Let's go (select 20 articles)
Astringent ambition
2023-11-09 00:25:37

Let's go (1)

Nightingale was born into a noble family. It could have been pampered. But she didn't enter the wide door. After seeing the wounded soldiers die lonely and painfully in the war, she devoted all her life to an unprecedented cause, and embarked on a road that no one had set foot on with fraternity. Start the hard journey. final. Nightingale created the whole modern nursing science and became the mother of nursing.

After the "Cultural Revolution", a hundred pieces of waste were waiting to be revived. "Plan" or "market", "capital" or "society", many problems emerged in the wave of reform. Deng Xiaoping must have expected the praise and criticism he would face when he made bold efforts to reform and resolutely embarked on a new road. However, with great political courage, he chose the door that was not easy to enter, and took the rough and hard road. Where does this courage come from? Let's see what he once said: "I am the son of the Chinese people, and I love my country and people deeply."

As Jesus said in Christianity, "The gate leading to destruction is wide, the road is large, and many people go. The gate leading to eternal life is narrow, the road is small, and few people find it." As an atheist. The destruction I understand is nothing but eternal life. Is to contribute to society. With love, we are on our way. In fact, many times we don't need to belittle ourselves, as long as we believe in our ability and true love, we can enter the narrow door and take the hard road. Since people always have to walk the hard road, we should bravely cultivate ourselves to be able to walk it.

Let's go (2)

No one would have thought that such a good child like me would run away from home one day. These four words could never appear in my mind before I was 16 years old, because I was a "good boy".

I am a "good boy", which is true. Every time my neighbor's aunt sees me, she will throw a lot of good words. When listening to these words, I smile disapprovingly. I finished the teacher's homework on time every day, actively worked on duty, helped the old man in the neighborhood push the tricycle, and then saw their thumbs up, I ran home happily to show off to my mother.

I am a silent child. I hide in my room every night and write a lot of words. These words make me sad. When I see these words, my heart is also like a deep lake. The lake water has sunk my obedience. My homework has also sunk my sixteen year old bike. No one has come. They have been sleeping quietly.

At the age of 16, I stood under the dark blue sky with my head cocked up proudly. I took my group of friends to rush to my youth in school, with long hair and what I called growing up.

I began to quarrel with my mother, talk back to my father, and oppose my teacher. I stood in my so-called adult world and saw everything. So from the first day to the third day.

At the end of the high school entrance examination, I looked at the city and thought that I could finally go. At that moment, the time of 16 years was zero.

On the third day, I packed my bags and escaped from home. When I left, my father said, "You will come back". I watched him run out without saying anything, and then with my dream, I ran to Beijing with yellow glazed tiles.

I was sitting on the train as an escapee. When I saw the scenery flashing in front of me, I saw all my 16 years in front of me converge into a big river. There was a father waiting for me in front of the kindergarten, and a mother washing my wet bed sheets, My father gave me a large stack of thick Guo Jingming's books when I was dying. Looking at them, I suddenly felt that my escape was a mistake. A lot of darkness poured out of my heart, and no one could see clearly. The scenery outside the window suddenly became pale in front of my eyes. My heart was empty, and I was homesick. I hurried to the toilet, and no one saw my tears.

When I arrived in Beijing, I didn't go anywhere. I stayed silent in my house for three days. On the fourth day, Mo Yu ran to me and said, "Go back. In fact, we haven't grown up.". He also kept silent when he finished saying this, and then we went out to have a good meal. On the fifth day, I sat on the bus home, but Mo Yu didn't come back. He said that he would play for another two days. Sitting on the train, looking at the dark green hard leather sofa and large windows, I thought of what my father said to me: "You will come back". Yes, I came back and I was no longer capricious. I changed into a returnee attitude. I listened to the clang of the train, and suddenly I felt like Qi Ming in Train Guessing. I fell asleep thinking about it. I had a long dream. In the dream, I saw Wang Yuhang, Xiao Ji, and the head teacher. In the dream, there was also a figure with many vicissitudes, which I could not see clearly. When I woke up, the train had arrived at the station.

I called my mother before I got home. When I heard my mother crying on the other side of the phone, my heart was empty.

When I got home, my mother had already prepared a large table of dishes. I looked at my father and saw a few white hairs on his head. I knew that the figure of the vicissitudes in my dream was sitting in front of me, and no one understood that he had been very quiet.

On the sixth day, I saw three pages of messages on the QQ message board, all of which were written by Xiao Ji. I was moved by these messages, and I knew that I could never forgive the people around me again.

On the seventh day, my father took me to pay my high school tuition. When we came out, my father walked in front of me, and I shouted "I want to go to college" into the dark blue sky. Then my father smiled and I smiled.

Those seven days are over. I think I will never forget these seven days. They have been living in my memory.

There were seven days when I disappeared, seven days when I was silent, and seven days when a figure with vicissitudes of life appeared in my dream, the invisible figure had been supporting me in the corner of my lost life. At the end of this summer, I want to say to my father: "I love you". I think these three words will continue to this autumn, to all the four seasons of my life! Dad "I love you".

Let's go (3)

This is not only a symbolic sentence, but also an attitude towards life. In today's fast-paced world, all kinds of transportation are in vogue. It reminds people to walk slowly. Maybe you will have unexpected surprises. Maybe you will find the scenery you forgot in front of you again. Maybe you will find the beauty of childhood.

Go slowly. In today's rapid development of information, don't just think about fame and benefits. Look more at parents and care more about children. Maybe you will redefine the warmth of kinship.

Go slowly. In today's full of happiness, calm down, be not arrogant or impatient, meet friends for a cup of tea, and go to see a movie with your family. It will let you know that you will live more comfortably with a different attitude towards life.

My father lost his watch. He was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot, but he still couldn't find it. The son said that he would give it to him to ensure that he could find it. The father was skeptical. After a while, the son found the watch. When the father asked him how to find it, he only said: "I sat quietly, and then I heard the sound of 'ticking', and the watch was found? Or is your son too smart? I would like to say that success is here, if you are not impatient.

When the father is impatient and confused, he can't think of the reason. The son observes carefully and will find something when he is in danger.

"It seems as vast as Feng Xu's wind, without knowing where he is going; it seems as if he is left alone and becomes immortal." Isn't this the true portrayal of Su Zi. "The ear becomes the voice, the eye becomes the color, and it is inexhaustible. It is the infinite hiding of the creator, and I and my son are compatible." This is exactly what we are looking for.

Yes, take your time and see the scenery. Don't lose yourself in the crowd, you will find that today's singing is more beautiful than yesterday's.

Let's go (4)

You can leave now.


thank you for your wishes.

I will fight hard.

I will raise my head.

I will smile.

I will fight.

Let all the emptiness depressed.

Drive away in joy.

Let's go (5)

I finally looked forward to the coming weekend. Unexpectedly, when I got up today, I heard a familiar and annoying voice outside the window: Dida, Dida. I thought to myself, "Alas, the rainy day is coming again." It seems that my plan to go on a picnic with my friends failed.

I hate rainy days. Because the air is too humid in rainy days, it's a little difficult for people to breathe. Another point is that I can't have outdoor physical education classes in rainy days. It's great to run on the playground. Physical education is my favorite! A nasty rainy day.

You have brought a lot of inconvenience to our study and life. Every time I go to school because of your arrival, my shoes will get wet. Several times when I walked a little faster, I slipped and fell on my back.

You always take us by surprise. It was still sunny in the morning, but your face sank in the afternoon, and then it turned into a thunderstorm. How can you say change? None of the students in our class brought umbrellas, but we are going home. You can only make us drowned one by one.

In rainy days, you are not a lucky star in our children's minds, but a star of doom.

Let's go (6)

This road is full of tears, but it has branded my thin and cool life, mottled youth. Perhaps the severe winter is longer than expected, and I will silently widen the narrow road as I did long ago.


I am like a lonely ant, dragging a heavy body, toiling through the vast land, the long road seems to have no end. When the cold wind blew, I blinked and my eyes hurt. I struggled, even gave up, hiding in a dark corner. Maybe those passers-by will suffocate me if they are not careful, because I am so small that I seem to be negligible, but I still freeze myself. Those days can't be thought of any more, even for a moment, all make me feel like a century. So later, I gradually learned to close the door alone, warm and sad alone. "There is always a pure land where I can live." I encouraged myself silently.

It's just that it's hard for me to find this place. Every day, I carry my dream and walk through many places. I still remember the mountains in my memory. I always thought it was the deep sea I would never walk out of. I didn't think too much, and I worked hard slowly. I don't know how to avoid the storm, so I bite my teeth and bear it; I don't know how to be afraid of the night, so I look forward to the dawn; I don't know how to prevent tears from flowing, so I looked up at the sky. Later, I realized that it was a kind of persistence, that it was a free and easy way of "all sounds are silent here, but the sound of bells and chimes". Suddenly one day, I wondered how to climb to the top, and then I knew that there was a feeling called "I will be the top of the mountain, and see all the mountains are small." Then I firmly believed that the smallest thing has its value. As if I was still a small ant, I could still burst out of infinite power.

So I firmly believe that my value is far more than that, so I will continue to travel. I want to know how blue the sea is on the other side of the mountain, and I want to experience Tao Yuanming's "suddenly enlightened" surprise. Who said, "A wise man's thousand worries will lead to a loss, and a fool's thousand worries will lead to a gain." Why care if the sky is blue and the road is spacious? Tell yourself: everyone has only a lifetime, and can only fight once. To fight, you must fight incisively and vividly, even if everything becomes incoherent in the end. Maybe the front will make me more scarred. Maybe the winter will be longer than I thought. I will also silently widen the narrow road.

Until one day, I no longer hesitate, the world is so big, I only need a small corner, even if I need to pay all my strength. In fact, each of us is like an ant, which is really insignificant, but will you be willingly submerged in the sea of people? People can be ordinary, but not mediocre, at least not to be eliminated. We lack a kind of persistent spirit, but what we lack more is a kind of calm indifference. Tell yourself: If you can't take it easy, stick to your dreams and never be depressed.

You must have been like me, trying to pursue forgotten dreams in countless deserted nights; You must have been like me, unable to catch the direction of moving forward in the cold wind; You must have been like me, unable to touch a little hope in the little stars; You must have, like me, reflected your wishes in the red dawn; You must have, like me, blossomed the most beautiful face in flowers and applause

Don't think that the peak of success is far away. You just need to take every step step by step, like an ant, dragging a tired body day by day, walking in the severe winter, silently, silently widening the narrow road.

Let's go (7)

The blurred figure in the dream is walking silently, walking out of my world, walking out of the dream.

The night is quiet and quiet. It's scary and weird. I sat on the balcony, looking up at the stars all over the sky, with or without them, lonely as a song. Time seems to stay in that moment.

That night when I got up to drink water, I heard the crackling sound in my brother's room. Then my brother carefully closed the door, as if afraid of waking me up. Then he came out with a heavy suitcase. Mother handed him a mysterious bag and said softly, "Yuzhe, we should go home more than once. Go before Xiaomo wakes up, she can't walk away when she wakes up." Although the voice was small, it just reached my ears and went in like a knife. It hurt!

I looked at my brother and nodded seriously; Watch him toil downstairs; Watching him slowly walk out of the yard, I followed him carefully. My brother unexpectedly walked to the back of the yard, came to the window of my room, and put his most precious organ on my windowsill. I can see it clearly from the side. Although it was dark at night, he looked at his brother's back in the bright moonlight and felt that he was sobbing, his body was trembling, as if he could not hold on to it in the next second. His black clothes looked particularly bright in the moonlight, and there was love here; Including reluctance. Although I can't see my brother's face clearly, I know he must have a painful look on his face, and he also hates me! But in the face of fate, he can't avoid it! My brother turned around and walked slowly with painful eyes, as if I was behind him. Brother's reluctant figure was torn by the dark night and swallowed by the dark time; Your figure is disappearing in the gauze like fog. Does he really have to leave like this?

Brother! I have been behind you! I've been looking at you like this! In fact, I always knew that when you gave me the organ, I knew we could never go back; I can't go back to those happy days, and I can't share them with my brother when I'm happy; When I was sad, I could no longer cry in my brother's arms. At that time, I really wanted to solidify the happy time before; I really want to say to my brother: Brother, you can go like this! Don't look back! I have grown up and don't need your care. Brother, before I cry, you should go like this. Don't look back!

Although my brother is going to study far away, his heart is still here. Yes, it must be so. My eyes were moist, and the thin eyelids seemed unable to hold the solidified tears.

I leaned on the cherry tree that I often played with my brother and stared at the sky. The moon hid under the clouds. Even the stars hid shyly. Are they sympathizing with me?

Who is that vague figure in the dream? Who is the person who gave me the organ? Is he his brother?

Let's go (8)

We met casually, talked with each other all the time, and fell in love in boredom.

We all know that we will not last long, just as the day does not know the darkness of the night.

Sorry, I think too much, I still live in the past, looking forward to the future of the past.

Sorry, I think too much, but I still think too much of myself.

Sorry, I think too much, I still have nothing, thinking about all the impossible.

Sorry, I think too much, I still have nothing to do, but think about the incomplete perfection.

Sorry, I think too much, I still don't care, dreaming of a happy ending.

Sorry, I think too much, I still can't forget, confused with the past.

Let's go. Everything will be fine. Everything seems like a dream with smoke.

Maybe we are parallel lines. God has disoriented us in our busy time, making everything possible. Everything we want and what we don't want has happened. Maybe the predestination of the previous life is not enough, or maybe I owe you not enough, maybe you are like this.

Wind like wind, smoke like smoke, it's time to go.

I don't know how much fate it takes to fall in love with a person, and how many times I pass by, I think: I was lost at the moment I saw you, it was a crazy lion who met a beautiful woman.

Walking alone, thinking.

Elegantly stacked, heavily covered.

Life is like a dream, dream light edge shallow.

Too much fuss makes you feel ungrateful.

The sky is boundless, and the earth is changing.

Let's go. I will watch you go better and bless you.

Can you remember the path we walked together and the car we built together.

We didn't need redundant explanations, and we didn't need words in the future. Can we watch each other move towards the future.

We have always said that we will always be together. We have promised to work hard to stay together until old age. The oath is just a message.

Only when we put our hands on the shoulders of years can we see the reality of life.

Come on, you will be fine, I believe.

Let's go (9)

I like guns since I was young, and I like some games of fighting and killing. I seldom get quiet. In my mother's words, "I'm born a bandit, not like a girl. The teacher caught me all over the school. Each of my friends tied up a long braid. When walking, the braid was like a butterfly dancing, one after another. It makes people envy. I didn't think so. When I saw their long braids, I grabbed them. When they saw my appearance, they tried to persuade me to keep a long braid. I "cursed" each of them. Afterwards, they all called me heartless.

Because of my short hair, I will make many jokes. Last year, I went to have my hair cut with my good friend Yang Wazi. Yang Wazi had a cool haircut and looked cool. I was born to show off, so I asked the barber to cut my hair very short. The barber "Shuasha" a few times, and then separated my beautiful hair. After cutting, the barber smiled at me very attentively and almost didn't hold me. Yang Wazi looked at my hair and was dumbfounded. I thought this was discounted by my "charming" hairstyle, so I looked at myself in the mirror complacently, put on some cool poses, and took Yang Wazi's hand home.

On the way, the walkers all opened their eyes and looked at me. I thought they were fascinated by my hairstyle, so I smiled at them coolly. Along the way, Yang Wazi almost flew. When I got home, my mother asked, "Who are you, little brother?" I almost frothed and fainted. As a result, my mother not only scolded me and "showed off" to my relatives and friends, but also saw me as a boy. I used to be, but now I'm 12 years old and tall. I don't think anyone will regard me as a boy anymore. But just yesterday, I met one of my classmates and greeted her in a friendly way. At that time, I saw her mother's face was not quite right. At that time, I held the hand of the classmate and tried my best to show friendship. At this time, her mother's face twisted together and became a pimple. I also gave her a brilliant smile. Just after I left, her mother asked her quietly, was that man a boy or a girl? Why, Aunt, can't you look so bad, male and female. They are all indistinguishable. Oh, my god, forget it. After many misunderstandings, I decided to "reform my mind" and become a lady.

So, when I meet someone, I will smile gently. This really baffled me. Laugh at the sight of people. That's not the stewardess anymore, but for my good image, I will bear it. So the next day. As soon as I got to school, I smiled at my deskmate, who was in a cold sweat. She came up to me quietly and said shyly, "Judy, did you? I slapped you yesterday, and you weren't satisfied with me?" I looked shyly at her bright eyes. "Ah, Li Kai, ah, Li Kai. How great you are! How can I remember your revenge?" Li Kai felt cool all over, as if his soul was suddenly evacuated. At breakfast, I gently put down my chair, left and went downstairs. I would have thrown my chair aside long ago and rushed downstairs at a speed of 45 kilometers per second without stopping. But today, I want to be a lady.

When I got to the restaurant, I ate slowly and didn't say a word, just like before, I held the spoon in one hand and pointed out and shouted loudly. At this time, Li Yue'e noticed my abnormality and said, "It seems that Zhu Haodi has a brain problem." I smiled at her gently, but I scolded her in my heart for a long time. Li Yue'e is dead and has no eyes. I really want to kill you. Li Yue'e smiled at me. As soon as school was over, I walked home with small steps. I can't help being moved by my change today.

On the third day, I asked Li Kai how I did yesterday. I thought she would be very happy to say, "Judy, I was very moved by your action yesterday." But she squinted at me and said slowly, "It's disgusting!" I felt my world was "collapsed", and ran to her. She smiled and said: "Zhu Haodi, is this the original you? Go your own way and make others angry! Although being a lady is boring, it has left a beautiful chapter for my brilliant youth.

Let's go (10)

I am a happy fish, living in a beautiful and clear river, with red flowers and green willows on both sides, fragrant, what a beautiful home.

But one day, the river changed dramatically. A factory moved here and produced day and night. Sewage was directly discharged into the river, and the water in the river became very turbid. A few days later, the water turned black, sour and astringent. My good friend, the little carp, frothed to death; My father and mother are also seriously ill. Their eyes are loose and they look like they are dying!

"Mom and Dad, what can I do?" I cried anxiously.

My parents said with tears in their eyes, "My child, go to find clean water. It's not suitable for us to live here!"

After saying goodbye to my parents, I swam to the bank and saw an old grandpa.

He sat by the river, holding the fishing rod, and sighed: "Alas, I miss the scene of fishing with my classmates! How clear the river was at that time, and how fat the fish were! Who caught more fish in our competition? I was the first!"

"Grandpa, why do you sigh?" I quickly jumped out of the water and asked doubtfully.

"Little fish, why did you come up by yourself?"

"The water here smells terrible," I said sadly. "We can't survive anymore!"

"Alas, the river water is so polluted now. I don't know how much sewage and smoke the factory has discharged, which has damaged the ecological balance and polluted the environment!" Grandpa shook his head and sighed.

"It turned out that the abominable factory discharged pollutants indiscriminately, which damaged our beautiful home. Cough." I suddenly coughed, my head felt dizzy, and my throat was very sore.

"What's wrong with you, little fish?" Grandpa threw down his fishing rod and ran to me.

I said hoarsely, "Grandpa, take me away quickly! I can't stand the sewage. It has poisoned my dear friends. The terrible disease makes my parents miserable! Take me away quickly!"

Grandpa picked me up and said, "Alas, poor little fish, you will die if you leave the water!"

"I don't regret leaving the water. The river has made it impossible for us to survive!" I said resolutely.

I finally left the water, left the home where I grew up, and I breathed deeply. After a while, I felt weak all over, and I was in a trance before my eyes, with the sound of crying and sighing in my ears.

I know that I will leave this world; I know that it is grandpa's cry; I know that the river is also complaining in a low voice; I know that this sewage will take away more of my family and friends

Humans, when will you wake up and let the river restore its beautiful appearance and return to our homeland?

Let's go (11)

Come on, dream. We are going to see the sea by bike. let's go! Dream. I don't want to see you again, you tempter and deceiver. You make me unable to enter the reality. Come on, dream. I want to smell lavender in Provence, sunshine in the Aegean Sea, and pizza in Naples. let's go! Dream. You disturb my orderly life and make a mess of me. Like the devil, you first tasted the sweet for me, and then you wanted to tie me up. Come on, dream. We still have a lot to do. I want to read all my favorite books, listen to Beethoven and Mayday, Jay Chou and Mozart, and then paint the world like Van Gogh or Jimmy. let's go! Dream. You let me see a beautiful vision, but I can't see the land under my feet. I don't know where to go next. I could have been safely produced on the assembly line, but you gave me the motivation to escape.

Come on, dream. I haven't told you what I want to draw. I want to draw a big orange hanging in the blue sky, a red candle burning at the bottom of the sea, and a stream flowing in the forest. There is a small unicorn walking quietly. let's go! Dream. I really don't suit you. You need freedom, time and creativity, which I can't give you. You don't want to wait for me to finish school, find a job, retire, take care of my children and grandchildren... Come on, dream. Why do you hesitate? Now we can start to build a house facing the sea. let's go! Dream. I won't go with you. I have responsibilities and obligations, which is my "original sin". Come on, dream. We all live for ourselves. We only have one chance, and I'm not afraid of failure. I'm afraid I don't even have the chance to fail. let's go! Dream. Why should I trust you, you greedy and eloquent lobbyist? You never promised me anything, but you just broke up my comfort. Come on, dream. You promised me to see the most beautiful fireworks. I sneaked out, shivering in my thin clothes.

Go! Go! let's go! Dream. In this world, no one will pay attention to you now. We need to study, live and live in a down-to-earth manner, instead of immersing ourselves in the ethereal paradise you have constructed. We are busy with exams and making money before it is too late. Where can you stay cool. Come on, dream. We go together. You are my eyes, I am your legs. Step by step, where will you take me? I believe that there will be light, good. let's go! Dream.

Come on, dream. Let's go, let's go! Don't come back. Don't come back.

Let's go (12)

That winter, the flowers withered.

It is December, and the hands of winter begin to touch every corner, but it is no longer cold that winter, no longer so piercing wind.

Because that year, you went and left, it was the winter when flowers withered.

Hui, you like to laugh. You look good when you smile. I often see you chasing the wind on the playground. How I envy your carefree. Your smile is hanging on the curved corners of your mouth. That way, that action, originally very ordinary, becomes funny because of you.

You often like to pull me to sit on the basketball court, listening to birds singing is your greatest advantage. Remember the day I first met you? I walked on the path alone. Your bright red clothes were particularly attractive. I saw you sitting there, singing. You smiled at me gently, and the eyes cleared our strangeness and our barrier. You love singing, even if others cast a look of disgust do not care; You love smiling, even if others say you are crazy. Do you remember these?

Hui, I miss you. What I can't forget is your song, your character and the truth behind your smile.

You are a child who has leukemia.

Finally understand the reason why you don't come every Friday, finally understand the reason why you always leave short hair, your silly smile is a cover up, right?

When you first entered this city in autumn, you went to Guangzhou. Your home is there, and your condition is getting worse. Every time I receive your call, do you know how excited I am? There is still your laughing voice. I don't want to hear your laughing voice again, because it will only make me more sad. "Have you laughed enough? You are so sick that you still want to laugh.

The last time you came here was in the middle of November. The last time I saw you was at your grandmother's house. You have completely lost your vitality in the past. I dare not look at your pale face. Your eyes are darkened by the light. They are gray and afraid. You force yourself to smile, and I feel the temperature of your hand. The blood is no longer boiling, and the voice is no longer soft. You have to go, do you really have to go? I look at you, your eyes, your face.

The last time you called me was in winter, and you told me in your weak voice, "I don't want to leave, but I should also leave..." Your tears, the way you cried, were moving in my mind, and I was speechless, listening to our final farewell. The day you went was December 24. Even the wind sang a sad song for you that day. It was also very cold that day. I sat on the basketball court crying and shouting your name. Hui, it's time for you to leave without suffering any more. Hui, I miss you. You go, go, listen to the farewell of the wind, listen to the song of departure in winter, perhaps, you really should go, Hui, go.

That year I lost you, Hui, in that winter. You left, you went. I wanted to catch you, but you left. There is no such cold winter, no such you.

Let's go. It's time for you to leave. Even though I am reluctant to part with you, you are gone. Go, go, you should go.

Listen, the wind sings the elegy of eleven again for you; Listen, the first sentence is: Let's go, it's time for you to leave... That winter, you left.

Let's go (13)

In those days of walking, my feet stepped on the path with a rural flavor, and my arms opened and jumped. The thin soles of my shoes could not resist the small pain that ran up, which was novel and exciting.

For a period of time, junior high school was walking. Every day, we passed through the green path where we seldom met a few pedestrians. There were tall trees on both sides, bustling with people. We walked through the thick shadows cast by the sun on the ground through thin and small cracks, uneven. This is the only way for me and my friends to go home.

The day of walking is happy and carefree. The lush trees cut off everything outside the path, as if you were in another world. Everything is quiet and not noisy. So this is the highest state of tranquility. The noisy road at the end of the path seems to be in another time and space. The ear piercing sound of the whistle is getting farther and farther away. Instead, the whispering of trees in the wind is attractive and mysterious. We usually enjoy playing and shouting here, surrounded by rows of royal guard like trees to help us cut off the sound loyally, and all the games are only played by me, she plays, and it plays; I listen to all whispers, she listens, it listens; All the secrets are only known by me, she and it. Joy is thrown into the air of the path, and our smiling faces are engraved in the rings of the trees beside the road, never fading.

Walking is really a very comfortable and comfortable game. All the voices are bouncing happily on the ground without any burden. We hold hands and jump on the stone road in the hollows, laughing on everyone's face.

Free and carefree.

One by one footprints, our laughter, our tears, our grievances, our carnival are deeply embedded into the flesh and blood of walking, into the bone marrow, I can't find them, I can't find them.

I always had a good time.

Always. Every time I say this word, my heart slowly aches. What a helpless word, always.

Hundreds of meters away, we can walk for tens of minutes, talk about hundreds of topics and laugh thousands of times. This feeling, how long this walk can last, it and she and I can not answer, because we do not know how far forever is, and whether the promise of forever will never be realized.

In order to save time, I used a bicycle, a convenient means of transportation, but I can no longer understand the whispers of trees, see their history, and feel the pain of being cut by stones. The feet blocked the kiss between the feet and the ground, the hands opened the embrace between the hands and the bark, and the front deprived the eyes of the desire for green. Only ears are left to listen, but the sad speed makes us unable to catch the last trace of happiness. The moment you let go of it, it was painful.

I'm sorry, but what can I do? Walking again is the night talk of heaven. Compared with the contact with nature, time is more important for us, or more important for the future.

It is busy and empty to finish tasks every day. We rode across the ground without enough time to catch a gust of wind.

I miss the days when we walked. Those quiet environments are filled with fresh air. We are surrounded by nature, walking through beautiful green, noisy, loud and happy.

I stood at the end of the road and looked into the distance. The distance was looming, and my eyes suddenly blurred, or my future suddenly became dense.

Walking can only become a memory, a painful memory.

Who is telling me, go, go.

Let's go (14)


The fool is in love. He is really in love

The school where the fool lives is a rural middle school. The loss of students is very serious. In the first day of junior high school, there are four classes; Two classes in Grade Two; At the third day of junior high, there is only one class left. The students who can go to the third day of junior high school, their families have great hopes for them. They hope that they will go out and not face the loess, face the sky, or live in hardship.

The girl is very excellent and usually tops the class. But the girl didn't do well in the middle school entrance exam last time (maybe she was young). She spent a year in Beijing. As a result, when she came to the fool's class, she still won the first place. No one denied her excellence. Of course, fools are no exception.

You can't go back

Time is a one-way road. You can only go forward, not turn back.

A fool learns to sigh. He really grew up and no longer simply thought that he was the only one in the world. He was the master of the world.

The exam results are not as good as once, and the worries in my heart are more than one day. I'm really breathless. Is there anoxia? Maybe. In the end, you may not even know how to die.

But Black June came. Come quietly and go quietly. Difficult, down and sad, I can't feel it in front of me.

The sky is still blue, and the wind is still gentle. The mood remains the same, the person also remains the same.

You can't go back

Time is gone, don't chase it. Because I can't catch up with you, but I can catch up with you farther and farther. The past glory, the past gloom, the past is history!

The fool figured it out in the summer vacation. Everything has passed and become history.

Fortunately, both girls and fools were admitted to a local key middle school. This makes fools feel better. After all, they can all make a big move again.

The fool thinks that it depends on fate whether she is still a friend. Because the Buddha said: "Five hundred times of looking back in the previous life, only one time of passing by in this life."

Origination and extinction are due to fate, flower withering and falling are flowers. Let the past go quietly.

Let's go (15)

Looking out of the window at the shining stars, the stars were like broken diamonds scattered all over the dark night. A young man was dressed in red, and his eyes and eyebrows were slender.

90 years.

I remember that on July 1, 1921, a boy with black hair, black eyes and a regular military uniform was around me. The boy wiped his nose and looked up without fear: "My name is the Communist Party of China, full name: the Communist Party of China!"

The teenager raised his eyebrows in surprise and smiled, "Hello, I'm China."

It was the day when the Communist Party of China was born. China remembers that an exquisite boat on the South Lake was his cradle on the sparkling blue waves.

In April 1927, the Communist Party of China was covered in bruises. Looking at the young and young faces on a corpse in the trench, he was full of reluctance, and his teeth firmly bit the lower lip, turning the red lips white. China patted the shoulder of the Communist Party of China: "Children, you need your own strength." Relying on others will never grow.

On that day, the CPC armed forces were officially established.

In January 1935, in Zunyi, the Communist Party of China's military uniforms had been patched too much, and they still made do with their clothes. He knew that now was not the time to pay attention to clothes. With a withered grass in its mouth, the Communist Party of China lay on the ground, silent and dazed. A slender hand appeared in front of me. It was China, whose eyes and eyebrows were curved: "You should believe in yourself and know how to be flexible." The road was created by people, and the first person who walked would always stumble.

In 1978, China was ill for ten years. The Communist Party of China looked at China's pale face with an apologetic face and opened its mouth with regret: "Sorry, sorry..."

China's cold hand, covered with the Communist Party's head bowed due to regret, stroked feebly and comforted: "It doesn't matter, who can't make mistakes? If there are mistakes, it's not too late to correct them. As long as you try your best, everything will be better."

On December 25, 1991, the Communist Party of China wondered: "China, the tall and big person who often comes to help me? Without him, I can't grow so big. Why don't I come now?"

"He," the eyes of China were extremely complicated, fingers gently twirling the golden and beautiful petals of sunflowers, and smiled bitterly. "He has slept, and will sleep forever." It is impossible to wake up again.

"The Communist Party of China, you must go forward with his dream. Hold a flaming heart high, light the way forward, and lead the family behind you to go on!"

This belongs to them, red pride.

For 90 years, that little guy has grown up and become a boy who can stand proudly in the world. With his own arms, he has surrounded a safe harbor for his family and led them to bathe in the bright sun and touch hope together.

In the far east, the Communist Party of China, go ahead and create a magnificent landscape!

Let's go (16)

How many times do you have to hold these injured hands

Still walking on this uneasy road

In the days of slow loss

We, what we hold in our hands

Is love so warm or quiet

Hey, that's it Smile and walk step by step in this time

Because I can move forward with you around

Now our yearning is integrated

Guide the way, so please never let go of these hands

When I can come back again, but you are here

It can also come out in the dark forest

You can also fail

We, the unbroken line

It's so simple, so loose

Hey, that's it. Just walk a little in this time

Because I can move forward with you around

Now our 'wishes are one by one

The road is changeable, so please use this foot to realize it

The most important thing is that now I have begun to change you

Hey, that's it Smile and walk step by step in this time

Because I can move forward with you around

Now our yearning is integrated

Guide the way, so please never let go of these hands

Let's go (17)

Life, like a road, has no end ahead. Stepping on that end is the way, and life just continues like this


Constant dripping wears away the stone, which pierces the hardship of life; The grinding iron has worn away the dangerous shoals of life in an array; Chicken feathers fly into the sky, which makes life more difficult. Life is not impossible.

Under the poplar tree.

Falling leaves and floating catkins, that's life, it's real life.

The fierce cold wind is the friend of all things. It blows away the cowardice, the failure and the ignorance.

There are so many choices in life. The hardships, difficulties and endless bitterness are just testing your future

On my way of life, I have shed tears and left endless sorrow, but the future is long and different, and has been paved with dazzling brightness.

On August 17, 2009, crying shocked the universe, and grief was depicted as a gray black picture. It was I crying, calling my grandmother's return, calling the memory that had stayed - my grandmother had left.

Heartless news may be the arrival of the end, the end of life. At that time, I was already dead, cursing that it was a sin of tears, a sin of sadness, a sin of God's ruthlessness.

Grandma, I remember that I once held your hand, crossed the puddle, jumped over the dirt pit, and the road was full of our footprints. God was merciless, and that was our last footprints, which gradually disappeared. No, no, I don't want God to take away the footprints of memory. Life had stopped at that time, and grief knocked down life.

Grandma, your tears, your pale hair floating in the wind, are you crying?

Do you still remember that we climbed the tree together to pick fruit and catch fish by the river. I did my homework and you helped me fan. I don't hope that these will disappear with the passage of time.

Life is so wonderful. One day, I saw a group photo of me and my grandmother. It was the most beautiful photo in the world. Tears washed away my decadent thoughts. I suddenly understood from it that my grandmother certainly did not want me to do this. I also knew that she would accompany me through the life that would not be interrupted, even if separated in life and death

Life, in my eyes, is no longer sad, no longer hard, not the end, but the burden, the sweet burden, because Grandma will accompany me.

In fact, there are a lot of life ahead for us to choose from. We don't have to wander there and worry. There is always a way for us.

Real life, so simple.

Life is a burden, a sweet burden.

Let's go (18)

I know that when you wipe the tears off your cheeks, you will smile. At that time, I will gently say to you, "Come on, look, the locust flowers are fragrant and the sun is just right.".

Grey · Larvae


I tried to open my eyes to see the world clearly, but it was dark all around. Crossroads, left, right? Or moving forward and backward? I curled up against the cold floor with a small body, and inexplicable fear welled up from my heart. It erodes my skin inch by inch.

bright! I started. I am glad that the light gradually diffuses. The blood all over the body seems to be accelerating and flowing backwards.

Let's go. Someone gently holds my hand. You see, standing up will see the sun.

White · Pupa


What is imprisoning me? Struggle, stinging pain. In the gray world, I looked behind me hazily - thorns, vines. I stood up with difficulty, but my feet were bleeding. I wanted to cry, but I couldn't cry out. I just wanted to run hard. There was the sound of wind whistling in my ears. I cried in my heart: Where are you? Come and help me!

"Pa" Something is breaking. I can't see it clearly. It's just running. Is the vine broken?

Let's go. Someone gently takes my hand. Look, the thorns have been left behind.

Gold · Butterfly

It pricks the bone.

As ten thousand pieces of ice pierce the bone marrow, I want to turn around, but I can't turn. Who is it? Is that you? I stumbled against the wall, my feet were numb, my body was stiff, and I could not feel the pain on my body gradually.

Aroma. There is a fragrance floating, I suck greedily, every cell is sucking, intoxicated.

Warm inch by inch everywhere, is it sunshine? The stabbing pain on my back pulled me back to reality and wanted to move forward in a warm way.

More and more bright. A wisp of light shot into my eyes, I reached out to block it, but was surprised to find that the front - spring blossoms. I was pleasantly surprised and wanted to jump, but I heard the flickering sound behind me. When I turned my head, my wings were flapping behind me. I am surprised, jumping, dancing in the sea of flowers.

Child, I am the messenger of light. The familiar words suddenly came to my ears.

Let's go. Someone gently holds my hand. Look, the locust flower is fragrant and the sunshine is just right.

Let's go (19)

Don't see the whole story, do you think you can talk nonsense and reverse right and wrong? In the past, I didn't want to argue with you, because I thought everyone had an asshole. The teacher told us that we should forgive others. I didn't want to argue with you every detail, so that others also thought I was stingy.

But later, I found more and more that you are really a fool.

I had no intention of swearing, but you irritated me again and again. Now there is no time to go back there, and there is no chance to recover all this. Remember that I will never forgive you.

When I was young, you could turn against me for a skirt. Now that you have grown up, you can sell your conscience for a man. I really want to know whether your conscience was eaten by the dog when you didn't come back that day or before?

I tell you, you are not qualified to see him, never. You are just the cause of his car accident. His amnesia is due to you. From now on, it has nothing to do with you. And I will never see you again.

You can leave now.

Let's go (20)

The girl sitting opposite me, frankly, I have known her for a long time. If there is anyone in the world who knows her better than her parents, then it's me.

Hehe, please don't blame me for setting up such a suspense at the beginning. If I don't believe her, I can easily tell her glorious deeds: before I was seven years old, I was beaten by my mother because of mischief, and was even praised as "Miss Pi". At one time, I was called a tyrant of hundreds of households, and there was a tendency of "disaster left for thousands of years"; After going to school, I moved to a new home. I thought that going to school would be a bit more restrained, but it became more and more intense, and I became the king of children in the community; When I grew up, I finally washed my hands in the fifth grade. At the same time, I was like some girls - I could kick shuttlecock and jump rubber bands; Later, she took a preparatory class and joined the school's elephant survey team, so she almost started her old career. In her childhood, the whirlwind leg had a place to show great ambitions

Of course, the stature has also stretched from just enough to pay for getting on the bus to 169.3cm today. However, the original vision of 1.0 dropped to 0.1, which added fuel to the original low bridge of the nose. Although she looks like an intellectual, I feel awkward in my opinion. There is no denying that the pressure of learning is really heavy, otherwise, she will not be able to afford the key high school where she is now.

Focus on the girl's face, er, not beautiful. Especially in the first year of the lunar new year, after her left face exploded with the first young and beautiful bean due to eating too many oranges, she continued to have a great momentum of "I will appear after you sing". It is said that the grandma downstairs could not stand the young and beautiful gabang beans on her face, so she just gave her a piece of soap to wash off the grease every day. She was sad for this for a long time: "It seems that the acne on my face has reached the point of mutual indignation..." I had to fight with her and let her forget as much as possible, otherwise how could she concentrate on the exam?

Then, between the ceaseless struggle with the young and beautiful Gabang Dou, the girl went to high school. Now, she has lost her childish face. When she entered high school, she has great ambition and ambition. With the belief that "strong people should strengthen themselves first, and weak people should humble themselves first", she successfully fulfilled her expectations at the student union election conference and successfully entered the school federation. In my opinion, to complete such an excellent first step in the first year of high school, she should be "proud of her horseshoe disease". As a reward, I took her to the Old Town God Temple to eat tiger paws. Although it was very cheap, there were few in Shanghai.

In this way, time goes by. This year, the school starts, and the girl is in Grade Two. Accompanied by her is still the young and beautiful gabang beans that are born again in the spring breeze.

Maybe she began to become lazy after getting used to the busy study in the first year. Of course, she is not very diligent. She always steps on the bell to enter the classroom and sleeps in the quilt on weekends... The sophomore year of senior high school is divided into different subjects, and the girl is obviously allergic to the coming competitive pressure. Then, the girl repeatedly fails in two consecutive exams.

Others can't see that the girl's smile is less bright and more sad;

Others can't see that the girl is so hesitant about the future, unlike the words on her lips: "Life is no big deal.";

Others can't see that "my loneliness, who can share with" is the girl's huge inner emptiness, 17 years old, inexplicable emptiness.

I know everything about the girl, because I know too much about her, I understand that she will adapt herself slowly, even if she is tired no matter how much she pays, but the girl:

Don't forget you ten years ago, when you fell down, you got up, patted the dust and continued to run; Don't forget you eight years ago, riding your father's 26 inch bicycle, carrying two children of the same age in the back seat, swaggering into the street; Don't forget you one year ago. You can have the courage to shout out "please vote for me" to all your classmates with lofty aspirations.

Although what you face is inevitable, please bring the original you to your side. This is the process of growth, otherwise how can you smell the fragrance of struggle?

…… ……

"Little girl, how about having your hair cut?"

"Oh, very good, thank you." I got up, paid, and left.

Yes, don't lose your original self. One second before I left, I said to the girl in the mirror.