Composition My Mother (15 pieces)
Fool Old Man
2024-05-23 00:26:38

Composition My Mother (1)

My mother, who has no profound knowledge, will always teach me many useful things.

My mother, when she read a book, she was always very slow. When I had read two lines and was eager to see the following plot, my mother only read one line. She told me that reading should not only read, but also learn to think, not forget after reading, understand the meaning of it, and savor every word carefully.

My mother is always responsible for all the housework at home. When I was in school, she would not let me do any housework. She would let me study hard and find my own way in the future. She said that I will give you the best environment to study without distracting you. Your future depends on you. I won't support you in the future, and I don't need you to support you. You only need to support yourself.

But during my holiday, my mother will let me do a lot of housework. She said that you should learn to be independent. In the future, when parents are not around, only you can rely on yourself. She will teach me to cook, saying that sometimes they are busy and have no time to cook, so they should go out less to buy food, which is bad for their health. If you learn to cook, you can cook for yourself. Even if it tastes bad, it is healthier than outside. Only when you are in good health can you afford to go out.

My mother, she likes to raise plants, green plants, she never raises flowers, she said flowers are too delicate, she is busy, no time to take care of them. She raises hanging orchids and bamboos. They are green and beautiful. She said that she would be in a good mood if she raised these things. She was very proud to see these things grow from small to prosperous.

My mother, she told me, don't always play computer, it will waste a lot of your time; She told me not to watch too much TV, which will not only be bad for your eyes, but also waste your time and make you unable to think; She told me that we should read more books. In this society, learning more is a little bit. It will always be useful. Even if it is useless, it will increase your self-restraint and taste; She told me to read more newspapers and news.

My mother always teaches me some things in a casual way. Some are her thoughts and some are her experiences. No matter how she gets them, they are all for my good. In order to let me avoid detours and let me have a good future.

Composition My Mother (2)

At the beginning, I don't know where to start, because all mothers are so great, there are countless beautiful articles extolling mothers, all mothers love their children, and all children write about their mothers with love.

But I have to say, although incoherent. If it is said that a person must introduce his appearance when writing, then I don't know how to write, because my mother is the most beautiful person in my heart, while she is very common in the eyes of others. If I write about a person, I must write about relevant cases, then I don't know how to fabricate them, because every move of my mother is full of love for me. What I am passionate about is not the truth reflected in one thing, but the love of my mother in life.

Therefore, the most authentic side of my mother is only in my heart. I can only tentatively describe a small part, and use my underdeveloped writing style to write about the mother that no matter how clever the author is.

Mother never left the word "duty" in her life, and she never held the attitude of "letting go" of everything in life. For me, she should do her right to assume her due responsibilities; She will do her duty to her family from top to bottom; She must be able to do her work perfectly; For life, she always tries to make life more real and full.

Mother never left the word "hard work" in her life, and she never held a "leisure" attitude towards everything in life. Mother worked hard since she was young. She shared her parents' hard work and helped her brothers and sisters in their lives until she came out with a more worried me, until there were more and more things to worry about. She didn't stop when she realized that she had to step out of a footwell every step of the hard way of life, as if this was her life.

Mother never left the word "giving" in her life, and she never held the attitude of "taking" to everything in life. Does she look like a spring silkworm offering silk thread? no The mother has no stagnation after the pupation of the spring silkworm. Is she like a wax torch dedicated to light and heat? no Mother has no end after the torch turns to ashes. Does she look like a bee that makes honey from flowers? no Mother is for her own hard work in exchange for the sweetness of others. Does she look like an unknown ox? no The mother has paid more than the fruits that still need grass. My mother, that is a person who never asks for anything, and can't be compared to others. She always gives and never stops on her way of life.

How many things went against her will? She just tried her best to do better. How many people broke her heart, she just went to heal the wound with sorrow. Time is solemn, wind and rain are passing, mother, let me speechless to do my love. I can't say how my mother is. I don't even understand whether my writing is clear, correct, and suitable for the norms of writing my mother's composition. But I can only read my mother with love after all, and read her love in my heart.

Composition My Mother (3)

She is the most important flower in my life, although she is not as proud as wintersweet; Not as delicate as peony; Not as graceful as lily. But the mother has the same demeanor as them.

Once, because of my carelessness, I went out to play without finishing my homework. When I came back at night, my mother saw that I had not done my homework well, and said, "Are you so careless or so old? Don't you know the importance of learning at all? I..." I was so angry that I had a big quarrel with my mother, and then ran out angrily because I was carrying a mobile phone and worried about my mother calling, So I shut down the machine, walked alone, came to the bridge and sat on the pier, looking up at the sky. She said to the star, "Mother is so annoying. She always lets me study, study, and manage the east and the west..."

As time went by, I felt sleepy, but I didn't want to go home. Maybe it was my mother's nagging. Stay outside for a while, thinking like this, I got down from the pier and slowly wandered along the road.

As I walked, I found that I was on my way home. I think I was wrong. It was clearly because I didn't do my homework well and went out to play and quarreled with my mother. Should I? Thinking of my own mistake, I felt a little sorry for my mother. Anyway, I'd better hurry home. I think my mother must be very worried. What time is it now? I turn on my phone, God! Eleven missed calls and twenty text messages. You should know that mother seldom sends messages, almost never sends them. All of a sudden, she was in such a mood that I didn't dare to call back, afraid of hearing my mother's anxious voice. I quickly sent a short message, "Mom, I will go home now." Then I tried my best to run home, which is the shelter for my soul.

When I got home, I took out the key and gently opened the door. I crept into the house. The light was on. My mother came out of the room and calmly said to me, "Go to bed after taking a bath." After washing, I lay in bed thinking that my mother would forgive me? My mother's expression has told me that she has forgiven me. My mother is very tolerant to me, but I am always rebellious, always covered with thorns, making others realize their own existence with blood. I steered my horse forward on the plain of life, and my mother accompanied me all the way in my teenage days without any regrets.

Mother is a flower, let me learn tolerance;

Mother is a flower, let me learn patience;

Mother is a flower, let me learn dedication;

Mother is a flower, let me learn to be strong;

Mother is a flower, let me learn to insist.

"The thread in the hands of a loving mother, the coat of a wandering son" makes me really appreciate the greatness of maternal love. Mother is a flower in my life, the most important one in my life, and the most beautiful one in my life. It also made me deeply understand the true meaning of "who can say anything, and win the Three Chunhui"!

Composition My Mother (4)

That person, gave me life, brought me to this world; That person, gave me happiness, brought me up carefree. That man is called Mother.

When I was sensible, I lived with my grandmother. At that time, in my hometown in the countryside, I played with a group of friends of the same grade all day. Every day, I either drove chickens to catch ducks, or scratched my head with the hair of someone else's native dog. I never asked my grandmother who my parents were, nor did I think about such things. Because I live with my grandmother, she will give me delicious food every day. At that time, spicy noodles were my favorite food every day. Grandma opened a small shop to sell snacks. But she also forbids me to eat more, and only allows me to eat one piece a day. But I'm not noisy. When I go to preschool, my grandmother will give me fifty cents, and I will go to the school store to buy two to eat. The remaining thirty cents will be used to buy bubble gum. The happiest time is every weekend, Grandma will give me a can of orange, sweet and sour especially delicious. I thought I would grow up with my grandmother until I came home that day.

When I came back from school that day, I heard my grandmother talking to an aunt who I had never seen before. I was a little curious, but didn't talk much. I didn't think it was my relatives or something, but I always thought she was familiar, especially when she smiled at me. It was not until my grandmother saw me and asked me to call my mother that I came across in a trance. Without any hesitation, the word "mother" popped out of his mouth. I saw that she was very happy, gently hugged me, then looked at me and touched my face with her hand. This is my first time to see my mother, I am very happy. Because my mother is very beautiful. It is not like other aunts in the countryside at all. Although the aunts are also very kind, there is a kind of temperament in my mother that is out of place here. Later, I learned that my mother and father had been working in other places to earn money. When I was more than one year old, they handed me over to my grandmother. Now, I am more than four years old.

In three years, I have grown up from a half baby to a child who can run, jump and climb trees. Time can dilute many memories, but can not dilute the kind of fetters between my mother and me. Obviously, I have never seen anyone, but I can feel so kind. Obviously, it is the person who has never appeared in my memory, but can make me feel that warmth. This is my mother, my mother.

Composition My Mother (5)

Everyone has his own mother. When it rains, we give umbrellas in the rain; when we are sick, we take care of them carefully; when we encounter difficulties, we help them patiently; when we encounter setbacks, we encourage and comfort them.

I remember when I was young, I was always afraid to sleep alone at night, and always begged my mother to accompany me to sleep. My mother would not agree at first. I would sneak into her bed before she went to bed. My mother would pretend to be very angry and scold me: "You are not too young, and you should learn to be independent. Always get into my mother's bed and don't lose it!" Every winter, I would seriously say to my mother: "Don't lose it! I'm afraid you'll catch cold and warm your bed first! " I giggled after saying that. My mother would lovingly touch my head and tell me that this is the last time. But I can't let my mother take a rest. I usually ask her to tell me stories until I fall asleep. When I fall asleep, I often feel that my mother has covered me with quilt, for fear that I might catch a cold. With my mother's company, I always sleep soundly and never have nightmares. At that time, I deeply felt that my mother was like a paper umbrella to protect my young soul. Maternal love was the warmest love in the world!

The mother attaches great importance to the education of her children. She sets an example, never yells at her parents, often responds to requests, and is very filial. My mother often taught me not to take advantage of small things, and to be honest and trustworthy. In learning, my mother is also very diligent. However, as I grow up, my mother is also "growing". The "growing" of my mother is the growth of age and white hair. As I grow up, my mother usually has little energy when she comes back from work, and she has to supervise my homework. I can't bear to delay her rest, so I always remind myself to be disciplined.

I also thought that if one day I wanted to leave my mother, what would my life be like? Stay in bed if you want to? When do you want to do your homework? Can such a life give me happiness? Will I be lonely? Will I be confused?

I think if my mother is a big tree, I will be the grass growing under the shade. Mother, just as Grandma Bingxin said: I am the red lotus, and you are the lotus leaf. The rain in my heart is coming. Who is my shade under the open sky except you?

Composition My Mother (6)

In everyone's heart, they will be grateful to a person for his/her efforts and care, and want to say to him/her with a grateful heart: "It's good to have you!"

In my heart, I also appreciate a person. It is you who give me the courage to move towards the future; It is you who give me confidence to face setbacks; It is you who enable me to climb up from the abyss of failure; You are my mother.

Mother, you are the support of my life. Because of you, my life can be filled with incomparable fun and infinite splendor; Because of you, I can fill my life with happiness and smiles.

Whenever I am happy, you will smile and share your happy mood with me; Whenever I am sad, you will stretch out your meticulous hand to touch my head, constantly encourage me and support me, so that I have the courage to face the next test and challenge the next difficulty; Whenever I get hurt, you will fondly touch my wound and rub medicine for me. The medicine smeared on the wound is full of your love, which makes me feel warm.

Mother, you are a bright light, lighting up the road of life for me; Mother, you are a beacon, guiding me when I am confused; Mother, you are a safe haven for the boat, and you bear the wind and rain for the boat.

Thank you, Mother! Because of you, I can grow safely; Because of you, I won't lose my way; Because of you, I have confidence to sail to the future. You are the person I most appreciate.

I want to say to you: "It's good to have you!" Thank you for making me a person who dare to face difficulties and resolve them with confidence!

Composition My Mother (7)

There is one person who is the greatest. There is one person who is the most amazing. There is one person who is the most diligent. There is one person who is most careful. Who is she? She is my mother.

All mothers are the same. When we were young, they would be like hardworking gardeners, carefully pruning us and carefully caring for us. In order to let us become towering trees, no matter how difficult things are, we only choose to move forward, rather than retreat.

My mother is one of these mothers. Beneath the ordinary appearance, there is an extraordinary heart. She is a person I cannot lack on the road of growth. She has made me understand a lot of truth. She has made me understand that I should believe in myself when facing difficulties. She has made me understand how to deal with people. She has made me understand that where I fall, I can get up... In short, I have learned a lot.

In the noisy city, she looks so small. In order not to let us be late for school, she must get up early every day to make breakfast for us and do housework. As the years passed, her once white face also had wrinkles, and there were several dazzling white hairs hidden in her dark hair, but in my eyes, it was the most beautiful scenery.

My mother is a strong woman in my eyes. Maybe it is her character that decides her fate. She can suffer what other women cannot and do what other women cannot.

This is my mother, an extraordinary mother. In a word, "She is a person I cannot lack on the road of growth."

My mother

Mother is great, she has done everything for us. Mother is a blue sky, and has boundless tolerance for us. Mother is a sun, taking care of us. Mother is a candle, burning herself, illuminating us Speaking of my mother, he is like a sugar, a sweet, sour, bitter, hot sugar


Mother is a sweet sugar. Every time she sees her, she smiles brightly and asks me this and that with concern. When it is cold, she asks me to put on more clothes. When it is hot, she asks me to go out with an umbrella Mother is so concerned about me that I really feel like eating honey


I sometimes have a bad temper and quarrel with my mother. My mother is not angry, but she also talks to me. She always persuades people with reason. After I make trouble, my mother smiles and asks me to do something. Suddenly, my heart is sore. I think: my mother's heart must be more sour, and her daughter is such a person. Thinking of this, I feel like eating a very sour sugar. I can't swallow it, and I am still turning around in my mouth


Mother is also really hard. She gets up early and goes to bed every day. She cooks breakfast for me in the morning, then wakes me up, tells me to eat, and goes to work. In the evening, she cooks dinner for me, and then does housework In short, my mother did not rest all day long. Everything she did was for us. It seemed that I had eaten a bitter sugar, but no matter how bitter it was, it could not be more bitter than my mother


Sometimes, my mother will hit me when I am extremely incorrigible, but I understand that the pain is in my body and in my heart. It's like eating a very hot candy and tears come out

Mother, a great figure, makes me unforgettable. Mother is a "sugar" that never melts

Composition My Mother (8)

Mother is busy with our food and clothing every day. She devotes her life to the family. For our health and education, she resolutely quit her high paying job and threw herself into the family without regret.

Mother is like an indispensable dishcloth in the kitchen. Her rough hands create a warm and spotless home for my sister and me. What is more wonderful is that no matter how difficult the plants are to grow, once they are planted by her, they will grow vigorously.

Mother has many advantages, but also has shortcomings that we can't stand. I don't know whether she is old or not. Her happiness and anger are always different from ordinary people, which makes it difficult for us to adapt. Poetry, books, piano and paintings are her favorite, but our sisters hate them most. She often forces us to recite poems and practice big characters during holidays, which makes us complain bitterly. Another "killer mace" that we can't afford is to imitate the technique of "Ximengmu, breaking the loom". As long as we go against her wishes, she always makes us feel hungry.

Sometimes, when I don't do abacus due to anger, she will think I don't win and cry. Because in her mind, calligraphy and abacus are symbols of our Chinese culture, and as a Chinese, we should pay more attention to our own culture.

Mother's temper is very stubborn, but filial. I still remember when my grandfather suffered from tuberculosis, my uncles kept away from him for fear of infection. After knowing this, my mother took me and my four year old sister to see a doctor without saying anything. In his later years, my grandfather had cancer again, and his feet were swollen all night long, so his mother often massaged his feet in the hospital. When his old man's body was delivered from the mortuary, the ice melted quickly, and only his mother silently wiped the ice water off his face. In addition, she often regretted that she could not personally serve her old and sick grandmother.

The mother is a Chaozhou girl, and Chaozhou is a patriarchal group. They think that their daughter is the water poured out, and finally belongs to someone else's family. My grandmother told me that when my mother was going abroad for further education, my grandfather said to my mother, "If you can't read well, my family won't take you in again!" After my mother married my father, she only gave birth to my sister and me. Grandma said, "If you have daughters, you have no family property." Because of these words, my mother became more "self strengthening, self supporting and self loving". She often taught us to be brave enough to take our own responsibilities and not to give in easily.

My sister is in the second year of the junior high school. Among many subjects, she thinks science is the most boring. It is her mother who tries her best to make her interested in this subject. During the exam, my mother accompanied me all night, so that my sister could go to the exam room with confidence. I was deeply moved by my mother's kindness to my sister, which virtually prompted me to work harder at the beginning of the second semester, and she was pleased to strive for better results.

Mother! You are the light in my life, the beneficial friend in my growth, and the shelter for my sisters when they are frustrated. We will succeed under your loving eyes!

Composition My Mother (9)

As long as a person has a grateful heart, he can continue his life and make life more exciting. When he is alive, he often strives for survival in the rough, and paints beautiful scenes in the ordinary. Whether in life or online, he should have a good attitude and a good mood. A person's life is short. Only yesterday, today and tomorrow, we should grasp today, Do what you should do today; In retrospect of yesterday, there will be no regrets; When you look back on the past, the beautiful scenery will also stay on the road of your life. When you look back, your heart is very happy! Let us always remember mother, which is the most beautiful, true and greatest voice in the world. No matter how the years pass, mother is a kind of years. Let us always use a grateful heart to thank mother for her great and selfless love, and wish all mothers in the world good health.

In my spare time today, I read an article about mother as a kind of time, which made me feel deeply and think about what I wanted to write for her. During the years when my father was ill, I saw her weak character become strong. When I think of this, my eyes moisten my cheeks. The passage of time is wordless. When we feel about the time, It must be in the very heavy memories, and when we feel the selfless contribution of our mother, we will certainly enter the season of giving and sacrifice with a grateful heart. If there is no mother's contribution and sacrifice, and her broad and selfless love, will there be warmth and sunshine in this world, and my heavy tears?

Looking back on the lost years, I feel sad and proud. I like the sky with dark clouds and the life with tears. This life will be unforgettable. I cherish every tomorrow because I know it. I like to use the calendar instead of the monthly calendar. A thick calendar is the day of the whole year, Its new page is bright and heavy, waiting for me to fill in the most shining and difficult day. Because my father's days are few, I cherish the arrival of each day more. She contains my hope and filial piety. If we can't change the reality, we should try to change ourselves and make ourselves stronger. When you calm down, you will find that you can't change yesterday, But you can decide tomorrow.

Mother is like a kind of years. When we reach out and carefully tear down every day, she has become our unforgettable collection. People can't always live in the memory of passive gratitude. We need to create memories with deeds, fill the gaps of every day with feelings, love and responsibility, and make every day wonderful and full. Life is to create every day, When the years of ruthlessness turn us into a mother, when we use our thin shoulders to provoke responsibility and destiny, we know that our mother's white haired face is old, but she will still look at us from behind with her weak heart, full of selfless love, infinite care and infinite concern, often looking back at us for a moment, before leaving before a long journey, Suddenly we found that we never left our mother's sight and care.

In the past years, I have collected the most bitter and beautiful memories of my life. I remember my father's eyes like dusk, my mother's broad and tenacious shoulders are not straight, and my brothers and sisters' hearts are fused by tolerance. It is experience that makes me mature, and tolerance that makes me understand the value of kinship. My mother has to stay in the hospital once a year at this time, Her diabetes is very serious, but since her father was ill these days, she has not only not fallen down, she is our best helper when we are away. In order to keep his skin from aging due to long-term bed rest, I ask my father to sit up every day when feeding, and let my mother's shoulders rely on her. When I see her shoulders bending, my heart is crying, At this time, I always wet my eyes, let myself love my mother more, do my best, and won't compare with anyone. Life without my mother will be dark, so I can't see the power to move forward. Every time I have to bear it, I will see my mother's sad and strong eyes, and she let me know that, How should I support a rain free heaven for my parents? It is that kind of vision that makes me see hope and motivation. Because the mothers who can bear it have borne it, and the mothers who should pay have also paid it. It is because they know how to be grateful that they will know how to cherish today's value.

Mother used to be able to pay for us with many scars, but now that she is old, I would like to be an umbrella that can shield her from the wind and rain. When the sun shines, it will shield you from the sun. When it rains, it will shield you from the rain. Mother will always be a time worthy of tears. When I tear off a page of calendar, it is like picking up the fallen leaves on the ground. It is the fallen leaves of my life, It has become an unforgettable treasure on the way of my life. When I look back on the past years, I will proudly say that I have no regrets. Mother is a kind of years that let me know how to cherish and pay. Maybe what awaits me in the future is that it is more difficult to face and bear. Every time I see my parents, they will also inspire me and fill in the years of every day, Life is like a long journey. There is always a different scenery for each journey. If life can be described in words, I would like to paint the most wonderful part of this bitter and difficult journey. When you look back, follow the traces of words, you will find the footprints you have walked, and link up a bitter and warm memory between deep and shallow.

Composition My Mother (10)

Some people say that a mother is a candle, burning herself and illuminating her children; Some people say that mother is nutrition, let us absorb more nutrients; Some people say that mother is a good teacher, leading us to understand the rich and colorful world.

Mother is like a pair of warm embrace, always for us in my life, mother takes care of me, take care of me.

From childhood to adulthood, I grew up under my mother's strict requirements and angry scolding. Whenever I was criticized, I called it "It's good for me!"

I would complain in my heart: "What kind of person is this good for me?"

Once, my math unit test score was very bad. I didn't tell my mother about this situation in the first time, but she still knew my score.

That night, I hurried to the cram school and gave me a meal of dumplings. That night, I cried bitterly, trembling with animal wailing. Seeing this scene, my mother held me tightly.

I saw my mother's tears swirling in her eyes. The tears ran down her cheeks and dropped on my clothes. no It dripped on my heart, my heart trembled and wetted more than half. My mother has paid too much for me, but I let her down again and again

The next morning, I got up early and went into the kitchen. I saw a petite figure busy in the kitchen - Mom. There are several wrinkles on her face, which take away her beautiful face, and her eyes are full of blood.

My heart ached: "Mom, how I wish time could stay on your face forever, so that I can accompany you all the time!"

Mom, I love you. I won't do anything to make you unhappy anymore. I won't make your hair white because of me. I will use my own practical actions and efforts to thank my mother.

Composition My Mother (11)

My mother

There is one of the most beautiful voices in the world, which is the call of mother Dante

Whenever I feel blue, a voice comforts me; Whenever I hesitated, a voice encouraged me; Whenever I am happy, a voice gives me a blessing. Romance Roland, Bing Xin, Hugo, Gorky and other famous writers have praised it. This is the call of mother. Everyone is like a cruise ship aiming at a long voyage, and the embrace of mother is a warm harbor that will never change.

My mother doesn't have Song Zuying's sweet voice, Bing Xin's gorgeous writing style, or Li Na's vigorous body; She is ordinary, with dark hair, bright eyes, and a smart mouth; Her height, fat and thin figure make her nearly perfect. Of course, time is like a ruthless knife, which has carved the traces of years on her face. After a long period of work, I can see the crystallization of years left on her slender hands. The hard work of mother every day will appear in my mind when I experience it with my heart.

"When we succeed, everyone is a friend. But only our mother --- she is our partner when we fail." Zheng Zhenduo said that her mother cared and encouraged us meticulously when we were in pain and difficulty. I remember when I was a child, my grades were not good, and I spent all my time on playing things. In the face of difficult problems, my mother talked with me kindly again and again, and looked forward to sincere expectations again and again, which made me finally embark on the right course in the boundless sea. Since then, I have worked hard, because I think this is far from repaying my mother's kindness! Whenever I was sick in bed and felt pain all over, my mother carefully adjusted the water temperature, worked tirelessly before and after, looked anxious, and comforted me with words, just like the panacea, to heal the pain in the body and heart.

"The line in the mother's hand, the coat on the wandering son's body." The mother cared about me all the time, everywhere and meticulously throughout her life. My emotions and sorrows were carefully looked at by her, and casual words could hurt her heart, but every time I would take the initiative to find my own problems and apologize, because I knew that, It is more important than anything to care about your children in your mother's heart. Mom, you have worked hard for nearly 40 years. After nearly 40 years of spring, summer, autumn and winter, your love for me has never declined. You have forged me into a man with your whole life's efforts. You have deeply rooted in my heart, and your love for me is also deeply engraved in my heart.

Composition My Mother (12)

My mother

People often say that maternal love is great, and I think so too.

My mother is 1.6 meters tall. She belongs to the middle type of women. She has big eyes and is very clever. She is 38 years old this year. She is the most beautiful in my eyes.

She is a business manager in a company. Although she is very busy, she often gives me endless maternal love.

Once, when I had a high fever in school, she heard that she was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot. She hurriedly asked for an afternoon off and ran to the school to pick me up at an amazing speed. When I got home, I took my temperature, fed me water, and cooked porridge for me. After eating, she said, "Son, let me take you to the doctor later!" I asked, "Don't you need to be victorious?" Mother said, "No, I have asked for an afternoon's leave." I asked again, "If you ask for leave, you have to deduct money. Why do you ask for it?" Mother said: "Money is a small thing, and the most important thing is your body. Your father is not free, do you want to see a doctor by yourself?" I stopped making trouble.

Another time, I didn't listen to my mother and insisted on wearing shorts to school. My mother saw that I was so stubborn that she had to let me wear shorts to school. I was very happy wearing shorts, so I skipped all the way. My mother was afraid of my falling, so she said to me: "Be careful, don't fall." But I didn't listen and continued to skip, There is a saying that goes well: if you don't listen to the old man, you will suffer a loss in front of you. I listened to my mother's advice, and I really suffered. I didn't see a stone in the shady place in front of the school, so I fell down and bled. When my mother saw it, she ran to the supermarket immediately, bought a packet of hemostatic patches, ran back faster than light speed, and put a piece of it on my wound. Although it hurt, my heart was very sweet, Because I got a mother's love, I am happier than at any moment. This is the power of mother's love.

Motherly love is like a river. It will protect your heart at any moment, no matter when you encounter setbacks, or when you succeed, or when you care for her, you will give you a smile. Here I want to say: "Maternal love is great!"

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Composition My Mother (13)

Mother, how the world's children admire the words; Motherly love is like a quiet harbor feeding our growth.

Maternal love is pure; Maternal love is selfless; Maternal love is great; Motherly love only knows how to give without seeking return.

Motherly love is like the warm wind in spring, blowing your heart; Motherly love is like the continuous rain, gently tapping your face and moistening your heart; Motherly love is like a furnace in winter, which can create warm sunshine for you in the severe winter.

The sons and daughters of the world, looking at the white sideburns of the mother, which is not extremely bitter?

The love my mother gave me was real, simple, strict, and sometimes poetic.

In a trance, my thoughts returned to my childhood. I saw a busy figure. It was my mother's hard work; I saw a tired figure. It was my mother knitting cold clothes for me; I saw a cheerful figure. It was my mother who was happy for my learning and progress.

Looking back carefully, in my life, when will my mother disappear? Whenever I cry, my mother comforts me; Whenever I feel like a helpless bird, my mother opens her wide arms to give me warmth and love.

But sometimes maternal love can be severe. I've always been careless. I'm not used to it. Once, I lost my clothes carelessly after PE class at school. After returning home, my mother gave me a severe criticism. But I know that my mother is also heartbroken, and she doesn't want to scold her son, but only in this way can I get rid of my carelessness.

Maternal love is the greatest kind of love. Children are flowers and plants watered by their mother with their own love. The growth of children cannot be separated from every drop of mother's love. The mother, who escorts her children all her life, silently guides them behind their backs.

Can we repay our mother's love for us? As the "Wanderer's Ode" said: "Who can say an inch of grass heart, reported three Chunhui."

Instructor: Zhao Yan

Composition My Mother (14)

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When I was a child, I always made my mother angry, and then I was beaten and scolded by my mother, but I still didn't repent, so I spent my childhood in this way.

My mother stopped beating and scolding me when I was in junior high school, but she always felt something was missing. I finally figured it out on a summer afternoon when I stayed out all year round.

It was a gloomy afternoon, with dazzling lightning dancing on some bloated clouds, and pedestrians on the road were all attentive. Walking towards the familiar place, "Why don't you finish school", "Yes", "Ah", "Don't you talk"; The teacher shouted in front, "Boom!" A flash of lightning cut the sky, and the rain was splashed on the ground. "Well, today's class will be over here, and class will be over." "Good bye, teacher!" After finishing the bag, he came to the school gate, "Hey, I have to get soaked again." Suddenly, he saw a familiar figure in the rain, "Isn't that your mother?" I saw my mother was wearing a big red poncho; Suddenly, my feet slipped and fell into the muddy water. "Mom" I finally rushed into the rain with my schoolbag on my back. I helped my mother up. "You child, I don't want to make a phone call home," "Well, I love you," "Oh, what do you say?" I just smiled again, and didn't say anything. So my mother took an umbrella and I held my mother, Step by step toward the direction of the heart.

When I got home, my mother took off her muddy raincoat and revealed her wrinkled face, silver white hair, and muddy eyes. I rushed outside. It had cleared up long ago, wiped tears off her face, forced a smile, and returned to the house

Looking at the distant sky, the sky is still so blue.

Junior three: Zhang Tianzhu

Composition My Mother (15)

My mother

A long time ago, there was a fairy who created everything in the world and felt lonely, so she created human beings. When the so-called "human" beings appeared, they called her mother. She is Nuwa. But that's a myth. More than ten years ago, when she came out of her mother's belly, a loud cry came, which was the first sound that everyone came to the world. I am a little girl, lacking the love of my grandparents. After I was born, I almost drifted away. After I was born, there were only my parents and my ignorant sister. I lacked some love because they were no longer there. "Mom... Mom." I vaguely remember tears in my mother's eyes. Sorry I'm late, your youth has gone, even some vicissitudes.

My mother, like most mothers, thought that they loved their children. The black silk hair had gone, and gradually white hair was born. Your forehead is still smooth, but the corners of your eyes have been particularly vicissitudes. Years have taken away a lot, including youth. Open your mouth and smile, with that small dimple hanging around your mouth. You are ordinary, but the mother is special in every child's heart, provided that the person has the heart of loving his mother.

I always quarrel with you. I dislike your wordiness and too much control. I always say I am prudent. But when I think about it later, my heart is a little tight and a little empty. I know you love me and my sister. Mother's love for her children is equal, unselfish and prejudiced. As the saying goes, palm and back of hand are all meat. In fact, you are very gentle, and you won't really get angry and beat me. When I was a child, when I was beaten by my father, you always begged for me. When I was injured, you would use that slightly rough hand to heal my wound.

Because of you, I have hurt, laughed and cried. I will never forget that summer, when you and your father went to the hospital for examination, I was still playing at home with friends. When you came back, I still remember clearly that your face was solemn, slightly pale, and a little haggard. I hurried to take your hand. You slumped on the sofa and asked me: "If one day I was gone, would you miss your mother?" My nose was a little sour, and tears could not help flowing down my cheeks. You said that you were ill. It was very serious. That night, I was crying all the time. My friend comforted me, and you also choked up. You said it would be okay. It just took some time. But I know that you always wipe your tears behind your back. The next day, you and your father went to the hospital, and they all came. I didn't send you out. I just sat on the bed through the window and watched the car drive away. I cried again. In fact, only I understood that it was not sad, it was just light. In the following month, I didn't know how to survive without you. I only knew that it was a little difficult. Year after year, you recovered. I held your hand with a smile and walked on the road. It was so quiet and peaceful.

Many, many years later, maybe there will be a more painful thing, but I only care about now. If you are well, it will be sunny. ILoveYou!

My mother

"You have experienced many years of suffering, and you have experienced many years of bitterness. I want to smooth the wrinkles on your face, and I want to erase the pain in your heart." Every time I hear this song, I think of the pain you have suffered. I was born in October, and I heard from my father that you were very strong on the day of my birth, and did not shed a tear, nor shouted loudly. Are you strong? This makes me open the memory book, one by one, to find out the evidence of your cowardice. "The thread in the mother's hand, the coat of the wandering son's body", since I began to remember, my clothes have been covered with patches you sew, and your own clothes are almost all made of patches. It is precisely because of your so-called thrift that I can't hold my head up in front of my classmates. Every day I am the first to come to the classroom and the last to leave, just to cover up those ugly patches, while you always regard those patches as proud capital. Have you ever noticed that tears fall from my eyes when I am laughed at? Finally one day, I couldn't help shouting at you, "What do you think? Don't you feel ashamed? It was humiliating to wear such clothes. Are you proud to talk about it every day? I hate you! " At that moment, I saw a drop of crystal liquid on your cheek. Is it a tear? Oh, you are still weak. I laughed at myself. At this time, my father, who has always loved me, hit me. You stopped me when the second slap was about to fall. I was so angry that I rushed out of the door. It thundered and the rain fell. It seemed that the sky was urging me to go home, but my ridiculous self-esteem stopped me, so I took shelter from the rain in a dilapidated place at random. After a while, I vaguely saw the figure of a person on the street, looking for something in the street. Slowly, the person approached, ah, it was you! Looking at your messy hair and wet clothes, looking at the patches on your clothes, I suddenly understand what. You stretch out your hand and say, girl, go home with Mom. Mom will always be your warmest haven. It was this sentence that moved me to a mess. Since then, in front of others, I have never looked up, because I know that I have a good mother, she will always be my warmest haven.

The love of parents is the heart of children. When we grow up gradually, our parents grow old day by day.

The teacher said: "The tree wants to be quiet but the wind is not blowing, and the son wants to be raised but not to be loved." At this time, I thought of you. It suddenly reminds me of that. That day, we were under the tree together. You pointed to a place on the tree and asked me, "What is that?"? I replied that it was a cicada. You ask, what is that? I thought you didn't hear it clearly, so I raised my voice and said it again. It was a cicada. You asked again, and I said impatiently that it was cicada, deaf! At that time, you looked at me with disappointed eyes, and said earnestly: "Girl, do you remember when you asked me what was on the tree? You asked me more than ten times, and I replied more than ten times, but now? I only asked you three times, and you think I was bored..." Memory was fixed in the year when I was five years old, a little girl snuggled up in the arms of a young woman, pointing to the tree, I asked again and again what was on the tree, and the young woman took the trouble to answer the little girl again and again... My tears ran down, and I hugged you and cried. When I was 1 year old, you fed me and bathed me. In return, I cried all night; When I was three years old, you cooked for me lovingly, and in return, I threw your food on the ground; When I was six years old, you bought me beautiful clothes. In return, I wore them to play in the nearby mud pit; When I was nine years old, you celebrated my birthday for me, and as a reward, I didn't even know how old you were... Now when I call back, you are also duplicitous and say: "The family is very good, you don't need to call back frequently if you have nothing to do, wasting money", but my father told me that you often cry secretly alone... Why? Mom!

Mom, just like the old man Bing Xin said, I am the red lotus and you are the lotus leaf. The rain in my heart is coming. Who is my shadow under the open sky except you?

My mother

My mother looks ordinary, but her soul is beautiful. Mother is not rich, but both benevolence and righteousness.

My mother is very hardworking and busy. I never stop working. I get up early and work late every day, but I never feel tired. Every night, my mother goes to bed at more than 12 o'clock, and gets up at more than 6 o'clock in the morning to help me make breakfast. I can only sleep for 5-6 hours every day. Seeing my mother working so hard, my heart is sore. I really want to grow up quickly and help my mother do more work. Every day I help my mother to do something within my power, and help her share. However, my mother seldom let me work in order to let us concentrate on our study.

My hardworking mother kept the house in order and did not neglect my study. She checks my homework every day and helps me recite English. Whenever I failed in the exam, she would encourage me to find the reason with me, put forward corrective suggestions, and let me suit the remedy to the case.

In order to repay my mother, I must study hard, get the best results, and become famous in the future. Let my mother know that all she has done is not in vain.

I deeply feel that, Mom, it is you who cultivate my character, cultivate my sentiment, guide me to embark on the journey of life and see hope. Without my mother, there would be nothing for me. Mom, we are very grateful to you. Mom, I understand your good intentions. I feel extremely happy and proud to have the greatest and selfless mother. In my heart, I call affectionately: "Mom! I love you forever."

My mother

My mother is a person who cares about me and takes care of me. She is the most important person in my life.

My mother is not tall or short. She is thin. She has a pair of big watery eyes on her face, and her long black shiny hair is extremely beautiful.

I remember once, my Chinese score was very poor. When I got home, I was depressed. When my mother saw it, she came over and whispered to me, "What's wrong with Jianxin?" I didn't answer my mother and sobbed. When my mother saw the 79 point test paper on the table, she whispered to me: "Don't cry. Failure is the mother of success. Next time, try harder, and don't be so discouraged." I was not so sad after listening to my mother. I will always remember what my mother said. A few weeks later, when we finished another unit, the teacher said, "I'm going to have a test. I need to review well. I can't be as bad as last time." I felt even worse after listening to the teacher. On the day of the test, I was extremely nervous, but at that moment, I remembered what my mother said to me, and my mood slowly calmed down. During the test, I quietly wrote there myself. After writing, I checked for a long time, hoping to get 95 points or more. After the test roll was issued, I looked at the score immediately. It turned out to be 98! After I saw it, I was very happy. All this is my mother's education. If it weren't for my mother, I wouldn't have scored so many points in the exam!

Mother love has accompanied me all my life, and I will repay her with practical actions.

My mother

I don't know whether it is due to monkeys or congenital heredity. Since childhood, my brain has been very bright. Because of this, my mother also put her energy on me. As a child, I did not disappoint my mother's expectations. My achievements in all subjects were ideal, and I never formed the habit of lively games. Therefore, I became a "good girl" in my mother's eyes.

With the growth of age, the burden of learning becomes heavier and heavier. In addition to the emergence of my younger brother, my mother gradually pays more attention to my younger brother, and I gradually hate to spend all day studying hard. After all, I'm just a child, and I love playing. As time went by, mother and daughter quarreled every other day.

Mother seems to follow the strategic guiding ideology of "no fight, no talent", and she has hit my feather duster with a clear conscience, which my daughter dares to be angry but dares not to speak up. I don't know how many times she has had close contact with my buttocks. At that time, I even hated my mother who had worked hard to raise me, all the people in my family, and my own birth.

After junior high school, my mother seldom hit me because she thought I was so old that it would be humiliating to fight. In my eyes, my mother is a very traditional person. She set many rules and requirements for me. My mother never praised me, but always compared me with others. I hate this comparison. I am me, I can't replace others, and others can't replace me. I don't like doing homework or having classes. It's too simple and boring. But that doesn't mean I don't like learning. For those subjects that I am good at and interested in, I am willing to learn them all at once.

I tried to rebel against my mother and try my best to be calm. Go and tell my mother. But she didn't know my temperament, only let me read. I think this is the so-called generation gap! I understand that my mother is thinking about my future, but I want to meet my spiritual needs even more.

Every time I argue with my mother, I feel tired psychologically. I always remind myself that if I become a mother in the future, I should make my children carefree. Maybe this idea is laughable, but this is what I want and what I really feel. I just want to do what I want to do and solve my own problems.

Sometimes my mother would tell me not to fall in love. I think this is really the most important thing in the world. Yes, adolescent children are ready to move. But I still have reason. I will naturally restrain myself from what I should not or cannot do and remind myself not to do it. My mother seemed to distrust me, and I really felt lost. As a mother, she doesn't believe her children.

Maybe when I become a wife and a mother, I can deeply understand the meaning of maternal love. But I hope my mother can also feel my feelings. There is no mother who doesn't love her children. I love my mother. She not only gives me life, gives me the right to be a person, but also teaches me the truth of being a person.

My mother, my enlightenment teacher, my role model!

My mother

Is the most important flower in my life, although she is not as proud as wintersweet; Not as delicate as peony; Not as graceful as lily. But the mother has the same demeanor as them.

Once, because of my carelessness, I went out to play without finishing my homework. When I came back at night, my mother saw that I had not done my homework well, and said, "Are you so careless or so old? Don't you know the importance of learning at all? I..." I was so angry that I had a big quarrel with my mother, and then ran out angrily because I was carrying a mobile phone and worried about my mother calling, So I shut down the machine, walked alone, came to the bridge and sat on the pier, looking up at the sky. She said to the star, "Mother is so annoying. She always lets me study, study, and manage the east and the west..."

As time went by, I felt sleepy, but I didn't want to go home. Maybe it was my mother's nagging. Stay outside for a while, thinking like this, I got down from the pier and slowly wandered along the road.

As I walked, I found that I was on my way home. I think I was wrong. It was clearly because I didn't do my homework well and went out to play and quarreled with my mother. Should I? Thinking of my own mistake, I felt a little sorry for my mother. Anyway, I'd better hurry home. I think my mother must be very worried. What time is it now? I turn on my phone, God! Eleven missed calls and twenty text messages. You should know that mother seldom sends messages, almost never sends them. All of a sudden, she was in such a mood that I didn't dare to call back, afraid of hearing my mother's anxious voice. I quickly sent a short message, "Mom, I will go home now." Then I tried my best to run home, which is the shelter for my soul.

When I got home, I took out the key and gently opened the door. I crept into the house. The light was on. My mother came out of the room and calmly said to me, "Go to bed after taking a bath." After washing, I lay in bed thinking that my mother would forgive me? My mother's expression has told me that she has forgiven me. My mother is very tolerant to me, but I am always rebellious, always covered with thorns, making others realize their own existence with blood. I steered my horse forward on the plain of life, and my mother accompanied me all the way in my teenage days without any regrets.

Mother is a flower, let me learn tolerance;

Mother is a flower, let me learn patience;

Mother is a flower, let me learn dedication;

Mother is a flower, let me learn to be strong;

Mother is a flower, let me learn to insist.

"The thread in the hands of a loving mother, the coat of a wandering son" makes me really appreciate the greatness of maternal love. Mother is a flower in my life, the most important one in my life, and the most beautiful one in my life. It also made me deeply understand the true meaning of "who can say anything, and win the Three Chunhui"!