Three year Composition Plant (15 in general)
Flowers smile at dawn
2023-11-27 08:09:48
Grade 3

Three Year Composition Plant (1)

[Part 1] Observation of plant composition

Today, our team observed a lot of plants. They were very careful!

The first plant I observed was like a green onion. Half of it was red, and the lower half was green. I was surprised that there was a yellow thing between the two connected leaves, and there was a black spot on it. What was it? I think it may be the place where other leaves grow!

The second kind of plant is a green cactus. It grows another little cactus on a cactus. This kind of cactus is unusual. It shrinks when touched, and then slowly returns to its original state. It's really like a coward.

The third plant is a kind of grass. The grass grows as strong as a tree. The edge of the leaf is white with thorns, and the center of the leaf is green. This small grass prickles me very much. The autumn wind outside the window blew slightly, and the grass swayed in the wind, like waving to me.

Today, I am very happy because I know many secrets of plants.

[Chapter 2] Observation of Plant Composition

Last summer vacation, my mother took me to the flower and bird market. When I got there, I bought a lot of beautiful flowers and plants. There are Epiphyllum, Chlorophytum, a bunch of red, rich and noble bamboos and many unnamed flowers, but my mother bought a pot of extremely ugly cactus, just like a green spider with open teeth and claws. Its stems are oval. At first sight, it is also a bit like a string of jade pearls. The prickles of the cactus are sharp. I know this is its leaves, but after staying in the desert for a long time, all of them have degenerated. The leaves are green, a little soft, and there are some small thorns a little shorter than it, goose yellow, it feels very painful! I really don't want it, but my mother has bought it back. Alas!

Since I bought this cactus, I haven't taken care of it very much. Sometimes I water it every other month, and it can live. It's amazing! This made me look at this cactus with new eyes, but I didn't take it seriously, because it was so ugly!

Until a while ago, I changed my view on it because

I was watching The Romance of the Three Kingdoms that day, and suddenly I felt a lot of pain in my cheeks. I shouted, "Mom, Mom... Oh, it hurts!" My mom immediately put down her housework and walked over. I covered my mouth, fell on the bed, turned over and made a "whine" sound from time to time. My mother only smiled mysteriously and turned away. About five minutes later, my mother put something on my face and felt cool and comfortable! I don't know how long it took, but my teeth didn't hurt. Then my mother smiled: "I picked them off from the cactus, washed them with water, removed the thorns, peeled them, and stuck them on your face. How about that?" My mother said proudly: "My friend taught me the way to treat mumps Is it so effective? Look at my mother again, she nodded her head affirmatively. Oh, it's true! I got up and walked to the balcony.

The "amputated" cactus made me deeply feel that it is still so vibrant, as if it is greener than before, as if to say: "Lala la, I am healthy..." At this time, I feel that this cactus is just like the girl who thought it was dancing, very beautiful! I thought to myself: The excellent quality of cactus is really great! He is unknown, treats people's diseases and makes selfless contributions. Ah, cactus is really as magical as idlers. Isn't it worth our praise?

This is the "king of plants" in my mind - cactus!

Three Year Composition Plant (2)

In study, work or life, everyone has written compositions, and must be familiar with all kinds of compositions. According to different genres, compositions can be divided into narrative, expository, practical and argumentative. In order to make your composition more simple and convenient, the following is a carefully arranged composition about plants in grade three of primary school. It is only for reference. Welcome to read it.

Composition 1 describing plants in the third grade of primary school

In warm spring, the pine tree woke up in the rumbling thunder, greedily sucked the spring rain, stretched, and gave out soft, green thorns, like a young man in green clothes, full of youth and vitality.

In the early summer, the breeze and the mat were shining brightly. The pine tree was bathed in warm sunshine and grew up with great efforts. It became more robust. The little thorns on his body were as hard as a sheathed sword. The young man was already an invincible general.

In autumn, the leaves of the pine trees bear fruit. The golden fruit attracts groups of cute little squirrels. They jump and jump on the pine trees, throwing pinecones back and forth, conveying the joy of harvest. At this time, people also come from all directions, picking pinecones with laughter and cheerfulness, and bring them back to make pinecones. The sword on the pine trees is also a bit blunt, The general fell asleep after winning the battle.

In the cold winter, the north wind howled and snowflakes fluttered all over the sky. The cute little squirrel stored pinecones and hid in the hole of the pine tree to prepare for the winter. The leaves of poplar and willow trees were blown away by the cold wind, swaying and shivering alone in the wind. But the pine tree still stands proudly in the wind and snow. The general is wearing a white uniform, with a sword in his hand. It's awe inspiring. I seem to hear the horn of battle!

Ah, pine tree, you show no weakness, hold your head high, I believe you will defeat the storm!

Composition 2 describing plants in the third grade of primary school

As soon as we entered the campus, we saw the plane trees in front of our teaching building. They looked after our beautiful and lovely campus like mighty soldiers.

The plane trees are thick and thin, and the widest one needs two students to hold it! Of course, we didn't hold it because there were ants on it!

What a big plane tree! The leaves are like the palms of children, forming a big green mulberry for us.

In spring, the drizzle was continuous. Although the plane trees only sprouted a little, they were very dense. It sheltered us from the rain, but never paid anything. After the rain, the plane trees are more brilliant. The water drops on the leaves are like pearls, shining in the sunlight.

In summer, when the sun is scorching, the sycamore tree wears camouflage clothes and shakes around, which also blocks the sun for us. The green "kill" is like a green lake, setting off the campus more beautiful.

In autumn, the leaves of the parasol tree gradually turned yellow and yellow. Finally, beautiful "dead leaf butterflies" appeared in the branches of the tree. When the autumn wind swept, butterflies fluttered with the wind, and finally landed on the ground, unable to fly again. We picked it up with our hands and sent it to a safe home.

In winter, after the rain, there was snow. The cold weather made ice slurries on the plane trees, like white gauze hanging on the trees, crystal clear. The snow falling on the treetops, blown by the wind, looks like silver flakes flying all over the sky, very beautiful.

The plane trees in the school add a bright color to the school.

Composition 3 describing plants in the third grade of primary school

My most familiar plant is cactus.

My family has a pot of cactus. Mom bought it from the flower stall in front of the supermarket. When I first bought it, there were no leaves. A few months later, there was a pot full of green leaves. It was lovely!

I often go to watch it, water it and loosen the soil. There are many thorns on the "palm" of the cactus, which pricked it carelessly when watering. It really hurts! I gradually became disgusted with it. I felt that it was too stingy. In order not to let others touch me, I grew disgusting thorns to protect myself. Whenever I was stabbed, I would not water and loosen the soil for a week.

Once, when I came home from school to do my homework, I smelled the fragrance of flowers. I go to the balcony to see where there are flowers? At this time, my eyes fell on the cactus in the corner, and I saw that the green "palm" was covered with dust, and three small yellow flowers appeared on it! Is that strange? After so long without eating or drinking, it bloomed unexpectedly? I grabbed the kettle and ran to the tap. I decided to let it drink enough! I filled a full pot of water and poured enough water on the cactus from top to bottom. The cactus showed its green color again. How beautiful it is!

I really like cacti!

Composition describing plants in grade three of primary school 4

This afternoon, Mr. Zhou took us to the canteen to see cherry blossoms.

When I came to the cherry tree, the attractive fragrance came to me in waves, and the students all shouted excitedly, "Wow! How fragrant and beautiful!" The two cherry trees were full of beautiful cherry flowers, white and light pink, clusters of cherry flowers gathered together, like big flower balls, which looked very beautiful. A gentle breeze blew, and the petals of cherry blossoms flew in succession, like white butterflies dancing. At this time, the students picked up the petals, smelled them in their hands, and then threw them into the air, shouting, "How beautiful it is!" The students ran among the petals like flowers and snow, shouting, and our happy laughter was floating all over the campus.

I love cherry blossoms. You are so beautiful and fragrant.

Three Year Composition Plant (3)

There is a lovely succulent plant in my home. The fleshy and fat leaves are rich in water. The oval leaves are wide outside and narrow inside, thick and solid, like plump bear paws. They are very cute.

The fleshy leaves are grass green, and the verdant leaves are extremely smooth. They feel soft and slippery, as if they will be crushed by carelessness. Each leaf stretches in different directions, like a small hand calling you. And the round leaves that haven't grown attach to the stem, as if playing hide and seek with you.

I love this pot of meat. I water it every day and let it bask in the sun, just like a friend. One day I came to the balcony to water it, and suddenly found that its leaves were rotten. I was very sad! Later, I asked my mother to know that meaty people don't like drinking more water. After that, I always followed my mother's advice that I should spend more time in the sun and less water. Indeed, one month later, the pot of meat not only recovered, but also grew fuller than before. Seeing the succulent plant is so tenacious, I like it even more!

Three Year Composition Plant (4)

There are many plants in the world. Some people like beautiful roses, some people like colorful chrysanthemums, some people like fragrant roses, some people like strong cacti, but I like dahlia.

The king flower is in tropical rainforests such as Java, India. Its flower bud is about 1.2~2.1 meters, and its flower diameter is about 3~3.5 meters. Because the root is useless to it, it degenerates. Its flowers are empty in the middle, about one meter high. When they first grow out, they are green and give off a faint fragrance. After a few days, they give off a thick stench.

When its flowers grow up, its body is red with small yellow and white spots. Through experiments, scientists found that although the king flower smelled, it had great medicinal value and could cure all diseases.

It has no leaves, so it can only use petals for photosynthesis, but its odor is not ordinary. You can smell a light odor when you are far away, but you may even faint when you are near. Therefore, the staff who collect samples of king flowers must wear gas masks.

The king's flower smells, but it has medicinal value. This tells people that everyone has advantages, and some people think that they have no advantages, but it is not, just that you have not found them.

Three Year Composition Plant (5)

On Sunday, my sister and I went to the park to play. As soon as we entered, I smelled a faint fragrance.

From afar, blossoming golden jasmine like little trumpets seemed to wake up the vibrant grass and spring girl. Spring girl is blowing a breeze, and the faint fragrance is blowing. It's really comfortable. Close up, the winter jasmine is shining like a star. Most of the golden and yellow jasmine petals are six.

I read in a book that winter jasmine likes sunshine. Slightly resistant to cold and drought. The ground part of the branch is very easy to take root. The flower with the words "Jasminum nudiflorum" on it can not only be viewed, but also be made into medicine. The leaves can promote blood circulation and detoxify, and treat malignant sores and tumors. Flowers can relieve fever and diuresis. Then my sister suddenly came to my ear and whispered, "Do you want to know the origin of the name of the winter jasmine?" I excitedly replied, "I want to hear it." The winter jasmine got its name because it bloomed early, and after it bloomed, it ushered in the spring of flowers. "

I'm so happy that there is such a flower in the park.

Three Year Composition Plant (6)

Today it's my turn to observe the plants with Ye Zero. Since the seeds of cockscomb were planted last month, the lovely cockscomb has grown four leaves. The cockscomb in each flowerpot looks a bit green and luxuriant.

When we arrived at the greenhouse today, we found that our work today was a little different from that before. In order to carry out the comparative test of different fertilizers later, we will plant cockscomb today and let them have a new home, so that we can have different experimental groups to carry out the comparative test.

We first observed the growth of Celosia cristata and recorded the leaf length of Celosia cristata. Then we must distribute each cockscomb to each pot. The uncle in the flower house gave us a demonstration of branches. He gently uprooted a cockscomb from the soil, then gently planted the plant in its new home, and then gently pressed the soil to let its roots sink deeply into the soil. Ye Ling and I also learned from Uncle. Ye Ling and I each had several plants. At first, this ramet is really difficult to do. If you pull up the plant a little heavier, it will easily break the root of the plant. At the beginning, I was nervous and my palms sweated. Slowly relax, the young cockscomb seedlings slowly "moved" to the new home under our protection.

Finally, we divided the cockscomb flower into nine plants, so that we can do three groups of control experiments, including those that can apply organic fertilizer, those that can apply inorganic fertilizer, and those that can not apply fertilizer. Uncle said that after a few days, when the plants are more prosperous, we can do fertilization comparison. We both watered nine pots of cockscomb flowers and marked different experimental groups with brands.

At this time, I was very excited. I thought, will cockscomb grow more luxuriantly next week? Or will it grow slower than before? This problem is still in my mind until now. I really look forward to the coming of next week!

Three Year Composition Plant (7)

The ginkgo tree is really extraordinary. I praise the ginkgo tree.

When the car runs on the streets of Chengdu in autumn, what comes into your view is a large blanket of black and yellow, black is the road, yellow is the falling ginkgo leaves, yellow and black dominate, spreading towards the front. If the buildings on both sides didn't remind you, you might forget that you are walking in the city. When you face the monotonous golden color, you will find that there are some tall brown trees among them.

That's ginkgo. This is a kind of upright tree. Its trunk points to the sky without branches. There is no slant. They are very straight, just like the soldiers in the honor guard in the military parade. In late autumn, the leaves of a whole tree turn golden. When a northwest wind blows, golden leaves fall, like pieces of gold foil falling from the sky.

This is ginkgo, a very common tree, but it is not an ordinary tree.

It is not as delicate as willows, it is not as vigorous as green pines, and it is not as valuable as golden nanmu. Is ginkgo really just a tree? Ginkgo is neither delicate nor vigorous among many trees, but it is upright, serious, simple and strong. As the ancients said, "A man can bend and stretch." When the autumn wind blows, the ginkgo leaves fall one after another, just like Goujian, the king of Yue who sleeps on hardships and "three thousand more armour can swallow Wu", the emperor of Han who retreated to Hanzhong and gained the world, and Zeng Disheng, the marquis who cut the Hunan army. Its simplicity, strength and integrity symbolized the conduct and ethics of the Chinese ancients.

Ginkgo tree is not an ordinary tree. It is very common. South China is everywhere, and it is not taken seriously. However, the storms in summer still cannot push them down; The severe cold in winter still cannot frostbite them. Facing the severe cold in winter, it takes off its own green leaves. Heroes can't break their wings, and heroes can't lose their wings. In the past, Liu Bang burned the plank path to win Xiang Yu's trust; Zeng Guofan disarmed with strength and life. The ancients said, "A man can bend and stretch." It is the most important thing to preserve oneself.

So I will loudly praise the upright, simple and resilient Ginkgo tree.

Three Year Composition Plant (8)

My favorite fruit is strawberry. It is not only sweet and delicious, but also beautiful in color and shape.

Fresh strawberries are red, like a round little love. Ripe strawberries are about four or five centimeters long. They are red and bright all over the body. Sometimes they can show white skin, like a baby's rosy face. The surface of the strawberry is uneven. There are many small and hard seeds and some hairy thorns on it. Strawberry is very soft and is a kind of "delicate" fruit. When buying strawberries, sellers will say, be careful, don't pinch, don't turn back! The soft "little hearts" will squeeze out sweet juice with a gentle pinch!

Ripe strawberries are sweet and sour. One bite of them will leave their fragrance. Full juice will flow into your mouth along the tip of your tongue, as if every taste bud is covered by the sweetness of strawberries. How delicious! The sweetest part is the "tip" of the strawberry, which is the essence of the whole strawberry.

Strawberries mature in spring and summer. I used to go to the greenhouse with my mother to pick strawberries. Strawberries were dotted on the green branches like little lanterns.

With the development of science and technology, agricultural scientists plant strawberries in greenhouses, so that we can eat strawberries all year round.

Three Year Composition Plant (9)

In March, peach blossoms are blooming one after another. A light breeze brings a faint fragrance. It smells good!

There are many colors of peach blossom, white as snow; Pink like rosy clouds; Red as fire; They are competing to open up, as if they are comparing who can drive better. A gentle breeze blew, and petals fell one after another, and a peach blossom rain fell. Peach blossoms are dancing in the sky like beautiful butterflies. Bees are busy collecting honey. From time to time, they stop on peach blossoms as if they are whispering with flowers about spring!

The peach flower looks like a five pointed star at a close look. The reason why it looks like a five pointed star is that it has five petals. Peach flower can also be made into peach flower balls, flower cakes, peach flower tea and other foods. Every March to June, different peach blossom parties are held in different places.

When summer came, the peach blossoms withered, and the peach trees produced large and red peaches. When they took a bite, they were crispy and sweet!

Peach blossom, although you are not as rich as peony, nor as colorful as autumn chrysanthemum, you have unique beauty.

Three Year Composition Plant (10)

When spring comes, everything comes back to life. The grass sticks out from the ground, the branches sprout, and the rape flower is also covered with a golden dress.

In the morning, I open the window. Looking at the rape fields from afar, it looks like a golden ocean. A breeze gently brushed the "golden ocean", and ripples appeared from time to time. The beautiful scenery is attracting me to go to the field.

Closer up, rape flowers are in full bloom. They are crowded like little girls in the beauty contest. Some rape flowers opened a smiling face, revealing yellow stamens. Some are like a shy girl with green buds tightly closed.

Under the sunshine, rape flowers are crystal clear, and the petals are as shiny as yellow diamonds. Pick off one flower and smell it. The fragrance makes me drunk. In the flowers, several cute and naughty bees are playing and busy collecting pollen in the flowers.

Rape flower is a treasure. Pollen can be used to make honey, and rapeseed can be used to extract oil.

I really like rape flowers!

Three Year Composition Plant (11)

Some people like the magnificent peony, some people like the elegant asparagus, some people like the romantic roses, some people like the natural chrysanthemum, and I prefer the lotus with many effects.

Every day when I go home from school and pass the lotus pond, I will be attracted by the eye-catching lotus. From a distance, the lotus in that pool looks like a big colorful carpet. A closer look shows that the stem of the lotus is almost as thin as our middle finger.

The stem of lotus is a rhizome, with transverse stems, swollen internodes, and many air holes. The leaves of the lotus are like a large round umbrella with a dark green surface. The flower has a solitary pedicel at the top, which is high above the water. There are many colors, such as pink, dark red, white, lavender, yellow and so on. And the lotus smells a faint fragrance, refreshing.

Lotus can not only be used as a medicine, but also as a tonic. It's very effective and useful. The lotus is really free from dirt.

Three Year Composition Plant (12)

Spring girl changed a new dress for the earth. Suddenly, the earth was full of vitality. Thousands of soft willows are fluttering with the wind. Peach blossoms are blooming vigorously. The winter jasmine is like a beautiful little girl in golden yellow clothes. It is very beautiful!

Seen from afar, the winter jasmine is like several dancing butterflies, as well as a brilliant smile. Come closer and have a look, they are more and more beautiful, just like exquisite trumpets. When a breeze blew, they began to dance, showing their perfect posture. Look, a winter jasmine is gradually blooming, so gorgeous and beautiful. They are not only beautiful but also have different postures. Some of them just open two or three petals, as if a curious baby wants to see this fascinating world. Some fully unfolded, revealing yellow stamens, just like a girl showing her moving posture. Some are still budding, like a shy girl who dare not show up.

Ah! At this time, a fragrance came into my heart, and several bees and butterflies walked through it, just like me, they refused to leave.

As if you were the messenger of spring, jasmine not only brought me fun, but also made me linger.

Three Year Composition Plant (13)

Jasminum nudiflorum is the first flower to open in spring, so it has the flavor of spring.

On Sunday, I went to my grandfather's house and found that his pot of winter jasmine was in full bloom. Seen from afar, the branches of winter jasmine are thin and long, piled together in a dense way, like a girl's ponytail. Close up, I found that there was a small snail in the basin, which seemed to be listening to the winter jasmine singing about spring. The branches of winter jasmine are from thick to thin, and some are curved and arched. The old branch is grayish brown and extremely hard. The branches of new hair are green and extremely soft. A gust of wind blew over, and these jasmine flowers were like a group of girls dancing.

At this time, grandpa came up and said, "Look at this potted flower, don't touch it!" "Good grandpa!" After that, I observed it carefully again. These flowers have different shapes. There are full bloom winter jasmine, just like small trumpets; Some are half open, like shy girls; There are still small flowers and bones that are not opened, just like grains of rice. They are very cute.

The winter jasmine is so beautiful. I like it.

Three Year Composition Plant (14)

I have many favorite plants, such as lotus, grass and roses. But my favorite plant is plum blossom. There is a poem praising the plum blossom: a few plum blossoms in a corner are blooming alone in the cold. This is the strong perseverance and immortal spirit of the plum blossom. The flowers are withered, but the plum blossom is still tenacious. It tells us that life can only see the rainbow after many hardships and storms.

Plum blossom is a very common flower, which can be seen every winter. But I think he is extraordinary, because his strong perseverance can play a lot of flowers. Plum blossom has many colors, such as yellow, white, pink and red. My favorite is white plum blossom, because it is as pure as snow. In winter, plum blossoms are very flourishing. It's like a flower made of snow. In spring, the snow melts. The passer-by looked from afar and saw the white plum blossom just like the unmelted snow.

Look, this is my favorite plant, plum blossom. I love its persistent spirit, and I love its pure heart like snow.

Three Year Composition Plant (15)

"Streaky Pork", do you think it is a piece of braised pork? Ha ha, this is actually a pot of succulent plants. Because it is plump and has five varieties, I chose this name for it.

This pot of "five flowered meat" is a meaty platter composed of purple pearl, Ji dim moon, tube leaf flower moon, Tia and rainbow jade. Purple pearl leaves have beautiful silver luster, with strong ornamental; Jifuyue has waxy leaves in a special color. Under the condition of sufficient sunlight, it presents a charming deep red color. If the light is insufficient, the color will become dim and the stem will stretch; There is a brown dot on the head of Rainbow Jade, which is caused by the difference in the intensity and time of sunlight it receives; Tia's leaves will be red from the edge to the whole leaf, which is unbelievably red. It can be said that the blade is like fire.

Finally, my favorite is the tube leaf flower moon, which is also called "horseshoe horn" because its section shape is like a horseshoe. Its leaves are green and green all the year round. No matter what season, it makes people feel energetic and energetic. That's why I like it most. I also imagine it is so energetic and energetic.

This is my plant friend. Do you like it?