One time cooking noodles (collection of 18 articles)
Chase my tomorrow
2024-04-09 00:34:19
Grade 6

One time boiled noodles (1)

We all know that there are many traditional Chinese food, such as dumplings, noodles, Sixi meatballs, and so on, which are also cooked, fried, fried, and fried in a variety of ways. But my favorite food is noodles. At my strong request, my mother promised to teach me how to make noodles.

The first time I cooked noodles, I was still happy and excited, because after I learned it, I could eat enough by myself! First of all, my mother told me to cut some onions, ginger and meat first. I was too small to cut vegetables with a knife, so my mother helped to prepare them. I thought it would be difficult for me to cook. Then I poured a little oil into the pot. When the oil was warm, I put the materials prepared by my mother into the pot and clumsily stirred them in the pot with a shovel. My mother poured some soy sauce into the pot next to me, and my mother asked me to pour the water prepared before into the pot. The next step is a long wait. It is only then that I understand that time passes the slowest when I wait. Finally, when the water was boiling, I was so excited that I called my mother to come over and put the noodles into the pot. This time, I cooked fine noodles. The noodles rolled with the soup in the pot, and then began to put spices. I put two small spoonfuls of salt, a small spoonfuls of chicken essence and soup ingredients bought in the supermarket, and finally put some vegetables. My mother used chopsticks to put a piece of noodles in the pot for me to taste. Although it was very hot, I still felt the taste was delicious. I told my mother loudly, "OK, OK, Mom! Come on, let's eat!" Although it was not as delicious as my mother's cooking, I still enjoyed it because it was made by myself.

Although my mother helped me a lot in making noodles for the first time, I still got a lot from it. The main process was completed by me. I think I will have many times after the first time, which proves that I will do better when I grow up.

One time boiled noodles (2)

On Sunday, when the rooster wakes up the sun, I also wake up with him. Looking at my sleeping mother, I remembered that she worked so hard that she should have more rest. I decided to cook noodles for her. I'm a little excited at the thought of this good idea.

I have seen my mother cook noodles before, and I have memorized the steps of cooking noodles. I first washed the pot, put in a spoonful of water, covered the lid, and then opened the fire, let the fire boil the water. Seeing bubbles rolling in the water, I knew that the water was boiling, so I added oil and put noodles into it. I used chopsticks to press all the noodles into the water. Finally, I put a spoonful of salt into the water and boiled it for a while. I put a piece of noodles in my chopsticks and tasted it. I felt soft and fragrant, so I turned off the fire.

At this time, my mother had got up. I took a big bowl, put noodles into the bowl, added some hot sauce of Laoganma, and served it to my mother. My mother took a big mouthful of it and said with a smile, "It's delicious, better than what I cooked." I was very happy.

One time boiled noodles (3)

At noon on Saturday, my parents were busy working, and no one did it. My stomach was flat. I thought: there are many noodles at home. I would rather eat them myself than be hungry here.

Do what you say. I ran to the kitchen. The scholar's mother poured a little and a half of water into the pot in the usual way of cooking noodles, and then opened the fire. Without water, bubbles were bubbling, shaking one by one, rising higher and larger. Open the lid of the pot to keep the air flowing, and it shrank back. Just like mimosa, when the bubbles become higher and larger, the flowers bloom; Open the lid of the pot and retract it, that is, touch the leaves of mimosa, and the flowers retract. How interesting! Next, I put each piece of noodles into the pot and set it on medium heat. As soon as the noodles are wet, they will be over. It's strange! After a while, all the noodles I put into the pot floated up, and I stood here and carefully observed the pot: the thin and long noodles were connected, forming a thick circle, slowly turning and turning, like dancing hand in hand, some were surrounded into a horseshoe shape, some two were overlapped, and some became beautiful wavy lines, beautiful!

I added a little green onion. The noodles all floated up. I adjusted the fire to low and covered the pot. Now "everything is ready, just the seasoning". When I opened the condiment cabinet, there were bottles and jars in it. I picked some salt my mother often put, and a small amount of sesame oil and soy sauce were poured into a bowl. The water in the pot is bubbling again and rising. I think it should be cooked. I carefully put the noodles in the bowl and poured the soup into the bowl with a spoon. I tried the soup first! Why is it a little sweet? I must have regarded salt as sugar. So, I used a spoon to put a small piece of sugar. Spoon it out, put in salt, stir it, I eat with relish, and then finish it, because it is my own labor.

Touching a full stomach, I felt satisfied. I understood what "knowledge comes from labor, and any achievement is the result of hard work.".

One time boiled noodles (4)

Today, I came back early. Neither my father nor my mother came back. I plan to make a dinner for them. To do what? I thought again and again, right! Just make noodles.

I took half a pot of water first. One end is so heavy! I took the pot with difficulty in both hands and put it carefully on the stove. I pressed the stove switch, lit the fire and covered the pot. Then I cut open the instant noodle bag and put the seasoning in the water. At this time, the water was splashing. I quickly put the noodles into the water. I took an egg out of the refrigerator. When I knocked on the table, the egg cracked with a crack. I quickly opened the egg. When I was laying eggs in the pot, the cracked part of the egg pierced my hand. When I pulled back, the egg skin was thrown into the pot. Grandma fished out the egg skin in a hurry. "Hey, it's so hard." I sighed and sat down on the chair, but I didn't notice the water in the pot splashed out. I hurriedly lifted the lid of the pot and put it aside. Grandma said, "Take chopsticks and prick the eggs. If the soup doesn't flow, they will be ripe." Sure enough, the eggs didn't flow. I turned off the fire and served noodles. Just then, my father and mother came back. They asked, "Who made this?" "It's me!" I said proudly. My father and mother laughed when they ate the noodles I made.

Looking at my father and mother laughing, I feel very happy. Now that I am a little adult, I can cook for my parents.

One time boiled noodles (5)

On my way of growing up, I have left many wonderful pictures after my first try. They are like bright stars in the night sky, which I will never forget
I remember once, I wanted to eat noodles, but my grandmother refused to let me eat them. I suddenly had an idea: cook noodles by myself.
So, I followed my grandmother's example and put a ladle of water in the pot licked by the fire. Then, I took out a large bowl and prepared to put seasonings in it. When I opened the cabinet, wow, there were so many seasonings, but what should I put? I made a mistake and tried to capture the scene of Grandma cooking noodles in my mind. Finally, those fragments emerged from my mind one by one. So, I imitated my grandmother's appearance and sprinkled and poured the condiments little by little. Then, I took out a few pieces of cabbage leaves, washed them, picked up the kitchen knife, closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and then cut them with fear. Alas, the cabbage was so poor, and it became ugly under my knife. I took another deep breath and carefully cut the onions. I was too careful. My fingers almost became "defeated by the sword". Ah, how dangerous! At this time, the water "grumbled" to me: "It's boiling! I'm boiling!" I immediately grabbed a handful of noodles and threw them in hurriedly. Alas, I was relieved. After a while, the noodles began to roll in the boiling water. I thought they were cooked and put them in a panic. When I smelled them, they were really delicious! I can't wait to wipe out the noodles.
On the journey of life, I don't know how many times I will try bravely to make my life more colorful!

One time boiled noodles (6)

Today, when I came home from school, I felt very hungry, but my parents had not finished work. What should I do? Suddenly, I remembered that there was a bowl of Master Kang beef noodles in the kitchen, so I decided to eat noodles.

I first took Master Kang's beef noodles out of the kitchen, and then cut open the transparent wrapping paper with scissors. Then I lifted the lid of the bowl, took out the seasoning, and sprinkled the seasoning on the bowl. Then I walked to the water dispenser, turned on the water heater, and immediately the noodles expanded and gradually came up. I quickly closed the lid and waited anxiously and patiently for about five minutes. I opened the lid of the bowl. Ah, a smell came to my nostrils, making me slanderous. I couldn't wait to take a fork, stir it a few times, and devour it. I ate it with relish. Soon, a bowl of noodles was killed by me.

Soon, my mother ran home hurriedly and said, "Boy, are you hungry?" I smiled and said, "No, I have already eaten a bowl of Master Kang beef noodles." My mother praised me and said, "You are really sensible and can take care of yourself". I was very happy to hear that.

One time boiled noodles (7)

That day, my mother went out to work. My father's foot was injured and could not move. My sister was busy with her homework again. Lunch has become a problem for everyone. What should we do? Dad said he wanted noodles, because it was the simplest, so I had nothing to do but "drive the ducks to the sedan chair".

I strode into the kitchen, tied a flowered scarf, and began to cook noodles for the first time.

First, I filled the pot with pure water. After the water boiled, I turned the fire to the minimum. Then take out a handful of cabbages from the refrigerator, discard the parts bitten by insects, clean the remaining intact parts, and put them aside. Next, prepare the seasoning, cut ginger and garlic into fine powder, put them in three large bowls on average, and add a little pepper sauce to Dad's bowl. After all this is ready, turn the fire to the maximum, then grab a handful of noodles and gently put them into the pot. Because there is no separation, the noodles in the pot are stuck together as a whole. It seems that every piece of noodles is like a "noodle brother" who doesn't want to leave each other. It's like a piece of beef, ha ha!

I used chopsticks to stir up and down in the pot, trying to separate the noodles, but after a while, they came together again. I was so angry that I began to stir up trouble in the pot for a while before I separated them again. At this time, I immediately put fresh cabbage, delicious seasoning and oil into the pot, and the delicious noodles were finally ready.

My father took a bite, and I asked, "Is it delicious?" My father said, "It's delicious!" After that, he gave me a thumbs up. I smiled happily.

One time boiled noodles (8)

On that day, my mother went to my grandmother's house, and my father went to work for others. My sister and I were the only two people at home.

At dinner time, my sister and I were both hungry. When I asked my sister what she wanted to eat, she said, "I want noodles!"

"Well, I'll cook noodles for you. It's my first time and I can't cook well. Don't blame me!"

"Great!" said my sister happily.

So, like my father, I mixed some water into the pot, and then put the pot on the gas stove. After a while, the water boiled, and then put in some noodles. When the noodles came up, I put salt, monosodium glutamate, and lard. Then, I picked up the cooked noodles and put them into a bowl, and added some Dandan noodles seasoning. After mixing, I began to eat. My sister and I had a bite, ah! It seems that there is a little less salt, but it is still very delicious!

Although my noodles are not as delicious as my father's, I think they are my own work. In a word, their taste is "something else in my heart".

One time boiled noodles (9)

[Chapter 1]

I felt very hungry after finishing my homework, so I decided to make a midnight snack by myself. I can't cook any food I think of, but I think about it carefully. Noodles? It should be OK. I think Mom and Dad have made noodles so many times! So I decided to show my skills.

"Click, click, click!" I finally set the gas stove on fire. "Oh, the water hasn't been added yet!" I hurried to fetch the water from the pot. I put the pot with water on the stove, and then ran to ask my mother, "Mommy, how long will the water last?" She told me, "I don't know, it depends on when it bubbles." I went back to the pot, covered the pot, and waited for bubbles to bubble. After a while, small bubbles began to appear, and the pot side "hissed" to make a sound. Little bubbles jump up one by one, very lively. I ran to my mother again and asked, "Is the small bubble OK?" My mother said, "No, I have to wait until the water 'gurgles' and the big bubbles come out." I had to wait and wait by the pot. "Gollum Gollum! Gollum Gollum!" The water finally boils up. The small bubble just turned into a big bubble, and the steam almost overturned the lid of the pot!

I quickly turned down the fire, took off the lid of the pot, and put a small handful of long, thin noodles into it. The straight noodles suddenly bent down.

With noodles cooking in the pot, I took out a big white bowl to prepare my exclusive secret sauce. Take vinegar in the left hand, soy sauce in the right hand, and pour in little by little. Then pour sesame oil, sprinkle pepper powder, black pepper powder, white pepper powder... countless.

When the seasoning was ready, I immediately fished out the snow white noodles and mixed them with my exclusive secret seasoning. I think it must be delicious. But just took a bite, "Ah! My mouth! It's too sour to feel!" I must put less vinegar next time!

[Chapter 2]

Today, my parents were not at home, so I had to cook and eat by myself.

I sat on the chair and thought: Eh! What should I cook? cook rice? No, no, it's too late! So I began to rummage through the boxes and cabinets. The effort pays off. I found a tube of noodles. I was elated.

I'll start with a pot of water and proper noodles. I also brought a pan and put it on the induction cooker. I also brought a bowl and put it on the table. Then go get the ingredients. The ingredients I chose were eggs and ham sausage. I beat the egg first: I took both ends of the egg and knocked the middle of the egg toward the corner of the table. Then, I started to press down from the depression of the egg and pushed it aside to let the yolk and white flow into the bowl. I took a chopstick to mix them evenly, and then I began to scramble eggs.

I pour oil into the pan (pan) first, and then turn on the induction cooker. When the oil is hot, I pour the mixed eggs in. With a sound of "peep -", I begin to fry the eggs. After a while, I picked up the spatula and turned over the eggs. Yo! There are many bubbles on the eggs, just like a group of naughty children. Thinking about it, I suddenly smelled a burning smell, which dragged me out of my imagination. "Ah! It's burnt!" I cried in my heart. I quickly turned it over.

After frying the eggs, it's ham sausage's turn. I thought to myself, why must I use a knife to cut ham sausage? So I put the ham sausage into the pot and slowly cut it with a spatula. Finally cut it! So I turned on the induction cooker again and started to stir up again.

The last and most important step. I put the noodles into the pot, stirred them with a spatula, covered the pot, and waited for five or six minutes. Open the lid of the pot, ah, a pot of fragrant and hot noodles has been made! I can't wait to put it into a bowl and devour it.

Ah! Really delicious!

One time boiled noodles (10)

On my way of growing up, I left many wonderful pictures after my first try. They were like bright stars in the night sky, which made me unforgettable... I remember one time, I wanted to eat noodles, but my grandmother refused to let me eat them. Suddenly, I thought of cooking noodles myself. So, I followed my grandmother's example and put a ladle of water in the pot licked by the fire. Then, I took out a large bowl and prepared to put seasonings in it. When I opened the cabinet, wow, there were so many seasonings, but what should I put? I made a mistake and tried to capture the scene of Grandma cooking noodles in my mind. Finally, those fragments emerged from my mind one by one. So, I imitated my grandmother's appearance and sprinkled and poured the condiments little by little. Then, I took out a few pieces of cabbage leaves, washed them, picked up the kitchen knife, closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and then cut them with fear. Alas, the cabbage was so poor, and it became ugly under my knife. I took another deep breath and carefully cut the onions. I was too careful. My fingers almost became "defeated by the sword". Ah, how dangerous! At this time, the water "grumbled" to me: "It's boiling! I'm boiling!" I immediately grabbed a handful of noodles and threw them in hurriedly. Alas, I was relieved. After a while, the noodles began to roll in the boiling water. I thought they were cooked and put them in a panic. When I smelled them, they were really delicious! I can't wait to wipe out the noodles. On the journey of life, I don't know how many times I will try bravely to make my life more colorful!

One time boiled noodles (11)

Today, when I came home from school, I felt very hungry, but my parents had not finished work. What should I do? Suddenly, I remembered that there was a bowl of Master Kang beef noodles in the kitchen, so I decided to eat noodles.

I first took Master Kang's beef noodles out of the kitchen, and then cut open the transparent wrapping paper with scissors. Then I lifted the lid of the bowl, took out the seasoning, and sprinkled the seasoning on the bowl. Then I walked to the water dispenser, turned on the water heater, and immediately the noodles expanded and gradually came up. I quickly closed the lid and waited anxiously and patiently for about five minutes. I opened the lid of the bowl. Ah, a smell came to my nostrils, making me slanderous. I couldn't wait to take a fork, stir it a few times, and devour it. I ate it with relish. Soon, a bowl of noodles was killed by me.

Soon, my mother ran home hurriedly and said, "Boy, are you hungry?" I smiled and said, "No, I have already eaten a bowl of Master Kang beef noodles." My mother praised me and said, "You are really sensible and can take care of yourself". I was very happy to hear that.

(Instructor: Sun Dingguo)

One time boiled noodles (12)

In my childhood, there were many firsts, among which the first time I cooked noodles was the most unforgettable.

When I woke up that day, there was no one at home, so I went back to sleep again as usual. But I am not tired when I lie in bed. My stomach is hungry and I play a small drum. I sing a long tune song of delicious food with the sound of "gurgling" in my stomach: strings of southeast watermelons, heaps of meat and vegetables, bowls of sauce noodles and fried noodles, who will taste the spiced barbecue

Those delicious foods such as Beijing Roast Duck, Wuhan Hot and Dry Noodles, Sichuan Hot Pot and so on kept popping into my mind. I could even smell their attractive aroma, so I felt even more hungry. I put on my coat and sat up. I said to myself, "I don't want to. I'd better go and cook a bowl of noodles." When this idea suddenly came out, I was shocked. But out of curiosity, I decided to try it. It's very easy for adults to get a plate of sweet and sour carp. I just want to cook a bowl of noodles. It shouldn't be difficult.

I can't wait to get out of bed, turn around in the kitchen, prepare noodles, canola oil, green onions and seasonings, put on my apron, and start the first noodle cooking experiment.

First, I picked up the iron red handle to fry the ladle, squatted around the stove, saw the fire lit and then rushed to imitate the adults to pour water, but it was all poured on the stove, immediately turned into a stream of steam, and the fire that was not easy to ignite was also extinguished at that moment.

I had to clamp out the wet charcoal with tongs one by one, and add new charcoal to start the fire again.

When I was stirring the fire, I suddenly thought that adults would fry the pot before cooking, and then dropped the rapeseed oil into the bottom of the pot. Suddenly, the sound of "Zizizizi" came out. Suddenly, when I saw the oil bubbles in the pot, I quickly threw the pre cut green onions into the pot. Suddenly, I could only hear the sound of "crackling" like a rainstorm, like firecrackers set off during the New Year, and like the first thunder in summer. I picked up the pot and fried it like it was on TV, but maybe it was because I was too young and lacked strength. Maybe it was too heavy, and soon I had no strength, so I had to stop cooking and put the pot back on the stove.

When scallions and oil flakes float in the pot, I pour water and noodles into the pot, add rape leaves, and then

Then? Then I don't know what to do. After all, I just cooked noodles for the first time.

Since I can't remember what I should do next, I simply don't think about it anymore. I watch beside me and wait for the noodles to be cooked.

About ten minutes later, white gas came out around the lid of the pot. I carefully lifted the lid of the pot. I thought I could have a good meal, but unexpectedly, the noodles in the pot were all twisted together. The green green onion turned into burnt black, and the rape leaves were also stuck on the dough and the pot wall, which made people suddenly lose their appetite and difficult to swallow.

Although I failed to cook noodles for the first time, I at least experienced the happiness and hard work of cooking, which is also a special growth and experience.

One time boiled noodles (13)

In the daily study, work or life, we can't help but contact or use the composition. The composition must focus on the theme, make in-depth exposition around the same theme, and avoid rambling, loose theme or even no theme. Still at a loss for composition? The following is a collection of primary school compositions for everyone. I hope it can help everyone.

In the past, I always opened my mouth and clothes to ask my mother to "serve" me. Everyone said that I was a little child, and it was really uncomfortable. Therefore, I always wanted to show my skills to prove that I was not like this.

It's really a dream come true. Now let me "catch" the opportunity. Mom's birthday is coming, what kind of surprise should I give her? Send greeting cards? Nothing new; Buy a cake? My mother always hated to eat and gave it to me; Send a bunch of flowers? Mother is a rude person, so thrifty. How to do it? I looked around and saw the lines on the cabinet. "Ah! I found them!" I began to think.

On my birthday, my mother went to work again, and I began to "start work": first, I laid out eggs, pork and longevity noodles, and then learned from my mother's adopted son to wear an apron, turn on the gas, light the fire, and before the pot was hot, I could not wait to pour oil, and quietly took the eggs to "hit" on the corner of the stove. Maybe it was too hard. There was a bit of protein on the corner of the stove. I quickly peeled off the egg and put it into the bowl. I also carefully picked up the eggshell dropped in the bowl. After mixing it for several times, I put the egg into the pot and added some salt. I was very busy. I wiped the sweat left by wiping, sat down on the chair to rest, and poured a glass of water to drink. A scorching smell came to my nostrils. "Oh, no!" I couldn't help but panic. I scooped up a ladle of water and poured it into the pot. Then I hurriedly put longevity noodles and some ingredients into the pot. After the water boils, I quickly turn off the gas, and then take some soup into a small bowl to learn from my mother. First, I blew, and tasted the taste: "Eh? Why is it like drinking boiled water? It's tasteless and tasteless." I turned on the gas again, and put some salt into the pot, thinking: it must be delicious now!

Who would think, after turning off the gas, I tried again: "Ah! What kind of soup is this? How can it be like eating salt!" I "wolfed down" five or six cups of cold water before I felt my bloated stomach. It was like a deflated ball - all soft. It used to take so much trouble to cook a bowl of noodles, not to mention cooking. Only now do I fully understand how much hard work and sweat my mother has paid for our happy family. How hard she works, and she also takes on all the housework. Thinking of this, I felt extremely guilty. Usually I am so picky and choosy. If I have no appetite, I will pour out the food without hesitation. I really shouldn't! Thinking about it, I decided to "make a comeback". Everything comes to him who waits. After repeated efforts to "add salt", "add water", "add salt" and "add water", 10000 longevity noodles were finally cooked.

After a while, "Zhi -" The door opened, and my mother came back tired with a heavy step. When she saw the noodles I cooked, she smiled and said, "Hey, why did my 'little emperor' cook in person today?" "Happy birthday to my mother!" I said. Mom was stunned for a moment before she realized it. She stroked my head and said, "My little emperor has grown up." Then she buried her head in a gulp and ate with relish. She looked at me and said, "How delicious! How delicious!" Looking at my mother's messy hair, I felt like I had eaten a piece of honey.

One time boiled noodles (14)

"Woof!" A barking dog startled me. I looked around. There was no dog! I took another step, "Woof -- Woof!" I looked up fearfully, God! There is a wolf dog standing on the roof without any fence! Black and orange fur, two big straight ears - the wolf dog is standing upright, staring at me, with a dignified color.

My heart suddenly increased a little fear. What should I do? I looked at the whole alley. There was no one there. I could not turn to others for help. I had to work hard on my own. I raised my head and stared at the wolf dog angrily, shouting, "Why did you bite passers-by? Why did you scare me?"

The wolf dog seemed to understand and stopped barking. After a pause, I saw that the wolf dog was just staring at me, and there was no threat, so I took another step - "Woof!" The wolf dog suddenly shouted again. I sobbed with fright and couldn't stop crying. I stared at the culprit and shouted, "You bad dog! How can you bully people! I'm not a thief!"

The wolf dog was stunned for a moment, and his eyes were glassy. Maybe the master saw it, or maybe it saw me crying and moved with compassion. The wolf dog actually sat on the roof, two legs pulling, showing fatigue.

I still dare not walk easily. At this time, the wolf dog retreated back gently and disappeared.

I took one step - no movement, another step - still safe. This time, I quickly ran home.

My friends, dogs are also considerate, if you feel it with your heart.

One time boiled noodles (15)

It rained, and the summer heat disappeared. The fresh air is mixed with the fragrance of flowers and plants, which makes people feel very comfortable. I came back from outside, humming a song, and walked leisurely in the lane home.

"Woof!" A barking dog startled me. I looked around. There was no dog! I took another step, "Woof -- Woof!" I looked up fearfully, God! There is a wolf dog standing on the roof without any fence! Black and orange fur, two big straight ears - the wolf dog is standing upright, staring at me, with a dignified color.

My heart suddenly increased a little fear. What should I do? I looked at the whole alley. There was no one there. I could not turn to others for help. I had to work hard on my own. I raised my head and stared at the wolf dog angrily, shouting, "Why did you bite passers-by? Why did you scare me?"

The wolf dog seemed to understand and stopped barking. After a pause, I saw that the wolf dog was just staring at me, and there was no threat, so I took another step - "Woof!" The wolf dog suddenly shouted again. I sobbed with fright and couldn't stop crying. I stared at the culprit and shouted, "You bad dog! How can you bully people! I'm not a thief!"

The wolf dog was stunned for a moment, and his eyes were glassy. Maybe the master saw it, or maybe it saw me crying and moved with compassion. The wolf dog actually sat on the roof, two legs pulling, showing fatigue.

I still dare not walk easily. At this time, the wolf dog retreated back gently and disappeared.

I took one step - no movement, another step - still safe. This time, I quickly ran home.

My friends, dogs are also considerate, if you feel it with your heart.

One time boiled noodles (16)

I began to read while waiting for the water in the soup pot to boil. The soup in the soup pot bubbles from time to time. I thought the soup had boiled, so I took the noodles beside it and inserted them. I think the noodles will be cooked soon. I just need to wait by the stove.

But the noodles spread like flowers, and they seemed unwilling to go into the pot. One by one, they stretched their necks and stuck stubbornly on the edge of the soup pot. The naughty fire took the opportunity to lick the noodles exposed outside, and the noodles suddenly caught fire. I quickly turned off the fire. But it didn't work. The fire continued to burn. When I was worried, I took a bowl of water and poured it directly on the burning noodles. The fire went out and didn't cause a fire, but I was scared to death. "Wow" cried: "Mom, come quickly..."

Although the fire was out and my mother came, my heart was still pounding. My mother picked out the burnt noodles and demonstrated the process of the following noodles to me again. Then she asked me softly, "Do you know how to make the next noodles now?" I bowed my head and said, "Yes."

What a false alarm!

One time boiled noodles (17)

At first, my mother told me some methods and key points of cooking noodles. But I didn't listen to it at all, so I wanted to start doing it right away. When my mother finished speaking, I began to do it immediately. I put some water in the pot, and then put the noodles into it when the water boiled. I picked up a pair of chopsticks and moved them in the pot like my mother did. When the noodles were too little and smoke straight, I thought the noodles would be good. When I gave my mother a bite, I said, "Son, you cooked the noodles too hard, not too well!" I said proudly, "How could it be? I did it like you did! I also want to eat. " As soon as I put the noodles in my mouth and chewed them, I vomited them out: "My God! Why is it so disgusting? It's too hard!" My mother laughed and said, "You don't believe me, let's see, Add more seasoning, and the noodles will be fine. I don't have any conceit. I don't want to give my mother greedy food, but she had to give it to her first. After she ate it, her mother said strangely, "Son, you are so good, so delicious." I didn't trust my mother and said, "Mom, are you looking at me? I know it must be bad, right?" Her mother smiled and said, "Don't believe your own greedy food." I took a mouthful of chopsticks. It was really delicious. I was happy to run back and forth in the lobby.

On Sunday, I wanted to eat noodles on New Year's Eve. I wanted to make noodles myself, so I asked my mother Kefuyi. My mother smiled and said, "OK!"!

One time boiled noodles (18)

Early in the morning, I woke up suddenly. I tossed and turned on the bed, but I couldn't sleep again. As soon as I turned my eyes, a good idea was born - I got up secretly to cook noodles for my mother.

I gently lifted the quilt, tied my hair, put on my shoes silently, and crept out of the door. Ah! Mom rolled over and almost found me. How nervous! "Da Da Da Da", I went downstairs carefully, and the sound of holding the wall was deliberately careful. I even held my breath, without making any small sound. Ah! Finally, I went downstairs. I closed the door of the bathroom gently and locked myself inside to wash my face and brush my teeth. Everything is ready. I straighten my hair, put on my apron, and start cooking noodles!

First, I washed the pot, filled the water, and boiled the noodles. Three minutes later, I picked up the noodles and refilled them with water. After that, I put the noodles into the new pot, "Dudu Dudu". Look, all bubbles. I took some eggs from the refrigerator and began to beat them. What should I do? I won't fight. Try it. I encourage myself from the bottom of my heart. "Chuchuchuchui" I knocked on the edge of the pot with the egg, but it didn't break. I put my heart down and pressed hard. "Pa", bad! My white clothes are stained yellow! Alas, the eggs were not hit, and all came to my clothes! I gritted my teeth and struck again. I thought about my mother's appearance and learned how to beat an egg! Too high hearted! Self confidence has been restored. "Pa pa pa", the eggs are finished. I stir it, add salt, soy sauce and other ingredients, and cook it! Finally, I'll put noodles into a bowl, sprinkle some scallions, and pour soup!

Eh? Mom got up! I purposely locked the kitchen door and waited for my mother. "Frequently? Where did you go?" It was my mother's voice. I didn't say anything, hoping to give my mother a surprise. Mother hesitated for a moment and pushed open the kitchen door. Ah, she found it. "What is this? Did you make noodles?" Mother looked puzzled. I could not restrain my excitement and nodded happily. "Wow, my daughter must be nutritious!" My mother was also very happy, and her face was full of joy. "I'll try it." Mother ate a mouthful of noodles, tuttut exclaimed, and smacked her mouth to taste. "I'll try it, too." I can't wait to chew noodles. "Squeak", ah, eggshell! I put all the eggshells in it! Oops, I didn't drain the oil either! My face is twisted together for fear of being found by my mother. "Don't be afraid, this is your first time to cook noodles. It's already delicious. You know, when I cooked noodles for the first time, I didn't put any salt!" My mother looked at me kindly with warm eyes.

It was one year ago. In retrospect, the feeling of nervousness, excitement, sadness and regaining confidence made me unforgettable. What fun! Now I can cook noodles as fast as my mother, but the taste of noodles cooked for the first time can be left in my mouth, with endless aftertaste