Water Splashing Festival (16 chapters are preferred)
Off key Uncle
2023-11-17 08:41:28

Water Splashing Festival (1)

Article 1: 500 Words of Happy Water Splashing Festival

The Water Splashing Festival is an annual traditional festival of the Dai people (April 13 to 15 in the solar calendar). In Dai language, it is called "Lenghe Shanghan", that is, "June New Year" or "Dai New Year". In fact, the Water Splashing Festival is the New Year's Day of the Dai calendar. Because of the Dai calendar, the new year begins in June. There is another legend about the origin of the Water Splashing Festival.

A long time ago, a demon king who did all kinds of evil occupied the beautiful and rich Xishuangbanna and robbed seven beautiful girls to be his wife. The girls were full of hatred and decided how to kill the Devil King. One night, Nong Xiang, the youngest girl, used the best wine and meat to make the Devil drunk and make him reveal his fatal weakness. It turned out that this fearless devil was afraid of strangling his neck with his hair. The alert girl carefully pulled out a red hair of the devil and strangled his neck. As expected, the head of the Devil King fell down and became a ball of fire. The evil fire spread wherever it rolled. Bamboo buildings were burned and crops were burnt. In order to put out the evil fire, the seven girls took turns to hold the head of the devil, and the other girls kept pouring water on it. Finally, in June of the Dai calendar, they put out the evil fire and threw the devil's head into the river. The villagers began to live and work in peace and contentment again.

Since then, in order to express the memory and gratitude to the seven girls. This activity has continued to this day and has become the Water Splashing Festival, a festival for Dai people to bid farewell to the old and welcome the new, and to wish them good luck. For Dai people, water is a symbol of holiness, beauty and brightness. Water is the god of life.

When the Water Splashing Festival comes, the Dai people are busy killing pigs, chickens, and wine. They also need to make a lot of "Manosos" (rice cakes) and a variety of cakes made of glutinous rice to eat in the festival.

Part II: 500 word composition for a happy Water Splashing Festival

We went to the Dai Garden in Xishuangbanna. The Dai people believe in Buddhism, including Huayao Dai, Shuidai, Wenshan Dai, etc. Dai people's houses are two-story buildings called stilted buildings, which are not easy to collapse in case of floods or earthquakes, and can also prevent wild animals from entering the houses.

There is a water splashing pool in the Dai Garden, which is called the Water splashing Festival every day. The Water Splashing Festival is a festival of the Dai people, and there is also a legend: there was a devil, very bad, a girl cut off his head, but his head was on fire, so someone had to hold it, and everyone splashed water to wash the girl.

Later, splashing water became the meaning of blessing each other among the Dai people, which is also called the New Year of the Dai people. It symbolizes auspiciousness, happiness and health. If it wasn't for the Water Splashing Festival, you would splash water on others, which would bring three consequences: scolding you for being insane, scolding you for being a fool, and punching you. It's funny.

My father and I took part in this activity. My father summed up an experience and said that if a basin of water was full, it would not be far away. If it was half full, it would be far away. At this time, he felt that the basin was too small. There is also a war between men and women. It is still good ahead. When it comes to the war between men and women, it is very fierce, and almost all of it is indiscriminate. Some people can't stand it, so they sit there and rest.

If it is true that the day of the Water Splashing Festival is about April every year, it will splash water for 3 to 7 days. The road is full of Dai men, women, old and young who are dressed up for the festival. Everyone splashes on each other. In the Water Splashing Festival, who gets the more water, which symbolizes who is the happiest this year.

Today was a happy day. Although I was covered with water, I was still very happy because I experienced their water splashing carnival.

Water Splashing Festival (2)

At the third class in the afternoon, the teacher handed out a piece of paper and began the class.

The teacher stayed for a while and asked everyone, "Do you know what festival it is today, students?" As soon as the voice came down, some students raised their hands high, and some male students simply stood up and scrambled to speak. The students who sat in the seats without raising their hands were racking their brains. The students held their heads and frowned, as if waiting for the teacher to announce the answer. Finally, a student stood up and told everyone in a loud voice: "Today is Thanksgiving Day!" "Yes!" The teacher replied and began to show the first slide. First of all, countless beautiful flowers formed a huge circle, in which four striking characters were written. These words are so big that even students with high myopia can see them. Those big words are: learn to be grateful! The teacher asked the students to look at it silently and put forward the second question: "Then who should we be grateful for?" The number of people who raised their hands this time seemed to be more than twice that of the previous time, and the students responded enthusiastically. Some of them said, "I am grateful to our teachers for their care and careful teaching"; Some said, "We are grateful to our classmates for their help"; Some said, "We are grateful to our parents for their kindness to us"...... No matter what the students said, the teacher nodded happily. Next, with the magic mouse click, we saw another ancient poem, "Wanderer Sings". The teacher asked us to read the ancient poem with emotion. All the students in the class, without exception, read it with great emotion like little poets.

Just after reading this ancient poem, another ancient poem came into sight. This ancient poem is called Ciwu Crying at Night. As soon as the topic came out, a question mark came up in the minds of many students: "| What does Ciwu Cry at Night mean?" It was the teacher who helped us uncover the mysterious veil of Ciwu Cry at Night and analyzed it sentence by sentence for us. At this time, there was a knock outside the door, probably to attract everyone's attention. The teacher looked out of the window, and I was no exception. It was my mother who sent me an umbrella. She hung it out of the window, looked back affectionately, and hurried away. At this time, I thought of a common saying: maternal love is like flowing water. Father's love is like a green mountain. It comes quickly and goes faster. Now, I really realize the meaning of these two sentences, and my face is red. She has a meeting herself. How can she give me an umbrella? After learning ancient poetry, the students read the poem with emotion, and I am no exception.

After learning the two ancient poems, the teacher instructed us to read out the Disciple Gui on the paper we had just handed out. At the beginning, we often read wrong words, and the teacher spent a lot of time here. Later, let's learn from the second grade children, clapping our hands and reading at the same time; Later, let's take a pair of photos at the same table; Later, let's read while slapping our shoulders... The effect of reading while changing movements is really good. Soon, the students learned.

After learning ancient poetry and reading Di Zi Gui, it's time to watch a movie. Our classmates are looking forward to seeing the name of the film. The teacher quit the slide and let's watch the movie. Nobody expected that the name of the movie was "A Letter". The students were all talking about why the name of the movie was called "A Letter". The teacher made a gesture to calm everyone down and discuss after reading. Before the movie was finished, everyone was already in tears. My deskmate kept asking me for tissue paper, but he borrowed all my napkins in a short time. I also wailed in my heart, tears in my heart like broken beads, all over my body.

We should learn from the little crow, because the crow knows that when he grows up, he should repay his mother's love for him. So we should also learn to be grateful. In the future, we should repay our parents for their efforts, and be a grateful crow.

Water Splashing Festival (3)

There are 56 ethnic flowers in full bloom in China, and the Dai nationality is one of them. Among the huge flowers, the Dai's Water Splashing Festival is the most beautiful one.

The Dai nationality is a minority that loves and respects water. It can be seen from the Dai people's living habit of "living near the water in bamboo buildings", or from the grand Water Splashing Festival. The Dai people live in Xishuangbanna, Yunnan, which is the most famous subtropical zone in China. Perhaps because of the hot weather, the Dai people regard water as a symbol of auspiciousness, happiness and health. If you pour water on the person you like, you will express your blessing and it will become the "Water Splashing Festival" over time. During the Water Splashing Festival, we should not only splash water to bless, but also clean the Buddha statue and remove the dust with water.

The Water Splashing Festival is held in June every year, which is the middle of April of the Dai people. It is very grand and grand in the traditional festival of the Dai people. It is the new year of the Dai people! I had the honor to participate in this grand Water Splashing Festival the year before last. On that day, my family and I changed into traditional Dai costumes and came to a big park that was very famous in the local area. I took my own weapon - toy water gun, as well as a bullet magazine - a large water basin and came there to carry out a fierce battle with the local people. At the beginning, several sisters kept "staring" at me, splashing water on me with water guns, pots and buckets. After a while, I became "a drowned chicken". So, I was "angry" and tried to shoot water at them. However, there were too many of them, and I could not defeat them in any case alone, so I had to take thirty-six measures - walking was the best policy. After evading the "pursuit of the enemy", I began to look for new targets. But there are so many people, how can I choose? So I had to splash one when I saw one, and then run away and splash the next one. In this way, I made several adults wet all over. Ha ha ha ha... It's funny!

In a twinkling of an eye, three or four hours have passed. It's nearly dusk, my family and I are leaving. I reluctantly look back at the "sparkling water" battlefield.

That Water Splashing Festival is still fresh and unforgettable. The Water Splashing Festival is indeed the most beautiful flower of the Dai people!

Water Splashing Festival (4)

The summer vacation is coming to an end, and we will usher in a new semester. Recalling the summer vacation, some memories are a little vague. But only that day's event was deeply engraved in my mind, making me memorable.

It was a scorching afternoon, and the ground was very hot, as if the hands would be hot as soon as they were molded. My cousin and I stayed in the air-conditioned room and didn't do anything. We just sat there staring at each other. Suddenly, my cousin came up with a good plan to relieve the summer heat: "It's such a hot day. Why don't we come back as' Dai people 'and have a happy' Water Splashing Festival '!" "Wow, great! I raise my hands and agree." I responded excitedly.

Just do what we say. We spent a lot of effort to bring a tank of water. Cousin and I each picked up a basin, ready to start at any time. Just heard a "start", and before I could be prepared, my cousin threw me on the spot. I'm so happy. Cousin is blessing me! In order to thank my cousin, I also poured the water in my basin on her. We just poured it out one pot at a time

Time flies, and time passes in our laughter. My cousin and I sat on the ground exhausted. Suddenly, two pots of water fell from the sky and fell on me and my cousin respectively.

We both stared at each other. Just then, I saw some corners of our clothes. I looked at my parents who appeared unexpectedly. It took me a long time to say, "Hey, it's really a battle between snipes and clams, and the fisherman benefits!" My cousin and I lost our fight spirit when those two pots of water poured on us.

But at that moment, my parents poured a basin of water on us again, and my cousin and I rushed to the full space in an instant. Therefore, the happy "Water Splashing Festival" won everyone's love and continued to play. The sound of splashing water mixed with the laughter of the four of us, like a happy song, surrounded our hearts.

When night fell, I reluctantly said goodbye to the happy "Water Splashing Festival" and said goodbye to my beautiful memories.

Water Splashing Festival (5)

The night of the Water Splashing Festival is joyful and lively.

At the beginning of the lights, the dark sky had been whitened by the "stars" that appeared out of nowhere that night.

The crowd on the stone beach is bustling. The green leaves cover the charming starlight all over the sky sparsely. In the dark, there are many Kongming lamps flashing. The lights are joyful and comfortable. The Lancang River Bridge, which is tall and magnificent, is hung with a colorful neon light, which is enchanted with the bright lights all over the sky. On the clear Lancang River, a gorgeous and colorful sightseeing boat decorated with lights slowly travels on the river, adding a touch of splendor to this magnificent and colorful spectacle.

The vast Lancang River is rippling with blue waves, and "flowers" are blooming on the water. When the water lamp is lit, the blue flame is beating in the wind, and the green leaves set off colorful petals, which are placed on the water surface and gently flick the cold river water. The water lamp slowly flutters, drifting farther and farther, leaving only a fresh figure. Make a wish. Is there anything better than expecting the wish to come true?

The night of the Water Splashing Festival is the best memory I have printed in my mind.

Water Splashing Festival (6)

[Chapter 1]

The Water Splashing Festival is an annual traditional festival of the Dai people (April 13 to 15 in the solar calendar). In Dai language, it is called "Lenghe Shanghan", that is, "June New Year" or "Dai New Year". In fact, the Water Splashing Festival is the New Year's Day of the Dai calendar. Because of the Dai calendar, the new year begins in June. There is another legend about the origin of the Water Splashing Festival.

A long time ago, a demon king who did all kinds of evil occupied the beautiful and rich Xishuangbanna and robbed seven beautiful girls to be his wife. The girls were full of hatred and decided how to kill the Devil King. One night, Nong Xiang, the youngest girl, used the best wine and meat to make the Devil drunk and make him reveal his fatal weakness. It turned out that this fearless devil was afraid of strangling his neck with his hair. The alert girl carefully pulled out a red hair of the devil and strangled his neck. As expected, the head of the Devil King fell down and became a ball of fire. The evil fire spread wherever it rolled. Bamboo buildings were burned and crops were burnt. In order to put out the evil fire, the seven girls took turns to hold the head of the devil, and the other girls kept pouring water on it. Finally, in June of the Dai calendar, they put out the evil fire and threw the devil's head into the river. The villagers began to live and work in peace and contentment again.

Since then, in order to express the memory and gratitude to the seven girls. This activity has continued to this day and has become the Water Splashing Festival, a festival for Dai people to bid farewell to the old and welcome the new, and to wish them good luck. For Dai people, water is a symbol of holiness, beauty and brightness. Water is the god of life.

When the Water Splashing Festival comes, the Dai people are busy killing pigs, chickens, and wine. They also need to make a lot of "Manosos" (rice cakes) and a variety of cakes made of glutinous rice to eat in the festival.

[Chapter 2]

Last winter vacation, my mother and I went to visit the museum, and a painting of the Dai Water Splashing Festival attracted my attention. The people in the painting splashed water on each other in their festive costumes, blossoming in the air, so beautiful! I immediately made up my mind to learn about the Water Splashing Festival.

Originally, the Water Splashing Festival originated in India and was a ritual of ancient Brahmanism, which was later attracted by Buddhism. Around the end of the 12th century to the beginning of the 13th century, it was introduced into the Dai area of Yunnan with Buddhism through Myanmar. With the deepening influence of Buddhism in the Dai area, the Water Splashing Festival has become a national custom.

There is an interesting legend about the Water Splashing Festival. A long, long time ago, a cruel demon king appeared in the Dai area. He did all kinds of evil, and the people hated him. The Devil King has seven wives. One night, a wife asked about the secret of strangling the devil with his hair, so the girl strangled the devil that night. But wherever the head of the Devil King rolls, disaster will happen. Only when the girl holds the Devil King's head, there will be no accident. In order to avoid disaster, the girls decided to take turns holding the head of the Devil King for a year. On the day of rotation every year, people splash water on the girl holding her head to flush away blood and fatigue. Later, the Dai people splashed water on each other on this day every year in memory of the seven girls. Since then, a grand festival for the Dai people to bid farewell to the old and welcome the new has come into being - the Water Splashing Festival.

The legend of Water Splashing Festival is very interesting, and the main activities of Water Splashing Festival are more interesting! At the festival, people put on their festival costumes, carrying water, first went to the Buddhist temple to bathe in Buddha, and then began to splash water. Water flowers bloom in the air, symbolizing auspiciousness, happiness and health. Everyone splashed on each other, and everywhere was the baptism of water, the blessing of water, and the song of water. The water splashing festival has become a sea of joy! In addition to splashing water, people also have to rush to set up, race dragon boats, bathe in Buddha, fight cocks, put up high rises, put on Kongming lanterns and so on. Interesting!

What an interesting festival it is! I am determined to go to the Dai people to experience the Water Splashing Festival!

[Chapter 3]

Driving from Kunming to Gengma, although the weather is very hot, it is full of fresh green. Even if you don't turn on the air conditioner, open the window, it is a good enjoyment to smell the mountain forest. The lowest altitude of Gengma is only 450m, so it has always been downhill. All the way, I can see the traces of water used by passing trucks to cool the brakes - reminds me of the snails that also carry heavy "shells" and will leave "footprints" when climbing. However, the speed of these large trucks is not slow, and there are many other cars, so we must drive carefully.

Passing tea gardens and rubber plantations. Suddenly, a special smell came into the car - sticky sweet and sour wine. On the roadside, there are big trucks loaded with sugar cane. Go further and you will see the sugar factory and the distillery. Gengma is the national grain and sugar production base, the main private rubber production area in Yunnan, and the hometown of steamed enzyme tea. When you see the factory, you know it is not far from the county seat.

The next morning, I came to Gengma White Horse Square. A white horse made of stone raised its front hoof and was about to soar. When I first arrived at Gengma, I always wondered, what is the relationship between white horse and Gengma? Local friends told me that "Geng" in "Geng Ma" means "place" or "region" in Dai language, while "Ma" means "place where there are horses" or "place to find with horses" in Chinese. The local people say that "Gengma" means "Mengxiang Gengkan" in Dai language, which means "follow the white horse to find the place of gold and gems".

With the passage of time, the sun became stronger and stronger, the temperature became higher and higher, and the enthusiasm for splashing water on the square became stronger and stronger. The water kept splashing and laughing. Almost all people were forced to endure the heat of the hot sun at the head and the cold auspicious water poured down their backs, and everywhere was filled with water.

During their stay, children with water guns or buckets will jump out at any time and send them full blessings. At lunch time, the boss brought a large bucket of clean water, and said with a smile, "Just pour a little water, bless!" Everyone accepted a bucket of "blessing" - it was only a prelude, and later it gradually turned into everyone running around with bowls, and some people even threw bowls and chopsticks out of the room - in fact, there was a more fierce battle outside the door waiting for you who had no water in your hands.

On the Water Splashing Festival, everyone is ready to fight with a small bucket. Some people are the least willing to be thrown into the front, but everyone, especially those who have already been thrown into the front, is the least willing to see people who are not "wet". Once they find out, they will rise up and attack them and do the right thing.

Water Splashing Festival (7)

Today, our seventh grade held the annual Water Splashing Festival. The scene, let alone how spectacular.

Hundreds of students, with large and small "weapons" in their hands, were frantically bailing out water in the wooden pool and throwing it on others' faces, heads and bodies regardless of "friends and enemies". Some held the washbasin in their left hand and a small spoon in their right hand, waving like playing cards; Some people take a large bucket, fill it with water, and find the "enemy". They buckle it on their head and feel cold. It seems that they are carrying out an "ice bucket challenge". When the man returns to God and wants "revenge", he has already mixed in the crowd; What's more, sweeping people with a high-pressure water pipe is also a "cold" addiction!

The teachers have become the target of public criticism because of many assignments, squatting in military training and other "evils". In particular, Mr. He from the Political and Educational Affairs Office lost his prestige because his clothes were soaked and his glasses fell off. And the old naughty boy, Mr. Wang and the headmaster, were like crazy children in the neighborhood. They threw themselves into the rare "war" with all their heart. They had a lot of fun: Mr. Wang, holding the basin, secretly ran to the side of the pool to scoop up a basin of water, tiptoed behind a female teacher, suddenly fell down, and the female teacher gave a cry of surprise, Hurry to dodge away. There is water on my legs. If I don't hold an umbrella, I will have a good show!

The whole audience was in chaos, full of screaming, crazy laughter, mixed with the "crack" sound of stepping on muddy water. The students in the teaching building also stood in front of the railing, admiring and feeling sad, or recalling the happy time of the Water Splashing Festival? Two hours passed quietly in the process of chasing each other. It was really a happy and wonderful Water Splashing Festival!

Water Splashing Festival (8)

The Water Splashing Festival is a very interesting day. On that day, the old people will dip a bit of water into a branch and pour it on the children. Pedestrians in the street also splash water on each other, which represents a symbol of good wishes.

On the Water Splashing Day, if someone splashes water on him, he will do everything smoothly and happily this year. The more he is punished by others, the happier he will be.

It is said that there was once a great devil who was very bad and often damaged other people's crops, but he was too powerful. The villagers had no choice but to run away. This great devil has twelve wives, all of whom are very smart and beautiful, and the twelfth wife is the most intelligent. The devil's behavior made them very angry, so the twelfth wife thought of a way. One day she was so happy with the devil that she took the opportunity to ask: "King, why can't the villagers kill you again and again?" When he was happy, he said, "Who can pull out one of my hair and strangle me? You can't tell anyone!" The twelfth wife killed the devil in this way late at night. However, as soon as the head landed, there was a raging fire. The fire went out as soon as you picked up your head. They had no choice but to take turns holding the bloody head. When the villagers saw that their bodies were dripping with blood, they splashed them with water. Thus, there was the "Water Splashing Festival".

The Water Splashing Festival brings blessings and luck. If you are splashed with water on the day of the Water Splashing Festival, you may be lucky one day!

Water Splashing Festival (9)

Today, my friends and I were bored, so we learned from the Dai people to celebrate the Water Splashing Festival.

There are five of us in total, each fighting by himself. Each of us has a small water tank, which is connected with a water gun by a water pipe and can emit water. The war began.

We run east and hide west. It's fun. In less than half an hour, we were all wet, and we were still laughing at each other. The water on our body is our blessing to our relatives and friends!

How happy the Water Splashing Festival is! I love Water Splashing Festival!

Water Splashing Festival (10)

There are 56 national flowers blooming in China. Different regions and nationalities have different festival customs. Let's go to the Dai people and learn about the Water Splashing Festival of the Dai people.

The Dai Water Splashing Festival is a grand and joyful festival. The Water Splashing Festival originated in India and was once a religious ceremony of Brahmanism. Later, it was absorbed by Buddhism and introduced into the Dai area of Yunnan through Myanmar. The Water Splashing Festival is the new year of the Dai people and the most important traditional festival of the Dai people.

The Water Splashing Festival began early in the morning, and men, women and children bathed and changed clothes. I also wore Dai costumes and came to the center of the water splashing ground, ready to "" - pots and barrels. Just heard a command, we ran to the "reservoir" -- a small pool like an arrow leaving the string, installed "" -- water, and threw it at the "enemy".

Then, the young men and women carried the wooden buckets, and the water splashed everywhere. But me! It's boring to stand there alone and splash yourself with a bucket. Suddenly, I saw a well-dressed adult. I quietly walked behind him, splashed water on his head, and then ran away to fight a quick battle. In this way, a well-dressed adult has become a poor "drowned chicken".

But the good times didn't last long. Just when I was proud, several "enemies" I had attacked began to counter attack me. I have no room to fight back. They fought more and more fiercely, so I had to fight with them to the death. Regardless of the bullet like water spots, I fired at them crazily. In this way, we chased each other, splashed, laughed, and shouted. How happy we were!

Time always slipped away unconsciously. My mother said, "We have to go!" "Sobbing, how could it be so fast? I haven't played enough yet!" I said dejectedly. This time I spent the Water Splashing Festival with my Dai compatriots, which really left me feeling more than enough.

The Dai people love and respect water. The water in the Water Splashing Festival represents good luck, happiness and health. The more you are splashed, the more good luck you will have. Therefore, during the festival, there are lots of happy voices and laughter everywhere, and there is a peaceful atmosphere everywhere!

Water Splashing Festival (11)

The Dai nationality in China has a long cultural tradition, with a population of nearly one million. It is mainly distributed in Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture, West Dai Jingpo Autonomous Prefecture, Gengma Menglian and other autonomous counties in Yunnan.

Up to now, there is a myth among the Dai people: in ancient times, there was a devil in the Dai area who committed many crimes. People hated him, but nothing could deal with the devil. Later, the seven girls found the devil's Achilles' heel. Only the devil's hair could be put to death. One night, the girls bravely killed the devil. But as soon as the devil's head touched the ground, a big fire started. At this time, the girls immediately took turns to pick up their heads. Change once a year, when changing people. People splashed water on the girl with her head in her arms to wash away the blood and fatigue on her body. Later, the most important festival of the Dai people, the Water Splashing Festival, came into being.

On "Wheat Day", the first day of the festival. Early in the morning, people would collect flowers and green leaves to worship in the Buddhist temple, but they would "bathe the Buddha" with water to wash away the dust for the Buddha statue. After "bathing", the collective sprinkling began. A group of young men and women with clear water poured out of the streets and alleys, splashing on everyone. "When water blooms, the Dai family flourishes." "When wet, happiness lasts forever." The auspicious, happy and healthy water blooms in the air.

Dragon boating is one of the most wonderful programs of the Water Splashing Festival, which is often held in the "Maipaya Evening Horse" (the third day) of the Water Splashing Festival. On that day, people dressed up for the festival gathered by the Lancang River and the Ruili River to watch the dragon boat race. A variety of dragon boats are moored on the river. There are dozens of strong players sitting on the boat. When the command goes off, the dragon boat flies forward like an arrow. There are gongs, drums, trumpets and cheers everywhere. The festival atmosphere has reached a climax here.

Water Splashing Festival (12)

Legend has it that long ago, the Dai people lived and worked in peace and contentment, and lived a happy and peaceful life. Later, a fire devil came from somewhere. The fire devil did all kinds of evil. She stole seven beautiful girls. People hate him to the bone, but no one can do anything about it. When the seven girls learned that the fire devil's hair could strangle him, they began to take action. However, the head of the fire devil rolled everywhere. Wherever he rolled, he would suffer disaster. Only the fire devil's wife could stop. The girls took turns to hold the fire devil's head, each time for a year, so that the villagers could avoid disaster. In memory of these seven girls, later generations splashed water on this day, which is the origin of the Water Splashing Festival.

On the day of the Water Splashing Festival, people washed the dust for the Buddha early, and then there was a wonderful water splashing activity. Dai women are as beautiful as flowers. After wearing colorful clothes, they are more like peacocks. Men, women, old and young came one after another. They took all kinds of water containers and splashed each other heartily, eventually becoming "drowned chickens" one by one. In the sky, water flowers symbolizing auspiciousness and happiness are blooming. People's hair is wet and their clothes are wet, but this is not important. What is important is that they enjoy endless happiness in the activities. People have poured out their feelings and expectations for the New Year in the process of you pouring on me and I pouring on you!

During the festival, people not only splash water, but also have many other programs, such as dragon boat riding, throwing flower bags, putting Kongming lanterns, fireworks and so on. People cheered, sang and danced, and the atmosphere was festive.

Water Splashing Festival (13)

We did it again for a while, but those mischievous guys went all the way and splashed water with their lives. Zhang Guohao and I decided to "go deep behind the enemy" and find out "the real killer behind the scenes". We had just reached the third floor when a sixth grader walked up quickly with two big buckets. My sixth sense told me that it was dangerous. Sure enough, a large amount of water fell on us. Fortunately, we hid quickly so that we didn't get wet. But socks suffer. After a while, a burst of "artificial rain" poured down again. Next, another man got wet. Another "double play" splashed down, and two female students in our class got wet again. At this time, Li Zhuofan came back to "fight hard". But when he just came back, he was "plotted" again - his pants were wet

Water Splashing Festival (14)

The Water Splashing Festival originated from India and was once a religious ceremony of Brahmanism. Later, it was absorbed by Buddhism and introduced into the Dai area of Yunnan through Myanmar. The Water Splashing Festival is a celebration of the Dai New Year, usually between April 13 and April 15 of the Gregorian calendar. At that time, people first went to the Buddhist temple to bathe in Buddha, then splashed water on each other, and expressed sincere wishes with splashing water. Everywhere is full of laughter and festive atmosphere.

The Water Splashing Festival lasts for 3 to 4 days. The first day is called "wheat day" in Dai language, which is similar to New Year's Eve in the lunar calendar. The next day, the Dai language called it "Angry Day". People dressed up for the festival, carrying water, first went to the Buddhist temple to bathe in Buddha. Then they began to splash water on each other.

Another eye-catching activity of the Water Splashing Festival is dragon boat rowing, elephant foot dance and peacock dance. At that time, on the third day of the Dai New Year, the Dai people called it "Maipaya Evening Horse", and the festival atmosphere reached a climax. People in festival costumes gathered by the Lancang River and the Ruili River to watch the dragon boat race.

The activities of the Water Splashing Festival are rich in content. Other activities include raising high, cockfighting, peacock dancing, etc. People are dressed in costumes, beaming, and the scene is extremely warm.

Water Splashing Festival (15)

Unique bottle:

The "screaming" bottle is not so old-fashioned. It has a unique piston that can spray without changing the normal moisture absorption. It really kills two birds with one stone. When the drinks were finished, the naughty children began to think and prepare to spend much time on the piston.

(Ten minutes between classes is our happiest time. We have changed the "coldness" in class and enjoyed ourselves in a small space.)

New play:

These days, there are always discordant screams in the classroom. After the investigation of "Class Holmes", it is proved that someone sprayed others with "screaming" bottles, causing panic. As soon as the news spread, those "rebels" began to stir up, and most of the class began to follow the example of revenge. From then on, screams frequently appeared in the ten minutes between classes.


A wonderful music sounded, and the students took out the bottle with "supersonic". Before the teacher stepped out of the classroom, some students began to fight. The teacher's arm was "beautified" when he was not careful. When the teacher saw this, he felt puzzled and muttered: "Unexpectedly, so far away, raindrops can also drop. With the development of science and technology, raindrops are also developed.". After saying that, he admitted that he was unlucky and left. In an instant, the whole class burst into laughter.

Immediately, the "Water Splashing Festival" began.

Chen Zhihan unleashed the power of "Nine Bulls and Two Tigers" and shot Yu Jiaming at the front seat. Like a frightened rabbit, Yu Jiaming quickly took out the bottle to retaliate. With a shriek, Chen Zhihan, a "peerless beauty", was "beaten" into "ugly Dongshi".

The girls' lineup is not strong, but the boys' lineup is strong! Look! Those boys hit each other repeatedly, just like the "twenty stars in a row", and all of them were "strafed". Let's "watch their" handsome ": his hair is half wet and half dry, and he has become a full cock with fluffy feathers; The dress looks like a piece of pigment cloth; This one was attacked on his pants. Some people shouted like provocation: Look, everyone, someone has urinated

This class "Water Splashing Festival" is even more lively than the "Water Splashing Festival" in Xishuangbanna. This "screaming" drink is really screaming! This is my feeling. What about you?

Water Splashing Festival (16)

On the Water Splashing Day, if someone splashes water on him, he will do everything smoothly and happily this year. The more he is punished by others, the happier he will be.

It is said that there was once a great devil who was very bad and often damaged other people's crops, but he was too powerful. The villagers had no choice but to run away. This great devil has twelve wives, all of whom are very smart and beautiful, and the twelfth wife is the most intelligent. The devil's behavior made them very angry, so the twelfth wife thought of a way. One day she was so happy with the devil that she took the opportunity to ask: "King, why can't the villagers kill you again and again?" When he was happy, he said, "Who can pull out one of my hair and strangle me? You can't tell anyone!" The twelfth wife killed the devil in this way late at night. However, as soon as the head landed, there was a raging fire. The fire went out as soon as you picked up your head. They had no choice but to take turns holding the bloody head. When the villagers saw that their bodies were dripping with blood, they splashed them with water. Thus, there was the "Water Splashing Festival".