Relay race (collection of 13 articles)
Follow the wind and fog
2024-01-07 01:25:57
primary school

Relay race (1)

On a second grade Tuesday, our school held a grade 4 × 50 meter relay race.

Under the guidance of our teacher, we lined up and walked to the playground to do some preparatory exercises. Spectators gathered on both sides of the track. We have a team of four people in each class, and a total of 12 people participate. The player of the first team squatted with the stick, supported his body with his left hand, and looked ahead. With the sound of the physical education teacher, "Ready, run!" The player immediately rushed forward like an arrow leaving the string. The player who was not close to the second team had already stretched out his hands for a long time. The player of the second team also extended his hand early and longed to get the stick quickly. The stick was received smoothly, and the team member who ran the second stick came to me quickly, and I quickly took the stick again. Unexpectedly, when running, I leaned over and turned over. The stick was also thrown into the hands of the player who ran the fourth stick. that was close! The stick didn't fall, otherwise, I would have involved everyone. The "audience" on the side cheered for us: "Come on! Come on!" The last runner was Cai Chang, the famous "speed king" in our class. He rushed to the end like a cheetah chasing the impala, far ahead of other classes.

The results came out and our class won. We cheered and jumped three feet high one by one. The naughty boy lifted Cai Chang and threw him into the air. "We won! YES!"

This relay race, let me understand: the courage to fight, you can succeed.

Relay race (2)

After the third class yesterday, our school held a relay race. The scene was very grand and exciting.

In the afternoon of the day before yesterday, the headmaster informed us of a message: please pay attention to the fact that we will hold a relay race tomorrow. After hearing the news, all the students danced with excitement.

By the afternoon of the next day, the scene was very grand, and cheers were everywhere. After a while, when the battle table came out, all the players in our class were surprised. Unexpectedly, our opponents were strong Class 5 (4). Class 5 (4) is the champion for three consecutive times!

After a while, the teacher selected five players, the fifth of whom was me. After a while, the teacher showed me my opponent. I have a look, ah! Wang Zhiyuan is my opponent! (Wang Zhiyuan is the ace of Class 5 (4).) It was Wang Zhiyuan who led them to the championship podium two years ago. I felt the pressure immediately.

On the day of the competition, all of us were full of energy and eager to try. But after a while, the first game started, Xiao Ming and Zhi Xuanyu. Both sides were ready, and just heard the headmaster yell: "Start!" Zhi Xuanyu rushed to the end at the speed of a rabbit, and Xiao Ming fell far behind. Soon, Zhi Xuanyu was at the end. At this time, the headmaster shouted: "Class 5 (4) is one point ahead of Class 5 (1)!" After a long time, the game has ended, and our class has also played a draw. "It's my turn!" I shouted. When I came to the track, the headmaster shouted, "Run!" Wang Zhiyuan and I were at the same speed. I was in front of each other and behind each other. But when we came to the end, we all accelerated our horsepower, and finally we were tied.

The overtime race started, and the two teachers asked me to race with Wang Zhiyuan. No matter how he ran, Wang Zhiyuan was very powerful. When the teacher called me, I thought: it's over, it's over. I must have been lucky to get a draw just now. He won't let me go. After a while, I walked onto the track with a timid mood. Hearing the headmaster's order, we all ran forward at the fastest speed. I ran and ran. Hearing the sound of my classmates cheering for me, I increased my horsepower and finally reached the end. I won!

Although Class 5 (4) is strong, as long as we persist and are confident, we will certainly have the hope of victory.

Relay race (3)

On Friday afternoon, our teacher led us to the playground to have a fierce relay race with Cornell class.

When we came to the playground, we saw that the other class had been in the playground for a long time. They were there to arrange their troops, and we felt a bit "murderous". After a short selection and grouping, our athletes stepped onto the track, all excited and eager to try, and a tense and intense competition was about to begin.

The first competition was the boys' group. The strength of both teams was equal, and each player was full of confidence. "Preparation --- start!" With the teacher's command, Feng Tianrui, the first student, rushed out like an arrow leaving the string. Next, the second and third strokes, the relay baton will be passed to me immediately, "I must try my best not to fall behind! Fortunately, I successfully took over Shi Yuntianjie's baton and rushed out with all my strength! The wind is whistling around my ears. I can't tell whether I'm too fast or the wind is stronger! I only heard the cheerleaders on both sides cheering for me, and they shouted hard: "Song Yuzheng, come on!" I felt like I had beaten chicken blood. My feet pushed on the ground with great effort, and I just wanted to be faster, faster! "Then --" I quickly passed the baton to the next student.

The competition was very intense, and the students who watched the game were all around. I immediately turned around and found a suitable place to watch the game. Probably because of the screams and cheers of the students watching nearby, our team members are more motivated and faster. "We win!" The boys are 50 meters ahead and have won the relay race overwhelmingly!

Next is the girls' competition. When the command sounded, the first student ran out. When I was looking at him, something unexpected happened. Gao Yixuan fell to the ground halfway after receiving the baton. I thought to myself, "Is she all right? She can't run down now." But unexpectedly, she stood up, covered her mouth and insisted on running to the end. Although we didn't win this game, through this game, I learned a truth: we should all learn from Gao Yixuan's spirit of perseverance and never giving up.

The fierce relay race is over, as if those pictures are still fresh in my mind. This is really an unforgettable relay race!

Relay race (4)

Today's PE class is a race with Grade Five - relay race.

The PE teacher selects those who are not running fast to be cheerleaders. When I raised my hand, the teacher asked me to be a cheerleader. The competition began. The first one was Xiang Yuting. Xiang Yuting ran out, a little slower, and we shouted, "Xiang Yuting, come on!" Xiang Yuting seemed to know something, like an arrow spinning away, and ran faster. The students behind all gritted their teeth and held the baton; Some ran so hard that they couldn't wipe it off; Some fell down, and immediately stood up, but also neglected to rub; Some students ran red all over their faces, but they didn't have a rest. They all want to win honor for the class. For the first time, there were three less fifth graders, so they had to do it again. The second time after our efforts, we finally won. But the fifth graders are insulting us. The students were all unconvinced, and they didn't know how many "hums" there were. I think: if your fifth grade little sister and little brother are not convinced, then we are going to have a comparison. I tell you: this is our own efforts.

I thought of another sentence: pride makes people lag behind, modesty makes people progress. So I think: fifth graders must be too proud (really overestimated). We can't be proud, otherwise, the end will be the same as the fifth grade.

Relay race (5)

This morning, we saw Mr. Gao walking into the classroom with a smile on his face and told us: "Today is the autumn track and field competition. There are many opportunities for students in Grade 5 and Grade 6, but we only have one chance, so we should cherish it." The whole class suddenly became excited, and we hurried to the playground to train. The sun was like a big ball of fire, shining on us warmly, and everyone was sweating. The teacher praised us for training hard.

With a whistle, the tense game began. The first player in our class was Zhou Chenlin. She stood up with her chest and clenched her fists as if thinking, "How can I surpass other classes and win honor for the class?" So she rushed out like a rocket. The students in our class were so excited that we waved our hands and shouted, "Come on, come on!" Later, because several students dropped sticks in a row, our class came last.

We walked into the classroom sadly. The teacher said: "It doesn't matter if you lose once, try again next time!" This is really an unforgettable game!

Relay race (6)

One exciting thing in the after-school class today is the relay race. The students all rubbed their fists and braced for a big fight.

With the sound of the gun, the game began and the athletes began to run hard. I was very worried because our team was behind. It was my turn to go on the stage. I threw off my arms and ran away. I heard cheering, cheering, and whistling. The sweat on my face soon appeared, and I didn't care to wipe it. In a moment, I arrived at the other end of the playground. Near the end, the "two panthers" of our class came. They were Xue Rui and Zhou Yuyao. Xue Rui came running like an arrow from the bow. Zhou Yuyao took the baton. She ran away quickly. She ran faster and faster. Soon the relay race was over.

Although we have these two strong players, the team in front is not fast enough to get the fourth place. Everyone went back to the classroom dejected, but Miss Hui said, "You just have to try your best!". We are happy again. I thought to myself that I would step up my training to win the first place in the next competition.

Relay race (7)

The barrier relay race for the fifth grade students of our school ended on March 19, XX in the playground of Zhouzhuang Experimental Primary School after intense competition. The students of Class 5 (4) defeated the students of Class 5 (3) with a good score of 2'51 "and won the championship. Class 5 (3) was ranked second. Class 5 (4) is a team with rich experience and strict discipline. The athletes have good quality and tacit cooperation. The whole court is far ahead. In particular, Cao Xiaoyu, a student, was fast, jumped high and far, drilled very quickly, and had good balance. He took the lead and left others behind, making great contributions to the championship of Class 5 (4). Class 5 (3) was not discouraged when the speed was lagging behind, especially Pang Along. Seeing that Class 4 was in the lead, he immediately put on full power after taking the baton, rushed out like a fly and threw his opponent away several times. However, due to the mistakes of his teammates, he finally lost by 7 seconds. There were eight classes participating in the competition. Class 5 won the third place, followed by Class 5 (4) and Class 5 (7). Our class 5 (1) delayed the overall speed due to the wrong passing of the baton, so we took 3'07 "

Relay race (8)

The barrier relay race for the fifth grade students in our school ended on March 19, XX in the playground of Zhouzhuang Experimental Primary School after intense competition. The students of Class 5 (4) defeated the students of Class 5 (3) with a good score of 2'51 "and won the championship, while Class 5 (3) was ranked second. Class 5 (4) is a team with rich experience and strict discipline. The athletes have good quality and tacit cooperation. The whole court is far ahead. In particular, Cao Xiaoyu, a student, was fast, jumped high and far, drilled very quickly, and had good balance. He took the lead and left others behind, making great contributions to the championship of Class 5 (4). Class 5 (3) was not discouraged when he was behind in speed, especially Pang Arong. Seeing that Class 4 was in the lead, he immediately put his horse into full power after taking the baton, rushed out like a fly and threw his opponent away several times. However, due to the mistakes of his teammates, he finally lost by 7 seconds. There were eight classes participating in the competition. Class 5 won the third place, followed by Class 5 (4) and Class 5 (7). Our class 5 (1) delayed the overall speed due to the wrong passing of the baton, so we took 3'07 "

Relay Race (9)

Whether you are in school or in society, you can't help but contact or use composition. Composition is a style composed of words, which expresses a theme through language organization after people's thinking. So, how to write a composition? The following is the relay race composition compiled by the editor. Welcome to read and collect it.

One afternoon, it was sunny and sunny. The third grade held a wonderful relay race.

The rules of the game are: each class selects a team of 20 men and women, standing at both ends of the playground. First, the first female student of the women's team runs to the first student of the men's team with a stick. The male student takes the stick and runs to the second female student. In this order, he runs in turn. After each class finishes 20 boys and 20 girls, the fastest class wins.

The first game started. With the whistle of the teacher "Du", the female students in the front row ran to the male students in the opposite direction with sticks like arrows. The male students took the sticks and ran quickly to the female students in the opposite direction. Through the efforts of the students, our class won the first game.

The second game started again. When it was Xiaolan's turn to run, when she handed Mingming the stick, she accidentally dropped it and was overtaken by other classes. The students were nervous at once. Mingming quickly picked up the stick on the ground and ran like a wild horse, catching up with the other classes. My class won again in the second game.

When it was my turn to run in the third round, I was both excited and nervous. I took the stick and ran to it. Suddenly, my foot twisted and it hurt very much. The more I ran, the slower I ran. At this time, I heard the cheerleading team of my class yelling: "Come on, come on!" I ran desperately with all my strength. As a result, my class won the first place again, and the students jumped three feet high with joy.

In this relay race, our class won the first place in the third round because the students carried forward the spirit of unity and struggle. As the saying goes, "Unity is strength." This is true.

One afternoon, it was sunny and sunny. The third grade held a wonderful relay race.

The rules of the game are: each class selects a team of men and women, each team has 20 people, standing at both ends of the playground. First, the first female student of the women's team runs to the first student of the men's team with a stick. The male student takes the stick and runs to the second female student. In this order, he runs in turn. After each class finishes 20 boys and 20 girls, the fastest class wins.

The first game started. With the whistle of the teacher "Du", the female students in the front row ran to the male students in the opposite direction with sticks like arrows. The male students took the sticks and ran quickly to the female students in the opposite direction. Through the efforts of the students, our class won the first game.

The second game started again. When it was Xiaolan's turn to run, when she handed Mingming the stick, she accidentally dropped it and was overtaken by other classes. The students were nervous at once. Mingming quickly picked up the stick on the ground and ran like a wild horse, catching up with the other classes. My class won again in the second game.

When it was my turn to run in the third round, I was both excited and nervous. I took the stick and ran to it. Suddenly, my foot twisted and it hurt very much. The more I ran, the slower I ran. At this time, I heard the cheerleading team of my class yelling: "Come on, come on!" I ran desperately with all my strength. As a result, my class won the first place again, and the students jumped three feet high with joy.

In this relay race, our class won the first place in the third round because the students carried forward the spirit of unity and struggle. As the saying goes, "Unity is strength." This is true.

Relay Race (10)

In our daily study, work and life, we will inevitably come into contact with the composition bar. Through composition, we can gather our scattered thoughts together. I believe many friends are very upset about writing compositions. The following is a relay race primary school composition compiled by my editor. Welcome to read it. I hope you can enjoy it.

"Class 42, come on! Class 42, come on!"

In the campus, there were shouts one after another, accompanied by bursts of warm applause. Where did the sound come from? Of course, the cheerleaders from our class are cheering for us. It's so lively, like going to the market. Is there any competition going on? Yes, you are so smart. It turned out that our school was holding a school sports meeting.

On the playground, only one energetic team member was playing nervously. On the campus track, a sprint relay race is being held. I am the "king of sprint" in my class. Of course, I have to participate in it, so that I can show my power!

The game started, and I was assigned to the fourth relay. We waited nervously until the first three finished, and our group ranked third. It's my turn at last. I quickly took over the baton and strode forward, but others' strength was far more than mine. I saw them running to the end. I thought: this is the end. Suddenly, "Pan Yuxuan, come on! Pan Yuxuan, come on!" sounded behind me. The students were cheering for me. I gritted my teeth, turned my shouts into strength, and kept chasing other team members. The athletes in front looked back and saw that I was almost catching up, so they began to speed up. When I was about to give up, my classmates shouted in my ears, "Pan Yuxuan, you represent our class, can't lose! Come on!" Yes, I can't lose! Pressure is power! I immediately flew out like an arrow off the string. I ran to the end with all my strength. At the moment when the red line was about to be run past, I made the final sprint

"Oh, we won!" Hearing the cheers of my classmates, I knew I had finally succeeded.

"Yeah! I won! Our class won!" I was almost crazy with joy, and my cry was unusually loud, because I finally won!

Next, some students in our class did not want to be outdone in other projects and achieved good results.

I still remember the scene of this school sports meeting and the sweat and effort I made

Relay Race (11)

I believe everyone has been exposed to composition, especially the important narration in the composition. The narration is about the experience in life and the author's true feelings about life. What characteristics do excellent narratives have? The following is a narrative of the relay race - Grade 5 - compiled by my editor for your reference. I hope it can help you in need.

Under the jasper sky, the playground is bustling with people. Eh! What is this? Come in and have a look, oh! It was the fifth grade that was going to have a relay race.

Next to the cheerleaders, boys and girls stood beside the track, staring at each athlete with wide eyes, anxiously waiting for the start of the game.

The fifth grade athletes are playing. Look! They are all in high spirits. Now it is the fifth grade relay race of the 41st Games. The first person in our class is Xie Chongyu, who is known as the "Bull Demon King". He is the first person in the 800 meters of this sports meeting. He only saw his right foot forward and left foot backward, his hands in a good posture, squatting on the runway, waiting for the stick to be passed to him. "Bang", the girl ran over at a fast speed, and he caught the stick. Like an arrow out of the bow, he rushed forward, strode forward, and soon occupied the leading position. He took the lead in the playground, but the good times didn't last long. A student of Class 505 hurried to catch up, and Xie Chongyu passed the stick to the female student again.

The No. 2 boy player is Zhao Zehua, the "Scud". He is ready. He stands on the runway with confidence. As soon as he receives the stick, he runs away. He goes all out, and finally catches up with Class 505. He overtakes them. I don't know when a big man from Class 505 comes and approaches Zhao Zehua step by step. He turns around and sees that the situation is not good. He runs hard to keep the first place, When he handed in the baton, he left the rest of the class behind.

Cheerleaders on both sides broke their throats. Here, "502 Come on!" There, "504 Come on!" Here, "505 Come on!" It was very lively. Some stamped their feet, some clapped their hands, and some danced. The voices on both sides of the runway rose again, and the race was higher than the tide.

After several laps, our class is still the first. It seems that we are sure to win. Yes. Half of the physical strength of Liyichi Runway was overtaken by Class 505. The cheering team shouted cheers when they saw it! Let's go! " Hearing this, Li Yichi rushed up to the finish line. He passed Class 505 when handing over the baton and seemed to hold the first place.

The game was going on like this... The last leg was handed over to Zhang Yihan, the sports star of our class. He spread his legs, waved his arms, and ran like an eagle on the runway. When he entered, the students' hearts were raised to their voices. The relatives and friends kept shouting: "Come on, run fast!" Finally he crossed the finish line with amazing speed. At last, the referee announced that we had won.

"Yeah! We won! We won first!" The students jumped! Cheers! These excited voices gathered together and floated under the jasper sky

Relay Race (12)

In daily study, work or life, the most familiar thing is composition, which is a narrative method to express a theme through words after people's thinking and language organization. How to write a composition to avoid stepping on thunder? The following is the composition of the relay race organized by my editor. I hope it can help you.

Under the jasper sky, the playground is bustling with people. Eh! What is this? Come in and have a look, oh! It was the fifth grade that was going to have a relay race.

Next to the cheerleaders, boys and girls stood beside the track, staring at each athlete, anxiously waiting for the start of the game.

The fifth grade athletes are playing. Look! They are all in high spirits. Now they are starting the fifth grade relay race at the 41st Games. The first person in our class is Xie Chongyu, who is known as the "Bull Demon King". He is the first person in the 800 meters of this sports meeting. He only saw his right foot forward and left foot backward, his hands in a good posture, squatting on the runway, waiting for the stick to be passed to him. "Bang", the girl ran over at a fast speed, and he caught the stick. Like an arrow out of the bow, he rushed forward, strode forward, and soon occupied the leading position. He took the lead in the playground, but the good times didn't last long. A student of Class 505 hurried to catch up, and Xie Chongyu passed the stick to the female student again.

The No. 2 boy player is Zhao Zehua, the "Scud". He is ready. He stands on the runway with confidence. As soon as he receives the stick, he turns around and runs. He goes all out, and finally catches up with Class 505. He overtakes them. I don't know when a big man comes from Class 505 and approaches Zhao Zehua step by step. He turns around to see that the situation is not good, and runs hard to keep the first place, When he handed in the baton, he left the rest of the class behind.

Cheerleaders on both sides broke their throats. Here, "502 Come on!" There, "504 Come on!" Here, "505 Come on!" It was very lively. Some stamped their feet, some clapped their hands, and some danced. The voices on both sides of the runway rose again, and the race was higher than the tide.

After several laps, our class is still the first. It seems that we are sure to win. Yes. Half of Li Yichi's strength on the runway was overtaken by Class 505. The cheering team looked at it and shouted, "Come on, 502! Come on, Li Yichi!" Li Yichi was full of energy and rushed to the finish line. When he passed Class 505, he seemed to hold the first place.

The game was going on like this... The last team was handed over, the sports star of our class?? Zhang Yihan. He spread his legs, waved his arms, and ran like an eagle on the runway. When he entered, the students' hearts were raised to their voices. The relatives and friends kept shouting: "Come on, run fast!" Finally he crossed the finish line with amazing speed. At last, the referee announced that we had won.

"Yeah! We won! We won first!" The students jumped! Cheers! These excited voices gathered together and floated under the jasper sky

Relay Race (13)

Under the guidance of our teacher, we lined up and walked to the playground to do some preparatory exercises. Spectators gathered on both sides of the track. We have a team of four people in each class, and a total of 12 people participate. The player of the first team squatted with the stick, supported his body with his left hand, and looked ahead. With the sound of the physical education teacher, "Ready, run!" The player immediately rushed forward like an arrow leaving the string. The player who was not close to the second team had already stretched out his hands for a long time. The player of the second team also stretched out his hand early and longed to get the stick quickly. The stick was received smoothly, and the team member who ran the second stick came to me quickly, and I quickly took the stick again. Unexpectedly, when running, I leaned over and turned over. The stick was also thrown into the hands of the player who ran the fourth stick. that was close! The stick didn't fall, otherwise, I would have involved everyone. The "audience" on the side cheered for us: "Come on! Come on!" The last runner was Cai Chang, the famous "speed king" in our class. He rushed to the end like a cheetah chasing the impala, far ahead of other classes.

The results came out and our class won. We cheered and jumped three feet high one by one. The naughty boy lifted Cai Chang and threw him into the air. "We won! YES!"

This relay race, let me understand: the courage to fight, you can succeed.