Thanks for accompanying 600 (6 recommended)
The sea is upside down
2023-09-20 05:50:27

Thanks for accompanying 600 (1)

Maybe this topic is too old fashioned, or I have said thank you many times. Today's repetition is no longer fresh, but my sincerity remains the same.

I have to admit with guilt that as for those words of gratitude to my parents, I have never been frank with them, but this will not reduce my love and gratitude for them. Family love is always the most important part of my life. Thanks to my parents, they taught me to know the first Chinese character "person" in my life. They saw me stand for the first time when I was learning to walk. They gave me the first gift in my life. They kissed me for the first time and encouraged me for the first time. They told me all kinds of beautiful stories at night. They watched me fall behind my back and how I got up, They told me that chickens were hatched from eggs, not from the mother's belly. They let me know that there are no ghosts in the world. People with ugly hearts are ghosts in the world. They witnessed every step of my growth, and every step of my progress will make them happy. Thanks to my parents, they gave me life.

Thank my friends. I am very happy with them. They are my peers, my confidants and my partners. I can tell them my troubles. They will not be bored, angry, or annoyed. Listening is their best response to me. We have a common hobby, like listening to music, so the mobile phone, MP3 are all the same music; We like running in the rain. We don't have umbrellas. We are not afraid of rain and enjoy this wonderful feeling; Sometimes I also like to walk on the playground before sunset, without too much words. We all know the cozy, quiet and respective feelings; Like to do something related to "youth", our rebellions coincide. There will also be quarrels, endless quarrels, and cold wars. We can even ignore them for two weeks. But we just like this. We have passion, hope, and future. Because we are young.

Gratitude is simple and simple, but it is an eternal theme. Thanksgiving, let me move happiness.

Thanks for accompanying 600 (2)

There are many people in the world who have been with you and taken care of you. Under their care, we have the courage to live. And I learned to accompany and take care of others.

When I was a crying baby, it was you who coaxed me to sleep with your warm arms. I know and remember that the first person I opened my eyes to was you. So, I will never forget your appearance. When I could not walk, it was you who taught me to talk and walk. I also remember that the first word I shouted when I spoke was "Mom", and the hug I jumped into when I walked was your hug. When I was illiterate, it was you who held me in your arms, taught me to read with a doll book, and taught me to draw interesting "characters" on paper hand by hand that I did not understand. What impressed me most was when I made mistakes. When I make a small mistake, you will patiently educate me, tell me what is right, what is wrong, what should be done, what should not be done, and what to do when I encounter it later. In short, I thank you, dear mother, for your company along the way of growth!

Altman is very full every day because of the company of small monsters; Daxiong is not afraid of being alone because he has more than A Dream's company; SpongeBob lives carefree because he is accompanied by Pai Daxing. And I, because of the company of friends, so very happy. It's true friendship if you don't put the word "friend" after the word "friend". It's true companionship if you put the word "company" after the word "friend". Friends use it when they need it, but not when they don't need it. Similarly, accompanying is not always by your side. You can also let her accompany you when you are sad and lost, so that you have enough courage to face all difficulties. In short, I thank you, dear friend, for your company in my study!

I know that I am not alone with your warm company on this long road of life.

Thanks for accompanying 600 (3)

In life, there are many people who have accompanied me, and the person who impressed me most is my mother.

One night, I had a fever and cried "ghost howling wolf howling" in the room.

My mother got up and rushed over. She saw that my face was red, like a ripe red apple. My mother immediately touched my forehead. My mother said, "It's so hot!" My mother immediately took out a thermometer and measured my temperature. My mother picked up the thermometer, took a look at it, and was surprised to say, "It's 38 °." Because my mother saw that I was extremely uncomfortable, she decided to take me to the hospital for medical treatment, injection, and medication, From her expression, my mother was very nervous for fear of my accident. So my mother immediately picked me up, ran downstairs, opened the door immediately, put me gently into the car, and my mother immediately drove. My mother drove much faster than before. She used to drive 40 horsepower, but now she drives 60 horsepower. In a short time, she arrived at the Nancheng Hospital. My mother got off immediately, took me out of the car, and rushed into the hospital at the speed of "lightning speed". My mother immediately asked, "Is there a doctor?" A doctor immediately said, "What's the matter?" My mother said anxiously, "If there is something, help me see how he is." The doctor said, "OK." After the doctor felt the heat, he said, "38 °." The doctor immediately went to pour me a cup of hot water and said, "Go back and buy a bottle of hot tea, and sleep at home." Mother said anxiously: "You should take some medicine for him." The doctor said again: "Don't take medicine." Mother advised the doctor to take medicine for me sentence by sentence... No way, the doctor had to give me some cold medicine. So my mother took me away from Nancheng Hospital with confidence. At night, my mother was afraid that I would have a second fever. My mother worried about me all night, and she gave me water and medicine. My fever was not cured until dawn, and my mother began to "snore, snore, snore" and fell asleep.

Mom, thank you for your company, making me grow up healthily.

Thanks for accompanying 600 (4)

I never thought that there would be a story between you and me. So many things can happen with you. You are almost perfect in my eyes. He is polite to everyone and looks like a little brother to everyone. Very friendly to everyone. Every time I meet you, I miss you, never say a word, sometimes just a few seconds of light eyes, and I don't know what the eyes contain.

I like to watch you smile. It's sunny and cheerful, like a child who will never grow up. Upward mouth is a sign of your loveliness. Your smile can warm my heart. It looks like a bottomless hole, sinking deeper and deeper. I remember you told me that you love to laugh, and the fact is the same. You told me to smile more, saying that I looked good when I smiled. I don't think so myself. I find it difficult to laugh. I can't laugh because I have too many things to suppress. You always persuade me, so I have to smile and nod to show my consent. Every time I see you, I can't help smiling, and then staring at you, I feel special. You know I'm looking at you. You deliberately don't turn your head to avoid embarrassment. You almost never talk to me at school. The reason you gave me was to study hard first and avoid embarrassment. I said I understood your idea. Tell me everything after school. I feel very comfortable with your company. I think you may be the right person I met in my junior high school career.

During the winter vacation, a big adventure with sincere words made me connect with you. There is no shortage of good morning greetings every morning. I will pick up my mobile phone and type in front of the screen to share with you every day. When I feel sad and have your comfort and company, happy things will be shared together, and good night will be sent before I go to bed at night. In fact, this pace of life seems boring to others, but I think it is very substantial. It's a pleasure to chat with people you like.

I am very grateful for the days when he accompanied me. He is really relieved to accompany me. I hope this relationship can last forever.

Thanks for accompanying 600 (5)

You, silent, but always at my side. You have accompanied me through spring, summer, autumn and winter. You have accompanied me to see the stars and the moon. You have accompanied me through childhood. In the future, you will continue to accompany me.

I first met you from the words of adults. At that time, I was still young. I didn't know what you were. Where did you come from and where did you go? Just listen to adults often mention your name.

Later, I went to kindergarten. I remember the kindergarten teacher taught us about your children's songs and nursery rhymes. I listen so carefully and remember so carefully. I often fantasize about you. You were so beautiful in my heart at that time.

Later, when I grew up, I gradually understood you. Occasionally, I will allow you to slip away from me without cherishing and detaining you. Occasionally, I also want to keep you, but you will not care.

Because of you, I have been late, regretted, cried and laughed. Because of you, I also grew up. I can never forget that you have accompanied me to grow up and felt the sadness and happiness of my growth together.

How I want you to stop and let me thank you! However, you are always moving forward, and I wish I would never catch up with you. My friend told me, since I can't catch up, why not cherish the present? I think that's also true.

Because of you, I accepted more challenges. Remember the long-distance race last month? Remember last week's test? Remember last night I was trying to write better? Because of you, I have gained more knowledge. First grade, I learned Pinyin; In the second grade, I learned multiplication; In the third grade, I learned English... I learned a lot of knowledge in the six years of primary school, and in the year of junior high school, I learned a lot of knowledge.

Because of you, I know family. Mother love, father love, brother and sister love, teacher and student love, there are so many beautiful feelings in the world. Because of you, I understand life and society.

I really appreciate your time. This friend has always been with me. Late at night, in front of my desk, I am learning. Because of you, I am no longer lonely... A bright moon once again hangs high in the sky, illuminating you and me.

Thanks for accompanying 600 (6)

I passed his home and his and my good memories. You know what? In those years, we rampaged along the road, making fun of hip-hop, and had a good time!

When we were tired of playing, we took our own money and went to the convenience store to buy popsicles. So we walked home hand in hand.

Sometimes I am bullied. It is he who stands alone to help me defend against strong opponents. Do you know that? We really knew each other by the river. I remember when I was catching fish in the river and had a good time. When he came, he said, "Hello! Do you like catching fish?" I nodded, "I like it too, let's catch it together!" So we began to catch fish and played the game of who catches more. It was here that we became the best friend in the world.

Sometimes we also go to the cinema together to see a movie. We bought two bags of potato chips and a bag of popcorn, and went to see the big movie "The Year of the Bears" together. As soon as we walked in, there was a huge crowd of people. Adults and children rushed into the cinema, fearing not to see anything. They sat in their seats and watched the film "The Year of Bears" happily. We also sped up our speed, afraid that we would not have a seat for a while, so we looked around and found that there were only two seats left. He took the lead in grabbing the seat, but the other one was grabbed by others. I had to sit beside him and watch. But he insisted on giving his seat to me. I was very moved at that time and thought: He is my most iron friend!

But he went to Sichuan, and he didn't come back for one, two, three years. I thank him for helping me, accompanying me and protecting me. It was he who helped me get up from difficulties. He is Zeng Xi.