Learn to appreciate (7 elaborations)
Contentment is happiness
2023-11-07 07:10:24
Senior 2
Argumentative paper

Learn to appreciate (1)

Maybe you are now the "ugly duckling" that people despise. Maybe you don't have eloquence. Maybe you are mediocre and insignificant. Maybe you are inferior to others in many aspects. In fact, this is not terrible. Who has no shortcomings and weaknesses? Don't be afraid of your own weaknesses, as long as you have a strong heart rather than a weak heart is essential.

The world we live in is not short of beauty. What we lack is an eye that is good at discovering beauty. Therefore, we should be good at discovering our own strengths and qualities that others do not have, so as to appreciate ourselves well.

Zeng Guofan has a famous saying: "Anyone who has a skill will never be despised." If you have many or even one specialty, people will not underestimate you. You should not underestimate yourself. You must fully explore and show your outstanding expertise, whether painting or writing.

When it comes to learning, everyone may not be able to get into high school or college. It doesn't matter. Not all talents are created by universities. There is a saying that "all roads lead to Rome" and "every line leads to a champion.

The phrase "people should know themselves well" is used to remind those who are self righteous and overconfident. In fact, people with low self-esteem and cowardice need to use this to warn themselves. Those who only see their own shortcomings and those who only see their own advantages are just two sides of a coin. There is no doubt that everyone's ability is different. It comes from both heredity and learning. Therefore, everyone should design the way of life according to his ability.

From now on, get to know yourself and appreciate yourself! Discard self blame and inferiority, pick up self-confidence and self-improvement, and success will beckon you!

Learn to appreciate (2)

Appreciation is an ability to understand life and discover beauty. We need to find beauty, especially our sunny young generation. We need to be good at tasting pure beauty from the complicated world and discovering extraordinary things from the ordinary.


Appreciation often focuses on ordinary people, things and things.

One night, a young mother was washing dishes, and his little son was playing in the backyard.

When the mother heard her son's bouncing voice, she asked him aloud what he was doing. The son also loudly replied, "Mom, I want to jump to the moon!" The mother did not blame her son for not studying hard like other parents, but said, "OK, but remember to come back!" When the child grew up, he really jumped to the moon. He was the first person to land on the moon in human history - American astronaut Neil Armstrong.

In a word, it may realize a child's dream, otherwise, it may destroy their dream. Mothers take good care of their children's dreams. Know how to appreciate children, it will be an invisible wealth. Michelangelo, a famous Italian sculptor and painter, once completed a masterpiece, but it is said that the marble used to carve the statue of David has been criticized by many sculptors as useless. Some people think its texture is not beautiful, so that he can never carve good works of art. In general, he is regarded as a common stone when people are young.

But after Michelangelo eliminated this stone that everyone thought was useful with his unique vision, he became a famous David.

When Lin Qingxuan, a Taiwanese writer, was a reporter, he once reported that a thief's lovemaking technique was very exquisite. At the end of the article, he couldn't help sighing: a thief with such a delicate mind, such a clever technique and such a unique style is so gentle and temperamental. If he didn't become a thief, he would make great achievements in any field!

Unexpectedly, this sentence has affected the life of a young man. Today, the thief was the big boss of several mutton ovens in Taiwan. In an encounter, the boss said sincerely to Lin Qingxuan: "The special article written by Mr. Lin broke the blind spot of my life and made me think, why, besides doing what we want to do, we also want to know each other?" Since then, the young man has changed his mind, changed his character and started a new life.

In retrospect, if there was no appreciation and expectation from Lin Qingxuan, perhaps another youth would slip farther on the lost road.

In 1952, Turgenev's appreciation of an unknown person may become a famous novelist.

With a unique understanding of nature, worship and time, it painted a vibrant sunrise sea.

Beethoven listened to his turbulent inner life and produced a shocking Symphony of Destiny. Xiao He chased Han Xin in the month, Liu Bei visited Zhuge Liang three times, and Napoleon let Zhou Sirte go. These lucky people can't live without the appreciative Bole people.

Life, vegetation and autumn are extremely short years. How many people can become the focus. Therefore, we should learn to appreciate everything, everyone and everything in life.

Let's start with appreciation!

Learn to appreciate (3)

Wang Jie once said, "Only when one compares his own shortcomings with the advantages of others can one feel his own shortcomings and make progress. If one overestimates himself and thinks that he is better than others, he will never make progress." Therefore, we should learn to appreciate others.

To learn to appreciate and praise others is not to "grow others' ambition and destroy their prestige", but to recognize their own shortcomings and correct them while knowing others' advantages.

An author once made a survey: people who often appreciate, praise and praise others tend to be optimistic, popular and respected, seldom get sick, and live longer than ordinary people; The people who often blame and complain have no friends, are lonely, physically and psychologically fragile, and have a shorter life than ordinary people.

Different people have different views on different things. Two prisoners lay down at the prison door and looked out. One saw the mud in front of the door, and the other saw the blue sky and white clouds. Therefore, we should ponder over other people's different views and learn something useful from them. For the two people in the story, I think the former should learn from the latter and learn from the optimism of the latter.

I once heard such a story: a young poor boy was scolding God for being unfair to him and leaving himself with nothing. God said, "Well, young man, I will give you one million yuan, and you can sell me your hands." The young man refused. God said, "Then sell me your eyes, one million yuan!" The young man refused. God smiled and said, "Look, your hand is worth one million yuan and your eyes are worth one million yuan. Do you still think you are poor? You are already a millionaire." Indeed, we are all very rich, so we should learn to appreciate ourselves.

We should realize that whether we learn to appreciate others or ourselves, it is necessary and we should do it. If you can't learn to appreciate others, you may not make friends in life, or you may miss success because of your persistence and stubbornness.

Therefore, let's learn to appreciate others and ourselves. I believe that our world will be more wonderful because of this.

Learn to appreciate (4)

Dear teachers and students

hello everyone! The topic of my speech is "Learn to appreciate".

I think we should learn to appreciate in our study and life.

For the same rose, some people see red petals, while others see thorns on branches and stems. Why do you see two different results for the same thing? The reason is that some people know how to appreciate and praise others; But some people only know how to look at things with a critical and accusatory eye.

When I was a child, my teacher once said: "People who often praise others tend to be optimistic, popular, respected, seldom get sick, and prolong their life; while people who often blame and complain about others have no friends, are lonely, physically and psychologically fragile, and are prone to depression and illness."

In Europe, a postman accidentally stumbled over a stone while delivering a letter. He was about to complain, but found it was a strange stone and picked it up. Day after day, the stones he picked up were piled up all over his house. So he delivers letters during the day and builds castles at night. Gradually, some people appreciated and praised his efforts, and encouraged him. Finally, he built one beautiful castle after another on the slope, and one day he was published on the cover of a magazine. Many famous people come here to admire the fame. These people marvel at the skills of young people, greatly appreciate them, and invest in building this place into a famous scenic spot.

The reason why young people succeed is that they are appreciated by others. It can be seen that appreciation is very important to a person's success. Appreciation is as important to plants as sunlight is to crops. At the same time, it is also an indispensable passport in our growth process. It is a candle and sunshine, which can bring light to others.

So, how can we learn to appreciate?

When you take the bus, say to the driver: "You are very comfortable driving!" A short sentence can make the driver feel happy, smile to each passenger, let the warmth pass in every corner, and create a harmonious and beautiful social circle. At the same time, when appreciating and praising others, we should also find "thorns on branches and stems", compare our own behavior and achieve "change if you have, encourage if you have not".

Let's all try our best to appreciate and praise others, and the society will become more beautiful!

My speech is over, thank you!

Learn to appreciate (5)

"The sea embraces all rivers, and its capacity is great". It is an open-minded manner to appreciate others.

No one is perfect, everyone has his own strengths and weaknesses. In this regard, it is not advisable to belittle oneself and rely on talents and arrogance. It will only lead people to mediocrity. And correctly appreciating others will make mediocrity become excellent, make inferiority become self-improvement, make depression become enterprising, and make complacency become humble.

During the Spring and Autumn Period, Guan Zhong was poor when he was young. In his early years, Guan Zhong and his friend Bao Shuya made a living by running small businesses. Guan Zhong didn't have as much capital as Bao Shuya, but when it came to dividends, he received his due share and had to add more. Bao Shuya's underlings scolded Guan Zhong for being greedy. Bao Shuya defended Guan Zhong for his large family and high expenses, so I volunteered to give it to him. Guan Zhong is timid in leading the army, and his soldiers are dissatisfied. But Bao Shuya says that Guan Zhong's family has an old mother, and he cherishes himself to serve her. He is not really afraid of death. Bao Shuya protects Guan Zhong in every way because he knows that Guan Zhong is a rare talent, but he has no chance to use it. Guan Zhong sighed, "My parents gave birth to me, and Uncle Bao understood me!" In this way, they became sworn friends. Later, with the strong recommendation of Bao Shuya, Guan Zhong became the prime minister of the State of Qi, helping Duke Huan of Qi become the first of the five hegemons in the Spring and Autumn Period.

Bao Shuya admired Guan Zhong and defended him in every way. Even Duke Huan of Qi gave Guan Zhong his important position, but he was willing to do so. It can be seen how magnanimous and broad-minded people will be when appreciating others. This is like the valley vanilla, which makes people smell more fragrant; The steep rock is strong and loose, which makes people harder and harder.

French Hugo said: "The broadest thing in the world is the sea, the sky is broader than the sea, and the soul is broader than the sky." Let us smile like the sea to absorb rivers, stand like mountains, abandon inferiority, conceit and complacency, and appreciate others correctly!

Chapter 2

Appreciation is the expression of a person's mind and vision. It is also the expression of a person's intelligence, intelligence and calm demeanor. Appreciation is the way to behave. Do not know how to appreciate, do not want to appreciate, people often have a picky, is an appreciation; More demanding, less caring.

Everyone should learn to appreciate. It should be noted that "the deepest need of human nature is the desire to be appreciated by others" - William James. Moreover, with the increase of experience, this desire will become more profound and enthusiastic. A smile of trust, a nod of affirmation, a look of encouragement, and a word of encouragement can help others to dispel the shadow of inferiority accumulated in their hearts, find their long lost precious self-esteem, and correct their lost pursuit of value, It can awaken the dusty potential for others, and can induce the sprout of creative impulse for others.

Appreciation lies in the conversion of angles. All things have their own advantages. With people and things, the front may not be so beautiful, but the side is a beautiful silhouette; Or its appearance is childish, ugly, clumsy and naughty, but its internal implication is really mature, beautiful, new and smart. Why don't we look at it from another angle and take a detour?

Chapter 3

For the earth, if there is no sun, it will lose its former glory, become dim, and its vitality will gradually fade.

For people, without mutual appreciation, there will be no trust and no development of friendship.

Therefore, appreciation is the most beautiful thing in the world. It can melt the ice and snow in our hearts, so that we can find the advantages of others and understand them better.

So, what is appreciation?

Appreciation is a kind of feeling. The sculptor Rodin once said: "Life is not lack of beauty, but lack of discovery." Only the eyes that know how to appreciate can find beauty. Therefore, people who know how to appreciate are happy. In his eyes, the world is beautiful. He sees people and their advantages clearly, so that you can feel the fun life brings to you every day. For those who are cynical, pointing fingers at others and pointing out their shortcomings one by one, his world is just black and white, without any glory. Of course, he will feel that life is so depressed.

Appreciation is a kind of complementarity. Between two people, they find each other's advantages, absorb the advantages, and their shortcomings become insignificant. This will play a complementary role and let two people move forward together; On the contrary, if two people find each other's shortcomings, it will be bad for both people and will become worse and worse.

Appreciation is a kind of smelting. Learning to appreciate others is a shortcut to constantly improve one's self-cultivation and also a kind of exercise in human relationship quotient. It makes one's taste higher and sets an example in the eyes of others. As an old saying goes, "No one is perfect without gold." It reminds an objective truth: there is nothing perfect in nature. What's more, bones can also be found in eggs, so critics never worry about nothing to do, let alone the danger of being laid off. But is this kind of work meaningful? There is no light and hope, only abyss and decadence.

People who learn to appreciate others are like walking into a large rose forest, smelling the fragrance and eyeful of red; On the contrary, the beautiful rose forest in the eyes of those who do not appreciate others is an ugly and gloomy thorn.

Learning to appreciate others will let you enter another world.

Chapter 4

Wang Jie once said, "Only when one compares his own shortcomings with the advantages of others can one feel his own shortcomings and make progress. If one overestimates himself and thinks that he is better than others, he will never make progress." Therefore, we should learn to appreciate others.

To learn to appreciate and praise others is not to "grow others' ambition and destroy their prestige", but to recognize their own shortcomings and correct them while knowing others' advantages.

An author once made a survey: people who often appreciate, praise and praise others tend to be optimistic, popular and respected, seldom get sick, and live longer than ordinary people; The people who often blame and complain have no friends, are lonely, physically and psychologically fragile, and have a shorter life than ordinary people.

Different people have different views on different things. Two prisoners lay down at the prison door and looked out. One saw the mud in front of the door, and the other saw the blue sky and white clouds. Therefore, we should ponder over other people's different views and learn something useful from them. For the two people in the story, I think the former should learn from the latter and learn from the optimism of the latter.

I once heard such a story: a young poor boy was scolding God for being unfair to him and leaving himself with nothing. God said, "Well, young man, I will give you one million yuan, and you can sell me your hands." The young man refused. God said, "Then sell me your eyes, one million yuan!" The young man refused. God smiled and said, "Look, your hand is worth one million yuan and your eyes are worth one million yuan. Do you still think you are poor? You are already a millionaire." Indeed, we are all very rich, so we should learn to appreciate ourselves.

We should realize that whether we learn to appreciate others or ourselves, it is necessary and we should do it. If you can't learn to appreciate others, you may not make friends in life, or you may miss success because of your persistence and stubbornness.

Therefore, let's learn to appreciate others and ourselves. I believe that our world will be more wonderful because of this.

Learn to appreciate (6)

I have a seemingly boring question: Do you know who you are? Of course you know, you will answer me yes, this answer is only superficial, but do you know yourself in the real sense? Can you dominate your own thoughts instead of your own? Maybe you will definitely say "I can", or you will frankly say "I can't". Maybe you are ambiguous about the answers to these two questions. Then how can you say I am? The superficial meaning is not what I want to know at all. The name is just a code name. It can't show what kind of person you are. If someone makes friends with you, it is not your name or appearance, but your character. So you should know yourself and appreciate yourself.

Some people know themselves, but they don't know everything about themselves. They only see their own shortcomings, just like a person has strengths and weaknesses. But they put weaknesses in front of their chest, look at it all the time, and put strengths behind their backs, forgetting its existence. People always walk with their heads down, very inferiority complex. Therefore, before learning to appreciate yourself, please yourself.

You should know that everyone has advantages and disadvantages. If you turn a blind eye to it, it is still there. However, after seeing and accepting, the advantages will become self-confidence, and the disadvantages will become surprises. They are not eternal. Although we are not perfect enough, we will love ourselves more and show a smiling face every day. Slowly, you will find that you will meet the best of yourself.

Appreciating yourself is actually very simple. But when you know yourself and accept yourself, you will appreciate yourself.

We are growing up in our life. We have our own dreams and aspirations. We will also strive for these. With hard work, you will succeed. But if you appreciate yourself, you will find yourself better, and you will go further from success. We should be successful people, confident people, and people who have been working hard. I believe that after appreciating ourselves, we will be more motivated and eager for life. We will do it! Boys and girls, come on!

Learn to appreciate (7)

It is the same tree. Some people see the lush trees, while others only see the caterpillars on the top of the trees.

Why does the same thing produce two different results? The reason is that some people know how to appreciate and praise, while others only look at things with critical and accusatory eyes.

A reporter once did a survey: people who often appreciate others, praise and praise others tend to be positive, optimistic, popular, respected, seldom get sick, and live longer than ordinary people; The people who often blame and complain have no friends, are lonely, physically and psychologically fragile, and have a shorter life than ordinary people.

There was once a postman who accidentally tripped over a stone on the way to deliver a letter. He was about to complain, but he bowed his head and found it was a strange shaped stone. He thought how wonderful it would be to build a castle with many such stones! Curious, he happily picked up the stone and put it in the mail bag. After that, he would pick up a strange stone every day when delivering letters. Day after day, the stones he picked up were piled up all over his house. So he delivered letters during the day and built castles at night. Gradually, passers-by appreciated, praised and encouraged his efforts. Finally, he built beautiful castles one after another on the hillside. One day, he was on the front page of the newspaper. Many people came to admire him, including Picasso, the famous painter at that time. He marveled at the skills of young people, greatly appreciated them, and invested in transforming this place into a famous tourist area.

The secret of young people's success is greater than that they are appreciated and praised by others. It can be seen how important appreciation and praise are! Some people have made such comments on appreciation and praise: praise and appreciation are like wind to sail, like rain to seed: praise and appreciation are indispensable nutrients in our growth process. Praise and appreciation are hope, power, and use your own spiritual fire to ignite others' spiritual fire.

So, how can we appreciate and praise others?

When you get off the bus, you say to the driver, "Thank you, it's very comfortable to ride in your car." A sentence can not take a few seconds, but it may also make the driver happy all day because of this compliment. If he carries 50 passengers a day, he will be kind to 50 passengers, and these passengers will be infected, and will also be kind to people around, There will be a harmonious atmosphere in the whole car.

When you pass the construction site, you can say to the workers: "This building is well built." These workers may work harder because of your words.

Smile at a plain looking woman, she will feel like a spring breeze.


However, while appreciating and praising others, we should not forget the caterpillar on the top of the tree and the last wrong exercise. Although they are indeed insignificant compared with the lush trees and so many correct exercises, we should not ignore them. We should use bright eyes to find them and correct them with an optimistic attitude.

Let's try our best to appreciate, praise and help others, and the world will become more beautiful!