_It's also a kind of harvest 600 words (5 articles)
Men on Mars
2023-10-24 06:49:47

_It's also a kind of harvest 600 words (1)

Yesterday afternoon, we had a tug of war competition in the square.

Before the game started, the field was already full of tension, especially the players of all classes. Some were so nervous that they looked around, and some were so excited that they could not wait to pull up the rope to start the game. At last, the contestants began to grasp the rope. The math teacher almost wanted to tie the rope to the students for fear that the rope would be snatched by the other party.

"Fall back, Pull back desperately. I believe that at this time, they have only one idea in mind: to work hard for the honor of the class, and to win honor for the class without fear of difficulties!

The cheerleaders on the side were also shouting neat and powerful slogans: "Come on, one or two, come on, one or two..." The math teacher shouted his face red, and everyone was out of breath. As I watched this scene, I felt an urge to cry, and my nose was sore.

We won the first round, and we felt a little happy for this temporary small victory. But maybe we were overwhelmed by the victory, or maybe the other side looked down on us in the last round and didn't exert its utmost strength, and we failed in the next two rounds.

I ran to the class teacher and asked innocently, "Is there any chance?"

"No, we have lost two games." He seemed helpless.

We were in no mood to watch the next game. Out of politeness, the head teacher continued to stand there despite the fierce competition. He just stood there, I clearly felt that he was a bit lost - before the game, he cheered for us, as if we were destined to win; Some students also took pictures for us in the competition, and others said how to celebrate after winning the prize.

Think about it carefully. Wouldn't it be better to lose? At least we know that no one is destined to be the winner. We also feel a lot of happiness in the preparation process, and we still need to continue to move towards our goals.

In other words, failure is also a kind of harvest. isn't it?

_It's also a kind of harvest 600 words (2)

In people's impression, failure is always accompanied by a circle of hard thorns, which make the weak heart bleed and break the beautiful dream. Many times, they are afraid of failure, the thorn of failure, and the thorn that will pierce the soft and warm dream. Little did we know that failure will also have gains, and striving in failure is also a ladder for success.

On that day, it was raining sporadically in the sky, and my heart felt irritable. In the face of that dazzling score, the cool liquid flowed down unconsciously. The bright red fork on the paper was particularly dazzling, as if the more angry I was, the more dazzling it was. I threw the paper on the ground and kicked it out of my sight. My world is dark, there is no light, only depression. Loneliness and desolation tightly surround me. I was suffocated, I could not hear the clear bird call, I had no friends to comfort me, and the angel of hope in my heart was also silent

I simply stopped paying attention to the boring test paper and went out of the door. Early spring is the season of "grass color is far away but not near". Grass peeps out small green heads from under the stone, hiding in a pile of withered and yellow withered grass, and looks at the world timidly and curiously. It suddenly dawned on me that Xiaocao's original body had been destroyed by the wind and frost, but its indomitable spirit never gave up. When the spring breeze came, it would show its head tenaciously.

I immediately found the paper that made me feel uncomfortable and wiped the dust off it. I believe this will be a new beginning. I will find out the reasons for the wrong questions one by one and write them on the test paper one by one. I started to check and fill the gaps

In the subsequent exam, I finally gained my own sweetness. Failure made me gain a lot. It was like a silver needle, stabbing my acupoints, sobering me up, and promoting me to make continuous progress and achieve better results.

_It's also a kind of harvest 600 words (3)

Today our school held the annual sports meeting. The sports meet has a variety of events, including fierce tug of war, 100 meter sprint, rope skipping

I participated in the 100 meter dash, and I entered the runway with three other runners. Fortunately, I was standing on the first runway, and I felt a twinge of joy: the first runway indicates that I will run first today? I secretly looked at the other players: the girls in Class 3 were tall, with a confident expression on her face. She kept changing her starting position, which seemed to say: "The first one was me, the other one was me." The girls in Class 2 held their heads high and talked with the girls in this class. Look at her arrogant appearance, just like this game is specially set for her. Class 1 girls are more arrogant. She is tall and strong, and looks at me scornfully. You are a little girl, you still want to win the first place? It's really a toad who wants to eat swan meat - wishful thinking. I felt uneasy, like a little rabbit jumping, like fifteen buckets of water - seven up and eight down. I saw that other players were big and I was small... Then the teacher came up to me and whispered in my ear: "Don't look at the referee when the whistle doesn't go off... Other students jumped to encourage me:" Wang Haotong, come on... "I felt the pressure in my heart. Then, the referee teacher shouted: "Ready...", and the whistle: "Hoo!". I used all my strength to shoot like an arrow, and I heard the wind blowing in my ears. Fortunately, now I am the first runner. Before long, a hungry wolf came after me, and gradually we ran side by side. In a blink of an eye, she rushed in front of me. I tried my best to chase her, but it was still a little late. The referee said that Class 3 was the first and Class 4 was the second... The tall girl in Class 3 jumped three feet tall with joy and ran to her cheering team. Looking at her cheerfulness, I felt like eggplant with frost - withered. Alas! I didn't reach the final. It's really race against time at the critical moment. At this time, our classmates came to pat me on the shoulder and comforted me: "Nothing, failure is the mother of success..." Hearing this, my mood was even lower.

I failed in this sports meeting. I also learned that it is impossible to be smooth in future study. If you fail, get up and move forward. If you fail, you will gain

_It's also a kind of harvest 600 words (4)

Living in the same colorful world, we all have our own love, preferences, ideals and goals. But people all like one thing and long for one thing, which is success. Some people want to succeed in their career, others want to succeed in their studies. The reason for this is that people all think that success is a kind of harvest. Indeed, the same is true, but people often neglect failure because they pay too much attention to success. In fact, failure is also a kind of harvest, which is the road to success.

As the saying goes, "Failure is the mother of success" is to tell people that failure is not shameful, failure is the cornerstone of success, and it is a great harvest. We know that failure has been accompanied by human development since the birth of mankind. From the failure of preserving natural fire, human beings found that friction makes fire; From the failure of alchemy, man learned metallurgy; From the failure of hand copying books, mankind invented printing. Moreover, words, tools, production experience and other important signs of human civilization development are all extracted from repeated failures. We will not only get the symbol of civilization and progress from past failures, but also gain more from future failures.

Failure is not only the progress of human civilization, but also the harvest of personal career. Edison, known as the king of invention, had more than 1000 achievements in his life, but his life failed more than 100000 times. Which is not the case with inventors, mathematicians, philosophers or thinkers? Hua Luogeng, Aristotle, Confucius and Mencius, who has never failed, and who has successfully won? Students, there is no need to give more examples. You can already know the importance of failure. Don't just see success, because failure is the real hero behind the scenes!

However, we should not praise failure and regard it as an end point and a goal. We should always do things that fail and never succeed. The value of failure lies in that for the brave, failure is the engine of success and the darkest moment before the dawn. We cannot give up success because failure is also a gain. Students, please remember that the harvest of failure belongs to the warrior who pursues success, not to the coward who is content with failure. Failure is also a gain, please do not forget failure when you succeed, because there will be no success without failure; But please don't settle for failure, because failure is worthless without success.

_It's also a kind of harvest 600 words (5)

I remember that when I was in the fourth grade, I had a hobby that made me particularly proud - I took some strange things to school to show off. Why do I feel proud? That's because when I show these things to my classmates, they will all praise me.

Once, I took a fan made by myself to school. This fan is composed of two layers: one is the fan face, and the other is the fan handle. As long as the fan handle is gently pulled down, the fan will pop out automatically. After class, I sat on the seat and began to play with the fan. The students saw that "hula" suddenly surrounded me and asked me questions. At this moment, something unexpected happened: the head teacher entered the classroom! The students ran away like birds flying away, leaving me alone in my seat. At that moment, the fan in my hand and I were exposed. When the head teacher saw it, he angrily walked up to me, grabbed the fan from my hand, and said to me fiercely, "If you dare to bring these strange things to school again, you will never see them again!" Finally, the head teacher who had already walked to the door turned and added, "You will never take this fan back! Confiscate it!" I heard, It took me two nights to make it! Just as I wanted to catch up with my head teacher and admit my mistake, the class bell rang and I had to give up.

For the next whole class, I was out of my mind, thinking only about my fan. It was not easy for me to wait until class was over. I packed up my textbooks and "touched" the teacher's office gently. As soon as I got to the door, I heard the head teacher say in it: "Look, this is the most advanced fan that I have confiscated. It was made by someone in our class, isn't it?" Hearing this, I was delighted and slipped back to the classroom quietly. Although I am empty handed, I am satisfied.

Sometimes, loss does not mean no gain. Maybe from another perspective, you may gain more. It's like when evening comes, although we lose the light of the sun, we welcome the stars all over the sky, which is also a kind of harvest