This year's flowers are more popular than last year's (collection of 19 articles)
Laugh about the situation
2024-01-07 01:36:18
Senior 2

This year's flower wins last year's red (1)

The gray sky is filled with a sense of desolation; Sadness welled up in my heart, and familiar faces slowly emerged in my mind. Wandering in the garden, leaning over and looking at the flowers, I suddenly remembered a poem: "Tears ask flowers not to speak, and scarlet flies through the ages."

It was the autumn of the year before last, when I met you in Qinyuan. We have the same hobby: we all like to pick up the withered flowers one by one and sprinkle them into the stream. Because of this, we got to know each other and soon became good friends. You like to smile quietly. When you smile, you will show two rows of neat and white teeth and two sweet dimples. When I am frustrated, your watery and clear eyes always give me great encouragement. A smile is a heaven, and a wave of eyes is a spring. You running in memory are like the wings of an angel, blooming with pure fragrance. I like to be with you. I like to confide all my thoughts to you. I prefer to snuggle up beside you like a child. "Di, I want us to be good friends forever!" I said. You smiled gently and said, "Well!"

However, one day last April, you told me that you were going to transfer! God, tell me, did I hear you wrong? Huh? Later, you left after all. Before you left, you picked up a pair of pebbles that had kissed the autumn water in Qinyuan, gave one to me, and kept one for yourself. You said that this was the best witness of our friendship.

Now the wind is still blowing, the autumn rain follows, and the flowers in Qinyuan are also touching and sad, with signs of withering. I used to walk on the path paved by bluestone, and my thoughts were messy. At this time, I actually encountered the same scene as the previous year. I saw a girl picking up the withered petals and sprinkling them into the stream. "Di!" I couldn't help blurting out. The girl suddenly looked back, revealing two rows of neat and white teeth and two sweet dimples. Yes, it's Di, Di! I quietly shed tears and ran to her. "Yao Yu!" Di cried sweetly and took out the pebble. I also took out my piece, and two pieces just matched into a pair. I smiled, and so did she.

"Drink wine to the east wind, and take it easy together. The weeping willows in the east of Zimoluo always go hand in hand and travel through the fragrant clusters. The gathering is bitter and hasty, and this hatred is endless. This year's flowers are better than last year's, but next year's flowers are better. Who do you know?"

This year's flower wins last year's red (2)

People should live a wonderful life and constantly improve their own shortcomings. Although they cannot be perfect, at least they should not leave regrets


In terms of performance, if your score has been hovering around 80 points, will your parents ask you to get 100 at once? No, as long as you make some progress, even if you get 85 points, your parents will be ecstatic. In fact, what your parents want is not to make you perfect, but your spirit of continuous efforts and progress

In terms of life, we must learn to take a fall and gain wisdom. Don't make the same mistake again. Just like our military training, if you make the same mistake twice, the instructor will severely teach you: "It's really good to forget the pain, and knowingly make it. You think you stand a little ahead of others, you are Altman". Usually, if you make the same mistake twice, Don't you suffer a lot in the exam? There is no such thing as genius, only hardworking people. If you are willing to work hard, your grades will not fail to improve. People who constantly correct their shortcomings have more development potential than excellent people who have been stagnant

"Falling red is not a merciless thing. It is better to protect flowers when it is turned into spring mud." Their sacrifice is to make the next generation grow more happily, so that children can excel and be stronger than them. Flowers grow red year by year because their parents use fertilizer made of their own bodies to nourish their children. They are the same as our parents. They work hard to make money, Why do they worry so much? Why do they worry so much about their children? Why do they want their children to grow up healthily and happily? However, we cannot understand their parents' painstaking efforts. We always complain about their nagging, complaining that they always scold us or even beat us when we fail in the exam. They are also worried about us. If they ignore us, let us develop and go astray, Do you want that? So we should understand our parents and learn tolerance

Our healthy growth stems from our parents' painstaking care; From the teacher's patience+encouragement; Thanks to the concern and friendship of our classmates, we should thank them for what they have given us today. Every drop of grace should be repaid by the spring. Therefore, we should pay more to repay their sincere hearts!

The flowers are becoming more and more popular because of their own reasons. Although we don't have good parents, we can still supplement them with unswerving spirit. Without a good living environment, we can make up for them with perseverance. However, if you lose some spirit of self-consciousness, effort, self-confidence, firmness, etc., then your flower will never surpass the previous one

This year's flower wins last year's red (3)

God said: a perfect life journey, without too many gorgeous words, complex colors, just a simple touch from the bottom of my heart.

After several times of production and connection, I hurriedly shook off the various dust on my body, with hope, passion, ambition, and countless black ink, and started a road of my own. Maybe there is no sunshine at the end of the journey, but I will still move forward happily and devote my life with calm, because I chose youth, chose the distance, and chose the unknown but certainly magnificent tomorrow.

Facing Venus with broken arms, I once felt sorry for her deformity;

In the face of teachers waving snowflakes, I was sad for my ordinary self;

In the face of the inconspicuous monument, I once lamented that soldiers were hurrying in the smoke of gunpowder.

The interpretation of the times, the encounter of the world, the childish heart began to mature. In the picture of life, I left too many mistakes and too much unhappiness. Innocent eyes have long been dim, but full of depth. When I was young, I began to wake up and understand that "those who regret missing the first train will surely miss the next train". I know: I can't change anything about pen mistakes, because I am a pen; For frustration, I am just a passing child. My tomorrow is still very long, and my future belongs to far away. For the sake of nectar, I have to continue to calculate among the long years of carving until the end of life.

Venus is deeply pregnant with the dream of life with various possibilities because of the loss of her jade arm;

A pen, without too many functions, has the heart of "willing to spin silk for spring silkworms, willing to make red candles to illuminate the world";

The portrayal of a person in life does not lie in the tomb of his soul after death. Like Tolstoy's tomb, what is beautiful is not the scenery, but the soul.

With the washing of life, the burning of years and the accumulation of experience, I will slowly withdraw from history and end my pen life. Back yesterday, I will not cry, but will continue to smile, because yesterday I learned to be optimistic, because the frost leaves are red than the flowers in February, because this year's flowers are red than last year's. Tears are not my bosom friend, because I know that difficulties are not the end of life, but the beginning of power. Bruise is like a drop of ink, which gives me wings to fly in the endless space. Even in the coldest corner of the world, I will still set out for happiness. Because the thick cocoon is a kind of steadfastness, which is God's consolation to me.

Compose sentences with thoughts, conceive stories with wisdom, rehearse tomorrow with vicissitudes of life, and great gold will be bred in ordinary grains of sand.

One day, I was old. In the face of poetic painting, I will praise:

How nice! Because living is beautiful!

How wonderful! Because tomorrow will be more moving!

This year's flower wins last year's red (4)

I really realized the meaning of life when I was dying and living in the hospital. It was autumn, a sad season. I remember that the withered and yellow leaves floated down one by one, and some lives disappeared silently in such a drifting. In such a season, an accident caused me to be hospitalized. At that time, I was tired of life. At the moment when the disaster came, I seemed to feel the holy light of heaven, and even had a sense of pleasure of dying.

I was dizzy in the hospital, and I don't know how long it has been, and my head was entangled with some chaotic illusions. When I opened my eyes again, it was quiet all around. The fluorescent lamp in the ward gave out soft light, and the nearby bed was empty. I struggled to sit up, but my head was still dizzy. I didn't have much strength. Little by little, I finally sat up straight. There is no mirror beside me. If there is one, I can definitely see the wound on my hollow, numb and frightening forehead. It is said that the doctor advised the family not to bring a mirror to the patient, which is also afraid that the patient will feel uncomfortable.

My bed is right against the window, but the thick curtains block the world inside and outside. I don't know when it was. After a long period of illusion, I suddenly felt that I wanted to see the reality. I mustered up courage and finally opened the window. It was dusk and the sky was dim. The top of a pine tree was right at the window, and my eyes gradually moved to the distance. I felt that my turbid eyes began to become clear, soft, and gradually emit brilliant light. In the distance, a small poem like undulating and unique mountains. On the top of the mountain, clusters of dark clouds suppress the sky. The sun is blocked by dark clouds, blocking its shape, but not its enthusiasm. Streams and patches of golden sunlight diffuse through the dark clouds, which are as soft and bright as gauze, forming a brilliant sunset, dotted with dark mountains. The sun is really a wonderful landscape painter. On the big rice paper in the sky, he draws a thriving "Ten Thousand Miles Map of Rivers and Mountains", and the dark clouds form continuous mountains, The golden river flows slowly from the two mountains to form an open lake area, and then turns leisurely, bypasses a shoal, rolls down, rushes and splashes in the rubble

I stared at the natural beauty and felt an invisible force driving away the gloom in my heart.

Now I can't help sweating when I think about the accident, but I'm also very lucky because it was that experience that helped me get out of the confusion of life. I should thank the accident, but I should also thank the beautiful nature. Everyone said, "This year's flowers are better than last year's," and I would like to say that this year's maple leaves are better than last year's!

This year's flower wins last year's red (5)

The sky was filled with heavy snow, the mountains in the distance and the trees nearby were all dazzling silver white, the roads were covered with soft carpets, and the surrounding world was filled with powder and jade.

I got up early and went with my father to sweep the snow at the door. My father was cleaning the aisle. I was sweeping the wadding on the branches and leaves of red plum trees.

Suddenly, two people came over and walked for nearly a year. They were my uncle and my cousin. They were both dressed in new clothes and my cousin was carrying a small bamboo basket. My uncle said, "The New Year is coming, let me have a look." I was stunned. Today is the 24th day of the twelfth lunar month, which is the day for our hometown to celebrate the Spring Festival. Hearing us talking and laughing in the door, my mother also came out. When she saw that it was my uncle, she said hello, and the smile on her face was frozen. As soon as I saw it, I found it was a bit of a fundraiser.

Last year was also this time when my family was preparing for the Spring Festival, and my uncle and cousin came. My parents were very happy, busy and bustling. When it was time for dinner, my uncle said that he came today to borrow 300 yuan for the New Year. Because he did not know technology, his family was attacked by insects, and the harvest was poor. My aunt was sick again, and my cousin asked for money for school, so he came today.

My father was unhappy, and my mother was even more stern, but when I saw that it was my own brother, I had to borrow it. Although I borrowed the money, the atmosphere at home was much colder than that outside in the cold and snowy days, but there was still some stuffiness at home during the Spring Festival.

So when I saw my uncle coming today, my mother frowned again. The scene of last year must be repeated again. Mom is preparing food, but there is ice on her face. I think she must be worried. After dinner, my uncle opened a small cloth bag, took out a bundle of money, and handed it to my father, saying, "This year's harvest is good. The township government has sent agricultural technicians to the countryside to send science and technology, guide us to transform production and operation, and help me replant three mu of Taiwan's high-yield grapes. They are high in yield, delicious in taste, good in quality, and sell well. So this year we fought a turnaround." I was happy, My uncle's chatterbox could not stop: "Next year, we are going to expand the planting area by several mu, and in two years, we are going to build a small western-style building." My mother laughed so much that we were immersed in joy all noon.

After dinner, my cousin and I went out for a walk. The snow has stopped, the sky is clear, and the gentle sunshine is sending warmth to the earth. My cousin walked up to the red plum and said, "Today's plum blossom is really red. It's much more red than last year's plum blossom. How wonderful it is!" When I heard it, I was thoughtful. Yes, this year's flowers are more red than last year's. I hope our people's lives are like this flower, and every year is better than every year.

This year's flower wins last year's red (6)

The flowers are similar from year to year, but people are different from year to year.

"The roc hit nine thousand li, cut off the clouds, took the sky away, and flew above the dark..." I remember that when I was young, I drank and ate, sang and danced on the branches with whirling leaves. I thought I was a chicken chick.

But the vicissitudes of life, I did not become a phoenix, but was tortured in the secular vicissitudes of life, more than ten years of hard work, but also can not get rid of the fate of entering senior four.

In 2004, God really played a little joke on me, and let me really understand the pain and the impermanence of the world. I hope that the bad luck of this year will disappear with its passing. I don't hope that there will be clouds in the sky in 2005. Give me some rain, because I am a child who needs to be nourished.

When I saw others walk into the palace of my own dream and look back on the day that broke my heart, my tears were really uncontrollable. Once, with many hopes, I painted pictures of my university in my dream, but those fantasies turned into fantasy, so my life was no longer bright, the air was no longer fresh, and I was depressed to the extreme, so I always held the idea that if I didn't succeed, I would become benevolent, I don't want to enter senior four but want to become a junior college student. However, with the persuasion of my parents and the opposition of my relatives and neighbors, I still can't escape the fate of entering senior four. Entering senior four shows that I want to fight back against the injustice of God to me. I am not willing to be controlled by it. Give me a year, I can also realize my dream.

So I rejected Qiong Yao's sentimentality, moved away from Sanmao's romantic charm, stayed away from Jin Yong's "sword light and sword shadow", and bid farewell to Yu Qiuyu's "Cultural Journey". The morning breeze and the waning moon on the willow bank are no longer the object of my lamentation. In those days, the spirit of fighting like a tiger has belonged to the past, but now what is needed is the perseverance of gradually broadening the clothes and finally not regretting, to eliminate people's pining for Iraq

Facing the shock wave radiated by the college entrance examination, I walked towards the textbook and myself. Now this year has come to an end with enrichment. I believe I have gained something. This year's flowers will be more beautiful and red!

Let me look back on the senior four years just passed, so as to make the deepest memory I have in my heart!

I want to fly this year!

This year's flower wins last year's red (7)

I really realized the meaning of life when I was dying and living in the hospital. It was autumn, a sad season. I remember that the withered and yellow leaves floated down one by one, and some lives disappeared silently in such a drifting. In such a season, an accident caused me to be hospitalized. At that time, I was tired of life. At the moment when the disaster came, I seemed to feel the holy light of heaven, and even had a sense of pleasure of dying.

I was dizzy in the hospital, and I don't know how long it has been, and my head was entangled with some chaotic illusions. When I opened my eyes again, it was quiet all around. The fluorescent lamp in the ward gave out soft light, and the nearby bed was empty. I struggled to sit up, but my head was still dizzy. I didn't have much strength. Little by little, I finally sat up straight. There is no mirror beside me. If there is one, I can definitely see the wound on my hollow, numb and frightening forehead. It is said that the doctor advised the family not to bring a mirror to the patient, which is also afraid that I will feel uncomfortable.

My bed is right against the window, but the thick curtains block the world inside and outside. I don't know when it was. After a long period of illusion, I suddenly felt that I wanted to see the reality. I mustered up courage and finally opened the window. It was dusk and the sky was dim. The top of a pine tree was right at the window, and my eyes gradually moved to the distance. I felt that my turbid eyes began to become clear, soft, and gradually emit brilliant light. In the distance, a small poem like undulating and unique mountains. On the top of the mountain, clusters of dark clouds suppress the sky. The sun is blocked by dark clouds, blocking its shape, but not its enthusiasm. Streams of golden sunlight, like gossamer, emerge from the clouds, forming a brilliant sunset, dotted with dark mountains. The sun is really a wonderful landscape painter. On the big rice paper in the sky, he draws a thriving "Ten Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains", and the dark clouds form rolling mountains, The golden river flows slowly from the two mountains to form an open lake area, and then turns leisurely, bypasses a shoal, rolls down, rushes and splashes in the rubble

I stared at the natural beauty and felt an invisible force driving away the gloom in my heart.

Now I can't help sweating when I think about the accident, but I'm also very lucky because it was that experience that helped me get out of the confusion of life. I should thank the accident, but I should also thank the beautiful nature. Everyone said that "this year's flowers are more red than last year's", and I would like to say that this year's maple leaves are more red than last year's!

This year's flower wins last year's red (8)

My hometown is in Anhui. Because of my parents' job transfer, my family moved to Liaoning last year. I love Liaoning, and I love Anhui more, because my roots are there. I saw great changes in my hometown from TV and newspapers, and I felt very proud.

Since ancient times, Anhui, my hometown, has been a place of outstanding people. Whether it is the bank of the Yangtze River where "the sunrise of the river is more red than the fire" or the bank of the Huaihe River where "the weeping willows on both sides are as thin as smoke", there are countless praiseworthy pride left. Literature originating from Anhui, such as Taoism, Jian'an and Tongcheng, has made great contributions to Chinese culture; Anhui people have a long history of doing business. They have created the miracle of "being rich in Jiangnan" and "no town without emblem" with their unique cultural heritage and "thinking and changing spirit"; In Anhui, a hot land, there were a large number of important figures in Chinese history, such as Cao Cao, a powerful and powerful man, Bao Zheng, a clean and honest official in the Northern Song Dynasty, Tao Xingzhi, a famous educator, and Chen Duxiu, one of the founders of the Communist Party of China and the New Culture Movement; Anhui is also the source of national opera. During the Daoguang and Xianfeng years of the Qing Dynasty, Anhui Opera was combined with Han Opera in Hubei and gradually evolved into Beijing Opera.

Anhui in history has left countless brilliant chapters for Chinese culture. Today's Anhui has written a more brilliant page in the history of China's development. It is the so-called "flowers this year are better than last year"! Anhui is a proud province of science and technology. Hefei Branch of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei University of Technology and other domestic famous scientific research institutions and institutions of higher learning are located here. Some disciplines and projects have high visibility at home and abroad; Anhui is a proud tourism province, with famous mountains and rivers all over the country, and the natural landscape and cultural landscape complement each other; Anhui is a proud agricultural province, and its agricultural economy ranks ninth in the country; Anhui is also a major province of mineral resources and energy in China. There are many kinds of mineral resources in Anhui, with rich reserves and concentrated distribution. The development and utilization of mineral resources play an important role in the national economy. The Huainan Huainan Huainan and Huainan Huainan coalfields are the largest coal production bases in southern China; More than that, Anhui is also a famous automobile province in China. On March 18, 1997, Chery Automobile Engine Factory officially broke ground, marking the beginning of Anhui people's construction of a "big automobile province". In just a few years, from the first automobile came off the production line in 1999 to 2005, Chery quickly became one of the "top eight" in the domestic car industry.

History has witnessed the changes of Anhui from ancient times to modern times. In the past, Anhui was the capital of culture, the country of commerce, the land of celebrities, and the source of national operas. Today, Anhui is a province where science and technology, tourism, agriculture, mineral energy, and automobiles are all booming. Anhui, this year's flowers are better than last year's, I love my hometown!

This year's flower wins last year's red (9)

I really realized the meaning of life when I was dying and living in the hospital. It was autumn, a sad season. I remember that the withered and yellow leaves floated down one by one, and some lives disappeared silently in such a drifting. In such a season, an accident caused me to be hospitalized. At that time, I was tired of life. At the moment when the disaster came, I seemed to feel the holy light of heaven, and even had a sense of pleasure of dying.

I was dizzy in the hospital, and I don't know how long it has been, and my head was entangled with some chaotic illusions. When I opened my eyes again, it was quiet all around. The fluorescent lamp in the ward gave out soft light, and the nearby bed was empty. I struggled to sit up, but my head was still dizzy. I didn't have much strength. Little by little, I finally sat up straight. There is no mirror beside me. If there is one, I can definitely see the wound on my hollow, numb and frightening forehead. It is said that the doctor advised the family not to bring a mirror to the patient, which is also afraid that I will feel uncomfortable. My bed is right against the window, but the thick curtains block the world inside and outside. I don't know when it was. After a long period of illusion, I suddenly felt that I wanted to see the reality. I mustered up courage and finally opened the window. It was dusk and the sky was dim. The top of a pine tree was right at the window, and my eyes gradually moved to the distance. I felt that my turbid eyes began to become clear, soft, and gradually emit brilliant light. In the distance, a small poem like undulating and unique mountains. On the top of the mountain, clusters of dark clouds suppress the sky. The sun is blocked by dark clouds, blocking its shape, but not its enthusiasm. Streams of golden sunlight, like gossamer, emerge from the clouds, forming a brilliant sunset, dotted with dark mountains. The sun is really a wonderful landscape painter. On the big rice paper in the sky, he draws a thriving "Ten Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains", and the dark clouds form rolling mountains, The golden river flows slowly from the two mountains to form an open lake area, and then turns leisurely, bypasses a shoal, rolls down, rushes and splashes in the rubble

I stared at the natural beauty and felt an invisible force driving away the gloom in my heart.

Now I can't help sweating when I think about the accident, but I'm also very lucky because it was that experience that helped me get out of the confusion of life. I should thank the accident, but I should also thank the beautiful nature. Everyone said that "this year's flowers are more red than last year's", and I would like to say that this year's maple leaves are more red than last year's!

This year's flower wins last year's red (10)

It was another spring, and cherry blossoms in Zhuo Garden had already blossomed into a pink sea. This gentle bloom, only once a year. When the green leaves grow out, cherry blossoms can only fall one after another. Because I know that the beautiful scenery is short, I will cherish it every time I enjoy it.

I still remember that three years ago in the spring, Arnie and I watched cherry blossoms together. At that time, she taught me a game. I closed my eyes and walked along the gravel road in Zhuoyuan, supported by her. The small stone is pressing the soles of the feet, causing a comfortable slight pain. Surrounded by the smell of grass, you can also feel the warmth and closeness of the spring sun. She led me, and our steps were slow and light, as if we were afraid of disturbing something. Finally, she stopped and said, "Open your eyes." I opened my eyes. My eyes were full of flowers. They opened all over the branches, as if they were bright smiling faces. This game is just like a miracle. It comes after a long and circuitous dark road. It made me feel the impact of the spring knot. The soul hidden in the hard shell finally woke up, and the long frozen love finally became soft again.

From then on, every spring, I passed this little miracle to my friends who watched cherry blossoms with me from the palm of my hand. Without exception, everyone would smile like a child when he looked up. And I, like a director, looked at their smiles with satisfaction and was delighted by their joy.

This spring, when the cherry blossom just showed its face, I couldn't wait to pull Yujing to look at the cherry blossom in the garden. I wanted to pass the game on to her, so I asked her to close her eyes according to the previous procedure, and then took her step by step to the cherry tree. However, when she opened her eyes, she was not very surprised and excited. She just smiled and looked carefully at the newly opened cherry blossoms. I was disappointed and asked, "Why didn't you feel surprised?" She winked at me and said, "I used to play this game with my friends!"

In an instant, I suddenly realized. This beautiful little game, in fact, has long been spread among girls who love beauty, flowers and spring. Every spring, there must be many years of walking hand in hand on the gravel road, deliberately closing your eyes, and enjoying the great gifts this spring brings to the world.

This year's flower wins last year's red (11)

My hometown is in Anhui. Because of my parents' job transfer, my family moved to Liaoning last year. I love Liaoning, and I love Anhui more, because my roots are there. I saw great changes in my hometown from TV and newspapers, and I felt very proud.

Since ancient times, Anhui, my hometown, has been a place of outstanding people. Whether it is the bank of the Yangtze River where "the sunrise of the river is more red than the fire" or the bank of the Huaihe River where "the weeping willows on both sides are as thin as smoke", there are countless praiseworthy pride left. Literature originating from Anhui, such as Taoism, Jian'an and Tongcheng, has made great contributions to Chinese culture; Anhui people have a long history of doing business. They have created the miracle of "being rich in Jiangnan" and "no town without emblem" with their unique cultural heritage and "thinking and changing spirit"; In Anhui, a hot land, there were a large number of important figures in Chinese history, such as Cao Cao, the legendary hero, Bao Zheng, a law-abiding and incorruptible official in the Northern Song Dynasty, Tao Xingzhi, a famous educator, and Chen Duxiu, one of the founders of the Communist Party of China and the New Culture Movement; Anhui is also the source of national opera. During the Daoguang and Xianfeng years of the Qing Dynasty, Anhui Opera was combined with Han Opera in Hubei and gradually evolved into Beijing Opera.

Anhui in history has left countless brilliant chapters for Chinese culture. Today's Anhui has written a more brilliant page in the history of China's development. It is the so-called "flowers this year are better than last year"! Anhui is a proud province of science and technology. Hefei Branch of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei University of Technology and other domestic famous scientific research institutions and institutions of higher learning are located here. Some of the disciplines and projects have high visibility at home and abroad; Anhui is a proud tourism province, with famous mountains and rivers all over the country, and the natural landscape and cultural landscape complement each other; Anhui is a proud agricultural province, and its agricultural economy ranks ninth in the country; Anhui is also a major province of mineral resources and energy in China. There are many kinds of mineral resources in Anhui, with rich reserves and concentrated distribution. The development and utilization of mineral resources play an important role in the national economy. The Huainan Huainan Huainan and Huainan Huainan coalfields are the largest coal production bases in southern China; More than that, Anhui is also a famous automobile province in China. On March 18, 1997, Chery Automobile Engine Factory officially broke ground, marking the beginning of Anhui people's construction of a "big automobile province". In just a few years, from the first automobile came off the production line in 1999 to 2005, Chery quickly became one of the "top eight" in the domestic car industry.

History has witnessed the changes of Anhui from ancient times to modern times. In the past, Anhui was the capital of culture, the country of commerce, the land of celebrities, and the source of national operas. Today, Anhui is a province where science and technology, tourism, agriculture, mineral energy, and automobiles are all booming. Anhui, this year's flowers are better than last year's, I love my hometown!

This year's flower wins last year's red (12)

(Liaoning examinee) My hometown is in Anhui. Because of my parents' job transfer, my family moved to Liaoning last year. I love Liaoning, and I love Anhui more, because my roots are there. I saw great changes in my hometown from TV and newspapers, and I felt very proud. Since ancient times, Anhui, my hometown, has been a place of outstanding people. Whether it is the bank of the Yangtze River where "the sunrise of the river is more red than the fire" or the bank of the Huaihe River where "the weeping willows on both sides are as thin as smoke", there are countless praiseworthy pride left. Literature originating from Anhui, such as Taoism, Jian'an and Tongcheng, has made great contributions to Chinese culture; Anhui people have a long history of doing business. They have created the miracle of "being rich in Jiangnan" and "no town without emblem" with their unique cultural heritage and "thinking and changing spirit"; In Anhui, a hot land, there were a large number of important figures in Chinese history, such as Cao Cao, the legendary hero, Bao Zheng, a law-abiding and incorruptible official in the Northern Song Dynasty, Tao Xingzhi, a famous educator, and Chen Duxiu, one of the founders of the Communist Party of China and the New Culture Movement; Anhui is also the source of national opera. During the Daoguang and Xianfeng years of the Qing Dynasty, Anhui Opera was combined with Han Opera in Hubei and gradually evolved into Beijing Opera. Anhui in history has left countless brilliant chapters for Chinese culture. Today's Anhui has written a more brilliant page in the history of China's development. It is the so-called "flowers this year are better than last year"! Anhui is a proud province of science and technology. Hefei Branch of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei University of Technology and other domestic famous scientific research institutions and institutions of higher learning are located here. Some of the disciplines and projects have high visibility at home and abroad; Anhui is a proud tourism province, with famous mountains and rivers all over the country, and the natural landscape and cultural landscape complement each other; Anhui is a proud agricultural province, and its agricultural economy ranks ninth in the country; Anhui is also a major province of mineral resources and energy in China. There are many kinds of mineral resources in Anhui, with rich reserves and concentrated distribution. The development and utilization of mineral resources play an important role in the national economy. The Huainan Huainan Huainan and Huainan Huainan coalfields are the largest coal production bases in southern China; More than that, Anhui is also a famous automobile province in China. On March 18, 1997, Chery Automobile Engine Factory officially broke ground, marking the beginning of Anhui people's construction of a "big automobile province". In just a few years, from the first automobile came off the production line in 1999 to 2005, Chery quickly became one of the "top eight" in the domestic car industry. History has witnessed the changes of Anhui from ancient times to modern times. In the past, Anhui was the capital of culture, the country of commerce, the land of celebrities, and the source of national operas. Today, Anhui is a province where science and technology, tourism, agriculture, mineral energy, and automobiles are all booming. Anhui, this year's flowers are better than last year's, I love my hometown! comment: The author of this article focuses on the topic, focusing on the changes of his hometown - Anhui from ancient to modern times. In the past, Anhui was the capital of culture, the country of commerce, the land of celebrities, and the source of national opera; Sing about the prosperity and development of Anhui today, and draw the conclusion that Anhui is more popular this year than last year. From the perspective of the depth and breadth of the cultural heritage involved in the article, it can be seen that the author usually has a large amount of knowledge savings. The article reveals a strong emotional color, which makes readers deeply realize the author's love and attachment to his hometown. The article has clear ideas, clear layers, concise and fluent language, just like flowing clouds and flowing water. The parallelism sentence pattern in the article is well used. On the whole, this article can be regarded as a clear and bright composition for college entrance examination.

This year's flower wins last year's red (13)

The overall situation of this year's composition is better than that of last year, as shown in the following aspects:

Strong ability to examine questions

Because the topic is very open, and it is also the topic that students are interested in. It is to let them write about their own lives. So everyone has something to say, and everyone has different excitement. But they have not forgotten to "examine and analyze". Because today's cultural life is very complicated, especially under the influence of some foreign cultures, it is inevitable that good and bad people will mix up, Therefore, it is necessary to examine and analyze what the mainstream is, what the bottom is, what is good, what is bad, and even what is harmful. Only in this way can we recognize the impact they are forming on your growth. This requires a clear mind, strengthen the sense of rational thinking, and have a rational and dialectical thinking about today's culture. This year's "flower" is better than last year's red composition. Most of the students did this. Therefore, the proportion of compositions below the four categories that really deviate from the theme is very small.

Strong ability to draw up questions

In the past, the topic of composition was clear, so although they required to draw up their own topic, a considerable number of students directly took the topic as the topic. This year, it was a general topic composition, and the materials were both tips and topic scope. The ability to draw up their own topic was stronger, but there were still many interesting topics. To sum up, there are four types:

① Beautiful type. For example, Beautiful Popularity, Eternal Classic, Pursuit of the Pure Land, Don't Cover Your Eyes for Clouds, Ren Er, East, West, North, South, Wind, Writing on the Edge of Cultural Life, Garden Irrigation for the Soul, Breath of Culture, Journey Table through Time and Space, Growing in the Forest of Tide, Raising an Umbrella for Culture, and Culture Echoing in Youth , Culture Enlightens Life, Smiles Soaked in Tears, Music in the Splendor of Spring Flowers and so on, all of these topics are very exciting and beautiful, which immediately caught the eye of the marking teacher.

② Questioning. Questioning is not about asking others, but about asking yourself. Because I am in the current, I feel lost and lost, so I reflect on my current cultural behavior. This kind of composition is often thought-provoking. For example, How Old Are I This Year, What Have We Lost, Who Moved Our Cultural Outlook, Who Stolen the Beauty of Life, and Whether You Can Calculate Culture, etc., belong to this type.

③ Appeal type. These students are in the trend, but they do not drift with the tide. They are soberly aware of the negative impact of today's culture on the growth of young people, so they appeal and shout to the society from the bottom of their hearts. The excellent composition of high school students "This year's flowers are better than last year's red composition". For example, "Give us a clean sky" is their call from the bottom of my heart.

④ Warning type. Writing a composition is actually a process of self-education. By writing this composition, a considerable number of students have carried out some self-examination and put forward an enlightening warning to others and society. For example, "Find Your Soul", "Pick Up That Lily", "When Tradition Encounters Popularity", "The Guide Around You", "The Wind Continues to Blow", "Wander with the Wind", "Culture Encounters Money", "Culture Chases", "I'm Hungry", "That Corner", "I Hear" Culture "Without Ears", "Song Ci After Tang Poetry", etc.

Accumulated materials are new

Last year, it was found that the argument materials used by many students were old. This year, this situation has been greatly improved. Some students used materials that were very fresh and had a distinct sense of the times, such as the Women's Twelve Orchestra, Wang Xiaoshuai's film Green Red, etc.

Cultural accumulation is thick

It is obvious that today's examinees have a much thicker cultural accumulation than before, which is related to the guidance in recent years. Last year, there were many "off the books" compositions, but this year there are fewer. The cultural accumulation does not care how many ancient poems and essays you have quoted in your composition, but should become an internal spirit and be reflected in the lines of your composition.

More profound thoughts

The key to a composition is whether it has a thought. The thought is original and profound, and it is a magic weapon to win a composition with high scores. We found many compositions with bright ideas in the process of marking papers, and we couldn't help being surprised by them. For example, the article "Culture Encounters Money" said: "Lu Xun went in the 1930s, Lao She also went in the 1960s, and even Shen Congwen went in 1988... Yu Qiuyu's affectation, Yu Xiu's boredom, the new poetry's moaning without illness, the auction of fake paintings in the art world, the uproar of lip synching in the music world... Isn't it sad that there are so many heroes falling down under the word" money "?" Although there is no lack of extreme, But we also have to admire the author's sharp vision and profound insights; Another example is the end of "Will you play the cultural abacus": "People are just a bead on the social abacus, which can be manipulated by the environment, but people can be a master of the overall situation on their own life abacus, and the outcome depends on you." It is beyond ordinary people to say!

This year's flower wins last year's red (14)

I really realized the meaning of life when I was dying and living in the hospital. It was autumn, a sad season. I remember that the withered and yellow leaves floated down one by one, and some lives disappeared silently in such a drifting. In such a season, an unexpected car accident put me in hospital. At that time, I was tired of life. At the moment when the disaster came, I seemed to feel the holy light of heaven, and even had a sense of pleasure of dying.

I was dizzy in the hospital, and I don't know how long it has been, and my head was entangled with some chaotic illusions. When I opened my eyes again, it was quiet all around. The fluorescent lamp in the ward gave out soft light, and the nearby bed was empty. I struggled to sit up, but my head was still dizzy. I didn't have much strength. Little by little, I finally sat up straight. There is no mirror beside me. If there is one, I can definitely see the wound on my hollow, numb and frightening forehead. It is said that the family members do not bring a mirror to the patient for fear that I will feel uncomfortable.

JP3 My hospital bed is right next to the window, but the thick curtains block the world inside and outside. I don't know when it was. After a long period of illusion, I suddenly felt that I wanted to see the reality. I mustered up courage and finally opened the window. It was dusk and the sky was dim. The top of a pine tree was right at the window, and my eyes gradually moved to the distance. I felt that my turbid eyes began to become clear, soft, and gradually emit brilliant light. In the distance, a small poem like undulating and unique mountains. On the top of the mountain, clusters of dark clouds suppress the sky. The sun is blocked by dark clouds, blocking its shape, but not its enthusiasm. Streams of golden sunlight, like gossamer, emerge from the clouds, forming a brilliant sunset, dotted with dark mountains. The sun is really a wonderful landscape painter. On the big rice paper in the sky, he draws a thriving "Ten Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains", and the dark clouds form rolling mountains, The golden river flows slowly from the two mountains to form an open lake area, and then turns leisurely, bypasses a shoal, rolls down, rushes and splashes in the rubble

I stared at the natural beauty and felt an invisible force driving away the gloom in my heart.

Now I can't help sweating when I think about the accident, but I'm also very lucky because it was that experience that helped me get out of the confusion of life. I should thank the accident, but I should also thank the beautiful nature. Everyone said that "this year's flowers are more red than last year's", and I would like to say that this year's maple leaves are more red than last year's!

This year's flower wins last year's red (15)

In daily life or work and study, many people have experience of writing compositions. They are no strangers to compositions. With the help of compositions, we can improve our language organization ability. In order to make your composition more simple and convenient, the following is the excellent composition of Huasheng last year collected by Xiaobian. Welcome to learn and reference, and hope it will be helpful to everyone.

The birds of paradise opened, the pansies opened, the sub rules opened, and the beautiful names opened, but I was not anxious. I had to think of a good valve before opening one.

First petal

The temperature in July ignites enthusiasm. When I approached the school where I was going to stay for three years with a nervous and excited mood, countless faces with the same expression came to me: ignorant, curious, excited, or mixed with a little tension, but more ambitious.

When we found our own class, the faces filled with youth were clearly full of friendship. We knew that we would spend the next three years together.

First of all, we faced the military training, just as we received the class flag and waved the flag and shouted on the stage, but we could not say our names, so united to raise our flag. The noise of the scene did not hinder our spiritual exchanges.

Stand by military funds and march in step. The scorching sun has taken away our sweat, but the tacit understanding has grown invisibly, especially in the process of walking in unison. The neat sound of footsteps gives us a great sense of identity. After hard training, we won the title of "excellent team". Everyone's excited red faces are like azaleas blooming.

After a year of getting along, we got to know each other. We held the sand of time lightly and let it flow silently. When we passed the teaching building of Senior Three, we would also murmur about the nervousness of Senior Three. Their faces were clearly covered with worries, which we did not know.

Second valve

I thought we could help each other, but I didn't expect the division of senior two. You were my most intimate friend, and our common hobbies enabled us to have a deeper exchange. You chose to go to the liberal arts class, which is definitely your destination. That winter vacation, you and I were trapped in school because of the snow disaster. Two days later, the way home was opened. In the two days at school, other people went to the Internet cafes. We both held a book and chewed it. We laughed at each other for not being sociable and said little. The long silence made our friendship a mutual affirmation in spirit and personality. Time is easy to forget people, and remember the peach and plum.

I thought that being in different classes could not hinder our friendship, but it seems that the problem of distance can easily cause people to become estranged from each other. It seems that even the language has become air, and what I fear to promote has just been lost. I curse the distance, which has so cruelly broken the rope of friendship, and I can only mourn the friendship that has been lost so long ago.

But you told me that your persistence and sincerity, the unexpected encounter in the school mall, the sincere smile on your face, the peach blossom is not withered, and the osmanthus is fragrant. True friendship is like this flower. If you appreciate its beauty and sigh its withering, you will never be happy. It will let you know: I can't open the formula, the root is there, my season will tell you my eternity.

Life tells me, don't try to grasp what you want, it will only make you lose it faster. But the anxiety of youth made me hold on to the youth in my hands, but the sand slipped through my fingers and went deep into the unknown abyss, settling into memory.

Third valve

When the electronic analysis showed that "the last two hundred days are away from the college entrance examination area", I stared at the blood red numbers and played back all kinds of high school irreversibly in my mind, which made us chuckle that the third year of high school is coming? The sun in late summer is not fierce, and it can not give me the heat that the wind has taken away, but the sun that has lost its hardness but is warm has made me hot and restless. There are also several clusters of cuckoo mountains that are flirting with each other, and the legend of looking at the emperor is illusory, which can no longer make people think deeply.

I read the ancient people's autumn thoughts again and again in the late summer, but felt the approaching of winter. In my heart, I speculated that the ancient people did not want to return home because of falling leaves, but because it was cold after autumn. In that cold winter, where could it be warmer than home? It's not terrible to be cold. What I'm afraid of is to look around and be alone. I suddenly hoped that I could escape home and escape the contempt of fate in Na'ao. The words of 200 days ran right and left in my head, but I couldn't find a way out.

I am in full bloom of profound confusion.

Fourth petal

After thirty days of struggling to escape, the blood redness of those eyes was even more pressing. But my heart seems to have calmed down a lot. I engraved my goal on the blood red words. This is a reassuring approach. Just like a fishing boat sailing in the sea sees a lighthouse. It lights up my heart like a torch.

Not forgetting the leisure of "gambling can eliminate the fragrance of tea" in those years, nor the frivolity of "young people don't know the taste of sorrow", I firmly hold the pride of "three million dollars after the war", and use the last six months to write my life milestone.

In the last six months, I have stood up an unyielding backbone in the bleak wind, and I wish my life to bloom like a flower.

Fifth valve

This year's flowers are more red than last year's.

It's a pity that flowers will be better next year. Who do you know?

Friends, you are here, I am here, don't abandon.

To the person I love.

This year's flower wins last year's red (16)

My hometown is in Anhui. Because of my parents' job transfer, my family moved to Liaoning last year. I love Liaoning, and I love Anhui more, because my roots are there. I saw great changes in my hometown from TV and newspapers, and I felt very proud.

Since ancient times, Anhui, my hometown, has been a place of outstanding people. Whether it is the bank of the Yangtze River where "the sunrise of the river is more red than the fire" or the bank of the Huaihe River where "the weeping willows on both sides are as thin as smoke", there are countless praiseworthy pride left. The literature originated from Anhui, such as Taoism School, Jian'an School, Tongcheng School, has made great contributions to Chinese culture; Anhui people have a long history of doing business. They have created the miracle of "being rich in Jiangnan" and "no town without emblem" with their unique cultural heritage and "thinking and changing spirit"; In Anhui, a hot land, a large number of important figures in Chinese history were bred, such as Cao Cao, a legendary hero, Bao Zheng, a law-abiding and incorruptible official in the Northern Song Dynasty, Tao Xingzhi, a famous educator, and Chen Duxiu, one of the founders of the Communist Party of China and the New Culture Movement; Anhui is also the source of national opera. During the Daoguang and Xianfeng years of the Qing Dynasty, Anhui Opera was combined with Han Opera in Hubei and gradually evolved into Beijing Opera.

Anhui in history has left countless brilliant chapters for Chinese culture. Today's Anhui has written a more brilliant page in the history of China's development. It is the so-called "this year's flowers are better than last year's"! Anhui is a proud province of science and technology. Hefei Branch of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei University of Technology and other domestic famous scientific research institutions and institutions of higher learning are located here. Some of the disciplines and projects have high visibility at home and abroad; Anhui is a proud tourism province, with famous mountains and rivers all over the country, and the natural landscape and cultural landscape complement each other; Anhui is a proud agricultural province, and its agricultural economy ranks ninth in the country; Anhui is also a major province of mineral resources and energy in China. There are many kinds of mineral resources in Anhui, with rich reserves and concentrated distribution. The development and utilization of mineral resources play an important role in the national economy. The Huainan Huainan Huainan and Huainan Huainan coalfields are the largest coal production bases in southern China; More than that, Anhui is also a famous automobile province in China. On March 18, 1997, Chery Automobile Engine Factory officially broke ground, marking the beginning of Anhui people's construction of a "big automobile province". In just a few years, Chery quickly entered the "top eight" in the domestic car industry, from the first automobile came off the production line in 1999 to 2005.

History has witnessed the changes of Anhui from ancient times to modern times. In the past, Anhui was the capital of culture, the country of commerce, the land of celebrities, and the source of national operas. Today, Anhui is an Anhui where science and technology, tourism, agriculture, mineral energy, and automobiles are booming. Anhui, this year's flowers are better than last year's, I love my hometown!

This year's flower wins last year's red (17)

The sky was filled with heavy snow, the mountains in the distance and the trees nearby were all dazzling silver white, the roads were all covered with soft carpets, and the surrounding world was filled with powder and jade.

I got up early and went with my father to sweep the snow at the door. My father was cleaning the aisle. I was sweeping the wadding on the branches and leaves of red plum trees.

Suddenly, two people came over and walked for nearly a year. They were my uncle and my cousin. They were both dressed in new clothes and my cousin was carrying a small bamboo basket. My uncle said, "The New Year is coming, let me have a look." I was stunned. Today is the 24th day of the twelfth lunar month, which is the day for our hometown to celebrate the Spring Festival. Hearing us talking and laughing in the door, my mother also came out. When she saw that it was my uncle, she said hello, and the smile on her face was frozen. As soon as I saw it, I found it was a bit of a fundraiser.

Last year was also this time when my family was preparing for the Spring Festival, and my uncle and cousin came. My parents were very happy, busy and bustling. When it was time for dinner, my uncle said that he would borrow 300 yuan for the New Year, Because I don't know science and technology, my family suffered from pests, the harvest was poor, my aunt was sick again, and my cousin asked for money to go to school, so I came today.

My father was unhappy, and my mother was even more stern, but when I saw that it was my own brother, I had to borrow it. Although I borrowed the money, the atmosphere at home was much colder than that outside in the cold and snowy days, but there was still some stuffiness at home during the Spring Festival.

So when I saw my uncle coming today, my mother frowned again. The scene of last year must be repeated again. Mom is preparing food, but there is ice on her face. I think she must be worried. After dinner, my uncle opened a small cloth bag, took out a bundle of money, and handed it to my father, saying, "This year's harvest is good. The township government has sent agricultural technicians to the countryside to send science and technology, guide us to transform production and operation, and help me replant three mu of Taiwan's high-yield grapes. They are high in yield, delicious in taste, good in quality, and sell well. So this year we fought a turnaround." I was happy, My uncle's chatterbox could not stop: "Next year, we are going to expand the planting area by several mu, and in two years, we are going to build a small western-style building." My mother laughed so much that we were immersed in joy all noon.

After dinner, my cousin and I went out for a walk. The snow has stopped, the sky is clear, and the gentle sunshine is sending warmth to the earth. My cousin walked up to the red plum and said, "Today's plum blossom is really red. It's much more red than last year's plum blossom. How wonderful it is!" When I heard it, I was thoughtful. Yes, this year's flower is more red than last year's flower. I hope our people's life is like this flower, and every year is better than every year.

This year's flower wins last year's red (18)

It was another spring, and cherry blossoms in Zhuo Garden had already blossomed into a pink sea. This gentle bloom, only once a year. When the green leaves grow out, cherry blossoms can only fall one after another. Because I know that the beautiful scenery is short, I will cherish it every time I enjoy it.

I still remember that three years ago in the spring, Arnie and I watched cherry blossoms together. At that time, she taught me a game. I closed my eyes and walked along the gravel road in Zhuoyuan, supported by her. The small stone is pressing the soles of the feet, causing a comfortable slight pain. Surrounded by the smell of grass, you can also feel the warmth and closeness of the spring sun. She led me, and our steps were slow and light, as if we were afraid of disturbing something. Finally, she stopped and said, "Open your eyes." I opened my eyes. My eyes were full of flowers. They opened all over the branches, as if they were bright smiling faces. This game is just like a miracle. It comes after a long and circuitous dark road. It made me feel the impact of the spring knot. The soul hidden in the hard shell finally woke up, and the long frozen love finally became soft again.

Since then, every spring, I have passed this little miracle to my friends who watch cherry blossoms with me from the palm of my hand. Without exception, everyone will show a childlike surprise and innocent smile at the moment when they look up. And I, like a director, looked at their smiles with satisfaction and was delighted by their joy.

This spring, when the cherry blossom just showed its face, I couldn't wait to pull Yujing to look at the cherry blossom in the garden. I wanted to pass the game on to her, so I asked her to close her eyes according to the previous procedure, and then took her step by step to the cherry tree. However, when she opened her eyes, she was not very surprised and excited. She just smiled and looked carefully at the newly opened cherry blossoms. I was disappointed and asked, "Why didn't you feel surprised?" She winked at me and said, "I used to play this game with my friends!"

In an instant, I suddenly realized. This beautiful little game, in fact, has long been spread among girls who love beauty, flowers and spring. Every spring, there must be many years of walking hand in hand on the gravel road, deliberately closing your eyes, and enjoying the great gifts this spring brings to the world.

One Sunday night. The cold air came, the temperature dropped suddenly, and the north wind made the canopy "hula" sound. Late at night, it rained cats and dogs, with several fierce spring thunder and several sharp lightning. I tossed and turned in bed, secretly worried about the cherry blossoms in the campus. Green lights shine on the wall, and cold rain knocks on the window. I feel both loving and anxious. I toss and turn for a long time before falling asleep. The next day when I arrived at the school, the cherry tree was still standing on the branch. Yeah! Who said that something soft and beautiful must be fragile?

One class break, Yu Jing and I came back from our exercises to see two or three girls shaking the branches of the cherry tree, hoping to let more petals fall down, forming a cherry rain. This scene made me feel like I was scalded. I led Yu Jing to turn around and turn back to stop them. But when we stood in front of the cherry tree again, those girls had disappeared. Finally, I had to shout "Don't shake cherry blossoms" into the air to calm my mood.

This year's cherry blossom is extraordinarily grand, especially vigorous and lasting. The green leaves are no less than cherry blossoms, but the flowers still smile brightly. I picked up some petals on the ground and wrapped them in my diary with paper towels as a souvenir of this spring.

The front cheers are silent, and the back will be leisurely. This is the penultimate spring I spent in the garden. I wonder if I can still keep such a leisure in mind at this time next year. Today's flowers are better than last year's, but next year's flowers are better. Who do you know?

This year's flower wins last year's red (19)

My hometown is in Anhui. Because of my parents' job transfer, my family moved to Liaoning last year. I love Liaoning, and I love Anhui more, because my roots are there. I saw great changes in my hometown from TV and newspapers, and I felt very proud.

Since ancient times, Anhui, my hometown, has been a place of outstanding people. Whether it is the bank of the Yangtze River where "the sunrise of the river is more red than the fire" or the bank of the Huaihe River where "the weeping willows on both sides are as thin as smoke", there are countless praiseworthy pride left. Literature originating from Anhui, such as Taoism, Jian'an and Tongcheng, has made great contributions to Chinese culture; Anhui people have a long history of doing business. They have created the miracle of "being rich in Jiangnan" and "no town without emblem" with their unique cultural heritage and "thinking and changing spirit"; In Anhui, a hot land, there were a large number of important figures in Chinese history, such as Cao Cao, the legendary hero, Bao Zheng, a law-abiding and incorruptible official in the Northern Song Dynasty, Tao Xingzhi, a famous educator, and Chen Duxiu, one of the founders of the Communist Party of China and the New Culture Movement; Anhui is also the source of national opera. During the Daoguang and Xianfeng years of the Qing Dynasty, Anhui Opera was combined with Han Opera in Hubei and gradually evolved into Beijing Opera.

Anhui in history has left countless brilliant chapters for Chinese culture. Today's Anhui has written a more brilliant page in the history of China's development. It is the so-called "flowers this year are better than last year"! Anhui is a proud province of science and technology. Hefei Branch of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei University of Technology and other domestic famous scientific research institutions and institutions of higher learning are located here. Some of the disciplines and projects have high visibility at home and abroad; Anhui is a proud tourism province, with famous mountains and rivers all over the country, and the natural landscape and cultural landscape complement each other; Anhui is a proud agricultural province, and its agricultural economy ranks ninth in the country; Anhui is also a major province of mineral resources and energy in China. There are many kinds of mineral resources in Anhui, with rich reserves and concentrated distribution. The development and utilization of mineral resources play an important role in the national economy. The Huainan Huainan Huainan and Huainan Huainan coalfields are the largest coal production bases in southern China; More than that, Anhui is also a famous automobile province in China. On March 18, 1997, Chery Automobile Engine Factory officially broke ground, marking the beginning of Anhui people's construction of a "big automobile province". In just a few years, from the first automobile came off the production line in 1999 to 2005, Chery quickly became one of the "top eight" in the domestic car industry.

History has witnessed the changes of Anhui from ancient times to modern times. In the past, Anhui was the capital of culture, the country of commerce, the land of celebrities, and the source of national operas. Today, Anhui is a province where science and technology, tourism, agriculture, mineral energy, and automobiles are all booming. Anhui, this year's flowers are better than last year's, I love my hometown!