Father's Love Composition (15 in total)
Plum orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum
2024-05-30 05:39:48

Father's Love Composition (1)

There are many kinds of love in the world. Father love and mother love... all say that father love is like a mountain, and mother love is like water. But what I want to extol most is fatherly love. In my eyes, father's love is deep and great.

I still remember that time, my father and I went to work in the fields. Because my father is in the supermarket during the day and needs to farm at home, I go to farm at night. I used to sleep at home and listen to MP3. My life is so beautiful. "Dong Dong Dong" is my mother knocking at the door. My mother (add a figure of speech) said, "Go to the field". I hesitated to say... well, OK. Because my home is on the mountain, it is too cold at night. I took my tent and found a thin quilt. I could not help shivering at the foot of the mountain. Finally, when my father saw me in the field, he asked, "What are you doing here?" "I'm here to accompany you." I saw the old straw mat and the half bottle of water under the ground. My father said, "You have nothing to rest. Don't wear yourself out." The weather was too cold. I found some firewood and raised a campfire. The fire was rising and falling, crackling, so I fell asleep, I fell asleep involuntarily.

I don't know how long it took me to open my hazy eyes, "Eh? How come one mu of land has been planted "I found my father. Looking at his rough hands, his big cocoons, and the good land, I felt that my father was working too hard. Looking at his shabby clothes and our famous overcoats, you are wearing so shabby. Looking at your body, which is much thinner than before, we are all long meat, but you are losing meat. We drink milk and Coke, and you drink plain water. What a great contribution you have made to this family! You'd rather let yourself work hard than let our hands get tired. I must study hard to repay you for your upbringing in the future. I don't know why my tears fell down carelessly. I sighed in my heart: "Father is so bitter." As the sun gradually rose, I packed up my things. I couldn't bear to wake up when I saw my father was still sleeping, so I carried my things home alone and cooked a good meal. Go to the field and wake up my father who is still asleep. "Dad wake up and let's go home for dinner." When I got home, I took the initiative to add a lot of meat to my father's bowl. You often let us eat and drink well. Don't worry about such small things at home. I will not let my father worry about me any more. I will be obedient, study hard and make progress every day. I will never let you down.

Father love is like a mountain. Father love is deep and great. Father love is the best love in the world.

Father's Love Composition (2)

In life, there is a lot of love. However, in the process of my growth, there was a special love that impressed me deeply. That was the love of my parents.

Father love is like a mountain, mother love is like a sea. The love of parents is great. It is not higher than the mountain, but deeper than the sea. Once, when I was helping my mother wash the dishes, suddenly, the bowl fell to the ground with a "plop" sound, and it was crunchy. I don't know what to do? She burst into tears with anxiety. At this time, Mom and Dad heard the cry and rushed to ask: "What's the matter, kid?" I said sadly: "My hand is hurt." Dad said sadly: "Why are you doing the dishes alone?" I said: "Because you and Mom have to work and do housework, it's hard, so I want to repay your love." Mom and Dad cried after listening to this. With tears in their eyes, they said happily, "Our baby has grown up and become sensible.

Nothing in the world can compare with the love of parents. The love of parents is the greatest and selfless. Here, I want to say to my parents, "You've worked hard, I love you!"

Father's Love Composition (3)

In life, parents' love for us is everywhere, and this happened around me.

Once, I got a bad result in the exam. I want to be miserable. When I get home, I will be criticized by my father again. Hey! It's really unreasonable. At the door of a room, I heard my father say, "How did you do in the exam?" I buried my head and said my results in frustration. My father shouted, "What, it was so bad in the exam." I was frightened by my father's voice and stepped back a few steps. I shouted to my father, "There will always be many mistakes in life, and I made a mistake this time. What's wrong?" At this time, my mother came up and said, "Forgive the child. The child made a mistake this time. You haven't made a mistake." My parents began to quarrel. I rushed out of the living room and ran into my own room, lying on the bed. I heard my parents were arguing about the exam now. Another exam was coming at school. A few days later, the exam began, I recalled what my father said to me when he criticized me. I had to be careful when doing the questions. After the exam, the papers were approved very quickly. My score was OK for me. My father looked at it. My father said, "OK. Last time, I criticized you just for your own good. Did you see it? I gave you a lecture. Now I have finished the exam." I answered happily.

I finally understood why my father criticized me, because it was for my good.

Father's Love Composition (4)

People say that maternal love is the greatest, but I think father love is as great as mother love.

My father is a policeman, my mother is a teacher, and my mother is a doctor in Changsha. She will have to study for several years before returning. So in recent years, my father took me with him. It's not easy for father to be both father and mother.

Since the first grade of primary school, my father has sent me to school every morning and picked me up after school. My father is very busy with his work and often works overtime. When I need to work overtime in order not to affect my work, my father always waits for me to finish my homework and go to bed before working overtime all night. The next morning, he comes back to send me to school. In order to exercise my ability to take care of myself, when I was in second grade, my father gave me a bus pass and let me go home alone. Fortunately, I was able to go home safely. My father praised me for my great performance, but he always told me to pay attention to traffic safety and tell me how to avoid traffic accidents. After more than a month, my father didn't let me go to school and go home alone. The reason was that there was a case of kidnapping a child in the city. My father said that he would be better off picking up and seeing me off. Until now, my father has insisted on picking me up from school and returning home. Even if he has no time, he will ask his colleagues to pick me up. Dad is so nice. I always feel safe with my dad around.

My father cares about me very much in life, and he is strict with me in my study. Dad said that we must form a good habit of reading, and we must consciously complete the homework assigned by the teacher on time. No matter how busy my father is, he will take time to check his homework every day. There is also a cousin at home who studies in Jingyan Middle School. In order to let us concentrate on our study, my father stipulated that my cousin and I should study alone in the same room and not interfere with each other. In order not to affect my cousin's study, my father stipulated that we should not watch TV from Monday to Friday, and he insisted on not watching TV himself. My mother said that my father was a TV fan, but he could restrain himself for our study. Sometimes I don't have the heart to say to my father, "You can watch TV. It doesn't matter. My father always smiles and says," There's nothing to watch TV. "Once, I was lazy and told my father that I had finished my homework carelessly. My father found many mistakes in the inspection, and his face changed. He also scolded me rudely, scolding me very fiercely. I was frightened and didn't dare to be careless any more. I know that my father still cares and loves me very much.

My mother was not at home, and my father did encounter many difficulties. I like sweet and sour ribs very much. One Sunday, my father happily told me that he would cook a good meal for me. I was happy to do my homework in the room and wait for my father's good dishes. When I was about to finish, I suddenly smelled a strange smell. My father brought me a bowl of dark things. I asked him what the dish was, and he said it was sweet and sour ribs. I jumped up happily and tried a piece in a hurry, but as soon as I put it in my mouth, I quickly vomited it out. It tasted strange and tasted terrible. My father smiled with embarrassment and said, "This time, my father was too careless and didn't do a good job. Next time, I will make an authentic one for you to taste." Another thing that I think my father is also very difficult is to tie my hair every morning. At the beginning, my father tied my hair in a strange way, and said to me, "Jiayi, you'd better cut my hair short like me, which saves time and time. You see, this makes my father very embarrassed. It's really difficult to tie my hair." To sum up, my father is very serious every time he does it. Up to now, my father has not only tied his hair well, but also made sweet and sour pork ribs. Dad's colleagues often praise him!

My father always cares about me and takes care of me meticulously, so that I can grow up healthily, live a happy life and study happily in recent years. For my sake, my father can't play cards with friends like others, can't do what he wants to do like other adults, and can't even watch his favorite sports programs normally. Every time I see my father's tired figure, I always say in my heart: "Dad, thank you."

Father's Love Composition (5)

The love of parents is greater than any invention in the world. It is a world-class "invention". Everyone wants to have it, but there are still some children who cannot get it for various reasons. I, however, am a lucky person. I got it from urination and will always have it.

My parents' love for me is the kindest and greatest in my memory. I remember that when I was six years old, I just went to school and was very timid. I didn't dare to go to school alone. My father got up late on purpose to exercise me. In order not to be late, I left home alone. I was afraid of meeting bad people on the way, so I followed the original route while looking back. As soon as I got to school, I looked back and saw my father's figure mixed in the crowd, and a warm current surged in my heart: Dad was still worried, he had been protecting me! My mother runs home as soon as she gets off work every day, so that I can eat delicious food as soon as I enter home after school. On one occasion, she ran too fast and fell down accidentally, and her leg was swollen for two weeks.

These things are too many. They are hidden in my heart like treasure, which makes my young heart immersed in the ocean of love. I will always cherish this priceless love and study hard to repay my parents in the future!

Father's Love Composition (6)

Motherly love is like a stream. It is light and gentle, and can relieve the pain inside. Father love is like a mountain, heavy, huge, sometimes I can't breathe.

My 'family is like most families. My father runs his own factory. He leaves early and returns late. Recently, his factory has been busy with a lot of work. He is under a lot of pressure. When he came home, he saw the test paper on which he sat. I only got 55 points. My father was very angry, so he dragged me into the room to play men's singles, women's singles and mixed doubles. The beating left a deep impression on me and disgusted me.

From that day on, I began to fight with him. He said what he said and what I stand for. He said to go east, but I dare not go west. But this can only bring about merciless beating and scolding. But I was very happy, thinking that if you hit me, I would be angry with you.

It has always been like this. I become a little rebellious. Until one time, my father was drunk and came to talk to me.

He said that he sympathized with me and did not fulfill his father's responsibility. Because he was depressed that day, he hit me without apologizing or stopping me. He has been thinking about how to bridge the gap between us, but he has never had a chance. After listening to his words, my tears came down, and so did his.

This time, the song in my heart emphasizes father's love and is somewhat gentle.

Father's Love Composition (7)

"Only mother is good in the world." This song has been sung for decades. It grows up healthily and healthily with each lovely child. It reflects a mother's love for her children. In fact, not only the mother, but also the father. We all love our parents, especially when the situation is critical. I also have such parents, and their love for me is unlimited.

I remember once, I caught a cold because of the unpredictable weather. I had a high fever all the time. My temperature was up to about 41 degrees. It was useless to take antipyretic drugs. My temperature could not be lowered all the time. My parents were worried and at a loss. They wanted to take me to the hospital to see a doctor, but I had to go to class. They were afraid of delaying my study. Therefore, my father went to my head teacher to call me for leave in a hurry. I want to take me to the hospital, but I think the hospital is very crowded. I have to wait in line for a long time before I can carry the saline. What should I do? So my father took me to a private clinic. There were many people in the clinic. It was my turn. I had to give an injection on my buttocks to reduce the fever. It hurt. My father encouraged me to "learn to be strong." I heard that it really didn't hurt so much. When I hung salt water, my father could not accompany me all the time. He had to go to work. My mother sat beside me all the time, drinking water for me and fanning me. When I was hungry alone, she would buy me something to eat. When my hands hurt, she would tell me jokes. Her jokes made me forget the pain. With the careful care of my parents, I think my illness will soon be cured.

In fact, sometimes parents' love is not necessarily reflected in gentleness, but in severity. My parents are like this.

Once, my parents and I went shopping. I remember it was a holiday. There were so many people in the shop that it was crowded. My mother and I used to hold hands, but my attention was attracted by a small toy there. I could not help but let go of my mother's hand and walked to the place where the toys were sold. When I finished playing with the toys and pulled my mother's hand, I found that there were strangers around me, and I cried with fear. Not only after a long time, I suddenly saw my parents, but it was not what I imagined. They didn't comfort me in whispers, but shouted at me: "Why didn't you lose it earlier?" I cried more than before.

Our parents love us so much that we should know how to appreciate them. Sometimes, we can't feel our parents' love. In fact, their love is all in silence.

Father's Love Composition (8)

My father is also very careful and amiable, just like the sea is calm. Once, when I played football with my classmates, I fell down carelessly, and a piece of skin was worn on my foot, which made my tears run down. My father said to me, "Men can't tear easily. If they cry again, they will become girls." I stopped tears immediately. Dad smiled and wiped my tears away, and smeared red potion on my wound

My father has a strange temper, but he is very similar to the sea, so he is called "father of the sea".

My father is straightforward and like the sea, he can be regarded as a "man of character". People ask my father to help. My father always completes on time with quality and quantity guaranteed. In addition, my father's way of celebration also has some flavor of "man in love". Once, my composition was published in a magazine, and I ran home excitedly. When my father heard it, two thick eyebrows were raised, and he opened his mouth three times, "Ha ha ha ha" and "sea smile". Then he gave me a bear hug. He lifted it and turned it around for several times, which made me dizzy. My father will show "magnanimity" when drinking with a group of friends. He will blush all over his face. He will also fight with his friends to drink. He will drink the wine in one gulp. It really has the flavor of "man in love".

My father became angry, just like the sea waves, "the heaven and earth cry ghosts and gods". On one occasion, I got a bad exam result. When I came home, my father frowned, his face turned red, gnashed his teeth, pointed at my nose and roared loudly. The volume must be more than 100 decibels! It is absolutely no less than the roar of a lion! Speaking of excitement, my father raised the glass and smashed it into the ground. I had to watch the glass "shatter" helplessly. Sometimes when I'm too excited, my father will hit me. However, as I grew up, the number of times my father was angry became less and less.

My father is also very careful and amiable, just like the sea is calm. Once, when I played football with my classmates, I fell down carelessly, and a piece of skin was worn on my foot, which made my tears run down. My father said to me, "A man cannot shed tears easily. If he cries again, he will become a girl." I stopped tears immediately. My father smiled and wiped away my tears and smeared red potion on my wound.

My father is also as knowledgeable as the sea. My father can solve most of the problems I encounter. Of course, sometimes he doesn't forget to "taunt" me: "It's too bad that I can't do such simple problems."

My father's temper is as changeable as the sea. At the moment, his face is smiling (the sky is clear), and after a while, his face is gloomy (the clouds are thick). Without noticing, my father starts to lose his temper (the rain pours down), but after a while, his smile returns and he is called his elder brother (the sky is clear after rain).

Hey, what can I say? My lovely, respectable and amiable sea father!

Father's Love Composition (9)

When I came home from school, I closed the door of my room and heard my father scolding loudly outside. I knew that it was my father's dissatisfaction with my exam results again.

"Look at your poor exam. You must not have listened carefully in class!" Father scolded loudly outside the door. I covered my ears and pretended not to hear it. I couldn't stop being upset. My father said loudly again, "Go into the room as soon as I get home and do some evil things."

I don't know when my father began to pay great attention to my study. In addition to learning, the conversation between the two people also lost even the most common greetings. I feel very unhappy, just like a bird trapped in a cage, and can no longer fly under the blue sky. There is no freedom and happiness, and I can only watch the boring walk day by day.

I think I am no longer a happy child, because the so-called academic achievements have blocked the relationship between father and son. Maybe my father felt that I no longer needed care and love when I grew up, so he was more strict with me, and his eyes were only on achievements.

I thought I would never feel the kinship again. Until that time, I didn't know that I had wronged him.

That night, I suddenly had a high fever. In a trance, I felt someone put his hand on my forehead. After a while, he was carried on his back. It was my father. In a flash, I realized that my father also cared about me very much. In the bumpy road, some dots and dots shook in front of me and forced me to open my eyes. It turned out that it was my father's sporadic white hair. It turned out that my father was old.

I used to think that my father was the most determined man in the world. I was afraid that his white hair would grow more and more. I didn't expect to grow old so quickly. I was afraid that I would not be able to keep up with him one day.

The wind was very strong, but I was very warm. I saw my father's concern and anxiety in the eyes of the hospital. Suddenly, I felt that I was also very happy. I saw the door of love that opened for me in my father's heart. My father stayed by my side all night, cooked fish soup for me, and also helped me remove the thorns. I felt very guilty when watching my father's carefulness.

Father's love is like a window. Standing outside the door, I thought it was cold and heartless. When I walked in, I found it was like the warm sun in winter. My father's love is my dependence. It is as grand as a mountain and gives me the strength to keep forging ahead.

Father's Love Composition (10)

Fatherly love is great, Father's love is selfless, it is silly, it is strict, it is. When it comes to dry mouth, I can't say the beauty of fatherly love, fatherly love is good. I don't know whether all fatherly love is like this, but I think it should be like this, at least my father is like this.

Fatherly love is great. One summer, I transferred to another school and moved to a village near our village. There is a primary school there. I am in Grade Three there. My parents followed me there to cook for me, as well as my brother.

One day, it was raining heavily, and the campus of our school was full of water. We played outside without doing our homework. Later, the teacher saw it and punished us to copy our homework ten times. Whoever finished copying will leave. Dad went to send me an umbrella. My home is far away from my school. It's two or three miles away. The average person can get there in three or five minutes. But my father is disabled. He can wrestle when walking on the muddy road, but he just fell all the way to send me an umbrella. When I got to school, my father saw me doing my homework. He didn't dare disturb me and waited outside for more than an hour. How could Dad have thought that his useless child was punished by the teacher for his homework before he tried to write.

I finally finished writing. Dad can finally go home. When I got home, I found that my father's whole body was bruised, and he had a cold because he waited for me outside for a long time. Suddenly, my eyes were wet. I shouldn't play with water. For this reason, I thought about it every day. From time to time, my tears would run away.

Fatherly love is silly. Our family is not very rich. Every day we earn money by selling cold skin. My parents get up early and work in the dark. Every morning at four o'clock, they have to raise a fire to make cold skin. From time to time, my father will be burned by match sticks or scalded by boiling water. Once, it was a winter, Dad was lighting a fire, and I was warming the fire beside him. The fire got bigger and bigger, but I didn't realize it. Suddenly, the fire suddenly rushed at me. I was so scared that I fell on my father. Dad was suddenly pressed by me beside the heated kang. I think it burned Dad's hands, but Dad just said no. I pulled my father's hand to see how big a bubble was in his palm. I said; "Dad, why are you so stupid?" Dad said; "Boy, these are nothing. In order to earn money and study for your two children, I have to do this. If I lose you, I have to." My tears could not help but flow down quickly. Now, sitting in the classroom for the exam, I just want to say, Dad, you have worked hard, I will study hard, please rest assured.

Father's Love Composition (11)

When we fall down, we are always eager to rush to our mother's spoiled arms, but will be burned by our father's resolute eyes. Compared with the mother's direct and enthusiastic care, the father's love is like a trickle that hits our hearts at a moment, and then grows abruptly.

There are many descriptions of fathers, ranging from strong and decisive to weak and arbitrary. As we grow up, they tend to grow old and lose. Who can enjoy being calm after being bright and shining? Who can understand their loneliness?

We raised our heads and chased our father's tall arms, which was all our imagination of power and ability when we were young. We stubbornly resist our father's strictness, and eagerly hope to grow tall, as tall as him, as if this height can declare that we "take back" our dignity. Silent and stubborn father and son, time will tell them: I misunderstood the expression of love.

When we become parents, we no longer have to compare ourselves with our father, but we will be annoyed by the traces of time on the heroes in our hearts. Compared with his paranoid "dignity", he would rather go back to the young age who followed his father's back, and the body in front of him supported the sky imagined by the youth.

Grown up children will understand how many growing nodes are all due to their father's enlightenment. Whether it is gentle or strict, we suddenly understand a lot after that node.

Time, please be gentle with my father. He is so pious to you. I want to gently, gently, touch those white hair, wrinkles and slightly bent waist, just as he clumsily held up his angel.

If time can go back, I believe that love and being loved will become balanced, while everything is still in time, your hero, his angel.

Father's Love Composition (12)

My mother is the best mother in the world. No matter what my wish is, my mother will try to meet it. In learning, my mother never criticizes me, but analyzes mistakes with me and encourages me.

In my mind, what impressed me most was that I only got 71 points in a math unit exam. At this time, I was like a castrated flower, drooping my head. But the teacher asked us to take the test paper home and sign it for parents. Seeing such scores, I took the test paper home sadly.

When my careful mother saw my expression, she knew that the result of the math unit exam was not a dream. My mother said, "Daughter, show me the unit test paper." I reluctantly took the test paper out of my schoolbag and handed it to my mother. After reading it, my mother was not angry, but said earnestly to me: "Daughter, why are these places wrong?" I said, "Mom, I can do all these questions, but I was too careless."

My mother said kindly, "Failure is the mother of success. There can be no failure in learning. As long as you use your mind and heart more, you must learn better. But be careful. If you are careful, you must be able to get an excellent result in the next exam." After listening to my mother's words, I smiled, hugged my mother's neck and said, "Mom, I will remember your teachings."

Love is a mother's career. Mother's toil for her children is priceless. My mother's love is like the vast sea, allowing me this boat to roam in the sea, containing all my things. Although my mother is not a saint, she uses her simple and kind-hearted heart to be a strong person in learning and life. As the years go by, I inadvertently find more and more silver threads on my head. When I look carefully at the forehead, there are many wrinkles. My mother has broken my heart for me these years. She has given me too much.

Mom, I love you! You are the greatest mother in my heart.

Father's Love Composition (13)

My family loved me very much, and I still remember the love of my parents.

I remember one time when I made a mistake and the head teacher, Miss Yang, called my father to school. On the way home from school, I thought, "Meimei will have to clean up the mess when I go home next time. I was very worried about this. I thought," Grandpa and grandma are here, maybe they will be beaten gently.

When I got home, "It's over. My grandparents are not at home. It's sad! I'm dead." My father sat on the sofa with a black face and no words. I quickly got into my room like a mouse. At this time, my mother came out of the kitchen and said angrily, "You still lie when you fail in the exam! You should clean up nicely to avoid repeating it next time, but don't beat it too hard." Dad is still silent.

After dinner, my father criticized me seriously. yeah! I didn't get beaten, but I realized my mistake and believed that I would correct it.

Father's Love Composition (14)

If silence is golden, then father's silence is "pirated diamonds"! be secure against assault. Although hard, there is murmuring tenderness in my heart. Father, hard on the outside, but exquisite on the inside! Father likes to work silently for his family. Always silently and without complaint... Real diamonds are rare, but I really enjoy "pirated diamonds"!

I admire my father at all times. When he failed in the stock market, he didn't abandon himself. He just regarded it as a punishment from God. "Punish" him and treat our mother and daughter well! Let us no longer be wronged. So, he fought silently for our happiness! He is over forty years old, but he is still working for our mother and daughter. How many nights did he spend in a state of anxiety? How many nights did he stay up all night thinking about the future for us. He silently, silently... This silence is admirable!

Dear father, please don't be silent! Chat with me and tell me your ideal when you were young! Put aside those distracting thoughts, please chat with me! Tell me, where you have been, tell me, what troubles you! Don't be silent! Don't stand alone any more! Let me also be like you, silently, silently... go through it! If I can share your pain, it must be my honor, not a burden! My dear father, what makes your black silk white overnight? What makes your "forest" become "grass" overnight? There are too many questions in my heart... Father, please don't shy away! My mother and I are willing to be your listeners, listen to your inner world, and share your pain together. Father, please don't be silent! No matter how hard the earth is, we can survive! Don't be so silent! No more, silently... silently

Father's Love Composition (15)

Broad and silent, delicate as water; Although invisible, it often accompanies you; It is like the rain in spring, moistening everything in the world. It is always sheltering us from the wind and rain like a big tree - fatherly love.

"I'm not afraid of jokes. In fact, I never ate hamburgers from the first grade of primary school to the first grade of junior high school. I know that one day my classmates told me how delicious hamburgers are and how delicious they are. "My legs could no longer bear it. On the night when I returned from school, I could not help saying to my father," Dad, I want to eat hamburgers. All the students in our class have eaten them! "My father said to me," Well! OK, I will take you after your final exam. " Seeing my father's generous promise, my heart was as sweet as honey. I wanted to get to the final exam right away. Time flies like an arrow. Time flows through your fingers like water. The final exam is coming. On the day before the end of the term, my father took me to the place where there were hamburgers in his car, and soon we were there. There were three big words written on the forehead of the shop - Dulux. "Delis, Delis, what does that mean?" I looked blankly at the store's forehead and walked into the store with my father without thinking. In the future, the first thing you will see is all kinds of strange delicacies pasted on the walls, each with its own delicacies and uniqueness, which makes people salivate. The second is the people who come and go. Most of them are young people. Of course, many of them are children of my age. Dad asked me what I wanted to eat, and I immediately replied, "hamburger". Dad asked me to find a seat to sit down and turn around and leave. I found a seat to sit down. After a while, I saw a familiar figure shuttling in the stream of people, getting close! Ah! It was my father. He was carrying a red plate with two hamburgers and a cup of coke on it. My father had to work hard to squeeze it over. He sat down and put the plate on the table and said to me, "Come on, eat". I am like a wolf in the field, more like obeying the commander's order. Pick up one and pour it into your mouth. It's really delicious! "Do you want more? Here is another one! Eat slowly and don't choke!" Dad smiled and said to me. When I was ready to reach for the other one, I suddenly remembered that Dad hadn't eaten yet. I ate this, and Dad won't have to eat soon! I drew back my hand. Dad seemed to see my mind. He said to me, "Eat fast, I'm not too hungry! When you are growing up, you should eat more. Dad doesn't like it, This taste is the most delicious and warm thing I have ever eaten, which makes me unforgettable.

It is invisible, but it often surrounds us. As long as we carefully observe it, we will find that it is the most exquisite love as great as a mountain.