Little Rabbit Composition (17 compilations)
Wenzhu arouses a middle-aged style
2024-05-23 09:39:05
second grade

Little Rabbit Composition (1)

During the summer vacation, my mother bought me a cute little rabbit. The little rabbit has a black and white "sweater", with two long and black ears high and straight, and a layer of white hair on its small head, but it has a circle of black hair outside its eyes, and two big black circles are particularly eye-catching.

Every morning at the rabbit's breakfast time, I took a bag of soybeans to him, squatted down, counted six soybeans, put one soybeans into his mouth, and heard the sound of "click, click" eating. Then, I fed the second, three, four... listening to the eating sound of "click, click, click, click", I seemed to hear the second hand of the alarm clock turning.

Every day at 12 o'clock at noon, I finish my lunch and feed the rabbit. I took out half a carrot and a dozen green vegetable leaves and sent them into the rabbit cage. The rabbit ate with relish!

I'm a good baby sitter of Little Rabbit. I don't want to leave it for a moment. So I simply slept on the sofa beside the rabbit cage. After Meimei slept for a while, she called her friends to play on the lawn downstairs. The bunny must be going with her!

The sun was setting, and it was time for dinner and a bath. The bunny's dinner consisted of a dozen vegetable leaves and a quarter of carrots. After it is finished, I will give it a cold bath. When taking a bath, the rabbit jumped and seemed very happy!

I like our lovely rabbit very much.

Little Rabbit Composition (2)

On a sunny and cloudless morning, Little Rabbit went to visit Grandma's house.

Along the way, the rabbit walked happily with a small basket. It also picked some grass, flowers and mushrooms, and thought, "When I get home, Grandma will cook mushroom soup for me!"

Suddenly, the sky was covered with dark clouds, followed by lightning and thunder. Soon, a heavy rain poured down, and the little rabbit dodged from left to right without escaping the "attack" of the heavy rain. How big this mushroom is! Standing here, I can't feel the rain outside at all.

Later, it cleared up and the rain stopped. Little rabbit finally arrived at grandma's house! Look, how happy it is!

Little Rabbit Composition (3)

Speaking of my rabbit, no one is more greedy than it. Its intense ruby like eyes are always staring at delicious food. If we don't give it a little, it will be angry. No matter how many good words are said, it will not say a word. It also has a three valve mouth that can be greedy. It tastes both grass and flowers, as if it were a gourmet.

It is not only greedy, but also timid. As long as someone stands beside it, it will not eat. Even when we sleep, we can't make any sound, because its hearing is so keen that we think someone will take it away.

Although it is timid, it is very playful. Give it a watercolor pen. It will first pick up the watercolor pen with its hands, and then bite it with its mouth. Finally, it will leave it alone if it feels bad. Whenever I release it from the cage, it will play hide and seek with me. Sometimes hiding under the washing machine, sometimes hiding in the flowers, playing happily.

Little white rabbit, although you are greedy, timid and playful, you will always be my best friend. You are gentle and amiable. Every day I will tell you what happened in school. You are a good toy for me.

Little Rabbit Composition (4)

The rabbit is a lively and lovely animal. It is white all over, without any other color. Its eyes are red, just like two sparkling rubies. Its ears are big and long. As long as it hears a slight sound, its ears will stand up and look around vigilantly to find the place where the sound comes from. Its mouth has three petals, just like three petals, two on the upper lip and one on the lower lip. It also has six beards on both sides of its mouth. When it is angry, its beard turns up, much like the Jade Emperor when he is angry. Its front legs are short and its back legs are long. When walking, it bounces like a lively and naughty child. Its bushy tail is like a wind bell shaking in the wind.

Little White Rabbit likes radishes best. As long as there are radishes, (.) Little White Rabbit will eat them all.

The little white rabbit is very timid. Once I went to my grandmother's house to amuse the little white rabbit, which frightened him to hide in the hole and dare not move. I took great pains to catch him.

Little Rabbit Composition (5)

Because I am a rabbit, I like rabbits very much. When I was five and a half years old, my father brought me a white rabbit from outside. This little rabbit looks like a white and flawless little fur ball. It is snow-white all over, without any mottle. On its small head, there is a pair of white and long ears; Under its ears are a pair of bright small eyes, like two small black beads; Its tail is also very short, like a small pompon.

I like this rabbit very much and regard it as my good friend. When I was bored, I would often take the cage with the rabbit in front of me to have a look; Whenever I look at it, it will stare at me with its small black pearl like eyes, as if to say: "Master, am I particularly cute?"...... When the weather is good, I will take the rabbit to play outdoors; Every time I take it out, it will jump after me, never leave

One morning, I habitually went to see the rabbit, but found it motionless in the cage; I quickly called my mother to come and see it. After reading it, my mother said it was dead... I was very sad because I lost a good friend... Many years have passed, although I have contacted many animals, the little rabbit still exists in my memory.

Little Rabbit Composition (6)

The white rabbit's fur is white and white, like a small snowball, soft and comfortable to the touch. Its round eyes are red and red, like two bright rubies. The rabbit's ears are long, and its hearing is very sensitive. Its mouth is very special. The three flap mouth is always stirring. I don't know whether it is because of fear or looking for food. Its front legs are small and short, The hind legs are long and powerful, and the rabbit's tail is short and small, as the saying goes: "A rabbit's tail cannot grow."

The little white rabbit likes to eat vegetables and carrots. Once I brought a carrot. The little white rabbit was so happy to see the food that he walked around me. I deliberately lifted the carrot high. The little rabbit stepped back, jumped up, grabbed the carrot with his small mouth, and held it down with all his strength. As a result, half of the carrot was held down, which was great!

The rabbit is so cute, it brings me endless happiness!

Little Rabbit Composition (7)

In my childhood memory, there used to be such a white rabbit, which brought me countless times of laughter and made my childhood interesting.

It was a sunny day. My brother and I went shopping with my grandparents. It didn't matter. We bought a lot of things at once. There were toys for my brother and me, so we were very happy. "Buy rabbits! Five yuan each! Buy rabbits!" On the way home, this shout attracted my brother's attention and I couldn't help walking over. At first sight, there are dozens of small rabbits in several big frames, white, black, gray, and flowered. Our brothers are excited again. The rabbit is so funny and cute. My brother and I want to buy one. As long as we want it, we must get it. therefore,

We turned our eyes to Grandma. However, Grandma readily agreed, which made our brothers very happy. We picked up a rabbit and left.

At home, we feed it with the leaves of Chinese cabbage. It seems that it is too hungry. It picks up the leaves with its front paws and eats them. After a few times, it eats up all the cabbages. However, its eight petal mouth is still chewing, and its whiskers are also warped. It is so beautiful. Its long ears, white fluffy clothes and ruby eyes are so attractive. We call it Guapiao. As soon as we relax, it will run around, either dropping into the toilet or getting under the sofa and sleeping secretly.

The funniest thing is that it can't get out under the sofa. I looked at it that day, but there were three anxieties. When I came back from the convenience, the rabbit got under the sofa again. I flattered him for a long time, but he still didn't come out, so I used my unique skill - "rabbit fishing". I put a vegetable leaf under the sofa and waited for it to bite. For him, the temptation of food is very great, as I expected. In order to eat food, he took the bait, let him have a bite, and then pulled Caiye forward. I "hooked" the rabbit out. Under our careful care, the rabbit grew up, more and more beautiful, and more and more clever.

However, an unlucky day finally came, and my little rabbit died quietly in its nest. Although it is dead, its lovely and lively image has always been in my mind, making me linger.

Little Rabbit Composition (8)

It is white and flawless, wearing a snow-white fur coat, smooth and soft, curled up like a pompon. Its eyes, like two sparkling rubies inlaid in the eye socket, are very beautiful. There is a "Ya" shaped three petal mouth under the sensitive nose, and two long ears. As long as you hear any sound, they will quickly and vigilantly stand up and keep swinging. It has short forelegs and long hind legs. It is very cute and skips all day. I believe you should be familiar with it, right? It is a cute little white rabbit.

Don't underestimate this little thing. I'm alert by nature! The little white rabbit is also very cautious when eating. It always looks up to see the surrounding environment first, and makes sure there is no enemy "ambush" before it starts "studying" food, as if it is a "sugar coated bomb" in front of it. You know, this rabbit is not so timid! If it meets some fierce strangers, it will throw down delicious food and run away; If frightened, it will run to its own territory and hide in its nest.

After a long time, the little white rabbit will relax its vigilance, take a big mouthful and eat food with relish: it opens its mouth wide, holds the food tightly with its front paws, and makes waves of chewing sounds. It is said that the little white rabbit is very gentle when eating, and often chews slowly, as if he is tasting delicious food in the world. Sometimes, it seems that it is afraid of the enemy's attack and tries to grab time to eat. After eating the food, he always forgets to rub his face with his paws, especially clean. Alas, why else do people say "rabbits don't eat grass beside their nests"?

The little white rabbit looks very cute when sleeping. It will use its paws as a comfortable pillow and sleep very sweet. Look at its sweet appearance, it is a "Sleeping Beauty Rabbit"! The ears of the little white rabbit are also very interesting. As soon as they hear a sound, they will immediately stand up, look around, find the source of the sound, confirm whether there is an enemy invasion, and be ready to escape at any time. Alas, speaking of running, rabbits are good at it. They can jump "thousands of miles away" with a gentle kick. Look at the little white rabbit's short tail. It shakes like a small bell in the wind.

Don't think that the little white rabbit is very cute. In fact, people occasionally lose their temper. If someone provokes it or is in a bad mood, it will squat on the territory and keep shouting, telling its own "troubles", making people restless!

Look, this is the "Qianjin Miss" everyone loves - beautiful, cute, cautious, clean, cute, occasionally angry little white rabbit, my favorite little white rabbit!

Little Rabbit Composition (9)

One day, Sister Rabbit ran out from home and bought a balloon. Suddenly, there was a strong wind. Sister Rabbit's balloon hung on the tree. Sister Rabbit was very worried. She stood on tiptoe, reached for it, and said, "Come down, balloon." But the balloon was still hanging on the tree. Yes, go to Dad. He was an inventor and asked him to invent a shoe that could jump. Her father invented it in a minute, Sister Rabbit put on a jump and jumped onto the moon. Sister Rabbit said quickly, "Go down, go down, it's too high." The second time, she jumped onto the roof of the building a little higher than the tree. The third time, she jumped onto the tree. Sister Rabbit was about to catch the balloon. Suddenly, a strong wind blew her down. The fourth time, she finally caught the balloon.

Sister Rabbit was so happy. She said to herself, "You are wonderful!"

Little Rabbit Composition (10)

I have a toy rabbit. It is 40cm long, 29cm wide and 10cm thick. I caught it playing with the doll grabber. It really took me a lot of effort to own it, so I also like it very much.

In fact, it looks like a rabbit, but a closer look shows that a little girl has put on the rabbit's clothes. It has two slightly long ears, which are composed of pink and white. Below are the eyes of rabbits. Generally, the eyes of rabbits are red, but my little rabbit is black. Why? There is a pink nose in the lower middle of the two eyes. Down below is the little girl's face. A pair of big, watery eyes on her white face, a round nose and a small mouth underneath. Every time she sees it, she seems to smile at me, as if to say, "Master, you haven't held me for a long time". The little girl was wearing a green dress with a carrot painted on it, as if she was ready to feed the rabbit at any time.

I still remember one time when my mother and I quarreled. I hid in the house angrily. I picked up my rabbit and told it the story of my quarreling with my mother. After that, I seemed to hear the voice of the rabbit comforting me, It said, "Well, don't cry. My mother is all for you. This is what you did wrong. Why don't you go and admit your mistakes to my mother and solve the problem?" After hearing his persuasion, I thought about what he said. I decided to apologize to my mother, who smiled and forgave me.

This rabbit is my favorite toy. It has accompanied me for two years, but it is still my favorite!

Little Rabbit Composition (11)

My neighbor's grandmother has several white rabbits. I like the smallest rabbit best. Its fur is white, smooth, soft and beautiful! So I named it "Xueer".

It has a pair of ruby like eyes, very beautiful! Its ears stand high all day long, as if listening to the surrounding sounds. Its mouth is three valves, which are separated to both sides. When you eat, you can't always close the same. Its tail is short and thick, and its four legs are very short. It is very cute when walking.

The rabbit likes carrots and vegetables best. Once I put carrots and vegetables in a basket and went to my neighbor's grandmother's house to feed the rabbit. When I came to her house, I was very happy when I saw "Xueer". Because "Cher" is always the first to run to me. Because I go to feed "Cher" every week, sometimes it's carrots, sometimes it's green vegetables and grass I pull for her in the field. Every time it eats with relish, there is nothing left.

The neighbor's grandmother said, "The little white rabbit is an animal that does not like activities in the daytime and is full of energy at night. It is also very timid. If it hears a little movement, it will quickly curl up and hide together. It breeds very fast. It has a nest every month and grows very fast."

I like the little white rabbit "Xueer" of my neighbor's grandmother very much. I also made a deep friendship with it.

Little Rabbit Composition (12)

I once had a white rabbit. It was sent to me by my classmates on Christmas Day last year.

It is all white, fluffy, lovely! I gave it a name, "Good"

He loves to eat very much and always eats all day long. My food is almost finished, but this will not change my love for it!! Every time I come home from school, the first time I see if my rabbit has anything to eat, and sometimes I hug it.

Because most of my time is spent on "Good", my academic performance has declined! Mother said she would give the rabbit away. I am very sad.

Little Rabbit Composition (13)

My family has a rabbit, which was given to me by an uncle a few days ago.

It is black all over and looks like a big coal ball when it is shrunk. Its eyes are black and white, and it looks crystal clear. With long ears, I feel that it can hear sounds from far away.

He loves to move very much. When he came to my house, he jumped out of the cardboard box. His mother replaced it with a high cardboard box, but he jumped out again. It is really a "high jump champion"! I named it "Jump Jump". In order to prevent it from jumping out, Dad made a cover with the carton and cut several holes in the carton, one for air permeability and the other for food feeding. It's really killing two birds with one stone. I like to take it out to play. Once it landed, it ran happily in our house. It ran faster than me. Sometimes he would run under the sofa and play hide and seek with me. When I found him, he would run away from the other direction! I went after it. I had a great time with it! He loves moving so much that his father says he looks like a wild rabbit.

It likes to eat cabbage, carrot, white radish, cabbage and lettuce. It eats very fast and a lot. His excrement is granular, and his urine smells terrible. My parents and I have to clean him every day. Mother said she wanted to give it to others or let it go, but I didn't want to. Because it is very cute and can play with me. I like it very much.

Little Rabbit Composition (14)

"Red eyes, long ears, short tail, small mouth, love to eat green vegetables and carrots" Do you know what this animal is? By the way, it's Little White Rabbit. I have a little white rabbit "Love Love".

Ai'ai's whole body is as white as snow, and its two big and long ears stand up, as if listening to the surrounding voice. Its red eyes are really like those two rubies. A short snow-white tail. The most interesting thing is that the three mouthed mouth moves around when eating. It's really cute. Aiai likes vegetables, carrots and cabbage best.

"Ai Ai" was very domineering when eating. Once I was preparing to give her some vegetable leaves. I put them on the ground, and the little white rabbit jumped over gently. He chewed the leaves slowly with his small mouth. After taking a few mouthfuls, he looked at me with his round eyes for fear that I might snatch their food. After a while, it chewed the vegetable leaves again. Ha ha, it's really interesting.

It's fun not only to eat, but also to sleep.

Once, at noon, "Ai Ai" lay there quietly with her eyes gradually closed, oh! I knew that the little white rabbit also wanted to take a nap. Its four legs were lying there. I gently stroked it. Its white padded jacket was soft and comfortable. I woke it up accidentally. It kept jumping, as if to say, "I tell you, I will run when I am angry, hum", "I'm sorry I will be careful!" I said, and after a while I stopped moving it, I found that it sleeps in a variety of positions. One is timid, the other is bent into a "C" shape, and the other is twisted into an "S" shape. It turns out that the sleeping posture of the little white rabbit is various!

I also know that Ai Ai's fur can be made into hats, furs, gloves, scarves, clothes and many others.

I love my little rabbit "Love Love".

Little Rabbit Composition (15)

This article "My Little Rabbit" is arranged by the composition of primary school students, for reference only. If you feel very good, welcome to comment and share~Thank you for your reading and support!

First grade shape: my little rabbit. How do you write about rabbits in grade one? I hope my rabbit with 150 words can help you.

There is a cloth toy, which is a little rabbit. I named it Baby. The baby is my mother. When I was 3 years old, she went to Nanning for business. When she passed the toy store, she thought the rabbit was very cute, so she bought it for me.

Baby's hair is yellowish, and her face is white. It has intense eyes, several mustaches, three beaks and long ears, which are extremely lively. I often "tie hair" for it, wear my childhood clothes for it, comb its feathers, etc.

Baby is very close to me, like a sister. Every time I sleep, I will hug it and fall asleep with me.

I never thought of abandoning her, because only she accompanied me to play.

Little Rabbit Composition (16)

My family has a rabbit. I like it very much. Its hair is as white as snow, and its eyes are as red as two rubies. I gave it a nice name - Cher.

I will give Cher vegetables and carrots every day, because this is her favorite. Whenever I feed it, it always pretends to be pathetic and makes people love it. So every time I finish eating vegetables or carrots in my hand, I will grab some more for it. When I bring food in my hand again, it will jump around me happily. Cher eats like a hungry ghost. She opens her mouth and exposes her teeth. She eats as if she is not eating cabbage and radish, but human delicacies.

I want to see Cher angry and decide to tease her. When I fed it green vegetables, I just sent them to its mouth and took them back immediately. After repeated this for two or three times, Cher was angry with her mouth, as if to say: "My little master, I'm so hungry, give me green vegetables quickly." I stopped teasing it and put the green vegetables in front of it. Shortly after eating, Xueer heard the sound of "snoring". Xueer fell asleep and curled up in his nest leisurely, just like a snow-white plush toy.

I like Cher.

Little Rabbit Composition (17)

Grade 5 Shape Composition Title: Little Rabbit

My little rabbit doll is very cute! It is sitting. It has a pair of big eyes. It looks cute and cute. A small pink nose.

Her face is also pink and pink. Her two long ears are hairy. One ear has purple spots, and the other ear has green spots. There is also a small bow with green spots on the ear with purple spots, and the colors match perfectly.

Its belly is pink, its four little feet are snow-white, and there is a hairy tail behind it. It is short and snow-white. There is also a purple butterfly on the left foot, which is a good partner of the rabbit.

Since I sleep alone, I have to hold a doll. My mother gave me the rabbit. I like it very much. I like to sleep with it when I sleep. Before I fall asleep, I will tell the rabbit about the happy and unhappy things that happen every day.

Although the rabbit can't speak, I can guess what it will say, and I will answer for you, so you don't have to worry. Even though it seemed like I was talking to myself, I felt much happier at once.

When I was sleepy, I held the rabbit in my arms. The rabbit's fur was very soft, which made me more comfortable. I slowly fell asleep. It seemed that the little rabbit was lying on my ear and gently said the title: "Little master, I really want to talk to you, but you can't hear it, but you can always guess what I want to say to you. You are so kind..." When I heard this sentence, I fell asleep and had a wonderful dream. Little rabbit, did you entrust your dream to me? thank you.

Once, I didn't take Little Rabbit to school. I was very lonely. Thinking about the happy and unhappy things, I really wanted to tell Little Rabbit. Before I knew it, my tears fell down. I can't sleep without a bunny. Sorry, bunny. I didn't accompany you.

Little rabbit, I can't leave you. You gave me all those beautiful dreams, accompanied me by peaceful nights. Thank you, bunny, you are my best partner, I will not abandon you!