretched out my neck again and even swaggered to the pole, lifted my front foot to the pole, and then climbed over. I was too surprised to speak. How cute the tortoise is!

Little tortoise has more amazing things! Once, I caught a turtle and put it on the balcony to let it climb freely. In a moment of neglect, I forgot to close the balcony door. The little turtle played hide and seek with me when I didn't notice. For several days in a row, we searched all the corners of each room, under the bed, under the cabinet, and found no trace of the little turtle. I think: the tortoise either climbed out to settle down, or died in some dark corner. I feel terrible! Dad couldn't bear to see me so upset, so he picked up the flashlight and carried out another "big search". A miracle happened. It turned out that the little turtle was in the narrow seam next to the computer host. It was stuck in the gap between the computer host and the wall, unable to move, and was covered with dust. Dad caught it and put it on the ground, and the little turtle still tried to crawl forward. It's been seven days. Although it doesn't look as flexible as it did a few days ago, it's still safe. I thought he must be hungry, so I hurried to get some shrimps for him to eat. At this moment, it doesn't care whether we are around or not, and hurriedly lowers its head to eat, which looks really cute. The little turtle's vitality is so strong!

Animal Composition Turtle (18)

I have a new guest today. Guess who it is? It has a house on its back, so it gets up and is dull! Yes, it's a little turtle.

The little tortoise has a pair of watery eyes, a small and exquisite head, and two very small noses. It can't be seen without looking carefully! Its tail is thin and short, and the most distinctive feature is its shell. Once it encounters danger, it will shrink into the shell regardless of the situation.

I remember one time

"Mom, ooh... ooh, the tortoise is gone..." I cried, and my mother was also worried about it. She said, "Oh, look for it quickly!" We rummaged through the boxes and cabinets. We searched all the places where the tortoise might hide, but we didn't even find its shadow! I cried enough thoroughly, and I was so worried that I rolled! At this time, the tortoise unexpectedly climbed out, ha! This little guy hid in the door clamp. I think it might be my shock that scared him out! I held the turtle and smiled again. My mother looked at me and couldn't help laughing or crying!

The tortoise is actually a good sportsman! That time, I put it on the ground to get my slippers to wear. Unexpectedly, in a short time, it ran across the wall! I hurried to catch it and said, "Well, little guy, you can run very fast, and you can take part in the tortoise race!" Its limbs just moved, as if to say, "Let go of me, let go of me, and I will climb again!"

This is my favorite little turtle, which adds a lot of happiness to my life!

You Dad's comment: Little Turtle not only brings happiness to the little author, but also makes you feel happy after reading the article with the readers. It's great! The little author observed the little tortoise very carefully. From appearance to some strange habits in daily life, people can't laugh or cry when reading the article. When the young writer wrote the story, he focused on the naughty little tortoise, which disappeared in the blink of an eye. Among them, "I cried enough thoroughly, and I was so worried that I kept rolling!" One sentence wrote the young writer's anxieties, and then followed by the next sentence, which was the little tortoise crawling out leisurely. The scene of sharp contrast and highly comic effect was really well grasped by the young writer! In another case, the little writer also added lines to the little tortoise, strengthened the interaction between himself and the little tortoise, and also wrote the little tortoise's active character well.

Primary author: Huang Yuxuan

Animal Composition Turtle (19)

I have a little turtle. My mother gave me a reward when I got 100 points in the math exam. It has a round body, a hard shell, sharp claws, and a long neck. At first, I was a little afraid of it, and gradually I became good friends with it.

Every day when I get home from school, I can't wait to see my good friend first. Take it out of the fish tank and put it in my palm. After a while, it will stretch out its round head and lovely claws and slowly get up, making my hands itch. Ha ha, we have fun. Every few days, I will change the water for the turtle to take a bath. On Sundays, I will take him to the pool in the square to let him have a happy swim. The aunt in the square curiously looked around and said, "It's the first time to see a turtle walking a horse or a dog!"

I really like my little turtle friend. I love him!

Animal Composition Turtle (20)

Today, I want to introduce my little turtle to you. It has a small, curved red mouth, four small feet standing like four small pillars, and a rough turtle shell like a hill draped on its soft body, like a turtle pavilion, so cute!

I remember that when my father just bought it for me, it was still too small. We put it in a round transparent glass fish tank with lace. The little turtle shrank in its shell, and most of the day passed. Slowly, a small head came out and went in again; Slowly, the small head comes out again! Slowly, slowly, the tortoise looked around with his eyes, as if he found me, and went in again! After a long time, the little turtle's head slowly stretched out again. Looking at me, he didn't look dangerous, so he shook his head and stretched it longer. Then, one leg, two legs, three legs, four legs, ah! The tortoise has four legs! well! There is also a small tail! It's short, thin and looks like a compass! The little turtle moved his legs and walked around in the water. He found that the place was very small, so he crawled around in the glass jar. I thought it was funny, so I knocked on the glass jar with my finger. The little tortoise was so frightened that he retracted into his shell and didn't move. I laughed happily.

Since the addition of this "little guest" at home, the home has become interesting and lively! I watched the little tortoise slowly swim around in the tank, and the warm sun shone on its back. I was so happy! I think the little turtle may be a little hungry. He quickly brought turtle food to feed it. When the little turtle saw that there was food, he put his head out. One, two, three?? How delicious the little turtle is!

One day, I suddenly found that the little turtle climbed out of the fish tank and got under the sofa. I called my father, lifted the sofa, grabbed the little turtle and put it into the fish tank. The little turtle impatiently pedaled the fish tank with his calf, but no matter how hard he tried, he could not climb out. I asked my father strangely, "Dad, what's wrong with the little turtle? Why did he climb out just now?" My father looked at the little turtle and said seriously, "The little turtle is homesick. He is lonely. He has climbed tens of thousands of times before he came out of the fishbowl." "Where is his home?" I asked. Dad said: "In the pond, in the stream, in the river, in the sea, there are hundreds of its good partners, there is also food to eat." I was unhappy.

I felt that the little tortoise was really homesick. He could not eat much tortoise food all day long. He huddled in his shell and slept soundly. I thought about it and decided to let it go home.

On Sunday, I took my beloved little turtle to my father's office to play. My father led me to a big pond. I reluctantly put the turtle into the clear river. My hands trembled as I put it in. In the river, the big and small fish swam freely. Looking at the new "uninvited guest", they all opened their eyes like copper bells, "Who is it? How did it come to our heaven!" But the little turtle didn't care at all. He shook his small head, kicked his legs and gently waved his tail, and then swam freely! I was so happy that my heart was in full bloom that I quickly poured all the turtle food into the pond. "Little turtle, your food is coming!" I shouted. The little tortoise seemed to think of me at this time. He quickly turned his head and looked at me. Then he reluctantly swam into the water??

I love my little turtle, but I hope it can live happily in the water and play freely with its friends in the water. One night, I had a dream that the little tortoise had grown up and was followed by a little tortoise. They came to visit me!