Precious gifts (18 preferred)
Demon dispelling heaven and earth
2024-01-21 04:48:17
Grade 3

Precious Gift (1)

The air is filled with gardenia, and the quiet river looks lonely in the quiet forest. A sound broke the silence of the forest first. It was the king of the forest - the tiger.

Then Uncle Elephant came at the sound. Then, the small animals in the forest came to the assembly place.

"Dear friends, today's meeting is to tell you that we will go to the desert for adventure tomorrow." As soon as the tiger finished speaking, the small animals below began to whisper. The tiger did not pay any attention, but waved his hand, talked to Uncle Elephant, and left.

As soon as the rooster crowed, the animals packed their equipment and set out. They walked from morning to afternoon. Mr. Dog shouted tired at first: "Wang, when can we stop?"

The tiger looked around. He should have seen something. He patted Mr. Dog on the shoulder and said come on. When he reached a river, Uncle Elephant frowned and looked at everyone for help.

But what can we do? Uncle Elephant turned his eyes and said to everyone, "You can sit on me and I will take you across the river!" The animals looked at Uncle Elephant gratefully. Uncle Elephant took the weakest animals to the shore first, and then rolled the rest up one by one with his trunk. At the end, he will carefully ask: "Is there anyone who hasn't crossed the river?" Look around and cross the river by himself.

In the evening, they had to pass through a marsh to reach their destination. Animals all know that the marsh is the place of their death, and they may fall into the abyss if they are not careful.

Everyone seemed to smell the smell of death. They stood on the bank of the marsh and refused to go down into the marsh. At this time, an old man gave the animals two pairs of moonlight shoes.

Strangely, the animals did not compete for those two pairs of moonlight shoes, and did not wear shoes alone to walk through the marsh. They waited quietly for the tiger to speak.

"Uncle elephant, you should wear it first. After all, you saved us before." The tiger said kindly to the elephant.

Uncle elephant put on his moonshine shoes and walked across the marsh, but he stopped on the other side of the marsh. He threw himself through the moon shoes to the animals, and then threw the new moon shoes to the tiger.

The elephants and other animals walked together through the marsh and followed the animals. Not far away, they found two precious gifts - unity and friendship through joint efforts.

True friends don't talk about friendship. They don't ask for something for friendship, but do everything they can for each other.

Precious Gift (2)

Precious gifts

My family has a gift that my deskmate Chen Chu gave me on my last birthday. I like this gift very much.

In fact, this gift is two small fish in a bottle. The little fish is very small, about the same size as the fingernail of my little thumb. The body of the little fish is very beautiful, with red, blue, green and purple spots and stripes all over the body. The tail is red, with a black spot in the middle, and the end is transparent. Small fish swim fast, and they are very small, so it is difficult to find them. By the way, let me also say that the little fish don't need to eat, they just need to drink water, which is what Chen Chu told me. At first, I didn't really believe it, but after several weeks, Xiaoyu still lived well. I just believed that Xiaoyu didn't need to eat, but why? Maybe the fish is too small.

The bottle for small fish is also very beautiful. It is transparent and shaped like a gourd. The opening uses a rubber band to tie a piece of gauze woven from blue, purple, red and pink silk together with the opening. The inside of the bottle is also very beautiful. There are many purple pearls. Use tweezers to pick them up and touch them. They are soft and comfortable; There are also water plants in the bottle, and small fish often go through the water plants.

Now, as long as I'm all right, I'll come to see the little fish, and see how beautiful they are in the water and grass!

Precious Gift (3)

When the sun showed its last smile on the horizon, I walked home and thought: "Tomorrow is my mother's birthday. What gift should I give her? Flowers, greeting cards, or jewelry?

The past is on my mind: my mother is busy with this family every day, and she goes out to work before dawn. She often takes a rest at ten or eleven o'clock. I don't know how tired I am. I am willing to work hard for my family and never spend money to buy new clothes to dress myself. Mom is the easiest to be satisfied. She will be very happy as long as I behave very well. Maybe this is maternal love. When I think of this, my heart swells with infinite gratitude and guilt for my mother. My eyes are wet. What can I do to repay my mother's love?

The next day, I came to the gift shop with the 50 yuan I had saved for a long time. There are beautiful music boxes, exquisite ornaments and various greeting cards. What gift should I choose for my mother? Suddenly I saw a crystal ball. Inside was a mother and her child making a snowman in the snow. As long as they shook it with their hands, the snowflakes in the ball would float up. It was very beautiful. The mother and son in the ball played so happily. I also hope my mother can go out with me to relax. Yes, I'll buy a crystal ball. Aunt wrapped the crystal ball, decorated it with a flower, and bought it. I held the crystal ball in my hand, but my heart was uneasy: "Will my mother like it? Will she say I spend money recklessly?"

When I got home, I gave the gift to my mother. My mother was stunned, and then carefully folded the package. When she saw the crystal ball, she said happily, "It's beautiful! It's a bit wasteful. I wish I could buy some stationery you like." My eyes were wet, and she said quickly, "Mom wishes you a happy birthday."

At night, I could not sleep for a long time. Thinking of my mother's rough hands, I felt that this gift could not repay my love for her, but it contained my gratitude for her.

Precious Gift (4)

There are many stars in the Milky Way of memory. Some stars gradually fade with the passage of time, but there is a star shining forever in my memory, not dim, not falling!

Although that star may be an ordinary word in the eyes of others, in my eyes, it gave me encouragement to regain confidence in a failure. Let me love running, love running in the wind.

In kindergarten, every time the teacher organized us to run, I was always the slowest one. Either I lose or I fall down. Time after time, my eyes are filled with tears and my clothes are wet with sweat. There is only fear on the face, fear of losing, fear of falling, fear of running But at this time, Mr. Zhang kindly said: "Mao Yuxin, a temporary loss does not mean forever. As long as you work hard, the teacher believes that you will succeed." Although it was just a short sentence, it made me regain the letter, from the last sprint to the second. It made me full of confidence and joy in running. I learned that losing is not forever!

So in the face of losing, I will not give up, but work hard. The encouraging words are a beautiful star in my memory of the Milky Way, a star always shining with dazzling light. It always emits its glory in the deep of the Milky Way of memory!

Grade 5: Mao Yuxin

Precious Gift (5)

[Chapter 1]

Today, I finally have the right to talk about the most precious gift in my heart. Let me be frank. In fact, the most precious gift in my heart is my parents.

However, when someone hears this sentence, they will say: "How can Mom and Dad be your most precious gift?" As long as you look at the following content, you will know.

In my family, my mother is often the only person. Because my father is on business trips, I can't come back, because my father is on business trips, and my mother does all the work at home alone. I want to thank my mother first, because she works hard every day, and every day she will buy me vegetables, cook, wash clothes, and do all the housework. Secondly, I would also like to thank my father, because my father's business trip is to earn money for my mother and me, so that my mother and I can live a happy and happy life.

However, sometimes my parents also quarrel. I remember one time, I didn't know what had happened. I advised my mother that she didn't expect her mother to ignore my father. At this time, I thought, will my parents keep fighting like this?

Really, two weeks have passed, and Mom and Dad are finally reconciled. If I do something wrong, I will send a gift quietly to make Mom and Dad happy forever!

Now, you know why I said Mom and Dad are my most precious gifts. That's because my parents' hard work has made me grow up healthily and happily.

[Chapter 2]

Whenever I hear my mother speak in a hoarse voice and see her white hair on her head, my gratitude arises spontaneously.

Mother's Day is coming. I'm going to make a card for my mother. I carefully selected a piece of blue cardboard in the stationery store. I first folded the cardboard in half and made a cover with one side. Then I folded the cover in half and drew a rectangle with three sides cut along the line to make a movable window. Finally, I use the wavy line scissors to cut the wavy line on the edge of the cover. this

The structure of the sample greeting card is ready.

Next, I'm going to decorate the cover. First, I write "Thank you Mom" on the top of the cover, and then draw my mother and I in the middle. I'm going to decorate the inside of the card. I wrote on the top left corner of the interior thank you for bringing me up. The middle of the card is empty. I had an idea. Mom wishes you happiness and youth forever.

At the lower right corner of the card, I decorated a lot of flowers and plants. Beside the grass, I drew a child. The child was cheering. I wished my mother a happy holiday. I went downstairs to buy a flower and pasted it on the card. I thought, Mom, when you are tired, I hope my flower can make you energetic. Looking at the card made by myself, I smiled with satisfaction.

So happy.

I will never forget the kindness of inserting Liu. Although this card has cost me a lot of effort, it is nothing compared to my mother's painstaking efforts. Who said that the heart of grass inch, reported three Chunhui.

[Chapter 3]

I have received many gifts, including cloth dolls, cards, pens... One of the most special and precious gifts is the wind chime.

This wind chime was given to me by a foreign friend on my birthday three years ago. That summer vacation, my father took me to Xi'an on a business trip. We rented a room in a courtyard, and the next room was her home.

One sunny morning, I was painting outside my room. When I was thinking about how the characters could draw expressions, she just passed by my door. Seeing that I was at a loss, she asked curiously, "Why do you use an eraser repeatedly to erase the picture?" I looked up and said sheepishly, "I don't know how to paint the figure." She said quickly, "It doesn't matter, as long as you observe more." "But I don't have a model." I responded helplessly to her. She smiled and said, "I can be your model." So she moved to a bench and sat in front of me to show me her colorful expressions. I like her smile best. She giggled all the time and asked me to paint her portrait. Finally, a portrait with her smile was completed. Since then, we have gradually become familiar with each other.

The day before Dad's business trip ended, I went to say goodbye to her. She said she would go to the railway station to see me off tomorrow. The next day, when she got on the train, she took out a gift and said to me: "I wanted to give it to you on your birthday the day after tomorrow, but I didn't expect you would go back..." When the train came, we waved goodbye reluctantly.

Sitting on the train, I opened the beautiful wooden box. My father was surprised and said, "What a beautiful wind chime!" The wind chime was wearing a golden skirt. There were two butterflies with opposite tentacles pinned on the skirt. There was a shining crystal between the butterflies. The two butterflies were like her and me. The crystal was like the crystal of our friendship.

Two years later, I still think of her. Our friendship will always be in my heart!

Precious Gift (6)

Everyone has received a gift. How do you feel when you receive a gift?

It was my tenth birthday. I invited some friends to my home at school and many people in our community.

My friends gave me many gifts, such as toys, building blocks, sports... But one friend gave me a book, his name is Zhang Yuanchi. He put the gift in a box, and I said, "Zhang Yuanchi, what did you send me?" Just at the moment, I heard my mother asked us to go down to have a birthday cake. After eating the cake, we went to make biscuits. After finishing the biscuits, we came back and had lunch. After a little play, our friends all left.

After all the guests left, I opened the gift that Zhang Yuanchi gave me. Ah! It turned out that I always wanted my mother to buy Charles IX for me. I was very happy!

The next day when school was over, I asked Zhang Yuanchi: "How did you know I was going to buy a copy of Charles IX?" He said: "Because at noon last week, the teacher allowed us to read freely. I saw that you had been borrowing Charles IX from other students, and I immediately saw that you liked it very much, so I gave you a copy while you were celebrating your tenth birthday." "Thank you, this is the best gift I have received." I was moved to say that he smiled at me happily, and our hands tightly clasped together.

Ah, he kept in mind my usual words and deeds. He really deserves to be my good friend. Although I have read this book, I still treasure it.

Precious Gift (7)

Toad and frog are inseparable friends. The day after tomorrow is frog's birthday. Toad wants to give it a beautiful dress.

The next day, Toad picked up a piece of cloth with a small flower pattern and began to make clothes. But after a few cuts, it broke. It thought, "I'll make a vest for the frog. It's going to winter soon, and the frog will hibernate. It's beautiful and warm, and it will be happy." So the toad thought about making a vest, but he cut it wrong when he left for work. He sighed and thought, "It's wrong again. Why don't you make a hat for the frog? It must be very handsome to put on it." He said that he could do it right away. The toad made a hat out of his vest again. He cut it again, but it broke again accidentally. Finally, he had to make a handkerchief. I was very sad when I saw the gift I was going to give to the frog.

On the third day, Toad took a handkerchief to the frog's birthday party and watched the guests holding valuable gifts. Some give away watches; Some send mobile phones; Some gave leather shoes, shoes, shoes, shoes and toads looked at the handkerchiefs they had brought, and their faces turned red and white, but there was no other way. When Toad gave the handkerchief to the frog, he said shyly, "I'm sorry, I wanted to give you a beautiful dress, but I cut it wrong, so I had to give you a small handkerchief." But the frog said with a smile, "It doesn't matter, your behavior touched me very much, as the saying goes," goose feather is a gift from a thousand miles, and the gift is light. "

This story tells us that no matter what others give you, as long as it is genuine, it is more precious than anything else.

Precious Gift (8)

The orange sunset projected onto the moss in the corner of the hut, and I opened the wooden door again. A wind like thing greeted me from afar, like a settled dust falling into my eyes.

Grandma has gone, the small round table is covered with a layer of dust, and a trace of spider silk hangs on the bronze bird lamp. There is a sewing basket on the table. This pair of reading glasses was bought by my mother for my grandmother when she was in college. On that day, she held me in her arms and said with a smile, "How interesting my baby is!" The sun was warm from the reading glasses.

In the winter of the same year, when I fell in the snow, my grandmother cried out in amazement, and her eyes fell to the ground, drawing a crack. She sobbed like a child. I quickly said, "When I grow up, I will buy you a new one." This stopped her crying, but she didn't have time to wait for me to grow up, so she went permanently.

The day before Children's Day, the school arranged a program for me to perform the children's voice solo. Mother went to the singing and dancing troupe to borrow a set of elegant performance clothes. But because of my pride, I accidentally cut my back when I jumped, and I will perform the next day. How worried I am! Mother was also worried. She went to the dance troupe to borrow suitable clothes, but could not find them. I was so worried that I stamped my feet. Only my grandmother quietly took out the sewing basket and sewed the torn back for me.

Grandmother put on her reading glasses, and I stood by, bewildered. At half time, I cried: "Can you sew it? It's not ugly to stick a patch on the back?"

Grandma just smiled, "It will be fine tomorrow morning."

At two o'clock in the morning, I got up to drink water. Why is the light still on in the living room? When I came closer, it was my grandmother. She held my performance dress in her left hand and needle and thread in her right hand. She was not sewing, but carefully selected the fabric with needle and thread of the same color as the back.

The next morning, my grandmother put on clothes for me! a seamless heavenly robe! I proudly rushed out of the door, but didn't even say "thank you" to her. Now, how I want to say "thank you" to my grandmother, but she can't hear!

I am very sad to be pulled back to the cruel reality. The allowance for the Spring Festival is enough to buy a pair of glasses, but I only want to buy toys. It is a fact that there is something cold crawling around the corner of the eye, but there is no one there anymore. Fortunately, this broken presbyopic glass has become the most precious gift my grandmother gave me.

I put on the presbyopic glasses, and the world was cut in half. It was strange. Is that how my grandmother selects stitches for me? In the presbyopic glasses, I vaguely saw my grandmother holding a needle and slowly threading through

Grasp the moment, time will wash away the traces between them, many of which have been forgotten. However, when you begin to miss that person and that thing, please remember that it has become your most precious gift.

Precious Gift (9)

Since childhood, I have received many gifts, but so many valuable gifts can not compare with this precious gift. On the day of our school exam, the temperature was very low and it was freezing cold. I finished my meal in the morning.

Just pick up the book and run to school. When I got to school, I found that I had forgotten to wear cotton padded clothes, but it was less than 10 minutes since I left the exam, so I had to bite the bullet. When my classmates see how little I wear, they always ask me, "Why are you wearing so little?" I always smile.

The test began, and the cold wind made me shiver, and my hands were too cold to write. This is, our teacher Zhang found that I was frozen, so he took off his coat and left only a sweater. Mr. Zhang came to me and put his coat on me.

At first, I refused to let the teacher get cold for me. But the teacher smiled and said, "It's OK. I'm not cold. It's mainly you. You must be very cold if you wear so little. Besides, you still have to take an exam. If you fail in the exam, I will be punished." Then the teacher put his coat on me. "At school, the teacher is your mother. If your mother doesn't hurt you, who else will?" the teacher said kindly.

I felt a burst of warmth all over me, and my heart was as lively as a rabbit. At the end of the exam, I returned my coat to the teacher, but the teacher said: "You can wear this coat, and it will not be cold when you go home. How wonderful!" I could only obey the teacher's words, put on my coat and go home.

On the way home, no matter how cold the wind, my heart is warm. Although this precious gift is not comparable to gold and silver, it is priceless.

Precious Gift (10)

During the Spring Festival, I always like to wear that red dress. It was made for me by my grandmother and embroidered with the word "Xi". The strong flavor of the Spring Festival is in the big word "Xi". Then I picked up the scissors and imitated my grandmother's appearance. Soon I cut out the window flowers. The strong flavor of Spring Festival was on pieces of paper.

Last Spring Festival, I went to my grandparents' home. As soon as I came to their home, I gave them New Year greetings. As soon as I finished speaking, Grandma brought a sewing box from the table. It was to sew clothes for me. She sewed new clothes for me with all her heart. Then they taught me how to cut window flowers. Grandma took scissors in one hand and paper in the other. Soon, she cut many patterns, including round ones with double happiness characters on them! The other one is a special pattern, because it looks like a monster. This is the beast Nian who was defeated by us. Nian beast looks red. It's afraid of hearing the sound of firecrackers. It's really interesting.

Grandma also taught me how to make dumplings, because I had to make New Year's Eve dinner. Grandma asked me to dip some water on the edge of the dumpling skin first, then put the stuffing on the skin, and finally wrap it with both hands. Grandma will put the prepared dishes into the pot, and when it is time for the family to get together, the hot dinner will be served!

The experience of the Spring Festival is still engraved in my heart. Grandma's love for me makes me feel extremely warm. That experience became my most precious gift.

Precious Gift (11)

In the long years of my growth, I have received various gifts. I have to admit that every gift is as lovely as a flower, as colorful as a lollipop, as precious as a diamond, and as perfect and impeccable as a pearl. One of the gifts is still fresh in my memory even though it is a long time ago. Why is this gift worth collecting, missing and remembering? Now, go listen to the story of this gift with me!

On my eighth birthday, I invited my good friend Xu Jiani to my birthday party. On the phone, she readily agreed to my invitation. Less than ten minutes after I put down the phone, it was a sunny day with scorching sun. Suddenly, dark clouds were gathering and it became overcast. After a while, torrential rain, flashing lightning and deafening thunder came one after another, and I could not help worrying: Alas! Really, I shouldn't let her come. Her house is far away from my house. The road is so slippery. No accident! Suddenly, a dull thunder "Dong" interrupted my thoughts and pulled me back from reverie to reality. "No way! I have to go to pick her up!" I made a quick decision, picked up the phone and dialed Xu Jiani's number. Xu Jiani's intermittent voice came from the other end of the phone: "Oh, don't worry about me, don't worry, I'll be fine..." The phone was disconnected before the words were finished. So I lay beside the window and stamped my feet anxiously. Every minute was as long as a century.

A minute later, two minutes later... At that moment, there were bursts of doorbell ringing outside the door. I flew to the door and opened it. Xu Jiani, who was covered with rain, was standing there. Although she was covered with rain, she had a smile on her face and something in her hand. When I saw it, I couldn't help but extend my hand curiously. I turned my face to look at the window. God knows when the rain has stopped and a beautiful rainbow has risen. It must be a symbol of our friendship!

What a precious gift! I still have that pen. Because when I see it, I will think of Xu Jiani's angel like, pure and beautiful smile!

Precious Gift (12)

Everyone will get a gift that means something to him or her in his or her life. This gift may be a lovely doll, a toy car, a book, or a pen... but this gift I received is very special.

I remember when I was three or four years old, I was fascinated when I saw children playing the piano on TV. I want a piano very much and always cry for my mother to buy it for me. Although I didn't know much about music and the elegance of playing the piano at that time, I liked it inexplicably. When I was five or six years old, I told my favorite grandfather that he wanted a piano, and he promised me without hesitation: on my tenth birthday, buy me a piano as a birthday gift! I jumped up happily and gave my grandfather a kiss of love! But things are hard to predict. When I was seven years old, my grandfather was diagnosed with cancer. When I was young, I didn't know the severity of the disease, but my mother, grandfather and grandmother had no smiles for a long time. My grandfather lived in the hospital for a long time. My mother didn't have time to take care of my younger brother and me, but she always took care of my grandfather in the hospital. I remember that in the summer vacation, my mother took my brother and me to the hospital to accompany my grandfather for several days. I couldn't help shedding tears when I saw my grandfather receiving treatment every day and his hair falling off. However, even so, grandpa tried to bear the pain and tell us stories to make us happy! When we left the hospital, my grandfather told me quietly that he would give me a piano. When I was eight years old, my grandfather was critically ill. My father and I hurried back to our hometown overnight. My grandfather kept repeating at the last moment of his life: I'm going to Wuxi, and I'm going to send Tongtong a piano. I knelt beside grandpa, took his hand and cried, "grandpa, I don't want anything! As long as you can get better, stay with me forever..." grandpa took my hand and left forever with tears in his eyes. A few days later, my grandmother gave my mother 10000 yuan, saying that my grandfather had left behind to let my mother buy me a piano on my tenth birthday. At that moment, my mother and I cried.

Two years later, when my tenth birthday was coming, I said to my mother, "Mom, I don't want to play the piano. I want to save this money, and later I will honor my grandmother. I want to love my grandmother with my grandfather's love..." My mother nodded with tears in her eyes.

This is a precious gift with special significance. Although I did not receive this gift, it turned into love and stayed in my heart forever and ever. This will be a precious gift that I will treasure all my life!

Precious Gift (13)

In my pencil box, there is an exquisite pen. It has been printed in my heart. It is the most precious gift I have ever received.

The past came to my mind again: it was the day before my 10th birthday. I went to school as usual, and my deskmate and I were listening to the teacher attentively. Suddenly, a pen fell out of the desk mate's stationery bag. That pen is very exquisite and beautiful. I liked it at first sight. So I asked my deskmate, "Where did I buy this pen? How much was it?" The deskmate replied, "This is the last one!"

After class, I always think of that pen in my mind. I like it so much! So I had a plan in mind. I crept back to my seat and looked around. When my deskmate was not there, I reached for the pen and hid it in my pocket. After class, my deskmate found that the pen was missing and asked around. Suddenly, he asked me, "Did you see my pen?" I was so guilty that I was startled and stammered, "I, I -- no, I didn't see it." He stamped his foot and said, "Where on earth has my pen gone? Alas! I only have this pen."

I blushed and was ashamed. "Be an honest child, and don't cheat." The teacher's words were ringing in my ears again. I couldn't help saying, "I'm sorry..." But my voice was too low, and my deskmate didn't hear me. It was not easy to stay up until class ended. I walked away while my deskmate was at the same table. I hurriedly put my pen into his stationery box and then sighed. Ah! He came back. Sweat oozed from my face. "He won't find out that I stole his pen, will he?" I thought. Who knows, he saw the pen and went out again as if nothing had happened. The stone in my heart finally fell to the ground.

The next day, I was very happy. Because it was my birthday, I was thinking, "What gift would you give me?" When I arrived at the classroom, I saw my deskmate holding a gift box. I was puzzled: "What's in it?" I opened it and found it was the pen. My deskmate congratulated me: "Happy birthday!" My face turned red and said: "Yes... I can't afford it. In fact, yesterday I..." "I know that your look at that time betrayed you, but I saw that you liked this pen, so I gave it to you as a birthday gift." I was very moved and held it for a long time

Whenever I see this exquisite pen, I think: This is the most precious gift I have received.

Precious Gift (14)

Walking in the starry night sky, looking up at the sky, the bright stars in the sky are like stories passed in childhood. Some of them are brilliant, some are bright... In my heart, the brightest one is that one

It was my ninth birthday. I came home from school as usual, thinking of the big cake my mother promised me. When I came to the door, my steps stopped. Because I saw the figure in front of me, the familiar figure - the father who was busy working until midnight every day.

”You're back! "My father smiled and said," Hmm... "I was stunned. Did my father come back to celebrate my birthday in advance? When I was putting down my schoolbag, my father waved to me:" I will send you something to have a look. "Curiosity drove me to walk past, but when I saw that thing, I was silent. That was the thing I was most afraid of - the bike! Dad had wanted me to learn, but I would not learn because I fell down once when I learned to ride a bike before. At this time, I looked at my father in puzzlement, but my father kept looking at the bike:" Today I teach you how to ride a bike! "The tone was so firm that I couldn't resist a trace of reluctance. I thought: This time, I can't get rid of it anymore

I pushed my bike nervously, and my head was blank. I didn't know how I came to the open space in front of the door. I only knew that the bike in my hand made me extremely frightened. I imagined that I bared my teeth when I fell off the bike, and my hair stood up... "Go up! "At this time, my father no longer had the kind look he had just seen. Instead, he had an emotionless face and unprecedented sternness. My heart was like a rabbit," flopping "and" flopping ". Must I ride on it? "My tone was almost begging, but my father still said firmly:" Yes! "I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and slowly lifted my right leg. At this time, I felt as if a huge stone was tied to my leg. Every time I lifted it, it was so heavy

It seems that after a century, I finally rode on it! At this time, I am afraid and uneasy, but more joy! I looked at my father excitedly. Am I wrong? Dad's face was full of worry and his forehead was full of glistening sweat, but I clearly remember that it was not hot! " Look at the road! Keep steady! Step on it! "Dad recovered his indifference. I turned my head hurriedly, grabbed the handlebar, stepped on the pedal vigorously, and the bike moved forward! I was very happy! Dad said quietly:" OK! Keep working hard! Bang, I fell down! The small stone broke my knee, and I looked at my father with tears in my eyes. "Get up! continue! "Dad didn't reach out to help me, cruel dad! I had to bite my teeth and stand up. I didn't know how many times I fell that evening, but the fear in my heart gradually disappeared

”Dad! I can ride! "I cried excitedly, but found my father and father missing. I hurried home to the living room, no! The study, no! The bedroom, no! At this time, my father and mother sang birthday songs together, came out of the kitchen, my mother took a big cake, my father handed me a greeting card, took a look, it said:" My daughter, happy birthday! "! The courage to face difficulties and overcome fears is my gift to you. "At that moment, tears welled up and I held my parents tightly... Yes, this is the most precious gift!

Precious Gift (15)

In the long years, I have received all kinds of gifts: domineering transformers, green potted plants, delicate pen bags... But I think the most precious "gift" is the Selected Articles of Lu Xun.

I remember that it was a Sunday afternoon, and I went to the bookstore alone to buy books. There are so many books in the bookstore that I can't handle them. I chose from left to right and looked around. I was dizzy and couldn't find a book I liked. Suddenly, an anthology of Lu Xun's articles on the top shelf came into my sight, and my eyes lit up like a hunter found his prey. I have long wanted to buy this book! I couldn't wait to take it off the shelf and read it with interest.

I don't know how long it took, but when I heard that a clerk was going to leave work, I remembered to buy the book and read it at home. I took a look at the price: 50 yuan! But I only have 20 yuan in my pocket, less than half of it!

I looked around. There were so many people buying books that the cashier didn't notice me at all. I put the book in my clothes and slipped out of the crowd quietly and quickly. When I got out of the bookstore, I was very upset. I started running and looked back from time to time for fear that someone would follow me.

When I slept in bed at night, I tossed and turned, but I couldn't sleep. "Light" and "darkness" appeared alternately in my mind... When Mr. Lu Xun's face appeared in my mind, Mr. Lu Xun's harsh words seemed to ring in my ears, "You are dishonest guy, what's the difference between doing this and a thief?"

The next morning, I casually picked up a few mouthfuls of food and came to the bookstore with my pocket money saved hard. After explaining the situation to the clerk, he handed the money to her. At that moment, my heart changed from thunder and rain to clear sky, and my heart also changed from heavy to relaxed. Even Mr. Lu Xun's face that appeared before my eyes was kind and smiling. He seemed to say to me, "You are an honest boy!"

At noon, I wolfed down two bowls of rice, which I thought was the most delicious and sweet meal I had ever eaten. After dinner, I cried happily: "Yeah, the light has successfully defeated the dark again!"

This is a special and precious gift. It not only let me increase my knowledge, but also let me understand the truth of benefiting my whole life - honesty is the root of life!

Precious Gift (16)

My parents used to give me some presents for my birthday, one of which I think is the most precious. Until now, I have kept it together.

I remember that on that day, my father and mother prepared everything for my birthday party in the morning and ordered a cake. I played happily at home alone, because it was already a holiday, and that day was my birthday. I feel bored while playing. I really hope it will become evening soon.

Pan ah pan, it was not easy to wait until our family had a good meal in the evening, had a rest, and began to prepare for my birthday. Mother went into the inner room and took out the cake. Father went and brought candles and plastic plates. In a short time, everything is ready. I stood looking at my father and mother. I think it's a good birthday. I don't need to do anything, but I can enjoy it and eat good food. I wish I could have my birthday every day.

After eating the cake, my mother gave me a gift. I was very surprised, so I jumped and jumped. Then I opened the gift carefully and saw that what my mother gave me was a lively and lovely puppy. It's very beautiful. As long as you press the belly of the dog, it will sing beautiful children's songs. This nursery rhyme is so beautiful that I never tire of listening to it. The dog looks very beautiful. Its two small ears are gray, and it also has a bow on its head. It is wearing a snow-white dress, like a Snow White, with beautiful flowers embroidered on it. The big eyes of water spirit are always looking at me. I really like it. I think the gift my mother gave me is the most precious gift.

I found my mother at once and said excitedly, "Mom, the gift you gave me is my favorite gift. Thank you, Mom! I will take good care of it." Mom listened to my words: "As long as you like it, please take care of it. Don't damage it." I nodded happily and went out to play with the puppy.

Precious Gift (17)

Everyone has received gifts. How did you feel when you received the gift?

I remember that when I was eleven years old, on my birthday, I was waiting for someone to send me a gift. Suddenly, I heard a knock on the door. I thought who would come now, so I raised my voice and asked, "Who is it?" "It's me, Xiao Hua!" I immediately ran to open the door. As I walked to the door, I wondered what gift he would give me. I opened the door and was very unhappy when I saw his hands were empty. I just asked him to enter the door, but I didn't pay much attention to him.

Later, after eating the cake, he said to me: "Xiao Hui, now I will take you to a place, you will like it!" I followed him out.

I went out of the door and walked for a while. I saw that he took me to Xinhua Bookstore. I followed in. After entering the bookstore, he asked me, "What kind of books do you like to read, Xiao Hui?" I said, "I can't write my composition well. Now what I want to read most is the composition book." He said, "OK, let's go and read the composition book."

We found the shelf for the composition books. So the two men looked there. We eat while reading. After reading for a while, Xiaohua showed me a book and asked me, "How about this composition book?" I turned the book and said, "Very good!" "OK, then buy this book." He said.

We bought this book. Then Xiaohua said to me, "Now, shall we go to the park to play?" I said, "OK!" "Let's put this book at your home first, and then go to play."

We put down our books and went to the park to play. After entering the park, we first went to play on the grass, and also chatted and played games on the grass. Then we went to play on the swing. We had so much fun in the park that we almost forgot the time.

It was late, so we had to go out of the park and go home. When I came to my house, Xiao Hua just played for a while and then left. After he left, I found that the books he bought in Xinhua Bookstore were still left at my home. I hurriedly called to tell him that I had left the book at home. He hurriedly said, "Xiaomin, today is your birthday. I want to give you a gift and a book. But I don't know what books you need, so I let you go to the bookstore to buy them by yourself." I suddenly realized. I think it's wrong for me to ignore him when I see that he didn't bring a gift.

Although this is only a book, it is very precious to me, and I still keep it.

Precious Gift (18)

Among so many gifts, my favorite is a brave, lively and lovely Dutch mouse. On its lively and lovely face, it is set with a pair of crystal eyes and a small mouth as big as a green bean. With a pair of sesame sized nostrils, it looks very cute.

Its cry is so beautiful! Squeak! It sounds so good that even the yellow warbler wants to learn from it! Its hair is light and soft. It is very comfortable to touch it gently, just like cotton. Because there are several small black spots on its white fur, I gave it a very pleasant name - Huahua.

Huahua likes carrots best. It has a big appetite and can eat a carrot. It will squeak twice every time it finishes eating, as if saying: "Thank you, thank you!"

I remember once, my parents were out and came back late at night. At night, when I heard the north wind outside, I felt more afraid. Suddenly, there was a squeaking sound outside, and the Dutch mouse seemed to say: "Don't be afraid, little master. Let me stand guard." I doubtfully asked: "Can you do it?" The Dutch mouse said: "Little master, you can put ten million minds on it! I can do it." I was relieved and fell asleep.

If the Dutch mouse is a precious gift, it is more a precious friendship.