Game Balloon (3 selected)
Fish going upstream
2023-11-25 07:27:50

Game Step on Balloon (1)

There was a cheering in the classroom. You heard "Step on him, step left". How did the originally quiet classroom become so lively? It turned out that the teacher and we were playing a game called "Stepping on Balloons".

The rule is: men and women each group, who first step on other people's balloons, who wins.

Nie Zidong and I were the first to play. When we saw our opponents, we were stunned. They were a very tall girl and a girl who was a little shorter. I whispered to Nie Zidong, "Wait a minute, we will attack from left to right, so that they can only defend."

At the beginning of the competition, I just swung to the left and reached the left side of the tall girl. Nie Zidong also stood on the right side of the tall girl. But I completely forgot that the enemy had two people. The short girl stepped on my balloon. I was very angry and said, "Let you taste my shadowless legs". I deflected her and led her to Nie Zidong's side. I gave Nie Zidong a silent look, and Nie Zidong burst his balloon. We drove them to a dead end when someone shouted "Go!" They fell into a melee and stepped on each other. At this time, five or six girls besieged me, making me unable to get out and come in. At this time, Guo Yuchen came with a team of people, chased away the girls, and saved me. We boys march forward bravely, invincible.

Duan Ruifeng was miserable. He was the smallest in his class, but he met a big girl. He wanted to run away. Unexpectedly, she took him back and burst his balloon. The balloon storm gradually subsided.

Guess who won in the end? The answer is right. It's our boys' team!

Game Step on Balloon (2)

Look, what a festive atmosphere in the classroom! From a distance, you can see colorful ribbons and lanterns, which are very beautiful.

At the get-together, the students performed many colorful programs. Some performed beautiful dances, some sang beautiful songs, some performed funny sketches, and some students participated in interesting activities.

What impressed me most was the game of stepping on balloons. Mingming and I are the green team, and the other two teams are the red team and the yellow team. We were tied together on one leg, with one balloon tied to it. The game begins! I said to Mingming: "Step on the red team first, then the yellow team! Hurry!" We quickly moved to the red team, Pa! ha-ha! The red team was killed. But the good times didn't last long. We saw the yellow people moving towards us, and we left quickly. When the yellow team saw the "fat meat" flying, it turned purple with anger and rushed at us. We stepped into a ball with the Yellow Team and fell down. We struggled to fight again. Then we fell down again, and even my glasses flew out! Right here, I caught hold of the chaos, the balloon burst, and we finally won!

Game Step on Balloon (3)

Just listen to the teacher's order, the game began. Some students sat on the table, some stood on the bench, "Come on, come on" to cheer the players. Pan Chen and Chen Shuo went to the stage and rubbed their fists. Pan Chen took the initiative and quickly stepped on the balloon tied to Chen Shuo's left leg with his right foot. Chen Shuo quickly dodged Pan Chen's attack and stepped on Pan Chen's balloon. With a bang, Pan Chen's balloon was broken. The students cheered: "Good, good, great!" While Chen Shuo was complacent, a student noticed this detail and secretly told Pan Chen to seize the opportunity. Pan Chen took advantage of Chen Shuo's inattentive "bang", and Chen Shuo's balloon was broken. The whole class jumped. Everyone came back to their senses, and the two sides started a fierce war again. They argued and blushed. Finally, Pan Chen grabbed Chen Shuo's arm, making Chen Shuo unable to move, and stepped on Chen Shuo's balloon again. Pan Chen laughed, "Ha ha ha, you lost." The students all said, "Good job, Pan Chen."

When the game was over, the students fought and made noise, and were still immersed in joy.

[Chapter 2]

On Saturday afternoon, the teacher walked into the church with a smile and said, "Let's play a game. Do you want to know what the game is?" The students said with one voice, "Yes!" Teacher Zhao told us, "Play with balloons!"

The game of "hahaha" started, and the students laughed excitedly. First, Xie Hongrui and Gao Ruowen strode to the stage. When they started to step on the balloon, both sides stared at each other's balloon. Xie Hongrui stepped on Gao Ruowen suddenly. Gao Ruowen did not respond, and the balloon was already broken by the other side. But the teacher said, "It is a victory to step on two balloons!"

Gao Ruowen counterattacks to step on Xie Hongrui's balloon, but instead of stepping on Xie Hongrui's balloon, she falls down. Teacher Zhao said, "Stop, there was a small fault." After the fault was removed by the teacher, they continued to compete. Xie Hongwen wanted to make another sneak attack, but Gao Ruowen hid from them again and again. The students standing beside shouted to them, "Come on! Come on! You are good." They had a stalemate. You step on it, I step on it, But none of them broke. Later, Xie Hongrui was worried, so he pushed Gao Ruowen to the corner of the wall, turned to Gao Ruowen's back, stepped on the balloon, and the balloon broke. Gao Ruowen lost.

The latter two groups are also very good. This balloon race is really fierce!