Wedding Description (4 in general)
Maple leaves fall
2024-05-04 03:43:05

Wedding Description (1)

"Dong dong dong! Pi li pa!" The deafening sound of firecrackers rang through the sky. "Here comes the bride! Here comes the bride!" People all rushed to the door.

Only a dozen cars with red balloons tied on both sides of the door slowly stopped in front of my uncle's house, and the first white car was beautifully decorated with ribbons and red flowers. The door opened, and my cousin came out of the car. He saw his stiff suit, shiny leather shoes, and a conspicuous red flower on his chest. The word "groom" was written on the red silk belt below the flower, and behind him was the bride in wedding dress with flowers in her hand. "Wow! It's so beautiful!" People were talking about it.

At this time, an uncle brought several sprayers, and the children rushed to the bride and groom with the sprayer. The bride's head and body were covered with spurting ribbons, like a fairy on earth, and people crowded around the bride. An uncle of "seeing off" took out a handful of candy from his bag and threw it all over the floor. While people were grabbing candy, his cousin took the bride and ran to the yard. Before running a few steps, several young men rushed over and grabbed their cousin and bride. "See where you are going?" The two young men grabbed their cousins' arms and pressed hard against their shoulders. "How can you take the bride back so easily?", the cousin was forced to squat down. Several young men pulled the bride to her cousin. The bride blushed and hesitated. Someone shouted, "It's not good to carry it back, just ride it on the neck." The bride gave up. She struggled desperately, but how could she withstand several young men. Others said, "Lift it up." Several people lifted the bride up and put it on their cousin's neck, and the people who watched the activity laughed their heads off. The video recorder and camera recorded the lively scene together.

The wedding scene in the countryside is really interesting.

Wedding Description (2)

Today, my little aunt is getting married, and our family will go to her wedding. I was also very happy. I didn't sleep well even last night.

My aunt and her family left their hometown more than ten years ago, and the whole family settled in Caijiapo. But we are close and in constant contact. Every time I go home, my aunt is very sensible, so she is loved by everyone. We all care about her marriage.

Early the next morning, we went straight to Caijiapo. When we got off the bus, we seriously ate Qishan saozi noodles, an indispensable meal in the marriage custom in Guanzhong, our hometown. Then, we can't wait to go straight to my aunt's house. Wow! Today, as the bride's sister-in-law, she is dressed beautifully! Dressed in beautiful clothes and matched with a white wedding dress, it is really beautiful as if it were a fairy. Then we sat in my aunt's room, (.) waiting for the groom's arrival.

After a while, the groom came, and the battle was very big! "When no one is seen, the cannon will ring first". The deafening firefight went off for five minutes. At this time, my cousin and I, together with several other people, immediately hid in the bride's room and pressed our bodies against the door. According to the custom of our hometown, if the groom wants to enter the bride's room, he must send red envelopes to the people inside the door until we are satisfied. However, I only got a red envelope, but I still feel very happy.

Then, the bridegroom carries the bride out of the room to the float at the door. So, surrounded by a group of people, in the envious eyes and cheers of everyone, the groom hugged the bride and almost trotted all the way to the floats. The bride got on the train. So as a mother's family, our motorcade followed the bride's float and set out for the groom's home Baoji.

In Baoji, the wedding was held in a hotel. More than 500 relatives and friends from both sides gathered together in a warm and festive atmosphere. At twelve o'clock, the host announced that the wedding would begin. In the solemn and sacred wedding music, under the gaze of hundreds of pairs of blessing eyes of both parents and relatives, the bride's aunt slowly appeared under the guidance of two children, and the venue suddenly burst into warm applause and cheers... Everyone is drunk if he is not drunk. At this time, my heart is drunk. I deeply bless my aunt and wish her a happy new marriage!

I will never forget this wedding!

Wedding Description (3)

Composition 1 describing the wedding scene: wedding

Although this is an ordinary rural wedding ceremony, the program is full of highlights and climaxes, which is no inferior to CCTV's Spring Festival Gala. I saw my father, mother, uncle and aunt were painted as funny clowns by relatives and friends. Not to mention that, when someone was invited (hard invited) to sing, Dad had to grab the microphone to sing, and bowed like a shrimp while singing. He also imitated the style of Hong Kong and Taiwan singers and blew kisses from time to time, which made everyone laugh. Mother also "jumped onto the stage" to dance for everyone. Sometimes he bent his knees, sometimes ran around, sometimes raised his head, rolled his eyes, and sometimes relaxed his arms, like a fat swan. My uncle and aunt also performed humorous and funny programs.

Then, the grand wedding banquet began, and delicious meals were served, including four dried meat, four fresh meat, chicken, fish, prawns, balls, and all kinds of delicious food. I saw my little brother, holding a chicken leg in one hand and a chopstick in the other hand, but he also picked up a drink to drink. You see, everyone eats with relish. Everyone has a round stomach and oily mouth!

What a wonderful picture of peasant happiness!

Composition 2 describing the wedding scene: witness the collective wedding

I have had many wedding receptions, and each meal was just a couple. But on Thursday, I saw the group wedding of eleven couples from Keqiao Primary School Education Group entering the holy hall together. It was a grand and moving scene.

The wedding hall of Furama Hotel has long been beautifully decorated. On the wall of the rostrum, a color screen was hung. On the screen, the photos of 11 couples were cut into the shape of love hearts, and the 11 little hearts were arranged into a big love shape. A circle of small colored lights surrounded by them really flashed to call you, which was very beautiful. On both sides of the screen, there are also two large screens connected to the computer, on which the words "I wish 11 couples of Kexiao a happy marriage" are displayed. The hall was full of friends, and all the teachers from Ke School came to witness this once-in-a-lifetime collective wedding.

The host announced the commencement of the ceremony, so the Wedding March was played. With this wonderful music, a couple walked into the wedding hall. Everyone can't wait to turn their eyes to the gate. The first couple, the man in a black suit, looks elegant and dignified, and the woman in a white wedding dress, even more graceful. Her skirt was pulled by a pair of virgin boys and girls. The newlyweds snuggled up to the rostrum with happy smiles on their faces. New? The bride is a little shy with her head held high. The next couple of newcomers poured in, all smiling, holding each other's arms tightly, and all walked slowly towards the rostrum. Where each couple passed by, both sides gave warm applause, and the usher lost no time in putting a bucket of colorful flowers.

The new people lined up on the rostrum, and the host asked everyone to introduce their love experience. The groom of the first couple said that he met the bride online. He lives in Shanghai, and the bride is the teacher of Ke Xiaoxiao. So they can only meet each other once a week, but never stop. I finally stepped on the red carpet today. It's really a thousand miles away. There are also several new couples who are teachers. They get to know each other at work and finally get to know each other. In short, their efforts have been fully rewarded. Bright smiles hang on the eyebrows of each new couple.

In a burst of applause, the newlyweds each picked up champagne and toasted each other. We also raised our glasses to celebrate together. Red champagne is only 80% full, and "not full" indicates a happy marriage in the future.

I hope that people will grow into a long time and share the beauty of the moon. We sincerely hope that each couple will stay together forever.

Composition 3 describing the wedding scene: wedding scene

As usual, I went to my classmates' home to play. Walking in front of me, the neat wedding car came into my eyes. It was not like what I usually saw. It was a spectacular scene.

First of all, not to mention the external packaging of the wedding cars, we should not underestimate the number of wedding cars. The head can be seen but the tail can not be seen. Especially at the corner, the Buddha is the dragon swinging the tail. As the car approached, the sound of gongs and drums became louder and louder. I don't think we can gather so many people even during the Spring Festival. Naturally, I was squeezed into the sea of people. Life is boiling. The sound of firecrackers reminds me that it should be the bride. The groom should get off the bus. I crowded for a long time, but I didn't see such newlyweds. Although I didn't see them, the car made me see the first time we got together. This scene is really unforgettable to me.

Composition 4 describing the wedding scene: describe a lively scene

"Dong dong dong! Pi li pa!" The deafening sound of firecrackers rang through the sky. "Here comes the bride! Here comes the bride!" People all rushed to the door.

Only a dozen cars with red balloons tied on both sides of the door slowly stopped in front of my uncle's house, and the first white car was beautifully decorated with ribbons and red flowers. The door opened, and my cousin came out of the car. He saw his stiff suit, shiny leather shoes, and a conspicuous red flower on his chest. The word "groom" was written on the red silk belt below the flower, and behind him was the bride in wedding dress with flowers in her hand. "Wow! It's so beautiful!" People were talking about it.

At this time, an uncle brought several sprayers, and the children rushed to the bride and groom with the sprayer. The bride's head and body were covered with spurting ribbons, like a fairy on earth, and people crowded around the bride. An uncle of "seeing off" took out a handful of candy from his bag and threw it all over the floor. While people were grabbing candy, his cousin took the bride and ran to the yard. Before running a few steps, several young men rushed over and grabbed their cousin and bride. "See where you are going?" The two young men grabbed their cousins' arms and pressed hard against their shoulders. "How can you take the bride back so easily?", the cousin was forced to squat down. Several young men pulled the bride to her cousin. The bride blushed and hesitated. Just heard someone yell: "It's not good to carry it back, just ride it on the neck." The bride gave up even more. She struggled desperately, but how could she withstand several young men. Others said, "Lift it up." Several people lifted the bride up and put it on their cousin's neck, and the people who watched the activity laughed their heads off. The video recorder and camera recorded the lively scene together.

The wedding scene in the countryside is really interesting.

Composition 5: Uncle's Wedding

My uncle is going to hold a wedding ceremony this Spring Festival. We took my uncle's car to pick us up and came to our hometown. It was snowing that day, and the road was not easy to walk. However, we were very excited, and our hearts flew back to our hometown. We heard the sound of gongs and drums from afar, and finally we arrived at our destination.

When we got off the bus, grandma and uncle with smiling faces came to meet us. I saw my uncle wearing casual sportswear with blue and white edges, blue and white jeans, and a pair of sneakers on his feet. The dress is fresh, natural and fashionable. I asked, "Uncle, are you making the groom's clothes?" The uncle smiled and said, "What do you think?"

The next day, I was going to get married. When my uncle appeared, his hair was slicked and he seemed to have made up. He was wearing a stiff dark blue suit, a red tie, a red flower on his chest, and a pair of brand new leather shoes, which seemed both energetic and eye-catching. With the sound of loud gongs and drums, the wedding procession set out.

At about one o'clock in the afternoon, the wedding team came back. Surrounded by the crowd, the bride appeared in a snow-white wedding dress. She was tall, with a happy smile on her melon seed face. Several people wearing hats no less than three feet high with the words "parallel bridegroom" on their backs carried the bride, which attracted the villagers around to look up and down and laugh.

At the wedding ceremony, the most interesting thing was to "cross the Happiness Bridge". When the host announced that the bride and groom had "crossed the bridge of happiness", someone had already moved a bench and placed it in front of the bride and groom. I was stunned. Oh, this is probably the bridge of happiness. How can I live? The uncle and bride forced themselves to stand on the tall bench, but the bench was very narrow, so the uncle and groom had to face each other, hug each other, and carefully turn on the tall and narrow bench, which made everyone laugh. The uncle and bride had a hard time turning around, but the host deliberately made trouble to say that everyone didn't see it clearly, and had to do it again, The uncle and the bride had to hug again, and happy laughter rang again in the living room.

After the wedding banquet, my uncle and new aunt both came to see us off hand in hand with intoxicating smiles. I said to my new aunt mischievously, "Auntie, you should go on, and have a brother to play with me soon!" My father, mother, everyone and grandma all laughed, and my uncle and new aunt laughed even more happily.

Composition 6: Wedding Party

"How slowly time passes!" I complained. "Just tell us to wait here and die." Wang Simin finally said. Accompany this happy today. The two teachers got married, and we really took a lot of effort. In order to wait until the wedding party at 6:30, we are all trying to kill time. I think that at that time, Mr. Gao and Mr. Huang must be the happiest couple in the whole universe. I can't help laughing when I think of this!

The guests finally arrived. With a wedding song, Miss Huang walked happily to the stage, holding Miss Gao's hand. Miss Gao wore a snow-white wedding dress, with a smile on her face and white teeth exposed. Wow, it's so beautiful. To run for the world beauty contest, I also want to give Miss Gao a winner of the championship. Miss Huang was wearing a stiff suit, shiny black leather shoes and a tie. Say wow, so handsome. It must be praised by boys, not girls, because we always stand on the side of girls. Such a match is really a combination of talent and beauty, and men and women are also talented!

The music is over, and the host said the same thing. Now the headmaster has made a speech. It's crazy that the headmaster should tell them how to get married. The two teachers were also embarrassed. We also sang When Will the Moon Come!

After dinner, Shi Xingyue, Song Yingzi, Jin Wanli, Cai Tingting, Wang Simin, Fu Xuan, "Xiao Xiangcong", Song Zhangyao, Zhao Fanye and my table began to discuss toast. Time passed quickly, and teachers Gao were coming soon. We all raised our glasses and said to Mr. Gao, "We wish you a happy wedding together." We also forced them to drink two glasses of beer each. You say we are good! After a while, Miss Gao asked us to SOS to help Miss Huang at once. Miss Huang was about to get drunk. We jumped up at once. Pick up Coke and toast them. Who would have thought that they were rude and didn't respect us. The bride and groom will propose a toast. The "lovely" best man had strong feelings and said, "They are the flowers and pillars of the country. How can you hurt these little flowers?" I really wanted to laugh.

After a while, Mr. Zhu said to us anxiously, "Go to the room and look for the red envelopes. They will all be robbed." I think we should just let them wait. The key is still in Ying Zhengyuan's hands!

You said, how many times can I have such a happy situation today!

Composition 7: A Grand Wedding

Today, my little aunt is getting married, and our family will go to her wedding. I was also very happy. I didn't sleep well even last night.

My aunt and her family left their hometown more than ten years ago, and the whole family settled in Caijiapo. But we are close and in constant contact. Every time I go home, my aunt is very sensible, so she is loved by everyone. We all care about her marriage.

Early the next morning, we went straight to Caijiapo. When we got off the bus, we seriously ate Qishan saozi noodles, an indispensable meal in the marriage custom in Guanzhong, our hometown. Then, we can't wait to go straight to my aunt's house. Wow! Today, as the bride's sister-in-law, she is dressed beautifully! Dressed in beautiful clothes and matched with a white wedding dress, it is really beautiful as if it were a fairy. Then we sat in my aunt's room, waiting for the groom to arrive.

After a while, the groom came, and the battle was very big! "When no one is seen, the cannon will ring first." The deafening firefight went off for five minutes. At this time, my cousin and I, together with several other people, immediately hid in the bride's room and pressed our bodies against the door. According to the custom of our hometown, if the groom wants to enter the bride's room, he must send red envelopes to the people inside the door until we are satisfied. However, I only got a red envelope, but I still feel very happy.

Then, the bridegroom carries the bride out of the room to the float at the door. So, surrounded by a group of people, in the envious eyes and cheers of everyone, the groom hugged the bride and almost trotted all the way to the floats. The bride got on the train. So as a mother's family, our motorcade followed the bride's float and set out for the groom's home, Baoji.

In Baoji, the wedding was held in a hotel. More than 500 relatives and friends from both sides gathered together in a warm and festive atmosphere. At twelve o'clock, the host announced that the wedding would begin. In the solemn and sacred wedding music, under the gaze of hundreds of pairs of blessing eyes of both parents and relatives, the bride's aunt slowly appeared under the guidance of two children, and the venue suddenly burst into warm applause and cheers... Everyone is drunk if he is not drunk. At this time, my heart is drunk. I deeply bless my aunt and wish her a happy new marriage!

I will never forget this wedding!

Composition 8: Hefei Tour - Wedding Custom

My aunt and uncle have got married in recent years, and I have attended their weddings. Today is the wedding of my little aunt. The wedding is in the Grand International Hotel, a famous hotel in Hefei. Now people's living standards have improved. Weddings are held in luxury hotels.

Like other weddings, the wedding of the little aunt is actually a ceremony master saying some lucky words and congratulatory words on the stage, and then the groom and bride exchange rings and drink wine.

I am not interested in these, but I am interested in eating. Different restaurants have different tastes. Sichuan spicy tears can come out, such as beef and mutton hot pot, which is very delicious. Shanghai food likes sugar, sweet and fresh. What sweet and sour ribs, rock sugar hooves, oily but not greasy, very delicious. Huizhou cuisine is also very special and delicious!

What I'm most interested in is the money. My uncle got married the year before last. Before he picked up the bride, he went to the bank to change a pile of change. At that time, I felt very strange. Why did he need so much change to pick up the bride? Later, I followed my uncle to greet the bride. I learned that he went to the bride's house to "seal the door" according to our custom. The uncle came to the bride's house with gifts and firecrackers. He put firecrackers on the front of the bride's house, crackling and crackling, as if to say: "The bride came out, the bride came out, there was no movement," put on the second hang! Put on the second hang! "The uncle in charge of setting off firecrackers quickly put off the second round of firecrackers, crackling and crackling, come out quickly! Come out quickly! Nothing has happened yet. "Put it again! Put it again!" The floor was covered with red flowers, like a red carpet for the bride. The bride still doesn't come out, so my uncle will knock at the door. In fact, when the bride's relatives and friends saw the groom coming, they deliberately closed the door. At this time, they would shout, "Put money in, or you won't get in!" Just look at my uncle putting a 5 yuan, 10 yuan and 20 yuan bill into the crack of the door. Grandma said that when she was poor in the past, the money at the door was one cent and two cents. Now the conditions are good and the money is more. The picture is lively. Today, I saw the scene of robbing money in my sister-in-law's house: the young people in my sister-in-law's house: her friends and my uncles and aunts heard that the wedding ushers were coming, they got excited and closed the door quickly! Close the door! Come on, come on, close the door! Hurry, hurry, there is the top door outside, full of chatter and loud shouting. It seems that people outside are very powerful. There was a commotion, and many people were blocked behind the door. "The money behind the door! The money behind the door!" The people inside shouted in unison, and the people outside seemed reluctant to start filling the money, wow! Everyone is robbing, and I'm also robbing in the crowd. It doesn't matter how much money we get, but I witnessed the bustle inside and outside the door. Until my uncle, uncle and grandma ordered, "Stop it!" then we opened the door to let the groom in. It's fun to sew money!

Wedding Description (4)

Today, I joined my sister and brother-in-law in the wedding ceremony of sister Park Anying. She is my sister's college classmate.

Because Sister Park is not a native of Dalian, we stayed in the hotel with her last night. Before 7 o'clock in the morning, my sister picked me up from the bed, and I sat up immediately when I was sleepy. It took me only 5 minutes to get dressed, wash and eat breakfast, which made my sister dumbfounded. I know in my heart that today I still have my important play. Don't delay.

Sister Park is a member of the Xianzu people. She has many relatives and friends, some of whom come from South Korea. I don't think that part of the people in North Korea can come.

When we are ready, the groom will come to meet the bride. I am responsible for "blocking the door". "Blocking the door" is actually an arranged prank to trick the groom. I played an important role. What a sharp and mean way to make trouble. After looking at the embarrassed appearance of the groom, I let him go.

At the wedding banquet, the guests continued to show up, and I saw the long lost "master" again. It's true that this master has a story. He is also my sister's classmate. When I was young, I was always impressed by his slim figure. He once lied to me that he was a master of lightness skills and promised to teach me unique skills in the future. It's funny that I believed it at that time. Since then, he has been called Shifu

At the wedding banquet, I only care about eating. Dongpo meat is fat but not greasy, and carp is fresh and delicious. It is worthy of the hand of the famous chef of the hotel.

The whole wedding banquet was lively and festive. I wish the new couple harmony and happiness from my heart.