When I think about it, I will (17 high-quality articles)
Yichuan Tobacco
2023-11-01 07:18:54

When I think of it, I will (1)

Great! On the third day of this trip to Shenzhen, we can go to the seaside again. I can't wait to see it! When I arrived at the beach, I used to do everything slowly, but today it was like taking "Speed Booster". I got out of the car first and ran quickly. When I came to the beach, my sister dragged me back with her hands and said, "It's so hot now, you want to go to the beach alone and daydream!" Although I really want to resist this order, I know that my sister's "Nine Yin White Bone Claw" is not vegetarian. I had to sit there honestly, watching the billowing waves, and "watching the plum blossom to quench my thirst". After an hour, I finally couldn't stand it, so I pestered my sister and said, "Please, please show mercy and let me go to the seaside to play for a while. I know you are the kindest person in the world." My sister was confused by my sweet words, and said, "Well, you can go and play for a while, but if you have enough, you will come back soon. If you run to the side of the coral stone when playing, do not put your hand into those small holes. If something crawls onto your hand and bites you, I can't afford it! " Although my sister talked there, I still took these words as "whispers" and just said: "I know, I know." I came to the big coral stone, and while my sister was still talking to my aunt, I quietly put my hand into those small holes. "Ouch!" I cried suddenly, and then tried to pull out my right hand. When I saw it, it was a fiddler crab half the size of a palm that pinched my thumb with its fist sized paw. It was so painful that tears were coming down. It took me a lot of effort to get it down. I thought to myself, "I should have listened to my sister and not provoked the 'neighbors' at the seaside."

This is what I feel very painful and funny when I think about it. What happy things do you have! Come and share it with me!

When I think of it, I will (2)

It is very comfortable to watch TV while drinking drinks. That day, when I took a drink, I accidentally saw the white cup and couldn't help thinking of the prank. I stared at the prop I used as a prank and shook my body involuntarily.

That was my first practical joke. After watching the prank video, I immediately locked the target - my busy mother in the kitchen. But I'm worried again. If there is no scapegoat, I can't defend myself. So, my eyes focused on my sister again.

So I pulled my sister into the small room. I said to her: "You see, mother is so hard, let's pour some water for her."

My sister didn't know what bad idea I had in mind that day. She nodded hurriedly, "Yes, yes!"

I went to get a cup, a fruit knife, and the main character of the prank, lemon, and walked into the room.

My wonderful play is about to be staged. I can't help laughing when I think of it.

When my mother saw me like this, she felt very angry and said, "What's wrong with the child today?"

In my room, I poured water into a cup, added a piece of lemon, and handed it to my sister for her to taste.

When she finished, I asked expectantly, "Is it good?"

"Good." My sister clapped her hands.

I said solemnly, "That's because the juice is delicious. If we squeeze out the juice, it will taste better."

"Good," my sister said with a smile.

We started a big project. I cut the lemon in half with a knife, and then asked my sister to squeeze the juice into the cup. The lemon juice increased little by little, and finally filled the cup.

I asked my sister to take the juice to my mother and hide in the room.

Seeing the juice on my mother's lips, I nervously said to myself, "Drink quickly, drink quickly."

My mother seemed very thirsty. She took several mouthfuls of "Gudong Gudong".

It surprised me that I had no expression when drinking lemon juice. Then, the sour smell of being late made my mother cry. "Lemon juice! Such a sour thing..." I know that my sister will suffer.

A few minutes later, my sister came to me angrily. She pinched me without saying a word and asked my mother to deduct my snacks.

When I think of this, I can't help shaking again. It will hurt others and myself. I'd better live well in the future.

When I think of it, I will (3)

On the day after the exam, my mother was doing some cleaning. I came to the room and found a thick photo album on the bed. Curiosity prompted me to open the album. I saw that there were two children in the first photo, one of whom was me. At that time, I didn't wear glasses, and my hair was thin, soft, black and brown. The familiar face beside him is of course Liu Xuanting!

A string in my heart was plucked, and a picture flashed in my mind. Suddenly, I fell into memory

It was the middle class of my kindergarten. Xuanting and I went to Shanghai. On the first night, we followed our mothers to a big hotel. A room with a big bed and a small bed is printed on the billboard at the door of the hotel. "I want a small bed!" Xuanting and I called out almost at the same time. "There is no small bed in our room," said Mom. But Xuanting and I didn't listen. We were arguing about "who should sleep in the small bed" on the way to the room.

When we came to the room, Xuanting and I immediately became stone sculptures. The room was very large, and the light made the whole room glitter. There is a big sofa beside the window. On the right side of the door, there is a big bed. But where's the little bed? I was worried and thought, "This little bed must be hidden somewhere secret!" I shook my body and ran forward, pulled the curtains off the wall to see if there was a little bed behind. Xuanting came to the bed, squatted down, leaned his head under the bed, exposed his body, and then lay down, as if in an ambush, looking for a small bed.

We searched for a long time, but couldn't find the cozy little bed. Therefore, we had to reluctantly lie in the big bed with our respective mothers and continue to argue about "who should sleep in the small bed".

The next morning, we got up early in order to occupy the "land of small beds". Suddenly, Xuanting and I found the large folding chair in the bathroom, but Xuanting and I on the middle shift didn't know it, so we regarded it as our "little bed". I rushed to the "little bed", and Xuanting followed me closely. "I'm going to get the crib!" I thought. But I was empty. Xuanting rushed again to hold the "little bed", pushed it into the living room, and happily lay on the "little bed".

I was very sad and told my mother about it. My mother looked at Xuanting's "little bed" and suddenly laughed. "Isn't this a folding chair?" Mom said and walked out of the room. After a while, another "little bed" was moved from the equipment room by my mother. I was ecstatic and jumped on the ground happily. I climbed onto the "small bed" and played happily with Xuanting on their "small bed".

I woke up from the memory and could not help laughing again.

When I think of it, I will (4)

When I think of that, I regret it.

that day. The sun is burning on the ground, and the whole world is like a big steamer. I was playing downstairs with my friends when my mother asked me to go home and do my homework.

I followed my mother home. Just as I took out my homework, my mother announced another bad news. My mother was going to work overtime in the company, and I had to finish my homework at home alone. Before going out, my mother told me not to watch TV. I readily agreed.

It only took me a short time to finish my homework. My hands are a bit itchy, and my eyes beg the brain: just look at it for a while. But I was indifferent. My eyes began to command my hands. Turn on the TV quickly. My hand unknowingly turned on the TV. I was staring at the TV. In my eyes, there are only small dolls beating on the TV, and in my ears, there are only sounds from the TV.

When I watched TV with relish and ate snacks, my mother came back with a bang. When my mother saw that I was still watching TV, she yelled, "You watch TV! OK, let me clean you up!" Then I was beaten.

Until today, when I think about that, I regret it. I know one truth: integrity can make up for the defect of wisdom, but wisdom can not make up for the blank of integrity.

When I think of it, I will (5)

On this day, the sun shines everywhere. The weather is fine and the heart is clear. In such weather, my little heart is like a sail full of happiness, floating so high, so high!

So, during the big break, I ran and jumped wildly on the playground with my classmates. "Wang Ying! Wang Ying!" Yang Xiao, who was ordered by Teacher Zhang, called out my name. As he walked, he thought, "What's the matter with Mr. Zhang? Could it be that my grandma..." Suddenly, an ominous feeling came to his mind. "Impossible!" Then I denied myself.

In this way, I walked into the office with a lot of questions. As soon as I entered the office, I felt the atmosphere was somewhat depressed. Teacher Zhang's face was a bit solemn. She said to me tentatively, "Your mother asked you to go home. Do you know what happened.

When she returned to school at the weekend, Grandma was dying of illness, as if her irregular breath would kill her. But I always thought Grandma would get better. But... "Sister, why should we ask for leave to go home?" My cousin was followed by my uncle. Unconsciously, she was eager to know the answer. Although I knew it, I pretended not to know it in order not to make her sad too early. But my little heart, which refused to accept the reality, seemed to be broken into pieces.

"Grandma..." When I got home, I went straight to the mourning hall where Grandma was parked. When I saw all my relatives in filial piety clothes, I cried all over my face. Finally, under the comfort of my relatives, I stopped my grief for a long time. So far, I can only accept the fact that Grandma is no longer here. Since then, the world has lost a loved one who loves me.

In the days to come, I can only keep grandma by memory. I can't lose my grandma and my memory. So I picked up my pen and wrote a memoir of the days I spent with Grandma. I think this must be the most precious way of sacrifice. In the process of writing, I often encourage myself: "Wang Ying, you should be strong. Grandma will look at you in the sky, and she will live in your smile"

After Grandma's death, I no longer like sunny days. Instead, I hope it will be cloudy every day. It seems that Grandma is sheltering me from the hot sun. She watched from the sky and wished me a healthy and happy growth. In this way, I will not be sad.

When I think of it, I will (6)

Swallows have gone, but they will come again; When the willow withers, it will be green again; The peach blossoms have withered and will bloom again... More than 3000 days have passed away from my hands and will never return. In these days, there is one thing that makes me most unforgettable and touching - the love in the bowl of beef noodles.

One Saturday morning, the "ding ling ling" alarm clock broke my dream. Then my mother pushed the door and came in. She opened my quilt and said to me, "Daughter, get up and go to the community to exercise!" I agreed vaguely and walked into the bathroom. I got dressed and set out. After running for one lap, I stopped. I sniffed it with my nose and smelled a smell of beef noodles. I looked at my mother, who seemed to know my caution, and said, "Do you want to eat? There is a beef noodle restaurant in Xingkai, and I will take you to eat!" After that, she took my hand to that direction.

When I arrived at the beef noodle shop, a smell came to me. Mom ordered the meal very carefully. She said, "Two bowls of beef noodles, just remember beef, not gluten. Put more pepper in one bowl, less pepper in the other..." When the beef noodles came up, I couldn't wait to pick up my chopsticks and start eating. Soon, the noodles were finished. My mother said to me, "Eat slowly. Don't worry." She put the beef in her bowl into my bowl and said, "You should eat more. You are growing up. You should eat more nutritious food. My mother just doesn't like beef. You can eat it!" I said to my mother, "Thank you, Mom!" I began to eat again.

As soon as noon came, my father cheerfully said to me: "Today, let's go to eat hand shredded beef for four members of our family!" I shook my head and refused: "No, my mother doesn't like beef!" My father looked puzzled and said: "Your mother has been married to me for so many years, and she has always liked beef best. Why doesn't she like it today?" My brother, who was watching TV, also said: "I asked my mother what she likes to eat last time, and she said she likes beef, but why not?" I see, my mother is for me! At this moment, my tears burst out.

Moved, it is what your family did that moved you, it is what happened around you that moved you... Moved is always around you. If the world is not touched, the world will become indifferent.

Whenever I think of it, my tears will burst into my eyes.

When I think of it, I will (7)

Whenever you see the neatly placed mops. In my mind, I will always see the person and thing that moved me.

It was a morning wrapped in cold wind. The cold wind was piercing, and the sky was dark as if it would fall down in the next second. My heart was always restless.

The student who was responsible for cleaning the sanitary area did not come back for a long time that day. The teacher asked me to see what he was doing. When I went downstairs, I saw a lonely dustpan and a pile of garbage. "Where is he? He must have gone to play." When I thought of this, my heart lit up. Where is it? Ah, let me catch you. I saw him in the mop area in the corner, holding the mop in his hands, and I don't know what he is doing.

A gust of wind blew, and it was cold. I followed the wind and shouted to him, "Hey! Why don't you sweep the floor?"

He was startled. When he looked back, he saw that it was me, and said to me, "Wait a minute, wait a minute..." I thought he was going to play for a while, so I threw a bunch of firewood called "unnecessary" into the fire in my heart. I stared at him with aggressive eyes, and my eyebrows were twisted into eighteen folds of "Goubuli Steamed Bun". I stomped my feet and walked towards him, muttering, "It's cold, don't hurry back to the classroom to read, but..." I walked behind him, and I was about to shout, but the scene in front of me made me shut my mouth.

He was putting his crooked mops in order with his red hands. The fire in my heart was half extinguished, so I helped her put it together and said, "Why are the mops in our class so messy?" He smiled slightly and said, "This is not our class. Our class has already put it in place." As he spoke, he pointed to the two mops that had been placed neatly. "Then why did you help other classes get rid of it? Instead of going back to the classroom?" I blushed and thought of yelling at him just now. I'm sorry for him. "Well," he said lightly with a smile, "it's just a matter of hands for me to finish placing mops in our class and then help other classes. Besides, when our class was sweeping the floor, other classes also helped us take out garbage. Shouldn't we help each other?" This remark, like a hot spring, instantly moistened my impetuous heart.

He always has a faint smile on his face. Although his skin color is not white, his appearance is not outstanding, and he is a little fat, he is very shining now, and has an unusual beauty.

The clouds that had been covering the sun were scattered, and the sun was shining on the earth, on the campus, on the mop area, and on his face, which was in harmony with the red scarf.

We should not only think about ourselves, but also contribute a share of love for others and the collective. We should know that love is given to each other. isn't it?

When I think of it, I will (8)

"Get up! Get up!" My dream was scared away by my mother. I asked, "What do you want me to do so early?" My mother answered me, "Today we eat dumplings, and now we should hurry to make dumplings!" After that, we made our own dumplings. I washed my hands and immediately began to wrap them.

This is my first time to make dumplings. I picked up a piece of dumpling skin and put two tablespoons of stuffing into it. When I closed it, the stuffing leaked out from the bottom. I picked up another piece of dumpling skin and filled the gap, but the filling leaked from the top again. I quickly took out the dumpling skin and filled the gap again. It took me three skins to wrap two spoonfuls of stuffing. When I look at my dumplings, it's a big "general belly"! My father laughed, but my mother didn't know what had happened. When she saw my dumplings, she also laughed, and I also laughed with them. My father smiled and asked, "What kind of dumpling is this?" I thought for a moment and said, "This dumpling is called 'Bawang Dumpling'!"

Mom said, "Come on, let's see how I can make it. First, take a piece of skin, and then put some stuffing. Pay attention, don't put too much stuffing. Too much stuffing can't be wrapped up, and too little stuffing will not taste good when cooked. Then, slowly gather it with your hands, so that it can be wrapped up slowly."

I carefully watched my mother's hand how to mix the dumplings and stuffing together, and also picked up a piece of dumpling skin to try to make dumplings. After a while, I made "Sun Dumplings" and "Smiling Face Dumplings"... Dad looked at them and said, "They are good, but can you make some decent dumplings?" "Yes!" I said loudly. After a while, I successfully made some decent dumplings. My father said, "Well, maybe my son can be a dumpling artist when he grows up." After that, he laughed, and I laughed too.

Whenever I think of it, I am happy!

When I think of it, I will (9)

After a day of study, I was very tired. After taking a bath, I immediately lay down in bed. I was thinking about many things, thinking about it, thinking about it.

One sunny noon, I was walking in the classroom. Suddenly, I saw a box of chalk spilled on the ground. I bent down and picked up the chalk one by one. I also saw a lot of paper scraps on the ground. I went to the sanitary corner, took a broom, and swept the paper scraps on the ground into the garbage can.

I wonder if anyone has seen this move.

In a Chinese class in the afternoon, what the teacher said surprised me! The teacher was talking about discipline again. As he said it, I heard a word that surprised me. He said: "During the big break, Chen Xinxing picked up the chalk sprinkled on the ground, which was great!" Why was it not me who was praised? Why didn't the teacher see me pick it up? Why? My little heart was frustrated and thought: Zhang Xuehan, don't be sad! One of the students must have met the chalk box again, and the box fell on the ground. Chen Xinxing went to pick it up, just in time for the teacher to see it! I am very sad, why I am not so lucky as her.

After class, I sat quietly in the chair. It was so hot outside, like a big stove. The sky outside seemed black, without a cloud or a bird.

Thinking, I fell asleep

When I think of it, I feel sad.

When I think of it, I will (10)

There are happy things, unforgettable things, touching things, and regretful things in life. Every time I think of it, I regret it very much.

I remember that my father bought me two goldfish during the winter vacation. Goldfish's eyes are very cute! I put them in the fishbowl and named them Small Water and Big Spirit. My father told me to change the water for goldfish twice a day. You can't feed more fish. At the beginning, I changed water and fed Xiaoshui and Daling every day. But as the weather got colder, I became lazy. Once, when I was in bed, I thought: It's so cold, I'll lie down for a while, and then change water and feed Xiaoshui and Daling. The afternoon passed, and the water in the aquarium was still unchanged. I grabbed a handful of fish food and threw it into the aquarium. I thought: I'd better change it tomorrow. After a few days, the water in the aquarium became more and more dirty. Once I passed the fish tank and saw the spirit floating on the water. I panicked. What happened to the spirit? I desperately fished it out with my hands, only to find it dead. How did the spirit die? Did I not change the water for it? I was so sad that I ran to my father and asked him, "What's the matter, Sorry

That night, I had a dream. I dreamed that Daring's eyes were shining green, just like the eyes of wild cats walking on the eaves in the dark night. It floated in the air and stared at me, saying, "Master, it's all your fault, it's all your fault." I jumped out of bed in fear and said, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." Because of this, I didn't sleep all night. The next morning, before dawn, I got up to exchange water for small water and feed it. I think I'm sorry for the spirit, but I have to take good care of small water. Little water grew up slowly under my care. These big spirits seemed to see it in their eyes, and it slowly disappeared from my dream. But its eyes of water spirit still stayed in my heart, and it always told me to take good care of little water.

When I think about this, I always regret it. If I had not been lazy, Xiaoshui would have grown up and played with Daling.

When I think of it, I will (11)

Mother is great, mother is worthy of respect, and mother's hand is even greater. My mother's hand is scarred, but in my eyes, it is a sign of love for us.

Whenever my mother cooks, the kitchen will make a "ah" sound from time to time. At that time, I always have a rest, watching TV, and playing. When delicious food is delivered to me, I still walk slowly, and after eating it, I always don't even say a word of thanks.

As the days passed, the family was not as busy as before, and few guests came. But the "ah" of my mother's cooking never stopped. At that time, I thought my mother must be shouting and playing. It must not be a big deal, so I didn't care much.

Later, after my mother gave birth to my younger brother, my hands were really busy, so I stopped cooking. At the beginning, it was smooth sailing, very successful, and also very successful. But later, when I was cutting vegetables, I accidentally cut my hand and shouted "ah". When I fixed my eyes on it, I saw a long hole hanging on my hand, and the blood kept on. I was frightened and shouted "Mom, I'm injured!" My mother flushed my hand at the tap, dried it and covered the wound with a bandage, I was told, "Next time when you cut vegetables, remember to bend your fingers to your palms." I started cooking again with injuries. When I fried food, I shouted "ah" again. It turned out that a drop of oil spilled on the back of my hand. I quickly turned off the fire and turned on the tap to wash.

My mother watched me get hurt one after another and said, "You'd better go to see my brother, I'll come." I took my brother from my mother's arms, and suddenly saw my mother's hands had many wounds like mine. I picked up my younger brother and sat on the sofa. Looking at the wound on my hand, I realized that the "ah" sound was all the traces of being bitten by fire, oil and knives.

Now when I see my mother cooking, I always hear "ah". Mother used her hands to present us with nutritious breakfasts again and again, mother used her hands to prepare rich lunches again and again, and mother used her hands to make delicious dinners again and again for us. This is a pair of hands full of love, this is a pair of great hands!

When I think of it, I will (12)

[Chapter 1]

People often say, "A small thing is a big thing that is not easy." It is true. Take this as an example!

My community has a back door. Only residents have the key to the back door. Some people who are not residents are in trouble, so they have to stand by the door and wait. It was not easy to wait until someone opened the door and left. He also crossed the threshold and patted his buttocks and left. Isn't that boring? I thought:

I moved, but at noon, I also came to the afternoon shift. The afternoon shift is next to our old house. So I often have to meet that door and wait beside it for the arrival of the "door opener". Wait! Finally, an aunt came! She took the key out of her handbag, and my heart was very noisy. It turns out that a civilized angel and a rude monster are quarrelling! The civilized little angel said: "We must say thank you. Don't you thank someone for opening the door for you? Besides, there will be no loss if we say thank you!" "Who said no loss, wasted saliva! It also wasted energy! It also wasted time!" The rude smelly monster shouted and spat, which was disgusting Finally, the civilized little day used the civilized magic wand to give the smelly monster a stick. The stinky monster ran away and said, OK, OK, thank you, thank you! Suddenly, a "thank you" blurted out. My aunt turned to look at me, smiled and said, "You're welcome!"! At that time, I stayed there, and a little "thank you" was so charming. My heart is sweeter than honey, and I scampered to the afternoon shift.

In fact, it is not difficult to say "thank you". As long as you are grateful to others, speak out and stop hesitating! All for one, one for all! Everyone should have others in mind, have a sense of social responsibility, think about the public with practical actions, and fulfill their obligations for the society. If everyone does this, it will inevitably result in "everyone for me".

I am very happy when I think of it. I am very happy, can you not be happy? I guess you are 100% happy!

[Chapter 2]

In my memory, there are many things that make me happy. Some were washed into the sea without a trace; Some are buried by sand, appearing and disappearing from time to time. But the cake making is still exposed outside, which makes my memory fresh.

"Here comes the cake!" With the cry of our class's "gossip party", we were all attracted to ask some questions, but were mercilessly interrupted by the bell.

After a while, cream and candy were also served in succession. The teacher smiled and said, "When the time comes, boys will take blue cream and girls will take pink cream. After that, everyone will go to the podium to take candy for decoration. Now I will pack the framed bags and you will take them in groups."

Looking forward to the stars, looking forward to the moon, I finally arrived at the flower bag. I took a small brown cake and went back to my place to make it. I saw that my deskmate tried too hard and squeezed out all at once. As a result, the cake could not hold it and flowed onto the table. I was very upset. I looked at the front seat again, and saw that she was skilled, light and flexible, and soon squeezed out a floating shape. So, I learned from her, but the framed bag in my hand didn't listen to her, and it was crowded intermittently. My deskmate looked at me and laughed. I had packed my hands with cream. I wiped my hands, took a deep breath, and squeezed with 50% of my strength, winding like a mountain road. At last it was almost done. As soon as I loosened my hand, the beautiful cake came out.

This kind of cake is not good enough. It's not good looking, and it needs all kinds of candy. I ran to the front of the platform, picked a yellow five-star chocolate on the chocolate, inserted it at the top, grabbed a handful of colored sugar beans, and poured it on. Finally, I took two purple sugar sticks and put them on the milk.

Looking at the cake I made myself, I felt that it was sweeter than honey, because it was the best looking and eating cake. The students next to me are also happy.

When I think of it, I will (13)

From childhood to adulthood, I have done many things, but this thing makes me very guilty.

That day in the mid-term exam, I was concentrating on answering the paper. Suddenly, I saw an ancient poem, writing; What is the next sentence in Chuzhou West Stream: "The spring tide brings rain late --"? After thinking about it, I finally remembered the sentence "No boat crosses the wild." But I can't write the word du in the poem anymore. Look at my deskmate, she covered the paper tightly. Suddenly, an idea flashed through my mind - reading. I looked around and saw nobody paying attention, so I quickly took the book out of the bag... No, I'm a good student! How can I peek at the answer! However, if I can't even write the words in ancient poems, will the teacher recognize me as a good student? Let's see. It's just one word anyway. I quickly opened the book, took a look, and quickly put the book into the bag. Because I knew that the poem was on the page of the book, the whole process only took a few seconds. Look around the students are seriously answering the paper, the teacher did not pay attention to this side, I feel a lot more secure. Then, I finished answering the test paper easily.

The next day, I was very happy with the 98 point test paper in my hand. When I think about the cheating in the exam yesterday, I feel a little guilty and think: "Shall I go to the teacher to admit my mistakes?" Alas, the matter has passed without any bad influence. Besides, the teacher is now talking about the exam paper, answering questions, and telling other students that I have made great progress. At this time, my heart was even worse... After class, I went to the teacher's office and said to the teacher, "Sorry, I shouldn't cheat in the exam..." As I said this, my head dropped. Wait for the teacher's criticism. But the teacher didn't say anything after listening to me. He just gently touched my head and said, "It's good to know the mistake. I can't do it again next time." I nodded and walked out of the teacher's office. At this time, my heart finally relaxed.

I promise, this is the first and last time! In the future, I must study hard and can't do such a guilty thing again.

When I think of it, I will (14)

Four years ago, I lodged with my grandmother.

Grandma has a lot of chickens, and the most attractive one is the small and exquisite chicken. Every day, the hens will lead the "Chicken Legion" to walk around in a swagger. Looking at the fluffy chickens, I am greedy and eager to rush on them and hug them away. But that hen is always with them. How can I be impulsive?

My method must be known by everyone, right? I will trick the hen by luring the tiger away from the mountain. I will do what I say. I will spread chicken feed on the floor as bait and wait for the hens to throw themselves into the trap. It was true that the hen rushed at me with arrogance. I smiled strangely and followed the team. I reached for it as soon as I reached out my hand. Unexpectedly, the chicken made a scene out of nothing and didn't cooperate with me at all. I wanted to escape without revealing the truth, but the hen caught me. It stared at me, and I ran away in fear. Unexpectedly, its chicken feather legs run very fast! I was so proud that I slowed down. I was overtaken by it. It was like a chicken pecking me, which made me scared. I climbed up the tree beside me in panic. The chicken is no worse than that. It doesn't have to climb the tree. Ah, I've only heard of "sow climbing the tree", but I haven't heard of hen climbing the tree! I'm really impressed! But the stronger the competition, I can't play chicken.

The next day, I'm going to beat the hens to pieces! Without much preparation, he took a bamboo stick and decided to have a showdown with the hen. The hen was startled when she saw me suddenly rush towards it. I hit her with a stick and she dodged flexibly. She knew my purpose and had to fight back. It suddenly jumped up, flapped its wings, and gave me a threat first. I was worried, and I didn't know what to do, so I beat it up, opened my eyes, and it was dying. After that, my grandmother criticized me, and I felt ashamed.

The chickens have no mother. I'm the one to blame for destroying their families. I play mainly, but I don't think its life and love have been lost. I think I have no face to see the chicken!

When I think of it, I will (15)

It was a winter holiday the year before last. I went to my grandmother's house to celebrate the New Year. When I passed the flower and bird market nearby, I was attracted by a "little creature" who jumped up and down in the cage. He rolled the pulley, slid the slide, and sometimes stood up. He hung his two paws on his chest and looked around. It was so cute that people could not help laughing, I was totally attracted by it. Seeing my eyes fixed on me, the boss enthusiastically introduced me: "This is a hamster, cute and easy to raise." Oh, I like it so much. The aunt next to me saw my mind, helped me buy it, and told me to "feed it well!" I confidently patted my chest and said: "Don't worry, it's on me."

After returning to Nanjing, I found out about his eating habits on the Internet and prepared a big meal of nuts and apples. He began to recognize strangers. Later, he seemed to be familiar with me and began to eat. But it didn't take me long to smell a strange smell. I began to complain, "Hey, you guy, how can you pull so many stools and stink my room? Today you will be punished to sleep in the kitchen." After saying that, I angrily took it to the kitchen and went back to the room to sleep without looking back.

Who knows, tragedy happened at this time. The next day, I came to the cage. I wondered why the guy was so honest. I shook the cage, but it didn't move. I was worried, and I poked it with my hands. Oh, my god, its body was hard. I cried "wow" and my mother came to me at the sound, After looking at it, he said to me with a reproachful tone: "How could you leave it in the cold kitchen yesterday when it cooled down? Hamsters are especially afraid of the cold, and must have died of it." I felt remorse for myself. Tears flowed down like broken beads, and I was heartbroken. I regretted that I had killed such an interesting creature because of my own willfulness, and it had brought me so much happiness.

Although it has been almost a year since this incident happened, I still feel sad when I see the empty cage on the balcony. Seeing things and thinking about "people" makes my mind restless for a long time. Since then, I have never been so headstrong and learned to be kind to small animals and life.

When I think of it, I will (16)

I have such a bosom friend. She has a changeable personality. Her temper is similar to that of a donkey. She is stubborn and stubborn. Recently, we often have trouble, so I'm a little bored, a little bored

She is my best friend and I dote on her. As for the fact that she is becoming more and more presumptuous and can't move, our friendship has been seriously damaged. I can't stand her anymore. Every time I cry, I am upset. When I cry, my face turns red as if I bullied her, so I am upset.

For example, in today's physical education class, we were sitting on the playground pole, and she started to make trouble again. She held my leg and made it difficult for me to move. I was annoyed by others dragging my leg. In this way, I said to her, can you stop harassing me? She still goes her own way, and I am too angry to speak. I have another problem. After squatting for a long time, I feel dizzy and nauseated. I just got up, and my head began to feel dizzy, which was very uncomfortable. But she didn't care to quarrel with me. I ignored her. When I came to the classroom, she suddenly said to me. How disgusting! Who do I ask? "You!" I wanted to slap her. Nobody said I was sick from childhood to adulthood. I only said it once, but not to her. I asked why I was sick. She said you also said I was sick on the playground, and I was even more angry.

I hope you can know that you are my oxygen tincture, you are my west laurel, what is west laurel? Hmm... I can't live without you. Once, she ran away with others, and I cried in the dark. Why did she leave me? Now that she and others have abandoned me with things on their backs, I can feel the meaning of fire prevention, burglary prevention and girlfriend prevention. If this self description is very tragic, it can only be described as air.

I want to say to her, "How old are you? You should not be childish. I have also been childish. How about you? I hope you can know that when you are in trouble, ask yourself, will this matter to you three years later?" Break up and give away, and have a heart all your life. "I give this sentence to you. I hope you can understand my heart,...... You.

When I think of it, I will (17)

At present, it is the season for chrysanthemum yellow crabs to become fat. Every Friday, my father will buy me crabs, which is one of my favorite food!

Dad put the crabs he had bought into the pool in a big way. First, he used his toothbrush to brush away the mud. Then, put it into a large steamer, steam it for 20 minutes, and you can enjoy it. When the lid of the pot was opened, the smell of crab roe came to the nostrils, and the hot crabs were served. The crab shell was so red that I couldn't wait to take the biggest one and put it on my plate.

I usually eat crab roe first, break off the crab shell, and put some vinegar in it. Slightly diluted crab roe is light yellow. Sometimes, I don't know why it is bitter, but the dried yellow is orange. This is the best quality in the crab body. I always taste it bit by bit. If it is a male crab, there is also a delicious paste. It is very sticky in the mouth and sticks to the teeth.

I broke out the meat inside the crab body again, which was white and white, and a little bit of it formed a large piece of meat. After eating the meat, I found a new white shell. It has a baffle and a baffle, like the glass in the bathroom.

Finally, I ate the crab's legs and pincers. When it comes to peeling crab legs, that's my strong point. First, break off the joints of my legs, bite the two ends of my thighs, and then poke out the meat with my calves. The meat can also be squeezed out by using the same method against the big pliers. These two tastes are not only delicious, but also fat. This pair of pliers is also like a woodpecker. Just break its bone, and a woodpecker will be successful!

Crab meat is very delicious, and crab roe is one of the best products. When I thought of eating crabs, I jumped up with joy!