350 words composition of growth story (15 compilations)
The clouds are light and the wind is clear
2023-10-16 07:51:54
Argumentative paper

350 words composition of growth story (1)

In the process of growing up, I not only grew in height and age, but also learned a lot about life. From a child who can only play all day, I became a big child who knows how to care about others and study seriously.

On a sunny Sunday, I was playing in the park with a good friend when I suddenly saw an old woman holding a little brother in her left hand and pushing a baby carriage in her right hand. As she walked, the child suddenly cried. The grandmother coaxed the child and pushed the car across the rough road. Seeing this, I quickly ran to help Grandma push the car over, and then helped her coax her grandson. After a while, the child did not quarrel. My friend and I smiled, and the grandma only praised us with a kind smile: "You are really helpful children." After we politely greeted Grandma, we walked with friends to talk about what just happened. There are true feelings everywhere in the world. Only by sincerely helping others, can we get the same help.

In the process of growing up, many things still fresh in my memory, and I was depressed about failing in the exam; The joy of victory on the football field; Best wishes from classmates at the birthday party; When I was ill, my mother was anxious to accompany me... These things will never forget me, and will encourage me to move forward, so that I can understand the truth of being a person more clearly.

350 words composition of growth story (2)

Time flies like an arrow. In a twinkling of an eye, I have grown from a crying baby to today's me. There are ups and downs, happiness, gains, tears of failure, and joy of success on the way to growth. Today, I'll tell you something about it!

Once, I saw my father shaving in the bathroom, and the electric razor made a sound of "chug chug". After a while, my father's beard seemed to magically disappear, and I was thinking: Why did my father lose his beard? Why is this gadget so magical?

After a while, when my father went out to do business, I came to the bathroom furtively, closed the door gently, picked up my father's electric razor, opened it to a small gear and put it on my face. I felt numb and comfortable. I also want to shave like my father, but I don't have a beard. Where can I shave? Shave your hair? No, the hair is too long. Finally, I set my goal on my eyebrows.

I picked up the razor and pushed it to the top to attack my eyebrows. Maybe it was the sound of "chug chug", which confused the mother who was cooking. My mother said, "Xuanxuan, what's wrong? Why did I hear a sound of shaving? It's strange that your father is not at home?" I said to my mother, "It's OK, Mom, I'm going to the toilet!" I started attacking my eyebrows again. Unfortunately, when I was just halfway through shaving, my mother pushed the door and entered, Seeing my confused eyebrows, I said angrily, "What are you doing? Didn't you say you were going to the toilet?" I was embarrassed and lowered my head. My heart is still unconvinced. I can shave my beard, but why can't I shave my eyebrows? Can it grow any longer!

What about? Is my childhood very interesting!

350 words composition of growth story (3)

In my memory, there are many unforgettable stories. I will choose a few things to tell!

I love crying

On the first day of kindergarten, I burst into tears and refused to leave my mother. Finally, my mother sent me to the kindergarten. A week later, it was time to take the preventive injection. As soon as I saw the doctor, I wailed beside him. The teacher could not stop me. I cried and retreated. Finally, I retreated to the last one. There was nothing I could do but say to my aunt, "Take it easy for me.".

The best of me

When I was a freshman, I took part in the dance organized by the school and prepared to go to Huaxi Chunchao to perform. At that time, I had to make up and practice dancing every day, but I was bored to death. On the day of the performance, we wore costumes and makeup to perform on the stage. At that time, I saw many audiences watching us, and my heart was "pounding", very nervous. At that crucial moment, I soon calmed down and danced heartily. The audience also encouraged us with warm applause. I was very happy at that time.

I experienced hardships

When I was ten months old, my left hand was broken. At that time, my parents were not with me. I really missed them. Another time, when I was a sophomore, I gave birth to water beans, so I couldn't go to class and had to stay at home, because if I went to class, it would infect my classmates. At that time, I was in great pain. I couldn't read books or go out to play. I wish I could get over my illness soon.

My growth is like a seed. From sprouting to blooming, I have experienced a hard life journey.

350 words composition of growth story (4)

This year, I am a third grade primary school student. Before I know it, I gradually grow up and grow taller. Little by little memories of my childhood are still fresh in my memory, especially the interesting stories of my childhood.

One night when I was five years old, I had a whim when I was just lying in bed and asked my mother, "Where did I come from?" My mother smiled and said, "You, I picked it up from the garbage outside." I said angrily, "It's impossible." "How can it be impossible? I'm so strict with you and still beat you." My mother replied. I thought: I must have picked it up, otherwise why do you always beat me! Thinking of this, I cried loudly, the more I cried, the more sad I was. My mother had to coax me: "I didn't pick it up. My mother teased you. You came out of my mother's stomach." But I still didn't believe it and cried desperately. My mother had no choice but to point to the knife edge on my stomach and say to me: "Look, this is what my mother left when she gave birth to you. Don't cry. It's my mother's fault. I shouldn't tease you. You were born by my mother." At that time, I didn't understand what my mother meant, but stopped crying when I saw the knife edge on my mother's stomach. It was not until I went to school, walked into the school and learned a lot of scientific knowledge that I really understood that I was not picked up by my mother, but my mother's own.

Childhood is like a gourmet jar, with sweet, sour, bitter, hot and salty. More interesting things are innocent and ignorant.

350 words composition of growth story (5)

Time is a long river. I sat on the boat of time and grew up slowly. The fish beside the boat told me a lot about my growth. In the long river of these years, there is one thing that makes me unforgettable.

I remember when I was nine years old, my mother was not at home. When I got up from bed, my stomach sent out a "distress signal". I glanced at the bread on the table with my eyes and wanted to eat it. But this bread had to "travel against the sky". I bought it yesterday and it became moldy today.

I had to put down the bread, like a hungry wolf with only bones, and rummage through the boxes and cabinets. Finally, I found some dumplings in the refrigerator. So, I learned from my mother's appearance, washed the pot in the sink, poured water, and then put it on the table. When I was about to start a fire, I suddenly pressed the button and turned around, but I didn't see a fire coming out. I was in a hurry. What happened? Mother used to fire like this! Why can't I do it once I arrive? I tried again, and accidentally pressed down. As a result, the white ignition needle kept on igniting. But because I turned too fast, the fire didn't light up, but the white ignition needle was still igniting. I walked carefully to the white ignition needle. Unexpectedly, the fire suddenly ignited, which scared me to jump back and fall on the ground.

Once again, I timidly walked to the fire and carefully put the dumplings into the pot one by one.

After this experience, I know that trial is important. It can be said that trial is a part of success. At that moment, I grew up.

350 words composition of growth story (6)

The memory of childhood has been blurred, but it was very deep when I went to school soon. The most clear thing was that I couldn't sleep excitedly on the evening of August 31, because I grew up and went to school.

One night on the weekend, my mother and I went out for a walk. I heard a sweet voice, and asked my mother: "What's the sound of something coming out? It's so beautiful." My mother said it was a piano. The next day my mother took me to the conservatory and saw the piano. At this time, an elder sister sat there and played for me. I was attracted by the sound of the piano. I told my mother that I wanted to learn the piano. Mother smiled and nodded. A week later, when I came home from school, I saw a brand-new piano in the living room. I jumped up happily. The next day, the piano teacher came to teach me how to play the piano, but my hands were disobedient and my playing was not good at all. I think I must play you well, so I have to practice for an hour and a half every day, and I can play well. As the days went by, the neighbors upstairs said, "Now it sounds good, not noisy.".

I was happy to tell my mother that two years later, I applied for the examination of the Conservatory of Music and passed the national level five exam, a little ethereal. My mother told me not to be proud, because modesty can make people progress. I firmly remember this sentence. I have been studying hard, and the teacher said that my progress is very fast. Next year, I can take the Grade 8 exam.

350 words composition of growth story (7)

I wondered what kind of dish to fry. First, I put the dish in the water and prepared to fry. I was busy but not busy. I beat an egg in the pot, but the egg shell was also in the pot. I had no choice but to do so. I didn't pour oil, I was busy and confused. It's really annoying. I won't do it if I find out. I quickly cooked it. I smelled a strange smell, which was particularly pungent. God, I cooked the dishes. What should I do? If my mother came back, I would be finished. Then I poured the vegetables into the garbage can, brushed the pot, and cleaned him up. I went to see if my mother came back, and pretended that nothing had happened. OK, now let's face everything calmly, ah! When Mom came back, I gave her a glass of water to drink. Mom said, "What's wrong with you today? You are so nice to me, right?"? What's up? I said it was okay, and my mother said: Really, I said: Of course, your daughter can cheat you? She said that I would go to see what was hidden from me. As soon as my mother entered the kitchen, she said: What are you doing in the kitchen? I said: nothing, just cooked a meal. My God, you are so good at cooking, and your mother nagged that you could cook when you were old. It's just a dream

Mom said: I know you want to cook very much, but you are not old enough to cook. Can you prepare when you can? I said: Yes, Mom.

I understand that if you don't learn from others, you will never be able to do it all your life. Then you are a stupid person, so you must have experience and not hesitate. You must believe that you can do better than others. Only experience can make you succeed in life.

350 words composition of growth story (8)

In my growing up, I have had many stories. The experience of sleeping alone is still fresh in my memory.

One night, my parents worked overtime. When the clock struck ten o'clock, I didn't come back, so I had to sleep alone. I brushed my teeth, went into my room, took off my clothes, turned off the bedside lamp and went to bed. All of a sudden, the room was dark and could not see his fingers. I couldn't sleep when I was tossing and turning in bed. I was so scared that I immediately huddled in the quilt and rolled it tightly into a "flower roll".

I close my eyes nervously, and various scenes constantly appear in my mind. One moment I walk in the white bone forest, the other is the bandit's ferocious face... I'm so scared that my forehead is sweating. What should I do? I scramble to turn on the bedside lamp and look around. Where can I get it, monster! It's all my imagination. Suddenly, I remembered my mother said: "There are no demons, ghosts, monsters!". I turned off the light and lay down again, thinking: I can't frighten myself, I want to be a brave soldier, I want to fight against all the darkness... So, thinking, my upper and lower eyelids did not listen to orders, and began to fight. I was confused and didn't know anything, so I fell asleep.

This experience of sleeping alone has made me overcome timidity and made me grow up a lot.

350 words composition of growth story (9)

I was born in a warm family. My mother said that I was very naughty when I was young and always made my mother angry. My mother is a very strict person, who will severely criticize me if I make a mistake, but I know that my mother is for my good. When I make a mistake, my mother does not blindly criticize me, but patiently reasoned for me, let me understand my mistake, and let me not make the same mistake again next time.

My father is different from my mother. My father is very gentle. He lets me do everything and dotes on me. My mother always says that I am spoiled by my father. My father always smiles and says that I am still young. Under their care, I grow up happily and healthily.

When I was four years old, my mother told me that it was time to go to kindergarten. She also said that you would know many good friends. After the first day of kindergarten, I cried, but I knew that I could not always hide under the protection of my parents. I wanted to make new friends, know the world and discover the world by myself.

When I was seven years old, I went to primary school. My mother said that I must study hard. I know that learning will also become a part of my growth.

Until today, I will become a member of the third grade students in primary school. I have many good friends, my parents who love me, and my beloved teachers. Because of them, I am today. This is my growth.

350 words composition of growth story (10)

Hey hey, speaking of me, I should be lucky! When I was a child, I was naughty and not obedient enough!

When I was in the second grade, my parents were very busy and didn't have time to pick me up from school. So they invited an aunt to pick me up every day. At that time, I was very brave. I didn't look at the car when I crossed the road, and I liked to run quickly. I was a little more obedient when my parents were around. But how could this unfamiliar aunt get me? As a result, I can often see the flash of my figure on the road outside my home, (.) and the anxious figure of my aunt who is closely behind me shouting. Alas, something really happened once

That afternoon, I ran across an intersection before my aunt. At the second crossing, I used all my strength to rush to the road. However, a car came at a high speed and was about to hit me! I was scared out of my wits and stood motionless in the middle of the road.

"Zhi -" The owner stepped on the emergency brake, but the car still hit me. Just as I was waiting to die with my eyes closed, the car stopped by rubbing my leg. I was so scared that my legs were weak. I said sorry to the owner and ran across the road.

My aunt followed me closely. After I was sure that I was OK, she gave me a scolding. Alas, I didn't say a word this time. I'm really scared!

Since then, no matter whether I go to school or not, I have followed the hourly work obediently and walked slowly across the road, never daring to run again.

350 words composition of growth story (11)

In our growth, we have experienced many interesting things: the first time to write, the first time to cook... The most unforgettable thing in my growth is to spray perfume on flowers.

At that time, there was a pot of iris at home. I often stood on the small bench and looked at it for a long time, but gradually found that the flower was not fragrant. For this reason, I often feel very sorry. If only my flowers could have a fragrance! I had a brainwave and an idea came to my mind.

One day while my parents were away, I came to my mother's dresser, selected the best smelling bottle from three bottles of perfume, and then moved a chair to prepare for action. I stood on the chair and unscrewed the bottle cap, poured some perfume to the petals and roots, hoping to let the fragrance spread from the branches to the stamens. After a while, the room was full of fragrance.

In the afternoon, my mother came home and smelled the fragrance all over the room. She asked me what was going on, and I told my mother about my "creation". After listening to this, my mother sighed, "Alas, you little villain! If you do this, flowers will die!". Sure enough, the next morning, iris began to turn yellow. A few days later, the flowers withered. Looking at the withering of the iris, I felt very sad and regretted my foolish act.

There are too many stories of growth. They are like a string of wind chimes. When the wind blows, it makes a tinkling sound, which will accompany my growth forever.

350 words composition of growth story (12)

Today, I went to the orchard with my classmates Cai Ye, Liu Sijia and Wu Ran.

When we came to the orchard, we saw rows of fruit trees and found that they were full of delicious fruits! There are oranges, pears and pomelos. The first thing I saw was an orange. It attracted my attention. I ran to the orange tree and saw many small oranges. Look, how lovely! I called everyone to pick oranges, some yellow, some green. I picked a lot of green oranges, and everyone looked at them and said, "Green oranges are just fruits, not yet ripe, and their taste is bitter and sour. Only those yellow oranges are ripe oranges, and their taste is fragrant and sweet.". I said shyly, "I know, I learned how to distinguish mature and immature oranges today."

After picking and playing oranges, we felt bored and began to play games. We first named ourselves "Fei E", Cai Ye "Xiao Ye", Liu Sijia "Shang Haojia", Wu Ran "Nature", and we happily played the game of stepping on the grid.

Today, we had a very happy weekend. After leaving the orchard, our happy laughter seemed to reverberate in the orchard!

350 words composition of growth story (13)

Everyone will leave a growth story on the way of life, and that story is still fresh in my memory. It tells me an unfortunate truth.

Remember the first grade. My mother enrolled me in a calligraphy class. At first. Just to make the characters better; Later, the teacher said that I had a talent for writing calligraphy and asked me to take the calligraphy examination. The teacher chose a song "Tomb Sweeping Day" and told me to write it in the exam. He also asked me to practice it at home. But after a few days of practice, my interest began to recede, so I began to use various reasons to avoid practicing calligraphy.

You can avoid the first day of the first lunar month, but you can't avoid the fifteenth. Careful mother still found my intention and earnestly taught me: "I understand that it is really boring to practice calligraphy every day. Your hands will be sore, and your feet will not be easy to stand all the time. But think about it, if you succeed in the grade examination, your partners will applaud you; your teachers will be proud of you; your mother will be proud of you; and you will have a sense of achievement. In this case, why not do it?" I seem to know how to nod, take out my calligraphy tools, stroke my pen, and practice hard

Chinese characters appeared on the white rice paper, and bottles of ink appeared at the bottom of the bottle. But I am not afraid of hardship. I copy every stroke carefully. Finally, my kung fu has paid off. I got the calligraphy level 5. Now, I have a deeper understanding of my mother's words - perseverance can lead to success.

Composition of growth story 350 words (14)

(1) 350 character composition of growth story

In the nine years since I grew up, many people have helped me. I have my own growth story, and everyone has their own story. Let me tell you my growth story!

The most impressive thing in my impression is that when I was 6 years old, I once set off firecrackers with a group of children. At that time, I was too young. When I heard the crackling sound of firecrackers, I ran away in fright, but the children were not afraid. How I wanted to go and play with them, but I was afraid of firecrackers, and I did not dare to get close. A good friend of mine said to me, "Don't be afraid, the firecrackers won't fly to you. Come and play with you!" I boldly walked closer, and the firecrackers made a whoosh sound, and turned up colorful, beautiful! Slowly, I began to like playing firecrackers. I gradually grew up and learned about firecrackers. I tried to light firecrackers myself. I didn't dare at first. I watched the children light firecrackers and ran back quickly. They would be very excited. I envy them very much. I asked my father for a lighter, but I didn't dare press the button of the lighter. I was discouraged, and I thought to myself: Alas, I'll learn it when I'm older! My father advised me not to lose heart. With the help of my parents and friends, I succeeded! I lit firecrackers, and they jumped on the ground. I was very happy. It was funny to remember that I didn't dare to light firecrackers before. I want to thank my friends who helped me.

It is you who encourage me, so that I will not lose heart and not be discouraged. You let me understand that everything should be done patiently and not too hasty, just as Teacher Zhao said: "You can't eat hot tofu in haste."

(2) 350 character composition of growth story

How time flies! I am one year older. But I haven't forgotten the story of my growth. Let me tell you one story:

I would like to start from one of my manual books. I bought a brand new manual book, opened it and found a card with red flowers on it. I thought of my mother. So I picked up the scissors and cut it down, wrote some words, drew some patterns, and put it into the most beautiful bag together with a small paper bag. I will wait for Mother's Day to give it to my mother.

On Mother's Day, when I was playing the piano, I suddenly remembered that it was Mother's Day, so I took out the bag and gave it to my mother. Then the beautiful piano sounded again, and I played the best music I had learned, Childhood Memory, to my mother. Mother opened the bag, looked at it and held me tightly. Suddenly, I felt that when I grew up, I would care about my mother and repay her with love.

There are many stories about my growth. I believe you must have them too! Don't forget it. Remember every step of your growth.

(3) 350 character composition of growth story

Hey hey, speaking of me, I should be lucky! When I was a child, I was naughty and not obedient enough!

When I was in the second grade, my parents were very busy and didn't have time to pick me up from school. So they invited an aunt to pick me up every day. At that time, I was very brave. I didn't look at the car when I crossed the road, and I liked to run quickly. I was a little more obedient when my parents were around. But how could this unfamiliar aunt get me? As a result, I can often see the flash of my figure on the road outside my home, (.) and the anxious figure of my aunt who is closely behind me shouting. Alas, something really happened once

That afternoon, I ran across an intersection before my aunt. At the second crossing, I used all my strength to rush to the road. However, a car came at a high speed and was about to hit me! I was scared out of my wits and stood motionless in the middle of the road.

"Zhi -" The owner stepped on the emergency brake, but the car still hit me. Just as I was waiting to die with my eyes closed, the car stopped by rubbing my leg. I was so scared that my legs were weak. I said sorry to the owner and ran across the road.

My aunt followed me closely. After I was sure that I was OK, she gave me a scolding. Alas, I didn't say a word this time. I'm really scared!

Since then, no matter whether I go to school or not, I have followed the hourly work obediently and walked slowly across the road, never daring to run again.

350 words composition of growth story (15)

A Growing Story 350 Words Composition 1

I love to laugh and make friends. I will share my happiness with my friends in a humorous way. This is me, cheerful and humorous.

I love to help others. When my classmates encounter difficulties, I will lend a helping hand. This is me, who is willing to help others.

I am very happy to give. When my classmates are playing, I am thinking about learning materials and bring them to the school to share with them. This is me, who is willing to contribute and share.

I am honest. If I find someone's wallet, I will give it to the police uncle. This is me, the sincere one who returns the money.

Sometimes, I like the quiet world very much. I read books quietly by myself; Sometimes, I like the busy world and play with my friends. This is me, sometimes quiet, sometimes lively.

When the exam is not satisfactory, I will not be depressed, I will find out their mistakes; When other students catch up with me, I will study hard with a lot of effort; But when I have questions that I don't understand, I will think and experiment on my own, and also ask others for advice. I will not stop until I reach my goal. This is me, who is aggressive, unwilling to lag behind, brave to explore, and inquisitive.

I am growing up all the time. Every moment I use my notes to record my growing stories.

A Growing Story 350 Words Composition 2

Growth is like a colorful flower, accompanying me through my childhood. Some are happy, some are distressed, some are sad, some are sad, some are painful, everyone's growth is different. Everyone's growth has some unforgettable things. I have. Let me start with hot spring.

I was only nine years old then. I remember that it was a Sunday. My mother, father and brother were celebrating the New Year at my grandmother's house. My father said to go to the hot spring. I don't know what the hot spring is? I'm curious. What is a hot spring? I've been thinking about a question all the way? I didn't know what a hot spring was until I arrived. A hot spring is something added to the hot water, such as petals, leaves, etc.

The first time I saw the hot spring, I put my feet into the water and felt the soles of my feet warm. I thought it would be OK to go down alone in such shallow water, but I still didn't dare to go down. When I saw them all going down, I got up the courage to go down. I just put my feet down little by little, and I felt very interesting when I went down and floated up.

At that time, I felt that one should try everything and not stop. You must try, or you will keep turning around and others will be able to help you.