Writing about a Pond (8 Collections)
Sleepless night
2024-05-08 09:30:49

Write a composition about the pond (1)

Our campus is really beautiful, with teaching buildings, wide plastic runways, fish ponds, flower beds... But what I like most is the fish ponds on campus.

Enter the school gate, go up the steps, and walk left to see the beautiful fish pond. In the middle of the fishpond stands a rockery. On both sides of the fishpond are two tall cedars, like two guards guarding the fishpond. The rockery and strange rocks in the middle of the fishpond are jagged, with strange peaks listed, like an old man, like a fairy, like a giant elephant, reflecting the water. The fish in the water swim happily, with their small mouths opening and closing. When they open, they look like O shape, as if they are looking for some food. Their eyes are big, very beautiful, glittering and eye-catching. Occasionally, I can see some small fish in groups of five and nine, as if they were discussing something. The water in the fishpond is so clear that you can see the fish at the bottom. The water in the fishpond is so green that it seems to be a piece of flawless jade. When the sun shines into the water, the water surface appears layers of ripples, sparkling. If you put your hand in the water and turn it around, you will see the ripples ripple away. At this time, the fish will run away desperately for fear that someone will hurt it. If you do not look carefully, it is difficult to find its shadow. The little fish in the fishpond are so cute!

The fishpond on our campus is beautiful. I love my campus.

Writing about the Pond (2)

There is a fountain in Shanghai City Community. It is rectangular. There are many eustomas lying in the green grass beside the fountain. The stems of this plant bloom and grow leaves. The green and tender leaves look like round little lotus leaves. The branches bend down like shy little girls when the breeze blows.

Trollius has five petals, which are orange red. Trollius blossomed on the stem like warm lamps. The stamen is columnar and light yellow. In spring, bees fly around on the stamen to spread pollen.

There are ten willows beside the pool. The long willows hang down like long hair. The thin and long willows hang on the water, making the fish in the water laugh.

There are two bridges on the pool, a stone arch bridge and a wooden bridge, which divide the pool into three parts. When the night falls, sweet music will be played. The big and small sprinklers will spray beautiful water. Some of them will fly into the sky and then spread out. Some of them will stretch around like children dancing.

There are also tadpoles in the pool, like little commas; Swim about happily; The complacent crabs walk sideways in the water as if there is nothing beside them.

While appreciating the colorful flowers and plants beside the pool, pedestrians said, "Look how beautiful the place we live in!"

In the evening, the kids like to ride balance cars around the fountain, chasing each other, running, and we grow up.

Writing about the Pond (3)

In front of my grandma's house, there is a pond full of lotus flowers. Seen from afar, it looks like a living picture.

There is a lawn beside the pond. The lawn is full of green grass. There are some blue, yellow and goose yellow wild flowers in the grass, which looks like a carpet beside the water.

In the early morning of summer, the dew on the lotus leaves kept rolling under the breeze. Sophora japonica falls on the lotus leaf and jumps more vigorously. There are many lotus flowers in the pond. The lotus leaves are crowded like big green discs. The white lotus flowers emerge from among these discs, which is remarkable. Some lotus flowers only have two or three petals. Some of the petals were fully unfolded, revealing a small yellow lotus canopy. Some of them are flower buds, which look like they are full and about to burst.

There are flocks of ducks in the pond. Some are chasing and playing, some are putting their heads into the water to catch fish and shrimp, and some are flapping their wings and barking "quack", as if to say to their partners: "Everyone, come here and play hide and seek"!

This is my hometown, this is my hometown's beautiful pond!

Writing about the Pond (4)

My hometown is in Shifu, where the scenery is beautiful. My favorite scenery is the small pond not far from my home.

I looked like a piece of emerald from afar. When I came closer, it looked like a big bright mirror.

In spring, the fish in the pond swim in groups. By the pool, several weeping willows pulled out new branches. The breeze blew in, and the branches of weeping willows were like girls' hair waving. The flowers beside the willows were really bright, red, purple, yellow... It was like a beautiful scenery!

In summer, right in the middle of the pond: lotus leaves are fluttering, lotus flowers are in full bloom, white and pink lotus flowers are intertwined with lotus canopy, lotus branches are intertwined with each other, the breeze is blowing, swaying in the wind, which is really beautiful. Under the lotus leaf, there are big frogs. They jump out of the water from time to time and squat on the lotus leaf, "quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack. The fish swam freely in the water, sometimes playing in groups, sometimes sucking alone, a group of naughty children jumped into the water one by one, while they swam in the water, sometimes fighting water, they had fun.

In autumn, the yellow leaves of the big tree float into the water, just like a boat with flat leaves drifting with the waves. The flowers are about to wither, as if to tell us that winter is coming.

I like my hometown! I love the pond in my hometown more!

Writing about the Pond (5)

There is a pond in front of my house.

The pond covers only a few acres. Tangbian, several weeping willows dressed it. Although it doesn't have the grandeur of the sea or the charm of the West Lake, I love it deeply, just as I love my gentle mother.

In the morning, I like to sit by the pond and read the text gently. The pond is like a beautiful mother, watching me silently. Sometimes I like to put my feet into the pool water and gently stir it. The soft pool water beats my feet, like a mother's hand touching me. It's very comfortable.

At noon, the scorching sun blew flames. The dense weeping willows blocked the sun. I sometimes sit by the pond and read; Sometimes I sit under a willow tree and meditate. The pond water is rippling, and willow branches are swaying charmingly with the ripples. "Swimming!" shouted, and a group of children plopped into the water. They are like fish, swimming happily in the cold pond water, enjoying the caress of the pond water.

At dusk, I like to sit by the pond and watch. The fiery red sun went down into the water and lay flat, like a red faced baby, with red light all over. The scattered green water, like a soft and smooth bed, gently held it. The green pond water is holding the red sunset, and the graceful weeping willows are leaning against the water. What a beautiful picture!

"Squeak, Squeak, Squeak," someone is carrying water. Pond water, open and plump chest let green milk feed the land and people of home.

Ah! I love the small pond in front of my door. You are like a piece of green emerald inlaid in the land of my hometown.

Write a composition about the pond (6)

Some people like the spectacular Tiananmen Square in Beijing; Some people like to climb the high and steep Mount Tai; Others like the sparkling sea But I like the small pond in front of my house best!

The small pond in the morning is the most beautiful! In the morning, layers of mist floated on the small pond, which looked like layers of mysterious white gauze from a distance; "The early bird catches the worm" is true. Every morning, when the birds sing happily, I know that a new day is coming. The green lotus leaves, like bamboo plates, stand high on the pond. Above the green lotus leaves, one after another lotus flowers look like graceful girls in pink clothes sitting on the big jade plate.

At noon, the fog floating on the small pond gradually dissipated, and clusters of sunlight shone on the pond, and the originally clear small pond gradually became golden yellow; When the breeze gently blows across the pond, ripples will appear on the water surface, which is very beautiful; Soon, tourists came, some feeding fish, some walking, and some enjoying the cool under the trees; How lively

At night, the moon came out; From time to time, there are several frogs singing on the lotus leaves on the small pond, and from time to time, there are several crickets chirping in the grass. Their lively chirping seems to be in a cheerful tune

This is the small pond in front of my house that makes people relaxed and happy; Do you like it?

Writing about the Pond (7)

It was another summer and a hot season. The sun lit everything around. It's an illusion. I can see everywhere is full of life and green. A breeze blows from the rice field over there, bringing a fragrance of the field to my nose. But despite this, I still feel that what is missing, what is missing in summer, and what makes me feel good, but I can't remember it.

This unforgettable memory is my impatience. In addition to the originally hot weather, I really can't stand it. I ran out of my grandfather's house and walked to the river in front of my house. Looking at the river over there, the ripples rippled and the light spots of memories rippled. I sat down with my head in my hands and looked at the light spots as if I remembered something. "That's right!" I shouted and jumped up.

That was when I was young: in this hot summer season, it is always unbearable. Many people are blowing fans at home and eating watermelons. I set out to the grove alone. Grandma said that the pond there was too deep for me to get on if I fell down, but I often sneaked to play there. It became my "Holy Land" and paradise.

The small pond is some distance from our home, but if you look carefully, you can see a little green shadow, like a green bean. Here, I'm free. I don't have to memorize any difficult ancient poems and texts, nor do I have to worry about mathematical problems. Here, the only thing I have to learn is how to play. In summer, the grove is particularly cool, full of vitality and green, and the whole person seems to be eaten by the green, and integrated into the whole green. Lying by the pool, looking up at the sky, the blue sky was looking at itself. The blue sky smiled, and I smiled back. There was also light. The original strong light squeezed through the leaves and came in. At this time, it became like a little girl, especially gentle, stroking my face, and I gradually fell asleep, asleep? It seems that she hasn't slept yet, but she just closes her eyes and listens with her ears. It's the sound of the wind. When the wind comes, she flies with the fragrance of flowers in the distance. I don't know what kind of flowers they are. They are very fragrant. The fragrance makes people lose themselves.

There are many creatures I know near the pond. The crickets sing songs, the butterflies fly, the mantis practice boxing. There are also some beautiful unnamed creatures. We all enjoy the gift of nature here.

Suddenly, Grandma's cry came from a distance. I opened my eyes and found myself sitting asleep in the small pond in front of my house. When I woke up, I really woke up. The pond had already left me, left the creatures, left the woods, and later I knew that someone had filled it.

Ah, the pond is no longer there, but the woods are still there, the paradise is not there, but the memories are still there. I will always remember you, my paradise - the pond in summer.

Writing about the Pond (8)

When spring comes, the water in the pool is a little warmer. The fish come out from under the water and keep spitting bubbles, as if they are begging people for snacks. When my companions and I were not active in feeding, they were actually "cute". They either swung their bodies or jumped out of the water boldly. After we understood their meaning, we threw our food onto the water one after another. When the fish are full, they will wag their tails to express their gratitude, and then go into the water bottom and disappear without a trace.

In summer, the weather becomes hot. At this time, the fish are no longer as greedy as in spring, and seldom swim out of the water to eat food. Where did they hide? I surrounded the pond and looked for them carefully. These little guys had already swam to the shady area where the big trees were thrown on the water. The water here was much cooler than the water exposed to the sun. They were resting in the "drying shed", drinking a little cooler water from time to time, and jumping out of the water from time to time. Here, they spent the summer, not feeling hot and irritable at all, but enjoying the happiness brought by cool every day.

It was late autumn, and the water in the pond was much cooler. In the distance, the water was splashing. My companions and I picked up pebbles and threw them at the middle of the lake. The fish are also very interested and swim to the other side of the pond. I guess they are making room for us, so that we can have a good time!

The deep winter with snow is our favorite day. At this time, the fish are hiding under the water to sleep. My companions and I went to the bridge in the middle of the pond to make snowmen and push snowballs. Suddenly, someone played a prank and threw snow into the neck of our companions. We had a big fun and had a snowball fight. The snowballs turned into white arcs and fell into the pond one by one. The sound of "dong dong dong dong" seemed to be calling the fish out to fight!

The pond in the community is as green as jade in spring, as a mirror in summer, as a boat drifting in autumn, and as white snow in winter. It is the happiest place for fish and me. I love this beautiful pond!