Growing up in Maternal Love (15 high-quality articles)
Spring wind
2023-11-07 08:37:24

Growing up in maternal love (1)

Everyone has a process of growth, and in this process, there are many things that grow with you. For example, happiness, sadness, and family care for you. In my growth, the most important thing is that "maternal love" has been growing with me.

Take one thing as an example, I know how important it is: once, my mother said that she would take me to my aunt's house to play. I was so happy that I went with my mother. In the evening, my mother said, "We should go." But I was having fun with my aunt's daughter at that time. So she said to her mother, "Mom, play a little more!" When she saw that I didn't want to go, she wanted to scold me. But when she saw my eager eyes, her mother's usual patience prompted her to agree.

At 10 o'clock in the evening, I finally left reluctantly. Because it was winter, there was no one at 10 pm. The driver also went home to enjoy the warmth. My mother and I walked alone on the road. We felt extremely cold when the cold wind hit us. I said to my mother, "Mom, I'm cold!" After hearing this, my mother took off her own clothes and put them on for me without saying a word. Mother's coat is as warm as a quilt. After a while, my feet were sore, so my mother picked me up and continued to walk on the way home. Mother's back, like a simple shelter, helped me block the cold wind. I don't know when I fell asleep in the warm "love"

When I woke up, I had already slept in my warm bed. At this time, my father came over and I asked, "Where's my mother?" My father said, "It's not you! Yesterday, I had to play at my aunt's house so late. At night, your mother carried you back against the cold wind, and now I'm feverish and lying in bed!" "Mom..." My eyes blurred

This is the most important thing in my growth - maternal love!

Growing up in Maternal Love (2)

When I was a child, my mother loved me very much. She could not take care of me carefully and taught me how to behave. I still can't forget the time when I was beaten as a child.

There is a sweet osmanthus garden near my hometown. Every summer, the sweet osmanthus blooms, which is really "fragrant for ten miles". One day, I played with several small partners in a guerrilla war with bullets. I unknowingly entered the garden and looked at the flowers full of trees. I really felt drooling. Many partners climbed up the trees and picked a lot of flowers. Suddenly, the old uncle who looked at the garden came, and Hu Yufeng shouted, "Someone is coming, run!" When the partners heard this, they ran away one by one like a rabbit meeting a wolf. Only I remembered my mother's words: be an honest child. The uncle who watched the garden caught me to my mother, and her mother could not help but pick up a stick and yank it at my bottom. I just felt a pang of pain.

In the evening, I lay in bed and recalled how cruel my mother was when she hit me. I felt indescribably sad, "Don't you think my mother believes that I am a good child? Don't you think my mother loves me?" When I was talking to myself, the uncle came in; "I'm really sorry! I asked those children, and they said that he didn't pick flowers, but just played under the tree. I'm really sorry, sorry, sorry..." After my mother sent the guests away, I was full of tears. At that time, my mother took a bottle of medicine and several cotton heads and sat beside my bed, looking at my wound, and said, "Oh, why didn't I hit it so hard?" I jumped into my mother's arms and said, "Mom, I don't blame you. It's all my fault. I shouldn't go to the garden to play. I'm sorry." My mother said to be a good child. I don't want to beat you for anything else. I just hope you remember the lesson. It's not your own. Don't touch it. Be a good child... "I spent a particularly memorable night this evening.

Mom, you are the sun and water, and I am the young tree planted in the soil. With your care, I believe I will grow up healthily.

Growing up in Maternal Love (3)

Dear Mother:

Mother, when you see this letter, you may be nervous, anxious, or even afraid. You may also doubt whether your words and deeds hurt me. But the content of the letter is not the same, so please spare your precious time to read this letter.

Mother, when I was young, I was like a naughty little beast, wantonly destroying things in the home. You have enlightened me repeatedly, but I still don't regret it. In desperation, you used two ways: "hit" and "scold". I remember that time, because I broke a vase, we had a fierce argument. Your eyes were red. You held a stick and hit me. The pain filled the whole body. How I hated you at that moment! However, that night, you stole to my bed and tucked in the corner. Your expression was so kind

Maternal love, I do hate you sometimes, but I also want to thank you, you let me know a lot of truth.

Remember when you talked about that? When the Wenchuan earthquake happened, you ran downstairs with me in your arms. You suddenly fell down and lifted me up. In the crowd, after falling, I was held tightly in my arms despite people's trampling. I can imagine those pictures, but I can't imagine how terrible that picture is! When you told this story, you looked so calm and calm. At that time, I just thought your story was very exciting. But now, I understand your love.

Do you remember the time when I asked my parents for help because I was naughty at school? When you appeared in front of me, I almost fainted with fear, but you stroked my head lovingly and enlightened me seriously and funny. When I mistook you for being so calm, you were crying alone in your bedroom. When I opened the door and saw this scene, you quickly dried your tears, and your eyes were as bright as sapphire.

Mother, thank you for everything you have done for me! With great and selfless love and strength, you infected me like cherry blossoms, and slowly infiltrated my heart with the fragrance of flowers.

Thank you, Mother! I hope the wrinkles you have added for me at the corners of your eyes can be smoothed, the strands of green silk in your black hair can turn black, and the sarcomas in your body that have swelled because of me can disappear... your son

January 11, 2020

Growing up in maternal love (4)

Mom's Tangyuan

It was late at night, and cicadas were still barking in the trees. The sky was clean and covered with lovely stars. However, Xiaoyi did not dare to go home at this time, nor did he want to enjoy the beautiful scenery at night. She seems to have seen that her mother, father and sister are anxiously waiting for her to go home, but she dare not go back. As soon as Xiaoyi closed his eyes, he could see the teacher's stern eyes, his father's belt, his sister's scornful sarcasm, and his mother's sweet smelling dumplings. Every time Xiaoyi gives her mother an examination paper with a score of 95 or more, takes a bowl of steaming dumplings from her mother, sits beside her mother, and lets her mother watch her devour sweet dumplings, that is the happiest moment, and it is simply a kind of enjoyment. However, if Xiaoyi took the test paper out of her schoolbag now, it would surely make her mother sad, and her mother's hopes would turn into a bubble. Xiaoyi can't bear it. She walked slowly forward, only ten meters away from home, "Xiao Yi..." A call came from afar, which seemed particularly loud in the silent night. There is no doubt that her mother is looking for her. Xiaoyi's tears flow down silently. She can't help but say, "Mom." Xiaoyi is sitting at home eating dumplings, while her mother is watching her test paper. "Xiaoyi, no matter what, don't play such a joke with your mother no matter what happens. My child, it's nothing if you don't do well in the exam this time. Find out the reason and try to get a full score in the next exam, OK?" My mother looked at the 56 point exam paper, her heart was bleeding, but she didn't show it. She trusted her daughter. Xiaoyi's tears were out of control again, and she nodded her head vigorously. A stream of heat poured all over her body, like the steam curling up above the dumplings

Growing up in maternal love (5)

In the nine years I grew up, my mother is the one I respect most.

Everyone says that maternal love is the greatest, because my mother has devoted a lot of effort to me. It is with that selfless love that I can thrive.

Mother's love is a cool wind. One hot summer, there was no wind at night. It was too hot to sleep. My mind was buzzing, and I couldn't help crying. My mother heard my cry and hurried to my bed, holding a fan in her hand and gently fanning it for me. But it's strange that my mother has just fanned my boredom out of the sky, replaced by gentle wind, and I fell asleep unconsciously

Mother's love is an umbrella. In a cold winter, it was raining heavily when school was coming to an end. When I walked to the school gate, I unexpectedly saw my mother waiting there. I ran to the school happily, and my mother quickly covered me. Along the way, my mother held me tightly, and the umbrella always tilted towards me. I felt extremely warm in my mother's arms. When I got home, I was undamaged, but my mother's clothes were more than half wet, and I was shivering with cold

Mother's love is a teardrop. One day at school, I didn't listen to my mother and wore a sweater less. In class, the students were listening carefully. I was so frozen that my teeth were fighting. My deskmate kept looking at me, so I had to huddle myself together. I finally got out of school and felt powerless. When my mother saw me like this, she immediately held me in her arms. I quickly admitted my mistake to my mother, and I won't disobey her next time. From time to time, my mother stroked my hot forehead and anxiously shed tears

It is this great maternal love that accompanies my healthy growth.

Growing up in maternal love (6)

Growing up in Gratitude -- Maternal Love=0 Euro -- Thoughts on Reading One Bill

When you want your parents to ask for the money, have you ever thought of how much your parents' years of support are worth?

In One Bill, there is a little boy who always thinks about pocket money, so he wrote a bill for his mother: mopping the floor, wiping the table, washing dishes, taking care of his sister, "5 euros

...... Mom didn't say anything after reading it, but just listed a bill:

Take care of you for 300 Euros, support you for 500 Euros, living expenses for 100 Euros, from your birth to now, a total of 37452.26 Euros, 0 Euros to be paid

The little boy's eyes went red when he saw the bill. Isn't this special bill worth our thinking?

How many euros is maternal love worth? I think that it is worth our happy growth, worth our happy every day, and worth our health like a small tree... From childhood to adulthood, parents worked hard to pay so much for us, but is it just a bill that can be cleared? No, love, priceless! Gratitude is like the sea breeze that makes people drunk. Feel the sea breeze, our hearts become pure and spacious! Gratitude is like a refreshing spring. Feel the spring, our hearts become clear and bright! Gratitude is like the snow that breaks people's hearts. Feel the snow, our hearts become quiet and peaceful! The crow's feeding back is the children's gratitude to their parents; The death of the fox on the head of the hill is a traveler's gratitude to his hometown; The willows and willows are green, which is the gratitude of plants to the spring breeze; Fruits press the branches, which is the season's gratitude to the sweat; The spread of the bird's wings is freedom's gratitude to the blue sky. Learn to be grateful and grow. The power of gratitude is powerful. Let's live in deep love with a grateful heart.

Growing up in Maternal Love (7)

Everyone in the world will grow. When I open that old book, growth is like footprints on the beach, coming into my heart.

When I was depressed and frustrated as a child, my mother always encouraged me: "Don't be the best, as long as you work hard, all difficulties will not be a problem!" It is just the short warm words in this line that inspired my hard pursuit on the learning road. right! Nothing in the world is perfect, no one is perfect, unless you do the best! Just like a cat catching a mouse, if the cat is a bit absent-minded when catching a mouse, it will give the mouse a chance to escape; If the mouse is a little lax in avoiding the chase of the cat, it may become the food of the cat.

As I said this, I thought of one thing: when I was in the third grade, my grades were good and I was always among the best in my class. One exam, I read the questions in advance, ah, it's so simple! I wrote it carefully. The next day when I sent it out, I knew that I only got 95.5 points yesterday! I promised my mother that I would get more than 97 points! In the evening, I held my chin and handed the test paper to my mother. I thought my mother would swear at me. Unexpectedly, my mother didn't scold me, but said to me gently: "It's OK. You don't have to be the best. As long as you are the hardest working mother, you will be happy. Child, you must work hard next time!" I promised! Every time I took the exam later, I kept my mother's words in mind and carefully examined the questions. I really got good results. My mother even appreciated when she knew it!

Now that I have grown up, the "flowering season" that used to belong to me has passed. Although it has passed, it will not come again, but that period of time was like a cup of sweet juice, which infused the fragrance into my heart!

Growing up in maternal love (8)

Everyone says that maternal love is the greatest, because my mother has devoted a lot of effort to me. It is with that selfless love that I can thrive.

Mother's love is a cool wind. One hot summer, there was no wind at night. It was too hot to sleep. My mind was buzzing, and I couldn't help crying. My mother heard my cry and hurried to my bed, holding a fan in her hand and gently fanning it for me. But it's strange that my mother has just fanned my boredom out of the sky, replaced by gentle wind, and I fell asleep unconsciously

Mother's love is an umbrella. In a cold winter, it was raining heavily when school was coming to an end. When I walked to the school gate, I unexpectedly saw my mother waiting there. I ran to the school happily, and my mother quickly covered me. Along the way, my mother held me tightly, and the umbrella always tilted towards me. I felt extremely warm in my mother's arms. When I got home, I was undamaged, but my mother's clothes were more than half wet, and I was shivering with cold

Mother's love is a teardrop. One day at school, I didn't listen to my mother and wore a sweater less. In class, the students were listening carefully. I was so frozen that my teeth were fighting. My deskmate kept looking at me, so I had to huddle myself together. I finally got out of school and felt powerless. When my mother saw me like this, she immediately held me in her arms. I quickly admitted my mistake to my mother, and I won't disobey her next time. From time to time, my mother stroked my hot forehead and anxiously shed tears

It is this great maternal love that accompanies my healthy growth.

Growing up in Maternal Love (9)

A few days ago, we learned one of Bing Xin's four poems, "Mother". This poem expresses the author's attachment to her mother, and also shows the great maternal love. When the wind and rain came, the bird hid in its nest. When the author was upset and frustrated, she only hid in her mother's arms. It seems that maternal love is really great. Slowly, I remembered my mother's love for me.

When I was young, every time I came back from kindergarten, I always had fried rice with eggs fried by wet nurses. At that time, I thought the fried eggs and rice cooked by my mother were the best. Egg fried rice is mother's love.

When I was in primary school, I once got 80 scores and went home dejected. When I told my mother the score, she did not hit me or scold me, but encouraged me to refuel next time. I listened to my mother and got 98 points in the second test. Encouragement is my mother's love.

When I was in the senior grade of primary school, I once had a high fever at night, and my mother sent me to the hospital to see a doctor. When I got to the hospital, I fell asleep as soon as I lay down on the bed, while my mother sat on the chair beside the bed, looking at me and saline water. When one bottle of water was ready, she asked the nurse to connect the other bottle. It was just like this until midnight. Later, my father said that my mother didn't sleep for a while when I was delivering saline water. Later, when I came home, she fell asleep at once. Waiting beside the hospital bed is also mother's love.

Mother has given us so much love, we should also show gratitude and repay her love for us.

Growing up in Maternal Love (10)

As Gorky said, all the glory and pride in the world originate from maternal love. My mother's love for me has been growing with me.

I remember once, my mother wanted to take me to Grandma's house to play. Sitting on the small cushion behind my mother's bicycle, I was so happy that my feet kept swinging back and forth. After a while, I suddenly yelled, and my mother immediately stopped to see that my foot was stuck in the bicycle rim. Mother was startled and hurriedly pulled my feet out of the steel ring. My mother was afraid of my foot problems, so she carried me to the roadside to take a taxi to the hospital for inspection. Before long, my mother was already sweating heavily. Beany sweat fell down from her forehead. I said to my mother with great pain: "Mom, I don't hurt anymore. You let me go by myself." My mother quickly hugged me more tightly and said: "It's all hurt so badly. What if I break down when I walk down? Mom is not tired, and if we can bear it, we will get a taxi. On my mother's back, the wet back, I felt warm. Looking back on my growing up years, because of the care of my parents, I would live a more fulfilling and wonderful life.

In the company of maternal love, I have grown stronger, stronger and more fearless all the way.

Growing up in Maternal Love (11)

"Mom, this dress has been worn for a month, and it's time to change it! Let's go shopping for clothes. How can we study hard when we don't buy new clothes?" I shouted to my mother, looking at the "old clothes" that I had just bought for a month or two in a room. I know that no matter what unreasonable request I make, as long as it is related to learning, my mother has no choice but to respond to me, and this is no exception.

When I walked to the Xingyue Square, I just wanted to walk by myself, because I felt that my mother and I were not the same class. Looking at my mother's "shabby clothes" that had been worn for three or four years, I was filled with a light sense of pride.

When I got to the third floor, I rushed to the famous brand store, and the others were totally unattractive. Finally, I fell in love with a coat of Anta, more than 400 yuan. "Mom, pay!" This sentence seems to solve all the problems.

I tried my new clothes with joy. When I came to the mirror, I could not help but say, "Wow, so handsome!" I looked into the mirror, turned left and right, and never tired of looking at it several times. Suddenly, the mother appeared on the far right of the mirror. It was still the shabby clothes, which looked more old and out of place against the background of my new clothes.

My heart trembled. I took off my new clothes, walked up to my mother and said, "Mom, I don't want it!"

She was startled and asked, "Why? Don't you like it?"

"No, I like it, but..." I choked. "Mom, when you buy clothes, I will buy clothes."

"How can I do that?" Mother said reluctantly, "How can you study hard without new clothes?" She said, putting the clothes on me again and said, "It's really beautiful..."

My nose was sore, and I couldn't help falling a drop of male tears.

At that moment, under the watering of tears, in the rain of maternal love, I grew up.

Second day of junior high school: half the city is prosperous and half the city is sad

Growing up in Maternal Love (12)

Growing up in maternal love 600 words Composition 1

In my memory, my mother and I spent a short time together, most of the time in Beijing with my father, but the love and education my mother gave me will always accompany my growth.

When I was in primary school, my grades were always good. My mother was still with me. Once again, when I failed in the final exam, the teacher severely criticized me. I returned home with a very depressed mood and showed my test paper to my mother, But he didn't speak, just sat down and began to eat. Mom said, "One exam can't prove anything. As long as you learn well in ordinary times, it's also normal to occasionally do poorly in the exam. As long as you believe in your ability, you will be able to do well in the exam at the critical moment." I nodded and felt happy all of a sudden, as if you had never taken the exam.

From then on, no matter what struck me, I would think of what my mother said, and believe that I can do it.

Another time, my friends and I were playing football. I accidentally broke the window of a house on the first floor. We children were shocked. I didn't know what to do. I ran to the house, picked up the ball, and said to the friends, "Let's run while they haven't found it." When I got home, my mother saw something was wrong, and asked me what happened to the noise just now, I hesitated and said, "Nothing, maybe it's going to be decorated upstairs." At this time, the aunt on the first floor came up, and a child explained the truth to her. After the aunt left, my mother hit me. I never saw my mother so hard. My mother said to me, "It doesn't matter if you make a mistake. How can you not lie?" So I never lied again.

Now, my mother has gone to Beijing, and I have grown up gradually. In my growth, my mother has given me too much love. I understand the truth of being a human being in maternal love. In maternal love, I also move towards perfection step by step. Maternal love will accompany my growth.

Growing up in maternal love 600 words Composition 2

Maternal love is like dew, which moistens our thirsty hearts. Maternal love is like a street lamp, illuminating our way of life in the dark. Love is a kind of care, love is a kind of power. Some people say that a father's love is like a mountain, and stability can be relied on, while I say that maternal love is the clear water, slow and peaceful.

In the year of fifth grade, my grades somehow plummeted, from 95 or more to 85, 80, and sometimes even 70. I felt like an enchanting and beautiful rose. Suddenly, under the eyes of thousands of people, I became an unobtrusive wild chrysanthemum growing in my bare feet.

It's a big blow to me. I think the world has collapsed. No! no There is another person - that is, mother. My mother also supported the remnant world, gave me warmth, let me know that the world is not me alone.

The final exam will be held in four days. I am afraid that I will not do well in the exam. So I review. My mother is still waiting for me. Sometimes when my mother sees me tired, she will bring me a glass of milk or a glass of juice. When I encounter a problem and go to great lengths to solve it, my mother will praise me happily. She always encourages me and supports me silently.

I remember that in the summer of one year, the air conditioning line of the whole building was broken. In such a hot weather, it would be very hot to die without an air conditioner. My mother moved the big electric fan to blow it for me, and then she was full of energy to study. After seeing her beady sweat rolling down from her face playfully, my clothes were already wet with sweat, and my tears fell down unconsciously. For my mother's sake, I must do well in the exam this time!

After hard work, I got 97 points in mathematics, 95 points in Chinese and 98 points in English.

Mother looked at it and smiled happily.

This achievement was achieved because of my mother's company and support. Maternal love is the greatest and selfless. I grew up in maternal love.

Growing up in maternal love 600 words Composition 3

There are many stories around us that accompany our growth. Those tortuous and moving stories flicker in our minds, as if it has become the only way for us to grow up. In such a world, we are constantly growing. It can be said that we are growing in gratitude. Gratitude contains the most touching things we have ever seen, and gratitude contains the tears we shed. In my world, only maternal love grows with me.

Mother's love is the most precious. If some people do not have mother's love, they cannot grow happily. So maternal love is the most precious thing for us, and I am grateful to my mother because she took care of me and accompanied me when I was most vulnerable. I am very grateful to her.

I remember that it happened when I was 5 years old. When I went to kindergarten at my mother's, because there was flu there, and I was weak and sickly since I was young, so I was infected and could not go to kindergarten. I lived in the People's Hospital. I had to take injections, water, medical examinations and medicine. At that time, I was really impatient, but fortunately, I was accompanied by TV, and of course, my mother took care of me day and night, bought me fruit to eat, let me replenish my strength, and had to go to bed at night. She took me to the toilet, made my bed and quilt, let me sleep well, and told me stories. In this way, my mother took care of me day and night. When she was tired, she would lie down beside my bed and sleep for a while. When she was tired, she would sit on the chair and rest. In this way, I gradually got better, from which I learned that maternal love made me grow happily in maternal love. I thank you for bringing me up and making me learn knowledge. You are my example. I want to thank you. I want to say to you: Thank you, I love you!

Gratitude is just like this. Being grateful for others' help from the bottom of my heart is like my mother helping me recover and grow up in maternal love, and I will thank her with my whole life.

Let's grow up in gratitude.

Growing up in Maternal Love (13)

600 word composition 1 on growing up in maternal love

The thread in the mother's hand, the coat of the wandering son's body. Before leaving, I am afraid of returning late. Who said that the heart of grass inch, reported three Chunhui. For my mother's kindness like Chunhui, I not only didn't repay her with a little filial piety like Xiaocao, but made her hurt a lot.


On Mother's Day, my illness worsened. Since I was young, I have been weak and sickly. I feel like a piece of wood at home all day without any reaction. Thinking that she would leave home for 5 days in the evening and live in a boarding school, my mother was very worried. "Get up, get up quickly, the nap time is over, and now I will take you to see a doctor." My mother stood at the head of my bed and shouted. I opened my hazy eyes and said, "No, I don't want to go." My mother said, "What if you don't go? How can you stay at school for five days? I don't trust you." I went into the thin quilt bag and whispered, "Don't go?" My mother seemed impatient, so she pulled the quilt bag open and forced me to pull up. "Change your clothes quickly. It's 2:30 now and you are going to school. I still have a lot of things to do." Reluctantly, I had to change my clothes and follow my mother to the hospital.

At the hospital, there were many people, and the whole hall was crowded with people. Seeing this, I was worried. I still had a lot of things to do. I wanted to turn around and leave, but my mother stopped me. After waiting for almost an hour, I finally arrived, but was cut in line by a person. I was angry. In my anger, I said a few angry words in front of all the people, and the whole audience looked at me. The person who jumped in the queue was not intentional, but she had to let me see it first because she didn't know I was coming. At this time, it not only seemed that I had no tutor, but also made my mother lose face.

While waiting for the medicine, my mother knew that I was still angry, so she coaxed me. Because I was really mad at that time, I not only ungrateful but also refuted my mother. My mother was also angry, so she walked aside and ignored me. Until I went to school, my mother didn't say a word to me.

After that, I began to regret what I had done. However, I deeply understand that my mother loves me, otherwise she would not care about me so much, nor would she be angry because of my behavior. On Mother's Day, I didn't give my mother any beautiful gifts, even a little blessing. The day before Mother's Day, I promised my mother to beat her back, but I couldn't do it.

I am very lucky to grow up in maternal love. As children, growing up so old, we should not worry about our mother and make her sad again

600 word essay on growing up in maternal love 2

"The thread in the mother's hand and the jacket of the wandering son are sewn up when they leave, and they are afraid of returning late. Who can say that the grass is willing to win the three spring sunshine?" Meng Jiao's "Wandering Son Yin" reveals the deep feelings of mother and son, and tells the charm of mother love every word. We are now bathed in the sunshine woven by maternal love, sucking the nectar and jade dew full of maternal love. Mother's love is great, so is father's love. What our parents give us is selfless love that others cannot reach.

From "wow wow" falling to the ground to feeding us to grow up, parents spent much effort and sweat, weaving many days and nights.

Today, I want you to think about the following questions:

When your mother prepares a table for you on your birthday, do you remember your parents' birthday?

When you cry and make noise in front of your parents in order to get a pair of famous brand shoes, have you noticed what the shoes on your parents' feet look like?

When you stayed up in front of the computer all night and your eyes were bloodshot, did you think that your parents had bloodshot eyes because of your little illness?

Do you see your parents in the scorching sun when you hold poker with your friends in the shade?

When you ask your mother when you learned to climb, when you had your first tooth, when she said the first sentence, she will know all about it. But when I ask your parents when they have white hair on their temples, when they have wrinkles on their forehead, when they have hunched back, can you answer!

No need to ask, there are many more

Watching the mother curling up under the ruins to protect the child's body, watching the father's blood turned tuition fees, whether you shed tears. Yes, that's the parents, that's the most ordinary parents in the world! Parents who can give everything for their children!

Our parents give us life, nurture and educate us to grow up. No parents, no us! What are our parents doing when we play in the classroom and in the playground? They are working hard for us

Crows have the feeling of feeding back, lambs have the grace of kneeling milk, people, as the master of the universe, should be grateful, grateful!

Gratitude does not need heroic words or earth shaking deeds. It only needs you to be the best child of your parents.

Serve a cup of hot water for my father who has worked hard all day; Serve the mother who has been busy preparing food for a long time. Concerned greetings when parents are ill; Beat gently when you are tired. A basin of foot wash water, even a look... enough, enough! All this is enough! This is the best gratitude to parents!

600 word essay on growing up in maternal love 3

"There is one of the most beautiful voices in the world, that is, the mother's call", yes! Each of us can't live without maternal love, which accompanies us to grow and walk the road of growth.

Nine years ago, I was three years old. "Son, come quickly! Look, I have funny toys and delicious sugar here. Come and chase me!" At that time, my mother amused me, played with me, and helped me walk through every step of life. This is maternal love, like a sweet sugar, sweet in my mouth, sweet in my heart.

Six years ago, I was in the first grade. A little boy plays all day long and only plays. "Don't play any more. Go to study." My mother said to me seriously. There was an irresistible voice in her voice. I had to study. My mother went to large and small bookstores to buy books for me. It was a good habit for me to read. At this time, maternal love, like a peppermint flavored sugar, was not as sweet as before, but it was my "fresh breath", encouraging me to make progress.

Now, I am a middle school student. I have been in the first semester of the first day of junior high school, and I have formed good study habits. One night, I was still studying at my desk. A small window divided the inside and outside of the window into two worlds. Inside the window, bright lights sprinkled all over the floor; Outside the window, it was pitch black. I don't know which painter dumped the black dye. Looking at a few thick books, I could not help feeling a bit bored, but when I remembered that this semester's study was just for this final exam, I immersed myself in hard work again. Suddenly, the eardrum shook and a familiar sound of footsteps came into the room. The sound was so light and broken that I was afraid it would disturb me. With a squeak, the door opened, and my mother came in with a cup of fragrant tea. She said softly, "Children, drink a cup of hot tea! Of course, my mother hopes you can do well in the exam, but don't wear yourself out!" My eyes were wet, and I learned late every day that my mother accompanied me. At this time, a fragrance blended into my sense of smell and my heart. I could not tell whether it was tea or maternal love. At this time, maternal love is like a cup of tea, fragrant and natural.

We are growing and everything is changing. The taste of maternal love is also changing constantly. Mother's taste is also changing constantly to meet our needs at different times. Motherly love is like honey, nourishing our hearts; Motherly love, like mints, encourages us to grow; Motherly love is like a cup of tea, which protects us with its unique fragrance. Ah! Every step of our growth has the flavor of maternal love!

Growing up in Maternal Love (14)

Suddenly, a flurry of footsteps broke the silence. I rushed down from the second floor with my schoolbag on my back and put on my shoes and coat in a hurry. When I was ready to go out, my mother suddenly stopped me: "Don't you want to have some breakfast again?" "No, I'll catch the school bus." "Take this box of milk and get on the bus." "OK." I answered stiffly. "Mom, I'm leaving."

Mother smiled and watched me run away. After getting on the bus, I hurriedly put the hot milk into the lunch box. I didn't drink it until it was cold at lunch. After a few days, I couldn't drink hot milk, and I didn't want my mother to be in trouble. So that night, I said to my mother, "Mom, don't prepare hot milk every morning. It's too hot, and it's too late to drink." My mother just nodded, but said nothing. Even I couldn't see anything from her expression.

The next morning, there was still a lunch and a box of milk on the tea table, but the milk was not hot anymore, it was warm. Mother smiled and said, "It's not hot this time, take it to drink.". In this way, day after day, year after year, as summer turned to cold, I had passed three grades, big and small tests, and two examinations, and my personnel had already changed. However, no matter in spring, summer, autumn and winter, my mother still got up early with me to prepare hot milk and lunch for me.

In fact, I know that my mother is not as happy as she seems. Compared with a simple breakfast like milk, my mother hoped that I could have enough to eat her own breakfast. I used to turn around secretly a few times, looking back at her, sighing, and then a lonely figure. I looked at it and felt very guilty.

There was an exam, the next day science, nothing to memorize. So that night, while looking at the error correction book, I said as if nothing had happened: "Mom, I want to have breakfast tomorrow morning." "What's the matter?" "Tomorrow in science, I don't have to carry too many books in the morning, so I have time." "Oh, good." The short and plain answer can't hide her happiness. The next morning, I ate breakfast, my mouth was hot, my heart was warm, and my eyes were wet.

Now, I have understood my mother's deep love, warm love, tireless love, however, it is also a kind of helpless love. This love not only makes me grow up, but also makes my heart grow slowly. I don't want to let go of this love, however, I don't know how to respond to it. This love, like the spring wind on the way of growth, warms my body and makes my eyes shed tears.

I am growing up, my mother is getting old, but the maternal love has never changed.

Mother, I, milk, growth and maternal love

Growing up in Maternal Love (15)

"It's so hot!" I murmured unconsciously in my sleep, and kicked the thin quilt out of the way. I vaguely heard a sound of footsteps from far to near, and my mother's concern came from my ear: "Dream, what's wrong with you?" "I'm hot!" Before I finished whispering, a pair of warm hands covered my forehead. When I opened my hazy eyes, I saw my mother's enlarged face and a trace of anxiety in her eyes. "Are you running a fever? I'll get a thermometer to measure you." After that, my mother took one step and two steps downstairs, and lost her composure. It was confirmed that I was ill, and my mother was busy contacting the vehicle. When she got on the bus, she was usually very thrifty and didn't bargain with the taxi driver. When I got to the hospital, I waited in line, registered, and took medicine. My mother was too busy to touch the ground. Accidentally, I stepped on the plastic bag and almost fell down. I was so scared that my heart missed a beat, but she just smiled and said, "Mom is OK, Thank you for your hard work!

Since ancient times, many writers and writers have sung about the greatness and loftiness of maternal love in countless beautiful words, but I can only write my inner touch in clumsy words: maternal love is the touch of a ray of dawn on the delicate flowers, that is the tenderness of the spring breeze in March on the green water, that is the care of weeping willows on the lake, that is the pity of a lotus leaf on the lotus, That is the expectation of cloudless blue sky for clouds, that is the moistening of dewdrops on green leaves, that is the kiss of surging waves on the beach

"Sneak into the night with the wind, moisten things silently." Mother's love moistens our life like drizzle. When we walk into school, pick up a pen, and remember the notes of love, maternal love is the most true. Motherly love, you are like the warm sunshine in the spring, and also like a big tree. Let me take a shower in the bright spring light, sheltering a small grass by the shade of a big tree.