Blessings (18 high-quality articles)
Storm Harvard Road
2023-11-27 01:03:12
Junior two

Blessing (1)

The chirping of birds

The sunlight gently passes through the glass window

Gently touch the face in sleep

early morning

Everything is so harmonious and serene

five point one two

I'm mourning

Compatriots killed in Wenchuan Earthquake

Instantaneous shaking

There is desolation everywhere

How many lives die


Are the hope of the nation

I Know

You are all strong

My brothers and sisters

You will always be in people's hearts


Send a wisp of breeze

The past has become yesterday

Tomorrow will be sunny

I'm in silence

I'm praying

five point one two

I'm blessing

In memory

They always smile

On that bright face

There is an irresistible force

That's warmth

They are April days

Give people love and comfort

Stick to the post

This is their festival

Nurse's Day

I deeply bless

Bless them with happiness and peace

five point one two

I'm grateful

My mothers——

Although I have never met

But I know

I am the petals from your branches

Thank you for giving me life

Let me see the world

I'm blessing you

May you be happy and healthy

My mother


I have you in the world when I was six years old

from then on

I have an extra expectation


I can't stand what you did


I can't and can't fight

Your time

It's an endless quarrel

I don't like you

When the teacher asked me to write a composition about my mother

I won't be able to write

I can't feel your love


There's something wrong with the way of love

I can't say I love you



You have spent your youth for this family

Your hair has silver

Your eyes have been wrinkled


It let me know

How hard it is for you

You've been working hard

On the journey of life

Will lose something

Will also get more important things

A lack of love

There will be more people to fill her

Someone will give me new clothes when I go to school

Someone will accompany me day and night when I am in hospital

Someone will teach me how to learn

Someone will guide my future life direction

Someone will run for me when I fill in the volunteer form

Someone will teach me how to behave

a little

Little by little

It's all love

My aunt

My aunts

Your love and affection in this life

I have nothing to be dissatisfied with

Eighteen years

My moms are not moms

What can I bring you

I love you

Thank you for making me a cheerful girl

No seclusion, no autism

I will be happy

thousands and thousands of words

Just hope you

No longer worried about life

Open your mind



Your happiness is my greatest wish



——Words are used to record life and a history of growth. When you are young, you can leave something precious, no matter how good your writing is. When I am old, I will sit under the grape trellis and look back on my youth with glasses.

Blessing (2)

During this period of time, life was still simple. Every day, apart from work, I turned on the TV to watch the news of the Sichuan earthquake. Whenever I see that moving picture, my tears always can't help overflowing into my eyes.

Only broken walls and rubble remained in the once prosperous town, and everyone's face was dignified except for tears. What can I do for those who have lost friends, children and parents? Apart from donating some money and praying for their safety, I really can't help them. The destroyed home can be rebuilt, but who can make up for the spiritual trauma?

What is sadness? What is grief? The cold silk rain in the air, the half lowered national flag and the candlelight praying for the victims are all telling me in silence

The three-day national mourning day has ended, the yellow ribbon praying for the victims in front of the car mirror is still there, and the number of casualties in the news is still beating, which reminds people that the disaster is not completely over. It is often mentioned in the book that "Man can conquer nature", and I firmly believe that this is absolutely true.

Light white candles, land on your knees, close your hands, and pray to heaven for Sichuan and China!

Blessing (3)

Snow, what heavy snow! The goose feather like snow fell from the air, and soon the earth was covered with snow. As night fell, the noisy campus of InBev School became quiet and gradually immersed in silence and solemnity.

After self-study next night, due to the cold weather, the students all returned to their dormitories. However, several playful students did not want to miss this good opportunity, so they hid on the playground to play with snow.

They were playing hard when they heard a sound of "creak - creak" footsteps coming from the teaching area. They followed their reputation and saw that Mr. Liu was walking towards the Academic Affairs Office on the snow. Zhang Chengqi, the most mischievous of these students, said, "Gee, I always watch Mr. Liu go to the Academic Affairs Office after studying at night these days. What does he do there?" Wang Lei said, "I also found that we don't want to go back to the dormitory now anyway, so we might as well go there and have a look." Everyone agreed. So Zhang Chengqi, Wang Lei and Wu Yang, the three naughty ghosts, slipped quietly to the door of the Academic Affairs Office

Through the thick glass window, they saw Mr. Liu standing beside the telephone, slowly picking up the receiver and dialing the number. The phone got through, "Hello, is that my sister? How is Mom doing now?...... I'm not at home, and it's hard for you these days... You put the phone in Mom's ear, and I want to talk to her..."

The three naughty ghosts outside the window stared at Teacher Liu's every move, held their breath and listened to what Teacher Liu said. Only the voice of Mr. Liu became heavy: "Mom, in this snowy night, my son called you again. Please forgive my son for being unfilial. I can't take care of you when you are seriously ill. I know that you must very much hope that your favorite son will take care of you by your side. But now, his son can only talk to you on the phone. Mom, did you hear that? " Miss Liu choked up.

"Mom, today is January 6, and you have been in a coma for five days. During these five days, my son has never been able to go home to see you. Mom, can you forgive me?"

Mr. Liu can't cry anymore, and the three naughty ghosts outside are also stunned. It turns out that such a big thing has happened to Mr. Liu's family, and he has been calling his mother in a coma these days.

It was so quiet outside that I could only hear the sound of snowflakes falling to the ground.

At this time, Mr. Liu's voice suddenly became firm: "Mom, how I wish I could be filial to you now, but as a teacher, the school needs me, and the children can't live without me! Mom, my son, I can only bless you from afar..."

At this time, the three students outside the window had fully understood the truth of the matter. They were deeply moved by the teacher. They silently wished Mr. Liu's mother a speedy recovery and reunion with his mother and son. They also wished that their teacher Liu could shine all over the world!

Outside, the snow is still falling. The snowflakes are crystal clear and beautiful

Blessing (4)

Part 1: National Day Blessings

National Day is the birthday of our motherland, so on this day, do we want to send our sincere wishes to our motherland! I have prepared some blessing words for you. Let's bless our great motherland together!

Jiuzhou is beautiful, the country is becoming prosperous, and people are becoming rich; Spring is new, flowers love spring and fruits love autumn.

I miss my mother most when I travel around the country, and I miss my country most when I travel around the world. The whole country celebrates and wishes the motherland more powerful.

The National Day also coincides with the full moon in the mid autumn. The great motherland has great rivers and mountains, and is thriving and prosperous. China has gone to Fuli Kangzhuang.

Celebrating the National Day, everyone is happy, 56 ethnic groups are jubilant, I wish our motherland a thriving!

National Day Music; People are reunited, hearts are reunited; Think of hometown and Taiwan; The family should be harmonious and the country should be prosperous!

The land of China is full of flowers, and the sky music of the motherland is like a tide. In this beautiful day, let me accompany you with my most sincere wishes.

I will fill the letter with my best wishes and send them to you far away on the occasion of National Day. I wish you a happy National Day, wish you every success and make your career more prosperous!

The water is flowing, the fish is swimming, there is no reason to love you; The wind is blowing and the rain is falling. I want to hug you and kiss you; The sky is sentimental and the earth is sentimental. How about a romantic National Day?

Autumn is the harvest season, autumn is an attractive moment. May you reap the fruits of autumn forever, and may your laughter always be like a blooming flower.

National Day National Day is celebrated all over the world. Wish you a happy holiday in this peaceful and happy age! good health!

When you pack your bags and are ready to travel, remember to put my blessing on it - -- have a good journey! Have fun!

Celebrating the National Day, everyone is happy, 56 ethnic groups are jubilant, I wish our motherland a thriving!

We look forward to the thousands of miles of beautiful mountains and rivers, and celebrate the eternal spring of our motherland. Wish you a happy National Day!

Chapter 2: National Day Blessings

There is a concern that comes unsolicited; There is a tacit understanding that cannot be replaced; There is a missing because of you; There is a kind of loneliness called waiting; There is a kind of silence that is not forgetting; There is a kind of friend who always cares for you! Congratulations on National Day

The longer the wine is, the more mellow the friends are; The water is clearer and clearer, and the vicissitudes of life are lighter and lighter. On the National Day and the Double Ninth Festival, why not talk about the night rain in Bashan?

See a beautiful scenery, and give you a comfortable and warm; Read a beautiful sentence to send you a peaceful world; Listen to a beautiful melody to make your week happy and sweet. I hope the good mood of National Day has been with you!

In ancient times, there were pigeons sending letters, but now there are text messages to convey feelings, and send greetings to send greetings. You spread the word, he spread the word, spiritual wealth increased, everyone has friends all over the world. Happy National Day!

The sky is blue and the water is clear. My friends haven't seen each other for a long time, and I miss you very much. I wonder if you are healthy now, and if you have come to miss me too. I send a clockwork message to miss you. I wish you a sweet smile every day! National Day

A bosom friend is rare in life, and the world of mortals goes thousands of miles; Send my love to the wind and rain, the east blows out and the west wind rises; In this wonderful world, with you, I am full of joy, send a message by SMS, take good care of yourself

Like is a sound, but also the breeze drops dew; Appreciation is a picture, but also the bright moon embellishes the starry sky; Intoxication is not only a kind of breath, but also a kind of orchid pervading the open valley; Wish you a good life! National Day is more open!

Like the stars in the sky, bright and beautiful; Like flowers in the morning, fresh and gorgeous. My friends, try your best to realize that the autumn wind will bring my blessing to you. May happiness and joy accompany you forever and enjoy the National Day holiday!

In the twinkling of an eye, it is the familiar National Day again. My blessing is every minute. My concern is always at your side! May my blessing float with the breeze and drift with the soft water, reaching your heart and warming our friendship

On National Day, with no flowery rhetoric and no plagiarism of other people's thinking, I only send sincere and simple greetings: God, I hope you bless those who see this message free from danger and live a happy life with my best wishes.

Blessing (5)

Today is my birthday. After school, I ride my bike to fly home. As in previous years, while receiving blessings today, there will be a table of delicious dinner waiting for me. Every year today, I feel the most valuable.

In the kitchen, my mother was busy, and the fragrance floated all over the house. Dad came back early and sat on the sofa reading the newspaper. Strangely, he didn't seem to find my existence and muttered something.

"Dad, I'm back." My heart's heat has cooled. My father looked at me and sighed for a long time: "Hi, Xiaoyu, you are so happy." What do you mean? Don't say blessings, but come here, forget what day today is? Dropping my bag, I went straight to the kitchen. "Xiaoyu, come back." My father stopped me, "Can we talk?" Just talk! I can give you face. Dad talked about the topic very far: "How wonderful childhood is, just like you. You can be carefree, have a study, have a birthday..." Dad seemed to reflect on his childhood. Hum, I left early today to remember what I've learned. My fever is still cooling down. "Alas, it's time for the news program. You can also watch the children in the war in Iraq." Dad put down the newspaper. "What's wrong with the Iraqi children?" I was like a monk of ten feet old, and I didn't know what medicine my father was selling in the gourd. Dad didn't answer me and went back to the sofa to search the channel.

There is no Iraq in the news on TV. My father shook his head, handed me the newspaper he had just read, and said, "Look at this." I took the newspaper. The title was "Iraqi People in Danger". The newspaper said: The United States and Britain are still bombing, and the form of Iraq is very unfavorable to the Iraqi people. The international community should fully respect the fundamental interests and requirements of the Iraqi people. Many civilians were killed innocently because of the war, especially those orphaned children and children without parents. Wearing ragged clothes, they picked up rags and begged for food in the war, and were occasionally abducted and shot. Some children aged 12 or 13 took up guns and participated in the battle that should not have them

"Boom", an explosion came from the TV. It turned out that the United States and Britain were bombing Iraq again. I stopped looking for my enthusiasm. I watched scenes only seen in movies: the wind and sand all over the sky and the smoke billowing, the war is still going on, and Iraqi refugees are helping the old and the young, looking for refuge. When will the front foot step back after stepping out of the home. With this food and water in sight, where will the next meal be? A refugee told a reporter that his home had been unable to go back. His two children were killed by the explosion. He had nothing left, and then he cried... "This horrible war." I was so angry that I overturned the newspaper.

I ate a delicious dinner, but I was like chewing wax. Everyone's childhood should be beautiful, but how can it be beautiful? Who should accept the blessing and what should be blessed?

Blessing (6)

September is near autumn

Welcome to the flower season of the 10th Five Year Plan

Fifteen flowers for you

In the most beautiful years

You are like white clouds hanging high in the blue sky

spotless white

You are like the sunset


You are the star in the night sky

the one and only

I hope this little blessing

Can leave a ripple in your heart

Blessing (7)

Facing the warm breeze in summer, I stood under the national flag... raising my right hand, fingers together, and forehead. "Get up! People who don't want to be slaves..." Listening to the solemn national anthem, I feel extremely proud of my motherland.

She is both old and young. She has gone through hardships and constantly strives for self-improvement. She is ancient because she is a great oriental country with thousands of years of civilization. With its diligence and wisdom, the Chinese nation has created a splendid ancient civilization and made great contributions to human development. It is said that she is young because the founding of New China is only 60 years old and the reform and opening up is only 30 years old. It took the Chinese people a long and unremitting struggle to establish New China.

It is said that she has gone through hardships and never stopped striving for self-improvement, because after thousands of years, the Chinese nation has overcome natural and man-made disasters again and again, crossed rapids and rapids, and walked up to today with head held high. The deep disaster has molded her character of self-improvement.

Today, the motherland is so prosperous. Walking on the street, you can see high-rise buildings everywhere. Those high-rise buildings also have different shapes and colors. Now, thanks to the Internet, the earth has become a global village, bringing people closer together, as if relatives and friends far away are close at hand. Morality is a stone, which can knock out the fire of hope; Morality is the light that can lead people to the bright road. Let's start from now, from ourselves, from the little things around us, to be a moral person.

I raise my right fist and swear from my heart: I will study hard, develop the society better, become the pillar of the country, and serve the motherland well! I love my motherland, which is beautiful and rich. I wish the motherland more prosperity and prosperity. I serve my motherland: ordinary people, not chasing fame and wealth, and contribute to the country in a down-to-earth manner.

Blessing (8)

At that moment, broken tiles buried the bright classroom; At that moment, the ground suddenly shook; At that moment, hundreds of thousands of children were trapped; At that moment, my heart seemed to break!

It seems that countless children are in danger at that moment, suffering and looking forward to At this time, love and efforts are the greatest hope. Then let's pass on love!

I'm not a man, but I will do 120% of my best to help. Even a simple greeting will give me a warm feeling of hope Let's give more love and more blessings!

Now, the disaster has been nearly one spring and autumn. After several news reports, life in the disaster area is much better, and a heavy stone falls to the ground in my heart. However, my concern for my compatriots has long faded, so I can put my hands together, stand against the moon, and pray silently in my heart

Let's sincerely bless those compatriots in distress and keep their hearts together forever!

Blessing (9)

When it comes to reform and opening up, I didn't have much feeling before. I always feel that reform and opening up is so far away from me. However, three things have completely changed my view on reform and opening up.

Scene 1: "Happy birthday to you"

Oh, look, today is really an exciting day. Today, my grandfather was 60 years old, and my seven aunts and eight aunts crowded the house tightly. They were all covered with spring scenery, dressed in bright clothes, and changed the style of the past. My father said, "This is the most beautiful birthday of the old man. I never thought that we could live so well before! Since the reform and opening up, our life has become better and better!" It took me a lot of effort to get out of the airtight wall and bump into today's protagonist, Grandpa. "Grandpa, I wish you a happy birthday!" I hurried to say hello to my grandfather and made a decent bow like the ancients. Grandpa could not help laughing when he saw my posture.

Scenario 2: "Congratulations on your fortune"

After a while, almost everyone arrived. Let me see. Oh, the darkness is overwhelming. Everyone talked and laughed. Three or five people sat down. After a while, the dishes were served. The chicken, duck, fish and meat made my mouth water. But what? It seems that except for our table, a group of children, people at other tables talked with relish instead of using chopsticks. "I heard that you have had a good time! You have a car, a house and a company. If you were in the past, you wouldn't even think about it!"? Look at today's scene, we know our life now! Rich! " "Yes, it's all the credit of reform and opening up!" I was listening attentively when our "birthday star" came on the stage. Everyone in the audience stood up and congratulated grandpa, He said to everyone: "Dear relatives and friends, dear guests, today is the day of my 60th birthday. I hope everyone can eat and drink well. Now we are different from the past. Our living conditions are getting better and better. I hope everyone here will rise step by step in the future. Congratulations and get rich!" His words made everyone present clap their hands excitedly. But how can I also not understand what they mean by "reform and opening up"? So he took the opportunity to ask his grandparents

Scene 3: "It's all the policies of the Party!"

My grandparents could not help laughing when they heard my question. Grandfather said, "If it wasn't for the reform and opening up, how could you be born in this honey pot? Now, it's much better than before!" Then he took the food from his grandmother. "Grandma, tell me about it, too!" I began to play petite to Grandma. Grandma laughed and said, "You are still young. I don't know about those hard days! Our family had a large population, and the policy was not good at that time. Food and clothing were a big problem, which is not like now! For so many years, your grandpa alone has shouldered the burden of our family. Alas, those days before, I couldn't help but cry!" grandpa patted grandma's shoulder, "It's over. Those hard days are over. Isn't our life better now? In the future! Our life will be better!" Grandpa said, looking at my confused face, and added a sentence, "It's all the Party's policies! It's all the reform and opening up that has led us to a well-off society!" I nodded, "Reform and opening up" Four words have been deeply impressed on my mind.

In today's society, science and technology are constantly developing, and people's living standards are undergoing tremendous changes. I believe that as long as we stick to the path of reform and opening up, our life will be better. You see, isn't our family just a small and true portrayal?

Blessing (10)

My hometown, Wuzhong, is a pearl inlaid in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region. It is located in the school: Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region. In the light of the Party's policies, in recent years, my hometown is undergoing unprecedented changes.

In the past, there were many low bungalows everywhere in Wu Zhong. It was good not to rain, but if it rained at leisure, people would suffer. Many houses were seriously flooded, which was good. If it was serious, they would be in danger of collapsing at any time.

Talk about the way! All are muddy roads. But it was cloudy and rainy! The ground is full of muddy water, let alone rain. Just muddy water is enough for you to drink a pot. It is enough to turn you into a "falling mud chicken". The cyclists are unlucky. The mud splashed all the way can turn you into a "spotted dog"! Cycling is not about people, but about people and cars.

People used to wear old clothes with patches piled on top of each other. In this way, there were only a few patches in a family. This is really a response to the saying "the new three years, the old three years, sewing and patching three years".

The pollution of Mother River is even more serious. All the garbage is dumped into Mother River, which is almost a garbage collection station.

Now, the dangerous houses that used to be seen everywhere have been replaced by high-rise buildings. Refrigerators, washing machines, televisions, computers and other household appliances have entered every household, and some have even bought private cars. Everywhere there are communities. Every afternoon, the elderly sit together and talk, and the children play games.

The styles of clothes are even more varied, with winter and summer being various throughout the year.

Not to mention the food, chicken, duck, fish and meat. Various colors. But now people begin to pay attention to healthy diet. Eat green vegetables. It is no longer the same as before.

The protection of Mother River has also attracted enough attention. Every year, we plant trees on the Yellow River to reduce pollution!

Bless the motherland and hometown! I believe that under the illumination of the Party's policies, the future of my hometown will be even better! The motherland will be more prosperous!

Blessing (11)

Someone said

We are like a pair of gloves

With You

Never separate

I think

You are like a gentle spring breeze

When I'm frustrated

Wipe away my tiredness

I think

You are like a bright light

In my dark heart

Ignite enthusiasm

I think

Like a warm coat

Give me a lonely world

Bring accompanying temperature

Today is your birthday.

I want to give you my best wishes

Let these blessings

Bring you warm luck

Bless you every day

Can have a big smile

Cheerful and sincere

Warm as the sun

Bless you every day

Can maintain a positive attitude

Cheerful and progressive

Always energetic

Bless you every day

Can stick to their ambition

Firm and confident

Go to the stage of dreams

Blessing (12)

Someone said

We are like each other's shadow

With You

Never separate

I think

You are like a warm scarf

When I'm frustrated

Sweep away my fatigue

I think

You are like a bright star

In my dark heart

Ignite enthusiasm

I think

Like a warm coat

Give me a lonely world

Bring accompanying temperature

Today is your birthday.

I want to give you my best wishes

Let these blessings

Bring you gentleness and luck

Bless you every day

Can have a big smile

Joyful and sincere

Sweet as marshmallow

Bless you every day

Can maintain a positive mood

Open and progressive

Always be passionate

Bless you every day

Can stick to their ambitions

Stubborn and confident

To the world of dreams

Blessing (13)

At night, the bright moonlight shines on the earth, decorating the sky and the earth. The stars all over the sky are like sparks in the sea. They are shining, and the sky is shining with tiny spots of light, which brings my thoughts back to a few days ago.

"I wish you good health."

"I wish you success in your studies."

"I wish you no trouble every day!"

My cousin's smile is so bright and sweet. This is the power of blessing.

That day, it was my cousin's birthday, but my cousin always wore a stiff face and looked very unhappy. In the morning, I heard my parents whispering. What's the birthday present for my cousin today? Because my cousin has personality, we don't know what he likes. Lying in bed, I heard the original thought. Well, it's OK. Anyway, I'll sleep for a while. It suddenly occurred to me that today was my cousin's birthday. In an instant, the spirit sprang up from the bed. Put on your shoes and pick up the phone quickly.

"Didi..." The phone is connected. "Happy birthday, cousin!" I shouted until the other end of the phone spoke. I was stunned. In fact, it was my cousin's mother who answered the phone. My cousin hadn't got up yet.

Wow, you can sleep so well! That can only be said face to face. I put on my shoes and ran out of the house. I trotted all the way to my cousin's house. I knocked at his door. My cousin's father opened the door. I asked him quickly. I heard that he had gone to play football. I thanked him and went downstairs again. Still haven't seen, I arrived at the birthday party, and everyone came as promised. We are ready to celebrate our cousin's birthday. But I looked at my watch, and the time was coming. Wow, can't I come on time for my birthday? Is this still the punctual cousin I know?

Cousin finally came, and we started the birthday party. We sang the birthday song together. I finally said that sentence to my cousin: Happy birthday to my cousin! Cousin smiled, and we all laughed

Since then, my cousin always smiles every day. I asked him why? He said, "That's because of your blessings in life."

Blessing (14)

Someone said

We are like a pair of gloves

With You

Never separate

I think

You are like a cup of warm tea

When I'm frustrated

Wipe away my tiredness

I think

You are like a shining Polaris

In my dark heart

Ignite enthusiasm

I think

Like a cup of warm hot tea

Give me a lonely world

Bring accompanying temperature

Today is your birthday.

I want to give you my best wishes

Let these blessings

Bring you gentleness and good luck

Bless you every day

Can have a big smile

Cheerful and sincere

Beautiful as flowers

Bless you every day

Can maintain a positive mood

Open and progressive

Always alive

Bless you every day

Can stick to their ambitions

Firm and confident

To the world of dreams

Blessing (15)

You have accompanied me

I walked several stops

I don't want to

Shorten my loneliness

Extend your solitude

I want to give

I also want to pay

At the moment, I don't need anything

I just want you to send me

A bright blessing

Blessing (16)

With a slightly quiet heart, I opened a book that I had admired for a long time. However, after just looking at it, I would never be quiet again. Always hate the sharpness of this memory, and tear open the deliberate disguise at any time, anywhere, wherever I hide.

The scarred boat felt into the safe harbor. Once it cleared up, it broke the rope and set sail again.

I could not help being lost, and began to fall into the confusion that I did not want but could not escape.


I turned around and asked a cheerful friend what it was like to confess to others.

The living can easily repent to the dead, folded their hands in front of their chest, closed their eyes, and silently read: those, I was unintentional, forgive me. So he was freed from this incontrovertible confession. I raised my head and asked: How can the living repent to those who cannot find or do not know what to say? The cheerful man warned me: Buy two pots of grass, one with his (her) name and the other with his (her) name. Just keep them well.

So I bought flowers and plants, but I died in a few days. I suspect I won't forgive——

It was in a class: what would you do if you were given only three days of light?

Look at the sky, look at the earth, look at my father, look at my mother... ellipsis. There are still a lot of it. So how about you?

I will give it to you to see more things.

I was stunned in an instant and said without thinking: You are really kind.

Most of the students laughed, but I didn't know why they laughed. In this way, I wrote down the first strange impression she gave me in a self-study class.

She is a very gentle girl with a bun hanging down her shoulders. Later, I helped the class manage some Chinese things together, and gradually became familiar with each other. At that time, it was very popular to pass notes. Naturally, we were no exception. Her handwriting is beautiful, like her. At first, I just borrowed books. Then, I talked about the past and the present.

Her writing style is very good, which is a unique idea of the daughter's family. However, words are almost nihilistic. I hate things that are elegant in speaking. I hate Wu and Wu, and I despise such things. I suspect that there are really some things worthy of praise in the world? What kind of flower falling people are independent, and micro rain and swallow fly together. What helpless flowers fall, and the familiar Yan returns! But this is her favorite.

On a bright afternoon, I entered the class early, and the shining light deflected on her desk and stabbed my eyes. I approached curiously: it was a piece of tough paper with exquisite patterns like carving. Maybe it was a boat stuck between mountains and rivers? What I have remembered is not very clear. On the right corner of the paper, there is a line of words: The falling flower is independent, and the micro swallow is flying. Where and where is this? It would be better for the boat to die and the river and sea to send the rest of their lives.

I didn't know where the impulse came from, so I came forward and pulled it down. When he was almost there, he turned back and scraped the tape clean. Then he got rid of his hatred and walked away successfully.

Then he forgot about it and instructed her to pass the paper and ask: Did you tear it off? Isn't it beautiful? These are two questions, but I answered only one "yes".

Then it became calm, as if it had never happened. However, such a crime did not stop there. Whenever she posted it, I would tear it down. I remember the last one was soft paper: it was printed with a very high mountain, very ethereal. To my surprise, there was no word this time. Without thinking about it, its fate is the same as others.

However, such punishment came after all. Her note read:

Or did you tear it? If you think it's not beautiful, tear it. What do you like?

Yes. I like it, maybe you won't paste it.

I waited for a long time before I got an answer, but it was not my imagination to build an ice palace on a very high mountain peak. Snuggle up with loved ones and watch the snow. What do you think? The signature is: Yu said I was worried

This suddenly reminds me of the painting I tore up earlier, rather than picking up the pen to go back: mountain peak, ice palace? Look at the snow! You'd better go home and come back after your dream. After that, there will be a longer wait... Do you really despise my dream? Everyone else is like that. I thought you wouldn't

I was stunned for a moment, and clearly saw in my bright eyes that she was sad and shed tears along her cheeks. In the higher expectations and disappointments, I forced her to choose the latter. Only then did I know: I did wrong. How about this? Give her paper, or stick it on her? Say it's beautiful? I knew it was useless, but I did it anyway. She just said: No, it doesn't matter.

But does it really matter? My heart is just falling down endlessly. It's better to wander.

When I read a book, I suddenly found that the original saying "my heart worries" came from the Book of Songs. Its last sentence is: those who know me.

After that, we didn't talk for a long time, not because we didn't want to, but because we didn't know how to say it. It seems that when the time comes to forget, everyone seems to forget, and the role of time is always stronger than memory.

There was a lesson about Qiu. After I finished writing it, she came over and said, "Can you lend it to me?"? I handed it to her without saying a word, and did not look at her. It was not so much that I could not, but that I dared not. A day later, there was a note on my desk: I read it, but you weren't there. I put it in your schoolbag. Why do you always have autumn cool in your eyes? Autumn also has fruits, flowers and hope.

This made me have a kind of gratitude for no reason, and it spread to my whole body like a burst of water. I don't want to say that since then I have seen fruits and flowers. But at least there is a feeling that she has never had before. As she said, that feeling is called hope.


Soon, I transferred. To another strange place.

After a long time, when I saw her again, I almost couldn't recognize her: in the middle of the street, I pushed left and shouted right. Dress ostentatiously.

Obviously, she saw me. They looked at each other, smiled at each other and hurried past. Is this meeting? However, in the hopeless place, only hope is misplaced. When I was in the car, I raised my head slightly, and salty liquid piled up in my eyes. I didn't cry, because it was not tears.

When I can talk about this with others in detail, I can't help but feel disappointed and suddenly think of:

If I didn't want to be happy, I said:

Bless you.

How nice

Blessing (17)

Last night, the west wind withered the green trees, and the tall Chinese parasol trees beside the road began to cry lonely. The melody of singing was broken and beautiful, and has been lingering in despair.

Wake up, the messy fragments and silhouettes of last night still haunt...... The room is filled with full-bodied sadness, which can't be blown away or brushed away

Open the window, see the wings of the sun dancing wantonly and a little bright projection, feel very warm in a trance. The street was deserted, and it was still the dead loneliness.

The corner of the eye with brown tear stains is crying about everything last night.

Can a person revive after death?

The death of the past is played with at the fingertips, but when I touch it, my heart aches. The little uncle lay there quietly with a peaceful face. He was called by God to heaven.

That is the nearest place to heaven. Tears wet the floor and ran to my feet, hurting my weak nerves.

The fall of leaves has no intention that autumn is already deep, and the words of mouth are difficult to retain the true feelings. There is no end to the recovery of residual dreams, and we are dependent on each other. The wind on the riverside is cold and the heart hurts, and the promise once made is still stable. The mountain voice thinks of flowers and smoke like water, the clouds disappear and the wild geese return

The melody of little auntie crying is difficult to compare, even the sadness and resentment of "Two Springs Mirroring the Moon" flowing from Ah Bing's erhu

"A broken string cannot play a chord. My world, you are not in it. My fingertips, which have been cocooned, cannot stay with me..."

There is only one life, so what is security? What is the safety lingering in the crying?

The sky is very blue, no pollution, and I walked past with a smile, raising my proud disguise. The mountains on both sides are green, and the stone houses with white walls and black tiles in the valley are full of smoke. There is wet moss in the chapel, and occasionally blue butterflies fly over to roost.

On the road, several children were shuttling back and forth in the vehicle. In the vehicle, several vehicles ignored the red light

Under the pole, several children are climbing

My proud camouflage was broken quietly, and tears flashed in the bright red ground. The parents of the children were crying

Tonight, I hid in the drink, without tears, and drank a lot. The drink lost its sweetness in the mouth, leaving only a trace of bitterness. If I swallowed the pain, I would cry. Crystal tears gently slid down my face, as if afraid of alerting night elves. Swirl gracefully in the air, skim the black wind, and then disappear.

Safety is actually a second waiting at the red light;

In fact, safety is the moment when you run the red light;

Safety is actually the result of parents' blessings and tears.

Memories are like shells on the beach when the tide is ebbing. There is no place to hide. "For parents and for yourself, please pay attention to safety!" A child called from the bottom of his heart.

In fact, he is eager to rush to blessing

Blessing (18)

It seems that some liquid flows from both pupils

There is still your voice of concern

Looking up at the shy smile without you

How are you in heaven

A trace of recall

Can't bring back your soft voice

If, if any, if

I will accompany you to climb to the top of the mountain


I won't run away when you are here

Destiny stole if

Leaving only shocking results

Look, the sky is still so blue

Look, the sun is still warm

Why don't you stop

Wait for me, wait for me to talk about the world with you

Wait for me, wait for me to accompany you to travel

The scenery is still there, but people are not

What pen and ink should I use to commemorate you

In the absence of good morning, good afternoon, good night

Always die and regret

Can I use my whole life's pain for you to stay for a year and a half

Then accompany me to write the posture of Xiangyang

The night is so fierce

God bless

Let you come to my dream

Let me recall the dream chaser

Let me know

Everything is fine for you in the other world

Ease one's mind